View Full Version : DM Help Maximum Spell level = 6th

2014-08-31, 08:10 PM
Since my players wanted a sort of low-magic setting, I decided it would be next to impossible to cast spells of 7th and higher level without DM fiat in my world. Lower level spells could still be enhanced to levels 7+ by use of metamagics.
This was admittedly decided on a whim and I havent really considered all the consequences yet. I haven't even looked at all the spells themselves.
Do you think this can work?

Are there any spells I've effectively banned that are basically essential and shouldn't be denied access to?

And are there potential gamebreakers of 6th-or-lower level that I'd have to watch out for? How come 'break' is pronounced 'brake' and not 'breek'?

We're a fairly inexperienced group and I doubt my players will look beyond the PHB for spells.

Edit: Forgot to mention this is going to be a 3.5 game.

2014-08-31, 08:41 PM
In my experience, low-magic doesn't equate to nerfing classes inasmuch as it relates to fewer people of those classes showing up. The KISS principle also applies here as well. Don't ban higher level spells from casters in case one of the PCs wants to use it, and banning them might confuse new players in later games.

Fax Celestis
2014-08-31, 08:49 PM
I actually ban 9th casters and give bard casting to a few that I want to keep around. It works fine.

2014-08-31, 08:55 PM
The only thing I'd worry about is that if you slow down everyone's casting progression then some spells the game expects you to have at certain levels might be delayed. For example, a Medusa is CR 7, but Break Enchantment would get pushed 4 levels ahead (and Stone to Flesh 6 levels ahead) if the casting progression is changed. Similarly, monsters that deal copious amounts of level drain will be harder for the party to handle without Death Ward.

This won't be a problem if you avoid certain monsters; just be cognizant.

2014-08-31, 09:24 PM
The only thing I'd worry about is that if you slow down everyone's casting progression then some spells the game expects you to have at certain levels might be delayed. For example, a Medusa is CR 7, but Break Enchantment would get pushed 4 levels ahead (and Stone to Flesh 6 levels ahead) if the casting progression is changed. Similarly, monsters that deal copious amounts of level drain will be harder for the party to handle without Death Ward.

This won't be a problem if you avoid certain monsters; just be cognizant.

I'm not going to delay casting progression, wizards for example would just have to fill their 7th+ spell slots with lower level spells or metamagic'd versions thereof.

Edit: Spells like Death Ward or Stone to Flesh are exactly the type of spells I meant in the opening post. Are there spells like these that can be critical in a given situation and have a spell level of 7+?

2014-08-31, 09:27 PM
I'm not going to delay casting progression, wizards for example would just have to fill their 7th+ spell slots with lower level spells or metamagic'd versions thereof.

That would probably work. I've seen it happen with things like Battle Sorcerers (the class sucks and when you have no spells known but have spell slots, this trick comes in handy) and I've altered it so it can use all metamagic spells like the PF sorcerer.

2014-08-31, 09:37 PM
The reassurance is relieving. I will check the PF sorcerer metamagic as well, thanks for the input.

Edit: Excuse me, but I fail to see the difference in how metamagic works with the 3.5 sorcerer and the Pathfinder one.

2014-09-01, 12:00 AM
Do you think your players would enjoy E6? Its pretty good for a low magic setting

2014-09-01, 12:28 AM
The main thing is to keep all the magic items regardless of what the casters can cast, and full treasure. So low magic means low spells not low magic items. If any item besides a spell providing item (staffs, ring of 3 wishes, etc.) has a 7th+ spell level prerequisite, or 12th+ caster level prerequisite, say that the prerequisite will be waived or substituted. If any monster needs a specific spell to defeat, such as wish, then say that the specific spell will likewise be waived or that you'll allow a different spell instead. Or make custom spells for such that are broad enough that players might frequently prepare them even if they aren't expecting that monster. 6th level limited wish and "limited miracle" perhaps, that both have lower level effects and also are a little more restrictive or costly.

Other than that it should work fine.

2014-09-01, 01:02 AM
Edit: Spells like Death Ward or Stone to Flesh are exactly the type of spells I meant in the opening post. Are there spells like these that can be critical in a given situation and have a spell level of 7+?

Aside from resurrection, which will be needed if a party member gets gibbed, the high level stuff tends to be very situational. You need Heal to deal with things like feeblemind, insanity, and certain monster abilities. You can probably get by without Greater Restoration. Freedom and Discern Location are needed for very specific imprisonment methods like binding or imprisonment.

That's really it as far as necessity; just situational stuff. Resurrection is the only one I'd really say to look out for, and be careful to scan the statblocks of high level monsters so you aren't sending out things like Devourers (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/devourer.htm) that they won't be able to deal with since they'll lack wish/miracle.

2014-09-01, 04:18 AM
You need Heal to deal with things like feeblemind, insanity, and certain monster abilities. You can probably get by without Greater Restoration.

Heal is a lvl 6 spell, so it won't be a problem. Greater Restoration could be, so I'd just move it to lvl 6 just in case. Looking at d20 SRD's Cleric spell list, Regenerate can also be necessary in some cases, but those cases require DM fiat in the first place.

2014-09-01, 04:34 AM
for a low magic campaign i would remove top tier casters, and only allow limited-list casters for the PCs. In a roleplaying sense, it shows that in the world, practitioners of magic have to specialize their craft, because its very difficult to use multiple schools of magic. If you are going to limit spells to 6th and below, then increase their spells per day usage to compensate, not by much, maybe by 2 for 0th-3rd, and by 1 for 4th-6th.

Otherwise, you shouldn't really have many problems. Healing can be covered by items (your party should be stocked on healing belts anyway) and wands

2014-09-01, 07:12 AM
I appreciate the input. I guess I will allow my players to get scrolls of the highly situational stuff.

2014-09-01, 09:05 AM
Do you think your players would enjoy E6? Its pretty good for a low magic setting

While e6 is good to take casters down a notch, a player dedicated to break the game with spells can still do so. Twined Quickened Feel Drain something + Twined Feel Drain something deals exactly 6 negative levels in a game where death immunity is either rare or unobtainable.

With so many metamagic feats available and Arcane Thesis, you can eventually one shot anyone with a Caster in e6. Add in chain spell and you can one shot an entire group

2014-09-01, 07:49 PM
While e6 is good to take casters down a notch, a player dedicated to break the game with spells can still do so. Twined Quickened Feel Drain something + Twined Feel Drain something deals exactly 6 negative levels in a game where death immunity is either rare or unobtainable.

With so many metamagic feats available and Arcane Thesis, you can eventually one shot anyone with a Caster in e6. Add in chain spell and you can one shot an entire group

And cause a sudden increase on the wight population

2014-09-01, 11:47 PM
I'm doing something like this, and what I'm doing for things like that I might have missed is leave open a option to research the higher level spells (in my case, 6+), basically saying that you choose what level 7+ spells are actually fine.