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2014-09-03, 03:14 PM
Blood Will Out

Chapter One: Old Money

It was local winter on Sepheris Secundus, and the cooling ocean and heavy engines of the constant stream of the ore-haulers over the Gorgonids had whipped a high-altitude storm into existance. The gusts of wind bucked and bounced the little shuttle, and inside the inhabitants were rattled like beads in a drum. The journey had been long and dull until now, strapped into the back of a battered lighter listening to the wind outside. Now that their instructions were playing over the shuttle's vox, however, they were bucking and bouncing, the files of photographs and data-sheets they had been given jolting about on their laps as the wind roared.

"It won't be difficult at all." Ahmazzi promised. The old inquisitors voice was brusque and rasping as ever, distorted by the crackle of the vox-unit built into the shuttle's systems, volume at maximum to be heard over the wind. "In all honestly, I wouldn't dignify Constantine's ridiculous demands with a response- but when he calls in a favour, he damn well means it, and he's not wrong- his father did good work for us back in the day. So, here you are."

This seemed an easy thing to say from a warm office. Scythia opened the file, and inspected the first photograph. It was of an elderly man in expensive clothing, posed in front of a roaring fireplace. One of his hands was holding up a rich red opal like a crystal ball, the other was rested on the head of a massive black cattle-dog sat on the floor next to him. Everything about the man, from his manicured nails to his neatly-waxed mustache, reeked of wealth and privilege. His face was thin and lined- matched at a specific age by juvenat treatments, if she was any judge.

“Fabian Demetrius Andronicus Constantine, Baron of the Constantine province, owner of the thirteen opal mines of Ghormen and the nineteen thousand souls within, thirty-ninth in line to the Secundan throne.” Ahmazzi recited, reeling off the titles with studied contempt. “Lived alone in his manor house outside the village of Sahorsch, with a small group of servants, having passed most of the family affairs to his eldest son Olivier. Died three days ago, at the age of two hundred and seventy nine, preliminary coroner’s reports suggest heart attack.”

Ahmazzi coughed, and the shuttle performed a brief vertiginous drop before steadying. “Official reports will say “heart attack” too, I don’t doubt. Fabian was an old man, who barely left his chair but to hunt game in the last thirty years. Such lifestyles are well-trodden paths, and have predictable ends. However, Olivier has called, and I find it convenient to comply. That is where you come in.”

“I see no reason why it shouldn’t be a simple job. Investigate the death. Poke around the house. Meet with the family. Interview them, if it will make them feel any better. Try and avoid inflaming what I understand is already a damned firestorm of bickering. On the off-chance that anything but red meat is the reason for Fabian’s death, report it back to me. Otherwise, stay for a few days at a very rich idiot’s expense, and before you go do make a point of informing Olivier in none but the strongest terms that his majesty’s holy imperial inquisition does not run petty errands for paranoid blibbering twits.”

Another pause from the elderly daemonhunter. “Nothing to it. Ensure that you don’t annoy the family too much, they could put a crimp on my activities here- although I met them once, and throne knows one isn’t living life without annoying such people at least a little.”

“If something unusual does come up, Olivier should be able to put you in contact with me without hassle. Otherwise, I’m a busy man. I would wish you luck, but frankly I doubt you’ll need it. Ahmazzi out.”

And with that, the recording cut off. Scythia flicked through the last photographs in the file- several more identical-looking young men, a massive manor house wreathed in snow, a map of the local area- before shuffling them back into the folder. A note in the engines outside changed, and a slight lurch in their stomachs suggested that the shuttle was descending, this time in a more controlled way.

“Good timing on his part.” The pilot, a young man in grubby overalls named Feste, had the slow drawl of the northern Secundan continent. “Final approach now. Get yer things ready, i’m not staying on-station long, not in this cold.”

The landing pad was a concreted clearing amongst tall pines, the Arvus shouldering its way down to the ground amongst swaying treetops and swirling snow. Out the front windscreen, Halt caught glimpses of mountains, covered in snow and pines, stretching away as far as the horizon. The glows of open-cast mines were visible deep in the valleys, but here high on the slopes, a village of brightly-lit houses was all that broke the landscape.

The shuttle landed, and as soon as the hatch opened they were scoured by a blast of cold air, driving a thick flurry of snow into their faces. Hunched against the wind, they forced themselves across the landing pad, to where Olivier Constantine stood. Constantine was tall, rake-thin, and something approaching handsome in a cultured way. His clothes were warm and expensive, and a pair of servitors held heat-umbrellas over his head. Surrounded by swirling snow and wind, he looked as natural and casual as a man on a gentle afternoon's stroll.

"Ahmazzi's party, yes?" he shouted over the wind. "Good show. Best head back to the house, this has probably set in for some time. The rest of the family is there, plus additionals. Into the car!"

He waved a hand at a sleek red groundcar waiting at the edge of the landing pad- the top was, thankfully, raised, and a gentle haze of steam from the windows suggested the inside would be deliciously warm.

Now's a good time to describe your character, reactions to the briefing, etc, as well as meeting Olivier.

2014-09-03, 06:27 PM
To make the best first impression - both with the Constantine household, and with his new fellow Acolytes - Llewelyn was dressed in his cadet uniform, with only two weapons on show: the standard-issue lasgun, and his officer's sabre. Everything else he had brought to Sepheris Secundus (which wasn't much) had been neatly packed. He was shipping out on a mission; bringing only what he could carry and what was relevant to achieving his goals.

He sat as still as possible as the shuttle shuddered, looking for all the world as if it was the most boring thing in the galaxy. Even his expertly parted blond hair was behaving, remaining exactly how he'd combed it before they'd all boarded the shuttle. He had introduced himself, perhaps a little stiffly, but said little else; jocularity would have been inappropriate. They were, now, in the field. Maintaining composure was essential, so that they were prepared for whatever might happen next. When the recording played, he held his torso straight and paid keen attention to the Inquisitor's voice. Given the opportunity, he read the briefing documents slowly and thoroughly. Only then did the armour seem to crack a little.

"Not too tricky. Should be a blue milk run, hmmm?" His voice was friendly, and the corners of his mouth were bent into a smile - but when the others met his dark, empty eyes, there was little true humour inside.


When they landed, the guardsman quickly and efficiently shouldered his pack and practically marched across the pad to Olivier. "Lord Constantine," he shouted back. He snapped off a textbook salute, slightly spoiled by the fact that he instantly had to raise his hand to his face to block the wind directly afterwards. "Acolyte-Cadet Drusian, at your service!"

2014-09-04, 03:52 AM

Arue is dressed in her most formal clothing she posseses. her black clothing and a blueish mantle that covers her hair and shoulders. her rifle is wrapped in a cloth and strapped to her back. The rest of her combat armour and weapons are packed in her backpack. She looks utterly calm during the turbulence and rattling of the vehicle. She almost seems to enjoy the ride while she playes with some mechanical components between her fingers to pass the time. She sometimes looks at the others, exchanging a smile but then focussing on her little toys again.

When they land and the cold air and snow blows in her face, she is startled for a moment, never having seen snow in her life. She shivers and wraps her arms around her body to keep her warm. After Llewelyn saluted the nobleman she comes stand next to him and bows as it befits a young woman.

Thank you for the warm welcome, Me Lord. Acolyte Miss Arue Tadleigh at your service.

She waits a bit for the others to introduce themselves. Then when the lord invites her to the car she is the first to follow him.

2014-09-04, 02:24 PM
Scythia spent the journey watching the other acolytes, trying to work out their weaknesses with no concern for them. She wore her fur-lined hood low over her face with only her respirator unit visible. Under her cloak, the tips of her life-worn heavy boots could be seen and only the shape of her armour was visible.

As she stepped off the shuttle she answered Llewelyn in a slightly metallic voice, “Perhaps,” then as she stepped in to the car, at the back of the group, “Thank you for this opportunity, Lord.”

2014-09-04, 04:41 PM
"Oh, goodness no!" Constantine seemed almost flustered by the attention. He shook Llewelyn's hand- the firm grip of a man who took a handshake seriously- and nodded his head politely at Arue and Scythia. "Baron Constantine, as the term of address goes here on Sepheris - but don't stand on ceremony on my account! I'm sure you'll want to get out of the cold."

2014-09-04, 09:13 PM
Caelica walks slowly across the pad, taking up the rear of the group, withdrawn into a set of well-worn robes one size too large. She quietly nods to the Baron and says, "I thank you for your hospitality, sire," before taking the last seat in the car, allowing everyone else to enter before her.

2014-09-05, 12:13 AM
All in all, Halt reflected, the shuttle ride wasn't all that bad. Nevermind the fact that no one wanted to really speak.

Not that he'd helped much, in that regard. Thrown into a shuttle alongside total strangers, Halt had uncharacteristically withdrawn into a bit of a reflective silence himself. For the vast duration of the ride he played idle memory games with himself on his data-pad, or counted the number of complete syllables in each section of the briefings and compared them to one another; these little rituals soothed his faint strains of nervous energy, allowing him to better contemplate the mission ahead. As the minutes stretched into hours, however, his flickering slate would be moved to his side and its place on his lap taken by a thick bundle of bound papers and his quietly humming auto-quill. Adjusting for the worst sections of turbulence as best he could, Halt swiftly copied the electronic briefing notes to the paper, and when that too failed to occupy the trip...he began to sketch his fellow Acolytes, making no effort to hide his activities. With only the occasional blot of ink marring his hatched lines and carefully defined shadows, gentle portraits of his companions began to emerge. Llewelyn was faithfully represented in his cadet's garb, expression hinging on a smile; the assassin Arue was picked out in dark shades of blue-black ink, a still image forever frozen in tinkering with bits of metal; Caelica was made a figure of sympathy, an almost Adept-like sort in robes far too large, with her sanctioning brand more hinted at than truly recorded; even enigmatic Scythia was duly scribbled in as an imposing figure wrapped in cloth, the respirator grille taking on an ominous cast without the face to go above it.

Of course, Halt snapped to rapt attention during Ahmazzi's verbal briefing, only pausing long enough to correct or amend some of his physical notes to be more in keeping with the Inquisitor's comments. He would smile cheerfully at Llewelyn's comment, but otherwise remained quiet. Perhaps he could coax the group into a more typical introduction when they were truly alone? Immediately afterwards, he would unabashedly crane his neck to stare out the front window, the better to fix the bird's-eye view into his memory for later sketching.


His first steps onto the platform caused him to immediately regret his choice in clothing, the worn cloth of his robes all but inviting the chill in to stay. Shuffling at speed towards the groundcar, he raised a pale hand in greeting towards Baron Constantine, having to limp closer in order to be heard at all over the rising wind. "Salutations, Baron Constantine! We are all grateful for your exceeding generosity!" Unwilling to prolong a conversation in the cold, Halt would end up hesitating alongside Caelica as the rest filed into the car. When he realized that she, too, was waiting to enter the car last, a flicker of disappointment crossed his face. Without further ado, he moved into the warmth and slid onto the seats, mentally chastising himself for his childishness on a mission.

He had so badly wanted to sit next to the window.

2014-09-05, 01:11 AM
The silence suited the priestess just fine. Sitting in the shadow of the craft, rosary running through her fingers, she had spent most of the flight trying to work out why she was here. The cell, the catechisms, the occasional interrogation - her last ten years had been of a pattern both reassuring and stifling. For so long, she had prayed to be granted the privilege of serving the Emperor beyond the four walls of her little prison - yet now, with her wish granted, she found in herself only uncertainty.

A killer, a witch, a well-dressed martinet - these were the kind of agents she had expected to encounter in the Inquisition's service. A cogger, a brain-box - the two not-quite-humans were the first two she'd seen, but still, she understood they had skills an Inquisitor could use in an investigation. But me? Why me? And, more importantly - why this mission?

She could walk with confidence in the deepest pits of a Hive, preach to the poor and the needy better than most, and had even had past cause to lead an unwilling soul to forcible confession. And yet, Almazzi was sending her to walk with lords, whisper comfort to princesses and conduct reassuring interviews. It doesn't make sense.

It is only as Almazzi's voice fades from the comm-channel that she realises. This is a test. After ten years in a cell, no wonder he felt the need to put her under observation on her first mission. A 'milk-run' for her colleagues, no doubt, but the difference between further semi-captivity and a life of fruitful service for her. He still suspects my purity - the thought is a sad one, but she sees the wisdom of the Inquisitor's position. Only a fool would take in one with a background such as hers without certain precautions.

Today, I start to prove my worth, she resolves, eyes scanning over the dossier. As first missions go, babysitting a family with the brassiness to believe that service to the Emperor gave them rights over His servants would not have been her first choice. Too much nodding to the great, too little tending to the weak. But, she points out to herself as the shuttle touches down to land, it can't be any worse than another year in that cell.


The last one out of the shuttle, Maria's homespun shield-robes fall out behind her like a upper-Hiver's wedding gown as she processes down the ramp. Stepping past Caelica, she inclines her head in respectful greeting to their host. "May the Emperor bless you and keep you," she murmurs, making the sign of the Aquila. Despite herself, she is intimidated by the easy charm and clear wealth of the young man. Straightening, her discomfort translates into a hardness in her voice.

"I trust you have good reasons for calling upon His servants in this instance?"

2014-09-05, 12:23 PM
Olivier looked briefly sheepish at Maria's stern tone, before hardening. "Murder most foul, miss...?" He seemed more than a little disconcerted at the group's appearance, and Caecelia wondered briefly if he'd been expecting snappy detectives in trenchcoats and fedoras. "I have every confidence that my father was killed, and as a former servant of the inquisition all manner of heresy could be connected to his death."

He sighed, briefly, a little deflated. "Best get moving. The road might be difficult."

The groundcar was a large, modern model, big enough for the seven of them. Olivier drove with some skill, and though the snow made the road treacherous, they made good time through the forest, winding up between the pines. Above them, through the canopy, Maria saw the bright wash of the shuttle's engines as it returned to the air, streaking back towards Icenholm.

"My father's body, and the back staircase where he died, have both been preserved pending your investigation. The town doctor has had a look over the body and declared it a heart attack, but the blibbering fool wouldn't know his arse from a gunshot wound."

"Unfortunately, the rest of the family has descended on the house, with De Pfeiffel and one of his women and Augustus and his blasted dogs." He drummed his fingers on the wheel for a second, as if making up his mind. "It might be best if you weren't to mention your true colors to them. I mean- not that any of the family are in any way opposed to the inquisition... It might be unwise. Say that you're private investigators."

2014-09-06, 12:37 AM
"I agree, most wise." The car made for a more stable location, and since Halt was denied the snowy glories of the window-seat...out came his papers and auto-quill, humming and scratching as he outlined more notes. "What in particular makes you suspect this as being a murder? I trust in your suspicions, Sir, but for the purposes of information gathering...?" The Adept trails off, quill hovering mere hairsbreadth's above the page. "Was his behavior peculiar prior to his death? Did any members of your extended family, or their guests in your hospitality, give the impression that they anticipated your father's passing? Every scrap of detail could make the difference, Sir." Almost as an afterthought, perhaps remembering the very human component to their investigation, Halt murmured "I am truly sorry for your loss. If his life was taken from him, justice will be done."

2014-09-06, 02:41 AM
"Ahmazzi never had a particularly high opinion of my father." From the sound of things, Olivier didn't have a particularly high opinion of the old daemonhunter either. "My father was healthy for a man of his age. He hunted, fished, rode... he used to take walks through the mountains. He liked his red meat, yes, but he'd been given a clean bill of health just weeks before. He was on a regimen of juvenat treatments, including chemicals that help regulate the body's internal systems. A heart attack would be nearly inconceivable."

He took a little longer to answer the next question, mulling it over. Outside, a shape in the snow resolved itself as a large black bird, which swept past the car and away downhill.

"I couldn't say anyone's given me that impression, but I think you'd be better at telling than me. As for his behaviour, I hadn't been home in some time. You'd have to ask one of the house staff."

2014-09-06, 05:33 AM
Arue sits in the car a bit uncomfortable so close to other people. "First of all my condolances, mylord. I am sure he will be missed. Whatever your relations are with our employer, I will do whatever i can to clear this mystery"
She smiles warmly at the baron, impressed by his calmnes, seeing his connections with the inquisition as proof he is a loyal subject of the Emperor. "It is an honor serving you in this difficult time, mylord"
She let the rest ask the questions because Arue is not familiar with cases like this, although she doesn't want to seem unskilled so she lets the rest ask the difficult questions.

2014-09-06, 09:51 AM
Caelica quietly says from the window seat, "Did your father have any enemies? There are...Certain ways of inducing a fatal cardiac event. If someone wanted to kill him, poison has long been a classic method,"

2014-09-06, 01:16 PM
The condolences seemed to hit Olivier hard, and he made a hand gesture as if to brush them away. "Thank you... that's very kind."

"On Sepheris Secundus, line of succession is a common motive. The old adage is that if ever a Baron is killed, you arrest his first-born." Olivier met Caeceila's eyes in the rear-view mirror and smiled sheepishly. "Which would be me. If anyone stands to benefit from my father's death, it's me. However, I assure you I had nothing to do with this. For one thing, I was Baron in all but name for a very long time. All my father's death earned me was a title- the power, the decision-making, the responsibility, all mine."

The sun was low in the sky outside, bright even through the blizzard, and Olivier reached up to flip down the glare-shade. "Which makes the question of enemies hard to pin down, really. I myself have political opponents, I shan't lie to you there, but why attack my father? Even my own death would do very little- house Constantine holds almost no global power."

"There are also groups amongst the serfs that could have made the killing. My father's death wouldn't- won't- change their lot in life at all. I dare say that down in the mines, they won't even hear of it. There are groups that spread anarchy for the sake of it, but few in the area."

2014-09-06, 03:46 PM
Arue chuckles softly in a bit sarcastic way when Olivier talks about him being the only one who would profit from his fathers death. When Olivier speaks of revolting serfs you hear Arue whisper, almost growling:

2014-09-06, 04:24 PM
Scythia had already decided not to make up her mind until she had become aware of more information about the case but, as she was well versed in the methods of disposal, she suspected that the heart attack was the least likely alternative.

During the drive, Scythia was not particularly interested in conversation so, as she was next to the window, she spent the majority of the journey looking out of it, there was nothing particularly interesting to be seen apart from a brief sighting of a bird, maybe a raven, she thought.

2014-09-06, 11:58 PM
Maria takes note of the young man's mention of serfs, and Arue's response to the idea that some might resent aristocratic rule. Olivier, Olivier she thinks - you may yet regret calling some of my colleagues in. The dossiers had been clear on his liberal reformist position, and on what it had cost him and his family. This investigation may be a waste of time, she considers, but perhaps it will give me a chance to do the Emperor's work all the same.

Licking her lips nervously, Maria leans forward. "And his former career? Did he ever mention anyone or anything he might have had cause to fear?" She's sure she's not as able at this as her professionally clad peers, but if they are to go through the motions of being interested in the death they might as well do it properly.

2014-09-07, 01:50 AM
"His time with his majesty's Inquisition? Sadly, he never spoke much about what he did for them- all very hush-hush, you know. Or his time as Baron? He had a few enemies, i'm sure. House Kakalios were always particular rivals of his- when he was in power, we traced an attempt on his life back to them. Never proved it, though."

2014-09-07, 11:17 AM
Arue wiggles a bit uncomfortably. "I mean no disrespect, mylord, It is very generous of you to pick us up in person. Will the ride take long?"

2014-09-07, 01:40 PM
"Perhaps another hour? Conditions are hardly good, but once we're at the village the roads are kept clearer."

Note: I edited this post after double-checking my own map.

2014-09-07, 11:49 PM
"Yes," Maria adds hastily, "it is good of you to drive us." Truth be told, she had had no idea it was anything other than ordinary for a host to receive his guests in person. They do things differently, these who dwell under the sky. It is becoming increasingly clear to her that her time in an Inquisitorial cell had not completely prepared her for the transition to standard Imperial life.

"I do have one more question, my lord Olivier," she continues, erring on the side of politeness. "Your sister, Cassandra - will she be present? Or maybe, her mother will be?"

2014-09-08, 01:25 AM
Halt actually cuts in the moment Maria finishes, as if he's reached some sort of tipping point he can't bear to hold back any longer. His face is calm enough, but his papers have been tucked between his knees as he fishes about with his dataslate, as if hurriedly looking for something. "Are we allowed to travel your grounds, the village, etc., without necessarily having to be watched, reported, and the like? As, ah, 'private investigators', will it seem out of place to wander beyond the mansion?"

2014-09-08, 03:00 AM
"The staff have been instructed to provide you with anything you wish, and they shouldn't bar your access anywhere in the grounds. If the family object, send them to me and i'll deal with them- remember that, as offworlders, you aren't bound by the rules that serfs are. Even if you don't wish to invoke your usual authority, you are operating under mine- which, whilst within the barony, is nearly as absolute."

"The village is deceptively far from the town, though. In this weather, it could take as long as four or five hours to walk- speak to myself or one of the staff, and they can drive you down. The locals may prove rather more reticient, but explain that you're here from me and they should be able to help."

He paused for a moment, and drummed his fingers on the wheel. When he spoke again, it was with rather more care than before. "Cassandra may well be there. Of all my siblings, she was probably the one who saw my father most often. You shouldn't expect much use from her, though. Her mother is...distinctly less likely to be in attendance."

2014-09-08, 07:05 AM
Mh okay.. Arue responds to the baron. She closes her eyes for a minute and tries not to look outside, focussing on the baron and the information he gives about their mission.
So I understand your family will also be there and it would not be wise to show our true reason for staying there. I agree with this, but what do you want us to tell your family members? There will sure be questions about what this group of unknown strangers does in your mansion.

2014-09-08, 08:59 AM
Caelica, who has been thinking in silence for a while, asks, "Where is your father's corpse? Is it still where he died, or has it been moved to a morgue?"

2014-09-08, 01:12 PM
"Oh, they know you're investigating the murder. As far as they know, however, you're expensive off-world detectives, as opposed to his majesty's hand."

"My father's body is in the ice-house. I didn't want to disturb it by moving it to the hospital. I believe one of his bodyguards is keeping an eye on it."

2014-09-08, 02:03 PM
Caelica nods and says, "I see. Will you take me there, sir?"

2014-09-09, 12:17 PM
Maria, fidgetting again with her rosary, suddenly brightens up as an idea hits.

"Lord Olivier sir - is there a priest in the house currently? If possible, it would be highly useful for me to be introduced separately from the detectives, as a confessor and priest come to the family in its hour of need. Where investigations fail, confessions may yet succeed at turning up leads."

2014-09-09, 01:39 PM
Outside, the monolithic shapes of mineheads were peering over the trees above them, vast wheels and masses of machinery silhouetted against the sunset and the snow. Olivier hmmed for a moment, considering Maria's suggestion. "Sadly, the village abbot visits the house on a daily basis now, and should anyone wish to confess, I suspect they'd go to him, rather than..." He was clearly trying to find a polite way to sum up Maria's distinctly unconventional appearance- words failed him, and he made a vague gesture in her direction before turning back to the road.

They passed through the village- too fast, and it was too dark now, to see much - but Olivier pointed out the chapel (tall, domed) and the bar (one of the few spots of light around). The village was tiny, and within a minute, they were back on the road, heading now through thicker forest, the slope of the mountain ahead now blocking the setting sun. Arue settled in for an uncomfortable drive, as the car wound its way up the hill, across a narrow stone bridge perched precariously atop a waterfall, from which the vague shape of a stone watchtower was visible.

"Used to be used to defend the bridges in case of revolt." Olivier announced cheerfully to the car at large - Maria couldnt help but suspect it was to keep himself awake, the sun was definitely down now. "They'd pop a pair of sharpshooters in there, and they could hold the river until help arrived. The family sponsors a marksman's lanyard in the royal scourges in honor of it."

The forest was even more oppressive after dark, the snow whipping past in the headlights brief flashes of white against the pitch-black pines. Once, peering over Scythia's shoulder, Halt could have sworn he saw a pair of eyes glittering as the car passed, some low hunting beast- but they were gone before he saw more. Finally, the lights of a house became visible through the trees, the twists of their route passing it several times, and when they pulled up outside Arue was thoroughly ready to get out.

Constantine Manor was a sprawling building of red brick, an untidy tangle of additions and constructions added to what might once have been a C-shaped base. It was a jumble of styles- part fortification, part luxury. The windows were brightly lit, and the light spilled out across a small set of gardens, making it seem cosy and convivial in the swirling snow.


The main entrance to the house appeared to be in the crook of the C, but Olivier drove them round the side instead. Here there was a courtyard, and a low-lying stable block, part of which appeared to have been converted from a garage. At the far end of the stables, away from the house, was a second watchtower, tall and proud, and it was in the lee of this that Olivier parked.

"The boy will deal with the car." he announced, opening the door and allowing the wind to drive a flurry of snow in. "Best get inside, and have something to eat." His words fell on at least one set of death ears, though- Halt had seen the Space Marine.

Carved from dark grey stone, it was a beautifully-crafted statue. Lifesize- which for an astartes meant nearly ten feet tall, plus the plinth- he was wearing a long cloak over one shoulder, and his hands held a broadsword in front of him. The chapter insignia - a snake's skull - was lovingly recreated on pauldron and kneepad.

"Quite remarkable, isn't it?" Olivier said, over the wind. "One of the astartes that retook this world during the crusade! Or so i'm told." He drew his coat a little tighter around himself. "I say, shouldn't we head on inside?"

Breaking here for any comments on the journey or the house, and because this post is already long enough without the next bit.

If anyone wants to identify the chapter, that'll be Common Lore (Imperium) -20, or Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +10.

2014-09-09, 02:32 PM

increasingly over time Arue wiggles a bit back and forth on her spot. softly whispering to herself hmm hmm, Hush little Suzann close your eyes, you'll grow up strong and wise. Never coward and never neglect, and know the emperor will protect. When the car stops she gets out as quick as possible. Breathing in the cold air and even welcoming the cold snowflakes whirling in her face. She takes a deep breath closes her eyes, exhales and inhales again deeply. Then she looks at the mansion, although she has some experience with nobles, this house was quite big and impressive.

Once they pass the statue, she makes the aquila with both hands on her chest with her thumbs interlocked and bows her head in respect. She has no idea who the person is, but she has great respect for anything linked to the Emperor and his great deeds. Then she waits for the baron to show them in.

2014-09-09, 03:14 PM
Caelica watches the Space Marine apprehensively, and makes the sign of the Aquila as well when they pass, then follows everyone out of the car.

2014-09-10, 03:30 PM
On the road, Llewelyn stayed pretty silent. The only thing that seemed to stir his interest was the stone watchtower. "Do they see much use these days? How is the military situation?" He made a mental note to check out the Royal Scourges.


At the sight of the Astartes, the cadet let out a slow whistle. He had to resist the urge to salute. But even he was unsure of the protocol - and there probably wasn't enough room in the car anyway.

2014-09-11, 06:30 AM
The moment the car come to a complete stop Halt through his belongings into his bag and wormed his way past his fellows into the cold. He made a beeline for the statue, standing underneath its lifeless vigil in quiet awe; the rock itself seemed to carry some of the noble bearing legend ascribed to the Astartes, and the warrior's sacred power armour had been lovingly detailed. Racking his brain, though, failed to turn up anything related to Sepheris Secundus or any chapter with ophidian heraldry. Quietly chiding himself for not being better versed on the lore of Angels (he supposed that as an Acolyte, its forbidden nature no longer applied), Halt simply sighs and stares in reverence instead. After long seconds watching the statue as if it might yet move or greet the party, he utters another sigh and shuffles along at the back of the group. Perhaps I might scrounge more information from our host's library. If time allows. If nothing else, I can sketch it later.

Now trudging at the back of the party due to his detour, Halt clears his throat gently and looks at the other Acolytes before continuing. "During dinner, it might be prudent to keep conversation focused on everything save our investigation. Not that you all require warning, of course. After the meal, then, we can discuss our approach in private and introduce ourselves to each other more formally. After all, we need a better understanding of each others skills and acumen to determine the Plan." The way he said it made clear the capital 'P' hovering in the fore of the word, as if the Adept were offering praise to some abstract master scheme that all strategy derived from. "I take it you all agree?"

2014-09-11, 07:28 AM
Timesplit - During The Journey
"Since I took over, things have become rather calmer." Olivier said with a touch of pride. "And after the revolt, the scourges were re-organised. There are rather more of them near the larger mines in the valley now- in case of an emergency, they can be airlifted up here. But other areas are higher priority- still feeling the aftershocks, to be honest.

Upon Arrival
Leaning in the cold wind, Olivier lead them through the snow to a side door- even for a secondary entrance, it was grand and arched. He knocked twice, and the door was quickly opened by a moon-faced woman in black maid's attire.

"Sir, I..." she began, but Olivier had pushed past her already.

"Don't just stand there." he grumbled. "Help my guests with their coats."

They were in a tiled side passageway- with the door open it was cold, but oil-burning lamps glowed gold in wall sconces, and steam pipes running along the walls hinted at excellent heating. Next to them, a side door was ajar, showing a kitchen- opposite it was a spartan but clean cloakroom, with several sets of snowy boots lined up under a rack of cold-weather clothing.

The maid curtseyed nervously. "Sir, you said not to allow the dogs in the house, but Mister Augustus was very insistent sir..." she babbled.

"Well, Kadie, how many blasted canines now infest my halls?" Olivier gave her a stern look, and she shrunk a bit more.

"Just the one, sir, he said she had a weak heart and wouldn't survive the night in the outhouses."

Olivier sighed. "Very blasted well." He softened a little. "I'll speak to him. Help my guests with their coats."

Once they were divested of their outerwear, Olivier gave some strict instructions to the maid regarding hot drinks and plates of food, and lead the group through into what was clearly an "upstairs" area of the house- here the floor was carpeted, the walls were panelled in wood the color of red wine, and downward-facing lamps illuminated portraits of various family members, all with the distinctive golden Constantine hair. Scythia lowered her eyes to read the names and dates as she passed - Merillion, M37, Octavian, M33, Ivan, M39. The wood of the walls was warm to the touch- here in such cold climates, warming the house must be near-impossible, but Scythia suspected that a massive arrangement of hot-water pipes in the walls would be the method used here.

"The rest of the family is likely in the smoking-room." Olivier explained, leading them past a bookcase of old volumes. "I'll have some food brought through to you in there- I thought it was best for you to meet them before you started poking around. Makes a good impression." He didn't say who would be making an impression on whom.


The smoking-room was more lavishly appointed than the corridors. A wide window looked out on the forest, with a plush seat built into the sill. Opposite it was a large fireplace, blazing merrily. Above the fireplace several animal heads were mounted, plus a shield with the Constantine arms, and the rest of the walls were covered in bookcases. Halt couldn't refuse the temptation to read a few spines- they seemed to be weighty tomes on Sepheran law.

The room was not small, but felt crowded already. Olivier had not been wrong- the family was in attendance. Three lean shapes warming themselves around the fireplace were recognisable as Gideon, Reginald, and Jocasta- Reginald saw the group and muttered something, his mustache twitching. Rather less lean, De Pfieffel Constantine was sprawled on a sofa, his straw-like shock of hair contrasting nastily with the red velvet. A glass of amasec was on the end table next to him. With one hand he was demonstrating something complex and sweeping, with the other he was exploring the knee of his companion, a young woman in horn-rimmed spectacles and a sensible skirt. She seemed far more interested in the group than he was- he hadn't even noticed their entrance, while she was giving them a long appraising look.

Next to her was Demetrius, his sad weasel's face looking distinctly uncomfortable, and the opposite sofa was shared by Augustus and a massive black dog. Augustus had his shirt open and one foot in long leather boots on the coffee table, as if someone was photographing him. The dog, chest-high if it was an inch, had its chin on its paws and was enjoying having it's ears scratched.

Notable by its absence was the straight black hair of Cassandra- Olivier cast around briefly for her, before turning to the acolytes.

"I'll allow you to introduce yourself, shall I?" he asked quietly. "Kadie will bring food in in a minute- I should check on my sister."

2014-09-11, 12:39 PM
As Scythia walks in, she ignores Kadie completely, places her snow-covered and slightly damp coat on a hook and removes her boots, revealing longer robes that covered her feet, they had clearly been pinned to the fur-lined robes for an extended period of time and appeared to be made from a heavier fabric.

Upon walking into the smoking room, she greets all the present members of the Constantine family, and De Pfieffel's guest in the same manner as she first introduced herself to Olivier.

After her introductions, she moves to the back of the group and waits for the others to make their introductions, and makes a slight comment under her breath about the body language and expressions of the members of the family, "Are we taking up space?", only the other members of the group hear her.

2014-09-11, 02:33 PM
Llewelyn ignored the servant - not out of rudeness, but simply because she was working, he had nothing to do with her, and they had no reason to distract each other.

When he entered the drawing room, and the eyes of the assembled gentry turned to him, his first instinct was - again - to salute. When his hand was halfway up to his head he remembered that they were posing as private investigators, so he turned the motion into an awkward wave. "Sirs, madams. Private - ah, Investigator Drusian." This was not going well. "At your brother's, and your own, service."

Protocol followed, Llewelyn stepped sideways to try to get out of the focus of attention, though he remained standing to attention, staring blankly forward and waiting to be addressed by one of his betters.

2014-09-11, 05:05 PM

When entering the house, Arue takes off her coat and the mantle that covered her hair and hands it over to Kadie with a smile and a nod, touching her hand sleightly when she receives the coat in like she comforts the maid when no one will notice it. Then she walks with the rest ignoring the maid for remaining time she is with them. Her long wavy brown hair falls on her shoulders and she suddenly looks way more mature then in the car. She seems to have found herself again and however she is not that tall she looks good with her kind of luxuous clothing.

When She enters the smoking room she looks around making a curtsy shyly smiling. Arue Tadleigh at your service my lords, my lad.. uh ladies She blushes a little looking at the girl with the to her seeming inapropriaty skirt, wondering if she might have made a mistake. All her confidence seems to have melted away again. She moves a little towards the fireplace to warm herself and trying to get the attention away from her while the others introduce themselves.

2014-09-12, 05:31 AM
The assembled family gave the group their full attention- which from many of them, didn't seem to be very much. Gideon and Reginald inclined their heads politely, and returned to their discussion, while those sat on the sofas were a little more forthcoming.

"These would be your investigators, what." De Pfeiffel said- despite the interrogative, it wasn't a statement. He eyed them up briefly. "Bally strange group, no?"

He extended a hand in their vague direction. "De Pfeiffel Constantine. Jolly nice to meet you."

"Where did you collect these from?" Augustus drawled, running his eyes over the group in a way that sent an uncomfortable shiver up Arue's spine- even the man's gaze felt oily, though his lips twitched in a half-hidden smile. "A member of the mechanicus, too? You do intend to be rigorous, don't you?"

"Yes." Olivier seemed very uncomfortable. "I do. Do you know where Cassandra is?"

"Moping somewhere, I would imagine." Augustus waved a lazy hand in the approximate direction of 'the rest of the planet'. "Writing bad poetry in a bed of roses, or something." De Pfeiffel let out a porcine snort of laughter, but his companion seemed less amused.

"Cassandra is in the library, I think" she offered, tucking a lock of rose-red hair behind her ear. "Said she wanted to be alone."

"So just as I said." Augustus drawled, taking another sip of Amasec.

A quick check on Arue's actions- heading to the fire will almost inevitably take her into conversation with Reginald, Gideon, and Jocasta, and I wanted to be sure that was her intention before plowing ahead.

Twenty-five bonus XP to the first person to guess my reference for De Pfeiffel!

2014-09-12, 08:06 AM

Hello, Sirs, ma'am. I'm sorry for your loss. She waits for the three to respond, not wanting to interrupt their conversation more than needed, just waiting for a moment to join in.

2014-09-13, 04:23 AM
Already awed by the scenery and the manor-house, the Astartes statue actually serves to make Maria feel slightly more at ease. This world might be different from hers, its inhabitants more refined and its manners incomprehensible – but it too belonged to the Emperor. She stares up at the bulk of the divine warrior, pressing the rosary to her lips, and feels her body relax. He is with me, even here.

Hurrying after the others, she nods kindly at Kadie before entering the warmly lit room.


“Maria Lusana, Confessor,” she murmurs as introduction, bobbing a neat curtsey. With the image of the statue in her mind, the etiquette lessons she read before departure come back to her with ease, and she inclines her head respectfully to the room. Relaxing into the centre of the room - it's almost like being in a pulpit, really, she beams warmly at Augustus and Pfeiffel. "It is a pleasure to meet the both you. And your friend, miss - ?"

2014-09-13, 06:21 AM
"Carys Callaghan." She stood, extended a hand to Maria, and flashed her a broad smile. "Secundan Sphere. Our readers are fascinated by this speculation on the late Baron's death- care to comment?"

"You aren't here on business, Carys." De Pfeiffel complained. "Sit down and have another drink."

"I'm always on business, dearest. Wherever there's a story."


Gideon turned to her, and raised his glass politely. "Ms Tadleigh. I must admit, I was expecting something rather different from an investigative team." He gestured at the three, making his introductions. "Gideon Constantine- my brother Reginald- my sister Jocasta." Reginald bowed his head briefly, Jocasta tipped hers back a little to more effectively look down her nose. "A tragedy, yes. But old men die, Ms Tadleigh, as do we all. He lived a rich life, and we should not forget that just because it ended."

"Quite." Reginald murmured, taking another sip of amasec. His eyes were fixed on the rifle that protruded over Arue's shoulder. "I say, that's a fine weapon, isn't it? Mind if I take a look?" He placed the glass on the mantlepiece, and cleaned his hands with a handkercheif. "I'm something of a connosier for weapons."

If Arue isn't wearing her rifle openly, then discount that last paragraph. Reginald is going to wax lyrical about it if you give him a chance- some people are very finicky about their weapons, so feel free to describe it and do some "weapon talk" before I get the chance.

2014-09-13, 09:08 AM
Caelica quietly says, "Can someone drive me to the morgue? I'd go myself, but I don't know where it is."

2014-09-13, 01:18 PM
"My father's body is in the ice-house." Olivier muttered back to her. "It's through the other side of the kitchen. Ask one of the staff, they'll let you in."

2014-09-13, 01:26 PM
Caelica nods and says, "Thank you," as she leaves the nobles to their nobling, and walks towards the kitchen, looking for someone to let her into the icehouse.

2014-09-13, 02:26 PM
The weapon is wrapped in cloths, but you could recognize it as one if you got the eye for it.

Oh, i'm sorry Arue murmles, discovering the weapon on her shoulder as wel, feeling rude bring it into a living area. When Reginald continues she feels releaved when she notice it is not a problem. yes ofcourse mylord. It is a fine hunting rifle. Nothing very special about it though, my father gave it to me and it served me wel. She takes the rifle of her shoulder and unwraps the cloth. The weapon is very neatly polished as Arue likes to keep her weapons in good condition. She hands the weapon over to the brawny man. I had this scope made for this rifle, it's very good for hunting uh animals she smiles a bit sheepish.

She turns to Gideon while Reginald takes a look at the weapon. I hear you own quite the colection of books. I would very much like to see it sometime. I know it is not really work related she looks questioning at the man But I love books, although I never had too many books of my own, I.. if it is not too much to ask, I mean am here for your father and the barons request in the first place ofcourse. She smiles at Gideon with big eyes.

2014-09-14, 01:26 AM
Smiling pleasantly at the maid, and while thanking her for taking their things, Halt suddenly pauses and snaps his fingers. "Kadie, are you literate? Can you read?"

If the answer is a 'Yes', resounding or meek, he'll take an extra moment to rip out a small piece of paper and scribble something down hastily. It would be passed into her hand even as he rushed along to catch up with the main body of the group. If it was a 'No', Halt would sigh and run along.

"Meet with my compatriots and I at our rooms during the night, whenever is convenient. Burn this note."

Quietly frustrated that no other Acolyte had even acknowledged him or his suggestion, Halt manages to force a genial grin on his face as he finally shuffles into the room. While not quite sure where to begin, and unwilling to simply fade into the background as his comrades began to ingratiate themselves, he squared his bony shoulders and wandered nearer to the fire. After all, from here, he at least had a better view of the bookshelves...

"It's a pleasure to meet you all! Halt Taillé, at your service and your family's." His hand was extended warmly, eyes slowly traveling between Jocasta, Reginald, and Gideon in his best attempt to be polite. It was a great effort not to simply shudder in revulsion and bury his head in a comforting book about the subtle variations of tort law on Sepheris Secundus, and he was almost certain that he'd spied a delicious looking volume of mining administrative regulations tucked on one of the far shelves. For whatever reason, Olivier's family made him feel uncomfortable, as if they were crooked portraits that he wouldn't be allowed to straighten.

2014-09-14, 09:38 AM
Smiling pleasantly at the maid, and while thanking her for taking their things, Halt suddenly pauses and snaps his fingers. "Kadie, are you literate? Can you read?"

Kadie nodded politely, folding his coat over her arm. "Yes, sir."

The Ice-House
Caecelia retraced her steps to the kitchen, and found the maid Kadie in there, stacking meat and bread rolls on a tray. Behind her, a massive, burly man in an apron was washing down a cast-iron range. The kitchen smelled overpoweringly of cooked meat, with a roaring fire in one corner and high cupboards around the walls- heavy oak tables were strewn with various bits and pieces of cooking equipment, and more hung from ceiling hooks.

"The ice-house?" Kadie asked, as the man in the apron looked over his shoulder at them. "Through the door on the other side of the room, and across the corridor."

Following her advice, Caecelia found the door to be large and metal, rather than the usual wood. A skinny man in the livery of the royal scourges was leaned against the wall next to it, eating what appeared to be a bacon sandwich, and he straightened up as she approached. One hand shot out to the side to grab his rifle- instead, he managed to knock it over. Ignoring that, he pulled himself into the "attention" posture.

"Nobody allowed in to see the Baron. Baron's orders."

A pause.

"Nobody allowed in to see the old Baron. New Baron's orders. Is what I meant."

The Smoking-Room
Reginald took the rifle with every sign of reverence. "A fine piece. And excellent work with the scope- suits the stylings of the original well. It does hurt me so to see clumsy additions bring down the talent of the later gunsmith."

He tucked the stock into his shoulder briefly and sighted down it. "You say you use this for hunting? Perhaps you'll have the chance to join me for a hunt some time soon. The game in these woods is quite impressive."

Gideon seemed a little put out by Arue's request. "And where do you hear that from, mmm?" There was a moment, and then he smiled. "It's no secret. But sadly, my collection is far away in Icenholm- do drop by, if you're in the neighbourhood."

He looked around at the bookcases lining the walls. "Father always promised me my pick of the family tomes when he passed on. I doubt we've anything as organised as an inventory."

OOC: Anyone who wishes to accompany Caecelia, do so. I'm not spoilering the Smoking-Room scene, since I think it's important that you all meet the family OOC, if not IC.

2014-09-14, 11:34 AM
OOC: Not being at all interested in the affairs of the nobles, Scythia quietly leaves the room, following Caelica

Scythia begins to reach for the knife under her cloak, then decides against it, choosing a different tactic to view the corpse.

"Actually, we work for the Baron, could we pass through?"

2014-09-14, 11:49 AM
Caelica nods and says, "Indeed. We were told to by the young Baron to examine his predecessor's body to see if there was any sign of foul play."

2014-09-14, 01:02 PM
"Oh." the scourge said, looking from one woman to the other. "Oh! The Baron's investigators! Yes, sorry."

He pulled a key from a ring on his belt and unlocked the door. "I warn you, it's cold in there."

And it was. As soon as the door was open, a blast of cold air shocked them- without their winter coats, in seconds they were shivering. The scourge's jacket seemed to be warm enough, but Scythia noticed him ram his hands firmly into his pockets as he stepped aside to let them enter.

The ice-house's construction reminded Caelica of a greenhouse, for growing plants on planets with a more temperate climate. They were outside, in a rough oblong room constructed by stacking bricks of ice for the walls, with frequent gaps to allow the cold air to pass through. It was nearly freezing here, and the meat that was hung up to chill was coated in a tracery of ice-crystals. Several haunches of Grox dangled from hooks, and the lid was off a crate marked P. Devlin: Finest Butchers, allowing them to see a pile of steaks divided by thin paper.

The corpse of Fabian Constantine was on a metal table in the center of the room. He was lain on his back, naked, covered from the neck down in a white cloth, on which slight bloodstains were visible, soaking through from the autopsy wounds on his chest. The heart attack clearly hadn't been a peaceful way to go- his fingers were contorted into rough claws, and his face was twisted, as if in terror.

2014-09-14, 01:35 PM
Caelica shivers when the door is opened, but slowly walks in and starts examining the late Baron's corpse.

Medicae to check for signs of foul play: [roll0] vs. 34

2014-09-14, 02:35 PM

She smiles a bit clumsy at Gideon and blinks a few times, a little nervously pulling her hair behind her ear. Then she catches her breath:
I didn't come here unprepared mylord. But no worries I only heard good things about you. People seem to have a very high regard of you.

Seeming more relaxed turning to Reginald now she sais: If I got time I would very much like to, I think it will also be part of the work getting to know you all better, so a little hunting wouldn't hurt. If his lordship would be okay with that, I don't want to neglect my duties to him, you understand.. She looks over to Olivier then turns to Jocaste. I hear milady is also a sportshunting enthousiast? She smiles at the woman in an attempt to involve her in the conversation.

2014-09-14, 10:38 PM
Spirits flagging, Halt's hand slowly withdrew and slumped to his side. He reflected that it might have been presumptuous for a scribe to attempt to introduce himself on equal footing, even if he was ostensibly an investigator. "...My comrades and I won't be intrusive, I hope. I'm glad to see that you've all come together in such a difficult time. It speaks well of you."

I can't be faltering this early. What am I doing wrong?

2014-09-15, 05:24 AM
Gideon shook Halt's hand, although Reginald was still admiring the rifle. "We have our differences, but this family does know how to pull together in extremis." He caught the adepts eye, and smiled kindly. "A man for literature, eh? You should see the family library. Three volumes of a first edition Ravenor, you know. Puts my own collection to shame."

Jocasta gave Arue a long, analysing look- Arue couldn't help but feel that the woman was lining up a killshot. "I do, I suppose." She yawned, covering her mouth with a gloved hand, and broke the target lock. "When one can manage it. It shan't be the same without our own horses, though. They just don't respond so well to strangers, you know."

Another yawn, and her gaze returned to Arue. "Do you ride... at all?" The pause seemed calculatedly insulting. Of course you don't, it said.

The Ice-House
Drawing back the shroud, Caelica set to inspecting the body. Several long incisions had been made for the autopsy, but there seemed to be no other signs of anything untoward, as far as she could tell from her quick inspection.

"The doctor already did that." The scourge said helpfully. "He said he'd be back tomorrow to meet the investigators."

2014-09-15, 07:59 AM

Noticing the insult, she very carefully keeps smiling not submitting to her snobbish reaction.

I lived most of my life aboard a frigate serving under a distant relative of yours, one Garibaldus Constantine. After we became steerless in space, we survived for many years isolated from the known world. I fought several battles there, but no we did not have horses there. A ship is not a place for such beautiful animals. She does not seem insulting at the yawning lady, but certainly speaks at a tone that implies: I am not some peasant. They are magnificent creatures though. After I came back to the sector I most of the time took care of my daughter, so I had no time for horses. I would love to see them though, or even try to ride one if you would do me the honor of showing me how. She tilts her head a little to the side but before there would be an awkward silence she turns to Reginald again.
Mylord She scooches a little closer to him. Look at the buttstock, the size is a little small, so ti fits my shoulder perfectly. I am not sure if it was done on purpose. I also carved some lithanies in the barrel during my time in the war. She shows him the specific pieces, happy they have something in common to talk about.


2014-09-15, 10:28 AM
Jocasta raised an eyebrow imperiously, and didn't deign to answer.

Reginald leaned in close to inspect the modifications. "Customised, mmhmm? I'm curious, though, what is there to hunt aboard ship? I assume vermin, but that's hardly the same." The last few words were modulated by a genial chuckle.

This is where that failed Charm test comes in, I think- Jocasta isn't impressed by the horsey talk.

After we became steerless in space won my shouldere survived for many years isolated from the known world.

I admit, i'm confused by this sentence, particularly the shouldere bit?

2014-09-15, 04:14 PM
haha, heretics make good targets too Arue jokes. She looks at the door noticing not all the acolytes are here anymore and also in aticipation of Kadie. She is rather hungry and thirsty too, and the cold weather made her longing for somethign warm to eat.
If I may ask, mylord Reginald, sir, What did the baron tell you all regarding our presence and work here?

Wel i had it coming. I think it is very interresting to have someone not liking me especially because Arue and me as wel, are not really fond of Jocaste already gehe, we'll see where it goes. Provides some nice roleplay challenges and interactions for the future :smallsmile:

2014-09-15, 05:33 PM
"You mean to tell me this isn't a library? The late Baron must have been an exceptional soul to accord such respect for knowledge. It's a shame that I'm here under such inauspicious circumstances, or I would give these books the sort of thorough reads they deserve." Smiling a little awkwardly, Halt sighed and shrugged. "Nature of the task, and all that...at any rate, now isn't the time for me to dwell on my assignment! Tell me, what comprises your collection? I'm suspecting a man of such obvious erudition and supportive family can lay claim to a great deal of rare tomes." For now, he'd just focus on feeling out Gideon and trying to establish a rapport. After all, the man was at odds with Olivier, and technically was vying for the same dead man's shoes.

Of course, he wouldn't mind getting to talk about books with someone who truly appreciated them. That alone might have been worth the trip, regardless of Gideon Constantine's potential guilt.

2014-09-16, 07:34 AM
Scythia inspects Fabian's corpse, paying close attention to his expression and any wounds on his frontRoll versus Scrutiny[roll0] Scythia turned her head slightly, her expression that of confusion, "Unusual for autopsy scars to bleed" she thought.

2014-09-16, 09:31 AM
"And did you get many of those aboard ship?" Jocasta drawled, not really looking in Arue's direction. Reginald shot her a quick scowl.

"Play nice, Joccie." he warned. "As for what we were told... very little. Our dear brother has always had rather more concern for his own grand schemes and cleverness than our assistance and opinions. I'm given to understand that you are... private investigators? Of a sort?" He tapped his fingers on Arue's rifle. "An unusual sort. But, 'tis not mine to disagree with Olivier's methods. If there's any assistance that we can provide, please let me know."

Gideon looked around at the smoking-room's bookcases. "Oh, I'm rather an eclectic collector, I must say. Few themes- really, primarily what takes my fancy. My specialty, however, is old books. My most prized possession is a first edition of Kintyre's Light, volume nine- printed on terra itself, in the thirty-third milennia. It has to be kept in stasis, for its protection."

"Many of these books belonged to my uncle, or my grandfather and his siblings. My father, sadly, never really appreciated the value of knowledge- he was always a rather more... decisive leader. Until Olivier took over." He sighed a little sadly. "Hopefully the title itself will persuade my brother that sweeping schemes and sudden alliances are all well and good, but only backed up with understanding."

"Are you talking about the Ulbrexis situation?" A small man that Halt recognised as Demetrius had appeared at Gideon's elbow. The two men shared a physical similarity, but beyond that it would have been hard to mark them as related. Where Gideon was suave and cosmopolitan, Demetrius was small and nervous- while his brother looked like a leader of men, Demetrius looked vaguely like some small animal, mortally offended. "Because I'm sure the subtleties of the Ulbrexis situation are lost on us without the privilege..."

"But the aftermath is not." This seemed to be a conversational path Gideon had trod before. "The family prestige was badly damaged and while I have every respect for Olivier's skills, one must admit... ah! Your food has arrived." And it had. Balancing a pair of trays and a small stack of plates and cultery awkwardly, Kadie the maid was negotiating her way through the doorway. Olivier held it for her, and then slipped out as she placed them on a side table- a tray of meat, in the roasted Secundan style, plus a second tray of fruits and vegetables. (Secundan vegetables were, it seemed, bone-white, and looked singularly unappetizing.)

Nothing for the ice-house, at the moment- that's a failed test from Scythia.

2014-09-16, 01:56 PM
Caelica nods and says, "You're right. I almost missed that. Nice catch."

2014-09-17, 08:06 AM

Unusual, yes, but taken from all different kinds of disciplines and wel trained in this sort of thing.

She looked at the maid bringing in food and immediatly went to the table to get herself a plate with meat and fruit, avoiding the bone white vegetables as much she could and went back to Reginald

Mh! this tastes good.

I don't want to be demanding, After dinner I would like to retreat to the sleeping quarters. I have had a long trip and I am a little tired. I don't want to be rude, your hospitality is very much appreciated. I think it is better I recover my strenghts for tomorrow.
She looks at Gideon most of the time, she sees him as the one who would allow her to dismiss herself.

Oh, Mister Reginald, sir. Can I.. she looks at her rifle a little hesitating to ask it back from the nobleman who seems to like it so much.

2014-09-17, 10:31 AM
"So it has! I think I'll avail myself of some; excuse me, gentlemen." Leaving Demetrius and Gideon to argue, he'd shuffle over to the tray and fix himself a rather modest portion of fruits and vegetables, notably avoiding the meat as he selected the choicer specimens of flora. If possible, he'd take the rest of the time to briefly introduce himself to the rest of the family between picking at his food; nothing drawn out, so much as a smile, a nod, and a name. Recognition might be important later on. After he was finished and had allowed a few minutes for the meal to set, he'd quietly excuse himself from the room and ask the first servant he came across to direct him to the guest quarters.

After arriving at his Cell's quarters, Halt would busy himself checking over his equipment until everyone arrived; ensuring his auto-quill was calibrated, checking the action on his Ius before loading it and placing it back into his bag, and giving the dossiers another once over. When his fellow Acolytes had all arrived, he'd attempt to introduce himself a touch more formally. "My name is Halt Taillé. Perhaps we should introduce ourselves and our areas of expertise, before going any further? I, myself, am skilled in forensic examination and technical interfacing with machine spirits."

2014-09-17, 03:32 PM
"Oh! Of course." Reginald said, handing the rifle back. "My apologies. A fine piece; i'll have to get one of my own."

2014-09-17, 06:06 PM
Llewelyn took a large plateful of meat, and a few pieces of fruit. You never knew when the next meal in the field was going to come. "Sir, Ma'am," he said to anyone he ended up eating beside. "Drusian. At your service." The cadet did not feel he had much to add to the conversation. Instead he merely listened, and committed details to memory. The only thing that stirred a response was the mention of Ulbrexis. That raised an eyebrow.

As Halt was leaving, he looked around and frowned. "Excuse me. Your brother, and half-sister - are they returning?"

Olivier and Cassandra haven't turned up, have they? If so I'll edit and switch to the later meeting.

2014-09-18, 12:18 AM
"Cassandra? Never did like to socialise much." De Pfeiffel announced. "And as for our dear brother, I assume he's found some excuse to avoid us."

"I can't imagine why." Augustus drawled. Beside him, the dog had raised it's head and was giving Llewelyn a warning look, ears back, and a low growl rumbled in it's throat. Augustus turned to it sharply and barked a command in high gothic. "Arista! Subsisto!" The dog settled it's head back on its forepaws and ceased the growl- though it continued to look at Llewelyn with distrust.

2014-09-18, 04:50 AM
I'll just say I found my way to the quarters :)

When Halt arrives at the quarters, Arue is already there sititng on a bed. het backpack is laying besides her on the matras. She is already wearing her nightdress She is polishing her riflle, partially disassembled, with a piece of cloth. She hums a unfamairly tune but stops when Halt enters the room a little surprized he is here also already

You tired as wel? she sais skittish.

She quickly assembles the rifle again wraps it in cloths, lays it under her bed and then answers Halt.Hi, my pleasure. I am Arue, as you can see I am a long ranged and infiltration specialist. Sorry the trip was tiring, I will be in better condition tomorrow after a good nights sleep.

2014-09-18, 09:59 AM
"Of course. But Lord Constantine did say he was only going to check on her - I thought that would mean he'd return." It was not ideal for a VIP to disappear during an active mission. Especially if there was any weight to his belief in foul play. "Excuse me."

Llewelyn left the smoking room and began to quickly search the vicinity for Olivier, hoping a servant might point him in the right direction.

2014-09-18, 10:09 AM
The Library
Kadie rattled off a list of instructions, and Llewelyn followed them up a flight of servant's stairs, to arrive at the library via a doorway that was almost hidden between a pair of bookshelves. The library was spacious- two levels of most of a wing of the house - and surprisingly slapdash, with books not in the regimented rows of the smoking-room, but shoved higgledy-piggledy onto bookcases, piled high on tables, and stacked on spindly chairs- there seemed to be about twice as many of them as the shelf space strictly allowed.

Olivier was sitting, entirely unharmed, at a broad mahogany table in the center of the room, poring over a broad volume of portraits with a young woman with a mass of dark hair. Hearing the door open, they turned- the woman gave Llewelyn a dark look, while Olivier smiled, a little embarrassed.

"My absense has been noted, I see?" he chuckled. "This is my sister Cassandra. Cassandra, this is... one of the investigators." Llewelyn had the feeling the baron had forgotten his name.

OOC: And who would do that? :smallredface:

2014-09-18, 10:24 AM
Llewelyn in the Library
This time the hand only got to hip height before the cadet remembered not to salute. "Llewelyn Drusian, ma'am. At your service."

He nodded deferentially to the baron. "Uh, yessir, but mostly by me." He coughed awkwardly. "Not that I'm telling you what to do in your own home, my Lord, but if we're treating this as an active co- crime scene, my training says we don't let the ... mark ... wander off by themselves." He gave what he hoped was a conciliatory smile and shrugged, to make the lasgun on his back shift from side to side.

2014-09-18, 10:35 AM
Cassandra smiled very briefly at Llewelyn, and turned back to her book of portraits. Olivier raised an eyebrow.

"The "mark"." He was still smiling, just about. "I'm afraid I'm not aware of the terminology here. Am I a suspect?"

2014-09-18, 10:54 AM
The Library

"Nosir!" Llewelyn went stiff as a board. "The target, sir, of foul play or enemy action. The objective, in military terms." He remained rigid as thoughts raced through his head. Up to this point, he'd discounted the baron himself as a suspect, if his murder idea even held water - but if the cell were to treat that possibility seriously, he realised, Olivier would have to be near the top of their list of suspects ...

2014-09-18, 12:11 PM
The Library
Olivier thought about it for a moment, and sighed. "I considered the possibility that I was a potential target. It's a rather different matter when it comes from someone else though."

"I'll get the family guards to keep watch outside my room tonight. In future, i'll ensure that I'm escorted either by them or by yourselves at all times." He sighed. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. The damn Scourges couldn't find their arses with both hands and each other's help."

2014-09-18, 12:27 PM
The Library

A civvie being properly paranoid and expecting the worst? This was something of a pleasant surprise. Llewelyn tried not to let that show on his face, although he couldn't help nodding quickly in appreciation. "As I said, my Lord, that's the way we're trained. Take all necessary precautions. On that note ..." Llewelyn pursed his lips in thought. "As an outsider I do not mean to disparage the ability, or loyalty, of your guards, but I would encourage you to select them carefully. My Lord."

2014-09-18, 02:39 PM
"Speculation?" Maria raises an eyebrow. "The paterfamilias of a great House has departed, and whilst appropriate care is being taken with the inquest, there is no speculation I am aware of." She smiles, with real warmth. "I wouldn't read too much into Olivier's decision to invite us. In many places, it is virtually protocol to involve experts additional to local medicae when a great man has passed. We've only been invited here just in case."

As the conversation moves on, Maria falls back to the food, tucking in with gusto. It's several minutes before she realises that most of her fellows have disappeared. Cassandra and Olivier too seem to be missing, so, making her excuses, Maria slips out, setting off for the library.

2014-09-18, 04:50 PM
Carys seemed to pay particular attention to Maria's words, as if hoping to quote them verbatim later, but they clearly satisfied her. "Well, clearly i'm mistaken. I look forward to your results."

She smiled again and turned back to De Pfeiffel, leaving Maria to wonder what she meant by that.

The Library
Olivier seemed to think on that for a moment- Cassandra looked up again, glancing over Llewelyn's shoulder as Maria entered, via the same servant's route Llewelyn had taken. She gave Maria an even longer, harder look before turning back to Olivier. "You should choose who you trust very carefully. Anyone you trust. Not just the Scourges." Her voice was surprisingly mellifluous, but the undertone was hard to miss. She shot another dark look at the two acolytes before standing, gathering the book of portraiture to her chest. "More blood will be spilled before this is done... and these people stink of it."

And with that she turned and started striding away towards the door. Olivier turned to follow her, appalled. "Cassandra! You can't speak like that!"

When they headed to the rooms that had been set aside for them, they found a trio of neat bedrooms with connecting doors between them, and views down over the stables and the statue of the astartes. The rooms weren't as opulent as the rest of the house, but they were comfortable and expensively furnished-testing out the mattress, Halt found it to be goose-down, and deep enough to swim in.

OOC: Library people, feel free to timesplit- nothing significant is going to change, there's no gribblies to jump out of the walls at you. They don't need to.

2014-09-18, 06:03 PM
The Library

"She speaks sense, my Lord," said Llewelyn coolly. "From her perspective, we've done nothing that proves we're trustworthy. Disagree with the tone, or the details, but I would echo her message. My Lord," he finished, lowering his gaze, hoping he hadn't overstepped his boundaries.

He nodded to Maria in camaraderie.


The rooms

In the assembled bedrooms, Llewelyn snapped off an extremely cathartic salute for the rest of the cell. He gave a coprophagic grin. "Officer Cadet Llewelyn Drusian, formally and formerly of the Guard. General combat and ordnance expertise, you might say. And I can read and drive."

2014-09-18, 06:21 PM
Caelica sits down on one of the beds and says, "Caelica Noness. Psyker, for what good it does me."

2014-09-18, 06:28 PM
Llewelyn's eyebrows nearly jumped off his face. A spate of uncontrollable blinking ensued as he struggled to keep his expression in check. "Right," he said by way of acknowledgement.

2014-09-19, 02:08 AM
LibraryMaria tries to stifle her surprise over Cassandra's rushed departure. I hope it wasn't anything I did. It's a shame - she'd wanted to get a look at Cassandra's portraits - but at least nothing untoward had occurred. No gribblies amongst the bookshelves.

"In the end, trust in the Emperor and He alone," she murmurs, returning Llewellyn's nod like for like. "Is there something wrong?"


Maria pokes her head around the door from the neighbouring room. "A psyker?" she asks. "Any good with mind-reading? There's something Cassandra said about me 'stinking with blood', I'd be curious to find out if she has the Talent.

"I'm Maria Lusana," she adds, her face serious. "Imperial missionary. I take confessions and help the guilty along the road to absolution - although, to be honest, I've been doing it mostly from a cell for the last decade. All this... finery is a bit new to me."

2014-09-19, 03:05 AM
"Cassandra has always been a little odd." Olivier said, fuming. Behind him, the main doors to the library slammed. "She's never usually this rude, though. Please don't take it personally." He seemed more than a little embarrassed by his half-sister's actions.

2014-09-19, 05:46 AM
The Library

"Sir. These are difficult times for your family. We won't be easily offended."

OOC: Ready to leave the Library and rejoin the others, but will wait for Maria.


"Interesting bunch, these Constantines, hmm?" Llewelyn said conversationally. "I mean, typical aristos, really. A few hot heads we might have to navigate around. So!" He clapped his hands and rubbed them together in enthusiasm. "Thoughts on the case? Did you get a look at the stiff?" he asked Caelica.

2014-09-19, 09:05 AM
Without ceremony, Halt shifted a good foot or so along his bed to add crucial distance between himself and Caelica. Rude, yes, but ultimately practical. "Hmph. Priest, guard, witch, executioner and quill-pusher. And our quiet friend from the shuttle, with the respirator grille." Raising his eyes to look over the rest of the assembled group, his next words caught in his throat as he fully processed Llewelyn's question, as if something noxious had wandered into his mouth. "The 'stiff'? Wait. You've already examined the corpse?!"

2014-09-19, 11:25 AM
Caelica glares at Halt and says, "Why yes, I did. We actually have a life, before the black ships come, and I was a medic." She sighs, shaking her head, and continues, "Sadly, however, short of a few autopsy wounds that seem to have somehow bled, I wasn't able to find anything. Though, it seems likely that the late Baron was paralyzed, then died during his autopsy, seeing as bleeding is a definite sign of life, or recent death."

2014-09-19, 11:52 AM
Llewelyn cocked an eyebrow. "Then our dear Olivier was correct - 'murder most foul'," he said, smug. "Sloppy job, leaving visible wounds. Kind of instantly rumbles the cover story. I think we'll be paying the good doctor a visit in the morning."

2014-09-19, 12:05 PM
The adept's expression couldn't have been a whit more shocked than if Caelica, or the room at large, had admitted to carnal knowledge of a bull grox. "I--why didn't you consult the group? Why--Never mind that, I'll ask later. How much did you disturb the body? Did you have anyone on hand to take notes, a pict-capture, anything?" Putting his face in his hands to take a deep breath, Halt tried to master himself again. "...How long ago was this?"

"Depending upon where they did the autopsy, or how quickly after his death, it's likely that a little bleeding could be expected. Ultimately, while uncommon, we'd need a proper look before calling it evidence."

2014-09-19, 12:06 PM

Risky and gruesome way to kill someone, but interresting

Arue sits on the bed in her sleepingdress feeling a little awkward being here with everyone here in their normal clothes, jsut when she tried to escape social interactions for the rest of the evening.

I didn't discover anything yet. i only spoke with Reginald and master Gideon, very uh... charming man and Reginald is also very friendly. They don't seem to be affraid or feel guilty. If they are hiding something they do it well, but then again I am not that great with people...

She strokes her chin and bite the nail of her thumb waiting for the others to say something.

2014-09-19, 12:15 PM
LibraryMaria nods in agreement.

"I hear I was similar after my father passed on. We won't take up any more of your time, my lord."

OOC: Happy to go


Maria pales slightly as Caelica describes the method. "That's... foul. Whoever did this - it's not a clean way to kill someone." Words fail her as she speaks in fits and starts. "They must have - the murderer must have really hated the old man - of all the ways, to kill him - alive and hurting and unable even to scream!"

She shudders, the question about Caelica's ability to detect taint in Cassandra unanswered and forgotten.

2014-09-19, 12:25 PM
Caelica frowns and says, "I just got back when we were sent to our rooms. And I simply examined it. I didn't even touch the corpse. Perhaps if I had more time and the young Baron's blessing I could conduct a more thorough examination, but it felt prudent to simply see what I could find without disturbing the body." She then nods to Maria and says, "Indeed...Whoever did this wanted the Baron to suffer as much as possible before he died...This feels personal. Much more personal than a simple power grab."

2014-09-19, 12:27 PM
LibraryMaria nods in agreement.

"I hear I was similar after my father passed on. We won't take up any more of your time, my lord."

OOC: Happy to go


Maria pales slightly as Caelica describes the method. "That's... foul. Whoever did this - it's not a clean way to kill someone." Words fail her as she speaks in fits and starts. "They must have - the murderer must have really hated the old man - of all the ways, to kill him - alive and hurting and unable even to scream!"

She shudders, the question about Caelica's ability to detect taint in Cassandra unanswered and forgotten.

2014-09-19, 12:51 PM
If it is personal, we should find out what the late baron did to anger someone that much to perform such a cruel act

2014-09-20, 11:37 AM
pretty much back now, got internet anyway, freshers next week though so just fyi if you don't hear anything for a couple of days also, i'm a bit out of practise and a little low on sleep so if it's not great writing, it's that

Scythia is unsure about the others' opinions on the method of removing the Baron, whilst she is not aware of bodily workings, she has had a long history of removing life tethers. "I am aware of some poisons which thin the blood, perhaps he was poisoned and the blood had merely not dried out when his body was dissected which caused the marks on the sheet", she said in a slightly grainy voice with an air of knowing, "I do however agree that this would have caused great pain to the Baron in his final moments"

2014-09-20, 03:49 PM
Hatl's exasperation immediately vanishes, replaced by calculating hope. "You...you didn't disturb the body? At all? I apologize for my frustration; it was my assumption that you'd mucked around with the body and might have destroyed vital evidence. If you were a medic prior to your mutation", he adds in a carefully neutral tone, "then you and I may well have complimentary skills."

"I've asked the servant girl Kadie if she would meet with us. I expect her to arrive any minute now, as I doubt there's much else for her to attend to. It's my hope that we can recruit her as an additional pair of eyes and ears while we're here, and she may be able to offer us a more intimate view of the other servants mentioned in our briefing. While the most honourable Inquisitor doesn't believe it's a murder, we must take every precaution until we can prove as much to Baron Olivier."

Glancing from one member of the cell to another over the next few seconds, Halt relaxes considerably. "Lets discuss our line of questioning? Or at least our plans of action, perhaps? It would be best if we were all aware of what the others will be pursuing in terms of leads."

2014-09-20, 03:58 PM
"Our own autopsy seems like the first order of the day. We ought to get Olivier's okay to examine the corpse properly, as soon as possible. With witnesses," Llewelyn added thoughtfully. "Good thinking getting the help on our side. Gosh, this is just like a Hector Havelock novel."

2014-09-20, 04:02 PM
Arue sits up straight hearing about Halts information about kadie

You intent to involve someone of the Barons household without his permission? and even with someone who is obviously more loyal to him than to us. How do we know she is to be trusted? at this point it could be anyone in this house or even on this planet.

2014-09-20, 04:12 PM
"So you think it is a case of murder?" Llewelyn asked Arue. "You know, actually, we ought to come to a unified opinion on that. Initial thoughts on whether the late Baron was offed?" The cadet leant back and raised a hand.

2014-09-20, 04:17 PM
In my opinion when you think it is murder, it probably is.
Arue closes her eyes for a while supressing a yawn.
It just doesn't feel right. I know feelings are not hard evidence, but something isn't right here, what is yet to be discovered.
She raises her hand in approval

2014-09-20, 04:22 PM
Caelica nods, and says, "Agreed. The late Baron was definitely murdered in one way or another."

2014-09-20, 04:35 PM
Halt shrugs and raises his hand, fingers curling down to his palm one by one as he counts off during his comment. "It stands to reason that something peculiar happened involving his death; I'll throw in with the 'Murder', though it may well have been an unintended consequence of some other foulness. The strikes against it being a natural passing are varied and strange: one, juvenat treatments available to the nobility are of sufficient quality to preclude unexpected expiration; two, Baron Olivier has called upon us to investigate the death, and one does not utilize Inquisitorial resources lightly; and three, while the Baron was technically in a good place to ignore his father's passing and enjoy the responsibilities he already possessed, he is troubled. It behooves us to trust in his gut instinct, given his more personal connection to the event. Intuition is meant to be a particularly human strength, and utilized to make key leaps in logic when applicable." Halt smiles broadly as he lowers his hand to his lap, perhaps pleased now that the group is into the technical aspects of the case. Or perhaps just with the compliment; he may have assumed it was his due.

"As for enlisting Kadie Tyrell, comrade Tadleigh? Of course I intend to involve her. She's already involved! She may well have split loyalties, but that may be useful in and of itself. At times, it is useful to establish a 'mole' early on, if one is worried about suspicion. For the time being, however, I'll assume that her primary loyalty is to the Emperor--and, by extension, to us."

2014-09-20, 04:48 PM
I agree with your analyzes.
she slowly shakes her head. Who can tell we are not getting a mole in óúr camp? The only ones I trust at this moment is you and even that is simply on professional grounds
Aure looks around with a slight smile. wel let's hear what she has to say, in the worst case we can always remove her if need be.

2014-09-20, 05:33 PM
"I agree with our markswoman," said Lewellyn. "We're behind enemy lines. We will use her, the servant. We will not trust her."

2014-09-22, 05:41 AM
"Kadie has no reason to be loyal to any of the family other than Olivier," Maria murmurs in agreement. "If we think Olivier is innocent - and it'd be a bold double bluff to call us in if he's not - then enlisting Kadie is probably safe. Speaking of which - what do you all think of Olivier? It's hard to imagine he would have been involved."

2014-09-22, 05:46 AM
"It'd be a bit of a devious one if he himself did the deed," Llewelyn agreed. "Have to say, though, as much as he seems to be an alright chap, prudence dictates we keep him as a suspect. He was the one with most to benefit, after all. Could just be a sick exercise in deniability."

2014-09-22, 06:57 AM
It was nearly half an hour later that the polite knock on the door came- it seemed domestics were forced to keep unsociable hours. Halt ushered Kadie in- dressed now in a rough tunic that would suffice for her out-of-work clothes, she sat nervously on the edge of the bed, twisting her hands together. As best they could tell, the young woman was very scared of them- especially the punkish Scythia.

"I wasn't the one that found the body." she blurted out. "That were Macie. I can go and get her, but..." She tailed off, and fixed her gaze on her lap.

If you've got questions for Kadie, an OOC list might be easier than a prolonged back-and-forth. Feel free to make interaction tests as necessary - Intimidate gets a +10, since she's already more than a little scared.

2014-09-22, 10:49 AM
Caelica smiles and says, "Don't worry. We won't hurt you. We just want to know about..."

Whether or not the Baron was acting strangely before his death.
Whether or not he had anyone who would want him dead.
What Olivier was doing around the time of the Baron's death
Whether or not Olivier was acting strangely before the Baron's death
What the Baron ate the day he died, and who gave it to him

2014-09-23, 01:47 PM
Trying his very best to be welcoming, Halt smiles and sits crosslegged on the floor, giving the girl a fair amount of distance. With any luck, it might make her feel more comfortable, a little less hemmed in. He will patiently ply her with his own questions, allowing his fellow investigators to ask their own questions in turn; almost a round robin sort of thing, at that.

When did you learn to read? Do you or any of the other staff have much contact with the villagers in Sacorsch?
What is your opinion of Macie March? Of Witford Hobson?
Is the local doctor good at his trade? Is there anything you feel we ought to know about him?
Cassandra Constantine was rekindling her relationship with her father, but what do the villagers have to say about her?
"Tell us anything you can about the local area. Even the smallest piece may prove useful."

2014-09-23, 03:15 PM
Maria's experience of interrogations served her well- later, she was given to wonder if she hadn't come on too strong. The excruciator kit had remained in it's box, however, and though Kadie had become steadily more terrified as the questioning went on, she'd answered them all fully and frankly- Maria had the sense that the young woman was determined to be of any help she could.

OOC: No particular order for the questions, Kadie is answering them however is convenient for me.

Whether or not the Baron was acting strangely before his death.
Whether or not he had anyone who would want him dead.
What Olivier was doing around the time of the Baron's death
Whether or not Olivier was acting strangely before the Baron's deathme and
What the Baron ate the day he died, and who gave it to him

"I didn't see him acting oddly, ma'am. He went for a walk in the forest- like he does most weekends- and brought back a guinea-pheasant he'd shot. That was what we served him that night, Ma'am, me and Brum'." She looked around at the group, her eyes wide, searching for other help to provide. "Roasted."

"I don't know what the Baron- Mister Olivier- was doing. He lives in the city mostly, only travels up here every few weeks, meet 'is father face to face. Last time they met, a few weeks before it happened...I don't know what they said. They never argued, not proper, but when they talked business... it was sort of cold. Like they were just doing work."

"I think... I didn't really know much of the politics. But every baron on the planet has enemies. You should speak to mister Olivier, he could tell you more." She twisted her hands nervously. "It don't really matter to most of us."

How easy is it to move around the house inconspicuously - are their servants' passages or secret hideaways? And in particular, could someone have got to the staircase where the baron was found, and away, unseen?

"Not many. There's a few, like, back stairs and side doors, but you want to get somewhere then you have to go through the proper corridors mostly. I don't think there's a way to where 'e... where 'e was found."

The things Arue want's to know are:
- How does she see Reginald and Gideon and Jocaste (since those are the ones she talked to)
- How much does she value her job, as in how is her emotional bond with these nobles

Kadie smiled, visibly grateful for Arue's kinder tone. "The other family members left home 'fore i started, so I don't know much. They come up here to hunt every so often. Those three, though, are always together. Like they're joined at the hip. They ain't proper unfriendly, they just... don't want to talk to other people."

She took her time over the next question, studying the pattern on her rough clothes. "My Da was a miner, and me Mam. I never saw'em. They was underground from dawn til after dusk. Never saw the sun in fifteen years. I would've been a miner too, but Mam put me in a schola. Trained me up to work for the barons. If she hadn't, that'd be where I ended up too." She looked up. "Lord Constantine were nice, from what I hear from elsewhere, but... that's how things are. This job... I see the sun. I get days off. I send money home to me Da, and my brother's in the schola too. He sends me letters sometimes. Writes them 'imself. If you aint one of the big families here, that's the best you can get. Every day I thank the emperor. And Lord Constantine."

"I 'eard that Olivier might be running things from the city. E' won't need this house any more." She seemed on the verge of tears. "Sorry. Carry on."

When did you learn to read? Do you or any of the other staff have much contact with the villagers in Sacorsch?
What is your opinion of Macie March? Of Witford Hobson?
Is the local doctor good at his trade? Is there anything you feel we ought to know about him?
Cassandra Constantine was rekindling her relationship with her father, but what do the villagers have to say about her?
"Tell us anything you can about the local area. Even the smallest piece may prove useful."

"At the schola. Thats the sort of thing they teach you. So's you can work for the big families." She sniffed lavishly. "We sees 'em now and then. Mostly the shopkeepers and that. They come up, see the Baron sometimes, an' we go down to town, buy stuff. We don't see the miners much, though."

"Macie's nice. She were in the schola too, few years above. Knows 'er stuff. Keeps me on the right track. Old Hobson... e's been here since before we were born. 'E knows every inch of this place, 'E knew the baron well as anyone. And you can tell. Lords 'imself over us a bit... but a good sort. Very nice, when we first started here."

She narrowed her eyes a little, and Halt suspected she'd spotted his logic. "They ain't liars. Macie liked the old baron much as me, and Hobson aint never lied in his life. You can tell to look at him."

"Doc seems good enough. We ain't had im up here much. I dunno if I know how good 'e is... people get better, like, but I dunno if this is 'is thing. He does, like, babies, and blokes hit with picks, and nasty coughs. Everyone loves 'im, though. You want to say something nasty about the doc, you say it quiet. 'E delivered half the town. An' their kids."

She thought for a moment before answering on this one. "Nobody told us too much. We're the baron's, right? Nobody says anything too nasty about the family. But you get rumours, like? Most people don't like 'er. Say she's wierd. Say 'er paintings are wierd- blood an' snow an' insects. They say..." Another moment of thought, before the rest of the sentence came out in a rush. "They say she's... touched, like. Got a bit of... gifts."

"And the local area.... dunno. Hobson knows it better than me, or Brum. Best i can say is, half this mountain is mined. Down by the mineheads, down by the town, whole place is a rabbit-warren, ten miles deep. Dry now, mostly. They got the opals an' now they're gettin the coal. You want to know about that, though, speak to mister Cabe. E's like, the head."

Anything I missed?

2014-09-23, 04:49 PM
Maria smiles lightly, allowing herself to soften. In her experience, once the flow of information starts, the subject normally doesn't hold anything back. At the mention of 'gifts' she allows her eyes to dart to Caelica, a personal reminder to refresh her previous inquiries. Otherwise, she remains concentrated on Kadie.

"Any local legends, dark moments in family history you know of?" She's been in enough of Almazzi's interrogations to have a vague idea of what might have caused this. "What was the baron doing in the part of the house when he was found - did he usually go there? You needn't," she adds, allowing her softer side to dominate her professional one, "worry about Olivier - you have my word, I'll see you're well cared for regardless of what happens to the house. And your peers too. Just, try and think - no untoward goings on recently?"

Sorry, forgot to post up my questions!
- Local legends?
- Family history? (particularly supernatural)
- What was baron doing when he was found?
- Did he usually go to that part of the house?
- Any legends about the house, particularly the part he was in?
- Untoward goings on in the area?
- Cassandra's reaction when told of her father's death?
- Cassandra's relationship with the baron - did they see each other much, any idea how it was?

2014-09-24, 12:55 AM
With the main round of questions out of the way, Halt would wait patiently for everyone else to go before posing his final query. It wasn't strictly relevant to Kadie anyhow, but it would be better than asking anyone else around the manor. "Miss, every noble home can be said to have quality medical care. Do you know if there's a Adeptus standard medicae-kit here, and if so, where I could lay hold of it? It's to be used in the course of the investigation; I doubt very much my companions have brought one of such quality along, and I know I myself have not."

2014-09-24, 03:38 AM
- Local legends?
- Family history? (particularly supernatural)
- Any legends about the house, particularly the part he was in?

"I think anything properly mysterious would have been hidden. There's rumours that the house is haunted, but there always are with big old houses like this, and it's nothing suspicious, really, just rattling pipes. But!" She'd just remembered something, it seemed. "A few other barons have died under suspicious circumstances. Way back. This is all hearsay, of course- last baron left nearly two hundred years before I started here- but some say that he was killed. He fell off one of the towers. And his grandfather... I never heard no specifics. And nothing was proved. It's just talk, I think?"

- What was baron doing when he was found?
- Did he usually go to that part of the house?

"It's the best staircase between his room and the kitchen. If he wanted to get food late, sometimes he'd come and get it instead of calling us up. Said it kept him healthy. Suppose he was doing that."

- Untoward goings on in the area?

"Dunno what you mean, ma'am. It's mostly quiet up here. Last proper thing that happened, a couple... mutants" -she whispered the word, as if it would summon some - "came up from the city. Bout six months ago. Tried to make a fuss in the mines. People here don't like that, so they reported them to Mr Cabe. He dealt with them. Gave the bodies to the scourges."

- Cassandra's reaction when told of her father's death?
- Cassandra's relationship with the baron - did they see each other much, any idea how it was?

"I don't know. I wasn't there when she was told- I think the doctor did that. Heard she shut herself in her room for three days solid, though." Maria's last question gave her some pause, before she shrugged. "They were pretty close. He was the only person she talked to, pretty much, and he felt guilty that she was where she was. She came up every few weeks, an they'd talk or read together. 'E had some art books that she liked. Sometimes they'd go riding, though she never liked to hunt."

"Miss, every noble home can be said to have quality medical care. Do you know if there's a Adeptus standard medicae-kit here, and if so, where I could lay hold of it? It's to be used in the course of the investigation;"

"There's one in the storeroom. Dunno about adeptus-standard. Anything serious we called in the doctor."

2014-09-24, 06:10 AM
Maria frowns. "In my experience, you never can tell with these things. What were the names of these old barons - is there anyone I could talk to about them?"

2014-09-24, 07:00 AM
"Last one was... Julius? I think? If you want more information, speak to mister Olivier. The Baron, I mean. Or look in the library. There's a family chronicle there, I think."

2014-09-24, 07:08 AM

Arue more and more beliefs the girl (she is more a girl than a woman right?) is no thread and feels for her. While she answers the questions Arue smiles encouraging at her. After all the questions she answered Arue stands up and walks to kadie and lays a hand on her arm.
Thank you so much Kadie for all your help. Unless anyone has something more to ask, I think you deserve some sleep, as do I She smiles befriending. One thing Kadie, you understand we try to do our job as best as we can, can you not tell the duke or any of the Constantine Family about our meeting here? We would like to remain as neutral as possible, you see?
Maybe we could speak some more tomorrow if you want? You don't have to be scared. You are good person, nothing bad will come to you, I promise.

2014-09-24, 10:04 AM
Caelica nods and says, "Indeed. You have been very helpful," as she looks at Kadie through the Warp, looking not only at her, but the rest of the estate for any signs of Taint.

Psyniscience: [roll0] vs. 35

2014-09-26, 12:03 AM
"Thank you for coming to us so directly, Kadie. I understand that you must have been very nervous. If, in turn, there is any way that we can assist you, you need only ask. After all, we may be calling upon you again before our investigation is finished here."

Withdrawing from any further conversation, Halt would eventually allow Kadie to lead him to the storeroom, thank her again, and return to the guest chambers with the medicae kit in tow. Once everyone had settled in...

"Caelica, Lleweyln? If we're to take advantage of our sudden arrival, it would be best to examine the body in...full. Tonight." His keen eyes glanced from face to face as he turned to address the rest of the Acolytes. "Does anyone here have a working pict-corder? Or something similar? It would be helpful to have a full record of our autopsy."

2014-09-26, 07:57 PM
"Hmmm," offered Llewelyn. "I'd just worry we'd find something we can't confirm without witnesses. I'd rather have Olivier present when we did the autopsy, so there's no chance of foul play."

2014-09-27, 04:54 AM
After Kadie's departure

"We don't need witnesses, we're the Inquisition," Maria states crisply. "A pict-corder to show the boss and our word to Olivier should be enough. Although, if we don't have one..."

2014-09-27, 04:03 PM


Let's sleep now, i am exhausted

Arue yawns and sits on the bed again, waiting politely for the others to go to their own rooms.

2014-09-30, 05:19 AM
After finding Halt the Medkit, Kadie scurried off with every sign of relief, vanishing into the bowels of the house.

The Ice-House
The door to the Ice-house was in an exterior wall, large and metal and cold to the touch. A soldier in the livery of the royal scourges was asleep in a chair beside it, and a more conventional wooden door opposite lead to the kitchens- it was ajar, and they could hear a man humming softly as he washed the countertops. Hauling the door open, Halt was blasted again with cold air, and without his winter clothes he was quickly shivering.

The ice-house's construction reminded him of a greenhouse, for growing plants on planets with a more temperate climate. They were outside, in a rough oblong room constructed by stacking bricks of ice for the walls, with frequent gaps to allow the cold air to pass through. It was nearly freezing here, and the meat that was hung up to chill was coated in a tracery of ice-crystals. Several haunches of Grox dangled from hooks, and the lid was off a crate marked P. Devlin: Finest Butchers, allowing them to see a pile of steaks divided by thin paper.

The corpse of Fabian Constantine was on a metal table in the center of the room. He was lain on his back, naked, covered from the neck down in a white cloth, on which slight bloodstains were visible, soaking through from the autopsy wounds on his chest. The heart attack clearly hadn't been a peaceful way to go- his fingers were contorted into rough claws, and his face was twisted, as if in terror.

It is now very cold in here. If you want to do any but the most cursory examination, give me a toughness test versus a level of fatigue on top of your Medicae roll.

2014-09-30, 11:26 AM
Shivering and blowing on his fingers to keep them warm, Halt glanced at his fellow Acolytes (those who followed, at least). "Caelica, would you mind getting me two or three basins of boiled water? We may need to replace them throughout the procedure. Llewelyn, if you could stand watch, that would be ideal. Never hurts to be careful." Breath hanging in the air like little ghostly trails, the forge-tithe snapped open the medikit's casing and began laying out his tools. He passed his dataslate to Caelica, and when the basins arrived, carefully washed his hands in one, trying to block out the cold.


"Commencing autopsy."

[roll0] vs. 71 (Caelica's helpful assistance reduces Difficulty by one step, and provides an extra DoS should we succeed)
Fate Reroll (if required): [roll1] vs. 71
The target number includes the +20 from the Medikit, but I doubt it's specifically designed with dead flesh in mind, as opposed to living. Just let me know if the bonus is lower than advertised!

2014-09-30, 01:57 PM
Caelica nods, washing her hands in the hot tap and filling up basins as directed, shivering as she does so...Poor girl's from a paradise planet. She's not really used to the cold. She accepts the dataslate and helps take notes and point out various things she thinks Halt might have missed.

Assist Halt with his Medicae Check, take notes on what we find, and generally aid the autopsy.

2014-10-01, 10:59 AM
The autopsy was gruesome work, not helped by the near-solid state of the corpse and Halt's rapidly blueing fingers. The previous doctor's cuts were steady, but inexpert, and more than once Halt found himself cursing a nicked blood vessel or stray sliced flap of muscle. He was good at what he did, however, and before too long he had established a clear fact.

Fabian Constantine had died of a heart attack.

It was almost dissappointing. Every symptom or cause Halt could find pointed to it, every spot of his medical knowledge confirming it. It was, almost, a textbook case. There were, however, a few anomalies that they carefully noted down.

Constantine had three injection marks- one in the left side of his neck, one in his right wrist, and one on his left bicep, all seeming to go directly for major veins. The previous doctor had noted these too- all three were circled in black ink, which made them particularly easy to find. It was this that stopped Halt from being overly suspicious- injections for various medical reasons were common amongst the nobility, and a doctor with Constantine's medical records could probably have given a reason for each of them in seconds. The blood pooling around the autopsy cuts was strange, there was no denying it- but it was notable by it's limits. Slicing open the chest of a live human would usually expel enough gore to paint the walls red- hardly, Caelica thought darkly, something even a doctor on a world like this could miss. This blood was thin trickles away from the cuts, barely enough to even pool onto the table.

Finally, Constantine bore several bruises. He had apparently had the heart attack on a staircase, of course, which would explain away some minor injuries, but Caelica noted them down dutifully- a bruise on his forehead, on the palm and insides of the fingers of his right hand, and the back of his left shoulder.

As Halt was finishing off, the door opened behind him. Dressed in a thick fur coat over a sheer night-dress and carrying a glow-globe in one hand, Carys Callaghan, of the Secundan Sphere, eyed the group as if she'd caught them stealing sweets.

"You aren't suspicious, hmm? "Just in case", I believe your words were." She raised an eyebrow. "And yet out here so late? Most contingencies I know would stay in bed."

By the end of the autopsy, it's about 3am.

Who's joined Halt and Caelica for the autopsy? Remember to take that toughness test for the cold, unless you get winter clothes or wait inside.

2014-10-01, 07:21 PM
Turning slowly from the body (he'd attempted to close it up as best as he could), Halt reached for one of the basins to wash the slushy blood and frost from his hands. All the while he did his best to seem arch and in the capital-R Right, but it was a difficult act to perform with blue lips and chattering teeth. He'd be lucky if he didn't catch a cold, he mused bitterly, and for no 'great purpose'. Perhaps, with Constantine's records in hand...well. Better to think about it after this was handled.

"I wasn't aware that 'contingency' translated to 'unprofessional' in High Gothic. I was trained to treat every task, small or great, with the appropriate gravity." He tried to crack a smile, but the whole effect was ruined by a wracking cough. "And what brings you out here so late? We could say the same of you--I imagine your bed is a great deal warmer than this place, especially at this hour."

Halt glanced toward Caelica, desperate for someone to salvage the situation. It was clear he was out of his depth.

2014-10-01, 07:29 PM
Caelica sighs as her fingers also blue at the cold and she shakes her head with annoyance as she says to Halt, "Well...That amounted to very little...I wonder why we were called here, then? Was it just suspicion?" It seems she's somewhat ignoring the person. Why bother? She knew why she's here, and it's none of the other person's business.

2014-10-01, 11:48 PM
"My window looks over this part of the gardens.I saw the light on. And why not wait until morning? He's not going anywhere."

2014-10-03, 07:38 AM
"No, he's not." Maria smiles warmly as she steps back into the icehouse. "If you're chilling up, Halt, I recommend a stroll in the gardens. Invigorating. Unless you're finished, of course. It looks pretty obvious that the old boy just had a heart attack to me." She nods to Carys. "Forgive us if we woke you, miss. Charming as this house is, we want to finish the job and move on. Get the autopsy done now, a few interviews tomorrow, Llewellyn can file his report by the end of the week. We get paid by the job, not the hour - as a fellow professional, I'm sure you understand."

2014-10-03, 08:53 AM
Carys continued trying to stare Maria out, but Maria had been stared down by things that were far better at it. Finally, Carys smiled. "Your dedication is impressive. A heart attack, you say? No evidence of foul play?"

2014-10-04, 04:29 AM
"We're professionals, Carys, you'll have to try harder than that. Although," Maria's voice drops slightly, "between you and me - the salary for this job is rotten." Throwing the journalist a wink, she turns back to her colleagues.

"We done here, then?"

2014-10-04, 11:06 AM
Halt nodded enthusiastically to his rescuer; removing Carys' suspicion and freeing him from the cold of the ice house in one fell swoop, she might as well have been Emperor-sent. "I just need to clean the tools off and replace the medikit. Good conscience dictates that we hear the local doctor out when he arrives, but I don't suspect that his testimony will change much of anything." Shivering all the while, he quickly cleans, sanitizes, and repacks the tools into the medikit before he wishes Carys a "pleasant night"--it's all he can do not to run back into the warmth of the manor.

After replacing the medikit in its appropriate place, Halt returns to the cell's quarters, wrapping himself tightly in his robes. He was going to get a cold. He knew it. But it wouldn't do to sleep before Maria, Caelica, and Llewelyn returned for him to share his findings. It wasn't much to go on, but the bruising and injection sites may prove more fruitful with the dead man's records to compare them to.

2014-10-06, 10:13 AM
Carys raised an eyebrow. "Well, clearly the matter of salaries for investigators is one I should give my full attention to."

She pulled a small paper card from her pocket and passed it to Maria between two thin fingers. "If you want to contact me regarding this, here's my vox-key." In neat serif print it read:

Carys Callaghan

Investigative Journalist, Society Correspondent, Sepheran Sphere

And then a vox-key number.

Feel free to write yourselves back into the room for discussion. Thragka seems to be on low availability for the moment, so consider Llewelyn on autopilot.

2014-10-06, 10:34 AM
When they reach their room, Caelica takes a deep breath, yawns, and says, "Well...That seemed a waste of time. I suppose he could have been poisoned with a toxin that would stop the heart...But I'm inclined to put this down to a simple accident of health. I suppose we'll see how likely that would be when we speak to the physician tomorrow."

2014-10-06, 03:36 PM
Maria, card safely tucked away, hmphs. "Very possibly. I'd like to have a look at the family histories all the same. 'Where blood runs dark it runs deep', after all."

2014-10-07, 11:04 PM
"More than anything, I'm interested in the bruising patterns, specifically on the inside of the right hand. It may be nothing more than superficial blood-clotting from the fall...but given the normalcy of everything, it would be best to assume that any wound, puncture, or oddity in form could be a clue. I wouldn't rule anything out until we see the records and get a statement from the town doctor."

"...Does anyone have a blanket? An extra one, I mean?"

2014-10-08, 12:41 PM
"Try running on the spot?"

2014-10-08, 02:48 PM
Llewelyn seemed to come to for the first time on their night-time jaunt as he rubbed his hands together. "Balance of probability says he was right-handed. So was he clutching at something so hard he hurt himself - or fending off a blow? And then he turned to run, and got battered on the shoulder?" The guardsman shrugged. "Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But it doesn't feel right, does it? It's too ... neat. My gut says it's staged." He gave a sigh that was wracked with shivers. "No blasted proof, though."

He shivered again, visibly shaking. "You handled the journalist well. Sorry I wasn't much use in there," he said sheepishly to Halt and Maria. "Bit of a rum one, eh, a Guardsman that can't handle a bit of cold?" He gave a self-deprecating smile.

2014-10-09, 11:31 AM
The morning dawned with the rattling of pipes, water pumped through the aging systems at what would have been an entirely reasonable time for anyone who hadn't gone to bed at nearly three o'clock the night before. Outside the windows the snow lay thick on the sills, but was no longer falling- squinting through the thick glass, Caelica watched an unfamiliar member of the household staff- a boy perhaps fifteen years old- clearing the snow from the bonnet of Olivier's car.

Downstairs, food was being served, more heavy grox steaks and thick black sausages that left them with the suspicion that Sepheris Secundus was not a suitable world for those who didn't eat meat. The dining room was near-empty when they arrived, most of the family seemingly busying themselves elsewhere, but Augustus was there, brushing the fur of one of his dogs. Engrossed in conversation with him was Kadie (a little red-eyed from tiredness). When they entered she looked up sharply and smiled.

"Mister Olivier asked to be told when you were awake" she said. "I'll fetch him now." Augustus' eyes followed her as she went, before flicking back to the group.

"Sleep well?" he asked mildly. At his feet, the dog also looked at them and narrowed it's eyes.

Those of you with fatigue have recovered it. Okay, those were broadly pointless roles- but they should help to set a precedent. It is cold outside: toughness tests for being out there unprotected are to be expected.

2014-10-09, 12:43 PM
Caelica nods and says, "Quite well...I was wondering if you could give us access to the late Duke's medicae records, sir?"

2014-10-10, 11:50 AM
"Extremely." Almost as if on cue, Halt stifled a great, wracking yawn that seemed to stretch up from somewhere deep in the soles of his thin shoes. "And yourself, Sir?" The Adept looked weary, and his voice was more than a trifle nasally. No more excursions without a heavy coat, he chided himself. He desperately wanted to grab a plate of food and take up a near-permanent residence by the fire for the day, but he suspected that it would be extremely rude to just up and leave in the middle of their discussion with Augustus.

The Forge-tithe also wasn't very fond of the man's expression...or his apparent closeness with their attempted 'contact'. Perhaps he was simply being flirtatious, their 'upstairs-downstairs' relationship taking a decidedly more carnal angle? It would certainly be better than the alternative: that Halt had pushed the Cell into communication with an informant for one of their suspects.

2014-10-11, 05:10 AM

Since Arue had gone to bed relativly early compared to her companions she woke up on a reasonable time and silently not to wake anyone up left her room. She glimpsed at the one in the other bed, wondering who in the end was her 'roommate' so she knew who would be more easy to talk to

((OOC: I would like to know who this is, since I was asleep when you guys went to bed eventually))

With her backpack in her hand she went to the bathroom, hoping in secret Jocaste would not be there.
((OOC: If she is there Arue will silently nod to her and just do her thing only answer when spoken to))
With a view out of the window, she suspected there wouldn't be any outside hunting adventures today. She washed herself en combed her hair so she looked at least a little beautiful. Some makeup would do the rest and after this went downstairs.

In the diningroom she would sit at the table with her hosts and try some casual conversation, mostly with Reginald en Gideon. Depending on what time it is when breakfast is over she will ask to join Gideon with whatever he will do this morning

2014-10-13, 03:16 PM
"Oh, very well." Augustus said laconically, scratching the dog behind the ears. "Good to be back at the old house, you know?"

Olivier entered, and scowled at the sight of the dog. "Augustus, I told you I don't want that damn animal in the house."

"The poor dear can't stand it outside!" The "poor dear" growled at Olivier, who sighed, and turned to the acolytes. "What were you intending to do with the day? I've cleared my father's study for your use, and the doctor should be arriving in a few minutes."

2014-10-14, 03:02 PM
"We've agreed that the medical aspect should be the first point of order," Llewelyn said. He looked over at Halt, opened his mouth, and then shrugged. Better the expert give Olivier their findings.

2014-10-14, 07:22 PM
Rubbing at his reddened nose with the patchy sleeve of his robes (crude, but ultimately functional) Halt did his best to dodge the bullet Llewelyn had fired his way. After all, what could would it be to tell the Baron they'd found nothing, considering the lack of medical records to compare them to?

"We'll simply have to see, Sir. I have no doubt that your local medicae-man will be informative and illuminating; we have a few details we would like to have smoothed out in his presence."

2014-10-22, 07:02 AM
The local doctor, when he arrived, was an elderly man, with thin spectacles and hair that was both greying and receding. He greeted the acolytes with a handshake, knocking snow from his boots with a practiced air, and allowed Olivier to lead them through to the smoking-room once again, where he gratefully accepted a warm drink.

"The good Baron tells me you've been performing your own investigations." he asked, wiping the condensation from his glasses. "He didn't mention that you were medically trained. Anything i've missed?" There was no rancor in his voice- Halt admired the man's professionalism.

2014-10-22, 07:57 AM
Safely ensconced in the warmth of the dead Baron's study, Halt felt much more relaxed. The apparent poise of the local doctor only helped settle his nerves; he'd been thinking of upbraiding the man for his crude autopsy work in order to instill the importance of the moment, but it likely wasn't necessary. Besides, it was probably all the older man could do to keep steady hands anyway--it isn't every day one is brought into a rich home and asked to cut into the cadaver of one of the most powerful men on the planet.

Rising swiftly, Halt immediately went to shake the man's hand, grasping the upper forearm in welcome. "We have, and we are. My name is Halt Taillé, and you must be Doctor Godfrey. My companions and I have been assigned to examine the late Baron's death--the rich seem to always want off-world investigators to do the job. Just like penthrift-dreadfuls, really."

"As for anything you've missed...it's too early to say. I take it you brought his complete medical history?" Halt released the doctor's arm and carefully lead him over to his own vacated seat. "Feel free to introduce yourself to the others, and sit in the warm for awhile. We're likely to spend a few hours here."

2014-10-22, 10:43 AM
Caelica looks over the man, curious as to the kind of man he seemed to be. Satisfied in his integrity, she simply nods to him and says, "Indeed. I am Caelica, assistant to Halt."

2014-10-25, 05:36 PM
Llewelyn smiled. "Good morning, Doc. I for one am without the slightest bit of know-how when it comes to carpentry, so I leave it to yourself and the learned Mr Taillé. Let's just get to the bottom of this sticky issue, don't you think?"

2014-10-27, 02:27 PM
"I do, indeed have his medical records..." Godfrey pulled a thick sheaf of documents from his bag, and laid them on the table. "That should be the last century or so. The family records are stored for the last... seventy generations or so, but mostly digitised in Icenholm. Was there anything specific you were looking for?"

He tapped his forehead and smiled slightly. "Most of it, i've got up here. Doesn't pay for a man to not know his best employer off by heart- or any of the family. Cassandra, for example, is allergic to pine-seed. But yes, what was it you wanted to know?"

2014-10-30, 09:13 AM
"There was a pattern of bruising scattered along the inside of the right hand and wrist, stray puncture marks as well. I was hoping that you could assist us in locating anything in his records that would account for these--the other marks may well be from his fall, but it would pay to check everything once more. Finally, it was my hope that you could walk us through your autopsy from memory and tell me what you discovered, which we will compare to our own findings." Halt gently takes the stack of papers and begins to sort them out by decade, as near as he's able.

"I also want to know if anything usual had been detected with the Baron, no matter how inconsequential. I'm sorry if this all seems like beating a dead horse, but it's proper procedure. My comrades likely have further questions to ask, as well."

2014-11-17, 06:18 AM
Godfrey seemed rather pleased to have his decisions vindicated. "That was my suspicion too. Bruising is consistent with hands used to arrest a fall, though there is an unusual amount of it. I wonder if the baron was developing anaemia. As for the puncture marks, those are accounted for. Two injections were given, as per the maintenance of juvenat treatments- it should be in the file."

As Halt checked the files something nagging at the back of his brain, Godfrey settled into his description of the autopsy. From the sound of things, he'd found nothing they hadn't and missed nothing they had.

"Although I will note that his blood showed rather more mobility than I had expected." Godfrey said, at the end. "Usually beyond the point of death the blood stops flowing- it was almost as if it was more dilute than usual. As I said, possible anaemia. Doesn't usually develop so fast, but, well, there you go."

2014-11-17, 10:39 PM
"... three," Llewelyn corrected the doctor carefully.

2014-11-17, 10:56 PM
Halt nods to Llewelyn, starting to smirk slightly. He could get used to this group, if they all had such inquisitive minds. Even if it led nowhere, the interest was definitely helpful. "So the Baron was found resting on his face, then? Or back?"

2014-11-18, 01:29 AM
"No, no, two- i performed the injections mysel..." Godfrey trailed off, the colour draining from his face. "Emperor on earth, you're right. One in the bicep, one in the wrist..."

When halt asked his question the old doctor answered it distractedly. "Face up. He must have turned as he fell. I've not inspected the scene though."

2014-11-18, 07:50 AM
Caelica blinks a few times before carefully saying, "What, precisely, chemicals did you use as part of juvenat? What quantities, specifically. "

2014-11-18, 12:51 PM
"All three punctures were inked," Llewelyn added. "Did you have an opinion on the third when you gave the sti- ahem, the post-mortem?"

2014-11-18, 01:35 PM
"Ketropheurophane. It's a standard drug for maintaining Juvenat treatments. I gave him two amphoules, the standard dose."

Godfrey had the look of a man who doesn't dare turn round, because he knows ignominous unemployment is standing right behind him. "I... I knew that the baron had recieved injections recently! I knew that there was a reason for there to be punctures and... look, it was a heart attack!" His tone was pleading now. "It's obvious what it was!"

2014-11-18, 01:50 PM
Llewelyn pulled a strange frown, as though he'd just tasted something slightly unpleasant. "What you're saying is that you, yourself, personally administered two injections as part of the late baron's juvenat treatments, and subsequently observed three puncture wounds during the post-mortem, and didn't think anything of it." It didn't quite seem to be a question - more a statement of fact. The cadet was very much enjoying himself as he played the part of an investigator.

2014-11-18, 06:43 PM
Halt simply folded his fingers, relaxing in the chair as Llewelyn grills the doctor. It smarted that he hadn't been the first to leap over what had been such an obvious clue, but doubtless he would have an opportunity to reaffirm his worth. Sighing slightly, the clerk-turned-investigator was entirely content to watch the man trip over himself and panic. When his companions had firmly impressed upon the man the sheer degree of this error, he'd feel more comfortable asking for information. Perhaps more medical records, for completion's sake? Or...hm.

Despite himself, he began running through what little he knew of the Lex Imperialis and its interaction with the local law. Could Godfrey conceivably be charged with anything, at least anything that would be worse than defamation by the Constantine brood?

[roll0] vs. 51

2014-11-25, 04:37 PM
"It was a reasonable mistake!" Godfrey said. It sounded like it was intended as a snap, but it came out closer to a whine. "I knew that he'd had the injections... so I marked them down as I came to them. Why would I need to reference? I knew they weren't... I mean..." He floundered, and lapsed into silence.

Sepheris Secundus isn't very big on "fair trials". Even a well-respected serf like Godfrey could be imprisoned, beaten, or killed for connection to the murder of his Baron, and nobody important would bat an eye.

If it was an accident, however... "malpractice" is, again, not something the feudal system really does. More attention would be raised if Godfrey was put to death for that. Whipping or imprisonment would be far more normal, and Godfrey would most probably never serve another noble again.

(Worth noting: Most likely, the serfs that Godfrey serves provide only a small part of his income. They simply can't afford to pay, while the Constantines could.)

2014-11-25, 05:48 PM
"You knew they weren't...what, exactly? I'm interested in hearing that particular sentence come to completion, Doctor Godfrey." Halt glanced at his fellows, hoping that the combined presence of the cell might make a firm impression on their acquaintance. He knew he wasn't exactly intimidating, on his own; too pale, too weedy, too bookish. "I would imagine that anything out of the ordinary would have grabbed your full attention, given that you risk flogging, unemployment, imprisonment or execution for failing in your duties. You'll admit, the outlook is beginning to look quite poor for you."

2014-11-25, 05:52 PM
Llewelyn did his best to look imposing, crossing his arms and roling his shoulders so that the lasgun (slung, as always, as regulations required) wobbled.

2014-11-25, 07:38 PM
Caelica shrugs and says, "I know if I was that incompetent, someone would put a bolt in my head and call it mercy. Compared to that, be thankful that you might not be summarily executed."

2014-11-29, 04:16 PM
"We're here to assist the Constantine's, Doctor Godfrey, as you are. Ostensibly. If you calm down and aid us, we'll make this as easy as we can."

"And if you don't, of course, we always have the hard way." Halt swallowed nervously, doing his best to maintain a 'steely glare'; he immediately regretted drawing his lines from 'Bolt Upright: Pride of the Fleet' (a penthrift dreadful he'd read on Scintilla in his spare time), but the clerk simply hadn't been able to think of anything better. After all, he wasn't precisely used to grilling potential suspects.

2014-12-01, 11:59 AM
"I knew they weren't suspicious! I gave them him myself! I mean, yes, I made a mistake, but... but it was a mistake." Godfrey looked from one member of the team to the other, but Halt's less-than-convincing threat seemed to give him strength. To Caelica's eyes, it looked rather as if, despite his bluster, some part of Godfrey was thinking hard and sharply.

"Of course, of course i'll answer any questions you have," he said, seeming to recover himself a little. "But you must understand... this was a mistake. A terrible one, and I have no doubt there'll be consequences. Of course. But if you persist in this as the interrogation of a suspect, I assure you, you'll be taking quite the wrong tack on it."

He took a deep breath. "Would you mind if I have one of the house-staff bring me a glass of water?"

2014-12-03, 04:32 PM
"Not at all," said Llewelyn, looking around to catch the eye of somebody who could make the Doctor's request happen.

"So then. It's good that you concur, at least, that the third puncture wound is an oddity. If we were going to treat that as suspicious ... what tack do you think we ought to take, Doctor?"

2014-12-04, 03:40 AM
"It most likely isn't possible to ascertain the age of such a small wound with any degree of accuracy..." Godfrey said. "Perhaps a toxicology scan on the blood?"

There were no members of the staff in the room, but Llewelyn noticed a bell-pull next to the fireplace. This would most likely summon a servant.

2014-12-22, 01:19 PM
"I'm sure you're guilty of nothing more than weariness, doctor." Maria's been silent till this point, absorbed on the myriad mysteries and dangers of her new surroundings, but now she speaks up. Her voice is firm and more assured than it has been so far, the blood sausage at breakfast having done more to make her feel at home than any amount of running water or soft linen ever could.

"And I'm sure there's an innocent explanation for this puncture. Recreation? Accident?" She smiles. "I'm no medic, but I appreciate the work people like yourself do. Whatever my colleagues say, I would much prefer it if we were able to find out what caused this without having to bring the problem to the attention of your employers. As I said, by all chances it is a nothing anyway, and it would be a shame to let a good man like yourself suffer for a simple oversight.

"So please, help us help you. Wrack your brains. Where might someone have gained access to the kind of instrument to cause a puncture like this? A needle wound, you think?" She bites her lip as a thought occurs. "Think - in your experience - as a medic, as an educated professional - could this puncture have occurred by mischance? Take your time - we'll give you some space. Llewellyn," she adds, her voice heavy with potential meaning, "why don't you come with me to get the good doctor his drink?"