View Full Version : Wand of True Strike

2014-09-10, 10:09 AM
So our GM handed us a wand of True Strike in a pile of loot we stumbled across in a crumbling wizards tower. The question arose, can you use the wand to target an ally, or is the range still just personal? The GM remembered reading that the wand 'targets' on its own, but we couldn't find it listed in the book anywhere.


2014-09-10, 10:11 AM
The user of the wand is the effective caster of the spell. He uses the ability modifier and CL of the creator of the wand (always the minimum ability modifier for the level of spell in it, and usually the minimum CL as well), but all targeting and the like treats the wand user as the caster. So the user must be the one to benefit from True Strike.

2014-09-10, 10:11 AM
It's still just personal.