View Full Version : Player Help Best fighter build up to 9th level....go!!!

2014-08-31, 11:55 AM
3.5, don't include Tome of Battle. Insert feats, weapons, etc. Thank you in advance and also appreciate your consideration that I'm lazy.

2014-08-31, 11:59 AM
When you say fighter, does that mean single-classed? Because the only use of taking that many fighter levels is Zhentarim sub levels.

2014-08-31, 12:02 PM
When you say fighter, does that mean single-classed? Because the only use of taking that many fighter levels is Zhentarim sub levels.

Whatever your design. Single or Multiclassed.

2014-08-31, 12:10 PM
So when you say fighter, what do you actually mean? Is a barbarian fighter enough? Is a factotum fighter enough? Is a gish build fighter enough?

I know you said you're lazy, but you really need to give more details for what you want than this.

2014-08-31, 12:12 PM
When you say fighter, does that mean single-classed? Because the only use of taking that many fighter levels is Zhentarim sub levels.

-cough- Dungeoncrasher -cough-

Which is actually better than Zhentarim, considerably so if you're able to be large.

2014-08-31, 12:16 PM
-cough- Dungeoncrasher -cough-

Which is actually better than Zhentarim, considerably so if you're able to be large.
Dungeoncrasher tops out at 6.

2014-08-31, 12:19 PM
Dungeoncrasher tops out at 6.

True, but Dungeoncrasher and Zhent fighter work well together. I misread your comment though, I assumed you were talking about taking fighter levels past the two. I'm not sure if there is ever a reason to take Fighter levels past 9 though, since you've gotten everything worthwhile already.

2014-08-31, 12:20 PM
So when you say fighter, what do you actually mean? Is a barbarian fighter enough? Is a factotum fighter enough? Is a gish build fighter enough?

I know you said you're lazy, but you really need to give more details for what you want than this.

Is this Pittsburgh Dad? Just wanted your opinions and ideas...if I wanted to think about it, I wouldn't have asked. "Not trying to sound rude". I prefer gish.

2014-08-31, 12:22 PM
Half-Minotaur Water Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/elementalRacialVariants.htm#racesOfWater), Fighter 9, Dungeoncrasher ACF in Dungeonscape, Zhentarim Soldier (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060327a) substitution levels, Dead Levels (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a) class features, trade Ride for Tumble as a class skill (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a). Get two flaws (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm) (more here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?258440-The-quot-Best-quot-Flaws#30)) for two extra feats, take EWP: Spiked Chain, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Knock-Back (RoS), Imperious Command (DotU), Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, and Knock-Down (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineAbilitiesFeats.htm#knockDown). Put max ranks in Intimidate and get the Never Outnumbered skill trick in CS. Get armor with the Fearsome property in DotU, it was printed more recently than MIC and is the most current version.

2014-08-31, 12:32 PM
Whatever your design. Single or Multiclassed.

Design goal? Are we aiming at versatility or a dumb ubercharger?

My current level 9 warrior answer is
Dragonborn Unseelie Fey Goliath Barbarian(Goliath Barbarian 1, Skilled City-Dweller, Spirit Lion, Wolf Totem) 2 / Rogue(Goliath Rogue 2, Martial) 2 / Swordsage 1 / Avenger 1 / Rogue +2 /Warblade 1
however that does not satisfy all your conditions (it uses ToB and uses Martial Rogue instead of Fighter).

Dragonborn Unseelie Fey Goliath
Barbarian(Goliath Barbarian 1, Skilled City-Dweller, Spirit Lion, Wolf Totem) 2 / Rogue 1 / Fighter(Dungeoncrasher) 2 / Rogue 1 / Fighter 2 / Rogue(Penetrating Strike) 1
Medium Fey(Augmented Monstrous Humanoid, Dragonblooded)
HD: 2d12+4d10+3d6+18 (51hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30ft, Glide 30ft(average, 5ft decline per 20ft), Fly 30ft(average)
AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 armor)
BAB/Grapple/Trip/Bullrush: +6/+14/+12/+12
Attack: Large +1 Dispelling Spiked Chain +12 melee 2d6+7 (20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5ft/10ft
Racial Traits: Powerful Build, +2 dodge vs Dragons, Immune to Frightening Presence, Draconic Aspect(Wings)
Class Features: Dungeoncrasher, Mountain Rage 3/day, Penetrating Strike, Pounce, Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding,
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3
Abilities: Str 18, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 14, Wis 08, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff[10] +13, Diplomacy[10] +17, Intimidate[11] +21, Search[10] +12, Sense Motive[10] +9, Spot[10] +11
Languages: Common, Gol-kaa, Draconic, Terran, Dwarven
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Extra Rage, Improved Trip, Power Attack Improved Bullrush, Imperious Command, Knockback, Staggering Strike
Traits/Flaws: Detatched, Plucky, Poor Reflexes, Meager Fortitude
Gear: Large +1 Dispelling Spiked Chain[8350gp], +1 Death Ward Fearsome Chain Shirt[9250gp], Healing Belt[750gp], Scout’s Headband[3.4K], Third Eye Freedom[2.6K], Boots of the Mountain King[1.5K], Vest of Resistance +2[4K], Third Eye Clarity[3K], Handy Haversack[2K]
Gold: 150gp

1) Dragonborn Unseelie Fey Goliath is a reasonable base. It does use the OP Unseelie Fey template but quickly nerfs it with the Dragonborn template. End result is we get scaling Flight, Powerful Build and can claim to be a Goliath.

2) Barbarian 2(Skilled City-dweller, Spirit Lion, Wolf Totem) is a good base for feat starved martial characters. We have our choice between Mountain Rage(+6Str, +4Con, Large Size, 3+con rounds), Ferocity(+4 Str, +4 Dex, 4+con rounds) and Whirling Frenzy(+4 Str, Extra Attack, 3+con rounds). The Extra Rage feat is essential to give us a rage per combat. Since we have many non bonus feats to pick up, getting Extra Rage at 1st level is worth the fewer initial skill points.

3) We will want to pick up +1d6 Sneak Attack somewhere to gain the Staggering Strike debuff. A level of Rogue will give us that and a boost in skill points. A return level can help later.

4) Fighter 4(Dungeoncrasher) gets 2 feats and Dungeoncrasher's versatility.

Dragonborn Unseelie Fey Goliath
Barbarian 2(Mountain Rage, Skilled City-dweller, Spirit Lion, Wolf Totem)
Rogue 1
Fighter 2
Rogue 1
Fighter 2
Rogue 1

Feats: Flaw, Flaw, 1st, 2nd(Barbarian), 3rd, 4th(Fighter), 6th, 8th(Fighter), 9th
9 feats
1st) Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Spiked Chain), Extra Rage
2nd) Improved Trip
3rd) Power Attack
4th) Improved Bullrush
6th) Imperious Command
8th) Knockback
9th) Staggering Strike

Now we cannot get Swift Demoralize since we need to be Good to be a Dragonborn, but we can get Move Action Demoralize for +5000gp (Fearsome Armor from Drow of the Underdark). We can even afford it at 6th when we get Imperious Command.

Skills will be expensive. Some will be bought at the cross class 2 points:1 rank price. Some will have jumps in ranks every Rogue level. However with a 12-14 Int we should be able to get Social Skills(Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive) and Perception Skills(Spot, Search, Listen?).

Editing in a monster block for 9th level

Extra Anchovies
2014-08-31, 01:06 PM
The only reason to take fighter past 9th level is if you really need that 10th level bonus feat. Other than that, nearly any build going Fighter 10 or higher would be better off with something else (with a few notable exceptions, such as Jack B. Quick).

If Fighter doesn't have to be the only class you take:
Fighter 2/Feat Rogue 2/Psychic Warrior 2/Ranger 3
Why? Because you get either a bonus feat or the equivalent of a bonus feat at every level:
1: 1st level feat, fighter feat, human feat, plus any flaws
2: fighter feat
3: 3rd level feat, fighter feat (from feat rogue)
4: fighter feat (from feat rogue)
5: fighter or psionic feat
6: 6th level feat, fighter or psionic feat
7: Track
8: Combat Style feat
9: 9th level feat, Endurance
That's 14 feats, without flaws, in nine levels. Wooo! And it might be actually feasible if the levels were rearranged some.

On a more serious note, Zhentarim fighter, yes yes yes. Demoralize like a BAWS. Especially since at level 9 you're still facing a good number of foes who aren't immune to fear.
ETA: Also dungeoncrasher, too.

2014-08-31, 01:09 PM
Dragonbron requires nonevil, not good, so you can still grab swift demoralize.

And my suggestion is Fighter 1/Wizard 8, with retraining to wizard later.

2014-08-31, 01:20 PM
Dragonbron requires nonevil, not good, so you can still grab swift demoralize.

And my suggestion is Fighter 1/Wizard 8, with retraining to wizard later.

Dragonborn requires being a servant of a Good deity.
Zhentarim Soldier requires being a servant of a Evil organization.
It is really hard to make a character that fits on that razor's edge. If the DM allows it then it give more skill ranks and Skill Focus Intimidate to the build I mentioned.

2014-08-31, 01:28 PM
A neutral zhentarim soldier who did his job for money can redeem himself and become dragonborn. Plus, the zhentarim aren't really evil. Most of them are mercenaries, and only a few are downright evil. And even though they worship bane, you don't need to in order to be a zhentarim soldier.

Jeff the Green
2014-08-31, 01:35 PM
If you're lazy and want to gish, maybe aDuskblade is for you. Few things you need to choose and it's a gish-in-a-can: no PrCs needed.

2014-08-31, 01:47 PM
A neutral zhentarim soldier who did his job for money can redeem himself and become dragonborn. Plus, the zhentarim aren't really evil. Most of them are mercenaries, and only a few are downright evil. And even though they worship bane, you don't need to in order to be a zhentarim soldier.
While I can see becoming a Dragonborn after you leave the Zhentarim, that would mean you would get flight later than when you start needing it.

Likewise I do not have the imagination to come up with a reason Bahamut would permit one of his Dragonborn to serve the Zhentarim.

However these could be merely failures of my vision.

2014-08-31, 01:53 PM
LN Human, Cleric of Zarus (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20041203a) 5/ Divine Oracle 4, Strength and War domains, spontaneous domain casting (PH2) for one of those, trade the Strength domain's granted power for Divine Restoration in Dungeonscape. Say you visited the Frog God's Fane in CS to get the feat prerequisite for Divine Oracle, and take two flaws. Get Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, DMM: Persistent, Extra Turning, Power Attack, Craft Rod, and Law Devotion. Get a Reliquary Holy Symbol, a +1 Animated heavy shield, a standard Strand of Prayer Beads with the Bead of Smiting removed (9,000 gp per DMG pricing), Masterwork Greatsword, Masterwork Full Plate with a Restful Crystal, craft a Lesser Rod of Extend, and spend everything else on crafting Night Sticks. Use DMM: Persistent with Divine Power, Righteous Might, Mass Lesser Vigor, and any other buffs you can. Put (Lesser Rod of Extended) Magic Vestment on your armor and shield every day, and (Extended) Greater Magic Weapon on your Greatsword. Also be sure to cast Greater Resistance and (Lesser Rod of Extended) Delay Poison every day. Be sure to activate the Bead of Karma before buffing so your weapon, armor, and shield will get +3 and those will each last 26 hours.

That makes a large size character with a +3 Greatsword, +3 Full Plate, +3 Animated Heavy Shield, good Fort and Will saves, a +3 Resistance bonus to all saves, Evasion that works in heavy armor, Uncanny Dodge, DR 6/Good, immunity to poison (cast Neutralize Poison every day before Delay Poison runs out), +10 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor, full BAB, decent HP, additional bonuses to hit or AC from Law Devotion, and plenty of utility spells.

For future levels get one more Cleric and then ten Contemplative, gaining the Law and Destiny domains from Contemplative. At level 17 you can have DMM: Persistent Choose Destiny, to make every d20 roll twice and keep the better result.

The only reason to take fighter past 9th level is if you really need that 10th level bonus feat. Other than that, nearly any build going Fighter 10 or higher would be better off with something else (with a few notable exceptions, such as Jack B. Quick).

Fighter 9/ Warblade 10/ Fighter 1 can get Weapon Supremacy with that Fighter 10 bonus feat. It's a shame OP doesn't want any ToB classes.

Dragonborn requires being a servant of a Good deity.
Zhentarim Soldier requires being a servant of a Evil organization.
It is really hard to make a character that fits on that razor's edge. If the DM allows it then it give more skill ranks and Skill Focus Intimidate to the build I mentioned.

Zhentarim Soldier only requires association to an evil organization if you're playing in the Forgotten Realms. Even in that setting, it can easily be reflavored to be a big bully without any association to a particular organization.

2014-08-31, 02:09 PM
Zhentarim Soldier only requires association to an evil organization if you're playing in the Forgotten Realms. Even in that setting, it can easily be reflavored to be a big bully without any association to a particular organization.

I am all for refluffing away RP requirements for the sake of character concept. However I give advise without assuming the recipient feels likewise.