View Full Version : Fun spell *combinations*

2014-09-08, 02:12 PM
So, the other thread that was about divination (which quickly derailed into a page long argument about the validity of Force cage + Wall of Stone + Cloudkill) had me wanting to ask this.

What are some fun and interesting combinations of spells?

2014-09-08, 02:29 PM
I do wonder if you have 3 people who can cast Ray of Frost on someone in the same round if their movement is now -30 (meaning most people cannot move)

Great Defensive Shell would be
Leonund's Tiny Hut with 7 other people (Archers) and a Barrel full of Arrows. You now have an impenatrable shell that blocks everything from getting in except that which was in there to begin with. Its opaque from the outside and any color but everyone can see out. You can use any object or person can freely pass through it if they were inside to begin with but nothing outside can get through. Only fear would be your own arrows coming back at you. (Oh and no spells either direction)

2014-09-08, 02:47 PM
I do wonder if you have 3 people who can cast Ray of Frost on someone in the same round if their movement is now -30 (meaning most people cannot move)

Nope. The PHB is clear on stacking effects:

The effects of the same spell cast multiple times don't combine [...] Instead, the most potent effect [...] from those castings applies while their durations overlap.

2014-09-08, 02:50 PM
sadness, and I was hoping to do the comic style of freezing someone in place for a few seconds :smallfrown:

2014-09-09, 08:35 AM
Great Old One Warlock

Evard's Black Tentacles + Hunger of Hadar = Zone of Tentacly Doom. (ZoDT)

Area of a portal into the black and cold void, where no light of men can reach. Oh and people are additionaly blinded, because it is neon black! They a restrained and maimed (bludgeoning) and devoured (acid) by tentacles (restricted means disadvantage on the dex save for acid dmg) while their body heat is drained away into the realms of madness (cold dmg). If they break loose the difficult terrain means they will possibly not be able to leave in one turn.
Oh, and slurping and mouring sounds.

I like the image :-)

Of course you need two caster, because both are concentration spells.

2014-09-09, 12:02 PM
Blade Ward and Shield. You're hard to hit, and it doesn't hurt. (Not strictly awesome, but its an excellent combo to suck up attacks.)

2014-09-09, 12:05 PM
Find steed + communion or vampiric touch or soul jar or pretty much any self targeting spell that the designers forgot bards would have access to.

2014-09-12, 01:27 PM
Disguise self + friends. Friends wears off after charming someone, and causes hostility... towards whomever you were impersonating. Could be great for ruining the reputation of a socially adept BBEG or sabotaging an organisation's ability to trust its members.

Flame sword + Wild shape. Just the idea of a Sir Bearington bear the bear swordsman cracks me up.

Wish + Simulacrum. More game breaking than "fun" but you can use wish to circumvent all the components/time cost of simulacrum. Wish for a 1/2 HP Tarrasque or an identical copy of yourself that still has the wish spell prepared. Cue infinitely spreading bacterial plague of Simulacrum...

2014-09-14, 09:37 AM
Faerie Fire + Scorching Ray. True Strike + Guiding Bolt + Scorching Ray.

Now if Light Clerics could just wear heavy armor I'd be set.

2014-09-14, 10:50 AM
I do wonder if you have 3 people who can cast Ray of Frost on someone in the same round if their movement is now -30 (meaning most people cannot move)

Great Defensive Shell would be
Leonund's Tiny Hut with 7 other people (Archers) and a Barrel full of Arrows. You now have an impenatrable shell that blocks everything from getting in except that which was in there to begin with. Its opaque from the outside and any color but everyone can see out. You can use any object or person can freely pass through it if they were inside to begin with but nothing outside can get through. Only fear would be your own arrows coming back at you. (Oh and no spells either direction)

That's absolutely amazing, but as a DM I'd probably rule that objects leaving the dome need to be attended. Although the required preparation makes it quite cool and I might allow it as is.

2014-09-14, 05:00 PM
Disguise self + friends. Friends wears off after charming someone, and causes hostility... towards whomever you were impersonating. Could be great for ruining the reputation of a socially adept BBEG or sabotaging an organisation's ability to trust its members.

Flame sword + Wild shape. Just the idea of a Sir Bearington bear the bear swordsman cracks me up.

Wish + Simulacrum. More game breaking than "fun" but you can use wish to circumvent all the components/time cost of simulacrum. Wish for a 1/2 HP Tarrasque or an identical copy of yourself that still has the wish spell prepared. Cue infinitely spreading bacterial plague of Simulacrum...

I really like the subtlety of the Disguise Self + Friends bit. It's conniving. :D

Wish and Simulacrum is interesting, but would using Wish in this manner trigger the 33% roll to permanently lose wish? Or is it a true duplicate of the simulacrum spell when you wish for a simulacrum with wishes?

2014-09-14, 07:06 PM
Nope, using wish to replicate any spell of 8th level or lower is the only use of wish in which there are no negative side-affects. By raw, wishing for a simulacrum is completely risk free and allows you to bypass the spells costly material components.

Wish+simulacrum is definitely a potent combo, even ignoring the infinite wish shenanigans.

Note, however that you can't wish for a simulacrum risk-free. Any simulacrum you create with wish will have an expended 9th-level spell slot. The infinite wish loop will still require some expenditure or resources or require some sort of risk in order to work.



2014-09-14, 07:33 PM
Wish and Simulacrum is interesting, but would using Wish in this manner trigger the 33% roll to permanently lose wish? Or is it a true duplicate of the simulacrum spell when you wish for a simulacrum with wishes?

As far as I know, the point isn't to wish for a simulacrum, the point is to create a simulacrum and have the simulacrum make wishes on your behalf. Since you can wish for huge amounts of gold, that offsets the cost of simulacrum and you can keep getting gold/other wishes for as long you can keep making simulacrums. And if you have the slots, your simulacrums may also be able to make simulacrums, which can also make wishes...

And as long as you don't actually use Wish yourself, there are never any drawbacks for you, only for your Simulacrums.

2014-09-14, 10:30 PM
As far as I know, the point isn't to wish for a simulacrum, the point is to create a simulacrum and have the simulacrum make wishes on your behalf. Since you can wish for huge amounts of gold, that offsets the cost of simulacrum and you can keep getting gold/other wishes for as long you can keep making simulacrums. And if you have the slots, your simulacrums may also be able to make simulacrums, which can also make wishes...

And as long as you don't actually use Wish yourself, there are never any drawbacks for you, only for your Simulacrums.

This guy's got it. You can earn a simulacrum's cost 20 times over with a wish, and there's no reason you can't chain infinite wishes.

2014-09-15, 12:00 AM
Except for the universe sensing what's about to happen and bitch slapping you back to last Sunday. Because Wish knows when it's about to be abused and doesn't play that game.

2014-09-15, 12:15 AM
Except for the universe sensing what's about to happen and bitch slapping you back to last Sunday. Because Wish knows when it's about to be abused and doesn't play that game.

Wish isn't a sentient being. What you just described has no basis in the rules whatsoever, while chaining wishes and simulacra is perfectly legal.

2014-09-15, 01:27 AM
RAW chaining simulacrum works fine, just as Pun-Pun worked RAW. This means a DM could say "no" to abuses but wouldn't have a justification other than DM fiat, and "we want to have a fun game, stop trying to destroy it"... which is a pretty good justification IMO. A 3.5 player could sit down and create pun-pun, and the DM would have to either chuck you out of the game or use divine intervention to prevent you. Similarly you could create an army of hundreds of simulacrum and outshine every other player, but would you want to anywhere outside of an optimization board?

... Spending a week creating about 10-20 simulacrum to grant you and your party resistance to every damage type in the game would be good though, so long as you keep it at that.

2014-09-15, 11:12 AM
RAW chaining simulacrum works fine, just as Pun-Pun worked RAW. This means a DM could say "no" to abuses but wouldn't have a justification other than DM fiat, and "we want to have a fun game, stop trying to destroy it"... which is a pretty good justification IMO. A 3.5 player could sit down and create pun-pun, and the DM would have to either chuck you out of the game or use divine intervention to prevent you. Similarly you could create an army of hundreds of simulacrum and outshine every other player, but would you want to anywhere outside of an optimization board?

... Spending a week creating about 10-20 simulacrum to grant you and your party resistance to every damage type in the game would be good though, so long as you keep it at that.

Erm, couldn't you just use your wish spell to grant your entire party resistance to every damage type anyway?