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View Full Version : Have you ever make High-level npc in NPC classes?

With a box
2014-09-08, 07:18 PM
what's the point of 12th commoner? or 17th adept?
for xp dispenser?
I will give low-level pc class if I need 5th level spell...

2014-09-08, 08:25 PM
They're base classes, therefore they have 20 levels. That's all.

2014-09-08, 08:45 PM
They're for filling in setting stuff, mostly. That said, I tend to interpret those not as single-classed builds, but as builds with the approximate flavor and perhaps some levels of the mentioned class. So some of the city's Fighters might actually be Warblades, and some of the Adepts might have levels in Hexer.

2014-09-08, 09:15 PM
I once made a Level 15 Expert — a Dwarven Geology Professor.
(Dwarf mines have a fairly high CR)

Max ranks in: Appraise, Decipher Script, Know (Arch/Eng), Know (Dungeoneering), Know (Geography), Know (Nature), Profession ( Geologist), Search, Survival and Spot

Divide by Zero
2014-09-08, 09:19 PM
I think the existence of non-adventurers with multiple class levels implies that there are ways to gain levels other than adventuring (much less efficient ones, presumably). So if you live your whole life doing those things and never seeing a tough combat, you can get to a high level.

Actually, I just thought of the answer: roleplaying XP. NPCs should get some for literally everything they do.

2014-09-09, 05:45 AM
Every time heroes save villagers, they get participation XP for having survived Orcus trying to murder everybody. So after awhile, barkeeps and such are level 20 purely because fights always break out at the start of adventures.

2014-09-09, 06:22 AM
I cannot say that I have ever made high level NPCs with NPC classes, but I do know that there are somein published books...
I am sure that tehre is a 17th level Commoner in Sharn:City of Towers. She is an elven councillor, very old but still kicking about. In fact I am off to check that I didn't, in fact, imagine that...

2014-09-10, 03:52 AM
Someone on these forums (wish I could remember who) once came up with the awesome idea of "Commoner Fightclub" - where groups of commoners fight each other with non-lethal weapons (i.e. unarmed strikes) for XP so they can level up.

Not sure if it strictly works by RAW, but I looooove the concept! :smallbiggrin:

2014-09-10, 04:00 AM
Someone on these forums (wish I could remember who) once came up with the awesome idea of "Commoner Fightclub" - where groups of commoners fight each other with non-lethal weapons (i.e. unarmed strikes) for XP so they can level up.

Not sure if it strictly works by RAW, but I looooove the concept! :smallbiggrin:

I have always gotten a chuckle out of this thought process. To me it makes that one angry drunk the town always has a pretty good candidate to be one of the highest lvl people in town.

2014-09-10, 04:32 AM
I have always gotten a chuckle out of this thought process. To me it makes that one angry drunk the town always has a pretty good candidate to be one of the highest lvl people in town.

Once we were doing a "joke game" to kill time until the group members that went on vacation came back, someone decided to fight against a local drunk, witht he help of the party spellcaster he got himself weakened enough to actually do 1dmg each punch, i don't remember quite HOW, but he challenged the drunken man enough times during that time and lost on a fair fight that he actually leveled OVER the party members level, then they hired him and carried a lvl12 commoner around, then decided to teach him to have a fighter level and "leeched" him enough exp to get commoner 12 fighter 4...
I must say our dm was just letting us get away with our strategy because he was laughing too hard and it was going to be ereased away anyways...

Then he decided to erease everything but hat commoner sticked around as a pretty badass local drunk. sometimes after leaving that group i wonder if they got any new player to go there and pick a ight with him. They said they would...

TL;DR: NPC classes are 70% of the time taken to high levels as either a joke or to provide a decent encounter of, let's say bandits that are not 25 lvl 14 rogues/fighters. Instead you get 20 combatants/commoners and 5 rogues/fighters. Makes things less stupid but still fun to fight against.