View Full Version : 3.5 Eberron Campagin character build...help with ideas

2014-09-10, 02:43 PM
Allowed books:

Player's handbook
Eberron campaign setting
eberron explorer's handbook
Sharn city of towers
eberron magic of eberrron
eberron five nations
eberron faiths of ebrron
eberron dragonmarked
3.5 arms and equipment guide
Complete warrior
Miniatures handbook
psionics handbook

Allowed 1 flaw:
All hit dies are maxed (Ours and Enemies)

Current: Ideas: Shifter Barb 3/Ranger 1/WarShaper 1/Weretouch Master 5/Warshaper 3/Frenzied Bezerker X
Halfling Paladin X/Ranger X/Halfling Outrider 10

I have not messed much with Psionics much so If anyone has any good ideas I would love to hear them. Feel free to post any build that fits with the above books. Would kinda like to be melee but not completely sold on the idea.

I haven't played a 3.5 game in quite awhile(Mostly Pathfinder lately) so I would appreciate the help.

2014-09-10, 02:51 PM
If you can use the un-nerfed version of weretouched master, that's pretty neat. Dragonmarks are cool. Dragonmarked PrCs are also. Shame Secrets of Sarlona isn't on the list, that would have opened up Tashatalora.

Now, what level are you starting (and how far are you likely to go), what sort of stat generation do you use, and what sort of campaign is it going to be? Oh, and where can I get 3.5 Arms and Equipment Guide, I've only seen the 3.0 one. :smallwink:

2014-09-10, 06:07 PM
Stat gen is 18 16 16 15 14 13 starting level 1 with max starting gold but I would like a full 20 build. Name of the Campaign is Age of Worms....so Im going to guess Worms that walk as main villains?

Thank you very much for your help.