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View Full Version : Roleplaying Oath of the Ancients

2014-09-06, 02:11 PM
Could anyone please help me understand the Green Knight fluff, especially their oath?
I really want to like them, but all I can think about when I read the oath is Lorwyn elves. :smallannoyed:

Lord Raziere
2014-09-06, 02:39 PM
I personally see it as more freedom than the usual one.

Kindle the Light.
Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the
world, beating back despair.

Shelter the Light.
Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness
that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.

Preserve Your Own Light.
Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in
your own heart, you can’t preserve it in the world.

Be the Light.
Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth
in all your deeds.

1. Be kind yo, and fight against sadness
2. Find places where people are cool dudes and shield them from the bogus ones
3. Keep real chill and awesome, can't spread coolness without being cool yourself, dude
4. inspire others to be real cool and chill and thus spread the coolness

ain't like Lorwyn elves at all. Lorwyn elves are not cool at all. they're racists who think everyone who isn't beautiful is like their slave man, which is Not Cool. in other words:

1. be kind and happy
2. protect kindness and happiness
3. keep yourself positive
4. inspire others to be happy as well

it isn't so much about nature or whatever, its about being this nice guy who wants to protect whats positive and uplifting in the world. things like that.

2014-09-06, 02:55 PM
I personally see it as more freedom than the usual one.

1. Be kind yo, and fight against sadness
2. Find places where people are cool dudes and shield them from the bogus ones
3. Keep real chill and awesome, can't spread coolness without being cool yourself, dude
4. inspire others to be real cool and chill and thus spread the coolness

Well I'm sold, my Oath of the Ancients Paladin will be Finn from Adventure Time

and add the tenant Homies help Homies

2014-09-06, 08:33 PM
Have your mentor be Rufus.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/225/129/c986cdb2b557d35ab6003c19b2cbd098_large.png?1382470 853

2014-09-07, 01:29 PM
[A]in't like Lorwyn elves at all. Lorwyn elves are not cool at all. they're racists who think everyone who isn't beautiful is like their slave man, which is Not Cool.I think Yenek meant the elves of Shadowmoor. The whole standing up for Beauty and kindness in the dark world.

I'm actually really excited by the Oath of the Ancients. I've never been a fan of the traditional Paladin (for RP reasons) but this spin on it really changes the feel of the class.

RP-wise there is plenty of room to make interesting characters

Perhaps you love the natural settings of the wild, but generally have a melancholy demeanor as you're whisked away to the next threatened location never able to fully enjoy the wilds you protect.

Or instead you're an irritable curmudgeon when it comes to the civilized world and urban encroachment. You try to remain friendly and positive, but are constantly struggling with your prejudices (to mixed results).

Maybe you're instead a nature obsessed urbanite looking to find that connection to the wild? Perhaps it leads from something like an early encounter with the fey and a lifelong love of their music.

2014-09-07, 01:58 PM
Or maybe your an inner-city entertainer who's trying to keep the streets clean and positive!

I know what oath my Catfolk Stripper-Turned-Paladin is going to be using now, I think!

2014-09-07, 02:22 PM
I love the OoA Paladin, especially since I like calling them Oooaaahhhs.

It's a really good evolution of the Warden from 4e. You have the option of creating a warrior who defends nature, create a less strictly lawful good paladin, or play around with other concepts. It's a great option.

2014-09-07, 03:45 PM
Or maybe your an inner-city entertainer who's trying to keep the streets clean and positive!

I know what oath my Catfolk Stripper Camp Follower-Turned-Paladin is going to be using now, I think!

FTFY. I think Oath of the Ancients is cool because it has two leans, the first is obviously the nature focus and the second is the spread of happiness and beauty. A very fey-knight feel to me and really interesting in it's own right.

2014-09-07, 04:15 PM
I know what oath my Catfolk Stripper-Turned-Paladin is going to be using now, I think!

Greetings, Ser Omaha. :smallsmile:

2014-09-07, 04:23 PM
"Others are the sword and shield, the hammer; be the hands that tend the field, the candle in the dark. Your prowess means nothing if no one flicks to you. A Shepard without sheep does nothing when he fends off wolves.

"Where others will take their vow as proof of their worth, your vow is acknowledgement of your duty. Be wise. Be just. Breed harmony. Sometimes this means talking it out like adults. Sometimes it means kicking a dragon in the face. Do not cleave to one way because it is 'the way'. You are a paladin, but not a stick in the mud. You are someone who fights for that which is worth fighting for – and that means taking time away from the blood and gore and darkness to nurture it."

Random fact: I'm related to the artist of Omaha, cat dancer. <_<
Stiiiillllll haven't learned to draw like that yet. Gotta get crackin'.

2014-09-07, 05:34 PM
"Others are the sword and shield, the hammer; be the hands that tend the field, the candle in the dark. Your prowess means nothing if no one flicks to you. A Shepard without sheep does nothing when he fends off wolves.

"Where others will take their vow as proof of their worth, your vow is acknowledgement of your duty. Be wise. Be just. Breed harmony. Sometimes this means talking it out like adults. Sometimes it means kicking a dragon in the face. Do not cleave to one way because it is 'the way'. You are a paladin, but not a stick in the mud. You are someone who fights for that which is worth fighting for – and that means taking time away from the blood and gore and darkness to nurture it."

Random fact: I'm related to the artist of Omaha, cat dancer. <_<
Stiiiillllll haven't learned to draw like that yet. Gotta get crackin'.

Just googled it and the images that came up looked very interesting.... and then explicit. How would you describe it?

Regarding the Oath of the Ancients, do you think Chauntea might be a good patron for that path?

2014-09-07, 05:55 PM
Regarding the Oath of the Ancients, do you think Chauntea might be a good patron for that path?

I think so, I was a toss up between Mielikki and Silvanus myself. Decided on Mielikki because if Shadowiers are still a thing that is basically a OoA Paladin in a nutshell.

2014-09-07, 06:08 PM
I think so, I was a toss up between Mielikki and Silvanus myself. Decided on Mielikki because if Shadowiers are still a thing that is basically a OoA Paladin in a nutshell.

My Google-fu failed me, what is a Shadowier? A knight of Mielikki? I have always really liked the 'primal' classes, dieties, and adventures so this might be a good option for me as well.

2014-09-07, 06:26 PM
I think so, I was a toss up between Mielikki and Silvanus myself. Decided on Mielikki because if Shadowiers are still a thing that is basically a OoA Paladin in a nutshell.
Or, as less 'nature' focus, Lliira would be a good fit I think as well.

2014-09-07, 07:39 PM
Oath of the Ancients is more the classic paladin of freedom than the standard paladin. it has a very chaotic flavour, and the oaths favour being a good guy and doing the right thing and making folks happy - your fighting the good fight not because it's the good fight, but beacuse there are awesome people and things that need protecting. Your more than just the untouchable holy knight with a stick up his ass, your the beacon of joy and happiness, the guy with a smile for every moment, your the guy who savours everything, the guy everyone looks up to.

oddly enough, this actually puts me in mind of this guy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma80xRSu8AM). might have to try that in the future :smallamused:

2014-09-08, 10:44 AM
My Google-fu failed me, what is a Shadowier? A knight of Mielikki? I have always really liked the 'primal' classes, dieties, and adventures so this might be a good option for me as well.

Sorry missed this before, I could have sworn it was in a 3.5e book, but maybe I'm just going crazy. Anyway here's what I was able to dig up on a FR wiki:


This group serves as a type of religious knighthood of the woods. Members are activist and proselytize with zeal, and are willing to go on the offensive on behalf of their sacred forests. They seek to advance the regrowth of ancient forests reduced by civilization, and to halt the endless assault of civilization on their ancient homeland.

2014-09-08, 11:01 AM
Random fact: I'm related to the artist of Omaha, cat dancer. <_<
Stiiiillllll haven't learned to draw like that yet. Gotta get crackin'.Everyone's related to everyone else, twice.

But you should get drawing! (As should I! I am way too out of practice.)

Greetings, Ser Omaha. :smallsmile:Actually, the character is male.

2014-09-08, 12:27 PM
I think Yenek meant the elves of Shadowmoor. The whole standing up for Beauty and kindness in the dark world.

See, that's the problem. I understand, on an intellectual level, that it's supposed to be Shadowmoor. The language used to convey it, speaking of beauty and goodness interchangeably, talking about beautiful light driving away hideous darkness... loosen up the racial alignment constraints beyond the rigid bounds of the Monster Manual and Default Faerun, and this language won't sound off coming from the lips a Lorwyn Perfect.
And every time I try to think of a definition of Beautiful and Good that doesn't call the Green Knight to the unwavering support of Zathrian (http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Zathrian) and detriment of Ed (http://diggercomic.com/blog/2007/02/24/digger-22/) I can't rid of the feeling it runs directly counter to what Mike wrote in the PHB, so the thought just won't get finished..

2018-10-04, 02:49 PM
I currently have a level 4 Ooa Goliath Paladin, and I basically play him as a defender of his friends and an upholder of things that are just and beautiful. If he takes a life, he plants a tree in an orchard in memory of that life. He taught himself to paint really well during a five year journey between realms, and he is out to look for another way for Goliath society to function, due to lots of Goliaths dying at a young age trying to prove themselves. He is currently acting as bodyguard to a wealthy new arrival in town, and he is overseeing the treatment of workers at a gold mine to ensure that they are not treated as slaves. This is my first-ever campaign and the only downside that I've seen so far is that despite an 18 in strength, I don't do quite as much damage as I thought I would, but I love the storytelling elements that the oath and the class offer.

2018-10-04, 02:57 PM
"Others are the sword and shield, the hammer; be the hands that tend the field, the candle in the dark. Your prowess means nothing if no one flicks to you. A Shepard without sheep does nothing when he fends off wolves.

"Where others will take their vow as proof of their worth, your vow is acknowledgement of your duty. Be wise. Be just. Breed harmony. Sometimes this means talking it out like adults. Sometimes it means kicking a dragon in the face. Do not cleave to one way because it is 'the way'. You are a paladin, but not a stick in the mud. You are someone who fights for that which is worth fighting for – and that means taking time away from the blood and gore and darkness to nurture it."

Random fact: I'm related to the artist of Omaha, cat dancer. <_<
Stiiiillllll haven't learned to draw like that yet. Gotta get crackin'.

What are those quotes from? I love them both.

2018-10-04, 03:13 PM
Wooo! 4 year Thread Necro!

2018-10-04, 03:49 PM
Wooo! 4 year Thread Necro!
I think thats a record. Do we have some sort of reward system in place.:smallbiggrin:

2018-10-04, 04:21 PM
I think thats a record. Do we have some sort of reward system in place.:smallbiggrin:

Rewards for Necro...

Well that lead to a dark place.

2018-10-04, 05:41 PM
Rewards for Necro...

Well that lead to a dark place.
Necromancers are people too.

2018-10-04, 05:44 PM
Necromancers are people too.


It just seems to me that to a Necromancer necromancy is it's own reward. Don't you think?

2018-10-04, 06:35 PM
Or maybe your an inner-city entertainer who's trying to keep the streets clean and positive!

... cause I'm smitey by Nature, not cause I hate ya ...

2018-10-04, 07:49 PM
Another thread on the same subject. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?384327-Oath-of-the-Ancients)

Since then, I've watched Camp Camp (https://roosterteeth.com/series/camp-camp). Now, when someone asks "What should an Oath of the Ancients Paladin be like?", I can just point to David and say "Like that".

It seems to me to be a more hedonic philosophy which assumes that enjoyment is good and displeasure is bad. Beauty, then, is good because it's liked. I think it's safe to say that not valuing happiness can be taken to at least as dark a place as a pro-beauty stance.

2018-10-05, 01:23 PM
I love the OoA Paladin, especially since I like calling them Oooaaahhhs.

It's a really good evolution of the Warden from 4e. You have the option of creating a warrior who defends nature, create a less strictly lawful good paladin, or play around with other concepts. It's a great option.


I gave my "oooaaahh" the Uthgardt Tribe Member background and boom, he became some kind of warrior shaman or a bit more spiritually attuned barbarian than the totem warrior subclass for barbarian, with the caveat of not having rage per se.

2018-10-06, 03:05 AM
Or, as less 'nature' focus, Lliira would be a good fit I think as well.

This was the first thing that came to my mind when I read the interpretations.

I made a Cleric of Lliira who wants people to have more fun in their lives, and has decided to travel the world hoping to brighten people's lives and inspire them. She was going to have the Healing domain, but ended up with Trickery (innocent pranks) due to the party composition. I think she'd make a great OoA Paladin, focusing on eradicating the things that bring people sorrow and to oppose those who seek to make other people miserable.

2018-10-06, 05:17 AM
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.

In essence the Paladin of Ancients seems to me like a believer in Utopia or at least the world that collectively strives towards Utopia.

To that end they be a beacon of light in the world that will inspire others to also stand up and shine themselves. Together this collection of lights will spread and eventually fill the void.

2018-10-06, 05:23 AM
So, if a thread keep on going after the necromancy, does that count as true resurrection?

2018-10-07, 07:51 PM
Oath of the Ancients is kind of weird because while the magical aspects strongly suggest a nature focus there is nothing about the Oath itself that requires that. 'Where life flourishes' could as easily be a bustling city as a forest.

You could play a Paladin with this oath as one of the Three Musketeers if you wanted - or Don Quixote.

2018-10-07, 07:56 PM
I'm watching The Muppet Movie right now. A Paladin of the Ancients would be Kermit who sings "The Rainbow Connection" at the movie's opening and wants to bring joy to millions.

2018-10-08, 02:12 AM
I love the tenets of the Oath of Ancients. Two characters immediately come to mind; Taric, the Shield of Valoran (https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/taric/) and Solaire of Astora (https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Solaire+of+Astora). I would build Solaire as a Revenant with the OoA tenets, Oath of Devotion features and the Light Domain spell list.

2018-10-08, 04:30 AM
What level spell is Thread Necromancy?

2018-10-08, 05:21 AM
What level spell is Thread Necromancy?

Apparently it's a cantrip, because the more experienced user you are, the less likely you are to use it.

Edit (because why the hell not):


2018-10-08, 10:53 AM
I'm playing in a Neverwinter campaign with an oath of ancients half elf. Lived through multiple tragedies and seen a lot as a city guard.

His biggest challenge is keeping the light in himself. If it wasn't for his wife he could slip into despair born of the fact that things haven't really gotten much better despite decades of fighting and sacrifice

Guy Lombard-O
2018-10-08, 12:08 PM
I'm bringing a new character into an ongoing campaign (my last one just got ganked) and he's an Ancients paladin 4/hexblade 2. I'm really at a bit of a loss as to how to meld the hexblade patron into this paladin. I want him to basically be a green knight, and I think I can role play that alright (although this is my first paladin). But the hexblade part is kind of throwing me.

My DM is okay with the mix, which is primarily because he A) is a super-cool DM, and B) hated my initial (more easily understood and RP'd) idea of a Conquest/Hexblade. He nixed the Conquest part (I guess because he doesn't want a character whose Oath tenets read like the A-hole playbook?), but okay'd the hexblade dip with a different Oath. I'm still happy to have a chance to play a paladin/hexblade SAD Charisma-machine, but I'm wondering how the heck to pull it off role-play wise?!?

I'm thinking he's going to mostly want to be a champion/guardian of nature, and I'll try to play him as such. But do I make some RP concessions to the hexblade patron, or do I just let the DM figure out how to torture my paladin with shadow-nasty patron demands and not worry about it otherwise? If you DO think I should RP something additional into the Ancients Pally, then how do I correctly balance the mix? Can the Ancients part of the character just steamroll the hexblade part?

Any thoughts would be appreciated, especially because my actual experience level with both classes is zero!!

2018-10-08, 05:34 PM
I'm bringing a new character into an ongoing campaign (my last one just got ganked) and he's an Ancients paladin 4/hexblade 2. I'm really at a bit of a loss as to how to meld the hexblade patron into this paladin. I want him to basically be a green knight, and I think I can role play that alright (although this is my first paladin). But the hexblade part is kind of throwing me.

My DM is okay with the mix, which is primarily because he A) is a super-cool DM, and B) hated my initial (more easily understood and RP'd) idea of a Conquest/Hexblade. He nixed the Conquest part (I guess because he doesn't want a character whose Oath tenets read like the A-hole playbook?), but okay'd the hexblade dip with a different Oath. I'm still happy to have a chance to play a paladin/hexblade SAD Charisma-machine, but I'm wondering how the heck to pull it off role-play wise?!?

I'm thinking he's going to mostly want to be a champion/guardian of nature, and I'll try to play him as such. But do I make some RP concessions to the hexblade patron, or do I just let the DM figure out how to torture my paladin with shadow-nasty patron demands and not worry about it otherwise? If you DO think I should RP something additional into the Ancients Pally, then how do I correctly balance the mix? Can the Ancients part of the character just steamroll the hexblade part?

Any thoughts would be appreciated, especially because my actual experience level with both classes is zero!!

Hexblade at its most basic is a pact with a powerful weapon. Some people may insist that weapon must be from the Shadowfell, and if you want to do that you can.

If you do, the character is a dichotomy. A jovial man wielding a sword of despair. A knight of nature wielding a blade of death and decay. This is decently interesting and you just have to figure out how you two met. Is the paladin trying to redeem the weapon? Perhaps it was a weapon cursed by ill-fate and brought low. Is the weapon trying to corrupt the paladin, taking a person sworn to joy and life and trying to make them a knight of despair and ruin?

Once you figure that out, it should be easier to decide the directions you want

2018-10-08, 07:18 PM
My take on this is that Paladins are not Druids.

The Oath of the Ancients has nothing to do with nature; it is about life.

A Green Knight has committed to fighting for a world where things can live and grow and flourish. Here, "things" includes plants and animals, true, but also people and ideas and art and music and concepts and societies.

Green Knights use growing things as their symbols because those things are the opposite of death and decay, which symbolise what the Knight is fighting against.

Green Knights do not necessarily have to kill wicked people and monsters. Their focus is providing an environment where the light can prosper. If that can be done without killing (by moving foes on or, better, by redeeming them) then that is OK (though individual Paladins may differ on the level of restraint they feel is acceptable).

They are not, however, stupid. They won't engage in pointless attacks. Throwing your life away for nothing violates the tenet of Preserve Your Own Light.

Media Figures
I think Wonder Woman is an example of a Green Knight.

From an interview with Patty Jenkins, the director of the movie:

Jenkins goes on to describe Wonder Woman’s worldview as, “I believe in the betterment of you, and I believe in you, and I believe in truth. And I believe that you all can be better, and I will fight to protect you. But I also believe in better than that.”

2018-10-08, 07:44 PM
Hexblade at its most basic is a pact with a powerful weapon. Some people may insist that weapon must be from the Shadowfell, and if you want to do that you can.

If you do, the character is a dichotomy. A jovial man wielding a sword of despair. A knight of nature wielding a blade of death and decay. This is decently interesting and you just have to figure out how you two met. Is the paladin trying to redeem the weapon? Perhaps it was a weapon cursed by ill-fate and brought low. Is the weapon trying to corrupt the paladin, taking a person sworn to joy and life and trying to make them a knight of despair and ruin?

Once you figure that out, it should be easier to decide the directions you want

I think this has some very good roleplay implications. Perhaps when he came into contact with the blade, he knew that it could cause great destruction in the hands of another, so he decided to take the burden of the sword in order to avoid the destruction it would certainly cause (should your previous conquest plain find it). Over time he tries to redeem the sword while the sword tries to turn him to despair.

Or...Just refluff the hexblade pact as a pact with a nature weapon (staff made from the heart of an ancient tree our similar) and rename it's abilities. Depends the direction you want to go and how your dm feels about the changes.

Guy Lombard-O
2018-10-08, 07:54 PM
Hexblade at its most basic is a pact with a powerful weapon. Some people may insist that weapon must be from the Shadowfell, and if you want to do that you can.

If you do, the character is a dichotomy. A jovial man wielding a sword of despair. A knight of nature wielding a blade of death and decay. This is decently interesting and you just have to figure out how you two met. Is the paladin trying to redeem the weapon? Perhaps it was a weapon cursed by ill-fate and brought low. Is the weapon trying to corrupt the paladin, taking a person sworn to joy and life and trying to make them a knight of despair and ruin?

Once you figure that out, it should be easier to decide the directions you want

Thanks for the thoughts, Chaosmancer and Galadhrim!

Yeah, I tried to float some re-fluff of the hexblade to my DM, maybe of a more feywild-originating entity to mesh better with my Ancients oath, and alternatively I offered up a couple of different god/famous weapon combos (real ones), one from Norse and another from Celtic mythos. I'd love for it to simply be a staff from a treant or something easy, but my DM seems to want to stick with the RAW Shadowfell entities, so that's what I'm trying to get my head around. Your thoughts are quite helpful in that regard. I'll probably suggest that he encountered the weapon and tried to control it, so now it continues to attempt to influence/corrupt the paladin as he seeks to remain true on course for his oath (he won't be taking any more hexblade levels).

And actually your explanation of the goals of the ancients oath paladins is the most comprehensible I've seen yet, so good on you!

Definitely helpful, so thanks!

2018-10-08, 09:24 PM
Thanks for the thoughts, Chaosmancer and Galadhrim!


Definitely helpful, so thanks!

Not a problem, glad to be of help

2018-10-09, 03:57 AM
My first and current character is an Ancients Paladin.

He’s an half elf. And was blessed by a Fey and trained to be a Horned/ Green/ Fey Knight. Allied to the Summer court.

Enjoys life, and loves the beauty of nature, the light, the smile on people’s faces. A proud moment was how he enriched a Dragonborn Guard’s life by recognising his talent for mixing drinks and now works at a tavern and has earned himself not only reputation and renown but found happiness with his station in life.

I took much of the info provided in the descriptions of the paladin oaths in the PHB. I don’t see Ancients Paladins as militant druids - nature is full of symbolism for the Fey Knight. Horns and plants are of growth and living things. By showing those around him what it means to live life fully and to encourage those around him to adopt of the beauty of a light filled world makes him happy and fulfills the Oath he swore.

From the PHB

The Oath of the Ancients is as old as the race of elves and the rituals of the druids. Sometimes called fey knights, green knights, or horned knights, paladins who swear this oath cast their lot with the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness because they love the beautiful and life-giving things of the world, not necessarily because they believe in principles of honor, courage, and justice. They adorn their armor and clothing with images of growing things—leaves, antlers, or flowers—to reflect their commitment to preserving life and light in the world.