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2014-08-31, 05:08 PM
I have been looking at the Shield Master feat and I am feeling very wierd about the second bullet point.

If you aren't incapacitated, you can add your shield AC bonus to any Dexterity saving throws you make against a spell or other harmful effects that target only you.

Either I am reading it really narrowly or it seems that adding your shield AC to Dex saves seems really rare.

For example do I get to use it against a dragons breath weapon attack? Yes if I am the one being breathed on, No if my good buddy the rogue is standing 10 feat to my right?

2014-08-31, 05:31 PM
It references single target spells and effects. Anything AoE would be disallowed.
That would be the DM's call. Just like most of the 'rules' of 5e, it's all about what the DM allows.

2014-08-31, 05:38 PM
I believe you're right, single target dex saves only. There's a few of them.

Acid Splash
Chain Lightning
Cordon of Arrows
Grasping Vine
Guardian of Faith
Hellish Rebuke
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Sacred Flame
Storm of Vengeance

And honestly, for AoE's which you choose to enter yourself you have a case too, such as Blade Barrier or Evard's Black Tentacles. They don't target you directly, but the effect only hits you when you go through it. But I believe the list above is safe to use the feat with, plus goodness knows how many monster abilities.

Monsters in the DM Basic Rules that have single target dex attacks:
Air Elemental (for dodging a thrown creature)

That is all.

2014-08-31, 05:57 PM
That makes me start to reconsider my potential feat choice for an EK I have planned. I will probably still go for it as the evasion like third bullet point seems tasty.

2014-08-31, 06:17 PM
Yeah, the second and third points together pretty much cover all Dex saves. The only exception would be an AoE attack that did a status effect instead of damage.

2014-08-31, 07:10 PM
For simplicity (5e's main goal) I would just say Shield bonus to all Dex saves.

Simple and not overpowered all that much.

2014-08-31, 07:38 PM
It references single target spells and effects. Anything AoE would be disallowed.

I would not be so sure of that. If I remember right, there are plenty of spells/effects that target a single creature, then splash, or chain to other creatures. This effect is clearly intended to be a single target effect that Shield master would apply to.

It should also work against spells with multiple targets that all get their own attack roll, like Acid Splash.

The key word for shield master is 'targets'. If the target is an area, it does not apply. If the target is YOU, it should. Therefore burning hands or dragons breath would not trigger Shield master, because they target a space, not a creature.

2014-08-31, 07:42 PM
I would not be so sure of that. If I remember right, there are plenty of spells/effects that target a single creature, then splash, or chain to other creatures. This effect is clearly intended to be a single target effect that Shield master would apply to.

It should also work against spells with multiple targets that all get their own attack roll, like Acid Splash.

The key word for shield master is 'targets'. If the target is an area, it does not apply. If the target is YOU, it should. Therefore burning hands or dragons breath would not trigger Shield master, because they target a space, not a creature.

And spells that splash or chain are still single target spells, unless otherwise noted. What does the spell description say? They just have an effect after it reaches that one, singular target. And those affects would still occur, presumably splashing/bouncing/chaining off of your shield instead of your body.

Look at Chain Lightning, as an example:
You create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of
your choice that you can see within range. Three bolts
then leap from that target to as many as three other
targets, each of which must be within 30 feet o f the first
target. A target can be a creature or an object and can
be targeted by only one of the bolts.

But again, just like 95% of 5e rulings, this would be under the DM's purview.
I would rule that any of those four targets could use the feat, as they are the only ones targeted by that particular bolt.
I would rule the same with Magic Missle, for example, if it offered a reflex save.

2014-08-31, 07:45 PM
It sounds like the bonus only applies to single target attacks but remember that against area effects you can use a reaction to essentially get evasion against a dex save. That helps a little.

2014-08-31, 08:31 PM
It would help a lot more If I got to add my Shield AC bonus to the save. I was thinking of having an 11 dex Fighter taking resilient(Dex) which gives me 12 dex and proficiency and taking Shield mastery. So at level 14 I would have 20 str and a dex save of +6 vs fireball but with evasion and +8 dex save vs single targets.

Until I read the feat a couple extra times I thought I would have the terrifying +8 dex save which is still not the +10 a rogue would have and his evasion doesn't use up a reaction.

Seems like they made the feat overly exception ridden.

T.G. Oskar
2014-09-01, 12:15 AM
That makes me start to reconsider my potential feat choice for an EK I have planned. I will probably still go for it as the evasion like third bullet point seems tasty.

I'd choose Shield Master for the first bullet alone. A Bonus Action Shove, if used before an Attack Action (or maybe interjected between it) can increase your chances of success with subsequent attacks. You need a high Strength and proficiency with the Athletics skill, but if you do, chances are you can knock someone prone for maximum effectiveness on your attacks. Note that this also helps other allies, such as Rogues with their Sneak Attacks.

The second bullet is mostly, as some have mentioned, for single-target spells that force a save rather than an attack bonus. While it's mostly a +2 bonus, it can be a life-saver for most heavy armor builds that will most likely have a poor save anyways; it's a buffer in that regard. The third bullet, IMO, is worse than the first, because unless you have a good Dex save (that is, Dex 20 or proficiency with Dex saves), you'll rarely see it in play. Furthermore, the classes with good Dex saves tend up to have Evasion anyways, or don't use shields, so you'll need Resilient to make this feat worthwhile. When you DO make the save, though, it's excellent. One class that has good chances of making this feat worthwhile are Paladins, though: their Aura of Protection means they have a naturally good Dex save (Dex + Cha modifiers), and they can do better with advantage on saves against spells. If you have a friend that intends to go Paladin, chances are you'll probably benefit as well from this feat, which further improves its benefit.

Still: bonus action Shove is very good for a melee character.