View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Homebrew Races for PEACHin'

2014-09-09, 05:08 PM
I'm updating my campaign setting for 5e in preparation for a new campaign, and I was hoping for some feedback on what I've got so far. I know that balance is a hard call to make without even having the DMG yet, but hey, that's no reason not to try, right?

If it helps, I had three basic design principles here - first, one thing I really liked from 4e was the idea of active racial abilities, something tangible you can do while playing to make you feel like your specific racial choice has made a difference, and I've tried to carry some of those forward and give every race something with some agency to it. Second, I really dislike racial monocultures; in my setting, every nation is comprised of a mix of different races, and things like language, weapon proficiencies and available tools are all determined by where you live. I try to restrict racial traits to solely physical attributes. Third, there are no subraces. I might add some later by exchanging a few features once everything feels balanced, but I've never found them necessary in previous editions, and it'd certainly be way too complex to add two or three variations per on all seven new species when I haven't even gotten the base concepts balanced yet.


Races in my world are divided into three general groups - if each race is a species, these kinship groups are their genus, basically. They can't necessarily cross-breed but the physical similarities are still meaningful for categorization purposes, and potentially for some spells or class features.

Bear kin are mammals with generally flat faces, localized hair growth, and moderate sexual dimorphism, with larger males and permanent secondary sexual characteristics. They're omnivores, have one or two children at once, and rely primarily on accute vision to analyze the world around them.

In Vasartong, adeshen are known widely as the “little lions,” a comment on both their distinctive ears and tail and their surprising strength for their size – as well as perhaps on their presumed origin in the southern savannahs. One of the smallest sapient races, adeshen are nevertheless usually regarded as dangerous fighters and valuable allies by the taller folk amongst whom they live, and are prized as friends by farmers and sailors for their curious ability to predict the weather with uncanny accuracy.

Physically, a full-grown adeshi usually stands between 3'8”-4'5” in height and 70-120 lbs in weight. Thick curly hair in varying shades of gold, orange, red and maroon grows from their scalp and the nape of the neck, and in a tuft at the end of a long, otherwise naked tail. Like humans, their skin is usually a lighter shade than their hair, in a variety of brownish shades of red and yellow, though unlike humans, they also possess faint zebra striping of a darker shade along thicker areas of skin. Their ears are very large for bear kin, resembling those of big cats in both size and flexibility. Their eyes have rounded pupils and are typically, though not always, the same color as their hair. Their nails are rounded and grow quickly.

Mentally, adeshen are very loyal and intense, prone to close tribal bonds and deep passions. They're not given to curiosity or showboating, and are known rather for steadiness, insight and a deep stubborn streak, alongside a hesitance to innovate or change and a fondness for open spaces and familiar terrain. They also have a strange instinct for dealing with animals, and are famous for having an almost symbiotic relationship with their hunting dogs or sport hawks or, especially, their favored mounts; adeshen are often said in the south to be born to the saddle and they master riding easily. Sports in general, in fact, are easy for adeshen to take up; naturally athletic and competitive, they are quick to learn and eager to master any new physical game or contest.

Small size
+2 Wisdom, +1 Strength
25 foot base speed

Natural Athlete: Adeshen have proficiency in Athletics.
Animal Empathy: An adeshi has advantage on any check made involving the non-hostile handling of an animal (or other natural creature of Int 2 or less), including but not limited to Ride checks, influencing animal attitudes, and attempting to train a creature for work or combat.
Hunter's Mercy: Upon making a successful attack roll, an adeshi can choose to convert the hit to a critical hit. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the adeshi completes a short or long rest.
Weatherwise: Adeshen with any access to the outdoors can predict the next 24 hours of weather accurately.

As PHB; free feat variant.

Often dismissed as 'tribal savages,' jarugans are the most feared and distrusted of the sentient races – partly for their size and strength, but largely for a reputation for fierce tempers and a pride in the physical matched only by their disinterest in the intellectual. Despite its sophisticated uses, the jarugan sagal, a distinctive booming howl that can be modulated to carry messages across hundreds of miles of open taiga, only serves to make them seem more bestial. While it's true that jarugans are excellent natural warriors, who not only have great strength but also heal unusually fast and have an incredible pain tolerance, there's certainly nothing other than prejudice stopping them from choosing any other path in a civilized setting.

Physically, adult jarugans stand between 6'-7'5” in height and 160-400 lbs in weight; they've been described as “broad in the shoulders, long in the arms and light on the feet.” Thick straight hair in shades of black or dark blue covers the skull, neck and upper back and shoulders, growing as long as eight to twelve inches on the scalp if not trimmed but as few as one to two along the body. Their ears rise to slight points and their canines are prominent and often protrude over the upper lip, especially in males. They have the flattest faces of the bear kin, with noses extending in an unbroken line from the forehead and narrowing from the eyebrows to the tip in a triangular shape. Their eyes are vertically slitted and are usually green, blue or gold, and their skin tones range from a darker red-tinted grey to lighter, more muddy gold shades. They typically have very broad feet and hands with round, semi-retractable nails.

Mentally, jarugans are nearly as confident and self-assured as they are strong in body. Proud and competitive, they're highly motivated by personal achievement (especially physical achievement), and inclined to show off any evidence of that achievement to any passers-by. They're not often long-term planners, apt rather to focus on the here and now than dwell on the past or worry about the future or big picture. They also have a tendency to be night owls – their eyesight is keen in dim light and quick to pick up motion, and they have a natural talent for stealth that finds its best use with the cover of dark to conceal their large forms.

Medium size
+2 Strength, +1 Charisma
30 foot base speed

Darkvision: as described in the Basic rules.
Natural Hunter: Jarugans have advantage on Dexterity (stealth) checks.
Fearless: Jarugans have advantage on saves vs fear.
Enduring: A jarugan may choose to use her reaction to gain resistance against an attack that is about to deal damage to her. She must take a short or long rest after using this ability in order to do it again.
Sagal: Jarugans can produce an enormously loud, resonant howling sound that can be heard for miles, depending on geography and weather. They can't modulate the sound enough to create a genuine language, but they can create enough variation to communicate basic ideas, similar to flag code or smoke signals.

2014-09-09, 05:09 PM
Wolf kin are mammals with muzzles, full-body fur, and moderate sexual dimorphism, with larger females and temporary secondary sexual characteristics that only manifest during yearly heat or pregnancy. They're obligate carnivores, have litters of three to five children, and tend to have weaker vision and keen senses of smell and hearing.

Dolen are the least-integrated of all the sentient races native to Alavasar, their isolationist tendencies leading them to both small tribes and large empires in a state of grudging ceasefire at best with any non-dolen culture or nation. This gives them an air of mystery and alienness which is only strengthened by their unique arboreal homes, their largely insectivore diet, their frequently four-legged gait and their curious godless religion.

Physically, dolen are distinguished most starkly by their horns, large and potent crowns of keratin that grow throughout their lifetimes. At 4'1”-6'5” in height and 90-160 lbs in weight, dolen are slender and agile and remarkably quick when climbing or running on both hands and feet. They're not necessarily any better with fine motor control than any other race, but few can match their acrobatics or agility in motion. Their muzzles are wide and blunt with a mild stop most reminiscent of a squirrel, and their ears are long, deerlike and flexible. Green, tan, or rich brown fur is broken up by leopardlike spots of darker color in adults, or simple white dots on juveniles. Eyes run between dark brown and amber. Strong, wide fingers with sharp nails aid in climbing and provide a shockingly strong grip, with a great resilience against heat and cold that has created a whole race of boreal snow-dwelling folk who wholly disdain boots and gloves.

Mentally, dolen are surprisingly quiet and laid-back for a people with comparatively short lifespans. As a rule they're clever and canny, taking well to puzzles and traps in the wild or chemistry and architecture in the city, but they tend to a sort of detached mental stillness that stands as stark contrast to the explosive speed of their bodies. It's said in Nordjung that a doli might be a statue or a blur, but never in between.

Medium size
+2 Intelligence
30 foot base speed; if at least one hand is free, a doli can take a quadrupedal stance and increase his base speed to 40 feet.

Moving target: Dolen have proficiency with Dexterity saves. In addition, if a doli moves at least 10 feet during her turn, she gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC until the beginning of her next turn.
Treeborn: Dolen have advantage on Athletics (Climb) checks, and can climb at their full normal movement speed.
Untouchable: A doli can take the Disengage action as a bonus action. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the doli completes a short or long rest.

The most physically exotic of the sentient races, kanen are nonetheless one of the most familiar to the rest, due to their intensely garrulous nature and almost magnetic attraction to any center of civilization. A kani is most at home when that home is shared with a few dozen of his closest friends, and in fact kanen who go for long periods without social interaction are subject to increasing paranoia, lack of focus and hyperreactivity in much the same hard-coded physical way that humans degrade without sleep. They have a need for companionship and a love of variety in same, and so no large city can stand long without its alleys and markets filling with a small but ubiquitous minority of bounding kanen merchants, messengers and musicians. Known for an uncannily keen sense of smell, they are often in high demand as scouts, watchmen, chefs or chemists, depending on the demographic among which they find themselves.

Smaller even than adeshen, kanen typically reach 3'4”-4' in height and 50-100 lbs in weight, though the length of their hare-like ears can add another eight inches if erect. Soft fine fur covers their bodies, with two-toned layers of buff, gold or brown that, in some subraces, sheds to white in the winter. A darker, much thicker strip of proper hair like a horse mane is common as well. Their faces draw in a smooth triangle all the way forward to noses so long as to be prehensile, which curl forward into a short, sensitive trunk flanked by two lower tusks. Kanen sclera are seldom visible, making their eyes appear as solid pools of black rimmed by amber, orange, red or brown. Their hands and feet are broad, with strong digging claws and wide-spread toes that provide traction on sand or deep snow. Their legs are springs built for bounding rather than standing, leaving them with a default crouched posture that makes them seem even shorter still. A kani doesn't necessarily move quickly, but no obstacle is likely to hinder him in the least all the same, as he'll simply jump over it, spring around it, or hop off a nearby wall to bounce himself past it. They also make surprisingly good swimmers, though they have no unusual interest in water.

Mentally, kanen are a straightforward and laid-back people, on the whole. In Nordjung they're often called “friendly but forgettable,” due to a combination of optimism, good cheer, and self-efficacy. A kani grows up knowing himself just one of a family, no more important than the rest – and the value of social graces is never so apparent as in the tight press of a kanen burrow or greatwarren. Despite the fact that kanen inevitably eat, sleep and raise children separately from their neighbors, in likely very different family groups, they seldom think of themselves as outsiders or participants in a different culture; it would put a needless limit on the number of people they could consider their clan.

Small size
+2 Dexterity, -1 Str
25 foot base speed

Communal Spirit: A kani may Help an ally as a bonus action. He may do this a number of times equal to half his character level (minimum one), then must take a short or long rest to regain the ability.
Keen Scent: Kanen have an exceptional sense of smell, and can use the Wisdom (Survival) skill to track a target by scent alone. This heightened awareness of their surroundings also grants them advantage on Initaitive rolls.
Bounding step: Jumping is a kani's natural mode of movement. He treats a standing jump as though he had moved at least ten feet prior. If he does move at least ten feet, his maximum distance increases by a number of feet equal to his character level.
Additionally, so long as there are solid surfaces that can bear his weight within jumping distance, a kani does not suffer any movement penalties from obstacles or dificult terrain. A solid surface in this case can be the ground, an object, a vertical wall, or even a willing or flat-footed creature of Medium or larger size. A kani can also bounce off an unwilling creature with a successful Shove; he has advantage on this roll if he has jumped at least ten feet, but if he fails the contest, his target can knock him back as far as ten feet instead.

Known colloquially as “batfolk,” rukoi have by far the most exceptional hearing of any of the sentient races, and easily the worst vision as well. Red-green colorblind and more sensitive to motion than detail, they make poor archers and spotters, but sneaking up on one is an exercise in futility for all but the most silent of thieves, and no race is better able to produce or appreciate music. Most modern scholars recognize rukoi as the original empire-builders, heirs to the lost nation whose relics are still found buried across the continent, but today's rukoi retain little of that culture beyond the zilotl, a curious combination of musical and martial tradition.

Physically, rukoi are slender, averaging from 6'-7'3” in height and 140-230 lbs in weight. Long muzzles end in sensitive noses with a collection of whiskers, varying from a few long hairs to a dense forest of shorter hairs depending on ethnicity. Their ears, from the base to the pointed tip, are equal in length to their whole head from nape to nose, and are highly expressive due to very fine motor control. A ruko's fur is a thick straight coat, with wildly varying colors and patterns even within an ethnicity. Rukoi feet are essentially digitigrade, and their hands are slender with long fingers and flat nails. Their eyes have round pupils and come in varying hues of red, gold and brown.

Mentally, rukoi are among the most flexible of races, second only to humans, and are by far the most confident, sociable and forceful of personality. They make friends and collect admirers easily, and are known for adaptability and a constant drive forward; a ruko likes to keep moving, keep learning, and keep doing, and few rukoi have any concern for adhering to tradition or cultural norms that don't completely suit them. Little is known of the lost empire largely because rukoi on the whole simply don't care; it's in the past, and if it were worth anything it would probably still be around. The sole common exception to this focus toward the future is in their naming conventions; regardless of whatever everyone else around them calls their children, most rukoi have a true surname, of no known meaning, carried through the generations from the lost empire. Ruko given names are likewise typically recycled from a large pool exclusive to the race, though giving a child a local given name is on the whole not uncommon.

Medium size
+2 Charisma
30 foot base speed

Ear-sight: Rukoen have advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks and a +4 bonus to passive perception. They do not suffer disadvantage on checks or attacks due to concealment, and can pinpoint a creature or moving object by sound alone. However, they suffer disadvantage on ranged attacks made beyond 30 feet.
Double coat: Rukoen have resistance to cold.
Cosmopolitan: A first-level ruko chooses one of the following advantages:
He is proficient with one save, tool, skill, or weapon group not otherwise granted by his class and background, or
If he is not granted any spell slots by his first class level, he may choose to know one bard cantrip, or
If he is not granted any weapon potencites by his first class level, he may choose to know one weapon potency.*

* Weapon potencies are a houserule I'm adding for martials - every weapon group has a special effect on a critical (free disarm or trip attempt, daze effect, grapple, whatever). If you're a martial class (basically if you get a second attack) you can use one or more.

2014-09-09, 05:12 PM
Dragon kin are warm-blooded reptiles with scales and feathers, long lives, and no sexual dimorphism or secondary sexual characteristics. They're herbivores who use gizzards to aid in digestion, lay several eggs in a clutch, and tend to have good vision that extends into unusual ranges.

Still in-progress; basically they're humanoid Quetzalcoatl types, with a sort of mane of colorful feathers on their head and elbows, and small scales that can be silvery or colorful as well. Though they're primarily fruit and grain eaters, they have intimidating sharp hadrosaur-esque beaks for shearing branches and leaves as well. They're good with magic and tend toward arrogance, and they can see the polarity of light in much the same way that migratory birds can, allowing them to identify north by vision alone.

Medium size
+2 Intelligence, +1 Constitution
30 foot base speed.

Wanderer's Eye: A huatil with functioning vision can always identify north. Huatil do not get lost; they can retrace any journey they were conscious for, and have advantage on checks to navigate and against maze spells or any similar effects.
Mimicry: A huatil can perfectly replicate almost any sound she hears. This ability doesn't grant any comprehension of language or improved capacity to identify a sound, but a listener has no way of differentiating any sound the huatil reproduces from the real thing.
Acid Spit: As a black dragonborn's line of acid.

Still in-progress, but if you're thinking "dwarves that look like humanoid anklyosaurs" you're not far off. They're clannish, crafty, sturdy, living-under-mountains types, though they take the clannish thing a bit further than dwarves and have an almost dromite sense of hive-over-self. Everyone thinks they're lithovores because they eat mostly lichen and other fungi and just nosh rocks in order to get both nutrition and gizzard stones at once.

Medium size
+2 Constitution, +1 Str
25 foot base speed, but katizog are not slowed by armor or encumbrance.

Darkvision: As PHB.
Bony Plates: Katizog have +1 to AC from natural armor.
Sturdy: A katizog has advantage on any shove contests or checks to resist movement, so long as he stands on a stable surface (isn't flying or making balance or ride checks, basically).
Earthen Fortitude: A katizog has proficiency with Constitution saves and checks. If she is already proficient in either due to class or background, she gains advantage instead.
Earthen Resilience: Whenever a katizog is affected by a negative physical status (stunning, immobilization, polymorph, etc), whether by a failed save or an effect that didn't grant one, she may immediately make a Constitution save to shrug it off, against either the original save DC of the effect or one determined by the DM based on the effect's source. Once she uses this ability, she must complete a short or long rest to use it again.

So, that's what I've got at the moment. Thoughts?

2014-09-09, 07:27 PM
Real quick, the same advice someone gave me on mine:

In 5e, the core race should have the bulk of the mechanics (the +2 attribute, the majority of everything else). The sub races should only have the supplemental attribute bonus and maybe one or two mechanics.

I'll revisit these once you can get that sorted out, otherwise you have (essentially) 8 separate races, one of which gives ONLY a feat as written (and NOTHING else), one which can choose to crit (defeating the specialty of crits), two which have too much packed into them, and another which breaks the concept of No Negative attribute penalties.

2014-09-09, 10:25 PM
I'll revisit these once you can get that sorted out, otherwise you have (essentially) 8 separate races, one of which gives ONLY a feat as written (and NOTHING else), one which can choose to crit (defeating the specialty of crits), two which have too much packed into them, and another which breaks the concept of No Negative attribute penalties.

Actually they are eight separate races. No subraces, not yet anyway. I had a paragraph about that but I guess it got lost somewhere, I'll edit it back in.

I'm totally ok with breaking the "no negative" rule though. I broke the super-strict format for 4e races with these guys quite thoroughly too. Rules like that are a good guideline for balance but to me they make things seem way too samey if every single race follows them. (And my 3.path origins still rebel against Small races with normal strength.)

2014-09-10, 12:03 AM
Actually they are eight separate races. No subraces, not yet anyway. I had a paragraph about that but I guess it got lost somewhere, I'll edit it back in.

I'm totally ok with breaking the "no negative" rule though. I broke the super-strict format for 4e races with these guys quite thoroughly too. Rules like that are a good guideline for balance but to me they make things seem way too samey if every single race follows them. (And my 3.path origins still rebel against Small races with normal strength.)

In that case, I suggest dropping the -1, and put in a special keyword that says "Members of this race cannot have a strength score higher than 18/19". But you might want to possibly allow a higher dexterity score or something to compensate. I did something similar for a Large size (saying their strength and constitution could go up to 22), but still working on the drawbacks that come with large weapons.

And even though they're all out of balance with the core races (and even each other), I think they're fairly different enough that they feel unique. If the Katizog Resilience ability were once per short rest, I'd call that balanced (and even use it); perfect for the Action Movie Tough Guy. Though I want to point out that polymorph is a magical effect =P

2014-09-12, 05:58 AM
Resilience is one per short rest, already, actually - the only active ability that isn't is the kanen Help thing, which is one per hit die per short rest because Help seems a bit lame to me (in previous editions that was an improvement to flanking, but 5e doesn't have flanking). I'm actually thinking of replacing it with the thing the kobolds have in Dragon Queen where they get bonuses when an ally threatens an enemy.

Speaking of kanen, I quite like the idea about a lower max strength for all Small characters. Might have to tweak adeshen in that case though.