View Full Version : E6- class function that can hide Soulmelds for 24 hours - 4 Incarnate, 2x

2014-08-31, 07:43 AM
I was wondering if there is an E6 option to hide Soulmelds for 24 hours without an item?

I want to have Incarnate 4, but I'm okay with other classes for the last two spots. I'm thinking maybe I want to do Marshal 1 for motivate Charisma.

I was thinking Sorcerer for Disguise self, but that only lasts ten minutes.

Anyone have any ideas? I was wondering if there was a prestige class that might help.

2014-08-31, 08:00 AM
Cleric should work. Take Planning (for Extend Spell feat) and Trickery (for Disguise Self) domains and Persistent Spell and Divine Metamagic (Persistent Spell) feats. Cast Persisted Disguised self using Divine Metamagic.

Rather costly (one level, two feats and you need enough Cha (at least 18) to fuel Divine Metamagic(Persistent Spell) without items) but works.

2014-08-31, 09:40 PM
Very good answer. Thank you.

I was hoping there was something simpler like Warlock or a spell I didn't know that changed the appearance of your clothes.

Fax Celestis
2014-08-31, 11:28 PM
Buy glamered armor? Or a cap of disguise?

2014-08-31, 11:47 PM
Psion (Egoist) with Change Shape (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070314a).

A Hat of Disguise (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#hatofDisguise) is only 1,800 gp.

2014-09-01, 05:16 PM
Psionic Egotist is perfect thanks!