View Full Version : Optimization Advice Marshal 3/ Crusader3/Master Thrower 1/Fighter 1/X What should the X be?

2014-09-08, 12:58 PM
Its a Clarion Commander Tactical Feat (Tome of Battle) makes an enemy flanked regardless of position and then give auras to do extra damage when people are flanked with Master of Tactics (minor aura) and Tactics of the Wolf (stance Tome of Battle).

Race: Probably Human for the extra feat
A 3.5 all sources except Dragon Magazine (Dragon Compendium allowed), No Pathfinder. Striving for a Tier 3 game.

I think I'm shooting for: Marshal 3/ Crusader3/Master Thrower 1/Fighter 1/X
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus: Diplomacy (Marshal 1), Weapon Focus (Dagger), White Raven Defense, Quick Draw (Master Thrower 1), Clarion Commander (Fighter Feat), Rapid Shot, ---> Not sure Combat Panache? Maybe Charming the Arrow (does Warblade's aptitude ability to switch weapons feats work on this feat)? Far Shot?

The roleplay is that he is a Marshal who is in the Merchant Marine and had his Fiance abducted while he was away. He's now adventuring to find clues to the whereabouts of his fiance. He will over the course of a campaign try to found a company and small town devoted to trade and finance.

I was hoping to keep him more or less magic light, I'm not sure what that means for a level of Bard and Song of White Raven, are their other options to keep him relevant? I have no problem with him using UMD, which I'm sure he'll have to (and be really good at with Motivate Charisma). I'm trying to decide if I'll need some Magic to add damage to my attacks to keep the Dagger Throwing relevant. Right now, once I mark something with Clarion Commander everyone will do my Charisma bonus + half my initiator level to each attack on that target. Its not super high optimization. I think its trying to be a Charisma SAD build and gets damage off it and Motivating Charisma for a round to win your Intimidate check and then switching to Motivate Flanking Damage.

I'm planning to focus on White Raven Maneuvers for team 'buffing" and "debuffing" enemies. But I don't have to stay in Initiator Levels. If I sneak in some Tiger Claw maneuvers I can get Dancing Mongoose and Raging Mongoose to add even two or four attacks for a round.

I could easily add Bard in at level 8 and not lose any initiator levels (I'm already on an odd number) another option is a level of Fighter to grab another Feat. The build is really feat starved and eating feats (its one of my pet peeves how terrible 3.5 is to require worthless feats for prestige classes and to get higher tree feats).

2014-09-08, 01:08 PM
Weapon Aptitude only allows you to "change the designated weapon for any feat you have that applies only to a single weapon (such as Weapon Focus)." Charming the Arrow (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fey/20030815a) works with any bow or crossbow, which is not a single weapon. However, any weapon with the Aptitude property also in ToB (such as a stack of +1 Aptitude Shuriken) would be able to benefit from that feat.

Why the ranged attack gimmick? Clarion Commander's Perpetual Flank requires you to hit them with a melee attack, and you normally have to be threatening an opponent to use Intimidate on them in combat. Consider dropping Master Thrower for Bloodstorm Blade, it gets to count ranged attacks as melee attacks.

Considger going with a Silverbrow Human to pick up Draconic Aura, both in Dragon Magic.

2014-09-08, 01:14 PM
Master Thrower lets you double your number of attacks. Clarion Commander while the original hit has to be melee, all subsequent hits don't have to be melee. Master Thrower is the best way I know to massively increase the number of attacks I do to take advantage of the extra damage. <-- While possibly flawed, it's the logic I was using.

I may do the aptitude weapon because I always like to have ways to reliably hit.

Nightsong Infiltrator (Complete Adventurer) might be interesting since it would grant 2d6 sneak attack damage to allies. It grants 1d6 at level 4 and an additional 1d6 at level 8. Hide in Plain sight at level 10.