View Full Version : Bloodnight Group 1 IC

2014-09-04, 11:33 AM
Kyrie, Thomas, Marsden, Zaren and Kosef wake up in a cage. Your heads hurt like you were drugged, and you can't remember how you came to be drugged. It's a fifteen by fifteen foot cage, enough room for everyone to stand if they want to - but only just enough, because there are three humans in cobbler's garb and an elf in noble robes sharing the cell - nine in total.

It's cramped, and a little bit smelly. And the whole place seems to be rocking back and forth. As you feel about you, your weapons have been taken. Your eyes light upon a large cabinet just outside the cage, probably where your things are. The few torches on the wall outside the cell give a little light, enough to see the cabinet and the two guards standing just a few feet away.

The taller one, a Black dragonman, is talking to the shorter one, a Silver dragonman (Pandjed) in a language you can't understand.

"I gotta piss. I'll be back in five minutes, Pand. Keep an eye on these softskins and don't let 'em try and trick ye. Ye may not be the brightest man I ever met, but even ye can keep yer wits about ye for five minutes.," Kiran says.

The Black dragonman leaves, heading up a staircase and closing a hatch behind him.

The silver turns to watch you.

Bloodnight is online! You guys are on a ship, bound for who knows where, and five of you are caged with the sixth as a guard. Time to figure out how to get free. Fortunate for you, Chuffy's character is the guard.

And, because I got it scanned, a map of the Erd continent. There's more to the world than this, but this is the general geography of what you all would know about.


Let the games begin!
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?369800-Bloodnight-OOC)

2014-09-04, 02:37 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

When Marsden awoke he felt everything around him spin. He looked green and felt his stomach turn. He resisted the urge to retch. At first he thought his discomfort was merely the aftereffects of a blow to the head, but as his stomach settled a bit he realized the motion was external rather than just an internal imbalance. Marsden figured he was on a moving vessel, a ship to be precise based on the motion. He carefully scanned the surroundings for clues to his whereabouts, but decided there was no harm in speaking to the guard until proven otherwise. Looking directly at his captor, he hailed the dragonman.

"You there. You mind giving us a clue as to where we are and where you are taking us?"

Investigation: [roll0] to piece together any more clues about our present course.

2014-09-04, 03:03 PM
Zaren looked around, a frown forming on his face. He didn't remember being arrested and put in prison. But then again, he didn't remember much the past few days, he didn't handle the anniversary of Erevan's death well. "So, what are you guys in for?" he asked his cellmates. "I'm pretty sure I'm just in for some petty disturbance, or maybe scamming a guard."

2014-09-04, 03:44 PM
Pandjed shrugged Kiran away, and faced the cell, thinking to himself about where to dig for information first when they arrived at port.

The question surprised him a bit, "You're on a ship, going to town. Well we're going to town," Pandjed motioned to himself and behind him, seemingly meaning the rest of the crew, "I don't know where you're going."

After answering the question he leaned against the wall, his odd feeling about the group had returned and he was trying to figure out what it was.

2014-09-04, 04:01 PM
I'm going to assume, Meepo, that Marsden just asked in as many languages as it took to be understood. Once you hit Elven, Pandjed understands you.

To your investigation check: there's a slight, but definite roll, pitch, and yaw happening. You're definitely not in a normal jail cell. The silver dragonman speaks true - you're on a boat of some kind. Which likely means slavers or pirates.

2014-09-04, 04:23 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

"I see. The take the money and ask no questions type I assume. Does this town have a name?"

2014-09-04, 05:08 PM
Kyrie groaned and sat up, rubbing her head as she glanced at the cell around her. Well, this was lovely. As she'd been coming too, she heard the human ask his question. Sounded like they were captive and heading to some town or other - wonderful. She decided to keep quiet for now and listen until she found out more.

2014-09-04, 05:20 PM
The half-orc's eyes opened, slowly.

His head felt like it was spinning - and both hands rose to it to steady himself. Had... had he eaten something funny? Been poisoned? Hit on the head?

Talking was going on around him. He took a few breaths, steadying himself. Okay.

The human was speaking a language that sounded a lot like singing. Elven? Uh oh - that might cause a headache if nobody spoke his languages or at least giant.

He thus tried speaking in halfling, to the other people in the cell: "Is... everyone alright?"

2014-09-04, 05:29 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

The lorekeeper responds in the other captive's chosen language. (halfling)

"I'm in a cage, I feel like I've been struck on the head, and I'm being taken against my will to an unknown city. Other than that my day is marvelous."

2014-09-04, 05:34 PM
Kyrie scowled. Either she'd hit her head harder than she thought, or else her cellmates were now speaking in a language she didn't understand. "Excuse me, but can anyone tell me who all here speaks Elvish?" she asked in that language. Or Dwarven? she added, switching to that one.

2014-09-04, 05:48 PM
Zaren smirked, amusing himself as his cellmates played Language Roulette. He understood all three, but no point tipping his hand just yet. He looked over at the female half-elf and answered in Elven. "Why, I speak elven quite fluently. Do you know what's going on here?"

He looked around at his other cellmates taking stock. There's lady half-elf... A human, ooh and he's got some muscles, not too shabby looking. There's Thomas. And another handsome human, no wait... I think he's a half-elf too. WAIT? Thomas? What on earth is Thomas doing here? I wonder if he recognizes me. I'd better not say anything yet, in case this is a trick or something.

But Zaren thought back to when he and Thomas had met. It was in a town in the Riverlands, Zaren had conned him, convinced Thomas to buy a very valuable artifact that was really a piece of junk. But some local thugs heard about it and decided they wanted the valuable junk for themselves. So Zaren helped Thomas fight them off and the two forged a friendship. Zaren tried to look Thomas up when his wanderings took him to the Riverlands. What was his friend doing here?

((Also... uhh I forgot Common was exploded from existence when I first posted, so I'd like to have had Zaren ask in Elven.

Also Kant and I worked out knowing each other before game, if that's okay, if not you can strike it from the universe alongside Common :P))

2014-09-04, 05:51 PM
That's fine by me. Lots of elves around, bound to know someone.

2014-09-04, 05:54 PM
"Thank you," Kyrie said to the other half-elf. "I don't suppose you have any better idea than I do where we are? The last thing I remember is getting a drink... somewhere... Mentally, she made a quick note to avoid buying her drinks from seedy establishments in the future, something that wasn't exactly a topic covered when one was raised by druids in the woods.

2014-09-04, 06:02 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Elvish - "I was speaking elvish previously."
Dwarvish - "And I am fluent in the language of the dwarves as well."
Orc - "Orcs too."
Gnomish - ""And gnomes for that matter."

"As long as you can understand me I can translate if we don't speak a common language together." This last bit he repeats in elvish and halfling which covered those who spoke so far.

2014-09-04, 06:05 PM
Zaren shook his head, (E)"I make it a point not to remember things this time of year... Sorry. He looked down, it had been three years now, why did it still hurt? When was it going to not hurt? He sighed and looked back up at her. "Do you remember where you got this drink?" Maybe they were in the same place at the time.

2014-09-04, 06:09 PM
Kyrie thought hard. "Hmmm. I'd left my circle to go on a pilgrimage - see the world, visit other druids, that sort of thing - and I remember stopping in a little town. Was it near the coast? Must have been, since I'm pretty sure we're on a boat. I stopped at a tavern to get a drink, then nothing, then I woke up here." She shrugged. "Embarrassing, really."

2014-09-04, 06:12 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Elvish, Halfling - "I was on a mission to disseminate the lore of my monastery to the rest of civilization. It was razed by pirates and we lost a lot of what was locked away. What I have preserved however I must make sure it is never so threatened again for it is knowledge more valuable than all the gold in the world. It is quite possible that I shared a drink to, but I can't say the details are not fuzzy right now."

2014-09-04, 07:05 PM
Pandjed turns to the cell. "Shutup, I'm thinking, you're not helping." A silver spark seems to fly out of Pandjeds nostril as he barks his words. As he hears the word druid though his eyes spark to life, move close to the bars Pandjed points at the one he believes he heard it from, a brown haired female he can't quite place the race though, "You said other druids, are you one?" His iris' seemed to spark and dance like fire, it was obvious his attention had been caught.

2014-09-04, 07:20 PM
"Yes, I'm a druid," Kyrie said, raising her head to regard the dragonman warily. "What does it matter to you?"

2014-09-04, 07:32 PM
Pandjeds eyes spark for a second then he looks down, muttering "No good, they can't take her... Hmm, I can't buy her... Might have to steal her..."

2014-09-04, 07:39 PM
"Excuse me?" Kyrie demanded, catching enough of his mumbling to know she didn't like the sound of it. "Steal me? I am not a... a piece of meat, or whatever you happen to think I am!"

2014-09-04, 07:42 PM
Pandjed gave a wave toward the girl, "Me stealing you, better then them delivering you. I think."

2014-09-04, 07:44 PM
The three cobblers seem frightened, but the Elf noble gets a severe look on his face. He gathers up every ounce of his nobility when speaking to the silver dragonman. "What meanst thou steal her? If thou'rt helping one of us escape, thou must needs help us all. If thou needest remuneration, that can arranged be upon our safe arrival home. Now quickly, a plan before the black returneth."

2014-09-04, 07:53 PM
Kosef Marsk, Half-Elf Bard

Kosef woke up from a pleasant dream. He was dreaming of him preforming in front of a big crowd then finishing and everyone cheering his name "Kosef, Kosef!" When he suddenly woke up. Sitting up quickly he was quite confused, he saw around him a collection of prisoners each talking to each-other in languages he could not recall, though elven and dwarvish sounded familiar. What happened? What do I remember?... He pauses in his thought. More like what do I not remember. *heh* Anyway, who are these people? Why am I... He looks around himself and gains his bearings. In a... Cage? I thought, but, why am I here? Did I do something wrong? Maybe I got on the wrong side of one of these guys? That half-orc looks dangerous... Maybe those simple folk tried to... Oh I don't even know, but I've got to find a way out of here. He then speaks up towards both groups of people in elven, the language which he is most fluent in: "Hey? Any of you guys know where we are, and/or (yes he actually says and/or) why we are here?"

Then he continues slightly worse in dwarven (and gnomish to a lesser effect): (loosely translated, he's not so good at his other languages, all misspellings/different words are purposeful) Any person know why we are in pail? I have not strung wrong, or have I?)

Finally he ends up with Goblin (and giant to a lesser effect): (loosely translated, he's not so good at his other languages, all misspellings/different words are purposeful) Do person know why we are in jail? I did think we have do not wrong.

The half-elf head begins to spin once more when the true elf talks, Escape? Black return? What do they mean? Is the silver helping us? Is the black evil? Oh maybe the silver is a... double agent, or maybe he's a triple agent, or a quadruple agent! Ah, too many agents... I would like to escape though. I think I'll just bide my time and go with the flow for now, maybe play a tune or two. He tries to grab at something at his belt only to look down and see that it's gone. They took my flute! You know what, that's it, I'm taking my stuff back. Kosef then stands up and says to the dragonman in elven seeing that he seems to react to that: Well, are you going to help us or not, it seems to me that you do at least have the possibility of helping us. Hopefully you do, may you start by giving us back out items? I believe that they would be in that cabniet over there as that is the most logical place for them. You can tell that Kosef, though charming is at least somewhat smart and at least thinks he knows what he's doing.

2014-09-04, 07:54 PM
Pandjed looks at the Elf, "Steal is maybe wrong word. Freeing to help me is better. If I free you they will try to put us all in cage, we need to fight our way off. Can remunertation help you fight?"

2014-09-04, 08:01 PM
Kosef looks at the dragonman: "Well maybe having our stuff would help us fight?"

Added the persuasion check:

Also, @chuffy, look at my above post.

2014-09-04, 08:07 PM
Pandjed ponders the elfs comment for a moment, "If I free you I must know you won't try to kill me."

2014-09-04, 08:11 PM
"My word is my bond, dragon. I will help thee, and pay handsomely for thy help in kind.

2014-09-04, 09:31 PM
"You have no such promise, for if you lay a hand on my body I'd sooner kill you then get out of here." His normally joking face looks serious.

You can make an insight check: He doesn't want to harm you and just wants to figure out what's going on and get out of here.

"As for you..." He says turning toward the elf. "Why are you here do you have any information that might be valuable." He says being highly persuasive (I hope) [roll0]

Jeez my rolls are sucking.

2014-09-04, 09:48 PM
"I only know that I have heard tell of slavers come with the zephyrs. What becomes of those they bring westward I know not."

OOC: It's cool. You're getting all the sucky rolls out of the way.

2014-09-04, 09:56 PM
Kosef nods his head and looks to the rest of the people in the chamber as well as the dragonman: "Do you know anything?"

2014-09-04, 09:59 PM
"All I know is that I want to get out of here," Kyrie said.

2014-09-04, 10:20 PM
"I don't want to hurt you, I only work here for gold, Cap pays well." Pandjed points at Kyrie "She's a druid, I trust druids, grew up with druid. She can help me, which means I help her. To help her I need you to help me, helping me means you can go free." Pandjed searches his gear for the keys he'd been given while explaining, "I know these men, lots of questionable work, I never ask better not to know. Cap pays me to be scary, lets me pay others to help me." Pandjeds iris' were almost entirely waving like fire, his pupils the source of their flame.

2014-09-04, 10:26 PM
You hear some creaking above. It's been about four minutes so far. The Black dragonman's voice reverberates through the wood - he's talking to someone, but it's muffled. He might be distracted, or he might not be. Tick tock.

2014-09-04, 10:29 PM
Kosef is a bit overwhelmed by this dragonman's sense of duty. He just focuses on the key points and says: "Well, I guess we'll have to both help each-other?" He reaches his hand through the bars in a hand-shake like gesture and flashes his winning smile. "But, before I begin crying, would you mind to unlock us?" He gestures to himself, the druid, and the elf. He says to the others "If you want to come with us you better convince us of a good reason to trust you?" He gives as stern glance at everyone else. Then repeating the same phrase in dwarvish and goblin, this time managing not to have any mishaps.

2014-09-04, 11:23 PM
Kyrie listened to the rather ominous sounds coming from above, and then glanced at her cellmates before finally settling on the dragonman. "All right," she said. "It doesn't look like I've got a whole lot of choice. If you really knew a druid, then trusting you looks like the best thing to do. If you get us out of here, I'll help you." She gave a little grin. "But let's just not talk about "stealing" anybody again, all right?"

2014-09-05, 12:20 AM
Zaren frowned, getting people to trust him was literally how he survived, but he didn't think he should be scamming these people. He kind of wanted them to really trust him. BLARGH! How do you get people to trust you for real again? I mean... I guess I could scam them and then come clean, it worked for Thomas... Or maybe I could... huh. I guess I could fall in love with their leader, have him fall in love with me, and then the whole group will trust me or something... It worked with Erevan's gang. That seems like a lot of work though.

He looked up, (E)"I suppose you could trust me because I promise not to be a liability?" He shook his head, that was lame. He was lame.

2014-09-05, 12:33 AM
The three cobblers chatter up in Elvish "We ain't good fer much, but we'd rather take a chance and die free than go wherever this boat's takin' us. We'll help however we can."

The elf looks at them and smirks a little. "When I said remuneration, I meant I would pay thee. Thou takest gold from thy employer? I will give thee platinum. By my troth, thou hast my sword - the rapier there in the cabinet."

2014-09-05, 06:07 AM
The vast majority of the conversations being held were ones Thomas could not understand. Summarily, he sat quietly - mostly thinking about the situation.

So he was trapped here for now - but from the description, they could possibly be being released and shortly. He pondered as they discussed this, rubbing one tusk with his thumb idly.

...was that half-elf Zaren?

No it probably wasn't - if it'd been Zaren, he'd have said something by now. Ugh, he knew his eyes were bad, but now they were seeing people who weren't -

- and then other half-elf spoke.

Thomas smiled - okay, so he understood the half-elf speaking goblin, at least mostly. He responded in orcish, keeping his phrase simple to make sure it was understood by someone who spoke a similar but not the same language.

(Orcish) "My name is Thomas D'Markon, and when I promise I'll do something, I keep it. I am a shield."

It was said with confidence, although he wasn't sure he'd be understood. Still, there was really nothing else for it.

2014-09-05, 01:44 PM
Pandjed ignored the hand thrust at him, drawing his keys and opening both the cell and the cabinet (if it's locked). "Quickly, he will be back, we must be ready."

2014-09-05, 04:13 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Elvish "I can't fulfill my quest in a cage, either this one or in a slaves' quarters. I will not kill you, in fact I will do whatever I can to make sure you survive."

2014-09-05, 06:46 PM
The Elf looks up at the ceiling, then back at Pandjed. "He could be coming back any second. It is probably best that thou givest us our weapons now, with haste. Perchance canst lure him near to the cage or hast any of you another plan?"

2014-09-06, 10:02 AM
The half-elf begins to look impatient, "Are you going to help us or not? I can hear him coming, and at this rate you'll hand the weapons to us as he comes down the stairs, now give me mine!"

2014-09-06, 02:39 PM
Contents of the cabinet for distribution:

3 shoe horns (belonging to the cobblers)
1 rapier (belonging to the Elf noble)
1 sack that jangles as if it has some money and some glass in it
1 whip (belonging to Thomas)
1 handaxe (belonging to Thomas)
1 Shield (belonging to Thomas)
1 backpack with Thomas's other stuff (Thomas's chainmail was left on him)
1 scimitar (belonging to Kyrie)
1 wooden shield (belonging to Kyrie)
1 backpack with Kyrie's other stuff (Kyrie's leather armor was left on her)
1 longsword (belonging to Marsden)
5 javelins (belonging to Marsden)
1 shielf (belonging to Marsden)
1 backpack with Marsden's other stuff (Marsden's chainmail was left on him)
1 crossbow (belonging to Zaren)
2 daggers (belonging to Zaren)
1 backpack with Zaren's other stuff
1 rapier (belonging to Kosef)
1 shortbow and quiver (belonging to Kosef)
1 backpack with Kosef's other stuff (Kosef's leather armor was left on her)
A sack at the bottom with some jars in it

We can handwave the distribution of stuff if you'd like to expedite things a little.

2014-09-06, 03:50 PM
Kosef grabs his rapier, and puts it threw his belt. He then takes the shortbow and puts it on his back in front of his quiver which he makes sure has arrows inside. He then takes the backpack which somehow has all of his stuff. Ah, good, my flute is still here. He thinks as he plays a quick little tune in his head, not out loud. He then looks around free from the cage to what his surroundings are.

2014-09-06, 04:18 PM
Zaren looked at the crossbow and pair of daggers. He smiled as he delicately traced a finger of the worn wood of the crossbow's handle. Erevan loved this crossbow. Zaren gently slung the crossbow over his back before he grabbed the twin daggers. Zaren remembered when he got the pair.

It had been a long day of crime for the Oakshade Raiders, their little gang. At the end of it, they were all huddled around the "clubhouse", when Skull, one of the members revealed a small cake. It was Zaren's birthday, and the gang remembered. Zaren looked up at Erevan, whose lap his head was laying and smiled. Erevan smiled down at Zaren before getting up and pulling a pair of daggers out of his belt pouch. "I got one for each of us, Z. They're a pair, like us. Two good looking blades working in unison for a singular purpose. And some day, when we're done with this and have enough money to start over somewhere else and live honest lives together, we'll always have these to remember how we started."

A small tear went down Zaren's face as he lovingly tucked the daggers into their sheathes and put them around his waist. After taking care of the crossbow and daggers, he dug through the backpack searching for his cards. Good! Both sets are in here. He looked up at his acquaintances. "So, we ready to break out of this place?"

2014-09-06, 05:32 PM
Kyrie pulled on her pack and hefted her scimitar and shield. "I am definitely ready," she said.

2014-09-06, 08:45 PM
While everyone gets their gear ready Pandjed readies his axe, going from a slouched stance to his full height and preparing for the ensuing fight.

2014-09-07, 05:19 AM
The first thing Thomas essentially tackled was not a weapon, it was his shield. He grabbed hold of it, tightened it on, and then waited for other people to gather their things before bothering with the rest of his stuff.

His shield. It was a pretty large metallic guard - and he was just more comfortable now that he had it.

Holstering his backpack and handaxe, he took hold of his whip next - holding it at the ready... which was when he really noticed the daggers Zaren was holding. It took him a moment to recall where he'd seen them - wait, that was Zaren?

"...Zaren?" He asked, in halfling - although really, the name was pretty similar if not identical in every language. "Zaren, Is that you?"

Regardless, he shook his head - discussions were for later. He stepped by the doorway, wanting to be... second seen. First should be their rescuer.

"Thanks." He said in halfling to Pandjed, having no idea if the latter could understand him.

He bunkered down behind his shield.

2014-09-07, 09:42 AM
The hatch opens and the black dragonman begins descending the staircase.

""Pand, yer gonna get a kick out of this. I was taking me piss and some merman pops out of the water all angrylike because I been pissin' on 'is 'ead!"

You guys have surprise, so make your attack rolls with advantage. He hasn't gotten far enough down the stairs to see you yet, but you can see his legs and lower torso, and he's moving down.

2014-09-07, 11:47 AM
Pandjed laughed slightly, he did find the story funny. (Draconic) "That's funny, what you say to him?" he moved toward the stairs, using his axe an awkward walking stick, hoping to be able to strike before the rest are seen.


2014-09-07, 01:37 PM
Remember that you have advantage, so roll two attack rolls and I'll use the better one.

2014-09-07, 03:31 PM
Pandjed raised his axe and prepared to strike (didn't know about the second roll)


2014-09-07, 03:53 PM
He comes down the stairs, still talking. "I says to him 'Hey, you're in my toilet. Don't look at me like that.' And he swims off all sullenlike." He pauses when he's made it down the stairs and sees you all there. "Hey, what's--" he manages to say before Pandjed's axe is buried in his throat.

He falls to the floor, blood pooling around his armor and his shield uselessly strapped to his back. A couple of coins tumble out of his purse as he lands.

OOC: Minor note on damage - you don't multiply your strength by 1.5 when using a two-handed weapon. All weapons add the flat bonus of your Str or Dex modifier. Regardless, you killed him here. Just noting that your greataxe does 1d12 + 3, not 1d12 +5. I know, it's weird to get used to.

2014-09-07, 05:16 PM
Kosef looks at the dead body and suddenly thinks back to the time when all of his troupe was killed: The blood was everywhere and all I could remember were those pirates running off in the distance on their sand skiff (?). I should have died with them, our maybe been able to fight it off, that's much better then earning some coin for them, no for me. I just should have been there... If anyone were to look at Kosef's face right now you'd notice a hint of hidden sadness. How could you murder him like that? He could have had... Information, maybe, knowledge of why we're here? Well, what's done is done, and really killing someone wouldn't even help our name. We might not even be able to come 'round these parts again (flaw: A scandal prevents me from ever going home again. That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.) just like... Never mind, but killing won't help. Well, let's see who they were talking to upstairs. Kosef says, clearly raging from the fact that a) He killed a man, and b) because he might not be able to come back to wherever we are just like so many other cities. In anycase he motions for the rest of the group to follow him up the stairs.

2014-09-07, 07:02 PM
As you ascend the stairs, the first thing you notice is the darkness. There are two torches on either side of the hatchway, but the only other light visible is a fire maybe forty feet ahead. There are four cloaked figures kneeling by the fire, but you can't quite make out what manner of man, woman or beast they might be.

Up above you can see the sky. Well, you assume it's the sky - it's a pitch black expanse and not a star shines overhead. There's about thirty feet of room to move toward the left and right - you can make out the faint sight of a railing. A whiff of salt hits your noses, and you can hear the roar of the swells, and those who haven't yet put it all together can now tell that you're on a boat who knows where in the middle of the Western Sea.

Over the sounds of the sea, you can hear a low chanting from the cloaked figures. It's in a language none of you can understand. Marsden - your character was a preserver of knowledge, so roll an Intelligence (Investigation) check. I'll fill you in on what you can make out about the chanting.

One of the cobblers pipes up in Elvish "Milords, I don't like the look of this. It looks...wrong."

Another cobbler shushes him in Orcish "They know what they's doing," she says.

As if on cue, the four cloaked figures rise. One of them says something you can't understand, but it doesn't sound very much like they're interested in negotiating.


Elf Noble
Cloaked Figures

Kyrie, Marsden and Kosef - you guys get first actions. Then the cloakies will go, then Pand, Thomas, and Zaren.

2014-09-07, 07:33 PM
Kyrie didn't know who these people were, but it looked like they were about to block their escape. She raised her scimitar and lunged at the closest of the cloaked figures with a trilling battle cry.

attack: [roll0]

damage if hit: [roll1]

2014-09-07, 07:40 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Violence was never Marsden's first thought in conflict resolution, but it was clear there would be no other option. No chance for escape other than the blood of his captors.

Taking his sword in hand he rushed up to the cloaked figured and slashed at one of them.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-07, 08:02 PM
Kyrie's attack only hits air, but the Elf Noble is swiftly on her left to help out. "Pardon me, cloaked friend, but if I hurt thee, wouldst thou consider surrender?" he asks, thrusting his rapier.

To Hit: [roll0]

Damage (if applicable): [roll1]

Meepo - you should roll Marsden's Investigation roll.

2014-09-07, 08:07 PM
Investigation: [roll0]

2014-09-07, 08:29 PM
Kosef says in elven: "Wait comrades, violence is not the answer, it never is." Flashback to above flashback. He then continues in elven: "Cloaked *cough* erhm... figures, would you have any chance of wanting to maybe, parley? We could be able to work this out over a nice cup of tea maybe?" He then tries to repeat the same thing in Dwarvish: "Cloaked *cough* teapots, would you have any hospital of wanting no maybe, parley? We could be able to job this out over a nice sip of bread maybe?" and Goblin: "Eating *cough* erhm... statues, would you eat any chance of wanting to maybe, assistance? We could be able to work this up over a nice cup maybe tea two?" If persuasion is required then persuasion is what you will get: Persuasion: [roll0]

If that is to no avail (talking is a free action) Kosef will move to the closest cloaked figure, pull out a rapier and try and pierce the cloaked figure w/out him dodging or some crazy thingy.
To hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Also, could we have some kind of grid here or battle map? Not required but preferred.

2014-09-07, 08:33 PM
After a few moments, you recognize it as the ancient, dead language of the last human empires, a language which died more than a thousand years ago. The vowels sound a little different than you had been taught in the monastery, but there's little mistaking it. The meaning is unclear, but you can make out the words:

Modaetere, modfleaere, bringath us ecceniht ond cwellath gode.

Something about eternal night and killing God.

Excellent roll, by the way.

And zing, yeah. Let me see if I can draw something up for you and get it up before I have the cloaked people go, yeah?

Here we go. I'll post it up in the OOC too.


So that's from left to right on the front line Elf, Kyrie, Marsden, Kosef.

Left to right on the back line Pandjed, Thomas, Zaren with the cobblers bringing up the rear.

2014-09-07, 10:32 PM
Kosef's rapier glances off the cloaked figure's armor.

Your minds tickle with the feeling of some sort of intrusion. Four voices speak simultaneously in your heads, reverberating with an age and power you can barely comprehend.


All three cobblers begin shrinking back.

The cloaked figure near to Kyrie and the Elf Noble's left makes a break for it.

Kyrie, an opportunity attack from you, please.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage (if applicable): [roll1]

The cloaked figures all mutter in unison, but none of them draws a weapon yet.

Two of the cobblers in back get a wild look in their eyes, and stand tall again. "They aren't our captors, they're here to free us! Stop attacking them!"

2014-09-07, 11:30 PM
As the cloaked figure turned to run, Kyrie struck once more with her scimitar.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-08, 12:02 AM
He's bloody, wheezy, and still standing - barely. In the process his hood came off and you can see his face - a bald human with strange tattoos on his chin and around his eyes. When he looks at you, there's no expression, no sense of soul at all.

Pandjed, Thomas, Zaren - you're up.

2014-09-08, 03:39 AM
Thomas was rushing forward almost before he realized what he was doing. His goal was to put himself in harms way - thus putting his shield between his allies and the chanting figures, and secondarily ensure that as many opponents were within his reach as possible.

His lashing out with his whip was almost an afterthought - aimed at one of the cloaked figures who'd already been attacked - the one only barely standing. His strike was checked, however - ideally he'd knock the target out.


Goal is to knock the guy out and not kill - it /seems/ you can just decide this, if I'm reading things right, but feel free to correct me if I'm incorrect.

Anyway, Thomas' reaction is at the ready - thus if they attack an ally adjacent to him (But not him) they get disadvantage!

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2014-09-08, 10:25 PM
Kosef looks at one of the cobblers and says in elven: "Are you out of their minds? Those people must be playing mind tricks on you. Please, don't listen to them, listen to me... Makeshift version of countersong (not sure if I can do this on my turn, but talking is a free action): Preformance/Persuasion (either one): [roll0]

2014-09-08, 10:47 PM
((I know I'm supposed to go after our silver buddy so... this happens after he goes, presuming there are cloakers left))

Zaren grabbed his tarot cards from his bag and started chanting as a few of the cards floated up and circled around him. He pointed his hand forward and a shard of ice formed and streaked toward a cloaked man, enveloped in a ray of blue energy. Zaren reached out and grabbed the floating cards, putting them back on the deck and giving it a quick shuffle. He smirked and couldn't resist, "Chill, dude."

[roll0], [roll1] cold damage if I hit, and if it lives, the cloaked figure has its speed reduced by 10.

2014-09-08, 11:23 PM
Group initiative means I don't care what order you go in, as long as you're going in your initiative group. So don't worry about that. Trying to be in a precise order just slows things down too much for my taste.

And Kantolin, sounds good. If any of you want to take somebody alive, just declare it and they might just get taken alive (so long as you don't accidentally kill them in the process)


Thomas's whip wraps around the wheezing cloaked man's neck, and with a tug he falls to his knees and passes out.

One of the cobblers shouts "'Ey! Leave 'im alone, I said!" and rushes toward Thomas with his shoehorn raised.

"You daft idiot, they've scrambled your brains," another says, swinging her shoehorn at his face.

The third cobbler swings his shoehorn at her, shouting. "No, you're just tryin to stir up trouble. They're takin us somewhere better. They're helpin us!"


Cobbler who attacks the cobbler attacking Thomas:
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
To hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Cobbler attacking the cobbler who attacks the cobbler attacking Thomas:
To hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Zaren's spell hits and causes some icicles to form on one cloaked man's cloak. He's still alive, but his breath is weak and he begins shivering.

Just Pandjed left for this turn.

2014-09-09, 11:59 PM
I'm guessing my persuasion didn't work, lolz.

"LISTEN TO ME!!!" Kosef says, upset that he is not the center of attention, (pretty sure that's one of his traits IDK).

2014-09-13, 11:31 AM
Okay, so I'm going to just have Pandjed do reasonable and simple things until Chuffy can return.

Pandjed turns around and swings his axe at the cobbler who attacked and wounded the other cobbler. "Don't do that," he says in Elvish.


He then moves forward.

End Round 1.


And an ominous roll, for good measure to be posted in the OOC.
Round two begins: Kosef, Kyrie, and Marsden - your turn now!

2014-09-13, 12:50 PM
Kosef swings his rapier at the one which is most damaged and still in his reach. "Hah! Take that!" He says in Elvish.


[roll0] Vs. AC
[roll1] if hit.

2014-09-13, 12:57 PM
Kyrie turned to face the cloaked figure closest to her and swung her scimitar.

To hit: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-13, 01:57 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Elvish: "There will be no eternal night as long as a spark of truth still shines in this world and I am that spark!"

Marsen swings his sword at the cloaked figure again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-13, 10:16 PM
Kosef's attack strikes true, and he fells the cloaked man in front of him. He is eerily silent as he dies, and neither Kyrie nor Marsden's attack strikes. The healthiest looking cloaked man pushes down his hood, his eyes alight with a distant fire. He moves toward the unconscious one.

Attacks of opportunity from Kyrie and Marsden, please.

The slowed cloaked man pulls something from his pocket, then reaches down to his fallen companion and retrieves something from his companion's pocket. He throws them in the direction of the ship's stern.

2014-09-14, 05:15 AM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Marsden swings his sword at the cloaked figure trying to get through.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-14, 10:40 AM
Kyrie also swung at the cloaked figure.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-14, 12:18 PM
The cloaked man staggers through both attacks, but not without severe wounding, before being stuck in the chest by the elf noble's rapier. He falls, his eyes staring into the empty distance. The last one, shivering, holds his scimitar but makes no sound. All is still for a second.

And then it happens.

You feel your heads tingle and as if it were coming from within your own mind you feel a message. YOU WILL FAIL, SLAVES. SLAVES SHALL SERVE AND ALL SHALL FALL.

Panjed, Zaren, and Thomas - you're up.

2014-09-14, 06:05 PM
Kosef thinks deeply to himself: "I am no slave, I am in control, the crowd wants you to believe, so believe you must. Use your powers wisely, just like they taught you..."

2014-09-15, 08:06 PM
Thomas cracked his whip.

Okay, one left - and from the pressed look on their collective faces, they were very unlikely to give much of an explanation. Still, 'very unlikely' was better than absolutely nothing - he surged forward, swinging his lash and again checking his blow.

It actually was a couple moments afterwards that he even realized that the cobblers had swung at him. Right, magic and talking in his head - whoops. He had to get back there and help out - probably to restrain them at least.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Again aiming to knock out over kill.

2014-09-15, 09:37 PM
Thomas's whip misses its mark, but the cloaked man doesn't even flinch.

The injured cobbler gapes at Panjed, meanwhile. "Ye didn' have to kill 'im, you know!" she shouts.

"I didn't mean it," he replies. "Just tried to knock him out. Didn't realize I hit him so hard."

"Just don't hit us again, y'hear? Yer stronger than ye think ye are," she says as she heads back down to the cage. "I don't wanna get killed by my supposed liberator."

The other cobbler throws his shoehorn at Kyrie. "I said stop! We don't have to fight! They're here to help us!"

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-15, 10:08 PM
"Argh!" Kyrie said, stumbling slightly. "By the Land, that hurt!"

2014-09-15, 10:21 PM
Zaren frowned. Are the cobblers right? Are we fighting potential friends?

Still, always one to rather be safe over sorry, Zaren shot another blast of ice at the cloaked figure. "Did you want an ice surprise?"

[roll0] to hit [roll1] Cold damage

2014-09-15, 11:34 PM
Good pun.

The ray hits the cloaked man in the face, frosting over his nose and mouth. You watch for a moment as he scrapes at the ice to no avail. While his eyes should show panic, fear, or any emotion, a curious blankness is all you see. He sinks to the floor, shivering from frost, not a trace of breath escaping.

With his death, the cobbler who threw the shoehorn shakes his head. "They done bewitched us or somethin' - I could feel it in my head. They was whisperin' in there, tellin' me how friendly they were, how they was helpin' us. I didn't mean to attack you - they put the idea in my head."

The elf noble ignores him. "Well, now that we've survived that, what now? My name is Caine, by the way. I believe ye may need a healing potion, milady," he says to Kyrie.

You guys have the one unconscious guy and the three dead bodies (plus the dead cobbler). Probably best to decide what to do with them.

2014-09-15, 11:57 PM
Zaren shuffled his cards and put them into his pocket. "Oh, yeah, also I can do that if you still needed reasons why you should bring me with you." He smiles and walks over to the bodies, rifling through their pockets looking for stuff. As he does this he cheerily asks out, "So, how is everyone? We're all okay, right?"

((Also, what color are the cloaks? And... because I keep forgetting, unless otherwise stated, Zaren speaks Elven by default.))

2014-09-16, 01:32 AM
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Don't lose it.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Don't lose it.


Combat was over, and Thomas' blood no longer boiled. And as he coiled his whip, Thomas looked around - which was when he really realized that one of the cobblers was also not moving. Grimacing, he dashed over to the dead cobbler - holding his head up as though that would do something.

Nothing. Not moving. First thing after opening his eyes after whatever happened was someone went down. Then again, he knew that - magic could bypass his shield.

Could he have done something else? Maybe if he'd hung back more, he'd have been able to interject more. Maybe he could have been more aggressive, stopped the assaults immediately. Maybe something. They had to look into the ship. What had that last (cultist?) thrown? He had to look at what the last cultist threw.

Still, he did no such thing - he instead sat there holding the dead cobbler silently.

2014-09-16, 08:02 AM
Zaren shuffles through night-black robes. Two of the dead cultists turn up nothing, but the third produces... something. A small vial, filled with a liquid that glows a very pale yellow. Even held still, the liquid swirls about as if it has a mind of its own. Whatever it is, they didn't want you getting your hands on it, that's for sure.

Caine produces a healing potion from his bag for Kyrie.

Pandjed looks to Thomas. "I didn't mean to do it. I just meant to knock him out so he wouldn't hurt anyone - he hit the other one pretty hard, and she went back below," he tries to explain. He's only talking in Elvish, though, so you can only really get the gist of the tone.

And Ominous Roll's little brother, Quasi-Ominous Roll:



You hear wood creak. As you look up you see a lone goblin crouched in the dark just behind the torch ensconced at the entrance to belowdecks. It's just turned around, so it doesn't see you seeing it, though.

2014-09-16, 08:49 AM
Kosef wonders what those men were after and why they kept calling us 'slaves' he hopes that he is not actually a slave I really don't want to be a slave, if I wasn't a slave I wouldn't be able to be heard, and become famous with the adoring crowd! He stabs his rapier through each of the dead cloaked men to make sure they're dead.

2014-09-16, 11:58 AM
Zaren looks at the vial, "... Huh. That's kinda nifty. Wonder what it is, I'm sure it's worth a pretty penny to the right people." Truth be told, he wasn't sure if he wanted to sell it. It was kind of intriguing, and besides, it was pretty. Zaren did have a liking for pretty things. Like these cloaks... I mean, sure, the black cloak totally clash with my clothes, but... you never know when you need something sneaky. Besides, I can always get some black clothes later...

The young runaway turned con artist nodded, you never knew when things would come in handy, and a good cloak is so, so hard to come by. Zaren deftly removed the cloak from the man who suffocated and put it on. He looked down and shook his head. Well, it's not the best looking combination, but it'll have to do...

2014-09-16, 01:26 PM
Kyrie took the potion and then paused as she heard the sound of wood creaking behind her; turning towards it, she saw the goblin who crouched near the entrance to belowdecks. "You!" she called. "Who are you and what are doing? Do you have any idea what's going on here?"

2014-09-16, 05:29 PM
The goblin stops when it hears your voice, then starts running away from you the moment it realizes you're addressing it.

2014-09-17, 12:03 AM
Thomas didn't understand a word of what Pandjed said, although he did catch that the tone seemed more apologetic than angry. Or well, so he figured - elvish always sounded whimsical.

Still, he focused on the dead cobbler. Maybe someday, he'd be able to...

...able to?

The half-orc's face lit up as the cobbler coughed - quickly, he set the man down, turning his head to one side. He was alive! It was like someone had been listening to Thomas' mental pleas

Which was an idea that actually caused him to grimace momentarily - Oh gods, he hoped not.

Kyrie's shouted 'you' caused Thomas to jerk up, shield braced - was someone else attacking? He followed the finger to someone he didn't see terribly clearly - but he did notice a blur of green skin as it turned to run. Green! An orc?

No it was /much/ too small to be an orc - a goblin?

"Wait!" He called out, in orcish - jumping to his feet as he did so. Actually, there weren't going to be many places to run to on a ship. Still, Thomas hustled after him. "Wait!"

2014-09-17, 03:08 PM
Thomas chases after the goblin, but stops short in the shadows.

Stealth checks at disadvantage: [roll0] or [roll1]

Ahead of him he sees five shapes. One, a big, hulking bipedal beast of a shape, is furthest away on the prow, steering the ship's wheel. About fifteen feet closer, Thomas sees the goblin and another goblin, on their knees, begging in Goblin.


You understand them loud and clear. They're refusing to attack you.

Standing over them are two lizardpeople, barking orders in a language you don't know, but which sounds like the language of the guard from belowdecks. They carry long javelins and spiked shields, and appear to have other weapons as well.

They don't seem to take the goblins' insolence kindly, however, and are about to attack them when you step on a loose plank of wood, which creaks quite loudly. They look up and they see you.

Your cover blown, I'm going to roll initiative for you and for them. You might consider using your first round to run back and alert the rest of the group.

The lizard folk respond by chucking their javelins your way. One of them sails over your head and misses entirely. The second, however, hits you square in the sternum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18126187&postcount=269) for 8 damage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18126194&postcount=270). They then take out new weapons and bark orders at the goblins.

Links are to the dice rolled, since I didn't want to double/triple post.

2014-09-18, 05:24 AM
Thomas gritted his teeth; of course the creature wasn't waiting, it was worried about...


And he froze - just staring at the scene before him. His heart practically leapt out of his chest at the reaction of the pleading goblins.

And, as it was wont to do... seeing the lizardfolk's reaction caused his blood to boil again - and this time, he was actually angry. His already red eyes glowed redder, his fists clenched, his tusks tingled as he gritted his teeth. And one threw a spear at him. He snarled, "If - "

His roar of pain probably shook the entire vessel as the spear embedded itself into him.

Which actually made him yet more angry, but it also jarred him to his senses - that hurt a /lot/. He was bleeding - actually he was wavering a bit. That hurt a /lot/ - okay. He had to back off.

But if he ran away, they'd just kill the goblins. Or maim them. Or either way, he'd be ditching them. Conundrum. He /had/ to stay.

Think quickly, Thomas - the others weren't that far away. He had to grit his teeth, bear it, and trust in his shield. Out came his whip, but he didn't advance nor retreat. Instead, he bunkered down.

"Is that /it/?" He called out, in orcish. He gave a snarl - which was easy enough, since he hurt. "Try me, snakes. TRY me!"

Hopefully that was loud enough as well. If the others had somehow ignored his first cry of pain. Tusks that hurt.

Combat Actions:
Taking a defensive stance - or more specifically using Dodge as his action so attacks coming at him have disadvantage. Thematically this is being done via shield blocking.

As a bonus action, Thomas will use his second wind, healing himself for: [roll0].

Otherwise, Thomas will remain put - taking a step forward but remaining in his current square.

2014-09-18, 01:23 PM
The two goblins make some noise - you can't hear it, but it sounds displeased - before one of the Lizardmen snaps his jaws and they fall silent. The goblins then take their bows, and they each shoot an arrow.

[roll0] or [roll1]

[roll3] or [roll4]

The arrows fly by harmlessly. One of the lizardmen then runs forward and tries to hit you in the face with his shield. The other hangs back to direct the goblins.

[roll6] or [roll7]

He takes a swing, but the spikes just hit air as you weave away effortlessly.

Thomas, you and Kosef have the initiative.

2014-09-18, 03:49 PM
Kosef, hearing fighting from upstairs(?) begins to run up the stairs and shoots shortbow his at the first hostile enemy he sees.

Move: Follow Thomas

Action: Attack one of the weaker-looking lizard guys
Atk Rl: [roll0]
DMG: [roll1]

Use bonus action to use Bardic Inspiration to Thomas, roll an extra d6 to add to an ability check atk rl etc...

2014-09-18, 04:18 PM
Great - okay, now people were here. Thomas could now breathe a little - okay, next step is to try to ensure as many people as he could would target him and not someone else.

Wait. The others didn't... urgh, and the goblins were shooting at people. Okay, this was... he spoke... c'mon Thomas... yes, he spoke goblin earlier. Oh please understand this.

"Do not hurt the goblins!" He called out in orcish. "Do not hurt goblins. Tell people!" He repeated, hoping that would be enough - pronouns were rough enough in orcish, and he wasn't sure how goblin would handle that translation, so muddling it up with also mentioning the lizards would -

- Think later.

Keeping his guard up rather than swinging, he walked away from the lizardman in his face - just walking right past him. He gave a derisive snort at said lizardman as he passed - in which he stomped right up to the other lizardman, ending with his face inches away from the other's, whip still out and ready.

"This won't take long." He threatened, functionally tasting the lizardman's breath. "Better tell them to shoot /me/."


Action: Dodge still (again flavored as shield bunkering)
Move Action: Moving away from the lizardman who attacked him (Provoking an AOO as I leave his range), and marching up to the other lizardman, ending adjacent. Ideally, I'd like to also be standing adjacent to one (or both) of the goblins. If that's not plausible, then hopefully he can at least get one (or both) of the goblins as well as the now-adjacent lizardman into whip radius.

Presuming he does end up adjacent to at least one goblin, he'll use his reaction to guard for that goblin despite the goblin likely attacking him. :smallsmile:

2014-09-18, 04:41 PM
Kosef shoots the nearby lizardman in the thigh, a pretty wicked looking wound all told. He then catches up to Thomas and gives some encouragement, and in half a second Thomas is out of reach among the other lizardman and the two goblins. From his new vantage point he can clearly see the hulking helmsman - an ogre. The ogre takes no notice, however, and Thomas focuses on dodging and avoiding the attacks.

The lizardman whom he passes takes a swing at him before he can get out of reach, however.

[roll0] or [roll1]
And just whiffs it horribly. Thomas was just too fast for him.

The first goblin takes a swing at Thomas with his scimitar.

[roll3] or [roll4]

But Thomas avoids the blow.

The second backs away (OA from Thomas if he chooses to take it) and shoots an arrow at Kosef.


The arrow glances off Kosef's armor and harmlessly deflects into the ocean.
Okay - Pandjed, Kyrie, Zaren, and Marsden - you're up.

2014-09-18, 05:00 PM
Zaren headed towards the noise, he'd recognize that bellow anywhere. Of course, the first time he heard it, it was sort of his fault. But now...

Zaren looked at the lizards and goblins picking on Thomas and he got mad, very, very mad. He pulled his cards out and tossed a few into the air, where they spun and rotated in place. "Nobody stabs my friends!" The three airborne cards glowed with a purple energy before streaking inerrantly toward the lizardman who just swung at Thomas. The cards explode with a burst of energy when they strike and Zaren scowls looking at the lizardfolk and goblins, I'm going to need a lot more to pull this off than some magic missiles...

Move: head over to see the battlefield
action: magic missile, YEAH!
Damage: [roll0]

2014-09-18, 07:19 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

They were far from safe yet, the sound of battle assured Marsden of this. He rushed towards the conflict, tossing a javelin at one of the lizardmen.

The shaft flew straight and true, impaling the creature.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit! Total damage: 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18132645&postcount=69)

2014-09-18, 09:12 PM
Kyrie swore angrily under her breath as she saw the goblins and lizardmen and heard the sounds of battle. Drawing the yew wand that served as her druidic focus, she spoke the incantation for a thorn whip spell targeting the nearest lizardman.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-18, 11:16 PM
Zaren's missiles send the nearby Lizardman reeling, and Marsden runs up to finish the job, hurtling a javelin directly through the thing's eye socket before it even knows what magic has attacked it. Caine and Pandjed arrive at the scene.

Kyrie brings the wood of the ship alive with thorns sprouting from the floor which lash at and scratch the remaining lizardman.

The lizardman screams something, a single word, and the hulking brute behind him turns around.


He disengages and backs away from Thomas to avoid getting hit again.


Kosef and Thomas, you're up.

2014-09-19, 09:04 AM
Kosef yells at the ogre in goblin (tries to off-dialect to giant): "Mom was you harrier then bigfoot!" BTW, he doesn't have to understand me just understand that I'm mocking him, DC 14 WIS save or take [roll0] damage, and have disadvantage on the next attack roll he makes. YAY DEBUFFS!

2014-09-19, 04:55 PM
"No - attack me! The others might attack you if you shoot at them! Gah!"

And as the goblin attempted to leave his range, Thomas gave a swipe with his whip - after shouting that in orcish. His swipe at the lizardman was much more fierce, but the lizardman was spending a lot more effort avoiding being swung at, and thus it was to no avail.

"Zaren - tell everyone not to attack the goblins!" He called out in halfling, as he again bunkered behind his shield. He /knew/ Zaren spoke halfling at least - maybe other people did too, but either way he hoped someone would repeat that. Unless Kosef /had/ already, but he wouldn't know.

That ogre worried him, and he really wanted to go interject himself in front of the larger creature - but admittedly, he was already between it and the rest. Maybe it'd come to him.


A little complication, uh... for 'shoving a creature' on page 195, it states you can make an athletics check (opposed by their athletics or acrobatics) to make someone prone.
1 - Can I do that with a whip?
2 - Can I do that on an opportunity attack?

If both are yes, I'd like to do that for the opportunity attack that happened as the goblin tried to leave Thomas' reach. If either is no, then he'll make the opportunity attack, but is attempting to knock out and not kill it.

EIther way, Thomas' Athletics check and his to-hit roll with a whip are the same number, so either way:
Attack Roll or Athletics Check: [roll0]
Damage Roll if applicable: [roll1]

This round he'll continue utilizing dodge.

2014-09-19, 09:47 PM
I'm going to say no on the OA shove - you're already using your regular action on Dodging, and shoving seems to me to be something you need to do more as a full action than a reaction, since it's "a special melee attack."

But the whip attack aimed at incapacitation is good.

I'll save the Ogre's saving throw and reaction to Kosef's Vicious Mockery for when it comes up in the initiative order.

Thomas cracks the goblin in the back as he tries to get out, leaving a deep mark in the leather of his armor.

The goblin howls in pain and shoots an arrow at Thomas. The other goblin presses on with its scimitar.

[roll0] or [roll1]
[roll3] or [roll4]

The goblin completely misses with the swordstroke, while the arrow lodges harmlessly in Thomas's chainmail.

Okay, Zaren, Kyrie, Pandjed and Marsden are up next.

2014-09-20, 08:09 PM
Zaren looked at Thomas, (H)"Are you sure? I mean... okay." He shrugged a little, (E)"Hey, guys! Thomas says don't attack the goblins!" He shouts out in elven for the benefit of everyone else.

He grabbed some cards and looked at the big hulky ogre. He tossed one in the air and it glowed icey blue forming another Ray of Frost, flinging it at the brute.

On a hit reduce speed by 10.

2014-09-21, 05:27 PM
"Don't attack the goblins?" Kyrie asked. "In that case..." Raising her focus, she cast her thorn whip a second time, this time at the ogre.

Just noting that Thorn Whip is a cantrip, for the record.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-21, 07:17 PM
Heads up - new title to the thread as now I have two more groups exploring this little world of ours. And a question - should your group wind up in the same place at the same time as another group, would you be opposed to a brief crossover?

The ray hits the Ogre in the feet, frosting over his toes, while the wood of the shipboards lashes at its ankles.

2014-09-21, 07:33 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Marsden moved to put himself between the rest of the group and the ogre. He took out another javelin from his supply and tossed it at the hulking giant. He just hoped they could take it down quickly enough. before it did too much damage.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-21, 10:54 PM
The Ogre stares at Kosef.

Int roll to understand [roll0]
Wisdom save [roll1]

Its eyes, despite being dead and empty, seem to flare with anger. It shouts in Giant "YOU DIE!"

The ogre's feet are frosted over, but it breaks through the ice and charges forward. As it does so, the lizardman reaches out and attempts to grab hold of its hair.


It misses, however and instead hunkers down behind its shield.

The ogre swings its massive club at Thomas as it passes by.

To hit (disadvantage, if the wisdom save fails; if not, the first roll is its attack): [roll3] or [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Thomas's clock is cleaned.

Pandjed's eyes darken and he lets out a loud cry in Draconic, and he runs forward and swings his axe up at the ogre.


Pand's axeblow, however, rocks the ogre before it can get too far. The dragonman stands over Thomas's body, staring down the lizardman and the goblins. The Ogre's still standing though, staring straight at Kosef.

Thomas, roll a d20 (or, since I forgot you're a half-orc, you can use your Relentless Endurance). Kosef, your turn.

Battlemap. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlN6gtzec0JTdHR2UUFFQzRRLWVST3d3TGE5TGNqb Xc&usp=sharing)

2014-09-22, 08:00 PM
The ogre's vicious blow knocked the half-orc a half-step backwards with a sickening crack.

Slowly, Thomas turned his head back towards the ogre. Shifted his weight, went back to shielding himself. He was in full control of himself this time - that meant no savage roar. No snarling. In fact, the only reaction he had to the fact that he'd been hit was that he wiped a little bit of blood from his nose.

Still, there was no secret: That attack had hit him /hard/. His left arm was bent a little funny. That crack cannot have been a good sound. And he apparently didn't notice the trickle of blood dripping down the inside of his right eye.

He actually seemed quite calm, as he continued his defenses.


Using relentless endurance to... uh, not drop, haha.
Action: Dodge again!

2014-09-22, 10:13 PM
Seeing that Thomas was in great danger, Kosef picked up his lute and began to play a cheerful tune, this tune bolstered Thomas but then took a sour note and aimed towards the ogre.

Seeing that the ogre didn't understand the first insult he tries to do the same again, also, he doesn't need to understand me so that last attack was a hit because he wailed the Wis save. He just needs to hear me.

2014-09-22, 10:24 PM
Oh yeah:
Actions: Action: Viscous Mockery on Ogre
Bonus: Healing Word on Thomas
Healing: [roll0]
Viscous Mockery Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-22, 10:58 PM
Don't worry, I know. I wanted to see if it understood for other reasons. The Ogre understood - barely. Understanding just painted a big ol' target on Kosef instead of on Thomas.


The Ogre looks mighty pissed now, and it really doesn't like Kosef right this moment - it's hitting its head with its fist in anger it's so peeved.

The lizardman shouts some new orders at the goblins. The near one attacks Thomas with his scimitar again, slashing low to try and get under Thomas's guard.

[roll1] or [roll2]
Plus 4 makes 7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18151133&postcount=97)

The goblin feints left, and then scores a deep slash down Thomas's arm. Clearly still addled from the massive blow from the club, Thomas's dodging skills were less than admirable this time around.

The other goblin takes aim and looses an arrow at Kyrie.

The arrow flies true and manages to lodge itself in Kyrie's thigh.

Caine strides up to the Ogre and shouts at it in Elvish. "I will not suffer thee to harm us any longer!" and stabs at the Ogre with his rapier.

[roll]1d20+4[roll] Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18151145&postcount=282)

He manages to stick the Ogre in the knee, but it's kind of difficult to tell if the Ogre really noticed or not.

Pandjed, Kyrie, Zaren, and Marsden, you're up.

Battlemap updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlN6gtzec0JTdHR2UUFFQzRRLWVST3d3TGE5TGNqb Xc&usp=sharing#gid=0)

2014-09-23, 04:59 AM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Marsden moved to Thomas, putting himself in harm's way, knowing another blow from the Ogre could kill him. He places a hand on Thomas' armor and the divine power of Oghma's vestige flows through the connection, healing some of his wounds.

Lay on Hands: Thomas heals 5 damage.

2014-09-23, 08:51 AM
The Half-Elf laughs at the trouble he's causing to the ogre. "Hah! Yes! I am the star of the show, nobody else but me!"

Talking is a free action.

2014-09-24, 11:41 PM
Zaren sighed and flung another bolt of frost at the ogre. This isn't good, he's about to drop Thomas!

[roll1] cold damages and -10 speed

2014-09-26, 10:14 AM
The frosty ray zips harmlessly by the ogre's ear. Pandjed steps to his right a couple of feet and opens his mouth. A vortex of frost engulfs the ogre and even manages to hit the lizardman. He then doubles back to stand between Thomas and the lizardman.

Ogre Save: [roll]1d20+3[roll] (see OOC thread)
Lizardman save: [roll0]
Save DC: 13
Damage: [roll1]

The ogre, just like with Caine's sword, doesn't seem to pay much mind to the cold, but the lizardman does take notice, and he does not like it.

Kyrie, still your turn.

2014-09-26, 10:24 AM
Kyrie gasped in pain from where the arrow had struck her. "Not good," she muttered under her breath, and pressed a hand to the wound as she cast a spell of healing.

HP regained: [roll0]

2014-09-26, 01:13 PM
Caine shifts position slightly as the ogre begins moving toward Kosef. As it leaves their reach, however, Caine and Pandjed strike at it.

Caine: [roll0]

Pandjed: [roll2]

Caine sticks the ogre in the knee again, and Pandjed rakes his axe against the ogre's back - almost unnecessarily. The ogre is bleeding freely and profusely at this point, and losing strength fast.

The ogre lashes out at the dragonman with its club and misses before it continues and comes to a stop right in front of Kosef. "YOU DIE," it says in Giant. It begins raising its arm for an attack, but the bloodloss is too much right now and it can't. It's breathing heavily, but the fire in its eyes seems to be dying and the dead look it had before, the same dead look the cultists had, begins to return.

The lizardman starts shouting at it in another language, and swipes its shield at Pandjed.

Ogre: [roll4]

Lizardman: [roll6]

The lizardman's attack hits, but only appears to scratch at Pandjed's scales - in his battlefury, Pandjed takes no notice.

Kosef, Thomas - you're up. Thomas, you can make an OA against the Ogre if you'd like to use your reaction from last turn. Just realized it moved out of your reach too. If it hits and kills, I'll edit the above to reflect that for the rest.

Updated map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlN6gtzec0JTdHR2UUFFQzRRLWVST3d3TGE5TGNqb Xc&usp=sharing#gid=0)

2014-09-27, 10:18 AM
Kosef, as the ogre lowers his defenses attacking him quickly jabs at him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

And misses...

2014-09-27, 02:49 PM
A pleasant song.

The music almost felt like it flowed through Thomas - calming him. Soothing him. As though the world was calling to him - like he was placed within its whirlpool. Like the soothing song was surging through his blood itself.

Of course, before he could even respond in thanks, the goblins reacted - moving a heck of a lot faster than Thomas was expecting. Or maybe his reflexes were lower; that ogre had hit him pretty hard and his reactions were slower now. Blast!

But then came divine energy - and with it, a surge of... knowledge? Or was it more awareness - how he could still withstand? Just a thought? Either way, it was rejuvenating - a different kind of rejuvenating, but rejuvenating nonetheless.

Thomas' lash out against the ogre was reflexive in nature more than anything else - he had to keep focusing on his defenses or all the aid he'd received would be for naught. Although now, the goblins had swung at someone that wasn't him - no! Urgh, that lizardman..."


Opportunity Attack Roll vs Ogre: [roll0]
Opportunity Damage Roll vs Ogre: [roll1]

2014-09-27, 08:25 PM
Thomas's swipe backwards nicks the ogre in the back of the knee. As it raises its arm toward Kosef, however, the blood stream from its back and its leg becomes too much. It says "YOU DIE" to Kosef, but its right knee buckles and it falls over. Its eyes return to the empty look of the cultists, and as it stops breathing, you all feel a brief tingle in your minds. There is no word, only a feeling. A feeling of anger, failure, and pain all wrapped in one.

(Kosef, since the ogre died from Thomas's reaction from the previous turn, you're free to change your action from attacking the ogre. I'll let you do that before I have the goblins turn happen).

Congrats! Ogre down! Hardest part of this battle is done!

2014-09-28, 09:45 AM
Kosef laughs at the attack from the ogre. Then says to the group in elven: "Hah, yes ogre, that's what you get for messing with: 'The one and only... Kosef, MARSKKKKK!!!'"

He then moves to one of the goblins, assisting Caine with helping him fight the goblin.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-28, 10:06 AM
Kosef strikes at the goblin who had shot Kyrie. His attack is strong, and pierces the goblin's heart. The other goblin, the one near Thomas swipes at him and starts running away.

[roll0] or [roll1]

The sword slices at Thomas and wounds him a little across his chest.

As it runs away, Thomas and Marsden have opportunity attacks available. Please roll them if you choose to use them.

Pandjed looks to the lizardman and swings his axe.


Pandjed's attack misses, his axes splintering some wood from the ship's deck as he brings it down.

Kyrie, Marsden, Zaren - you're up.

Updated map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlN6gtzec0JTdHR2UUFFQzRRLWVST3d3TGE5TGNqb Xc&usp=sharing#gid=0)

2014-09-29, 07:39 AM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Marsden tries to keep the goblin from getting away to warn others.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Regular turn coming next...

2014-09-29, 07:47 AM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Marsden then advances upon the lizardman.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-09-29, 10:49 AM
The goblin falls to the ground from Marsden's strike, slamming its head hard on the deck. It looks like it might still be breathing. The lizardman fares worse, his belly opened up by Marsden's attack.

All right everyone, the deck is clear of enemies - you have a cultist you knocked unconscious on the ground by the fire, and an unconscious though perhaps dying goblin at Thomas's feet. There's a big ogre corpse, a dead goblin, two dead lizardmen, and three cultist corpses also to take care of. Take your time and figure out what to do now.

2014-09-29, 01:51 PM
Kosef looks through the belongings of the enemies which they fought, including the cloaked guys downstairs.

2014-09-29, 04:38 PM
You find a few pebbles in the ogre's pocket. The goblins and the lizardman have nothing of note in their pockets, but they do have their weapons.

The ogre has a massive club like a small tree trunk as well as a very large javelin. Each lizardman has a spiked buckler and a knotty wooden club, and the goblins carry small scimitars and goblin-sized shortbows. Each also has a quiver of arrows - the dead goblin has 19 arrows, the unconscious one has a full quiver of twenty.

The cultist's pocket only has a small vial containing a liquid which glows a pale yellow, swirling about as if possessed of a mind of its own.

2014-09-29, 06:04 PM
"NO! Don't hit the go - "

Thomas' cry in orcish was probably not understood by Kosef anyway - and it was far too late. "Gah - hit the lizardman!"

Right, just about nobody spoke orcish. Bah!

Still, the one at his feet was hopefully still alive - yeah. Good. Out came his makeshift bandages from his pack - as he plopped to a sit by the unconscious goblin, trying to stabilize him.

2014-09-29, 06:29 PM
"Do you want help with that?" Kyrie asked Thomas in Elvish before realizing he couldn't understand her. She pointed towards the goblin and then at herself and mimed casting a healing spell, hoping that he would get the gist.

2014-09-29, 10:51 PM
Seeing that the fight is over Kosef lays out all the equipment they found into a pile. Then takes out his flute and hops around in a somewhat silly dance. The objects begin to glow and he continues the silly dance and the flute playing. The melody is that of a great discovery as pictures of explorers come into the parties heads. After doing this for 10 minutes the objects stop glowing.

Detect Magic as a ritual on the items, are any magical?

2014-09-29, 11:09 PM
No magic. Well, one of the pebbles from the ogre's pocket is glowing, a larger one the size of a small bird's egg. As you examine it more closely, it's a small crystal so dark a blue it's nearly black.

You all feel very slightly amused at the little magical geode.

2014-09-29, 11:11 PM
Thomas jerked when he noticed that someone - in this case Kyrie - was moving in his direction, and gave a gesture. He tensed - holding the weaponless goblin a little closer to himself protectively.

In orcish, he exclaimed,

"Wait - don't! I'm - "

Before pausing. Right. Uh.... so he tried halfling.

"No - don't kill him!"

Still, he held to the unconscious goblin tightly.

2014-09-29, 11:11 PM
No magic. Well, one of the pebbles from the ogre's pocket is glowing, a larger one the size of a small bird's egg. As you examine it more closely, it's a small crystal so dark a blue it's nearly black.

You all feel very slightly amused at the little magical geode.

Kosef pockets the crystal.

2014-09-29, 11:25 PM
Zaren ran over to Thomas and glared at him. (H)"What in the seven hells is wrong with you?! You ran off and almost got destroyed by an Ogre and for what? See! This, this right here is why you almost got killed when we met. You're too... not... cautious about things. Nonchalant! That's it, you need to be more chalant! What if you had gotten killed?" Zaren was pretty angry, but it came from a place of concern and not malice. Truth be told, Zaren considered Thomas with the same regard he had for the crew. Erevan always teased him, saying that if Zaren was half as concerned with his spellcraft as he was worrying about the crew, he'd be the best mage in the kingdom.

Zaren's hand subconciously went to one of the daggers sheathed at his belt. His fingers gently touched the blade and a bittersweet smile crossed his face.

Zaren looked back up at Thomas and smiled genuinely before he gave the half-orc a hug. (H)"I've missed you, ya big lug. And if you die doing something stupid, I'll kill you."

2014-09-30, 12:00 AM
While everyone else is dealing with wounds or identifying gear, Pandjed walks over to where Caine is and stares at the door to the cabin situated above the staircase. "The captain's quarters," he mumbles over and over again under his breath. He walks up and tries to turn the knob, but the door's locked.

2014-09-30, 10:12 AM
Kosef sees how they're trying to open the door: "Does anyone know how to open locks subelty, you know, without bashing the door down?" He then repeats it in the other languages he knows: "Anyone how know to open locks, you know subelty, bashing the door without down?" and "Does anyone how know open to locks, you subelty know, bashing without the door down?"

2014-09-30, 10:35 AM
Kyrie shrugged.

"I'm afraid not."

She looked around at the others.

"Can someone who understands what I'm saying tell this guy," she gestured towards Thomas, "that I'm just trying to help?"

2014-09-30, 07:23 PM
Thomas cringed as someone else charged towards him... and then cringed as Zaren spoke, but that was a different kind of cringe. A more sheepish one. Embarrassed as usual, he returned the hug in the awkward half-attempting way that showed that he really wasn't very good at it. With one arm, yet, as he was still holding the unconscious goblin in his other.

"I, uh... I knew I was fine." He responded in halfling, which if anything still showed that he was still a /terrible/ liar. Which wasn't helped by his turning a little red, an extremely noticeable fact on someone who was green to begin with. Nor by the fact that he was, in fact, bleeding copiously and his shieldarm wasn't working properly at the moment.

"I just... you should've seen the look on the goblin's faces, Zaren. They just... I mean they /clearly/ didn't want to be here, be fighting. I couldn't /not/ help them. I'm sorry. I just... I don't know. I'm sorry. You're right. I should've waited. Or... or I dunno. I hope he's okay. Can you help me with him? Boy I hope he's understanding about being knocked out and his friend being killed even though I was trying so hard to..." He trailed off, and bit his lip. "Sorry." He said, stopping his stammering.

2014-10-01, 02:15 PM
Caine wanders over to Thomas and Kyrie with a couple of healing potions. He says first in Elvish, then in Orc when he sees that Thomas can't understand, "I've got two of these for you. Drink up. You need them. There are a couple more downstairs by our cage, I think, in case they're needed. Saw them in a sack in that cabinet where our things were."

He hands over the potions (2d4+2 HP per potion, for reference).

2014-10-01, 04:21 PM
"My thanks," said Kyrie before taking the potion and drinking it swiftly.

HP regained: [roll0]

2014-10-01, 06:51 PM
While Kyrie and Thomas were quaffing down potions, Zaren took a moment to look over Caine. On the one hand... he's clearly a rich noble and thus a good mark, on the other hand he's helping us get out of here and I don't have an escape route so conning him is probably a bad choice... pity.

(H)"Oh yeah, Thomas, she said that she's only trying to help, she's not going to kill the little monster you risked your life to save." Zaren shook his head, he did not at all understand risking your life for that of a stranger. A member of your crew, absolutely, but a strange little goblin? Definitely not. They sure do grow them strange in orc country...

He looked back up at Kyrie, (E)"I told him, miss." And he smiled quite charmingly before adding, (E)"Thank you by the way, he's a bit peculiar at times, but Thomas is good people and a friend, so I appreciate you helping us like this. If there's anything I can ever do to repay the favor when we're off this boat... He trailed off on purpose.

Make them think you owe them one, makes you seem more trustworthy, lowers their guard... What are you doing, Zaren? You heard her earlier, raised by druids in the woods, she probably doesn't have any material possessions worth conning off of her. Ah well, just in case, I suppose.

2014-10-02, 12:22 PM

Come to think of it, Kyrie was one of the two who had saved his life a couple moments earlier. Still - carefully and gingerly - he held the still unconscious goblin towards Kyrie, nodding.

2014-10-02, 06:40 PM
"All right, just hold him still," Kyrie said in what she hoped was a gentle, soothing voice as she placed her hands on the goblin and cast her healing spell.

HP Regained: [roll0]

2014-10-02, 07:54 PM
Kosef begins to head down looking for said sack of potions.

2014-10-02, 09:25 PM
The goblin wakes up, and its eyes bug out in fear. It starts yammering in Goblin.

Kyrie [roll0]
Thomas [roll1]

"Don't kill me please don't kill me I don't know anything I don't please don't kill me!"

Kosef, downstairs in the cabinet is a sack with three potions in it. When you check to make sure they're potions, the red liquid in the vials glows at the agitation, a slightly amusing thing.

2014-10-02, 11:06 PM
The goblin wakes up, and its eyes bug out in fear. It starts yammering in Goblin.

Kyrie [roll0]
Thomas [roll1]

"Don't kill me please don't kill me I don't know anything I don't please don't kill me!"

Kosef, downstairs in the cabinet is a sack with three potions in it. When you check to make sure they're potions, the red liquid in the vials glows at the agitation, a slightly amusing thing.

Kosef licks the potion(? I hope it's a potion) (a thing in 5e to identify potions). Just wondering, does the pebble react in any way?

2014-10-03, 12:45 AM
Kosef tastes the liquid. Tastes like healthiness, which is just plain funny. No obvious reaction from the small stone.

2014-10-03, 01:50 PM
Kosef tastes the liquid. Tastes like healthiness, which is just plain funny. No obvious reaction from the small stone.

Kosef takes the potions then, and heads back up to the deck.

2014-10-03, 04:27 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

"Let us find a place to rest and regroup. Perhaps back where were first were held would be the most defensible place. I can keep watch while the injured recuperate a little."

2014-10-04, 02:08 AM
Just as Kylie healed the goblin, Thomas nodded to her, tapping himself on the chest with his free hand and half-bowing his head in lieu of actually talking.


Thomas's grip was firm, but gentle. His voice, on the other hand, was calm - almost a little worried. He responded in orcish - but tried to repeat himself to make it easier to understand. "It's okay - it's okay! The lizardman is gone. We're not going to hurt you. It's okay."

2014-10-04, 06:26 AM
Zaren thought that Marsden's suggestion of rest was a good idea, Thomas definitely couldn't handle another savage beating today. He stood up and put a hand on Thomas' shoulder, (H)"Come along, big guy, we're going back to the prison to sleep." Zaren sighed and looked at the goblin Thomas refused to let go of.

(H)"You can bring it with you... but you have to tie it up so it doesn't freak out when it awakens, okay? Also, I'm not cleaning up after it, and you have to make sure to feed it."

He looked at the others, (E)"So, we have a guest coming with us, I told Thomas that if he wants to keep it, he has to tie it up so it won't flip out and attack us while we rest, okay?" He thought it best to take care of this now, because Thomas wanted to keep the goblin, for some reason, and Zaren wasn't about to have the group come to blows over something so inane.

2014-10-04, 08:33 AM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

"Let us find a place to rest and regroup. Perhaps back where were first were held would be the most defensible place. I can keep watch while the injured recuperate a little."

"Yes that sounds like a good idea." Kosef says as he just walked up from the place he came and then heads back down there and gets his bedroll out and tucks into it.

2014-10-04, 09:40 AM
The goblin doesn't seem so sure about this, and begins looking around. He notices his companion. "Fitz! What happened to Fitz? he asks.

Caine hears Zaren's suggestion, and offers his own. "Why not look for crew quarters? They may be downstairs as well, and then we can put the goblin in our cage, lock him up, and not have to worry."

Pandjed hears none of this, only staring at the door and muttering "The captain's quarters" over and over again.

2014-10-04, 01:07 PM
"I certainly wouldn't say no to a rest myself," Kyrie said, regarding her companions. "And I think finding crew quarters wouldn't be bad either. Anyone disagree?"

2014-10-05, 12:42 AM
As you head down belowdecks, you look back at the cage you had started in. Down on the floor, the other dragonman lies dead, his keys on the ground beside him. While you look at the cage, you hear a creak behind you. One of the cobblers pokes his head out from a door down the way, barely visible in the darkness. "We found beds," he says.

Caine looks at the rest of you. "I am neither hurt nor particularly exhausted. If ye would like for me to stand watch, I would gladly do so."

Pandjed has not come downstairs. He's still staring at that door up abovedecks.

The crew quarters are slightly cramped. There are eight bunks set into the wall and only a ten foot wide footpath in the room. There are pillows and blankets in each bunk, but some of the pillows feel slightly oozy.

2014-10-05, 10:25 AM
Kosef wakes to everyone talking and then packs up and moves into the bedroom, then sets all of his stuff down. And promptly falls back asleep.

2014-10-06, 02:51 PM
Thomas gave an exhale at the goblin's question before responding in orcish.

"I'm sorry." Was his first sentence. "In the heat of battle, I couldn't save him. I wanted... I'm sorry. I was trying to aim for the lizardmen first. I... I don't know."

Thomas exhaled again, shaking his head slowly. "I wasn't strong enough to save you both."

A pause. "But here - since you were stabbing us not too long ago, they're - er, most of them are probably not going to trust you immediately if you're away from me. Would you come with us below decks first? After we all rest, things will be more okay."

2014-10-06, 10:51 PM
The goblin looks around and sees he's outmatched and acquiesces. Down belowdecks Caine recommends securing him in the cage, for everybody's safety.

When you wake up from your , everyone is down in the crew quarters. Everyone except Pandjed. Last anyone remembers, he didn't come down but just kept fingering his axe and staring at the door to the captain's cabin.

For anyone who chose to expend a hit die during the rest to regain hit points, here are your results Disregard if you had no healing to do (I'm rolling everyone just because I like rolling things):

Thomas [roll0]
Kyrie [roll1]
Zaren [roll2]
Marsden [roll3]
Kosef [roll4]

2014-10-06, 11:14 PM
The goblin looks around and sees he's outmatched and acquiesces. Down belowdecks Caine recommends securing him in the cage, for everybody's safety.

When you wake up from your , everyone is down in the crew quarters. Everyone except Pandjed. Last anyone remembers, he didn't come down but just kept fingering his axe and staring at the door to the captain's cabin.

For anyone who chose to expend a hit die during the rest to regain hit points, here are your results Disregard if you had no healing to do (I'm rolling everyone just because I like rolling things):

Thomas [roll0]
Kyrie [roll1]
Zaren [roll2]
Marsden [roll3]
Kosef [roll4]

Notifying you that I'm not spending a hit die as I wasn't damaged.

2014-10-06, 11:17 PM
No worries. Like I said, I just rolled everyone who rested because I like rolling. And once you finish clearing out the ship you'll not need to worry about that since it'll be time for a well-deserved long rest.

2014-10-07, 03:43 PM
No worries. Like I said, I just rolled everyone who rested because I like rolling. And once you finish clearing out the ship you'll not need to worry about that since it'll be time for a well-deserved long rest.

Yay!!! Long rests!

2014-10-07, 04:08 PM
So you guys are all awake now from your short rest, and have noticed that Pandjed is missing. When you check the cage, the cultist is still unconscious and the goblin is sitting in the corner, looking warily at you and at the cultist. All of a sudden, you hear from above you a crash and then a brutal thud, before an agonizing shriek of pain rattles the wood throughout the whole ship.

2014-10-07, 07:32 PM
So you guys are all awake now from your short rest, and have noticed that Pandjed is missing. When you check the cage, the cultist is still unconscious and the goblin is sitting in the corner, looking warily at you and at the cultist. All of a sudden, you hear from above you a crash and then a brutal thud, before an agonizing shriek of pain rattles the wood throughout the whole ship.

Can we recognize the scream?

2014-10-07, 08:21 PM
You can't understand it, but it's loud, and deep, and primal.

2014-10-07, 08:27 PM
Kyrie came awake suddenly at the sound and leapt to her feet. "What was that?" she demanded.

2014-10-08, 04:49 AM
Zaren sat upright, stopping his drawing on the ceiling with a small piece of charcoal and some magical assistance in reaching, the piece of charcoal fell to the floor as his concentration broke. (E)"Well, worst case scenario, the ogre had a loving family who found his body on deck and is mad. Best case scenario is it's someone playing a prank with illusion spells. I'm going to assume it's something somewhere in the middle though. And if I know my plucky friend over there," Zaren said, gesturing at Thomas, (E)"He's going to want to investigate." Zaren sighed and got his gear ready.

He looked over at Thomas and the goblin. They don't know each other, and unless Thomas is about to tell me that they fell in love at first sight, I don't get it. What's with this whole, risking yourself for a stranger business? That's how people end up dead. You have to look out for you and yours and that's it. Someone else's problems are just that, someone else's problems. Zaren shook his head and waited to see if anyone was going to say the smart thing, the logical thing. That they should get off of this boat and leave whoever was imitating a banshee to their own devices.

2014-10-09, 01:52 PM
Thomas jerked up at the noise, loudly noting in orcish, "Who was that? It sounded like they're in pain!"

Also, it occured to him a little bit afterwards, it was unusual that it pretty much shook the entire ship. Zaren just reminded him that he's not helping anybody if he's dead. Still, he gave the goblin some of his rations, focusing there first.

"Sorry - I'm gonna go check out what that sound was in case I can help. I'll be back shortly - you should be okay in here, okay?"

Then he turned to Zaren - noting the latter was getting his gear. Smiling, in halfling he stated, "Oh good, I was going to ask if you could ask everyone to come help, but I guess you already did. What language are you all speaking, anyway? Is that dwarven?"

2014-10-11, 07:24 PM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Like usual, Marsden's response to the sudden cry was measured. He didn't jump to action, but neither did he tarry. He sat up from his resting spot and gathered his weapon and shield.

Elven: "The sooner we clean this up, the sooner we can get some real rest."

Marsden headed for the stairs to join the others in investigating the strange yell.

2014-10-13, 06:03 PM
As you head upstairs and round the corner, you see splintered wood where a door should be, and a flickering light illuminating the cabin.

2014-10-13, 06:53 PM
Can we see into the door?

If not, Kosef tries to sneak in to get a better view: Stealth: [roll0] (He also has darkvision, it that helps.)

2014-10-14, 01:41 PM
Thomas almost dashed forward into it in worry, but he checked himself before doing so. Right. C'mon, keep it under control.

He did, however, position himself at the front. In halfling, he noted in Zaren's direction, "That's not good."

Once sure people were following him, he defensively moved forward.

2014-10-15, 01:31 AM
You slowly walk over, mindful of potential danger. As you begin to position yourselves such that you can see into the cabin, you see Pandjed standing over the body of an emaciated creature that you can't quite identify. He's twitching, a slightly amusing sight considering his scales, and his movements are slightly jerky.

"Killed the captain, I did I did," he says in Elvish, his teeth cracking together with every word, as if the language does not fit his mouth.

2014-10-15, 07:21 PM
Thomas looked at the dead body, then up at Pandjed. His mind raced for a moment - when had he last seen Pandjed? He was by the captain's door while Thomas was talking to the goblin, but someone went to... wait, no. Nobody did go talk to Pandjed.

He didn't, however, understand if Pandjed's nonverbal cues meant anything.

"Did... did he attack you?" He asked, hesitantly. And in orcish, before recalling that nobody could understand him, which reminded him that Pandjed in particular didn't speak any language he spoke.

And thus he opted to remain silent instead of repeating himself.

2014-10-16, 03:42 PM
Kosef looks over this strange sight and says in elvish: "Pandjed are you ok? I mean, did he attack you or anything? It was in self-defense right?" Kosef is starting to get a bit nervous.

2014-10-16, 08:43 PM
Pandjed looks at you with a curious look. He shakes his head as if something's buzzing around his face, but there's nothing there. He smiles and says serenely in Elvish, "Killed the captain, I did I did. And you can all go home, you can you can."

As your eyes linger on the corpse of the captain, you identify a pointed ear among the tangle of golden hair on the corpse's head.

2014-10-16, 09:17 PM
Zaren frowns and looks at the pointed ear of the captain. (E)"An elf...? Why is the captain of this ship an elf? I mean, there were dragonborn and lizardfolk and goblins and an ogre..." Zaren shook his head, something didn't seem right.

2014-10-16, 09:40 PM
"I think that's something we'd all like to know," Kyrie said, coming up to stand beside Zaren and regarding Pandjed warily. "And what's this about us going home?"

2014-10-16, 10:48 PM
On the edge, Kosef looks over Pandjed

Insight: [roll0]

2014-10-16, 10:56 PM
"Captain's dead and we're free we're free. Rescued you I did I did."

Pandjed doesn't look right. He's twitchy, and he hasn't been twitchy since you encountered him. There's something off, but whether it's new or it's something you haven't noticed before, you can't say.

2014-10-17, 09:51 AM
Lorekeeper Marsden Truelight

Marsden observed, but said nothing. He'd pretty much assumed that everyone aboard the ship that was a captive might have to die in order for them to escape. The question was who was a captive? who was to be trusted and who was not. Pandjed was an odd case. He was both one part captor and one part liberator.

Insight: [roll0]

2014-10-19, 07:41 PM
Marsden picks up on some slight cues - there's a glassiness to Pandjed's eyes, and it seems as if he's re-learning his speech - he never spoke oddly earlier. Something's wrong, but what it is exactly is hard to say. The elf, the captain, has a caved in skull, but there's no sign of any fluids or organs leaking out.

2014-10-20, 09:43 PM
Kosef whispers to whoever's next to him in elvish: "Something's wrong, I think he's being controlled. We'll have to put him down... Somehow. Ambush a good plan?" Also, he's making sure that Pandjed can't hear him.

2014-10-22, 03:23 PM
Thomas was more than a little concerned, but the others seemed to be talking relatively calmly to Pandjed. Maybe things were in fact okay. Zaren at least would be reacting differently if Pandjed was threatening people. But he sure /seemed/ to be off his game, to say the least.

Having the idea, Thomas stepped forward - closer to the corpse. There was always the off chance, you know?

Presuming nobody reacted to his doing this, he'd move the corpse's hair and the like to get a better look.

2014-10-26, 04:55 PM
As you move the hair, you see that not only is the head slightly caved in, but it seems entirely empty, like there's nothing in there at all. More and more, you begin to wonder just what it is that's going on.

"Homeward, homeward," Pandjed says. And all of you understand - as if the words didn't come from the air but from within your heads. But you saw him move his jaws. He starts pushing past you out of the cabin toward the ship's wheel on the prow. He's dragging his axe across the floor as he goes.