View Full Version : Pathfinder Campaign Design: Dark Souls Esque.

2014-09-02, 11:39 AM
I'm trying to make a campaign in pathfinder similar to how the lore aspect sort of works. Telling the story of the world through the environment, through Items, and obscure Myths, as well as creating the same atmosphere but I can't quite get my head straight. Usually, All I need is a good startup and it usually gets better from there so I was hoping that someone on here could help me out on this one. at least to just get started. The party Consists of = LVL1- fighter(LizardFolk), Ranger(Gnome), Cleric(Human), Wizard(Elf), Rogue(Half-Elf), and Alchemist(Golbin[C/N]). I actually have a bunch of scenarios written up that could easily fit into such a thing, but what I lack the most is the starter and how I should handle friendly NPCs for this. And just to make it clear, I don't want to blatantly rip off Dark Souls, but recreate the feeling of despair, and mystery in a pathfinder game (and This is not connected to pathfinder lore. It is a stand alone world so to speak).

2014-09-03, 12:18 PM
Make NPCs few and far between, and play up on the feeling of overwhelming hopelessness - each NPC in the Dark Souls universe either gradually loses their hope/sanity as you continue to encounter them throughout the game, or is already pretty far gone in the first place. "Friendly NPCs" should be considered "NPCs not currently trying to kill you," since the DS universe is full of betrayal and characters who are later revealed to have sinister motives and pasts.