View Full Version : (IC) Time to save the village

2014-09-03, 11:31 AM
@Cid, Cornelius, Xue

Last night, the watchman in the tower saw a purple explosion far to the north. Practically the whole village has talked about what it might be, but no one has even a solid idea as to what it might be. Some in the village are mumbling that someone needs to do something about this, but most have simply gone about their business. Pigs are being tended, the mill is running at full workflow, men are in the southern forest taking down a tree, and the tool smith is setting things up to forge the head of a rake.

You three are outside the inn, when all of a sudden that dwarven prospector runs in from the north.


Last night you saw a great purple and then orange explosion from somewhere near the wizard's tower. Good thing you always avoided that place.

Soon afterwards some wolves came running from there. Something put them into enough of a panic that they attacked you on sight, though they backed off and kept running when you defended yourself.

Since then you've seen strange shapes pass between you and the stars, and there have been some odd snarls from behind you. You've decided to move quickly towards Pig Mill.

On your way in, you warned the pig herd in the northern forest, and he's started getting the pigs in. You've entered the village through the gap in the berm, and everyone is looking at you.

2014-09-03, 08:36 PM
Seeing the village folk gathered at the entrance to the village, the dwarf raises his finely wrought mining pick. Using it to point towards the north, he exclaims, "Thar were an explosion last night sommat near that warlock's touer. Brae purpie an' oranger flames lightin' the sky. Pat sic a feart intae a pack o' wolves they ran straight into me ain camp. Efter that the were ourie shapes flittin' twixt masel an' the starns. Warna naitral."

2014-09-04, 09:09 AM
"Explosion near the tower. Yeah the purple light... and orange. Wolves in fear, not afraid of a camp. Weird shapes in the sky. I wonder..." Half-thinking out loud, half translating the accent, Cid mumbles while the dwarf talks. He was curious about the shapes and patterns but there were too many people around him and he figured someone else will ask it. Still he was thinking what kind of shapes could be related to a purple, and orange, explosions. While thinking, he subconsciously stared at the dwarf.

2014-09-04, 04:41 PM

It's that snarling noise again that you've heard behind you on your way here. It is coming from the northern forest. You can hear the pigs moving there too.


You hear a snarling noise from the northern forest. Multiple sources. It doesn't sound like any creature you are familiar with. Also, the pigs are making noises of fear.

2014-09-07, 09:06 PM
Five strange figures burst out of the tree line, making ever louder snarling noises. The pigs flee in front of them towards the village, with the pig herd in front. Some of the pigs are trailing blood. The creatures look human enough, except the hair has been burnt off them, they have red patches on their bodies, and they are running on all fours - and quickly at that.

Feel free to take a pair of move actions to prepare, since you did have forewarning, and then a normal round worth of actions.

2014-09-08, 12:24 AM
At the renewed sounds of snarling, Avar turns toward the forest. Hollering back to the village, he exclaims, "Thare they be agin! Airm yerselves!"

So saying, he slings his shield onto his arm and moves to close the distance to the trees, his masterwrought miner's pike held in his hand.

Moves twice for a total of 60' towards the sounds of snarling. He arms his shield in his first move action and arms his pick in his second move action unless both move actions are considered to be in the same round. If that is the case, he will arm himself with the pick as part of the new round.

2014-09-08, 08:53 AM
A muffled scream escapes his throat as Cid looks around and jumps behind the first biggest thing in side to hide behind, then he peers past the object, looking at what comes and already calculating dozens of numbers for the most optimal conditions. Then he decides to trap whatever is coming at them, and aims a spell at the ground in front of the dwarf creating a pit out of no where. He does make sure the pit doesn't form a problem for the dwarf fellow.

I am unsure about what cover is nearby (within 60 feet)... Perhaps a barrel or an open door near the inn? By lack of any object cover Cid will hide behind the biggest person beside himself.

Besides that: I cast [Create Pit] 15 feet in front of Avar. Reflex save DC 18 to prevent falling into the pit.

2014-09-08, 12:03 PM
Stunned for once into disbelieving silence, Cornelius has trouble deciphering both the dwarf's speech and the meaning behind this bad omen. The figures bursting from the treeline, however, galvanize him into focus. He takes a moment to study the creatures before shouting, "They are clearly tainted. Purge them in flame!"

Knowledge checks:
Planes: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]

If both of those only count as one move action, Cornelius will move up. He will spend his full round readying a spell.

2014-09-09, 10:59 AM
The hairless figures fling themselves in a wild charge at the rearmost pigs, with the two on the edge failing to bring down their targets, and the middle three taking huge bites out of the pigs before them, leaving the pigs dying on the ground.

Avar is able to get the pigs on his side to move away from him so they are lined up in front of the gap. The pigs are almost at the gap now.

Cid stands in the gate and rapidly gets his mind prepared for a fog spell.

Cornelius figures out what is going on here and gets himself up to the berm.

2014-09-09, 11:05 AM
"Vile undead! You shall not feast on the living! Be consigned to the flame!"
5 foot step to AL51

Now he's going to ready a burning hands spell.

2014-09-10, 11:44 AM
Seeing the pigs, Cid decides to move out of the way, towards the part no one is else standing, hoping it will keep the pigs in formation. Then staring at the pigs at the end, he figures they are lost, but maybe their sacrifices won't be in vain. Although they were pigs... He aims his newly focused spell and clouds the enemies, keeping one outside for the dwarf that seems to be in a fighting mood.

Move to AH46, should be 4 square diagonal (5+10+5+10 = 30 feet)
Standard action to cast Fog Cloud at the intersection of AI/AJ 24/25

Spells left:
First level: All
Second level: 3/4

Arcane Reservoir: 4/7

2014-09-11, 05:35 PM
Avar makes sure the pigs on his side end up going through the gate in good order.

Cid casts his spell, and fog covers the area. The figures snarl and move through the fog, but find the pigs have gotten ahead of them so they have to redouble their efforts to catch up.

Cornelius finds himself overrun with pigs, but without targets in range of a burning hands spell.

One of the figures bursts out of the fog cloud, but instead of chasing down the nearby pig it decides to go after Avar instead. It snarls in his face, but the course change has left it unable to strike before Avar can respond.

2014-09-12, 03:34 AM
Avar snarls at the creature, summoning his anger and raging. He swings his mining pick down at it's head in an overhand cleave.

Melee attack [roll0]
Melee damage [roll1]

2014-09-12, 08:01 PM
Avar's pick strikes true, but it feels like he is punching through tough rock - or through an extra layer of pig flesh that's not actually there. Still, he gets through the resistance, which suddenly shatters as if it were never there, and pierces into the thing. Unfortunately, that also pierces one of the giant boils on the thing, spraying him with diseased pus.

The militiaman in the tower opens fire with a longbow on one of the figures in the middle, but misses twice. Some of the other militia members are starting to go for their weapons.

Avar needs to make a fort save, and everyone else still needs to act.

2014-09-13, 08:00 AM
Fortitude Save: [roll0] Whoops, raging is +2 more for a total of 23. Also +2 more dwarven resistance if it is a poison.

2014-09-15, 11:24 AM
Cid panicked for a moment, these creatures didn't act the way he planned and he now realized why, they just need a single bite. He also felt a bit outnumbered, seeing no one at this side of the pigs and multiple enemies in the distance. Didn't help he was prepared for combat today, he needed a safe spot and get his mind even more focused on combat. He didn't want to cross the rampaging pigs, but the dwarf should be there. Then he sees a small tear in the calculations of the universe and steps right trough it, appearing right after the dwarf. Then he sees the dwarf in combat and decided to make the situation a bit worse for the undead critter, by disrupting the footing.

Dimensional Slide towards AP44
I cast grease on AO/AP 41/42. DC 16

Spells left:
First level: 5/6
Second level: 3/4

Arcane Reservoir: 3/7

And sorry for being late, what a weekend.

2014-09-15, 12:34 PM
Cid covers the ground below the Festrog in grease, but it manages to stay up.

Avar steels himself as a wave of diseased pus covers him, and the disease is simply too weak to take him.

The archer in the tower shoots at the leftmost Festrog, hitting it once but not getting past its stolen life force.

Cornelius stands firm, just five feet from where the Festrogs would have been able to bite him. Instead, he lets loose a wave of flame which roasts three pigs and hits three Festrogs as well. The two closest to him seem to twist to avoid the worst of the flame, and while Cornelius can see them burning, their stolen life energy keeps them from harm. The one to the left is distracted though, and takes the full force, its stolen energy shattering and leaving it damaged.

The Festrog by Avar tries to bite him, but he bats it aside with his shield.

The Festrogs by Cornelius snarl, but have come up just short of him. The last two take a lethal bite out of two pigs - one of them looking hatefully where Cid was, and where he now is.

Another bowman from the militia is climbing the tower, and two more have gotten bows and are running towards the fight. Thurmond has armed himself with his flail and positioned himself just southwest of the gap.

2014-09-15, 01:17 PM
Avar grins at the foul beastie then follows up his last attack with another mighty swing.

Melee attack: [roll0]
Melee damage: [roll1]

2014-09-15, 02:06 PM
Avar drives his pick into the thing's head, this time unhindered. The thing is instantly destroyed, but it sprays the dwarf with pus before dropping to the ground motionless.


Another fort save from Avar, and actions from everyone else.

2014-09-16, 10:06 AM
Fort save: [roll0]

2014-09-16, 11:04 AM
Cid looks at Avar. "Rather you then me. Also beware, these critters get stronger with each bite, and those things have been left unchecked too long, do something." Following his own advice, Cid takes a side step to still hide being Avar and ready his mind, he needed a bit more power before he could do anything.

Cid 5 foot steps towards AQ43.
Full Action to Quick Study from Mage Armor to Ear-Piercing Scream.

Spells left:
First level: 5/6
Second level: 3/4

Arcane Reservoir: 2/7

2014-09-16, 12:20 PM
"Defiler! Shambler! I shall send you back to the grave!"

Cornelius swings at the nearest undead.
Targeting AL50
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

2014-09-16, 02:02 PM
Avar throws off the influence of the foul disease once again.

Cid steps and concentrates a moment.

Cornelius swings and misses.

Two militiamen come running towards the berm, and another one has armed himself and is starting to move.

Four arrows fly from the tower, but only one hits. It manages to damage the leftmost Festrog though.

(edit: Thurmond steps up and swings at a Festrog and misses)

That festrog rips apart the last nearby pig.

The next one finally gets a chance to charge Cid, but misses him entirely.

Two festrogs try to bite Cornelius, but his armour foils them.

2014-09-16, 10:20 PM
Avar steps up to the creature threatening Cid, his pike swinging.

Melee Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-16, 10:53 PM
Avar swings and finds that the flames had already removed the creature's protection. It falls, destroyed, in a spray of pus.


Yet one more fort save.

2014-09-16, 11:47 PM

Yet one more fort save.

OOC: You'd think I'd know that by now.

Fort: [roll0] +2 vs. poisons

2014-09-17, 09:07 AM
Cid finally takes action, struts forwards full coindance and targets the lone Festrog.He waves his hands and let's out a shout only the thing can hear.

Cid walks to AN 44 and targets the Festrog at AG 48 (if I calculated the 35 feet distance right, else I move a bit more)
The Festrog gets [roll0] Sonic Damage (Fort save (DC 16) for half) and is Dazed (Same Fort save negates, although he is most likely immune to daze).

Spells left:
First level: 4/6
Second level: 3/4

Arcane Reservoir: 2/7

2014-09-17, 11:19 AM
Taking a few steps back, Cornelius thrusts his palms before him.

"Fire cleanses!"
5 foot step to AL52 to avoid AoO
Cast Burning Hands, shaped to hit AK50 and AL50 while avoiding Thurmond.
Damage: [roll0], Reflex DC 15 for half

2014-09-17, 03:10 PM
Cornelius destroys the two Festrogs next to him, while Cid and the archers destroy the last one.

With the festrogs destroyed, the woodburners come running in from the forest to the northwest. They yell something about smoke in the forest.

Thurmond is organizing the militia to get the bodies out of the way. It looks like the two Cornelius killed are going to be dinner, but the other dead pigs Elinda says will have to be burned. Meanwhile, she sets about curing the pigs that still live and getting them calm and into houses.

2014-09-19, 08:06 PM
Cornelius turns to Thormund as the clean-up takes place.

"My thanks to you for standing beside me. This, however, has exposed a terrible hole in our defenses. If greater numbers ever assaulted Pig Mill, it would be difficult to hold them in this space. We should begin construction of some form of gate at each of the entrances. I will assist as needed, of course."

Clanking out of the village, he greets Cid and Avar. "Sarenrae thanks you for your warning, good dwarf! I shudder to think of what foul calamity might have befallen us had we not had prior word.

Are either of you injured? Come, and let the blessings of the Lady of Mercy shine upon her heroes!"

2014-09-20, 11:55 AM
Cid nods to Cornelius "I'm fine thank to the dwarf. But he might be wounded, hard to see with all the monster puss." He nods to the dwarf. "You should take a bath. In fact I got a magic spell for that. I could cast that with your permission." Then back to Cornelius. "A gate? In this case it worked out, else the pigs would have formed a wall between the enemy and us. Still it sounds like something we could use. I never made one but it shouldn't be hard." Cid looks at the entrance and estimates the size of the entrance, then he starts to mumble a couple of number, calculating the amount of wood needed and other stuff.

Here is a Knowledge Engineering: [roll0] to plan a gate and calculate the materials and sizes needed.

2014-09-20, 01:39 PM
A quick investigation of available materials reveals that the mill has plenty of logs and planks

filling the north gap with logs: 10 civilians, 5 rounds, plus 5 rounds to get the logs there from the mill. The south gap would just be the 5 rounds to stack the logs. That 'gate' would just be a wall of wood.

filling a gap with a gate that would be easier to open and close: 20 rounds by the carpenters of the village, plus 10 civilians to heft things. It won't be a pretty gate, but it will be 2 inches thick and barred from the inside.

2014-09-21, 08:57 AM
Avar, breathing hard as he tries to cool down from his anger, is slow to reply. [b]"Aye, twas a barre faught. Ai've narre a merk on mae, 'ceptin' this dighty glut. Yae've me leave tae flisk it aff o' mae."

The dwarf concentrates a moment and then nods to Cid.

2014-09-22, 09:35 AM
The mumbling stops as Cid realize the dwarf, Avar, nodded. "Sorry, I was thinking." Then he starts a different mumbling, more rhythmic and clearly not in a nor language, combined with hand moves. Then suddenly and slowly magic cleans the filthy puss of the dwarf.

"By the way if you want to stop anything from coming it, we can barricade the entrance in a minute. If you want a functional gate, that takes a few minutes. Either case we need a whole town in on it if you want to do it fast. Well at least 10 people and some carpenters if you want the entrance to be opened and close. Then again I am glas we didn't had a gate this time, else the pigs wouldn't be able to get in the city, now at least some of them are saved."

Casting Prestidigitation to clean Avar

2014-09-22, 02:31 PM
Avar is clean now, and seems to be disease free.

Thormund says that if you want, he'll requisition the wood you need for a gate or barrier, and he'll make sure someone competent puts the thing together. Just say the word.

Linthir the hunter returns from the southern forest, reporting nothing unusual there. However, he says he can see the smoke the woodburners spoke of - and it is moving towards the village.

2014-09-22, 04:04 PM
Upon hearing this news, Cornelius strides back toward the village.

"Then there is precious little time! Come forth, my faithful friends, and I shall grant you the strength of an ox, that we might make our village safe! Fear not, for I shall watch our southern entrance. Be comforted in the knowledge that I will punish any undead that would dare to further blight our fair home of Pig Mill!"
Cornelius is willing to offer ant haul to any worker who wants it.

2014-09-23, 12:09 AM
Clean of the filth, the dwarf nods to the caster. "Ah cannae aid ye." He says to the holy man. He moves ahead of the northern entrance to Pig Mill and plants himself squarely between the approaching smoke and the village.

2014-09-24, 12:37 PM
Cid, liking the idea of the fence, strides into the village and starts to order people around. He doesn't do it tactfully though, but he does know exactly what everyone needs to do and also reminds people of the impending doom.

"First Festers and now something else that causes smoke... We might need to step up the defenses around more if this keeps happening. And I thought this was a quiet town." He said, talking to anyone that wants to listen.

2014-09-24, 02:31 PM
The carpenters set to work on the gate, and a stream of civilians is bringing them materials.

Suddenly, a shout goes up. A humanoid form has burst out of the forest, surrounded by a cloud of smoke.

I'll need initiative checks for this to see who goes first. Basically, anyone who beats the monster gets to go in the first round. The monster got a [roll0]

Also, move action to make a knowledge religion, planes, or arcana check about the thing. Those will become free actions at some point when it does obvious stuff in those categories or gets much closer.

2014-09-24, 07:47 PM
Avar heeds the warning of the approaching humanoid, readying himself for any sign of offense.

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-09-25, 02:18 AM
The figure advances quickly, the smoke cloud still following it.

Cid and Avar still have actions. The ? didn't do anything because I hadn't actually calculated the range to the village.

2014-09-25, 09:15 AM
Cid steps forward, ordering some civilian out of his way, and studies the incoming treat.

Knowledge: Religion [roll0]

2014-09-25, 01:11 PM
The thing is undead, a flame shade. It burns people with it's claws, and it's smoke cloud can burn too. Also, when destroyed it can explode in a burst of reasonably deadly flame. The things are known to retain whatever memories and intelligence they had in life, but to be crazy and hateful.

2014-09-27, 12:11 PM
The creature in the smoke cloud continues its advance, then suddenly stops and chants in a precise, almost human sounding voice. Then a pit opens up under Avar.

Reflex save DC 16 to end up in AI 49 instead of falling into the pit for 5 damage. No spikes or anything, just a pit.

2014-09-28, 12:47 PM
Avar yelps in surprise as the ground yawns open at his feet. He scrambles for the side of the hole, just managing to make solid ground before falling into the pit.


2014-09-29, 11:46 PM
Pressed back to the forming gate, Avar scrambles over it. "Thar's a ri' nasty beastie out thar."

2014-09-30, 11:36 AM
"Yeah, also nasty to be close to them. Fire and all that, might even explode on dead!" Cid states as he grabs and loads his crossbow

2014-09-30, 09:33 PM
The militia start rapid fire of arrows against the thing, but many of the arrows miss in the smoke, and others bounce off. Only three out of twelve hit, though they seem to damage it well enough.

Meanwhile, the thing continues its advance and chants again in its precise way (those with sufficient spellcraft will recognize it as Glitterdust) and surrounds two militia and Linthir with a golden haze.


MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18tHJzRU6yqypjcZzb5iValPEsrVv788_F7N5U9LUr4A/edit?usp=sharing)

Also, free action to make two knowledge arcana checks about this thing now that it is closer and casting.

2014-10-01, 12:37 AM
Avar drops his axe and shield, taking out his crossbow and loading it.

2014-10-01, 09:56 AM
Cid steps forwards and narrows his eyes. He wasn't the greatest shot in the world, but he needed to shoot when it counts. He hoped the creature would cast another spell, and when it did, he would interrupt it.

Edit: First off, I do need to walk to AL50 to get line of sight, I guess?
Cid readies an action to shoot the Flame Shade when it casts a spell.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Bolts 20/20

Also a Bunch of knowledge checks:
Spellcraft 1 (For Create Pit) [roll2]
Spellcraft 2 (For Glitterdust) [roll3]
Arcane Knowledge 1 [roll4]
Arcane Knowledge 2 [roll5]

2014-10-01, 04:38 PM
"Come forth and face me, monstrosity, if you have the spine!" Cornelius bellows to capture the creature's attention while weaving defensive magic.
Casting Protection from Evil

2014-10-01, 11:00 PM
The next volley of arrows all miss, as does the crossbow bolt. It yells in a slightly crazed voice You shall submit to me or burn. The likes of which you cannot imagine come behind me, and worse to come.

The thing advances as it yells, then casts a grease spell in the area of the gate, catching Avar and Cornelius.

Make a DC 15 Ref save to avoid falling prone.
Then, make a second Ref save, DC 16, with a +5 bonus if you didn't fall prone. That is to avoid falling into the pit.

I put Avar where I said he would be if he made his save, but it seems you thought he was on the south side of the pit. If you'd like, you can say Avar jumped to AL50 instead.

2014-10-03, 02:17 PM
A loud sigh escapes as Cid accepts he aint no markmanship. "But I calculated the wind, distance, angle of sun." He mutters as he angrily drops his bow and resorts back to safe old spell casting. Suddenly it dawns on him and he shouts a warning. "A fire based creature and you are in covered in grease!" He goes back to same tactic as before, waiting for the enemy to cast and interrupt it with a while timed spell.

I ready an action to cast Ear-Piercing Scream as soon as I see the enemy spell casting.

Damage roll: [roll0] Sonic + Daze
DC 17 for half damage and to negate the Daze

Spells left:
First level: 4/6 (-1 If the readied action happens)
Second level: 3/4

Arcane Reservoir: 2/7

Bolts Left 19/20

2014-10-04, 04:45 PM
Covered in grease as he is, Cornelius manages to stay standing and bellows out in challenge,

"Fire holds no fear for me, forsaken effigy of man! Come forth and let us see whose flame burns hotter!"
Intimidate (not sure if this will work, but nothing else to do, really): [roll0]

2014-10-06, 01:13 PM
Avar takes aim with his crossbow, carefully penetrating the many layers of defense.
4 damage

Cornelius fails to intimidate his opponent.

The archers manage only one hit out of twelve arrows.

The thing continues advancing as the pit disappears into the nothingness from which it came. It tries to let loose a spell, but is interrupted by Cid's piercing sound magics, which leave it dazed, injured, and reeling.

The thing gets no actions next round, so please post two rounds of actions against it.

Edit: MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18tHJzRU6yqypjcZzb5iValPEsrVv788_F7N5U9LUr4A/edit?usp=sharing)

2014-10-08, 02:56 PM
Cid tries to save his magic energies, so goes for another crossbow attack. He reloads his bow and shoots, hoping for the golden shot.

Full round reload... why did I take a heavy crossbow again? >_< Then a standard to shoot and a move action to waste


Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-10-14, 12:42 PM
Neither Cid nor the archers have any luck hitting the thing while it stands there dazed.

Something snaps inside Avar and he drops his crossbow, picks up his axe, and charges, slicing deeply into the thing's head.

While the thing seems seriously damaged, it feels no pain. Instead, it claws at him twice, penetrating his armour but once. The sharpness of the claw, and its fire, and the heat of the smoke cloud all hurt him.

Avar is berserking, and dealt 32 damage on a crit.

The two of you get actions. Meanwhile, I'm off to recruit replacements.

2014-10-17, 11:46 AM
Seeing the dwarf selflessly fling himself at the abomination, Cornelius moves up to support him.
Double move to AH44

2014-10-20, 02:53 AM
The archers hold their fire, but Avar is able to get a massive strike through the thing's defenses. As it is destroyed though, it releases a massive blast of fire extending fourty feet out in every direction, and an even larger purple wave of energy.

Avar lies dead on the ground. All that is left of the creature is a bag of holding, lying in the center of a circle of scorched earth. Cid seems to have been knocked out by the purple wave.

The militia in the tower report that two specks in the distance started heading towards the village right after the purple explosion. They say whatever they are is flying, and is likely to come in 30 minutes or so. They guess the things saw the purple explosion.

Cid will be fine, but until his next IC post he's unconscious in Nuneth's house.

The bag of holding II contains: a magic quarterstaff, a wand, a bell, a medallion, 10 magic bolts, a spellbook with all the cantrips and conjuration spells of 1st and 2nd level, and 6 potions of cure light wounds. Spellcraft checks to id the staff, wand, bell, medallion, and bolts.

Cornelius has enough xp to level up to 5th.

Tomorrow sometime I should get 3 more players. If Cid is just temporarily absent that would put us up to 5, but eh, it won't hurt with what is coming.

2014-10-23, 07:57 AM
A figure hustles into the clearing south of the mill, dragging a make-shift stretcher behind him. A wolf races after him. As the short, compact man enters the village, the locals recognize him to be Graven. He races up the main road north, and pauses to speak to a couple of people. They point him north before darting away. Graven leaves the stretcher with two deer on it for another to take care of, and hastens to the north end with the wolf, where Cornelius and the militiamen are.

"Can someone catch me up on what is happening here? I saw that purplish explosion and hastened back when I had enough light to do so." He pauses and scratches his head as he looks at the cleanup work. "What's this mess about?" The wolf closes in on the mess, and growls at what he smells.

Graven and Ekal are back! I sent a couple of the locals to inform Sarai and Frank that Graven is back in town, and left his kill for another to take care of. Hope that's ok.

PS - I tend to edit to clean up my writing after seeing gross mistakes. I will note when I do something besides basic editing in spoilers.

2014-10-23, 12:45 PM
Some minutes have passed since the smoking monster was defeated. Emerging from a path in the forest northeast of Pig's mill, was a dwarf and a human riding their horses at full speed. Now at the front of the open gate, The dwarf disenbark from his steed while his companion looks at the forest and the shapes flying in their directions. He approach the man who seems in charge of the small village and, after bowing to the man, begins introducing himself.

''Aye sir, my name is Torgrym Stonebreaker and this is my friend Keeto. We usually do small assignment for the baron... I mean your baron and we finished our last one not long ago, its did end well tho but thats not why we are here. He told of that his scouts heard rumors about monster's north of Pig's mill. Since you are at the edge of his territory, he dispached us, just like that, not even some day of rest, to your village as soon as we could... You know, so we could check things out. wWhen we saw the purple explosion we came as fast as we could but we may have pushed our steed a little too much, poor creature, give them some water at least. Anyway, as I can see, the rumors were founded. If you are in need of assistance, we would be more than obliged to help you against the invading forces.''

Looking around at the bodies and craters outside the almost finished gate, Torgrym turns back to the man and openly speak his mind.

''What were those... Creatures? and I would like to know who if you have any capable persons to hold the fort against more of those waves. Not that I don't think that you are strong enough, but, well you know, we don't want beginners in our way while we save your village.''

2014-10-23, 01:02 PM
The human looked at the flying forms for a moment while the dwarf was talking. After a moment, the tall but slim human get down from his horse and join Torgrym and the townfolk.

" Excuse my friend maners, he usualy don't talk this much. And it's usualy for the best. Like he said, we are send by the baron to investigate the danger his scout reported, but it seem danger is closer than anticipated. Are you the one in charge, or did my friend bother you for nothing?"

2014-10-24, 04:14 PM
Cornelius examines the remains of the creature as his gazes over the items in the bag. Placing the medallion over his neck and keeping the rest in the bag, Cornelius lifts up poor Avar's body.

"I am sorry, friend. I will consign you to the flame, that you may not rise from the dead. It will have to wait until these things have been dealt with, but I will ensure you the proper honor."

2014-10-24, 06:24 PM
The carpenters finish the gate and test it a few times, making sure it works, then get back inside their shops. They leave the gate open, but it can be shut easily enough.

Thurmond greets the dwarf as he comes to the village, saying "Welcome to Pig Mill. I am Thurmond Black, and I command the militia here. I'll see that you have lodging in the inn and someone to take your mounts. As for what's been happening, you'll have to ask Cornelius. He's the Ifrit. He'd know what is happening. I'm in charge of the archers. In a minute, I'll be organizing them to make sure they know their duty. In this case, forming a battle line and maintaining rapid fire until those flying things go down, or we do."

2014-10-24, 07:57 PM
Graven looks over the newcomers, and frowns at Torgrym's apparent slight. For now, he decides to ignore them and find out as much as he can about what is going on. "Thurmond, you know you can count on me with the bow. Just let me know where you want me. In the meantime, I'm gonna run over and have Cornelius fill me in." With a quick nod to Thurmond and another look over towards Torgrym and Keeto, the recently returned hunter heads over to Cornelius.

"It looks like trouble is coming our way and quick. Can you brief me a bit about what we're up against?" Words tumble out quickly as Graven approaches the ifrit, trying to make the most of what little time they have.

2014-10-24, 11:27 PM

Castiel approaches the village on foot. It has been a long time since he has been home. His eyes scanned the village. It looked very different. A new gate and was there damage? He had seen action and changed a lot as well, so this should not surprise him, but it did.

He waved to people as he approached. Would they know who he was?

2014-10-25, 10:56 PM
Cornelius looks at Graven as if he had been slapped. Or, at least, it would appear that way if the helm on his head didn't obscure his expression. The intensified glow within the grill, however, gives voice to his outrage.

"Have you no respect for this dwarf, who gave his life to defend Pig Mill?! Some concern, at the very least?"

Shaking his head, the ifrit continues,

"From what I have seen so far, undead have been making their way here from the wizard's tower. Some fell magic went awry and has unleashed them upon us. Get the gates shut and help the militia prepare. I shall see to our brave friend, here." Cornelius makes his way to the center of town.

2014-10-26, 12:19 AM
The ranger stands stunned, shocked into silence by the ifrit's burst of outrage. It took a long moment before the ranger regained his composure. "Undeads, here? And we lost someone to them?" Alas, by the time Graven was able to give voice to thoughts, Cornelius has moved on. Sensing his companion's mood, the wolf lets out a low whining sound as he stares at the departing figure.

Graven shakes his head and beckons Ekal to follow as they return to speak with Thurmond. The day is clearly going from bad to worse. Perhaps letting loose a few arrows will help ease his mood.

"It appears I have gotten on ol' Cornelius's bad graces. I best avoid him for the time being. Is there anything I can do to help here?" Graven looks to Thurmond, awaiting for instructions, when he notices an approaching figure. The ranger furrowed his brows as he strains to get a better look. He looks familiar...where have I seen him before?

2014-10-27, 05:40 PM
Torgrym puts his backpack on his steed and gives the reigns to one of the villagers so he can take care of his stuff.

''Give my backpack at the innkeeper this Thurmond guy was talking about. Tell him that I know whats in it so he should keep his hands to himself. I'll have a talk face to face if he doesn't.''

Turning back and grabbing his light crossbow, Torgrym then heads to the ifrit.

''Hey, the guy there told me you were the one to ask about all this. What can you tell me.''

Saying this, he readies a bolt in his crossbow, waiting for the incoming fight.

2014-10-27, 07:41 PM

Castiel approaches the gate. "Hello!"

2014-10-27, 08:25 PM
Keeto follow the draw, but keep his bag. Who know what he will need to keep ready to use if they are really under siege. Once arrive in front of the Ifrit, he listen to Torgrym and roll his eyes.

" Don't mind my blunt friend. We were send by the baron to investigate what's going on here, but it look like the town need immediate help more than an investigation. What is happening, and what can we do to help?"

Whilw talking, the tall man is looking all around himself, trying to see what in this town can be use to advantage the defenders.

2014-10-27, 09:29 PM
Cornelius gathers some of the spare timber from the efforts to construct the gate and uses them to begin building a pyre for Avar's body. As he works, he says,

"The village is under attack from sort of undead assault. Our dearly departed friend here said that a explosion of purple energy happened near the wizard's tower. I shudder to think of what horrors that could have unleashed."

He looks up to regard them. "These flyers that are approaching are most likely also undead. If you have anything that can harm them, get it ready. Help Thurmond get the militia ready. They are not trained to deal with such unholy abominations. We need to also get a gate constructed at the south end. I will not have this settlement fall because we forgot to guard our back door."

2014-10-27, 10:24 PM
Graven (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38235)

Graven tries to scrounge up some variety of arrows as he looks to the oncoming flyers. "If the undeads continue to come our way, we may run short of arrows at some point. Do we have the the smiths working on keeping up our supply of ammunition?"

The woodsman eyes the approaching figure. "You look familiar. What brings you here on this unfortunate day?" He takes a moment to study the new visitor before resuming discussions with Thurmond and the militiamen.

2014-10-27, 10:26 PM

"I am Castiel, I grew up here and I heard there was trouble. I have come home to help if I can."

2014-10-27, 10:38 PM
Graven (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38235)

"Castiel...Castiel..." Graven mumbles the name to himself as he attempt to put the name to some memories. "Castiel! Wow, it's been, what, years? It's good to have you back." He takes another look at the oncoming menace. "Hmm, this is probably not the best time for a homecoming party. If you can help in any way, I would speak either with Cornelius or Thurmond. I need to find some extra arrows and take up position to see if I can help take the flyers down and quickly." With a quick nod and a pat on Castiel's back, Graven hurries off to prepare to greet the inbound creatures with some arrows.

2014-10-27, 10:45 PM

Castiel looks far more concerned now. "Fliers? I can fight and use a bow, but I don't have one. I am also good at improving moral of fighters if you have more than just you and me."

2014-10-28, 12:54 AM
Thurmond waves the archers down from the tower, and with a similar wave sends Linthir and his hawk up to replace them.

Then he begins organizing the archers, lining them up just south of the berm, west of the gate. There are fourteen from among the militia and hunters, though he's welcoming anyone else that wants to guard them or shoot along with them. He says in a loud voice "First off, if you don't have arrows, speak up. Second off, we don't know what these things are, so listen sharp and be ready to duck down behind the wall. Even if we need to duck, if we can I'll order a single volley and then duck back down. Much slower that way."

2014-10-28, 09:15 AM
Graven positions himself in the middle of the formation, and checks his quivers to make sure he'll have enough for the volleys. As the fliers approach, he attempts to identify what exactly they'll be up against.

Graven's between the seventh and eighth archer, and has 80 arrows with him (40 normal, 20 blunt and 20 cold iron). He has undead as a favored enemy, so hopefully the bonus will come into play.

ID creatures (just to get it out there) (+1 int, +4 favored)

2014-10-28, 04:12 PM
Keeto listen to the orders of Thurmond with attention. When he stop talking, Keeto turn to Torgrym.

" I'll join the archer. Bringing down these flying creatures seems to be the priority for now. What about you?"

2014-10-28, 07:10 PM
Following Keeto to the archer line, Torgrym showed his friend his readied crossbow. just before stopping next the an archer, he has an idea.

''Hey, anyone think he's good enough to get one of those things down here. Maybe a grappling arrows or hook, something like that. I'm not too bad with a crossbow but I would prefer my luck on the ground!''

2014-10-28, 08:57 PM
Keeto give a tap on the dwarf shoulder as he talk to the rest of the archers.

" As long as this little guy is here to watch our back, you don't need to worry about something getting close to you. Let's shoot those flying bastard out of the sky!"

2014-10-28, 09:20 PM
After placing Avar's corpse on top of the completed pyre and igniting it with the proper rites, Cornelius turns his thoughts back to the living. He moves over to where Thurmond is instructing the militia.

"If anyone finds themselves in need of healing, speak loud and clear. I will give Sarenrae's healing grace to you, that you may continue to rain death upon our enemies."

2014-10-29, 01:35 AM
The scout up in the tower calls out "The shadows on the tops of the trees are too big. I should not be able to see them at all. Either the things are far bigger than they look, or their shadows are somehow gigantic."

2014-10-29, 05:23 AM

Castiel draws his sword and moves so that he in as close as he can be to the most archers and looks to the sky.

He searches his mind for what these things are
Perception [roll0]
Knowledge(arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) [roll2]
Knowledge(Nature) [roll3]
Knowledge(Planes) [roll4]
Knowledge(Religion) [roll5]
Knowledge(Spellcraft) [roll6]

2014-10-29, 07:54 AM
Make check now? In case it is, and they're undead, and I need to roll afresh:


By the way, are they within 1100' yet? Not that Graven will take the shot, but that's technically within the range of a composite longbow at 10 range increments.

Graven looks up towards the growing figures, and his grip on the bow tighten.

2014-10-29, 08:14 AM
Keeto prepare his bow and wait for the creatures to be in range.

2014-10-29, 10:38 AM
As the creatures get closer, a very uncharacteristic note of panic creeping into his voice, the scout calls down from the tower "The shadows are way bigger than our walls. Like cloud shadows, only deeper. A mile out now. Five minutes. Unless they speed up."

2014-10-29, 11:01 AM
Graven takes a deep breath. "Ekal, I am going to get busy shooting soon." He points to the ifrit. "Protect him against anything that threatens him. If something gets there, I'll join you as fast as I can."

Realizing his voice is shaking, he takes another breath to calm himself down. Will I die here today? His thoughts drift to Sarai and Frank, and he steels himself and looks back towards the growing shadow.

Graven (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38235) Human Ranger 5
Initiative: +4 Perception: +13

AC: 19 (14 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 42 Current: 42
CMB: +7 CMD: 21 Fort: +5 Ref: +8 Will: +3

In Hand: Fancy Bow (+11, 1d8+3, 19-20/x3, 110', adaptive, bracer)
Conditions: None yet

Climb +6, Handle Animal +6, Heal +10, K(Dungeoneering) +5, K(Geography) +5, K(Nature)+9, Perception +13, Ride +12, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +12, Survival +12, Survival(Track) +14

Wild Empathy: 1d20+3

Favored Enemy:
Undead +4
Human +2
Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival
Weapon Attack and Damage
May ID creature untrained

Favored Terrain:
Forest +2
Initiative, K(Geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival
Leaves no tracks/can't be tracked

Ekal Wolf Medium Animal Companion Level 5 (Note: INT 3)
Initiative: +3 Perception: +5
Senses: low-light vision, scent
Speed: 50'

AC: 17 (13 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 36 Current: 36
CMB: +5 CMD: 18 Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +2

Attack: Bite (+5, 1d6+3 plus trip)
Conditions: None yet

Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Improved Overrun

Acrobatics* +7, Climb* +6, Escape Artist +3, Intimidate -2, Perception* +5, Stealth* +7, Survival, Swim* +2

Attack(2), Down, Defend, Come, Heel, Guard, Stay

Favored Enemy:
Undead +4
Human +2
Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival
Weapon Attack and Damage
May ID creature untrained

Favored Terrain:
Forest +2
Initiative, K(Geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival
Leaves no tracks/can't be tracked

2014-10-30, 10:35 AM
As the shadow grows, impatience overtook the ranger, and he lets loose two arrows upon the looming fliers. He squints as he strain to see the arrows' impact and effect. C'mon...

Graven (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38235) Human Ranger 5
Initiative: +4 Perception: +13

AC: 19 (14 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 42 Current: 42
CMB: +7 CMD: 21 Fort: +5 Ref: +8 Will: +3

In Hand: Fancy Bow (+11, 1d8+3, 19-20/x3, 110', adaptive, bracer)
Conditions: None yet

Climb +6, Handle Animal +6, Heal +10, K(Dungeoneering) +5, K(Geography) +5, K(Nature)+9, Perception +13, Ride +12, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +12, Survival +12, Survival(Track) +14

Wild Empathy: 1d20+3

Favored Enemy:
Undead +4
Human +2
Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival
Weapon Attack and Damage
May ID creature untrained

Favored Terrain:
Forest +2
Initiative, K(Geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival
Leaves no tracks/can't be tracked

Ekal Wolf Medium Animal Companion Level 5 (Note: INT 3)
Initiative: +3 Perception: +5
Senses: low-light vision, scent
Speed: 50'

AC: 17 (13 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 36 Current: 36
CMB: +5 CMD: 18 Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +2

Attack: Bite (+5, 1d6+3 plus trip)
Conditions: None yet

Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Improved Overrun

Acrobatics* +7, Climb* +6, Escape Artist +3, Intimidate -2, Perception* +5, Stealth* +7, Survival, Swim* +2

Attack(2), Down, Defend, Come, Heel, Guard, Stay

Favored Enemy:
Undead +4
Human +2
Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival
Weapon Attack and Damage
May ID creature untrained

Favored Terrain:
Forest +2
Initiative, K(Geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival
Leaves no tracks/can't be tracked

2014-10-30, 11:35 PM
As the dots in the distance grow near, they slowly resolve into black dogs, moving through the air without any visible effort. The ground beneath them is in shadow, as if the sun were not shining there.

Right before their darkness reaches the village, Graven opens fire, hitting twice despite the difficulty seeing, but doing far less to put a hole into the thing than shots like that should have. There is some damage, yes, but the darkness seems to extend into the dog's coats, slowing the arrow so it penetrates only poorly.

At this, the dogs begin diving quickly towards the village, and the darkness they bring with them reaches nearly to the mill and the bridge. As the darkness touches people, it claws at the eyes and at the soul, bringing blindness and fear in its wake.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18tHJzRU6yqypjcZzb5iValPEsrVv788_F7N5U9LUr4A/edit?usp=sharing)

DC 12 Wil save vs blindness
DC 15 Wil save vs shaken

Also, the things are not undead.

The darkness is considered dim light.

2014-10-30, 11:46 PM

Graven shivers as a fearsome sensation washes over him. He looks over to his companion by the gate, but cannot tell how Ekal is doing through the buildings. The ranger pulls two more arrows, and lets loose another volley. "May Erastil guide my aim..."

Suddenly, he hears a familiar growl from behind him. As he takes a quick peek back, he sees Ekal snarling at the figures, apparently unfazed by whatever it was that washed over them. He gives Ekal a quick smile, before returning to the task at hand. "Hang in there, friend. We'll make it through it yet." He tries to reassure his companion with his tone as much as with his words. I hope...

Firing a blunt, followed by a cold iron, arrow. Will roll in the discussion thread.

Arrows remaining:
Regular: 38
Blunt: 19
Cold Iron: 19

2014-10-31, 05:27 AM

As soon as Castiel sees the chilling effect of the creatures he begins to sing a song of warriors fighting side by side against great odds.

Begin Inspire Courage +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

1st Will save [roll0] blindness
2ns WIll save [roll1] shaken

2014-10-31, 09:37 AM
Seeing the monter now in range, Torgrym takes the shoot.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Conceilement: [roll2]

VS Fear: [roll3] (actually didn't see the +2 from Castiel so +2 = 12, i'm saved!)
VS Blind: [roll4]

Now within the creature's shadow, Torgrym felt weird for a moment, almost fearing the creatures. But shaking his head, Torgrym kept his cold blood facing the unknown ennemy.

2014-10-31, 10:22 AM
Despite Castiel's song of courage, an icy fear begins to claw its way into Cornelius's heart. Still, he is able to keep the darkness from obscuring his vision and eyes the approaching dark wolves with gritted teeth.

2014-10-31, 10:41 AM
When the creatures artive at 300 ft, Keeto shoot a single arrow (as stated in the OOC)

this happen before castiel inspiration

I didnt add Castiel's bonus because it's not clear what happen first. +2 to each if his bonus applied.

2014-10-31, 10:45 AM
Torgrym, don't look now, but I think you have a critical threat!

2014-11-01, 07:33 PM
The crossbow shot had hit dead center... and failed to penetrate the darkness on the canine. The other shot had missed entirely.

2014-11-01, 09:06 PM
All of a sudden, the vision of Keeto become dark and he could not see anymore. He drop on one knee and put a hand on the ground.

" I can't see! What's happening?!"

I suppose i'm blinded (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Blinded)?

2014-11-01, 10:36 PM
With suck a perfect shot unable to damage his target, Torgrym puts his crossbow on the side of the gate and readies his axe.

Screaming at the creatures:
''Come here monsters, this thing will cut your brains out! If you even have one.''

2014-11-03, 12:53 PM
Thurmond yells "Yaah!!! If any of you can still see, stand and fire a single volley at the hurt one."

Six archers, visibly shaken, stand and fire at the injured one. Two of them hit, and neither of them damage the thing. Discouraged, they drop prone.

Castiel begins singing.

Graven scores a hit with his cold iron arrow and deals damage, though it too seems to be partially absorbed by the darkness.

The injured creature speeds up yet again, diving into western ditch, out of sight. The other continues it's dive towards the village. The darkness now extends well beyond the river.


2014-11-03, 02:25 PM
Graven mutters to himself as the injured one takes the dive. "Where is it going? Is it down?" As he looks at the remaining creature in the air, he gulps and takes aim. "It's coming..."

The wolf growls menacingly, in concert with Graven's words.

Graven made the blindness save, missed the shaken save; Ekal made both saves.

Looks like engagement is coming soon. Two arrows, regular:
Rapid Shot (-2/-2), Deadly Aim (-2/+4),Inspired (+2/+2), Shaken (-2), no range penalty
(Note, it's +6 and not +7 because the bracer's +1 is competence, duplicating the inspired courage)

Attack1: [roll0] Damage1: [roll1]
Attack2: [roll2] Damage2: [roll3]

Arrows remaining:
Normal: 36
Blunt: 19
Cold Iron: 19

2014-11-04, 03:32 PM
Here's hoping I roll well

The darkness... the fear... It was enough to ignite a righteous fury in Cornelius. How dare these things attack his beloved village?! Seeing the others lose heart around him, his booming voice echoes throughout the village. The scorching flames in his helmet and the tinny echo of his helm make his voice sound like an forge venting its fury.

"STAND FAST! They are naught but shadows and lies, seeking to prey on us like travelers in the night! Fear is their weapon, but it is a flimsy thing broken by the faith of men! I will not give these things the satisfaction of death. Let them run home to their dark masters with their tails between their legs! To me! TO ME!"

2014-11-04, 07:04 PM
Hearing the inspiring speech of Cornelius, Keeto stand up. He then talk to the dwarf next to him.

" Hey old friend, would you be so kind to tell me if one of those thing come near?"

Ready action : shoot in the direction Torgrym tell me when one of the monster pass near.

2014-11-04, 08:31 PM
With such a inspiring speech, Torgrym couldn't help but add...

''Well, these things don't scare me. Nothing lies in a fake nighttime that I can't slay with my axe.'' Now shouting on his left, in direction of the small militia. ''Wake up from that puny feeling of fake fear that you all seems to have and watch how the grown up saves your arses!''

Turning back to his friend, seemingly blinded, he adds:

''Stop whining and get your mind back on track! There is only one left in the air, the other is somewhere west of the village, can't see him. Keep your arrow ready, i'll tell you when to shoot''

Waiting patiently for the closest one to touch ground, Torgrym tighten his grip on his axe and shield and prepares to charge the beast.

2014-11-06, 01:28 PM

Castiel continues to sing and waits for the creatures to attack.

Holds his action.

2014-11-06, 09:52 PM
The canine in the ditch swoops up to the top of the berm and bites Thurmond. He falls to the ground, unconscious and twitching.

The one in the air swoops to the top of the gate, biting Torgrym. The darkness of the creature seeps in through the wound, getting into Torgrym's blood.

14 damage, plus a DC 16 Will save vs sickened and a DC 16 Fort save vs poisoned (1 str damage).

2014-11-07, 12:48 AM
Graven sees Thurmond go down, and instinctively fires two arrows at the encroaching beast from the west. Ekal eyes the two menacing creatures, ready to defend himself and his master against any that comes within range.

Two arrows, regular:
Point Blank Shot (+1/+1), Rapid Shot (-2), Deadly Aim (-2/+4),Inspired (+2/+2), Shaken (-2)
(Note, it's +7 and not +8 because the bracer's +1 is competence, duplicating the inspired courage)
Concealment: 1-20 miss

Attack1: [roll0] Damage1: [roll1] Concealment: [roll2]
Attack2: [roll3] Damage2: [roll4] Concealment: [roll5]

Arrows remaining:
Normal: 34
Blunt: 19
Cold Iron: 19

2014-11-08, 12:22 PM
Concealment, 1-50=miss : [roll2]

2014-11-08, 10:35 PM
Torgrym signal his battle brother to shot when the beast is almost in front of him

He's dashing to me, he's right on top of the gate Keeto, shot him!

Torgrym lets out a scream as the beast bite into his flesh.

Vs sickened: [roll0]
Vs poisoned: [roll1]
Add +2 to rolls if the creature's seeping darkness counts as poison, spell or spell-like abilities (see spoiler)
Hardy: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.

2014-11-08, 10:45 PM
Starting to feel nauseous, Torgrym lift his axe and tries to chop the beast's head while he's biting him.

''I'll chop you right off you basterd.''

(note: attack post in another post since I needed the save rolls to know the bonus/malus to apply)
+2/+2 from inspire and -2/-2 from sickened
(note: even if hardy applies, doesn't win the save)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Conceal (if necessary) 1-20 miss: [roll2]

2014-11-08, 11:02 PM
Hearing his friend get bite/clawed keeto take a step back and shoot at the thing.

" Let's get serious Torgrym, we can't let those peoples down!"

5 foot step to 53AJ
Rapid shot
[roll2] (miss=1-50)

[roll5] (miss=1-50)

2014-11-09, 11:58 AM

Still singing Castiel moves towards the creature and attacks with a spinning dancing movement.

Arcane Strike
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Add 2 to both damage and attack roll

Attack roll [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2014-11-10, 12:09 AM
Seeing Thurmond go down, Cornelius scrambles around the building to try and help him.

Double move to Z56

2014-11-11, 03:11 PM
Two of Keeto's three shots hit the thing, though they are partially absorbed by the creature's darkness. Similarly, Graven hits once and misses once.

Castiel and Torgrym both hit solidly, but they can feel the darkness slowing their strikes as they contact - Castiel's strike barely does any damage at all.

One of the dog like creatures lets out a whine and falls, motionless. The other withdraws into the air, flying effortlessly one hundred twenty feet away.

2014-11-11, 03:23 PM
Graven keeps his bow at the ready as he stares at the withdrawing beast. Once it becomes clear the beast is retreating, the ranger slowly works his way over to Cornelius and Thurmond. "How's he doing?" Graven asks Cornelius worriedly, unsure what damage the beast was able to inflict upon Thurmond.

While seeing what he can do to help the fallen comrade, Graven shivers at the thought of the beasts, and how they're able to mitigate some of the impact of his arrows.

The wolf takes a roundabout path toward the fallen beast, and takes a cautious sniff at it.

Has the shaken condition wore off with the withdrawing creature?

2014-11-11, 10:19 PM
Cornelius rounds the corner, hoping that he is not too late to help Thurmond.
Double move to W53

2014-11-12, 11:05 AM
Graven makes room for Cornelius and tries to get the militiamen to move back similarly. "Let's get that makeshift stretcher I brought in. We can use it either to move Thurmond or that...thing."

Heal check: [roll0]

Once whoever knowledgeable in these things have enough of a look, Graven wants to get some help and move that corpse downhill (south?) and out of the way. What did we do with the other baddie corpse(s)? A refuse pit where we can burn them down safely may be useful.

2014-11-12, 03:05 PM
Thurmond appears to be stable, unconscious, poisoned, and close to dead. The nearby militia see the stretcher and say "Someone should take him to Elinda's house."

2014-11-13, 12:33 AM

"This does not seem to be working." He looks and sees Thurmond. "Does he need healing?"

2014-11-14, 09:16 AM
As the beast was flying away, Torgrym looked at keeto and told him.

''He's around the same spot as where they came from. Propably somewhat at your maximum range, Think you can make the shot?''

Then, holding in his nauseating feeling, Torgrym asked around.

''Anyone can help me with that weird feeling, I think that bastard made me sick!''

2014-11-14, 09:24 AM
Keeto take a step foward and try to pinpoint the creature with the indication of Torgrym and what he can hear.

" If i wasnt blinded by this darkness this would be an easy shot. Let's try it."

5 foot step toward the creature. I have a range of 115 ft so it should be in range with no malus.
Perception (listen) if needed: [roll0]
Rapid shot:
[roll3] (miss 1-50)

[roll6] (miss 1-50)

2014-11-14, 12:37 PM
Concerned for Thurmond, Cornelius lays his gauntlet on the man's chest and prays for healing.


2014-11-14, 07:58 PM
Thurmond wakes up, shivering with the darkness still in him, and still seriously wounded. He immediately checks that the militia are all still unhurt, and then asks "What are those things? Do they explode, or do I have someone cut the head off the one lying there before it gets up again?"

2014-11-15, 12:57 AM
Graven sighs in relief as Thurmond comes to, under Cornelius's work. He shrugs in response to Thurmond's question, and looks to the ifrit. "Can you help me better understand what exactly we are up against?"

2014-11-17, 10:38 AM
Keeto manages to get his shots lined up more or less properly by listening for the creature, but one goes entirely wild because he can't see it. The other hits, but is largely absorbed by the seemingly endless darkness that pours out of the thing, and it continues to fly away.

2014-11-17, 12:23 PM
Sadly, Cornelius shakes his head in incomprehension. "The darkness of ignorance clouds my mind. I cannot illuminate you, for I do not know these things myself."

2014-11-17, 12:39 PM
Graven shrugs at Cornelius's words. "If you do not know, we should at least do whatever we think we can." He looks over at the corpse. "If more of them are to follow, we should have something in place to dispose of them. Do you think there would be any issues if we make a pit toward the south end, and pile and burn the corpses there? Perhaps we can find something to cover it afterwards as well, so that we don't accidentally fall into the pit."

Graven scratches his head as he continues. "I thought about making the ditch even further south, out of our town. But, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to be sending small groups out into the woods with the threats out there."

2014-11-17, 09:33 PM
Keeto turn to his dwarven friend.

" Since i'm not hearing you praise my skills, i'm guessing i didnt hit. We should join the other now. And i'd like to regain my sight if you have any idea about that."

Keeto wait for Torgrym to lead the way because...well, he's blind.

2014-11-18, 08:58 AM
As Keeto's arrow flew past the flying beast, Torgrym let out a small grunt. Turning to his friend, he grab his arm to lead him while containing his upside down stomach.

''Damned beast, it's been a while since i've fest sick like that. Follow me my friend, we will see if one of those buggers can help you with your eyes.''

He then led Keeto to the others, who where watching over the fallen beast.

2014-11-18, 11:21 AM
"Keeto, Torgrym, you two ok? I saw you two fight off the other one. Thanks for the help." He turns back to the fallen beast. "This one is downed, but we should probably make sure it stays down." He frowns at the dimness around him. "And hopefully getting rid of this body will help us rid of the darkness."

Someone who can do massive crit damage on an auto crit want to do the honors? If not, Graven puts an arrow into this beast's head (can coup de grace with bow/crossbow so long as the person is adjacent to the creature). Let me know if a damage roll is necessary.

Since Keeto/Torgrym are the "hired guns." Graven is assuming they are better at making a killing blow. He is respectfully offering the kill to one of you :smallbiggrin:

2014-11-18, 02:08 PM
With some bite marks on his arm still bleeding red and black, torgrym leaves Keeto in Graven's care.

''Ye don't have to ask me twice, this bastard will pay for what his friend did''

Shoving aside the ones in his way, torgrym lift his axe and chops the creature's head in half.

Damage [roll0] *3 for a total of 39 damage

Spitting at the creature sliced head, he heads back to Keeto and Graven.

2014-11-18, 07:50 PM

Castiel examines the beast. "It is an Eclipse Hound. They are hard to injure unless one is using silver weapons."

2014-11-19, 12:47 AM
As Torgrym takes care of the beast, Graven notices the bite marks on the dwarf. "That does not look too good. Mind if I take a look?" He frowns as he approaches to inspect the wound, and starts to address it.

Graven has +10 for the Heal skill, and will take 10 for Heal check 20 to take care of Torgrym.

2014-11-19, 12:07 PM
As Graven took Torgrym's arm, he was about to punch him until he saw that Graven was tending to his wound. After some time, he already felt way better.

''About time someone come to check it out. Take a look at my friend, he can't see.'' he said, looking back at the creature, he added ''That was one strange fight. I propose that we burn the beast back to where it came from!''

2014-11-19, 02:24 PM
Cornelius nods in response to Torgrym's suggestion and lifts the creature's corpse up. He makes his way to the pyre burning in the middle of the town and hurls the creature's body into the flames.

2014-11-19, 03:33 PM
Graven heads over to take a look at Keeto, but notices nothing wrong with him. "Hmm, whatever plagued him must have been temporary." With the two newcomers taken care of, Graven turns his attention to Thurmond. "Do you know if we have any silvered weapons or silver blanch stocked somewhere? Castiel mentioned these beasts are best fought with silvered weapons."

Four rounds are probably up by now for Keeto's sight to return. Taking care of Thurmond. Is it the same sickening, or is something else going on with Thurmond?

2014-11-19, 07:39 PM

"Yes, silver weapons. We could find all the silver in town and maybe make some weapons. Alternatively weapons that do more damage would likely perform better. Sadly I am not good with large weapons. I can help people fight better though and maybe use some magic on them."

2014-11-20, 08:28 PM
" My sight seem to be gradualy coming back. What a relief."

Keeto blink quickly and look around for a while.

2014-11-22, 04:23 PM
Coming back to the gate, Cornelius approaches with a jar filled with leeches and a box of medicine.

"As loathsome as these creatures are, their skill at treating poison is better than mine. Let us see if you can be cleansed of this shadowy malady, good sergeant."


2014-11-22, 04:33 PM

Castiel reaches into his belt pouch and pulls out a few silver coins. "This is all I have, but if we collect all the coins in town I bet we could make some silver weapons."

2014-11-22, 05:04 PM
Keeto look at Castiel with wide eyes ( finaly he can see!)

"....you are kidding, right? Making silver weapon require more than a bunch of silver peices. For that we need an alchemist and a blacksmith. And it take a while."

Keeto pause for a moment before continuing.

" Torgrym and me just got here, so we don't know what king of creature attacked before, but judging from the reaction of everyone here, it's the first time things like that attack, right? We can't assume we will only face that from now on. What other creatures came before we arrive?"

2014-11-22, 05:10 PM

Castiel nods. "I am not a smithy, nor do I know what resources we have. Would we need a alchemist to make arrowheads? They would not need to be strong really."

"There have been attacks of other creatures as well?"

2014-11-22, 05:12 PM
As Cornelius works on Thurmond, he says, "I am the village smith. With the amount of silver in the village, I don't I can make anything larger than a dagger.

Before these wolves came here, the village was attacked by undead twice. That is why I assumed that these were also undead, but it appears that that is not the case. I don't know whether to be glad or worried..."

2014-11-22, 05:18 PM

Castiel nods. "Then magic is what we need I guess. Do we have any idea why these various things are attacking? I can't imagine they are just coincidence."

2014-11-22, 05:27 PM
" If you were attacked by different type of creatures, we should focus to be ready for what's coming next, not to forge weapon agains a specific type. I'll go stand watch at the top of the tower, to see if anything else is coming our way. I'll let you guys decide what is our next move."

Keeto hustle to the tower and go to the top ( i don't know what kind of tower it is. There must be a ladder, a stair or something right?)

Once on top, the archer look around the village and at the horizon, to see if anything else is coming.


2014-11-22, 05:32 PM
"We only know what the late dwarf Avar told us: a wizard's tower not far from here had a massive purple explosion. No doubt some sorcery gone awry. I suspect that is the cause of all of this."

2014-11-22, 05:37 PM

"How far apart have the attacks been?"

2014-11-22, 06:46 PM
"Keeta is right. We will just have to work with what we have, if there's nothing at hand to overcome this resistance." Graven looks over in the general direction of the wizard's tower. "I wonder if it's worth playing turtle to get more information about what comes next, or if we may get more taking the hunt to the source."

2014-11-23, 09:25 AM
Being silent since the beginning of the discution, Torgrym finally speaks his mind after keeto went to the top of the tower.

''First of all, I don't think that heading in the general area of the issue if the best idea. You may still be blind but if we weren't here the village wouldn't hold two or three strikes. Lets first make sure that the village can hold themselves first if we want to head into the chaos.''

2014-11-23, 10:28 PM
Thurmond recovers from his poisoning, though he looks slightly weaker now. He says "My thanks again for the leechcraft. If we're needing scouting close in, without sending out an unreasonable amount of combat power, I could send out Linthir. He's got a hawk and he's somewhat hard to see. It's a risk, but it might be worth it."

With that, he stands down half the militia so they can get some food and rest, and gets his remaining wounds seen to - though for that he's got to wait for Elinda to finish tending to one of the pigs injured in the first attack.

2014-11-23, 10:32 PM

"What do we know about this tower and it's former resident?"


2014-11-24, 11:44 AM
Graven sighs as he considers his hometown's plight. "If they can fly, I don't know what we can really do about them making their way over our walls except what we just did." The ranger shrugs helplessly. "However, we could try to make the approach more difficult for any land bound undeads like the ones you saw." He looks to Thurmond and the group. "What do you think either of pits or a partial trench outside our northern entrance here?"

2014-12-03, 01:03 AM
"If only we had a siege engineer in town. It'd be nice to have some heavier artillery against any fliers that may come our way." Graven looks at the burnt husk of the beast as he considered their options. He looks up and considers the amount of daylight they still have ahead of them. "Will we be able to light up enough around the fort come night time? It would be hard to fight if we can't see what we're fighting."

2014-12-03, 09:33 AM
Hearing Graven mentionning engineering, Torgrym lift his head and approach the man.

I've been an apprentice some years ago. I still know my way around those work orders, even if i'm not the most knowledgeable. If you want my point of view, a balista or a giant repeating crossbow would be a good addon to the tower!

2014-12-03, 11:14 AM
Graven nods at Torgrym's suggestions. "I was just thinking a nice oversized bow would've come in handy. That's a lot like a ballista isn't it? Would it be possible to put one on an open wagon though, instead of the tower? I think the ability to move it around, especially being likely our first and only one for a while, would be useful."

2014-12-04, 07:30 PM
Seeing as Keeto wasn't giving any alert signal, Torgrym turned back to Graven with a smirk on his face.

''I'll make your doomsday weapon, get me something to write on! We could also either widen the ditch or put spikes on the sides to stop the invaders. They would either stop or be impaled.''

Mobile giant repeating crossbow: [roll0]
Fixed Balista: [roll1]

2014-12-05, 11:14 AM
Excited about the prospect of an oversized crossbow for future battles, Graven begins looking for folks to see about gathering some raw material for Torgrym.

Graven is doing his amateurish best to round up people to start moving construction of the repeating crossbow forward. I recommend we do that, rotate people for some rest, see about light for possible night time invasions, and generally try turning this peaceful town into a battle-ready fort.

Perhaps, once we know it can defend itself for an extended duration, we can see about moving towards the tower.

2014-12-08, 03:44 PM
Sighing, Cornelius agrees with Graven's suggestion. "It is becoming clear that the pits must be widened to present a clear obstacle to the invaders. I will take some of the faithful out to expand the ditches. I will stand guard over them."