View Full Version : AlphaOmega Rpg conversion question

Fumble Jack
2014-09-09, 02:12 PM
It was an interesting gaming product from Mindstorm Labs, which I'm not certain is around anymore. They only had two books which was the Core rule book and The Encountered. I was wondering if anyone may have made conversions of this rpg into another gaming system: such as traveller rpg or any d20 system or any other and if so could links be provided. Otherwise it would seem I have another project to add on to my list of things to get done. Thank you for any and all help.

The core was this elongated sort of book, that was an oddity for rpgs, it was like a core turned sideways and the pages put in that way, a bit heavy on the crunch but the fluff was interesting.

2014-09-09, 02:14 PM
I actually got the book. Ran into the developers at a small con I went to with a group of friends. We tried a short demo, and were convinced to drop the money on it.

I don't think any member of my group has looked at the book since we got it.

Fumble Jack
2014-09-09, 03:07 PM
I like the fluff of the book generally. Post apocalyptic earth with spread out city states, minor dust towns scattered throughout. A large untamed and partially radioactive wilderness. High tech in the advanced cities, the looming android army everyone is terrified of. Then the earth being made once again into a war grounds by two opposing alien factions whom to human eyes would seem like angels and demons. It's more the crunchy mechanics to it that I'm trying to replace and use another systems for so it's less crunch heavy, was hoping someone may have done a conversion already.