View Full Version : 5th Edition Long rest. will this work

lvl 1 human
2014-09-09, 01:15 PM
Okay. so, I will be ending my current campaign soon and starting 5e in January, i really like the short rest but i have a proposed tweak to long rest that my players helped me create...

during a long rest you recieve hit dice as normal you also heal to full hp except as follows
Critical hits
Dropping to below zero
acid and fire damage
basically if you get hit by a critical that damage counts as a wound and is only healed one hp per level per long rest. dropping below zero and failed death saves count as one point of wound. Wounds can all be healed with magic, acid and fire damage must be healed naturally at one point per level per lobg rest

does this system seem to work or will it nerf the characters too much?

lvl 1 human
2014-09-09, 01:17 PM
On the critical hits. all damage from a critical counts towards wounds not just one. And if you get a critical tgat puts you at zero you don't add that wound...
so basically if hit by a critical that dies 6 damage you have six wounds points and next turn normal hit for 2 and drop to zero you have a total of seven

2014-09-09, 01:25 PM
It will be a lot more bookkeeping, and will make everybody more reliant on magical healing. I don't get why Acid and Fire Damage are so special (are you using troll regeneration as the base here? Because I think Troll regeneration is a different deal altogether).

Otherwise it dosn't seem that bad. I might allow heal checks during long rests to treat wounds. If you've got any magical healing in the party, I doubt these rules are going to come into play that much. People are just going to magic-heal away their Wounds ASAP, and you'll be keeping track of wounds just to erase them later.

That said, without magical healing, Critical Hits could destroy a character's viability (since each point of damage from the crit is a wound), which is something I don't really like.

Maybe players take half the damage from a crit as a Wound? Drop the Fire and Acid nonsense, and be aware that this is either going to be extra bookeeping for a bit of flavor, or potentially totally ruinous as a single dice roll destroys a character's long-term viability.

2014-09-09, 01:25 PM
Seems like a bunch of unnecessary bookkeeping which would slow the game down. I mean, with this I'd have to track every source and amount of damage I took over the course of the day.

lvl 1 human
2014-09-09, 01:34 PM
As far as the acid and fire goes, its just an old rule i have used in every edition since ad&d also the reason i want to do this is because hp to me is a measure of vitality we also have in play if you recieve five wounds from a single source it leaves a scar. as for the additional book keeping i am okay with it. we are coming off of 3.x so i feel like it will still be less to keep track of lol we just feel like it may add a level of realism to it. and as dm i keep track of special types of damage for players... they usually don't know their current hp

lvl 1 human
2014-09-09, 01:36 PM
As per your suggestion BRC i will be dropping the fire and acid. And i like the idea of only half is wound thank you. and as with all houserules if it ends up being more harm than good i will toss it

2014-09-09, 01:50 PM
IMO, too much book keeping and too arbitrary.

If you are trying to add realism to natural healing, why just fire and acid or negative? You mean someone can recover from bludgeoning, electrical, cold, thunder, or radiant damage faster than fire? Any logical reason for this?

If you don't like the natural healing rules... put in your own rules for all damage. For example:

* Wounds. Every time you drop to 0, you get a -2 penalty to all rolls. This stacks if you go negative multiple times. A long rest allows you to make a DC 15 constitution check to remove a single -1 of the penalty. If another character makes a DC 10 medicine check and spends the entire 8 hours tending to you, you gain an advantage on the check. Every 10 points of magical healing when you are at your maximum health removes a -1 penalty.

* Slower rate. A long rest heals only your level + constitution (minimum 1) in hit points. Once per day, you can attempt a DC 10 medicine check during a short rest and heal your level + constitution (minimum 1) in hit points. A typically party can natural heal from near 0 to full health in 5-6 days.

Of course you have to live with the issues these create -- those without healers having to take days healing between fights, not able to keep up with faster paced modules, potions and wands gaining undo power/value, etc.

However, if you are going to implement some type of different healing rules... I wouldn't be so specific as only certain types of damage (IMO, just as unrealistic and too complicated on tracking.)

2014-09-09, 02:14 PM
starting 5e in January

If you're going to be waiting until 2015 anyway, you may want to wait and see if the DMG will have options that will allow you to tailor rests/HP regen to your liking. It's possible that the options in that book will give you what you want without necessarily needing homebrew. IIRC, a Wounds system is going to be present, which might help you handle these issues.

lvl 1 human
2014-09-09, 03:16 PM
The reason why i don't do it for all healing and only crits and if you drop below zero is because up to that point is basically considered dodging i have already taken out the acid and fire thing and we have a system for checks with having an open wound

lvl 1 human
2014-09-09, 03:18 PM
As far as starting in 2015 i mean to say. we have a solid campaign going in 3.5 but we play one shot games in 5th edition. We want to wait until dmg comes out to do a real campaign and in our experience the holidays are tough to get in a lot of game time. i didn't mean to imply we won't be playing u.til then lol

2014-09-09, 03:46 PM
This is way too fiddly imo. While it isn't my cup of tea really I get what you're going for here, and I think it's doable in a way that feels more streamlined and cohesive. Something like this:

Grievous Wounds: When an attack against a character scores a critical hit or damage drops them below 0hp their maximum hit points are reduced. For every 2 points of damage a critical hit deals or hit points they lose below zero, their maximum hit points are decreased by 1. If a character's maximum hit points are reduced to 0 this way, they die.

Each time the character finishes a long rest they may make a Constitution check against a DC equal to 8 + 1 for every 5 hit points their maximum are currently reduced by. If they succeed they regain maximum hit points equal to their level + their constitution modifier. If they fail they regain 1 maximum hit point.

A character proficient with the medicine skill may make a Wisdom(Medicine) check against the same DC and one use of a healers kit. If they succeed then the recovering character has advantage on their constitution check.

It's still gritty and pretty damn brutal with long recovery times. However the only thing you really need to record is your original maximum hp vs your current. The recovery is handled with checks and doesn't introduce new timings, terms or modifiers.

Still not the kind of thing I'd use in my game, I don't really like things that gritty =/.

lvl 1 human
2014-09-09, 04:14 PM
This is way too fiddly imo. While it isn't my cup of tea really I get what you're going for here, and I think it's doable in a way that feels more streamlined and cohesive. Something like this:

Grievous Wounds: When an attack against a character scores a critical hit or damage drops them below 0hp their maximum hit points are reduced. For every 2 points of damage a critical hit deals or hit points they lose below zero, their maximum hit points are decreased by 1. If a character's maximum hit points are reduced to 0 this way, they die.

Each time the character finishes a long rest they may make a Constitution check against a DC equal to 8 + 1 for every 5 hit points their maximum are currently reduced by. If they succeed they regain maximum hit points equal to their level + their constitution modifier. If they fail they regain 1 maximum hit point.

A character proficient with the medicine skill may make a Wisdom(Medicine) check against the same DC and one use of a healers kit. If they succeed then the recovering character has advantage on their constitution check.

It's still gritty and pretty damn brutal with long recovery times. However the only thing you really need to record is your original maximum hp vs your current. The recovery is handled with checks and doesn't introduce new timings, terms or modifiers.

Still not the kind of thing I'd use in my game, I don't really like things that gritty =/.

yeah that seems like a goid system! and my players and I do enjoy the grittier things in D&D we have a saying that level 2 is earned not a given