View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Races of the Tapestry [PEACH]

Milo v3
2014-09-07, 07:48 PM
I'm currently working on a semi-rewrite of 3.x, and the second step I take after brainstorming and working stuff out is making the basic playable species so:


Defined Ability

Cannibalistic Shapechangers borne from the hungry sands

Parasites spawned from the divine corpse of Gravedirt

Mortal fragments of the shattered mind of Instincts

Animals fortunate enough to have entertained Progress

Ki manipulating orbs crafted by Armour to figure out life

Spiders rewarded for surviving forty years

Tribe of humans that made a deal with chthonians to survive the ironwars

Children of Whirlpool tortured by a celestial

During the Brass Age the forested hills of the emera became a battleground between Slaughter and Decay. This battle went for three years, concluding with Slaughter falling, his blood staining the land and being filled with Decay's essence. This tainted blood killed all the plantlife around and blighted any animal who remained for too long, soon emera was desert with the added danger of it's sands drinking from the souls of travelers.

As years progressed the dunes stole more ki from wanderers until emera was able to form faint silhouettes from ki, conjured to draw victims closer to the center of emera. Eventually, after hundreds of years, the gluttonous sands learnt how to fabricate true bodies. Hungry bodies that have named themselves algol.

Algol appear to be humans in many ways, though the differences are rather distinct. Subsisting on ki more directly they rely on eating large amounts of meat, with a large number of sharp canine teeth in their maw and saliva that acts as a weak anesthetic. They have sanguine red eyes that permanently appear hungry. Because of their origins, algol have no reproductive or excretory systems, possessing better nervous systems or redundant organs instead.


+2 Intelligence, and +2 Dexterity or Constitution: Algol have whispers from hundreds of lives within their minds granting them decent amounts of innate knowledge, and their eldritch biology makes them either faster or hardier.
Gluttons of the Waste: Algol are humanoids with the algol and spawn subtypes.
Medium: Algol are medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Emera Stride: Algol have a base speed of 30 feet., ignore difficult terrain caused by a desert environment, and are immune to the negative effects of Hungry Sand.
Emera's Thirst: When an algol consumes blood it counts as both food and water for the purposes of dehydration and starvation, and he counts as having a strength score two points higher for the purpose of carry capacity for 1 hour (additional drinking of blood only resets this duration, rather than it stacking). In addition, the spirits within the algol's digestive system are disgusted and insulted by milk, causing it to always act as though it had gone sour when drunken by an algol.
Ghoul's Bite: Algol can bite as an unarmed attack, except it deals piercing damage rather than bludgeon damage.
Stained Guise (Ex): Algol start with knowledge of how to perform the ritual Stained Guise, with it's Faint Heart principle.

Starting Age
Age Increment

100 lb

65 lb

Near the start of Mountain's rise to power, it's ally Gravedirt gave permission to be killed and consumed, and within seconds mountain had gravedirt's heart in hand. Removing only it's essence, mountain left the corpse to rot and merge with the soil, through which worms started to burrow. Within days, the worms forms warped and twisted into humanoids with sentient minds.

Feeling responsible, mountain decided to watch over and guide the being's it named Dwarves, giving them tools, filling their bodies with crystals and metal, and infusing them with an army of sand and stone. Mountain guarded the dwarves for hundreds of years, even lasting till after mountain became Monre, but she grew angry when she sensed a dwarf praying for another celestial's blessing.

Within seconds, the theocracy of the dwarves was shattered as their prayers started to fail and their nation was thrown into chaos. After years of civil war, the dwarves had been split into several countries, many even merging and mixing with the nations of other species. After this anarchy started to fade, and blessings from Monre started to stabilize.

Dwarves are humanoid in shape and stocky in frame, with slightly reflective pale hairless skin similar to that of scarab larvae. Their bodies are filled with elemental earth, causing them to be used to moving a crystalline or metallic frame, letting them move in most armour without difficulty. In addition, the fragments of crystal in their brains allows them to transmit some information via light rather than only using electrical impulses.

Despite being hairless, dwarves have a feature that's often called a beard, a small number of semi-stone/bone thorns that surround their mouths.


+2 Constitution, and +2 Intelligence or Wisdom: With a body littered with stone and metal leaves causes dwarves to be rather tough, though their minds are also sharp, having brains that transfer some information via light rather than electricity.
Children of the Gravedirt: Dwarves are humanoids with the dwarf and spawn subtypes.
Medium: Dwarves are medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size, except as noted in the Slight Build trait.
Slow: Dwarves have a base land speed of 20 ft., and do not take a reduction to speed from wearing armour that are made primarily of crystal, dirt, metal, sand, stone or similar earthen materials.
Earthen Ally (In): Dwarves can invoke and maintain the [Enslavement] aspect of the Earth domain, as if they had an invoker level equal to their character level.
Slight Build:The physical stature of dwarves lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category smaller. Whenever a dwarf is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as Stealth), the dwarf is treated as one size smaller if doing so is advantageous to the character. A dwarf is also considered to be one size smaller when "squeezing" through a restrictive space. A dwarf can use weapons designed for a creature one size smaller without penalty. However, the space and reach of a dwarf remain those of a creature of their actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size category.
Temple's Tunneling (In): While wielding a weapon from the Weapon Group of your faith, you can spend a standard action to gain a burrow speed of 5 ft. until the start of your next turn. Faithless dwarves treat their weapon group as Natural.

Starting Age
Age Increment

140 lb

110 lb

Weak from it's battles with Slaughter, Decay wandered the tapestry with blood dripping from it's eternally rotting body of skin, iron and fungus. It didn't take long for some of this tainted fluid to pass into a water supply, which was latter unknowingly drunken by instincts (judgement and stability already weakened as it lost an argument to Planning the year before). With decay in the mind of instincts it's form corrupted and it's mind loosed, slowly degrading into madness until the number of voices in it's mind was beyond mortal comprehension.

Instincts eventually lost it's sanity enough to decide that tearing itself into pieces would be the best course of action. only fragments remained of instincts, a mass of mortal bodies made from the mind of a mad chthonian. These mortals were later named Elves, since it is always the first word an infant of this species ever speaks. Unfortunately, elves do not have a good reputation in most cultures because of their talent in curses and their eldritch method of resting.

Elves have bodies like tall but exceedingly thin humans, with the only other sign of their eldritch nature being their feline eyes. Despite being rather similar to humans, their minds are designed completely differently. Elven brains transmit information through literal impulses of emotion, rather than electricity, leading them to be overtly emotional and irrational. In addition since they are simply fragments of a single mind, they do not require true sleep, instead they simply open their minds to the network of instincts that entangles each member of the species with each other.


+2 Dexterity, and +2 Wisdom or Charisma: Elves instincts are good enough to actually improve their reaction speeds and often improves their senses or how they talk.
Legion of Instincts: Elves are humanoids with the elf and spawn subtypes.
Medium: Elves are medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Elves have a base land speed of 30 ft.
Low-Light Vision: Elves can see can in dim light within 60 ft. as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it was dim light. You cannot discern colour in darkness, only shades of green.
Instinctual Rituals (Ex): Elves start knowing how to perform the rituals Early Winter and Ironwood, with two principle points to spend between each of those rituals.
Wild Trance (Ex): Elves are immune to sleep effects, and can enter (or leave) a state that acts as their sleep as a swift action. Time in this state counts as rest for the purpose of needing sleep, when doing only minimal activity it also counts as rest for the purpose of healing, and has a few side-effects; their intelligence score is reduced to a tenth (minimum 1), their base land speed is increased by 10 ft., and they gain a +2 insight bonus on armour class. If an elf leaves wild trance after being in it for a duration less than eight hours so far today, they are fatigued (or exhausted if they are already fatigued). If their intelligence score is dealt damage or drain, they immediately are forced out of Wild Trance, and the damage or drain is applied to their true intelligence score.

Starting Age
Age Increment



Unlike other sentient species, who's bodies were created or improved by the deities, humans are actually animals that just happened to eventually evolve sapience and language in the jungles and plains of Sonrica. Progress was intrigued and entertained by the idea that a beast can advance itself to such an extent, and decided to slightly tilt somethings in their favour allowing them to discover some technology faster than they normally would, giving them an opportunity to catch up with the humanoids that were augmented and spawned by the divine. When progress eventually became part of Deine, he noticed the humans had nearly reached the technological level of other mortals and stopped hurrying the humans, leaving them to progress with their own skill and talents.

Humans appear just like normal person would in real life; even if they're digestive systems now function based around appeasing hunger spirits, reproduction is a fundamental ritual that attempts to infuse fine sized humans inside females with ki, and their blood carries ki to their muscles rather than oxygen.


+2 Any: Progress ensured that humans were rather dynamic when it comes to their genetic spirits.
Evolved Apes: Humans are humanoids with the augmented animal and human subtypes.
Medium: Humans are medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Hunter's Techniques (Ex): Humans start with the ability to practice the Hunter's Hands and Hunter's Heart techniques. If you would latter gain access to these techniques from a class, these techniques no longer take up a body slot when practiced if they are not focused.
Inner Talent: Humans possess one point of ki; in addition to ki from their constitution modifier, classes, feat, etc.

Starting Age
Age Increment

120 lb

85 lb

Seeing the other deities taking such an interest in mortals, Armour was curious to the purpose of such creatures and decided to try and forge it's own mortals. Armour's research taught it that mortals relied heavily on keeping spirits appeased and maintained by the flow of ki. In the end he made spheres that directed ki in a way similar to the circulatory systems of other life, then shielded it within conceptual armour to form a near humanoid form.

Armour toyed and questioned his creations for a single month before it decided they were boring, immediately casting them away from his realm. For years they remained in the marsh they landed in, confused and afraid of the world, with other mortals thinking that the glowing lights in the swamp were merely trapped souls, radiance elementals or undead and stayed away. First true contact between ignis and other sapient life only occurred after many years, when a young human warrior went out to slay the "menace".

Technically the body of an ignis is a metal sphere with specific depressions across it's surface. These depressions direct ki in the environment with enough focus and skill that it forms a solid humanoid torso, head, and arms from the vital energy. This allows them to sense the world and manipulate objects, though their ki flesh is generally weaker than true flesh and bone. Ignis lack legs or feet (though still possess those body slots interestingly), and move by levitating their bodies a short distance above the ground.


+2 Any: Different models of ignis possess different inherent talents.
Orbs from Armour: Ignis are humanoids with the ignis and spawn subtypes.
Small: Ignis are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Levitation: Ignis have a base speed of 20 feet., but ignore penalties to movement from difficult terrain and are immune to being tripped.
Armour Form (In): Ignis that is grappling a creature can transform into armour formed of ki in place of making an unarmed attack, this can be ended by the ignis or host as a free action. This merges the ignis with the creature, the ignis loses all it's actions except for free and swift actions, and grants several benefits to that creature:

The host's ki pool becomes the sum of his and the ignis' ki pools.
The host gains all the ignis' class abilities, knowledge of rituals, techniques, aspects, etc.
The host gains all the ignis' feats that they meet the prerequisites of.
The host gains a sacred bonus to armour class equal to the modifier of the ignis' highest ability score.
The host gains additional body slots for the purpose of techniques equal to the number of body slots the ignis possesses.
The host's unarmed attacks can deal lethal damage.
Whenever the ignis would allocate ki it instead allocates the host's ki pool.

Inner Talent: Ignis possess one point of ki; in addition to ki from their constitution modifier, classes, feat, etc.
Wrath's Dawn (Ex): Ignis start with the ability to practice the Wrath's Dawn techniques. If you would latter gain access to this technique from a class, this technique no longer take up a body slot when practiced if it is not focused.

Starting Age
Age Increment

30 lb

Jorōnith possess simple origins, though they are origins that enrage the celestials. Whenever a mundane spider survives to the age of 40, the chthonian Weaving crawls out from the deeplands and captures them. Once back in her domain, Weaving wraps the arachnid in a silken cocoon, which is then hidden back on the tapestry or given to a willing jorōnith. Within a month, the cocoon starts to grow until the being within reaches full size, erupting from it's container once complete.

Overall jorōnith look like a thin humans, with bodies that are scaled down to half their normal height and width, and two additional arms that extend from below their shoulders.


+2 Wisdom, and +2 Strength or Dexterity: The main gift the jorōnith are thankful for is the wisdom and mind they were granted, and their history as either a hunting or silk weaving spider determines whether they are innately stronger or more precise with their hands.
Ascended Arachnids: Jorōnith are humanoids with the augmented animal and jorōnith subtypes.
Small: Jorōnith are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Climbers: Jorōnith have a base speed of 20 feet., and a climb speed of 10 ft. Like all creatures with a climb speed, Jorōnith gain a +8 racial bonus to athletics checks related to climbing.
Corrupted Arms: Jorōnith possess four arms. A member of this race can wield multiple weapons, but only one hand is its primary hand, and all others are off hands. It can also use its hands for other purposes that require free hands. These arms can be a medium for your spells as if they were a Corruption. If all four of your hands are free, you gain a +10 ft. racial bonus to your climb speed.
Original Weavers: Jorōnith have a +4 racial bonus to craft silken objects, and always count as possessing the tools for doing so as long as they are not starving or dehydrated.
Web Bolt (Sp): Jorōnith can cast Web Bolt once per day, with a caster level equal to your character level. Jorōnith The medium for this spell-like ability is the Jorōnith's corrupted arms. Jorōnith gain an additional use of this spell-like ability every 5 hit dice they possess.

Starting Age
Age Increment

25 lb

30 lb

When mortals started to work metals, mines soon started to be developed and implemented. Chthonians took this as attempting to reach limbo and fought back against the perceived invaders. Within hours the city of Rorme was burning and undersiege from hordes of aberrations, which was the first casualty in the Ironwar.

This war went for many years, only delayed when a tribe of humans on the brink of extinction were able to fight their way into limbo through a small army of abominations, fueled only by their desperation. Many chthonians were impressed with the tribes power and gave them a chance at survival by warping their bodies. Taking the name of their tribe as the title of their new species, becoming the emissary's between the chthonians, and being the first mortals to learn spellcraft. The ironwars eventual end was a direct result of the ogres acting as a line of communication between chthonians and mortals.

Ogres appear to be humans of immense height and beauty, though they are known for using this beauty and size for mainly intimidation purposes.


+2 Charisma, and +2 Strength or Constitution: Filled with chthonian power, ogres are both beautiful and terrifying, often possessing great strength or toughness.
Chthonian Humans: Ogres are monstrous humanoids with the augmented humanoid and human subtypes.
Medium: Ogres are medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size, except as noted in powerful build.
Normal Speed: Ogres have a base land speed of 30 ft.
Corrupted Beauty: An ogre gains a +2 racial bonus on persuasion checks. This ability can be a medium for your spells as it was a Corruption.
Monstrous Growth (Sp): An orgre can cast Monstrous Growth once per day, with a caster level equal to your character level. The medium for this spell-like ability is the Ogre's corrupted beauty. Ogres gain an additional use of this spell-like ability every 5 hit dice they possess.
Powerful Build: The physical stature of ogres lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever an ogre is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as combat maneuvers), the ogre is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. An ogre is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as grab or swallow whole) can affect him. An ogre can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category; except for the ogre's racial Monstrous Growth trait.

Starting Age
Age Increment

150 lb

100 lb

After a fight between a Progenitor Wyrm, whirlpool left the battleground with the blood of it's foe in it's maw. Sickened by the taste that was swirling around it's body, whirlpool spat it out allowing it to mix with the brine of the ocean until it started to become alive. Whirlpool watched as the blood transformed into a scaled serpent of the depths, where they remained for many years.

Many ages later, the shivarn were taken from the sea by the celestial Shayth and interrogated. Seeking the location of whirlpool, Shayth tortured the serpents over and over as not a single shivarn knew of the chthonian's hiding place. After three years of torture, the celestial released his victims though they were not sea serpents anymore, possessing features like legs and wings.

Shivarn have bodies like dragons the size of a small horse, except that instead of simply having claws they have scale covered hands. Each shivarn is attuned to either fire or water, which lets them create an erruption of their attunement from their maws, but it also determines their scale colour. Shivarn attuned to fire have red, yellow, and brown scales, while shivarn attuned to water have blue, green, and black scales.


+2 Strength, and +2 Intelligence or Charisma: Shivarn are strong beasts of war, with the minds that are always gifted, whether in academic fields or in manipulation.
Tortured Spawn: Shivarn are humanoids with the shivarn and spawn subtypes.
Medium: Shivarn are medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Oceanic: Shivarn have a base land speed of 20 ft., and a swim speed of 20 ft.
Glide: A shivarn wings allow them to glide, travelling 5 ft. horizontally for every 20 ft. fallen vertical, and making them immune to fall damage.
Divine Breath (In): Shivarn can invoke the aspect of the Fire or Water domain, as if they had an invoker level equal to their character level.
[B]Sea Serpent (Ex): A shivarn can hold its breath for a number of hours equal to 6 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning, and is immune to water pressure damage.
Shift Stance: Shivarn that have both hands free gain a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground, gain a +10 ft. racial bonus to base land speed, and count as quadrupeds for the purpose of carry capacity.

Starting Age
Age Increment

180 lb

180 lb

Each character picks a culture, and select two bonus feats from their associated lists. You may select a bonus feat that you don't meet the prerequisites of, but you do not gain the benefits of that feat until you meet it's prerequisites.

You've been exposed to a fairly large amount of spells and magic over the years.

Arcane Armour Training
Chthonian Craftsman
Combat Casting
Magical Aptitude
Spell Focus

You've spent most of your life in a trade or profession.

Crafters Focus
Master Craftsman
Performers Focus
Professionals Focus
Skill Focus

You're from a culture that no-longer exists.

Favoured Enemy

Instead of socializing, you've lived in the wilderness or in a single house for most of your life.


You were raised by animals or beasts rather than your own species.

Wild Cohort

You've always been on the move.


Instead of a normal life on the tapestry, you spent a considerable amount of your life in the Astral Void or the Depths of Limbo.


Your bodies mind has not been it's own for a long time, you are actually a spirit possessing the body as a vessel.

Vital Survival
Vital Organs

You have survived on your own on the streets through skill and determination.


You were raised in a highly religious society or maybe you were raised by a temple itself.


Whether gained from blood or merit, you are a member of the noble class.


You have spent most of your years learning in expensive facilities.


Whether lawful or not, you have spent many of your years as a slave to another.


You've not only survived in harsh environments, you've adapted to them and thrived.

Summer Endurance*
Winter Endurance*

Takwin are not of natural origin, instead they are created by alchemical and biological rituals.


You may have spent years as part of a military or a mercenary band, or perhaps your from a nation of warriors.

Favoured Enemy
Improved Unarmed Strike
Mounted Combat
Weapons Proficiency

Milo v3
2014-09-09, 06:02 PM
Subsystem Elements Mentioned

Aspects: Sort of like a mix between the binder's Pact Binding and warlock's Invocations.
Rituals: Primative gramarie in a way.
Spells: Spontaneous Spellcasting + Needing a familiar, eldritch cybernetics, or magic object.
Techniques: Soulmelds/Veilshaping except it's Ex rather than Su.


When an aspect stops being used, it's power is lost from the invoker, allow of which are immediately regained next time they gain blessing from their patron. An invoker can gain blessing by spending a full-round action to make an invoker level check (DC 10) that provokes attacks of opportunity. A roll of 1 on the invoker level check causes the action to be wasted, even if a roll of 1 plus your invoker level is high enough to automatically succeed.

Many aspects require to be maintained each round, which can be done as a free action once a round per invoking ability modifier (minimum 1).

When you activate this aspect, a small sized mass of earthen material (stone, dirt, sand, metal, crystal, etc.) you're touching animates into an atomic earth elemental with the appropriate size and variant in it's space. This elemental does as you command until it dies or the aspect ceases to be maintained, upon which the earthen material is left in it's place inanimate and this aspect is lost until you regain blessing again.

When used as the Empathic Aspect, the elemental summoned by the other aspect gains;

The earth subtype.
Burrow speed equal to base land speed, or 20 ft. if the elemental only possesses a fly speed.
Increases natural armour by +4.

For every four invoker levels you possess, the amount of earthen material you can affect with this aspect increases by one size category.

When you activate this aspect, you breathe out a wave of churning flame, dealing fire damage in a 10 ft. long cone. Individuals count in the area can make reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 invoker level + invoking ability modifier), to half the damage they'd be dealt. When this aspect is activated, it is lost until you regain blessing again, and it cannot be maintained.

When used as the Empathic Aspect, half the damage dealt by the breath weapon becomes fire damage.

For every point invoker level you possess, your breath weapon deals 1d6 fire damage and it's range increases by 5 ft. If your invoker level is 10 or higher, your breath weapon deals 1d10 fire damage per point and ignores fire resistance. If your invoker level is 20 or higher, your breath weapon deals 2d8 fire damage per point, and ignores fire immunity and resistance.

When you activate this aspect, you breathe out a torrent of water, dealing bludgeon damage in a 20 ft. long line. Individuals count in the area can make reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 invoker level + invoking ability modifier), to half the damage they'd be dealt. When this aspect is activated, it is lost until you regain blessing again, and it cannot be maintained.

Creatures that have the fire subtype take twice as much damage as normal. In addition any magical fires in the squares it hits must make a caster level check (DC 10 + invoker level) or be extinguished, non-magical fires do not get a save and are always extinguished.

When used as the Empathic Aspect, half the damage dealt by the breath weapon becomes bludgeon damage. Against creatures with the fire subtype, they take twice as much damage from the bludgeon half.

For each invoker level you possess, your breath weapon deals 1d8 bludgeon damage and it's range increases by 10 ft. If your invoker level is 10 or higher, your breath weapon deals 1d12 bludgeon damage per point and ignores half an objects hardness. If your invoker level is 20 or higher, your breath weapon deals 2d10 bludgeon damage per point, and ignores hardness.


Arcane Armour Training (Combat)
You have learned how to cast spells while wearing armor.
Prerequisites: Light Armor Proficiency, caster level 1st.
Benefit: The spell failure chance due to the armor you are wearing is reduced by 10%.
Baste Attack Bonus: For every +5 base attack bonus you possess, spell failure chance is reduced by another 10%.

Chthonian Craftsman (Spell)
Your superior crafting skills allow you to create simple chthonic items.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in any Craft or Profession skill.
Benefit: Craft or Profession skills in which you possess at least 5 ranks count as your caster level for the purposes of qualifying for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats. You can create magic items using these feats, substituting your ranks in the craft or profession skill for your total caster level. You must use an appropriate skill for the check to create the item. The DC to create the item still increases for any necessary spell requirements. You cannot use this feat to create any spell-trigger or spell-activation item.

Combat Casting (Combat)
You are adept at spellcasting when threatened or distracted.
Prerequisite: Caster level 1st.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability when casting on the defensive or while grappled.
Base Attack Bonus: For every +5 base attack bonus you possess, the bonus to concentration checks is increased by +4.

Crafter's Focus
Some craftsmen decide to not limit themselves to a single trade.
Prerequisite: Two or more craft skills.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to all craft skills.
Skill: For every 5 ranks in your highest Craft skill, this feat's bonus increases by +3.
Special: This feat counts as Skill Focus for all Craft Skills for the purpose of prerequisites.

Favoured Enemy (Combat)
You have specifically trained to be better at fighting a specific group.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and Deception, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of a creature type you select. If you select Humanoid or Outsider, you must select a subtype of humanoid or outsider for it to apply to.
Base Attack Bonus: Every +5 base attack bonus you possess, this feat's bonuses increase by +2.

Improved Unarmed Strike (Combat)
Whether a drunken brawler or trained warrior, you know how to fight unarmed.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1.
Benefit: Your unarmed strike can deal lethal damage at no penalty and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Base Attack Bonus: Your unarmed strikes deal more damage based on how high your base attack bonus is:

Damage (Medium)







Magical Aptitude (Spell)
You have a little magic sealed within you, granting you innate arcane knowledge and a slight mutation
Benefit: Select a level zero spell with a range of personal and non-instantaneous duration, you constantly are affected by it, though you can suppress and reactivate it's effects as a free action. In addition you gain a +4 bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) checks.
Skill: For every 5 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), this feat's bonus increases by +4.
Special: This feat counts as Skill Focus for Knowledge (Arcana) for the purpose of prerequisites.

Master Craftsman (Ki)
Your superior crafting skills allow you to items that take ki flow into account.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in any Craft or Profession skill.
Benefit: Craft or Profession skills in which you possess at least 5 ranks count as your caster level for the purposes of qualifying for the Craft Flow Arms and Armor and Craft Flow Item feats. You can create flow items using these feats, substituting your ranks in the craft or profession skill for your total caster level. You must use an appropriate skill for the check to create the item. The DC to create the item still increases for any necessary technique requirements.

Mounted Combat (Combat)
You are adept at guiding your mount through combat.
Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank.
Benefit: Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll.
Skill: For every 5 ranks in Ride, you can use the benefit of Mounted Combat once more per round.

Performer's Focus
Some entertainers decide to not limit themselves to a single talent.
Prerequisite: Two or more perform skills.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to all perform skills.
Skill: For every 5 ranks in your highest Perform skill, this feat's bonus increases by +3.
Special: This feat counts as Skill Focus for all Perform Skills for the purpose of prerequisites.

Professional Focus
Some workers decide to not limit themselves to a single profession.
Prerequisite: Two or more profession skills.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to all profession skills.
Skill: For every 5 ranks in your highest Profession skill, this feat's bonus increases by +3.
Special: This feat counts as Skill Focus for all Profession Skills for the purpose of prerequisites.

Self Sufficient
You know how to get along in the wild and how to effectively treat wounds.
Benefit: You gain a +3 to all Heal and Survival checks.
Skill: For every 5 ranks in Heal or Survival, this feat's bonuses increases by +3.
Special: This feat counts as Skill Focus for Heal and Survival for the purpose of prerequisites.

Skill Focus
You're specifically talented in a skill.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to a single skill of your choice.
Skill: For every 5 ranks in a skill you possess skill focus for, it's feat bonus increases by +4.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, but each time it must be taken for a different skill.

Spell Focus (Spell)
You're skilled in a school of chthonic magic.
Benefit: Add +3 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from a single school of magic you select.
Caster: For every 5 caster levels you possess, this feat's bonus increases by +3.

Toughness (Combat)
You have enhanced physical stamina.
Benefit: You gain +3 additional hit points per hit die you possess.

Vital Organs (Ki)
Some people have good enough control over ki that they can recreate lost limbs.
Prerequisite: Ki Pool
Benefit: You can invest ki into this feat as if it was a technique, with every point of ki invested creates a body slot out of ki that functions as if the body slot wasn't lost. This only creates ki body slots that the creature previously possessed but are currently missing. Body slots replaced by integrated objects do not count as missing.

Vital Survival (Ki)
If you are in true danger, you can create a ki form and try to grant your unconscious self protection.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13, Ki Pool, Vital Organs
Benefit: If you are rendered unconscious or dead due to hit point loss, you can spend an immediate action to invest some of your ki into this feat and create a Paran Body in your space. You sense everything the paran body can sense and controls it's actions. If your true body ceases to be unconscious or dead, the paran is dispersed and you regain the ki invested in this feat next time you have an eight hour or more rest.

Weapon Proficiency (Combat)
You understand how to use a type of weapon in combat.
Benefit: Select one weapon group you're not completely proficient with, you gain proficiency with all weapons in that weapon group.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, each time you must select a different weapon group.


ALMY I: Ironwood
Alchemy (Crafting)
Alternate Skills: Profession (Woodcutter), Survival
DC: Target's Craft DC + 10
Preparation: 1 hour
Save: Fort (Negates).
Target: Wooden object being crafted

This ritual teaches the practitioner how to grant wood that you are crafting into an object, the properties of metals. As this ritual is a crafting ritual, it requires one hour to be spent preparing before and after the target is being crafted, with the ritual check made at the end of the second preparation. If both preparations are not made this ritual is wasted. In addition, multiple crafting principles can be prepared on the single target, but doing this increases the preparation times to the sum of all the preparation times.

One Point Principles
Heat: The crafted object doesn't burn, instead possessing the melting point of iron.
Magnetic: The crafted object is magnetic as if it was iron of equal volume.
Strength: The crafted object gains the Break DC, Hardness, and Hit Points as if it was iron.

Two Point Principles
War: You may craft the wood into swords, plate armour, and other metallic objects as if it was iron. This doesn't reduce or otherwise the material cost for crafting the object, and the resultant object has the Break DC, Hardness and Hit Points per Inch of wood unless otherwise modified.

GEMA I: Early Winter
Alternate Skills: Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences)
DC: 5 + 10 per size category above fine the target is.
Preparation: 1 minute
Range: Line of Sight.
Save: Fort (Negates); see text.
Target: Specific on principle

This ritual teaches the practitioner how to corrupting the spirits around a target into believe it is winter and cling death to the object. Use of this ritual is greatly frowned upon, and is a crime in many cultures.

One Point Principles

Food: You may target a perishable food up to tiny in size. This causes the food to sours, goes stale, or otherwise becomes useless. Magical foods can make a fortitude save to negate.
Flora: You may target a plant up to tiny in size. This causes the plant to wilt and die. Magical plants can make a fortitude save to negate.
Unborn: You may target an unborn child, either inside of an egg or inside of the womb of a creature you possess line of sight to. This causes the child to die before it would be born or hatch, unless a fortitude save is made to negate. Eggs make fortitude saves for these purposes as if magical objects, and children inside of wombs use their host's fortitude saves.

Two Point Principles

Increase [Meta]: You may target objects one size larger with the Food and Flora principles of this ritual. This can only be taken once you possess either Food or Flora principles of this ritual.

NMNE I: Stained Guise
Necromnemonics (Sacrifice)
Alternate Skills: Heal
DC: 5 + Target's hit dice + 5 per size category target is away from your own
Preparation: 10 minute + sacrifice
Save: Will (Expends); see text.
Target: One helpless animal.

This ritual teaches the practitioner how to have the animal's body remember it's living form as you sacrifice it and then deceive it into letting that memory flood over another. Multiple sacrifice principles can be prepared on a single target, but doing this increases the preparation times to the sum of all the preparation times.

One Point Principle

Expanded [Meta]: This ritual can target helpless humanoids or magical beasts. This can be taken twice.
Faint Heart: The body remembers it's form, with the knowledge stored in the creatures heart. Any creature within one size category of the target that eats this heart gains the Change Shape special quality for 1 day per point of constitution of the sacrificed target. This change shape quality is extraordinary in nature, and only allows for transformation to the form of the last Faint Heart you devoured.

Two Point Principles

Heighten [Meta]: The beast shape I effect bestowed by Strong Hide increases it's version by one spell level for every 5 higher your ritual check was above the ritual DC. This can only increase the spell level by one time per time this principle is taken. This principle can be taken multiple times, though only once per four ranks in deception you possess. This can only be taken once you possess the Strong Hide principle of this ritual.
Strong Hide: The body remembers it's form, with the knowledge stored in the creatures hide. If any armour or clothing is made from the creature's body parts, the wearer of that armour can alter self or beast shape I into the sacrificed creatures form if it would be applicable to such spell effects. Whenever the effect has been used a number of times above the sacrificed creatures constitution score, a will save must be made by the wearer, or the armour/clothing loses the benefits from this ritual permanently.

Monstrous Growth
School transmutation; Level warshaper 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S
Range personal
Duration 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
This spell causes instant growth of the caster, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the caster's size category to the next larger one. The caster gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size, and then another +2 size bonus to strength for every size category the caster was larger than medium.

If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the caster attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using its increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it—the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by increasing its size.

All equipment worn or carried by the caster is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee weapons affected by this spell deal more damage as appropriate. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that leaves the enlarged caster's possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage. Magical properties of enlarged items are not increased by this spell.

Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack.

Monstrous growth counters and dispels reduce person.

Hunter's Hands
Descriptors: None.
Class: Expert, Investigator
Slot: Hands
Saving Throw: None

The technician practicing this technique channels the desire for a creature to survive and comprehends how to best use the tools around you; you gain a +2 insight bonus to Craft and Survival checks.
Ki: For each point of ki invested in this technique, increase the bonus to Craft and Survival by +2.
Chakra Focus (Hands): When this technique is focused to your hand slot you gain a great understanding into the brutal ways to survive in the wild. When crafting a weapon or trap each hour of work counts as 1 week of work, plus an additional day of work per ki invested in this technique.

Hunter's Heart
Descriptors: None.
Class: Juggernaut, Vindicator
Slot: Chest
Saving Throw: None

The technician practicing this technique channels a tireless determination for victory and survival; you gain damage reduction 2/- that only applies to damage from hustling, starvation, thirst, and making a forced march.
Ki: For each point of ki invested in this technique, increase the damage reduction by 2.
Chakra Focus (Chest): When this technique is focused to your chest slot you become a tireless machine, you always count as resting for the purpose of natural healing and are immune to sleep effects.

Wrath's Dawn
Descriptors: None.
Class: Assassin, Juggernaut, Vindicator
Slot: Shoulders
Saving Throw: Will Save (immunity for 24 hours); see Chakra Focus (Shoulders)

The technician practicing this technique channels their passion and rage to an extent that ki seems to be bleeding out of them in the form of a life fueled flame; you gain a +2 morale bonus to intimidate and produce light as a candle.
Ki: For each point of ki invested into this technique, increase the bonus to intimidate by +2 and the range of dim illumination your producing increases by 10 ft.
Chakra Focus (Shoulders): When this technique is focused to your shoulders slot you have a terrifying halo of soulfire, you gain the frightful presence ability. This frightful presence has a range equal to the radius of your illumination, and a duration of 1d4 rounds per ki invested.