View Full Version : Fall of Umber Terra

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STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-06, 09:28 AM
OOC info:
Read and obey the GITP code of conduct.

History: The continent of Umber Terra has been at peace for as long as anyone can remember. Human colonies dot the western and southwestern coasts, while the nomadic native Mintauran wander about the vast majority of the interior, living alone or in small family groups. The Shook people stick to themselves for the most part, hunting and gathering in the northern forests and jungles. And deep beneath the surface a race of sentient insect folk scratch out an existence from the earth and stone they inhabit.

The Mintauran are the most devout to the old deities, known as the Umber, these spirits of the stone itself are believed to be the source of life on Umber Terra.

The Shook share in this ancient faith, though their treetop lifestyle has set them slightly further from the stone and thus only their most devout truly appreciate the old ways of the Umber.

Humans are settlers from another land, though where they come from is as mysterious as how they got here. Their settlement was unintentional but unavoidable and now several generations hence this land is all they know. Most are atheistic or agnostic in nature though a few have embraced the religion of "The Savages" or Mintauran who aided their ancestors when they first arrived.

Brixii evolved from mindless vermin and follow only their queens. They have no known religious structure.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-06, 11:45 AM
It was a cold and treacherous night that led into a violent day on the sea. The water was choppy and the wind whipped first from the north, then from the west, changing almost as quickly as the sails could be adjusted. The sea mist, the only thing cooling you from the heat of a blairing sun.

With the exception of Crexixx the rest of you are serving on a whaling vessel piloted by Capitan Gomer Zeel. In the fleet of Admiral Felron Pike. You are sailing in the deepest sea you've ever sailed chasing a pod of whales. Seven ships spaced forty to fifty feet apart running these whales, harpoons at the ready. All of a sudden, from the very bowels of the sea comes a sea monster, the likes of which, even the stories fall short of. A collosal blue dragon bursts up from below, swallowing a full grown whale in a single motion. The dragon then cranes its neck and looks at your ships as you scramble to drop sails and avoid colliding with its massive body. It studies you ship by ship as if trying to decide which one to eat first. Dozens of men leap into the sea from sheer fright. Then without warning the dragon breaths a fog across the waters, a mist so thick that you cannot see the dragon, nor even the ships to either side.

Suddenly a voice rings out through the cloud. Part word part roar. It is understandable common, though it bears a thick draconic accent. "I am called 'The Seer'. Serve me and you shall live. Do my bidding and you shall be rewarded. Follow me and you will be made great. Exalt me and you shall become legends. BUT fail me and you shall die. Refuse me and be no more."

The fog clears and you can see Admiral Pike standing at the prow of his ship, speaking face to face with this Dragon. Captain Zeel moves to the bow of your ship as if to do the same. First mate Corwyn MacHale moves to stand with him. Just before the dragon moves to your ship, Master Rigger Cyra Shadowwing swings in from topmast holding tightly to a rope. She lands on deck beside Corwyn.

The Dragon moves to your vessel. "What say you? Will you serve?" To which all answer "Aye". " You will sail to port, and go to these coordinates." The dragon touches the deck with a single claw and numbers appear in the wood. "There you will meet my servant and aide her in the task I have set before her." He waves his claw over the deck, rubbing his fingers together. Gold coins and gems clink and clatter as the fall across the deck. More gold than you have ever seen. "Arm yourselves, train, recruit my army from those you meet along your journey. My kin will roam these lands once more. We will rule as the (nite) intended." He says a few words in draconic, "You three, your bravery is rewarded."(Mythic tier gained) With the word "rewarded" Corwyn's red hair grows brighter and her green eyes begin to shine like emeralds. "Look at you small one. Oh what the old ones have taken from your kind. With your pledge I grant you some of that back." Cyra falls to the deck in searing pain. She crumples into a fetal position and weeps as wings burst from her back and her very bones contort and configure to support them. They unfurl to a wingspan nearly twice her height. The dragon then moves on to the next ship.

" You heard him! To port." Captain Zeel shouts as men clamor to turn the ship about and sail back toward Doran. After making port your crew ventures to the coordinates that were given to you. You reach the spot to find an arachnoid woman making camp. You introduce yourselves as servants of "The Seer" and after a brief pause you are welcomed to join her camp.

The next day Captain Zeel aproaces Corwyn, "Mate, take four of our best men and go with this one. I will find us arms and amass a force from the islands." Corwyn calls out for her brother Rand, his fellow harpooner Venge, Ravous the navigator and Cyra the rigger. "We shall accompany Crexixx here in her task for the Seer. We shall reap glory, honor, and riches beyond our dreams."

The six of you reach the colony that once Crexixx's home. You find it empty save for a few hatchling brown and green dragons. A darkness wells up inside of Crexixx, but she moves on. You spend the next year training in various marshal techniques and even some supernatural abilities gained from the Seer's blessings. You ferret out clues to discover the location of other secret vaults all across the land where Dragons from the first war were imprisoned. You have occasionally met with your superiors to trade intel and gather supplies, but for the most part you have come together as a team, united in a common goal.

All of this goes on for a year, a month, a week, and a day, and brings you to where you are now. Camped in the shadows of massive 150' trees on the southwestern edge of the Telariel forest.

2014-09-06, 11:59 AM
OCC Description: Ravous around 5'8, medium weight and build human with eyes of blue so deep that the depths of the see barely compare, hair the color of night, skin pale but not sickly and a curved up mustache. Well dressed with a proper walking cap on and A black wooden cane with a silver grip shaped like that of a cobra head with small green gems embedded in it's eyes. Also along his waste are a few bottles of weird looking concoctions.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 12:16 PM
Crexxix the arachnid woman stands over ten feet tall, a featureless stone mask covers her face. She wears chain mail, and carries a giant sized bow, and a scythe shaped crystalline weapon of similar size. Her carrapass is black with flares of red where it intersects.

2014-09-06, 02:41 PM
So Crexxix, why do you wear that stone mask it can't be comfortable.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 02:56 PM
"It. For benefits. Human frail mind. Weak."
When she speaks the human language, she seems to spit it from her mouth. It lacks grace and is broken.

2014-09-06, 03:08 PM
"My mind is not weak, besides since we are working and training together i figure its good to know more about each other. My mind holds much knowledge and if an emergency comes up I would like permission to remove the mask and administer a potion that can relieve your pain and heal your wounds." His dictation and annunciation in the language is precise almost as though he was born speaking it.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 04:58 PM
While I respect the fact that you have taken the time to learn my language, and respect the fact that you are one of the chosen. You are still only human. The Humans who have seen my face react with fear. I keep it hidden to protect humans from their own fear. I wont Fall in Battle. I am the Last Queen of my Colony. I have a Mission, I will keep you all safe while you assist me.

Her head tilts for a moment while she speaks in clicks chirps and a grinding sound before her gaze returns to the trees.

2014-09-06, 05:03 PM
Very well, I only offer to asist that is all

Ravous smiles and nods. Stokes a small fire to get the embers hot for cooking on. And pulls a cooking pot out of his pack puts water in and starts slicing vegetables up.

2014-09-06, 05:51 PM
"Sally slicer! This shall be my sabre's name! Excellence! All good swordsmen name their blades..." Rand spewed random absurdity with a smile from his pie hole as he had the most brilliant of thoughts. It would be a crime not to share this significance.

2014-09-06, 06:02 PM
"Interesting why don't you go take Sally Slicer and go slice up some meat for the stew." Ravous says with a smile and a little bit of jest.

2014-09-06, 06:11 PM
"Smashing idea, but the only things I've seen are tremendous fungi and I'm unsure if they're editable." Rand replies with his fingers in the shape of an L on his chin.

2014-09-06, 06:18 PM
"I have vegetation I need meat of a beast unless you care not for meat in the meal."

2014-09-06, 06:27 PM
"I consume all that is nourishing my friend."

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 06:28 PM
Crexxix turns to look at Rand, She obviously looks at Rand long and hard before turning to look at Ravous

Why does he name the sword? He said he is a Sword-Man does this mean that sword is his child?

Crexxix rises up pulling her bow out.

"I get meat"

(( Survival Check to get some small game meat))

2014-09-06, 06:35 PM
Corwyn MacHale stands just over five feet tall. She has vibrant red hair that falls in curls just beyond her shoulders. Her emerald green eyes peer over freckled cheeks. She is small but fierce, her training allows her to move with relative ease while carrying an amount of steel that nearly outweighs her.

"Rand, I think it's high time you put down the hooch. You're getting rather silly. " She says with a grin, but maintaining a sternness that denotes her serious nature.

2014-09-06, 06:42 PM
" Be forewarned my female friend that staring into my eyes so intensely may cause me to attempt to woo thee. My swagger knows no discrimination towards humanoid females. A bit of kirk I am Ho ha!" Rand says to Crexixx with a smile on his, a brow raised, and a twinkle in his eye.

2014-09-06, 06:42 PM
No it just means he's compensating for issues he has but he could think of it that way
Ravous Chirps, then laughs as Crexxix leaves

2014-09-06, 06:56 PM
Ravous stirs the boiling vegetables and starts to add spices.

((Profession Cook check))


STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-06, 07:19 PM
Crexixx spots something moving about 50' away. While the top comes off Ravous' spice container spilling too much salt into his pot of veggies.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 07:27 PM
((Darkvision 90ft))
((Perception Check [roll0]))
((Sneak Check [roll1] to get in position to take a shot))

Crexxix Moves slowly as she draws an arrow looking deep into the brush to catch some food.

2014-09-06, 07:56 PM
Ravouse begins to compensate by adding a little wine to the mix

(Profession Cook check)

((Expanded Inspiration adds the extra d6 without expending an inspiration point))

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 08:00 PM
Crexxix spot her prey amongst the trees. Taking aim she lines up her shot, and pulls back her bow string to unleash the arrow.

[roll1] if hit))

Afterwards she drops the bow behind her as she takes a 5 foot step toward the beast and draws her scythe as a move action, Squaring off her next meal.

2014-09-06, 08:30 PM
Venge Jager, a 6 foot tall human, has been sitting quietly in his thoughts. His shoulder length black hair straight from his head. His steel blue eyes stared into the fire. He wore a well-weathered pair of dark brown leather boots, pants, and gloves. His belt was a lighter leather with a pouch tied at his right. His faded black shirt was patched with darker new fabric in places, but together. Over his shoulder hung a faded black cloak in similar shape as his shirt. Off to the side with his back pack was an axe, greatsword, and compound longbow in arms' reach. Just in case.

It's been more than a year since a new power went coursing through his veins. His familiar rage was different now. It seems ancient and dangerous. He was entrusted with this power for a reason so he was going to see their mission though.

"Sorry. I was lost in thought. Do we need anything else for the stew?" Venge asked.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-06, 08:30 PM
Crexixx's arrow lodges in the thick quills of a large quillboar. The arrow fails to pierce the boar's thick hide, but it certainly gets It's attention. A loud sqeeeeer is heard, followed by the sound of branches snapping.

2014-09-06, 08:32 PM
"If you wish to go scavaging for fruit i would not protest it would be good to have a lil sweet on the side."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-06, 08:47 PM
((OOC sorry can't build a map right now))
IO is:

2014-09-06, 08:52 PM
"Something loud and smelly stirs in yonder bush. Music shall soothe this savage beast." from his satchel Rand pulls out small spherical instrument and begins toot a titular tune upon his toot flute.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 08:54 PM
Crexxix doesnt miss a beat as she sprints forward charging the quilled boar. But she doesnt stop or slow as she approaches it. She screams at it as she pulls up and runs the creature over, attempting to trample it from its feet.

((Overrun Attempt: CMB vs CMD for Overrun [roll0]))

After running over the top of the creature. She spins around, pulling her shining crystal scythe above her head and screams once again before using two hands to bring it down upon her target.

((Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]))

2014-09-06, 08:54 PM
"I'll see if I can find anything." Venge replied. He shifted to his feet and slid on his Studded Eel Hide Leather and bucket his battleaxe to his waist, and strapped his greatsword and quiver to his back. He left his backpack as he trusted his companions. He took a torch from his pack and lit it with the campfire.

"Off I go." Venge said.

Venge began to search for fruit in the dark forest.

Survival Check

Perception Check (Just in case)

2014-09-06, 08:58 PM
Ravous holds the hilt of his cane ready to draw the bladed hidden deep within if the beast should charge>

2014-09-06, 09:07 PM
Venge turned to face the beast and dropped the torch in the dirt in between him and the boar. He quickly drew his bow and notched an arrow.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 09:11 PM
Crexxix sees how her Scythe has not penetrated the beast, but she has put it to the ground nonetheless.


"Humans Come. Come. Kill your Meal."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-06, 09:20 PM
As Crexixx charges the beast she tramples it underfoot, knocking it to the ground however some of the quillboar's sharp quills lodge in her legs dealing [roll0] damage. She swings but the scythe passes over the boar clipping a few quills which fall to the ground.

Meanwhile Venge seems oblivious to the tussle as he stumbles into the woods tripping on the occasional root, before finally drawing hi bow.

The Boar attempts to rise back to it's feet. (Triggering AoO from Crexixx. Turn to be continued)

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 09:24 PM
Damage: [roll1]))

2014-09-06, 09:24 PM
Ravous studies his prey for the prefect attack point

((Darkvision 60ft))

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-06, 09:44 PM
Crexixx causes a deep wound in the boars shoulder as it rises, causing it to flee. Choosing not to go toward the fire that now lies between it and Venge, it charges straight into camp.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-06, 10:58 PM
((COMBAT REFLEXES FOR THE WIN! moved out of my threatened square!))


2014-09-06, 11:07 PM
Ravous will counter charge now that he has studied the beast.

((Expends 2 inpsiration point to add to Attk))





2014-09-06, 11:26 PM
***Add 2 for charging i for got to add that***

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-07, 09:14 AM
Crexixx swings wide and misses the boar's rear haunch.

Ravous meets the boar mid charge and plunges his thin blade into the boar's fresh wound, cutting the beast even deeper. He too gets too close and ends up taking quills in his arm [roll0] DMG

2014-09-07, 10:11 AM
Venge took aim at the beast and released his arrow.

Ranged attack roll

Damage roll

2014-09-07, 11:05 AM
Corwyn rushes forward to stand between Crexixx and Ravous.

"Rand! Shields up. Be ready."

She then begins emitting light from her sword and shield.
Channel positive energy (selective channel to exclude th boar.) Every one heals for [roll0]

2014-09-07, 03:09 PM
"Blast this bloody flute!" Rand throws his toot flute hitting the boar in it's left eyeball and then readies his shield and sally slicer.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-07, 04:26 PM
Rand's penny whistle bounces off of the boar's head to no effect.

Venge's torch ignites the leaf litter and swells to a blaze in a 5'x10' swath between himself and the camp.

Top of the round.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-07, 07:17 PM
Crexxix's Eyes Focus upon the Boar as she flexes her tendons beneath her chitin. The air around her seems to grow Hazy as a purple nimbus begins to surround her. And then shes gone, a mere after image fades away as she appears 40 feet away, beyond the Boar. A purple slash appearing in the air as if she struck at the Boar.

((Crusaders Strike, Spent 1 Mythic Point. [roll0] [roll1]))

With that, she spins on her heal and Charges the Boar and Screams beneath her mask.



STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-07, 08:28 PM
Crexixx sinks her scythe deep in the pig's side just beyond the ribs. Its guts spill out onto the ground, with what should have been a fatal blow but the boar remains standing, defiant of death itself.

(Ravous is up)

2014-09-07, 09:28 PM
Ravous turns and skews the boar with his Sword.

((Attk Roll))



STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-08, 07:55 AM
Ravous thrusts his slim blade into the boar's wound, but the tip strikes bone causing him to slide his hand along the blade painfully, nearly severing a finger. (Damage applied to Ravous) at the same time Ravous flinches and jerks his arm across the boar's quills for [roll0]damage.

The Boar, feeling desperate, tries attacking Crexxix with everything he can muster. First come the tusks, [roll1] [roll2], Then he throws his hackles forward, quills raised. [roll3] [roll4].

2014-09-08, 09:22 AM
"Bloody nymph's monthly!" Venge cursed as the blaze roared up between himself and the camp. He ran the shorter way around the blaze to his left behind personal effects. In frustration, he loaded up another arrow, aimmed at the boar, and fired.

"Damned beast."

Ranged Attack Roll

Damage roll

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-08, 10:56 AM
Venge's arrow finds its mark in the back of the beast's head driving deep into its skull, the shaft splintering as it does. The boar falls hard, its snout slamming several inches into the soft soil of the forest floor.

(Corwyn is up)

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-08, 11:10 AM
The Tusks of the creature pierce Crexxix's Armor and deep beneath her Carapace as Ichor and innards poor from her. She swings gently for a moment before sitting down.

2014-09-08, 11:42 AM
Corwyn continues to emit a bright light, she moves to be sure all wounded parties are within range. She once again channels positive energy out to the group. [roll0]

(The earlier 3 was a mistake)

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-08, 12:11 PM
Ah.... much better

Click and Chirps come from Crexxix as Corwyn emits her healing light.

"Corwyn keep heal. Corwyn will no fall on feild, Crexxix ensure."

Crexxix seems to immitate what looks like a nod, but comes more off like she is shaking her head up and down.

2014-09-08, 12:27 PM
The light fades from her shield and sword as Corwyn makes her way to each gathered party member in turn, laying a hand on each "I bleed with you as you bleed with me."

(establish life links with Crexixx, Ravous, Venge, and Rand. Each of you will heal 5 points every 6 seconds.)

Once everyone is fully healed she places her hand on her breast over her heart as if in salute. Cast Lay on Hands [roll0] She holds her hand in place as another pulse of energy waves out of it (Heal 5 more)

Corwyn rubs her neck as if it were sore. "The rest I'll sleep off. Lets get this pig on a spit."

2014-09-08, 02:33 PM
"Bwahwahwah!" Rand adds a sound effect to Corwyn's glowy powers to aid in her healing of their comrads.

2014-09-08, 05:09 PM
"So who could possible slice the meat out that is useful or will I need to do so."

Ravous goes over to the vegetables simmering in the stew, and pulls them off the direct fire and sets it to the side and pulls out a pan from his haversack and starts oiling it up for cooking the meat. Also pulls out some Salt for curing excess as to not let any of the meat that can be used go to waste.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-08, 05:38 PM
Crexxix reaches over, pulling some of the spilled guts under her mask, sounds of slurping and gnawing come from beneath. After a few bites she stops and sets the rest down, he body shuddering for a moment.

"Crexxix no cook"

2014-09-08, 06:03 PM
Ravous pulls out his sword and begins carving the meat out.

((Profession Cook))


Expanded Inspiration

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-08, 06:17 PM
Ravous Spends the time to carve away the best cuts of meat, carefully removing innards hide and large fatty portions and yields 979 lbs of usable pork.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-08, 06:21 PM
(( Profession Leather Worker [roll0] ))

Crexxix takes the hide and starts working with it so it can be made into something useable.

2014-09-08, 06:49 PM
Ravous slices up 10lbs to cook for everyone uses a light seasoning on the meat cooks it till its a medium tint then adds a bit of wine to the meat and lets it simmer for a few moments soaking in the juices.

Then with the extra meat Ravous is 80% reduction 193.8 lbs. of jerky

((Profession Cook Check))

(Takes 20)

2014-09-08, 07:18 PM
Venge sat around the fire with the others.

2014-09-08, 08:18 PM
"We now have enough jerky for an entire army! Raise your hand if you enjoy the chewy meat goodness as much as I! Ho ho!" Rand cheers for the group and congratulates his friends on a job well done.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-08, 08:25 PM
Crexxix seems to look to Rand again. Pausing. Before she turns to looking out at the woods. She gets up again and retrieves her bow from the woods, before returning and standing over the cooking pot, letting the smells float up her mask for a moment.

These smells will bring others if they smell it. I shall Keep watch.

He notices the fire that is still spreading and makes several clicking noises toward Corwyn.

HURRY!!! put the fire out!!!

"Quick. Fire! Magic Water!"

2014-09-08, 08:42 PM
The sound of breaking branches is heard in the distance and flocks of birds fly away screeching in annoyance. Bursting through falling leaves, Cyra clumsily emerges from the nearby forest. She flails about in mid-air, frantically flapping her ebony wings. As if she had suddenly been struck by an unseen arrow, Cyra crashes towards the ground. After a few moments, she slowly raises her head and spits out a mouthful of dirt.

Without a sound, she walks over to fire and has a seat. She eyes the jerky longingly.

Cyra stands at 3' 4" with wings as dark as the void. She has dark skin and unnerving red eyes. Tiny crystal beads are woven into her long black hair resembling dew drops on a flower.

2014-09-08, 09:04 PM
[Better late than never] Rand! Yes that guy over there that makes you think "WOW! Who is that guy over there?". Standing at 6'1" with impeccable posture and fashionable stance. His eyes and hair a rich brown like your grandmother's famous fudge brownies. Clad in polished steel plate and blue suade leather. The upper portion of his helm fashioned to resemble a gentleman's top hat, wrapped at the base with a fine headband with a most ridiculously large feather tucked on the side both a matching hue of blue. Proud of the mutton chops jettisoning from his cheeks. If you don't see the twinkle in his eye then you shall witness the sparkle of his smile. A most handsome example of a fellow indeed.

2014-09-08, 09:19 PM
"All of my training is focused on healing, I'm afraid I can't make it rain." Corwyn answered Crexixx hastily.

"Did you see and rivers or ponds nearby?" she asks, looking to Cyra with hope.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-08, 09:26 PM
With a insectoid hiss, Crexxix is up, running with her scythe. She begins slashing at the brush to cut it off from nearby brush so it will burn out in the area it has already spread to. She kids dirt at the nearby area's to help stiffle the spreading Fire.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-08, 09:32 PM
As the winds change a thick smoke blows across the campsite. Ravous begins to cough, his lungs burning a bit from the smoke he has inhaled.

2014-09-08, 09:34 PM
Corwyn follows Crexixx into the burnt forest. She begins tamping the fire at the progressing edge with her shield.

2014-09-08, 09:43 PM
Rand unaffected by the smoke begins conducting various saftey containment procedures on the fire that he had read on a informative pamphlet one day while he was waiting on something.

2014-09-08, 09:44 PM
"Follow my lead." Venge called out.

He took off his cloak and doused it in water from the waterskin in his backpack. He threw his soaked cloak onto the burning ground and stomped on his cloak to smother and stamp out the flames.

2014-09-08, 10:05 PM
"Whoa! My dear Venge there is no need to soil your garments." After implementing the containment procedures Rand cast create water x3 above the what is left of the fire. " Sploosh! 30 gallons of h2o."

2014-09-08, 10:12 PM
Venge glared at Rand for a few smoldering seconds and then just shrugged it off.

"That's just Rand." Venge sighed.

2014-09-08, 10:18 PM
"Oh indeed my friend! " Rand then turned to Cyra " Hmm how are you adjusting to your wings my dear?"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-09, 08:10 AM
With so many doing their part, the fire is finally extinguished. With Ravous able to breath again, you are all able to sit down and enjoy a hearty meal. Soon the first of you begin to get tired and call it a night.

2014-09-09, 09:03 AM
Corwyn eats her fill, then prepares to sleep. She strings a hammock, then draws a wand from her left boot. Tapping the wand to herself she casts Bed of Iron, then proceeds to cast it on Rand as well. "Ravous, since you'll be up tending to that meat for a while, mind keeping an eye out?" Then she replaces the wand and climbs into her hammock for the night.

(BoI makes medium or heavy armor feel soft as silk, you may sleep in your armor without becoming fatigued)

2014-09-09, 10:43 AM
"These wings...the birds make it look so easy." Cyra says while looking at a bird soaring overhead.

She fills a small satchel full of jerky and begins to awkwardly flap towards the trees. She makes it a few feet up the trunk of the trees before latching onto the bark. She climbs the rest of the way and settles herself onto a branch. She feels at home.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-09, 12:04 PM
Crexxix, after eating a portion of meat porportional for her larger size, takes off her chain shirt. And moves outside of the camp ring and digs a small circle in a nearby patch of leaves and dirt, making something akin to a nest among the dirt and leaves. She spins 3 times before laying within her nest.

She looks to Ravos and speaks his name then a series and clicks and chirps.

Ravos, Wake me when its my watch, Ill take the mid shift, and wake someone for last shift.

2014-09-09, 01:57 PM
Venge had wrung out his cloak and hung it on a stick hanging between two sticks stuck into the ground a close but safe distance from the camp fire to dry.

"I volunteer for first watch." He offered, hoping to redeem himself for the fire he started.

2014-09-09, 05:01 PM
Rand thanks Corwyn for the spell, and sits with his back to the tree. "Wake me if it is my turn for a shift. Good night and wondrous dreams to you all my friends."

2014-09-09, 07:57 PM
Softly "Ah, the sounds of the night. They are joyous and peaceful. Nights like these are what I enjoy the most. these are the times when one can collect their thoughts and seize the moments that they cling to in their minds."

Ravous looks over the group and back at the fire.

Even softer almost as quiet at the crackle of the fire "Sleep well all this may be one of our final nights that we may find comfort in these things."

2014-09-09, 09:36 PM
Venge took first watch with Ravous.

"So, how about them books?" Venge attempted to start a conversation with the Investigator.

2014-09-09, 09:42 PM
"Which books are you referring too i have so many."

2014-09-09, 09:51 PM
"Ummm... Well... To tell you the truth, I don't read very well, but my favorite is the Little Construct That Could. I've been trying to learn more over the past year since I received my power." Venge explained.

2014-09-09, 09:55 PM
"Well, if you wish i could start tutoring you and helping you to understand basic things around you. And perhaps teach you the tricks of trade when people ask you to play a game of cards."

Ravous smiles.

2014-09-09, 09:58 PM
Venge nodded and cracked Ravous a smile. "Thank you. I would like that."

2014-09-09, 10:04 PM
"Your welcome" Ravous spreads the embers around to make the fire die down a lil for the process of jerkying the meat. "So you have any family?" Ravous tries to keep the conversation going

2014-09-09, 10:21 PM
"I have an uncle who raised me. He taught me to fight and to fish."

2014-09-10, 11:09 AM
Venge and Ravous talked through their watch without incident.

"Crexxix." Venge called out. "It is your turn."

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-10, 11:23 AM
Crexxix shifts and stretched as she arises from her nest. She puts on her chain shirt and pulls out her bow and knocks an arrow.

Sleep now. You are safe.
She speaks in clicks and Wirrs toward Venge.


She patrols around the camp, keeping an eye outward of the camp during her shift. Looking to the woods, the trees, and the sky above. She periodically stops to feel the stillness of the earth.

2014-09-10, 08:18 PM
Ravous says "the meat should handle its self just keep the embers going on a low glow. Good night."

Lays out a bedroll and begins to rest.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-10, 09:19 PM
Crexxix Stops when she sees something. Taking Several Steps back reaching out and waking Ravous and Venge first.

"Wake.... thing no Belong. Wake."

She shakes the two of them before moving to Corwyn and Rand.

"Wake small ones. Danger maybe. "

She keeps the plant thing in her sight at all times, her bow trained upon it to shoot at it should it move.

2014-09-10, 09:37 PM
"Wait whats going on? What do you see?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-10, 09:38 PM
There is Plant where there should not be. In the place that burned, and it is untouched... look.

2014-09-10, 09:43 PM
((Knowledge Nature))


Inspiration point 1 to add die to knowledge


2014-09-10, 09:54 PM
Venge wiped what little sleep he got from his eyes. He noticed the alert and concern in his companions.

"Should we expect combat?" He asked, while started to put on his armor.

2014-09-10, 09:55 PM
"Hold, Let me see if this creature means to harm or is just healing the land"

"Everyone I want to examine it to see if it is a threat"

I begin trying to communicate with it in every language to see if it understands or is sentient.

"Greetings, I am Ravous what is it you wish here"

2014-09-10, 10:09 PM
Ravous begins creaking like the Vine plant in an attempt to speak with the plant.

"We mean you no harm, you startles us so forgive our reaction. What is your intention?"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-10, 10:33 PM
why burn? Why destroy? Why here?

2014-09-10, 10:38 PM
That was not intentional that was an accident. No one meant for that to happen. I am sorry. Is there anything that i can do to fix

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-10, 10:52 PM
Must mend. Make new. Heal. Gone soon. No destroy.

A large pod like appendage from the plant's central stalk bends toward the skeleton of the boar and wraps around it. It then stands back upright.

2014-09-10, 10:59 PM
Let me see if any here know how to help the forest. We will do what we can.

"The Vine creature wishes us to mend the forest at least the area that we scortched. so you know any way we can?

"Everyone the creature wishes us to mend what was scorched I would like to find a way to do such. This Creature wishes no harm but we need to help it mend the forest if any know a way please say i will look into my books."

2014-09-10, 11:05 PM
Venge relaxed. The scotch was his fault so he would help this creature and the forest.

"I must help how I can."

2014-09-11, 08:13 AM
Corwyn wakes groggily, yawning before saying "What? What's the problem? You do realize that I need my beauty sleep if I'm going to keep you all stitched up right?"

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2014-09-11, 10:35 AM
As Corwyn wakes up, she sees Ravous "talking" to a tree.

2014-09-11, 06:39 PM
We cannot help the Boar we needed the meat to sustain us. I am sorry but with the forest if you have seeds we will plant and water sot more can grow. We will replace the life that was taken with life that will grow for long time. If that will suffice.

2014-09-11, 07:07 PM
Rand half asleep assess the situation. He notices a dried gourde with a round hole. He picks it up and begins tapping a pleasant rhythm upon it. "Good music helps plants grow I believe. "

2014-09-11, 07:49 PM
Corwyn looks to Ravous "Ravi, you have officially lost your damned mind. Talking trees is it? Sounds like a bad dream, but if you say so I'll do what I can."

She walks to the center of the burn (assuming it's no more than 60' wide) and places both hands on the ground (Channel positive energy)[roll0]

"Now can we get back to sleep?"

2014-09-11, 07:55 PM
"The plant is upset over the boar as well this language isn't easy to use but I'm catching on."

Rovous says while watching and listening for the response of the vine creature.

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2014-09-11, 08:21 PM
Rand, roll me a perform check. The long viney branches of the plant begin to sway slightly to the rhythmic tapping of the gourd canteen.

As Corwyn channels energy into the soil, tiny sprouts pop up from the ground, the seedlings grow to a couple inches tall. The "pod" of the plant opens slightly, there is no sign of the boar within.

After a few moments of watching the seedlings grow, the viney plant slowly creeps back into the depths of the forest.
"Heal Good. Gone Soon. We watch. No destroy."

You're able to get back to sleep, though a bit uneasily. You begin to awake with the sun rise. You notice that there are no longer any burns on the standing trees and the new saplings are almost a foot tall. (The only one who was able to get a full 8hrs of rest was Cyra, so any expended spells/abilities are still expended.)

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-12, 09:41 AM
"Food that make more food. "

2014-09-12, 10:26 AM
As the sun begins to rise, Cyra awakens. She ruffles her feathers and shakes the morning dew from her body. She sits on a branch and overlooks the campsite, lost deep within her thoughts.

2014-09-12, 12:25 PM
"The plant seemed content now, we should do our best not to destroy the forest anymore. I have a feeling that if we do things will get much worse for us."

Ravous states with a slight smile new languages

2014-09-12, 01:42 PM
Venge nodded. "Peace be with you, plant person."

2014-09-12, 01:45 PM
Corwyn Rises with the sun, she finds a small clearing where the light meets the earth. Sitting in this small lit area she sketches a picture of the blue dragon into the earth. "Where to now?" she asks under her breath.

2014-09-12, 07:53 PM
"So where should we be off to, anyone have an idea. There's not many people around here to speak to about finding the Dragon cells or information on them."

As Ravous finishes his potions and then pulls out a deck of cards. As he begins to shuffle the deck, then stops shuffling as a particular look falls over him almost as if he wishes to cover his face with his hand.

"......the vine creature maybe it has information but we need to find it quickly."

2014-09-12, 08:09 PM
Rand picks up a small twig and stone. He then faces the direction of the nearest town. "I suggest we go this way." He answers as he catapults the stone in the same direction "Pew!".

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2014-09-12, 08:51 PM
As Rand points south, Crexixx shakes her head. All of the clues have led you north, to this point. It must be here somewhere... But where?

If you want to follow the tree, whomever has track, roll survival.

Corwyn, roll K. Religion.

2014-09-13, 08:27 PM
With fierce determination, Cyra launches herself up into the sky from the branch she had previously been occupying. She scans the area and then descends, gently landing on the ground.

She smiles and flexes her wings, happy to have finally gotten enough rest to use them.

2014-09-13, 08:45 PM
"Northeast" Corwyn says standing from her deep thought. "It's somewhere to the northeast, not too far. Still don't know exactly what we're looking for, but I feel like we'll know it when we see it." She walks over and breaks down her hammock and begins packing things back up to get on the move.

2014-09-14, 09:34 AM
Cyra flutters her wings in agitation. "There is a large tree that way." She points to the west. "It is...moving. I would like to see this strange beast."

2014-09-14, 09:47 AM
Venge, decked out in his armor and weapons, had his things packed. He took his cloak from it's drying rig.

"All dry." He turned to the party. "Perhaps the tree person does know. It stands tall and strong. Maybe it is old enough to remember."

2014-09-14, 12:21 PM
Ravous stand and packs his haversack dividing out the jerky evenly among the group about 32lbs per person if they wish to have it.

"I'll say this, on the way if we com across anymore of those vine creatures we should see if they know where it is. I believe that they are some sort of protectors of the forest they may know."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-14, 02:35 PM
Alright, you'll need to decide
whether to follow the tree, or follow Corwyn's vision.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-14, 08:28 PM
Crexxix packs up her things and carries her bow at her side. She points toward Crowyn.

"We follow Healer vision. If no find. Then Try Tree. No far from each. "

2014-09-14, 09:10 PM
"I'm saying to look for Vine creature along the way, I'm not saying not to follow Crowyn's vision. And if we see one maybe I can ask to see if the creature knows." Ravous reiterates calmly.

"The creature would say they would be watching and no destroy. So just keep an eye out for out of place moving vine creatures."

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-15, 05:33 AM
We have not seen the end of them.

2014-09-15, 01:15 PM
Corwyn begins to head into the forest towards the NorthEast. She waves her hand over her right shoulder pointing forward three times. "This way."

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2014-09-15, 03:41 PM
After breaking camp, you follow Corwyn to the NE for an hour or so through the forest. You come to a section of forest where it becomes quite dark, as if the canopy was suddenly much thicker and preveted much more light from reaching the ground.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-15, 08:34 PM
Crexxix Lays down against the ground and listens to the ground beneath them. Seeking possible Tunnels beneath.

[roll0] Knowledge Dungeoneering

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-15, 08:36 PM
The Ground is cool and moist almost sticky. A foul musty smell permeates the soil.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-15, 08:55 PM
It is very Humid here...

Crexxix looks around.


2014-09-15, 09:07 PM
Ravous looks around and examines the soil and dew on the trees.

Knowledge Nature


Inspiration Die


2014-09-15, 09:22 PM
Ravous freezes "Everyone be alert there are bones of small animals etched int the soil. Do not attack immediately if something comes out just be vigilant. Also no torches just incase"

"Be alert but wait to see if what comes out is hostile before attack."

We are here in peace and if you could send a representative to speak that would be very welcome.

Ravous makes rustling sounds and creaks like earlier when you heard him speak to the vine creature.

Linguistics roll
Inspiration Die

2014-09-15, 09:28 PM
"So its not the plant creatures...I do not like the bones being in the ground if we proceed forward I advise that we be very cautious."

Ravous steps back

2014-09-16, 09:43 AM
"This place has the stench of death. " Rand declared

2014-09-16, 09:55 AM
With his hands and fingers spread towards the sky Rand casts detect evil. A blue light permeates from his body.

2014-09-16, 03:43 PM
"Great scott! There is a massive spider with an evil hunger in it's eyes lowering upon us!" Rand darts to the side and readies his shield and blade.

2014-09-16, 04:06 PM
Venge readied his battleaxe and jumped to the side, following Rand's lead.

2014-09-16, 08:00 PM
Ravous draws a potion from his bag and prepares to drink it. As he moves to the shadows of the treeline.

2014-09-16, 08:23 PM
Corwyn looks up at Rand's sighting and begins scanning the trees. [roll0] (perception), She readies her sword and shield.

2014-09-16, 08:28 PM
Cyra ruffles her feathers in anticipation. She checks the mace at her thigh and silently begins to climb a nearby tree, stopping every so often to check her surroundings.

(Not sure if useful but +2 Favored terrain: forest. I'm also rolling a perception, stealth, and a climb check on the other board.)

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-16, 08:48 PM
Cyra starts to climb but finds the trees to be covered in some sort of sticky excretions, she slides down as quickly as she can climb up.

All of a sudden a burst of sticky webbing covers Ravous and sticks to the ground around him. (Roll Ref save to determine effect)
Other such bursts of webbing narrowly miss Rand and Venge.

When you look up you see a large spider 40' above you hanging by a strand of web.


2014-09-17, 05:19 PM
"Be aware" Corwyn calls out. "I see another smaller one hiding behind the big one."

2014-09-17, 05:40 PM
Ravous goes into total defense "Watch it carefully we are in its territory."

Tries to discern any languages.

Linguistics check of


Inspitation die


Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-17, 08:15 PM
Crexxix draws her bow looking up. Seeing the Arachnid she hisses and cries out.

Flee now, or you shall be my dinner!

She Launches an arrow at the creature.


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2014-09-17, 08:46 PM
Crexixx's arrow pierces the very heart of the large spider. It falls to the ground with a loud thud exposing two man-sized spiders behind it.

2014-09-17, 09:22 PM
Rand quickly casts smite evil. "Fahshoooom!" A blinding light erupts from his eyes and mouth. Rand then attacks the spiders with a mighty slash from his sabre.

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2014-09-17, 11:32 PM
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a122/shadowwalker19/spiderfight1-1.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/shadowwalker19/media/spiderfight1-1.jpg.html)

Sorry this took so long. The Brown shapes are cross sections of trees, you can't move, attack, or see through them. The spider with the red x is a corpse. The smaller spiders are 50' in the air on strands of web. I hope everyone can recognize their mini's.

Rand swings his sword about in a threatening manner as if daring the spiders to come down. Cyra is up next.

2014-09-18, 06:28 AM
"Details! Ahhhh" Rand shouts into the air like a mad man.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-18, 09:46 AM
Crexxix clicks and makes a... "qwuirl" sound at Cyra.

Cyra, Go, Fly up and cut their webs so they will fall.

She stops and tries speaking in the Human tongue, which is more spat, then spoken.

"Cyra. Fly. Cut Web. Food Falls. "

2014-09-18, 07:33 PM
Cyra nods to Crexxix and leaps up into the air. She draws a her mace from her side and begins to hack away at the webbing.

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2014-09-18, 08:22 PM
Cyra breaks the web of the nearest spider, dropping it to its doom. It lands just behind the larger spider and curls into a ball. It is severely injured by the fall and is dying.

Corwyn is up.

2014-09-18, 09:12 PM
Corwyn rushes forward toward the falling spider and readies her blade in case it moves.

[double move action: N20, NE10, N10]

(will coup de gras next round if it's not dead yet.)

2014-09-19, 09:45 AM
Venge glared up at the last remaining medium spider, hanging up in the air.

"If only I had wings."

He carefully dropped his axe in front of him and drew his longbow and an arrow. He loaded the arrow and pulled back the bowstring. He aimmed at the spider and focused some of his power into the arrow. (Swift Action - Arcane Strike)

Ranged attack


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2014-09-19, 10:07 AM
Venge's arrow buzzes by the spider and lodges in the webs above. Chittering is heard.

The spider reacts by spinning a glob of webbing in Venge's direction but once again it misses its mark. Then it descends, as quickly as possible before breaking loose from its webbing and jumping onto the corpse of the larger spider.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-19, 01:24 PM
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a122/shadowwalker19/spiderfight2-1.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/shadowwalker19/media/spiderfight2-1.jpg.html)

2014-09-20, 08:21 AM
Ravous stays in full defense ready to drink a potion.

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2014-09-20, 12:13 PM
Crexixx Takes aim at the smaller spider, and looses another arrow.


The large arrow whirrs past the spider and continues until is plants itself into the earth some hundred foot beyond.

2014-09-20, 12:23 PM
Rand prepares his sabre for a thrust attack and rushes the nearest spider.

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2014-09-20, 08:46 PM
Rand thrusts sally slicer into the third spider causing a large gash in its thorax which spills a greenish goo. The spider reels in pain but it is still standing.

Cyra is up. Literally ;-) 55' in the air.

2014-09-20, 09:22 PM
"Great green gobs of gooey grimy goffer guts!" Rand blurts out

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2014-09-22, 05:38 PM
Cyra seems distant, or possibly frozen in fright.

Corwyn is up.

2014-09-22, 06:29 PM
Corwyn brings her blade down across the fallen spider's body, attempting to sever its head.

(Coup de Grace attack)
[roll0] (Auto crit already factored in)

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-22, 06:32 PM
The spider's head flies clean from its body and lands 15 feet away.

Venge is up.

2014-09-22, 07:01 PM
Cyra dive-bombs the nearby spider and brings her heavy mace down onto its thorax.

(Mace attack)


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2014-09-22, 07:14 PM
Cyra lands with a wave of force that empties the spider's thorax like a tube of toothpaste, the greenish goo squirting out of the wound Rand had made and coating him in the ichor. (Rand roll fort save)

The spider lies there dying.

2014-09-22, 08:15 PM
"Hmm ....it doesn't taste to bad" Rand samples the goo by accident.

2014-09-22, 09:23 PM
Venge scooped up some spider mush.

"Sour but bitter. I like it."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-23, 12:34 PM
As Venge calmly strolls up and scrapes some spider ichor off of Rand's armor and tastes it (Venge roll fort) an air of ease seems present. Until sharp fangs lunge at you from more spiders that have been slowly creeping down the trunks of trees.

The first attacks Crexixx [roll0] to hit [roll1]dmg [roll2]poison

The second goes for Rand [roll3] to hit [roll4]dmg [roll5]poison

The third attacks Ravous [roll6] to hit [roll7]dmg [roll8]poison

(fort saves for half poison)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a122/shadowwalker19/spiderfight.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/shadowwalker19/media/spiderfight.jpg.html)

2014-09-23, 01:16 PM
Venge liked the spider goop, but did it like him?

Fort Save

2014-09-23, 06:39 PM
Takes a 5ft step away from the spider draws wepon and prepares to fight defensively.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-23, 10:16 PM
Crexxix scowls beneath her mask at the spider standing beside her. She gently drops her bow and pulls out her scythe. (provoke AoO). She pulls the Scythe over her head then swings it down upon the spider.

[roll0] [roll1]

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-24, 07:16 AM
The Spider spooks as Crexixx's bow drops. It lashes out.
[roll0]hit [roll1]DMG [roll2]poison

Just then Crexixx's scythe falls upon it, cleaving it in half.

2014-09-24, 11:00 AM
Rand quickly jumps and attacks the spider. [roll0]

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-24, 11:51 AM
Rand spins around, Sally Slicer still in hand and cuts his attacker deeply. (Rand please roll damage)

2014-09-24, 12:33 PM
"Buy one, get one half off, ha!" Rand blurts out. [roll0]

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-24, 02:08 PM
((Rand overrolled, corrected dmg applied to spider))

Rand Scars the spider but it still stands ready to attack.

Cyra is next.

2014-09-24, 05:09 PM
Cyra draws her wings in close and whirls around towards the spider. She brings her mace down with full force upon its celphalothorax (head).

Instinctively she brings her wing up to shield herself from any potential spider goo.



Reflex to dodge/block with wing spider goo.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-24, 05:30 PM
With a flash of speed Cyra maneuvers into place and brings a crushing blow down upon her target, cracking the spider's carapace and destroying two of its eyes.

The spider is badly injured, but still standing. Corwyn is up.

2014-09-24, 05:52 PM
Corwyn treads gingerly across the arachnid corpses standing beside Rand she swings her blade at the vermin.


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2014-09-24, 05:56 PM
Corwyn flays the creature's abdomen opening its organs to the damp air. The spider falls limp and is dying on the ground.

Venge is up.

2014-09-24, 06:24 PM
Venge narrowed hus eyes at the nearest arachnid and loaded another arrow. He aimmed it, remembering the sour taste of the goop, and fired!

Ranged Attack


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2014-09-24, 07:14 PM
Venge's arrow whizzes by Ravous' ear and twang's into the tree behind him, missing the spider.

The Spider then slings a glob of webbing at Venge in retribution. [roll0] (ref save if hit)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a122/shadowwalker19/spiderfight5.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/shadowwalker19/media/spiderfight5.jpg.html)

2014-09-24, 08:20 PM
"Oh sh-!" Venge cried as web was shot at him.

Reflex Save

2014-09-24, 09:06 PM
Ravous slashes out wish a regular attack using his inspiration [roll0]

Plus inspiration Die 2 inspiration



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2014-09-25, 09:40 AM
Venge instinctively twists his torso as the ball of sticky silk hurls past him and splats on the large corpse behind him. It splatters out in every direction around Venge and Rand's feet. (5' in any direction from Venge is difficult terrain.)
Ravous has finally had enough of the spiders attacking him and cuts the last one deeply. It stumbles but rises once more to its feet.

Crexixx is up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-25, 10:51 AM
Crexxix releases a series of clicks from beneath her mask that could be considered a growl. She charges across the Feild to Overrun the last spider.

[roll0] Overrun vs Spider CMD

She then Turns on a few of her heels and brings her crystalline scythe overhead and brings it down upon the creature.

[roll1] Attack
[roll2] Damage

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-25, 06:53 PM
Crexixx charges at the last spider, she knocks Ravous to the ground as she does so. The spider raises up against her but it gets tumbled head over all eight heels before being sliced in two, right down the middle.

2014-09-25, 07:34 PM
Ravous gets up dusts himself off. Goes over to the closest spider and pulls a flask out. He begins to try and milk the poison from the spider.

Knowledge Nature

Inspiration Die

Fort Save vs poison
[roll2] Bonus against poison added just in case

2014-09-25, 07:59 PM
Venge struggled his way through of the webbed ground around hus and retrieved his axe and replaced hisbweapons into their loopsnand quivers.

"Well, that was fun, but I have decided I don't like spider goop after all. It has a bad after taste."

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2014-09-25, 09:17 PM
Ravous carefully tips a vial onto the spider's fang and begins to apply pressure to cause the release of the venom, suddenly the fang snaps back elastically into place. Ravous feels a stinging pain and looks down to see that the fang had dragged across his hand and delivered a small scratch which the venom was seeping into. [roll0] Ravous' hand begins to redden a the site.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-26, 09:58 AM
Crexxix moves toward Ravous.

Sorry, I didnt mean to run you over. You have been bitten with Poison. Use Anti-Toxin

Crexxix pulls a vile from her bag, a sickly looking green liquid and hands it to Ravous. She then picks up a spider leg and slides it beneath her mask. A grinding and crunching sound can be heard from beneath the mask.

2014-09-26, 03:24 PM
Corwyn thrusts her sword through the two dying spiders to end their suffering. She then begins searching the area for anything of use.

[roll0] preception.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-26, 03:26 PM
You find a large pile of dead spiders, some sticks and leaves, and a bit of tangled webbing. Anyone else?

2014-09-26, 06:47 PM
Cyra begins collecting the webbing by carefully rolling it up into a ball.

2014-09-26, 06:47 PM
"Well. That was a work out." Rand says with a sigh.

2014-09-26, 07:43 PM
"So where were we going again?" Venge asked.

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2014-09-26, 08:51 PM
Looking to the NE you see the forest gets darker and webbier as it goes. To the west you can see the sun breaking through the boughs of the trees.

2014-09-28, 10:39 AM
"I can't find a thing. Anyone else have any luck?" Corwyn asks, looking around at the creepy woods.

2014-09-28, 11:09 AM
Cyra places the ball of spider webbing in her pack. She launches herself into the canopy above to scan their surroundings.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-28, 12:19 PM
Cyra, roll a ref save, and Perception.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-28, 07:00 PM
Crexxix collects her bow and looks around. Seeing the darker area she walks slowly in that direction.

"this way I think"

2014-09-28, 11:47 PM
Venge drew his battleaxe again as he followed Crexxix.

"I've got your back, Crex."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-09-29, 06:57 AM
Cyra weaves expertly through the branches of the trees rolling and diving as needed to avoid the webbing strung thickly through the canopy.

2014-09-29, 02:21 PM
"Doth thou not knowith a correct direction of any sort? Thy doth believe reconnaissance to be a worthy tactic in this situation." Rand declares valid strategy in a strange accent.

2014-09-29, 04:19 PM
Cyra calls down to her companions below, "There are sacks up here. I'd like to see those who fell before us".

Cyra calls out to the sacks "If anything is alive in there, I suggest you don't thrash about."

She then begins to carefully cut a small window into the webbing of the nearest sack using one of her throwing daggers.

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2014-09-29, 04:57 PM
A musty metallic smell, accompanied by the smell of decay issue forth from the small opening that you make in the first "cocoon".

A bird of prey cries out to the west. While all is deathly silent to the NE.

2014-09-29, 06:38 PM
Cyra lurches back from the stench. "This one has been long since gone. I'm going to cut it loose. Stand back" she cries below.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-29, 08:43 PM
"Cut them all down. They may. Still have useable supplies"

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2014-09-30, 12:30 PM
Cyra cuts free three cocoons that fall to the ground amisdt the party. The first two land with a cracking and clacking sound like bones rattling together. The third lands with a solid thud.

2014-09-30, 01:20 PM
"What a way to go as spider food." Venge lemented the victims of the monsters they had just slayed.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-30, 06:36 PM
Crexxix moves over and cuts open the webbing of the third sack that fell with a thud.

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2014-09-30, 07:27 PM
Crexixx reveals the corpse of a female Shook, dressed in woven robes, a belt of braided vines and silver hair braided nearly to her knees. She appears almost mummified. Stone rings hang in her braid every couple of inches. And she has a bag across her shoulder.

2014-09-30, 07:49 PM
Venge went over to cut open the second cocoon.

2014-09-30, 08:21 PM
Corwyn Cuts open the third, hoping to find something of use.

[roll0] perception

2014-09-30, 09:08 PM
Cyra lands softly beside her companions and examines the body of the shook. "A priestess of the Umber".
She utters some noises that sound like a cross between deep chirps and growls as she cuts two stone rings from the hair of the corpse. She ties one ring into her own hair and adds the other to her pack. Cyra then turns her attentions to the bag that belonged to the corpse.

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2014-09-30, 09:28 PM
(Roll Perception to search)

The two remaining cocoons contain skeletons that appear to be human, they are in a far progressed state of decomposition, but as spider victims unless you are incredibly knowledgeable with spiders, you can't tell just how long they have been here. Their garb is that of Brander's Whip pirates.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-09-30, 09:58 PM
No longer interested. Crexxix turns her attention north east

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2014-10-01, 08:12 AM
Corwyn pulls a well made Short sword from the hand of one of the dead pirates, but when most of the fingers break away as she picks it up, she jumps back and discontinues her search.

Cyra lifts the bag off of the Priestess and opens it. She reaches in and begins pulling things out. First is a leather wrap that when unrolled contains many small polished stones. (Amber, Aquamarine, Jasper, Obsidian, Pyrite, Rock Quartz, Zircon) Next she pulls out a small box full of bottles and vials, then three rolled up papers, and finally two ornately carved branches (one has something written on it).

Cyra then moves to the Pirate at Corwyn's feet. She removes his well made chainmail, as well as a coin purse at his hip containing 120g 55s 29c.

She descends upon the second pirate once she is done with the first. She removes his Scale mail and short spear, both well crafted and in good condition. She also finds a backpack on this fellow that weighs 25lbs but at first it appears full of nothing, as if it opens into a starless night. When searched, it produces a great deal of miscellaneous gear.

Bag of Chalk (1 sp, 1/2 lb)
Bag of Chestnuts (1 gp, 1 lb)
Bag of Iron Nails (5 sp, 1 lb)
Bag of Salt (2 sp, 1 lb)
2 x Bag of Wheat (1 cp, 1 lb)
Basket (4 sp, 1 lb)
Bolt of Canvas (1 gp, 10 lb)
Bottle of Common Wine (1 sp, 4 lb)
Bottle of Honey (4 sp, 4 lb)
Bottle of Vinegar (1 sp, 4 lb)
Box of 20 Arrowheads (5 sp, 1 lb)
Box of 20 Candles (2 sp, 1 lb)
2 x Box of Charcoal (1 sp, 20 lb)
Cheap Wig (1 sp)
3 x Chisel (5 sp, 2 lb)
Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lb)
Hammer (5 sp, 2 lb)
Iron Pot (8 sp, 4 lb)
Ladder (10') (2 sp, 20 lb)
Pair of Dice (1 sp)
Piton (1 sp, 1/2 lb)
Pole (10') (5 cp, 8 lb)
Rack of Firewood (1 sp, 200 lb)
Sack (1 sp, 1/2 lb)
Sack of Animal Feed (2 sp, 50 lb)
Sack of Wheat (5 sp, 50 lb)
Scroll Case (1 gp, 1/2 lb)
Sledge (1 gp, 10 lb)
Small Cask of Ale (2 sp, 8 lb)
Small Cask of Common Spice (5 gp, 5 lb)
Small Cask of Oil (8 sp, 5 lb)
2 x Small Glass Rod (1 sp)
Whetsone (2 cp, 1 lb)
Wooden Holy Symbol (1 gp)

2014-10-01, 08:27 AM
Venge searched his cocoon for stuff.


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2014-10-01, 08:34 AM
Venge sees that Cyra has pretty much picked the bones clean but he does realize that the pirate's well worn and tattered leather boots are his size.

2014-10-01, 09:22 AM
"Oh hey, new used boots!" Venge exclaimed. He slid his axe back into it's loop and took the boots in his hands. " I wonder."

He began to study the boots.

Spellcraft check:

2014-10-01, 09:34 AM
"Boots of Enduring March... and magic around us." Venge announced. "Could we be close to the Dragon Cell?"

2014-10-01, 11:09 AM
"If you all want to take a break, I can focus on where the magic is coming from. Give me an hour and I can find it." Venge discussed.

2014-10-01, 11:14 AM
"My money is on that priestess' effects." Corwyn answered Venge. She lays her hand on the carved stick that does not have writing on it. [roll0] Spellcraft check.

"Well, it's magical, but I can't tell what it does." noticing the words on the other carved stick and the three rolled papers she tries to read them. (Are they written in common or high seas?)

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-10-01, 11:21 AM
Hearing the small ones scittering over the possessions of the fallen Crexxix Closes her eyes for a moment as if to calm an inner rage. Upon hearing about waiting an hour Crexxix walks to Venge and stands there.

"Take time. I will guard, Remember everyone. These trinkets are nothing compared to Blessings of those we seek."

Her common is broken, but she seems to spit it out in disgust.

If an Hour we must wait for the correct answer is the key, Id rather wait an hour then spend 3 hours searching, and come up with empty Hands. Patience shall guide me for now.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-10-01, 11:21 AM
They are not written in a language that you are familiar with.

2014-10-01, 11:25 AM
"Very well! An hour it is then." Venge nodded.

Venge sat to the ground and closed his eyes. He focused his thoughts and magics into his meditation.

2014-10-01, 11:27 AM
"Hey Ravi, do you want to have a look at these? Maybe you can read them." Corwyn shouts over to Ravous while waiting on Venge to plot a course.

She then takes the time to focus on everything the winged wonder was able to pull off of these poor sots. She studies each item in turn for however long it takes her to identify them.

2014-10-01, 11:38 AM
Rand walks about poking things with a stick. Diligently searching in hopes of being lucky enough find anything of value a mung the remnants.

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2014-10-01, 11:52 AM
Corwyn is able to determine that Cyra has found:
A scroll of Message
A scroll of Protection from Evil
A scroll of Remove fear
A wand of CLW (inscribed)
A wand of Ray of Enfeeblement
And a Bag of Holding II
She also detects a powerful essence in the alchemy.

Her brother finds a few bugs and an earthworm under the leaf litter.

2014-10-01, 07:41 PM
"Lady luck haveth my hand not today it seems. A fortune for a toad, not a paladin, I have discovered. " Rand picks up the nicely crafted spear and then asks Cyra if he can have the holy symbol, the wig, and the alcohol from the never ending bag.

2014-10-01, 08:01 PM
Cyra frowns at the priestess's things. "I care not for papers and sticks..." she pauses a moment as if entranced by the stones, "but it would be unwise to leave such shiny stones here to the darkness." She takes the leather wrap of stones and holds it fondly.

With much effort she drags the armor near the papers and sticks, and lastly adds the spear. "Come and take what you want friends, they are of no use to the dirt." She then divides the coin out amongst her companions while they take their share of the items.

Afterwards, Cyra studies the strange backpack.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-10-01, 09:10 PM
After all of the gear is divided and Venge wakes from his meditation he leads you further to the NE into the dark and gloomy forest. (You may roll skill checks, such as stealth, as you feel appropriate) you remain under the webbing and eventually reach a place where there are several large viney plants gathered around the roots of a gigantic viney plant.

2014-10-02, 04:27 PM
After dealing with the after affects of the antitoxin Ravous looks closely at the vines. Then believeing that these vines could be the creatures he talked to before he tries to speak to them.

"Everyone wait these may be like the vine creature we met before let me try to speak to them. Their language it tough to use so please give me time."

Hello, I am Ravous I believe I may have spoken to one of you before we mean no harm, but we may need to go through will you speak to me?


Inspiration Die

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-10-02, 09:32 PM
At first all is silent, and then very slowly, you hear a slight creak, and then another.

"Sapling, so small.... Why have you come here? Why does the outside visit Deeproot's grove? Have you come to pay homage like the others? Others never speak to Deeproot."

2014-10-04, 04:57 PM
Ravous Relaying to the group "They wish to know why we are here please speak and i will relay the message in the plant tongue they call this place Deeproots Grove I believe that the big one is Deeproot but the language is still relatively new to me"

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-10-04, 07:44 PM
Crexxix Speaks up.

We seek the Caverns in the Deep to free our commrads

2014-10-06, 03:03 PM
Corwyn keeps an eye out on the woods as they walk along.

[roll0] Perception
[roll1] Survival

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-10-06, 03:25 PM
(I need to know who picked up what loot.... Coin is divided Cyra:20g 10s, 4c. Everyone else:20g 9s 5c each.)
(Corwyn, message sent.)

A rustle is heard from above.
You see that the "bark" on Deeproot looks like green scales

2014-10-06, 06:23 PM
Rand's tum tum begins rumbling and he proceeds to consume seemingly harmless yet strange berries and fruit from a nearby vine.

Darius Vibrtrar
2014-10-06, 08:13 PM
[roll0] Perception

Crexxix begins looking aroudn the area. Nothing seeming out of sort she looks back to the group.

"We need no waste time. Our Comrade sleeps and must be awakened."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-10-06, 08:20 PM
{Rand, I need a Fort save.}

2014-10-06, 08:34 PM
We seek the Caverns in the Deep to free our commrads

"This Deeproot language is hard"

2014-10-06, 08:39 PM
[roll0] berry fort save

STDM Grizzly Ad
2014-10-06, 08:53 PM
"You would release flame upon the forest? You would see destruction wrought?

Rand finds the berries to be a bit bitter.

2014-10-06, 09:46 PM
Rand smacks his lips and says "Of all the monsters, monuments, and magical wonders we have and have yet to discover, I pray one of them is a buffet and or a fountain of beautiful women".