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View Full Version : Pathfinder Favourite 3rd Party Pathfinder Books?

(int) darkness
2014-09-07, 05:43 PM
What's everyone's favourite 3rd party stuff for Pathfinder? I've found the Psionics to be exceptional.

2014-09-07, 06:00 PM
Path of War.

2014-09-07, 06:31 PM
You're going to hear a lot of Path of War and Psionics (with good reason).

Radiance House is pretty good. Their Occultist is on the pfsrd (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/radiance-house/occultist); it's essentially a 3.5->PF translation for the binder.

I like Super Genius Games' Godling classes (also on the srd (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/super-genius-games/mighty-godling)) and Total Party Kill's Malefactor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/total-party-kill-games-classes/malefactor).

2014-09-07, 06:41 PM
Best? Ultimate Psionics, Radiance House's Pact Magic stuff.

PoW is close, but would like to see more depth to its roster of classes/archetypes/spells before I give it that number one slot.

Worst is SGG's Guide to Hilariously Overpowered Feats. The fact that it includes Monkey Grip and is written by someone who does a lot of first party work for Paizo is terrifying.

2014-09-07, 06:44 PM
In addition to Nova and Anlashok's great lists, I also have a soft spot for Adamant's Priest and RGG's archetype packages, both of which are on the PFSRD as well.