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2007-03-08, 08:24 PM
So I've got this d20 Modern campaign idea which involves a civil war in America. Basically what happens is that a flying saucer crashes, and the black ops go in for it. However, the party manages to alert the state police, who try to find out under whose authority all these gun-toting guys are running around. Well, due to a bureaucratic mixup involving people who aren't even supposed to exist, the name of the General the black ops guys give the state police turns out to be bogus. A conflict ensues, and the state police end up getting fired on. The conflict reaches the Governor, who calls the local army base. The army goes don't know who the hell these black ops people are, and basically the regular army clashes with the secret army. Eventually an American Civil War ensues.

I've been trying to decide what state it should be that begins the civil war, and then the answer came ... California. As the two sides clash, the Governor joins the party to watch it. One of the Governor's aides comes and tells him it is too dangerous and that he has to leave the premises, and thus Governer Schwarzenegger gets to utter:

I'll Be Back.

It gets even better. Later, the Governor can be abducted by aliens. The party breaks into the flying saucer, destroys the machine that induces the waves that keep abductees paralyzed, and just as the little grey alien is about to stick some probe up Arnold's butt, he grabs the alien by the throat and says, "My body, my choice."

I can't wait to run this campaign! Maybe I'll have it revealed that Arnold really is a terminator robot, and the special effects were to make him look human, not the other way around.

Amphimir Míriel
2007-03-08, 09:18 PM
Dude! I want some of that stuff youre smoking!!

Now seriously, I really like your concept

2007-03-08, 10:02 PM
There's just one thing missing. The PCs. O.o

2007-03-08, 10:08 PM
I'd hit play in this campaign so hard all day long if you'd let me. It just sounds SO AWESOME.

The PCs could be, hmm... possibly drinking buddies, who one night while smashed (or not, take your pick), the 'requirec omputer expert of a d20 modern group' hacks into and FINDS THIS INFORMATION OUT and then everyones all 'ohhell'!

2007-03-09, 01:17 AM

Here are several more words.

2007-03-09, 01:21 AM
That is so horrible, and so awesome at the same time.

2007-03-09, 01:54 AM
...alien girly-men...

2007-03-09, 03:36 PM
I'd hit play in this campaign so hard all day long if you'd let me. It just sounds SO AWESOME.

The PCs could be, hmm... possibly drinking buddies, who one night while smashed (or not, take your pick), the 'requirec omputer expert of a d20 modern group' hacks into and FINDS THIS INFORMATION OUT and then everyones all 'ohhell'!

Funny you mention it, because using the web I plan to be an integral part of this campaign. I was thinking that I would do some web searching ahead of time, then when it comes up in the adventure I tell the players they can go ahead and use the computer. It will give the campaign a "fact or fiction" feel.

For instance, let's say the party has to infiltrate an alien base. Well, they've got to find an alien base. I will have already done web searches and will know that the top hits that come up will say show an offshore base in the Bermuda Triangle is rumored, as well as one off the coast of Argentina. So I will have the adventure planned accordingly. The players will do web searches (hopefully) find the same sites, and say they want to go there.

Or for another example, let's say they need to capture a bigfoot. I'll have done web searches and know that there have been a lot of sightings in say Oklahoma recently. So the players will read the same news, and go down there. I of course must make sure I don't end up railroading the plot.

Anyway, when I realized I could work Ah-nold into the plot I just had to share. Glad there's several people who think it will be cool. Now I just have to find the time to start it...

2007-03-09, 04:15 PM
I'd hit play in this campaign so hard all day long if you'd let me. It just sounds SO AWESOME.

The PCs could be, hmm... possibly drinking buddies, who one night while smashed (or not, take your pick), the 'requirec omputer expert of a d20 modern group' hacks into and FINDS THIS INFORMATION OUT and then everyones all 'ohhell'!

Much like this poster, I'd verb that noun!

2007-03-09, 04:18 PM
I'd verb that noun!
Sigged. Awesome!