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View Full Version : Pathfinder Pathfinder: Gunslinger- SOUND of guns being fired in enclosed spaces.

2014-09-09, 01:56 PM
Just as a quick little tidbit, I couldn't seem to find any rules on the sound of a firearm in certain situations, in particular what happens when he uses it in a place such as a cave where the walls would amplify the sound. essentially, I want to mess with this guy a lot (as well as the other players) when he does something stupid. Now, I already have a good time figuring things out for the rest of the group (one of them [lizardfolk] used a bite attack on a bat swarm, hit and then rolled to resist a disease) and mostly it's just the gun I'm stumped by for the moment. Thanks for reading.

2014-09-09, 02:02 PM
You're welcome.

... Oh, you're asking for help? I think I never saw anything like that in the rules, to be honest.

2014-09-09, 08:02 PM
Yeah, that's pretty much glossed over. If you hade to give it a rule, I'd say Fort (DC 10 + a certain amount based on proximity) or be deafened for a while, really poor saves suffere permanent deafness. Maybe make those within 1 space/5 feet take 1d3 sonic damage (Fort negates) for a less harsh version?

Augment Tab
2014-09-09, 09:19 PM
Our group uses "everyone within 15 feet must make Fort save against DC 15 or be dazed and/or deafened for 1d4 rounds. The wielder of the weapon takes a -2 circumstance penalty on the roll, those within 5 feet take a -1 penalty. If the weapon goes off directly next to someone's ear, they make the same save with a -5 penalty or go completely deaf for 1d3 minutes."

One character of mine would take advantage of this house rule and fire off her pistol directly next to the ear of someone as a surprise attack. They'd lose initiative, be dazed and usually be deafened, and since she'd attack group leaders or nobles this way, that'd usually put a stop to fighting.

2014-09-09, 09:40 PM
The Pathfinder universe is pretty much equivalent to a movie universe, so gun sounds are just loud enough to be exciting and/or startling. Also, silencers work like magic so just add one to your GS's equipment list and you're good.

I'm by no means a "gun freak" but I know just enough about guns to get really frustrated watching action movies.

If you do decide to go this route, you might also have to start thinking about the sound of the explosive results of a fireball, or people nearby but not within the effect of a Soundburst. Take my advice and just say it's simplified PF/movie physics.

2014-09-10, 07:53 AM
Your arbitrary sound rules look like a tool to annoy players. They will know you just want to piss them off. How about you don't spend your free time pissing each other off?

2014-09-10, 07:58 AM
essentially, I want to mess with this guy a lot (as well as the other players) when he does something stupid.

If you define "doing something stupid" as using his main class feature inside the most common environment in a Pathfinder game, I'm not sure you're off to a good start. This seems like an arbitrary way to screw over gunslingers and I doubt it will go over well with your players.

In case it's not obvious, I think this is a really bad idea.

2014-09-10, 11:33 AM
2nded. If you actually start trying to apply real-world physics to all the already complex rules and to the magical world of Pathfinder/D&D, say goodbye to having a life and say hello to making a very fun game really tedious and annoying.

2014-09-10, 01:34 PM
The only thing I'd apply is that it will be very loud - ie, enemies anywhere remotely nearby will probably hear it. This would also apply to various other loud things, like spells that cause explosions (or especially sonic damage), giant hammers hitting shields, and so forth.

Some kind of minor thing like having your ears ring and taking a penalty to hearing-based Perception for a few minutes? I wouldn't personally, but I wouldn't complain about it either.

Something serious, like being completely deafened, or dazed? Heck no. Side effects of that magnitude don't make sense unless you go through and revamp the whole system to take that kind of thing into account with all the other abilities/effects that would cause them. And then rebalance everything to take that into account.

And also:
If you define "doing something stupid" as using his main class feature inside the most common environment in a Pathfinder game, I'm not sure you're off to a good start. This seems like an arbitrary way to screw over gunslingers and I doubt it will go over well with your players.This. He's a Gunslinger, that's what they do. He doesn't have alternatives that would actually be effective.

But hey, the technology guide is out now. You could give him some laser guns if the regular ones offend your aesthetics. :smallwink:

2014-09-10, 03:52 PM
But hey, the technology guide is out now. You could give him some laser guns if the regular ones offend your aesthetics. :smallwink:

Fitting with the theme, give him a sonic rifle.

2014-09-10, 07:44 PM
Your definition of "stupid" seems to be "doing the only thing he is good at in the place it almost always has to happen."

I can't really see the player being the unreasonable one, here.

2014-09-10, 09:00 PM
If I was GMing and this occurred to me, I would only poke fun at the player if he fired his gun in something like a metal pipe, and only the first time.