View Full Version : Player Help [3.5] Druid utility scrolls

2014-09-10, 03:23 PM
So Im in a DnD game that only allow DM, PHB, MMI, MMII and SpC, and only select stuff from that when it comes to items, so I have a bit of spare gold that I would like to use to improve my utility spells by making scrolls.

So what spells on the druid spelllist from SpC and PHB would you make into scrolls, wands or pots, if you had some spare gold?

2014-09-10, 04:27 PM
wand of animate wood, potion of attune form/avoid planar effects (if you travel to inner/outer planes alot), potion of barkskin, wand of bull's strength, etc. Actually, just click on the spells for the books you actually own here (http://dndtools.eu/spells/?name=&range=&spell_resistance=&area=&duration=&saving_throw=&casting_time=&school__slug=&sub_school__slug=&descriptors__slug=&verbal_component=1&somatic_component=1&material_component=1&arcane_focus_component=1&divine_focus_component=1&xp_component=1&rulebook__slug=&description=&class_levels__slug=druid&spellclasslevel__level=0&spellclasslevel__level=1&spellclasslevel__level=2&spellclasslevel__level=3&domain_levels__slug=&_filter=Filter)

2014-09-10, 05:02 PM
You want scrolls for spells that don't come up often enough to be included in your daily spell slots, but are time-critical when you need them. For example, most of the poison/disease stuff. It comes up rarely, but when you need to get rid of poison/disease, you generally can't wait a day to recover spells.

delay disease (SC)
lesser restoration
neutralize poison
remove disease
planar tolerance (SC)
panacea (SC)
rejuvenation cocoon (SC)
sheltered vitality (SC)
word of balance (SC)
cocoon (SC)