View Full Version : Paalkan : IC

2014-08-31, 09:10 PM
Brauva's Raiders are an odd bunch mixing Neanderthals, Orks, and Ogres. Led under the paradigm that "you have to make your own luck" the group travels from place to place stealing what they can and selling what they don't need. Holed up deep in the Silverwood Forest the group is considering what to do with their captured wyrmlings. General consensus is to sell them off to the highest bidder or to use them as mounts once they are old enough.

Ever since you were captured by raiders your daily routine has been the same.

Wakeup to the shaking of your cages
Go for a walk with the raider's dogs.
Get fed whatever your captors feel like. Watch as money changes hands over what you will and will not eat.
If you're good you'll be let out to explore the camp for the evening .

Every night you are locked back in your cage and left alone until morning. Familiarity however, breeds complacency and tonight your captors have slipped up leaving the lock to your cages unlocked. Freedom, treasure, and adventure, awaits if you are brave enough to take it. Slavery is all that awaits you if you stay.

2014-08-31, 09:32 PM
Vhirvutha the Black peers around at her surroundings with her Darkvision. She quietly whispers to the other dragons she has come to rely upon for company during the long nights in this horrendously dry cave. She speaks only in the Draconic tongue, as is proper a True Dragon like herself. Her tiny voice slithers across the space between her and the others, "Aruxmiirik! Viguargix! I can stand this no longer. Will you assist me in my flight from these fell holdings?

Tiny, glossy black claws flex and relax as the wyrmling is psyching herself up to take her freedom by the neck.

2014-08-31, 10:40 PM
Aruxmiirik stretches his jaws and talks in a low, draconic whisper. "Of course, my companion. Why so tense, though? None of these fools can fly, by my reckoning. We have only to take wing and choose a course." He stops for a moment, and sticks out his tongue, confused. "That formal language of yours is contagious, I swear. But yes, you have my aid."

2014-08-31, 11:03 PM
"I fear their enormous arrows and spears, Aruxmiirik. My hide is not so thick as to repel them out of hand, and though I trust my alacrity..." she trails off, working the door as silently as she can, she opens it a crack and slithers out of the cage. "Pray follow me and let us win our freedom."

2014-08-31, 11:45 PM
The dark wyrmling responds without moving, so softly that even the two other dragons barely hear his words.

"Why the commotion, light ones? Stay still and explain your plan, lest someone come upon us before we know where we are headed."

He shifts ever so slightly, making no audible sound as he moves, turning his eyes to his would-be co-conspirators.

"I suggest upward, until we leave the clouds behind."

I assume our wings are somehow bound to prevent us from flying away during the daily activities, or are such bonds removed when caged?

2014-08-31, 11:54 PM
"The both of you speak truth: our safest haven lies in the air. Though my claws itch to tear into ogreflesh, stealth is the wise course from this camp." Vhirvutha keeps her voice low and her eyes peeled, stealing furtive glances at the entrance.

2014-09-01, 11:11 AM
The night air feels cool against your scales as you peer outside of the cave. Outside the camp is silent as most of the raiders are asleep. In the distance you can see the torchlight from the guards posts. It will be hours before the guard changes or the camp awakens.

2014-09-01, 06:21 PM
Aruxmiirik steps out into the night and shakes his wings. "Oh, I've missed this. Be ready for anything, bandits sleep light." He takes off, gaining altitude and keeping his heading well away from the flickering fires.
Move Silently: [roll0]

2014-09-01, 11:35 PM
Vhirvutha is ready to move, and upon seeing Aruxmiirik move out, she does the same. She cringes at the copper dragon's stealth skills, and attempts to do a better job remaining unseen and unheard as she takes to wing.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Heeeere's hoping!

2014-09-02, 06:56 PM
Viguargix rises straight into the night sky as fast as he can manage, trying to stay above Vhirvutha, but close enough to be able to help of someone hears the disquiet caused by the lighter of the two companions. In keeping as quiet as possible, not a single word crosses the sudden smile on his lips.

This seems to matter less now, but for the sake of formality:


2014-09-02, 11:07 PM
As you begin your slow ascent into the night, you hear commotion from the camp below. The loud cracking of Aruxmiirix's flight has woken several fighters. As they begin to reach for weapons and raise the alarm, a few stray arrows fly toward the group. They seem to be centered on Aruxmiirix and Vhirvutha.

You estimate that the camp will be prepared to recapture you within minutes. Already you can see men applying sedatives to their arrows. You can also see Ogres rousing their dogs, preparing to track you where you land.

2014-09-02, 11:48 PM
Vhirvutha hisses as an arrow strikes her beautiful black hide. She puts on extra speed and attempts to outrun the volleys being loosed at her.

I would like to use the 'run' action to move 400' in a straight line.

2014-09-03, 12:04 AM
Arux feels the two arrows bite into his side and winces in pain. Hopelessly outnumbered, he puts all his efforts into speed.
Same here. Run and/or Descend to get 400+ feet out of here. If I can get more, I'll take it, but I want to lose as little height as possible.

2014-09-04, 12:04 AM
Seeing the two other wyrmlings drawing fire, the young shadow dragon gives up the pretence of being undetected and yells at them in a tone that could be interpreted as encouragement or scolding with equal ease.

"Rise, light ones, rise! The ground brings only arrows, bolts and spears!"

He still tries to stay roughly above his black-scaled companion, though within about a hundred feet to be able to help if circumstances so dictate, though in what way he could possibly help he has yet to figure out.

Unless otherwise noted, all speech will be in Draconic (from now on).

2014-09-05, 07:51 AM
The speed of your sudden flight leaves most guards astounded. Only the edge guards manage to get any shots off at you and even their shots seem inaccurate. Behind you you can see horses being prepped and dogs being leased, however your lead is notable.

The escape is over, the hunt has just begun.

2014-09-06, 09:12 AM
"Ow!!" Vhirvutha spits again as another arrow bites into her body. "We must not stop our flight yet, for now they pursue us with dogs and horses."

The black dragon flies in formation with Aruxmiirik, to talk between breaths and wingbeats.

2014-09-07, 02:36 AM
"Dogs and horses? They are no match for wings!" Aruxmiirik's voice is slightly pained, but exultant. "We need to keep moving, but that means pacing ourselves a little. We can't keep up this pace for much longer. And I don't know about you, but I'd like to get these arrows out of me at some point too."

2014-09-07, 09:43 AM
"We finally made it," the black dragon says with disbelief. "I mean -- of course we made it! Finally, I shall have the chance to taste wild game. I wonder if we can find pickled duck..." Vhirvutha dreams of delicacies and warm swamps as she keeps pace with her colleagues.

"Are you quite content up there, or will you not fly alongside us?" she calls up to her more dextrous companion.

2014-09-07, 10:47 AM
"Even the two of you seem to possess the ability to outmanoeuvre mere livestock, that much is indeed clear."

After hearing Vhirvutha's request, the tone of his voice changes somewhat, and he lets out a longing sigh.

"On the contrary, why stay in the treetops when you have this vast eternity of air to taste and touch? Too long have I been grounded not to enjoy this now."

He begins rising ever so slowly, still staying above the other two wyrmlings, allowing them keep up if they so desire.

Is there anything more beautiful than the night sky?

2014-09-07, 06:56 PM
Aruxmiirik slows his breakneck pace, and angles upwards towards Viguargix. "We're safe enough for a few moments, and the open sky is such a wonder." He gazes out at the stars and begins to sing under his breath, an old song that welled up from his memories, of all the things the stars have seen. After a verse or two, he stumbles, the memory still unclear.

2014-09-07, 09:26 PM
"Very well," Vhirvutha says quietly, climbing until she is on a level with the other two wyrmlings. She seems a bit less confident in the air than the others, and keeps her eyes on the ground, studying the geography of the land they are flying over.

2014-09-10, 11:36 PM
Poke poke

After Aruxmiirik's beautiful song, Vhirvutha seems a little more comfortable. "That song reminded me of the swamps of home... Is that where we are headed towards? Or do we intend to stop at some point?"

2014-09-11, 04:16 AM
"We should find somewhere to stop for now. Homes... hopefully, we will find somewhere to call home, apart or together. But for now, we run, hide, and heal. We'll need rest before we're truly safe."

2014-09-11, 10:34 AM
"Yes, my hide has been marred by arrows, and I certainly cannot fly forever," Vhirvutha replies. "What sort of a lair do you imagine yourself in? I can clearly see a beautiful swamp, with lush vegetation and delicious birds, fish, and reptiles to feed upon. My mother holds dominion over a swamp, and the indigenous lizardfolk call her Queen. That makes me a princess..." The tiny black dragon seems lost in barely formed memories as a faint smile comes to her lips.

2014-09-11, 05:45 PM
Having listened with curiosity rather than musical interest to the copper whelp's song, Viguargix flies closer to the two others, weaving about in the air and circling around them playfully, starting to get in a good mood for the first time in a long while.

"I would gladly fly until moonset, but I too agree it would be for the best to find shelter before the searing rays of the sun are upon us. Clearly a cave or deep chasm would be the optimal choice if such an opportunity presents itself, but I presume we may not have time to pick and choose."

He then rises again, preferring to keep the distance between the ground and himself as large as possible for now.

2014-09-11, 07:16 PM
"Of course you'd rather fly until sunrise. You're the only one here who hasn't been shot. But it's hard to beat a good canyon, or a cave. And a lot easier to stay out of sight for those of us who have to breathe. Perhaps there's a river somewhere that has all three - caverns, canyons and marshes, with a stream running through them all. But we should keep an eye out for shelter of any kind."

2014-09-11, 09:41 PM
Vhirvutha nods in assent. She continues to keep her eyes peeled for a suitable place to lair for the night.

2014-09-12, 10:40 PM
Your flight takes you further and further to the east. As the moments stretch by, you begin to smell crisp cool water from the surrounding area. Ahead lie some of the largest lakes in the woods, the thistle depths. They are a popular meeting ground for various tribes as their waters are neutral ground, enforced by its guardian. All around the lakes grow wild berries, and the northern bounds of the lakes are a deep marshland, full of fierce predators. While an ideal place for a rest, you know that this is one of the first places that your captors would think to find you.

2014-09-22, 11:02 PM
"My friends! My wings tire from this exertion and I must rest. Still, let us not tarry here, for I know naught of 'the guardian' said to patrol these waters and would not test where its allegiance lies." Vhirvutha says, dropping altitude slightly. If she has her way, the group will rest here for a few hours and then move out again -- hopefully finding something to eat during the rest.

2014-09-24, 07:01 PM
"Perhaps this 'guardian' won't take kindly to armed pursuers. Regardless, rest, water, and a chance to remove these cursed arrows is too good to pass up." Aruxmiirik angles down towards the lake.

2014-09-24, 10:55 PM
Vhirvutha gladly nods her shiny black head. She was too timid to land without the consensus of her allies, so is clearly happy to get the agreement from Aruxmiirik. Looking for a clear spot by some water, she will gently alight upon the ground and try to rid her hide of the wooden shafts impaling her.

2014-10-02, 02:44 PM
Opening and closing his mouth a few times in an unvocalised motion not all that unlike a yawn, Viguargix silently consents with the democratic decision of the group and lands at the highest point in the vicinity he can find, not wanting to be caught off guard by any tribesmen or guardians of any kind. The tip of his tail twitches restlessly as he keeps watch, however; and before long, he takes off again, sweeping down to pass over his skeletal-looking comrade fugitive before taking to the skies again.

"I will be back as soon as I have found something without a strong enough wish not to be my next meal."

He flies off in silence, though staying relatively close. A lush oasis like this ought to be the home of many a creature both smaller and slower than him, and at this point the shadow wyrmling would consider any creature that was once living a culinary turn for the better. Not that the same could not be said about bark, roots, or lichen, for that matter, but the night's activities has left him craving for the feeling of something struggling in his jaws.

2014-10-02, 03:04 PM
This idea appeals to Vhirvutha as well, but she spends the time nursing her wounds first, and hunting second. For now, she dissolves the arrow from her body with a stream of acid, and washes herself in the waters as best she can.

2014-10-03, 05:12 AM
Aruxmiirik sees to his wounds similarly, then takes a deep drink from the lake. He will hunt soon, given the chance, but to do so still bloody and sore from the escape seems almost undignified.

((EDIT: Reading comprehension fail))

2014-10-05, 09:58 PM
As the two of you enjoy the lake's cool waters, a sense of curiosity washes over you. It seems to emanates from the center of the lake. On the edges of your field of view, a pair of eyes seem to flicker in and out of existence, never staying still long enough for you to get a good look at them. A mist forms around the edge of your landing site, hiding you from stray eyes.

Viguargix, your flight takes you around a lively forest, full of creatures larger and smaller then you. The surrounding wildlife is obvious to your silent presence.

2014-10-06, 12:01 AM
Vhirvutha drinks a bit of water and rests her weary muscles in the comfortable mist. "Do you suppose that this is the Guardian we heard about?"

2014-10-06, 12:39 AM
"Well, it's some awfully convenient mist if it isn't. But sometimes things just happen." Aruxmiirik bows his head towards the centre of the lake.
"For sheltering strangers in their time of need, you have our deepest thanks."
As he finds somewhere slightly less muddy to sit and rest, he grins at Vhirvutha. "Still, doesn't hurt to be polite."

2014-10-07, 01:34 AM
The shadow wyrmling begins his hunt, overwhelmed with excitement, almost having built himself up to a frenzy in anticipation. He refrains from doing it the easy way, felling targets with his breath weapon; no, he wants to chase, to corner, and to catch his prey, to sink his canines into its body and to savour feeling the life escape it. He craves the details, the little sensations and emotions of his quarry; the terror in its eyes, the futile struggling after it knows it is too late, the final twitching movements before it goes limp in his jaws. He has been denied these pleasures for far too long.

Viguargix will hunt animals almost his own size, after all it is for sport as much as it is to feed. Hares, large rodents, birds of prey...

Also, just to weather a thought here before the other players... I have this nagging suspicion that the guardian of these grounds protects the wildlife from intruders as well. I just want to be able to say I called it if I turn out to be Gollum and the place I am fishing turns out to be the pool beneath Henneth Annûn.

2014-10-07, 11:28 AM
Vhirvutha exults in the sensation of the muck between her toes and the water against her flanks. She looks for freshwater mollusks and other invertebrates beneath the waterline, but doesn't stray too far from the shore. "My mother's domain has a secluded lake full of ruby mussels," she educates Aruxmiirik unnecessarily, "and they are the finest delicacy in the world. I hope I can find something like them here!"

The black dragon's skull-like countenance is warped into one of elation and joy as she swims about and hunts for tender morsels.

lol I hope not!

2014-10-07, 10:26 PM
"I've heard of emerald glades and sapphire pools, but ruby mussels are new. And they're impressive indeed if they can best the tang of a good rock scorpion. If we ever find your mother's lair, you simply must show me them." Aruxmiirix curls up on the shore, watching Vhirvutha play in the waters, and smiling at her happiness, and a moment of safety.

2014-10-10, 09:02 AM
As Vhirvutha dives beneath the waves she notices a wealth of life beneath the waves. Everything from fresh water crabs and mollusks to fish of all sizes. As she hunts, a soft feminine voice fills her ears "So young one, tell me about your mother".

Viguargix catches sight of a large owl hunting in the distance. It swoops down upon an unsuspecting squirrel resting on a tree branch, killing it quickly. The owl starts eating and scanning the sky for other threats.

When I say large owl I mean that it is a small creature

2014-10-10, 10:30 AM
Practically having conceded the fact that he was going to have to hunt more than a single foe to satiate his hunger, Viguargix is thrilled with his find... a target his own size. Technically double his size, but that matters little to him at this point. The wyrmling swoops in towards his chosen prey from above, taking cover in the canopy while staying as silent as possible, trying to get close enough to pounce his prey before it has time to react.

Enjoy the meal, fellow hunter... savour it. Good fortune is a fickle ally.

So this ought to be someone's animal companion or something...

...does it show that I am paranoid when it comes to these things, by the way? :smallsmile:

2014-10-11, 02:38 PM
The owl continues devouring it's meal oblivious to the nearby danger. As you approach, a faint glow emanates from the owl.

2014-10-11, 11:41 PM
It seems my chosen prey may have some secrets of its own. Let me see if I can persuade it to divulge them.

Though curiosity threatens to overcome him, and he weighs the option of stalking his prey undetected for a while to unravel the mystery of its luminescence, the thrill of the hunt has him in its grip, and he sweeps such thoughts aside in favour of premonitions of blood and bared flesh, diving in to sink his teeth into his unsuspecting victim.

From a mechanical standpoint, if he has a turn to act, Viguargix will move into the owl's space before biting, thus foregoing the +2 bonus from charging in favour of the ability to bring his talons to bear if the target decides to fight back rather than flee, capitalising on his targets' flat-footed state to avoid the attack of opportunity normally associated with such a manoeuvre.


If he has but a surprise round to act, as would be normal if this is to be handled like regular combat, he instead performs a partial charge (R.I.P. Partial Actions), thus ending in a space adjacent to the owl, receiving an additional +2 bonus to his attack roll(s) on top of what is indicated in the above spoiler, and receiving a -2 penalty to AC until his next turn. In addition, if actual combat is to break out, it seems an initiative check is in order:


And yes, at this point he has turned full blue.

2014-10-12, 12:09 AM
Vhirvutha answers the question without thought, ignoring the implications of blithely answering a stranger. "My mother is the Queen of the Swamps and is the most beautiful, powerful, and intelligent black dragon in all the realms!" the tiny black wyrmling says proudly. "she rules a tribe of lizardfolk and the local humans offer her their finest treasures in annual tribute, lest they face her wrath. She is the epitome of dragonkind -- the pinnacle of all that is chromatic!"

2014-10-16, 02:44 PM
Not to be dissuaded by the mouthful of nothing but feathers that his alpha strike earned him, Viguargix lashes out with fang and talon, desperate to taste and feel the first trickle of blood.

Five foot step, full attack, hoping for at least a single roll of something more impressive than a natural one in order to stave off further humiliation.





2014-10-16, 11:21 PM
The Owl reels back blood pouring from a pair of fresh claw wounds and the bite. It begins clacking its beak open and shut as a warning before spreading its wings wide unleashing a burst of light and color that fills the night sky. It shifts out of your reach and begins to fly back to a more defensive position.

You will have to make a will save Viguargix. Please make it in OOC as the results will probably effect your next actions.

"One of the, most powerful, beautiful, and intelligent black dragons? That would be something to see. I would, very much like to meet her, if possible. What would the daughter, of such a great dragon be doing, alone save for a metallic? Is the bronze one, friend or foe?" A pair of deep blue eyes form out of the water in front of Vhirvutha following her as she enjoys her swim. Save for Vhirvutha's boasting the grove is quiet and peaceful, with only the distant sounds of life filling the air.

The italicized words signify a slight emphasis, as if the speaker is considering exactly what each phrase means. The speaker's volume remains constantly soft though this entire exchange. If it isn't clear, Aruxmiirix cannot hear the speaker at present, but can here Vhirvutha's responses.

2014-10-17, 12:27 AM
"Yes, she is a sight to behold!" Vhirvutha responds with candor, "Her wings spread like the fall of dusk, and her visage is even more fearsome than my own!" The tiny black dragon seems to consider her position for a moment, and treads water as she contemplates the mysterious eyes and the mystifying question. Her voice is guileless and clear, "I... was stolen from my mother's clutch by brutish slavers. They hatched me behind iron bars and fed me the scraps that they gave to their dogs! There were three others with me, and they are as kin to me. You see Aruxmiirix upon the shore, and his spirit has been an anchor for us all in these trying times. If ever there was an unflappable and good hearted metallic, then it is this one. You do not see Viguargix, whose good sense has kept us safe and capable of liberating ourselves when the time came. Our final companion never left her egg, may she fly with the Ninefold Dragon in the afterlife." An ebon claw makes a fist as Vhirvutha clasps it to her breast in a solemn salute to the deceased wyrmling that never hatched.

2014-10-17, 01:17 AM
Aruxmiirix stands and wanders towards the shoreline. "Something has got you telling stories again, Vhirvutha! Ah, but you do make your mother sound grand. But who are you talking to? Perhaps our 'mysterious' benefactor." He can't help but chuckle at his own pun as he wades into the lake once more, this time to see what is so enthralling the little black.

2014-10-17, 01:24 AM
"I do not know to whom I speak, but look brother, the lake has eyes," Vhirvutha replies simply.

2014-10-27, 02:01 AM
The sudden burst of antagonistic light gives Viguargix pause for the barest sliver of a moment, and his almost frenzied lust for death, spurred on by the first taste of blood, wanes considerably. He was not initially expecting his foe to fight back at all, but the prospect, once imagined, had only served to encourage him further. The prospect of it wielding light itself as a weapon against him, however, was a prospect undesirable in its entirety.

In the instance it takes these thoughts to rush through his mind, the waning lust for the thrill of the hunt is replaced with a cold hatred, and as he dives in again to sink his fangs into his already injured foe, he hisses a bitter oath:

"I will make you suffer for that cowardly attack, morsel!"

It will take more than one Immediate Jaunt or Dimension Hop to convince Viguargix to change his tactics, so he will fly into the owl's space, drawing an attack of opportunity for doing so, and tear at it with his fangs.


2014-10-28, 10:20 PM
After a quick claw lounge as Viguargix approaches, the owl avoids your claws and returns with a panicked peck toward your face. You can taste the owl's fear.

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Crit Confirmation - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

Attack - [roll4]
Damage - [roll5]
Crit Confirmation - [roll6]
Damage - [roll7]

2014-10-29, 08:44 AM
Intent on turning its feathered coat red with blood, at this point more eager to finish off his insolent enemy rather than toying with it, the shadow wyrmling continues rending and tearing at its body with tooth and claw.

Full attack. Not a lot else to say, really.





2014-11-10, 09:08 AM
In the woods

As Viguargix's fangs close around the owl it ceases its struggling and falls unconscious. The warm blood from the owl fills your mouth. The night returns to its peaceful calm around you.

Back at the lake.

The voice begins whispering to Vhirvutha once again. "So your great and powerful mother has lost her little hatchling to a group of bandits and that is why you are spending time at my sanctuary? Have you any idea where your mother is now?"

The eyes drift though the lake to rest in front of Aruxmiirix. "As for you copper one, is your mother a mighty queen of power as well?"

2014-11-11, 01:22 AM
"Affirmative," Vhirvutha says pensively, "and I know my mother lives in a great swamp... and is very beautiful... but... I do not know where I am or how to f-find her..." For perhaps the first time, Vhirvutha realizes just how lost she is. A tiny, draconic tear is lost in the waters of the lake as the black hatchling stumbles over her words somewhat. Her fearful countenance begins to look somewhat silly as she murmurs and tries to compose herself.

2014-11-11, 04:42 AM
Aruxmiirik hears the voice, but takes the time to comfort Vhirvutha. "We will find her, Vhirvutha. The memories will settle with time, and you will pick out landmarks that can lead you home. And until we both have homes, you will have me by your side. I promise."

Eventually he turns to the centre of the lake. "I am younger than my friend here. My memories are muddled, full of song and flight. Countless mothers teaching countless hatchlings the songs of days long past, but I cannot tell you which one is my own. I doubt she was a queen in name, but all dragons are sovereigns in their homes."

2014-11-13, 11:57 PM
Encouraged by the final defeat of his surprisingly resilient foe, the shadow dragon celebrates by greedily feasting on the carcass, gorging himself to the point of overfeeding. After several minutes of rending flesh from bone and gulping it down, and an even longer rest to allow the meal to settle, the wyrmling starts lazily making his way back to find the others.

2014-11-16, 01:31 AM
Vhirvutha breaches the lake's surface, the tears streaming down her face indistinguishable from the water. Her skeletal visage twisted into an easy smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes, the tiny black wyrmling squirts a stream of water at her friend. "Of course! And who cares what may come as long as we are together!" she declares with as much bravado as she can muster.

2014-11-22, 05:17 PM
A hand of water reaches out to pat Vhirvutha's head. "There there little one, this is a place of safety and happiness where nothing will ever harm you. If there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to beg. Having you as my friend would be beneficial for both of us."

The eyes appear in front of Aruxmiirik. "As for you lost little one, I'm certain that your mother was a great drake, who is very distraught over her missing spawn. Rest for the evening on my generosity, but please refain from eating too many of my experiments. They do take time to breed and grow. "

2014-11-22, 11:59 PM
The strangeness of the voice's comments is lost on Vhirvutha, who simply smiles a small smile and wades out of the water to sit behind her friend in contentment.

2014-11-24, 05:59 AM
"Your offers are most generous, guardian, and your home is a wonder. I think I will take you up on that food, and will try to avoid anything too uncommon."
Once Aruxmiirik leaves the lake, he brushes his snout past the blissful Vhirvutha and whispers to her "Do not trust the voice. If you can bear it, do not go swimming here again."

He then sets out seeking prey, looking for a few smaller morsels such as mice, rats and spiders. A scorpion would be a treat indeed, but it seems too damp for them here. He keeps an eye out for any sign of Viguargix, to warn the shadow dragon of a challenge that cannot be faced with claw and fang alone.

2014-11-24, 09:29 AM
Vhirvutha coks her head to the side in mild confusion, but doesn't press the point. When the other dragon goes off in search of food, the tiny black wyrmling curls up among the roots of a tree and camoflagues herself. Then, she waits for her friends to return.

2014-11-26, 01:33 PM
Returning from the refreshing hunting trip, satisfied but a little tired, Viguargix spots Aruxmiirik along the way, just before reaching the point of their divergence. The shadow dragon closes the distance and hails his fellow refugee with a smirk.

"I see the lust for blood has driven you to leave our skeletal companion as well?"

2014-11-26, 03:43 PM
"I would prefer to call it 'hunger', myself. And our companion is full of clams and napping on the lakeside. If you swim, take care. There is a presence of some kind in the lake. It speaks to you while you are in the waters, and I do not know if it means us well."

2014-11-28, 05:23 AM
The shadow dragon tilts its head a little and looks curious about this new information.

"Oh? What of this presence? What did you hear?"