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2014-09-10, 08:18 PM

"Sometimes I think a man could wander across the Great Wheel all his life and not see everything there is to see. And now it seems there are lots of other worlds as well. When I think I might die without seeing a hundredth of all there is to see it makes me feel...well, humble, I suppose. And very angry, of course." - Terry Pratchett (slightly altered)

Roiling, infinite Chaos--in it lay the foundations of all worlds, yet to be shaped or molded in any form. No point in the multiverse was the same for any two moments, and yet, exploration was possible, for there was a lone wanderer, forever discovering and rediscovering within the chaos.

When the Lawgivers began to bring order to the chaos, the wanderer was distraught, for eventually, all would be discovered, and there would be no more to see; nothing would be new, and nothing would be good. In desperation, the wanderer sake out a place beyond Chaos and Order, beyond the Lawgivers and beyond the Titans. Exploring the deepest reaches of nothing and everything within the chaos, the wanderer's desperation took form, and its children were borne from its wanderlust. Thus, the wanderer gained its first Premises, from which sprung its first Notions, each to tell a story of exploration and discovery. The wanderer realized that each Premise and each Notion could discover in its stead, even when it had found everything there was to be found, and it could feel the thrill of discovery through its children. The wanderer went back to its fellow Titans to be greeted by Order and land, places in which it could stride rather than simply go. For a moment, it felt the joy of discovery once more and the wanderer took a name: The Longstrider, for it had invented movement beyond simply being in desired locations at desired times--it had invented travel.

Then, along with its siblings, The Longstrider was sewn into the fabric of the Great Wheel--but this was simply another journey to it--another step in its infinite course of Discovery.

Many carry on The Longstrider's legacy in exploration and discovery, but only a few will not, and indeed, cannot settle for stopping as if there is an end to any journey. These few are called the Askopar, explorers, nomads, and seekers of the new, traveling the known worlds and beyond in an attempt to sate their insatiable wanderlust. Of course, they never will.

Askopar have the following game statistics.
Abilities: An Askopar relies on no particular ability scores to function. However, a high mental ability score makes her both tougher and faster (in addition to the inherent benefits of the ability), and high physical ability scores will obviously help in combat.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d10.
Starting Age: As sorcerer.
Starting Gold: 5d4x10 gp.

Class Skills
The Askopar's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save

The Longstrider's Mythos, Mythos Known, Exceptional Mythos, Itinerant Excellence, Wayfarer I



Wayfarer II



Wayfarer III



Fantastic Mythos





Wayfarer IV





Legendary Mythos



Wayfarer V







Exalted Mythos



Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Askopar.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Askopar are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light armor and shields (except tower shields).

The Longstrider's Mythos: An Askopar's power is expressed in terms of one or more "Mythos", the building blocks of the legend that they are, and the stories that they have told and will tell. While any given Mythos varies from the rest, they share some similar traits. They are always extraordinary abilities, and when they reference a difficulty class for an imposed saving throw, that saving throw is always calculated as 10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom modifier, unless otherwise stated. When a Mythos references a "level" that is not clearly defined in some other way, such as "character level", it refers to "class level" as in the number of levels one has in the Askopar class. When a Mythos references "allies", it specifically does not refer to the Askopar using it. When a Mythos grants a feat as a bonus feat, it is regardless of whether the character meets the prerequisites for that feat (unless otherwise stated), and if the character already possesses that feat (in some permanent fashion - via the normal allotment gained by leveling up, or through another Mythos, and so on, but not those gained temporarily, such as via a "Heroics" spell), they must replace the prior instance of that feat with another feat that they qualify for.

Every Mythos has a Tier. The Tier of a Mythos ranges from 1 to 4, typically referred to as Exceptional, Fantastic, Legendary, and Exalted. Exceptional Mythos tell the stories of travelers who constantly challenge the limits of the physical body in order to explore the undiscovered. An Askopar with Fantastic Mythos is a well-traveled sage of the world, unmatched in the ability to find that which cannot be found. Askopar who wield Legendary Mythos have transcended the barriers of livelihood and state, traveling to places untouched by the gods, yet still existent beyond Chaos. The Exalted Askopar is wanderlust, discovery itself. The multiverse's limits are nothing but thin walls through which the Askopar can hear the call of new lands, new findings yet to be found. Reality is a lie the Askopar can see from light years away--she will break the lies and discover new existences that, prior to her exploration, had not existed.

Some Mythos, in addition to their initial stated effect, have Basic and Advanced manifestations. When an Askopar gains access to a Mythos with a list of Basic manifestations, they may choose one such manifestation, and they gain that benefit immediately as well. This choice may not be changed later. When an Askopar gains access to a Mythos with a list of Advanced manifestations, they may choose one such manifestation, and they gain that benefit upon achieving their next level of Askopar. This choice may be changed at any point before receiving the chosen manifestation itself, but not after (choosing beforehand is just an easy way to mark it down on your character sheet so you don't forget that you'll be getting something later).

Mythos Known: A 1st-level Askopar begins play with two Exceptional Mythos that she qualifies for if this is her first level in a PC character class. At higher levels, she gains additional Mythos as noted on the Askopar class table.

For characters that multiclass into Askopar after having taken levels in another PC character class, the 1st level of Askopar grants only a single Exceptional Mythos, rather than two.

An Askopar also has the ability to learn more Mythos, above the ones automatically allotted to her by leveling up by embarking on a pilgrimage with no particular destination for a week. This pilgrimage may not be part of travel with incentive other than innate wanderlust; the Askopar cannot accept a job and travel to the required destination as part of her pilgrimage, for example. While on this pilgrimage, the Askopar may not accept or pick up anything of value (worth 1 cp or more). The Askopar may leave one or more of her possessions (something that has been in her possession for at least a week's time) behind while traveling. These possessions cannot be picked up after sacrificed. They are effectively lost to the Askopar and anyone who witnessed or knows of their locations forever. The Askopar cannot tell others where she left the possessions. She then gains Mythos Points equal to the total value of the possessions left behind.

By spending 1,000 Mythos Points, and 250xp, an Askopar may learn an Exceptional Mythos. A Fantastic Mythos requires 5,000 Mythos Points and 500xp. A Legendary Mythos takes 10,000 Mythos Points, and 1,000xp. And an Exalted Mythos takes 20,000 Mythos Points and 2,000xp.

For half the listed price for a given Tier, an Askopar may learn a Basic or Advanced manifestation of a Mythos she already knows of that Tier.

Learning Mythos above the standard amount requires astounding, nearly single-minded devotion to the story of the Askopar. One may only utilize this ability while more than half of her effective character level (ECL) is devoted to levels in the Askopar class.

Itinerant Excellence: As denoted on her class table, an Askopar gains a certain number of abilities known as "Excellencies". These tend to be more general, generic, and passive than a Mythos, but are useful nonetheless, and are drawn from their own separate list, unsegregated by Tiers. Like a Mythos, an Askopar may learn more Excellencies above their allotted amount. Each one costs 1,000 Mythos Points and 100xp, plus an additional 1,000 Mythos Points and 100xp for each time a new Excellency is innovated beyond the first. (So, 2,000mp and 200xp for the second, 3,000mp and 300xp for the third, etc.)

Wayfarer: Many consider movement to be second nature. To an Askopar, movement is all of nature. She gains Travel Devotion (Complete Champion) as a bonus feat.

At 3rd level, an Askopar gains a dodge bonus to AC equal to her Wisdom modifier when she moves at least half her speed until the beginning of her next turn.

At 5th level, an Askopar's body and mind simply move out of danger's way, even if it's already found its way to the Askopar's door. The Askopar gains evasion. In addition, whenever the Askopar fails a saving throw against an ongoing effect, she can make a second save in the round following her failure. She only gets one additional save; failure on this second saving throw means the Askopar is affected as normal for the duration of the effect.

At 10th level, an Askopar gains an additional move action each round for the purposes of movement only.

At 15th level, an Askopar is constantly under the effects of freedom of movement, as the spell, except the effect is extraordinary in nature, allowing it to function in an antimagic field and to ignore dispelling effects.

2014-09-10, 08:19 PM
Exceptional Mythos

Adamant Impetus Whirlwind
Prerequisite: -

The Askopar moves, and the wind follows. With each step, her prints upon the earth become deeper, and the gusts grow stronger, enforcing the perfection of the Anthol's movements upon all things she passes.

When you move out of a threatened square, you may force a creature that makes an attack of opportunity against you to move with you until the end of your turn. It follows up to the square directly behind you (determining what is "behind" based on the direction you were moving in) upon your arrival at your destination, provoking attacks of opportunity for its movement. You can pick up multiple creatures in this way, forcing them all to move with you, each 5 feet behind the previous.

Creatures dragged underground (with, for example, a burrow speed) leave a tunnel behind them allowing escape within 1 hour. After this time, the tunnel collapses.

Indiscriminate Gale: As long as you move through a threatened square, you can move those threatening you, regardless of whether they make an attack of opportunity against you.

Outrun the Blade: You gain Dodge and Mobility as bonus feats.

Hazard-Analysis-Neutralization Sweep
Prerequisite: -

Dangerous traps and similar devices are commonplace in many locales of the world. A dead-to-traps Askopar cannot discover what is beyond said traps, and so, many have adapted to bypass such hazards.

You gain Disable Device and Search as Askopar class skills.

In addition, you gain trapfinding. You can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty class higher than 20, and can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magical traps. If you beat a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check, you can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with your party) without disarming it.

Finally, you gain trap sense, and Dungeoneer's Intuition (City of Splendors: Waterdeep) as a bonus feat, effectively using your Wisdom modifier (minimum +1) as your trap sense bonus.

Prepare for the Worst: You gain Combat Tinkering (Dungeonscape) and Dive for Cover (Complete Adventurer) as bonus feats.

Special Device-Disarming Expertise: You gain Tactile Trapsmith (Complete Adventurer) and Trapmaster (Lost Empires of Faerūn) as bonus feats.

Inexorable Path-Making Stride
Prerequisite: -

By simply willing it, the Askopar can forge her own path, one unstoppable step at a time. As a master of motion, she goes where she pleases. The path isn't a literal object in the strictest sense--rather, it is simply a projection of the Askopar's will which allows her to move in ways previously impossible.

You can create a path as part of any movement allowing you to walk along it in any direction in three dimensions. Other creatures cannot move on this path, though this does not restrict movement through squares the path intersects. At the end of your turn, the path no longer exists. If you are in the air at this time, you fall. Since making a path takes no action and can be made as part of any movement, you are able to fall any distance without taking falling damage, using your momentum and knowledge of motion to slow your descent and land without injury, as long as you are conscious, even if it's not your turn. You cannot pass through solid objects with this path.

Instinctual Roamer Orientation
Prerequisite: -

Not all who wander are lost. The Askopar welcomes unfamiliarity, embraces it with her entire being. With each new step into the unknown, she breathes fresh air anew and feels more alive.

You automatically succeed on Survival checks to avoid getting lost and you gain a +4 bonus to Intelligence checks made to escape a maze spell. You wander, but never in circles, for this would not lead you to discoveries undiscovered.

With a successful DC 15 Knowledge (geography) check, you can determine the distance between you and the nearest significant landmark you have seen, with the accuracy of your claim always being within 1 mile. For every 5 by which you beat the DC of the Knowledge (geography) check, you halve the margin of error.

Finally, you always know which direction you are facing. If you are on a plane with no cardinal directions, you can adapt quickly. Over the course of an hour, as long as you don't stay still for more than a minute at a time, you gradually learn how to find your way on the plane just as you would on any plane with ordinary directions. This allows you to label cardinal directions despite their nonexistence on the plane.

A Wide Road Best Shared: You may never get lost, but you can't say the same for others. Fortunately, guidance isn't such a hard thing to provide for you, at least in the form of good directions. Once per round as a free action, you may grant a number of creatures up to half your class level (minimum 1) all of the benefits of this Mythos, including the 'Follow the Beaten Path' Basic manifestation if you have it, until the beginning of your next turn.

Follow the Beaten Path: You gain Track as a bonus feat and you may track creatures across any plane, regardless of the plane's substance make-up. Usually, the DC of featureless and groundless planes will be somewhere around 25 or 30, but the DM ultimately decides.

Natural Form-Transcendance Prana
Prerequisite: -

The Askopar wanders everywhere, visiting cultures and sampling beliefs that would boggle the mind of the common folk.

Whenever you spend at least 8 hours actively interacting with two or more members of a specific race with no level adjustment, whether working at their side or just swapping stories, you may choose to carry their Essence. As long as you are carrying the Essence of a race, you are considered to be the better of that race or your own race for the purposes of effects; a dwarf Askopar who has taken on the Essence of a group of halflings would not take extra damage from a dwarvenbane weapon, and would be able to enter a door enchanted to only allow halflings to pass.

The Essence of a particular race only lasts for a month before dissipating; you may only carry a number of Essences at one time equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Breaking Bread Together: You may forgo the eight hours of interaction required by this Mythos if the group in question offers you a meal and you eat your entire portion.

Gifts Fondly Remembered: Any given Essence that you carry does not dissipate as long as you keep a non-magical keepsake given to you freely by that group; if you lose that keepsake, or it is destroyed, that Essence immediately dissipates. You may abandon such keepsakes as if they were worth 500gp for the purpose of gaining Mythos Points.

Sleeping Hand in Hand: You may forgo the eight hours of interaction required by this Mythos if you sleep for 8 hours in physical contact with a living (or animate, if of a non-living race) member of the group in question.

If you possess the 'Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai' Mythos, you cannot take this Basic manifestation. If you already possess this manifestation upon gaining the 'Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai' Mythos, you may immediately choose a different Basic manifestation with which to replace it.

No Longer So Defined: Upon gaining this Manifestation, you are no longer considered a member of your own race for the purposes of effects; however, you immediately gain the Essence of your race. If you have the Gifts Fondly Remembered Manifestation, you may designate one of your mundane possessions as a keepsake connected to your race's Essence.

While I crafted the original version of this Mythos, Amechra made a much better version, shown above.

Physical-Ignorance Momentum
Prerequisite: -

"An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force," said a poor fool who'd never seen the Askopar. Once he's gotten started, the Longstrider's Anthol cannot be stopped, even by her own will.

You gain Improved Bull Rush and Improved Overrun as bonus feats.

You are able to bull rush or overrun any creature, regardless of its size category. When you bull rush a target, you can push it 5 feet for every 2 points by which your check result is greater than the defender's check result, rather than for every 5. In addition, if you fail to beat the target's Strength check result, you can move up to your speed as an immediate action. When you overrun a creature, you don't provoke an attack of opportunity and you decide whether it avoids you or blocks you.

Body of External Force: You gain Cometary Collision (Player's Handbook II) as a bonus feat. However, you don't need to ready an action to intercept a charging opponent; instead, you charge as an immediate action. You may attempt to bull rush or overrun as part of this charge in lieu of making an attack.

Face-Stomping Hoof Submergence: You gain Trample as a bonus feat. If you succeed in your overrun attempt, your mount deals double damage with its hoof attack.

Unbridled Motion: You gain a +4 bonus on opposed checks to bull rush or overrun an opponent.

Skin to Living Callus
Prerequisite: -

Travel, even on a beaten path, is rough. After uncountable steps on a path of the Askopar's own making, her skin has become as the land--hard, unforgiving, but alive, much like the Longstrider beneath the Askopar's feet.

You gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.

In addition, you gain a natural armor bonus to AC equal to half your Constitution modifier (minimum +1).

The Best Defense: You gain Toughness and Improved Toughness (Complete Warrior) as bonus feats.

The Best Offense: You gain Superior Unarmed Strike (Tome of Battle) and Versatile Unarmed Strike (Player's Handbook II) as bonus feats. You are considered 3rd level for the purposes of Superior Unarmed Strike if you are below 3rd level upon receiving this manifestation.

Bones of the Mountain: You gain Stone Power (Tome of Battle) as a bonus feat.

Flow of the Breeze: You gain Snap Kick (Tome of Battle) as a bonus feat.

Unshakable Trail Companionship
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 4 ranks

Sometimes, a lone wanderer isn't so alone. Somewhere along the road, the Askopar became best friends with an animal, whether she rescued a puppy from a burning chapel full of hungry undead, was protected from bandits by an eagle pecking and clawing eyes out, or simply locked eyes with a wandering steed and became drawn to it, and vice-versa. Regardless of the circumstances of their meeting, the animal and Anthol have become inseparable. No matter where the Askopar is, her companion is always a single step away.

You gain Wild Cohort (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) as a bonus feat. As a full-round action, you can call your animal cohort to you, and no matter the distance separating it from you, it always shows up in mere seconds, ready to back you up in an adjacent square (or in the closest open square available if all adjacent squares are taken up). The animal cohort may immediately act upon being called with a full complement of actions. In addition, at any time, you may dismiss your animal cohort as a free action. It immediately leaves you and goes about its normal activities. You may do this even if it is under the effects of a mind-affecting spell or effect, as the bond between you and your companion is unable to be manipulated for long.

In combat, your animal cohort attacks in tandem with you, granting both of you the benefits of flanking an opponent as long as you are both adjacent to the same target. If you are actually flanking with your companion, the +2 bonus on attack rolls increases to +4 and your animal cohort deals an additional 1d6 damage per three class levels (minimum +1d6).

Finally, your animal cohort can help you get around the world when everything else would fail you. Maybe your horse helps you leap across a wide chasm neither of you could cross alone, but your kin spirits allow you to overcome the physical limitations of mortal bodies, or your camel keeps you alive with its stored water in a deadly hot desert. Once per day, your animal cohort allows you to roll three times on any ability or skill check and take the best result.

If you possess the 'Inexorable Path-Making Stride' Mythos, your animal cohort is considered part of you for the purposes of moving along the path on its turn. In essence, it can take the same path you moved on even if your turn has already ended.

Animal Size-Ignorance Motion Revelation: Regardless of your animal cohort's size, it can take you along for a ride. For up to a number of minutes per hour equal to your class level, you can move with your animal cohort as if you were riding it, even if you wouldn't normally be able to ride it. For example, your owl cohort might pick you up by your hands with its talons and fly with you for a while, or your badger friend might beckon you to grab its tail before it begins furiously burrowing, thus essentially allowing you to move underwater, by flight, or underground with your animal cohort even if you don't have the ability to do so normally. This even grants you the ability to breathe underwater or underground if swimming or burrowing for the duration of the ride. If you are still moving with your animal cohort when it can no longer keep going with you, you are dropped gently onto the ground or quickly burrowed out of the ground or brought to the surface of the water with no negative consequences if this can be done in a single round. After this time, you fall, begin to suffocate, or begin to drown and must deal with such consequences as normal, though your animal cohort will try to aid you as much as possible.

Twin-Soul Mettle: While you are conscious, your animal cohort becomes immune to death effects and cannot be reduced to -10 hit points. It also gains Toughness and Improved Toughness (Complete Warrior) as bonus feats.

Without a Saddle: You gain Saddleback (Player's Guide to Faerūn) as a bonus feat and you do not take a penalty on Ride checks when riding your animal cohort bareback.

2014-09-10, 08:21 PM
Fantastic Mythos

Action-Reaction Antecedence Epiphany
Prerequisite: -

Most people follow common logic to its conclusion in terms of actions and reactions: reactions, by their very definition, come after the actions that cause them. The Askopar is not "most people." Anticipation and experience combined with fast reflexes make her break out of the mold and perform the extraordinary.

Whenever you are able to make an attack of opportunity, you may instead declare that you make the attack before the action that provoked it occurs in an attempt to prevent the action entirely. If your attack of opportunity hits, you may make your choice of an opposed Strength or Dexterity check. You gain a +4 bonus on this check. If you beat your opponent, you successfully stop the provoking action, whether you slash an opponent's wrist to prevent the drawing of a weapon or you hit a monster so hard it stops right in its tracks, unable to move. The opponent who provoked the attack of opportunity loses the action or actions it would have used to do what it wanted to do. For example, if you stop an opponent who wants to charge out of a square you threaten, that creature loses a full-round action (the action required to charge).

Astounding Interdiction Competence: You gain an additional +4 bonus on the opposed Strength or Dexterity check.

Contingency-Maximizing Intervention: You gain Deft Opportunist (Complete Warrior) as a bonus feat.

Manifold Retaliation Onslaught: You gain Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat.

Assailance-Thwarting Gambit: You gain Hold the Line (Complete Warrior) as a bonus feat.

Mysticism-Spurning Proactivity: You gain Supernatural Opportunist (Tome of Magic) as a bonus feat.

This String Was Made For Pulling: You may make attacks of opportunity with ranged or thrown weapons. The area you threaten is 5 feet per class level. You still provoke attacks of opportunity for attacking adjacent foes with a ranged weapon.

Dichotomizing Mistral Exhalation
Prerequisite: The 'Adamant Impetus Whirlwind' Mythos

Gale force winds follow the Askopar's movements, sending foes flying while the Askopar continues to advance where she desires.

When you force a creature to move with you with your 'Adamant Impetus Whirlwind' Mythos, you may, at the end of your movement, roll 2d3, multiplying the result by 5. Any creature that was forced to move with you is blown away (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blownAway) this distance in feet in a direction of your choice. A creature that makes a successful Reflex save reduces this distance by half (minimum 5 feet) and avoids being knocked down. If multiple creatures are subject to this effect, make a single Reflex save using the highest Reflex saving throw modifier among them for the check, but it takes a penalty equal to the number of creatures beyond the first that were brought along.

Furious Tempest Outburst: You roll 2d3+2 instead of 2d3 to determine the distance creatures are blown away by this Mythos.

Judicious Tranquility: You can choose to blow away fewer creatures than your 'Adamant Impetus Whirlwind' Mythos brought along for the ride. Alternatively, you may choose to blow away certain creatures normally, while simultaneously blowing away others more peacefully, moving them, but not dealing nonlethal damage or forcing them prone. Targets moved peacefully do not provoke attacks of opportunity for this movement.

Duplicitous Raging Storm Calm: Rather than immediately blowing creatures away, you may gather the winds following your wake into your body, storing them for up to a number of rounds equal to your class level. As a standard or move action (your choice), you may release the energy stored within you, thereafter playing out all the effects of this Mythos.

Steel Cloud Bolt-Flash: As a standard action, you may make a single attack against each creature you blow away with this Mythos.

Limits-of-Capability Partnership Realization
Prerequisite: The 'Unshakable Trail Companionship' Mythos

The Askopar and her animal cohort are not two separate beings, but one single entity given two physical forms. They tell the same story, not as two actors, but as one character together.

When you learn this Mythos, your animal cohort learns two Exceptional Mythos and two Excellencies you know. It can't learn the 'Unshakable Trail Companionship' Mythos.

At 13th level, your animal cohort learns one additional Exceptional Mythos and one additional Excellency you know, as well as one Fantastic Mythos you know.

At 19th level, your animal cohort learns one additional Fantastic Mythos and one additional Excellency you know, as well as one Legendary Mythos you know.

Your animal cohort can learn additional Mythos with Mythos points in the same way you can, but the number of Mythos it knows can never exceed the number of Mythos you know, and it can never have more Mythos known than Hit Dice.

Triumph of Precognition Tread
Prerequisite: The 'Inexorable Path-Making Stride' Mythos

With but a thought, the Askopar forges paths long before they are needed. Each path is not a given, but a single choice able to be changed with the fickle mind of the wanderer at any time.

You can create up to a number of path options equal to your Wisdom modifier as a swift action. Each path option must be within your line of sight and line of effect. At any time on your turn while on a path you created, you can move to another option for the path as a free action at the cost of 5 feet of your movement. You don't provoke attacks of opportunity during this movement.

If you possess the 'Adamant Impetus Whirlwind' Mythos, you cannot force any creatures to move with you when moving from one path option to another. However, all creatures that were already being forced to move with you are brought along for the ride to each path option.

2014-09-10, 08:22 PM
Legendary Mythos

Actuality-Consummating Permanence March
Prerequisite: The 'Inexorable Path-Making Stride' Mythos

The world bends to the Askopar's whims as she takes steps toward her ever-changing destination.

Any path you create with the 'Inexorable Path-Making Stride' Mythos can be made permanent with a thought. It is as real as any road, though perhaps less sturdy. Creatures can move along the path just as you can, as long as the path you create is wide enough for them to stand on (this may require Balance checks for larger creatures). Any number of creatures and objects can be on the path at once; it has no weight limit. The default size of the path is equal to the space you take up (for a medium-sized Askopar, this would be a 5-foot cube), though you can create a path up to your movement speed in height and width. Paths can connect to each other, so the only real limit on the path's size is time. For the purposes of the path's hardness and hit points, treat it as stone.

If you possess the 'Triumph of Precognition Tread' Mythos, you can make multiple path options permanent at the same time by moving on one.

Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai
Prerequisite: -

Your lust for exploration is too powerful to quell with the limited hours in the day. You may no longer willingly move less than half your speed per round, whether stopped or moving more slowly. However, you gain the ability to move half your speed as if taking a 5-foot step. Therefore, you provoke no attacks of opportunity for this limited movement, though you may not move over difficult terrain with these steps (unless you possess a means to bypass difficult terrain's detrimental effects).

You cannot sleep anymore, nor may you even rest. However, you suffer no negative consequences of getting no rest (though you also do not gain any benefits of rest). It isn't that you don't feel the need for sleep, but that your unquenchable wanderlust permanently overtakes your body and simply suppresses your natural fatigue, shoving it into the deepest reaches of your unconscious mind, never to be felt again. Your body and mind do not allow themselves to fall prey to mere tiredness.

Most importantly, you are always exploring the world. Unless you are in immediate danger (such as being in combat or in danger of being discovered while infiltrating a guarded castle), you must always be moving toward places you haven't ever been. You always know directions to new lands and places on the plane you currently reside on, regardless of whether you would plausibly know about such locations beforehand--you don't actually know where you're headed, or how you're going to get there, but, as they say, the experience is in the journey, not the destination. The only exceptions to your instinctual draw toward undiscovered lands are those the gods of travel would not have you feel. That's okay, though, because sometimes, the best discoveries are those that come as surprises.

Eternal World-Frame Apotheosis
Prerequisite: The 'Natural Form-Transcendance Prana' Mythos

The Askopar's body once again adapts to the world around it, this time to become more like the world itself than the living on it. Her features do not change as quickly as a mortal being's do, instead slowly changing from the winds blowing on and slowly eroding her skin, the dust in the air altering her skin's color and texture, the sun and moon casting different light on her as eternity passes by. In this assimilation of worldly features, the Askopar has discovered that everything on a plane is connected; minor changes in the atmosphere grant new insights into climate and weather changes, and a place found before is always just a stride away.

You no longer advance age categories, and any bonuses and penalties from being in an age category other than adult are removed. You become effectively immortal, and therefore never die of natural causes. You can still die from hit point damage, gaining negative levels equal to your level, and having a Constitution score of 0, for example, but you become immune to any effect that would alter your age.

You also gain the ability to travel to any point on the plane you are currently on with a single step, as long as you have been to that location before (within 100 feet per class level of the point you specify). Traveling in this way requires intense concentration for 1 minute before moving. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from any creatures you may pass along the way, and you move with such swiftness that to perceive you would require godlike sight. A successful DC 100 Spot check allows a creature to notice your blurred form pass by it. A successful DC 200 Spot check allows it to identify key features of your body, such as your general shape, a rough blueprint of your face, and other such large details.

Finally, you can sense the weather a year in advance on the plane you currently reside on. This takes no action and is simply natural sensory input your body takes in as your eyes would light or your ears would sound.

Invisible-Instigation Forbiddance Impact
Prerequisite: The 'Action-Reaction Antecedence Epiphany' Mythos

You may now make a single attack of opportunity per round without provocation. This does not count against your attacks for the round, whether attacks of opportunity or not. Along with this ability, you are able to sense movements and motions on the battlefield before they even occur to the movers. In addition to the damage it deals, if you succeed on your choice of an opposed Strength or Dexterity check, you may declare a single type of action that would provoke an attack of opportunity impossible to perform for the target creature. This action could be moving, casting a spell, attempting a grapple, or anything else that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Daring the Beast Exposure: You gain Robilar's Gambit (Player's Handbook II) as a bonus feat. A single attack of opportunity per round granted from this feat may prevent provoking actions as well.

Love of Motion Threat: You gain Defensive Sweep (Player's Handbook II) as a bonus feat. The attack of opportunity granted from this feat may prevent provoking actions as well.

Exalted Mythos

Planar Confinement-Shattering Jaunt
Prerequisite: -

By running for 1 minute straight, you can travel to another plane of your choice, arriving at exactly the location you wish to be if you specify such a location. Otherwise, you arrive in a random location on the plane that would not immediately cause harm unto you.

In traveling to this other plane, you break the planar boundary separating the planes you traveled to and from, effectively forever connecting the two (making them coterminous). Any creature is able to move between the planes on a whim if they are within 1 mile of the square from which you traveled (or they can continue to travel on their own plane, as normal).

After breaking a planar boundary, the two connected planes are treated as a single plane within 1 mile of the square from which you traveled. The properties of each plane remain the same, however, for 10 years. After this time, the planar traits of both planes start to mix, creating new environments and altering existing ones in the specified radius. Creatures from both planes will begin to adapt and evolve, practically becoming new species in the process. For example, if the two connected planes are the Negative Energy and Positive Energy Planes, parts of the Negative Energy Plane might gain a minor positive-dominant trait, while parts of the Positive Energy Plane gain a minor negative-dominant trait. Given time, the planes might overlap so much that they begin to show major positive- and negative-dominant traits on both planes, perhaps even together in the same location. Spells that use negative energy might be maximized and impeded on parts of the Positive Energy Plane while spells that use positive energy might have the same traits on the Negative Energy Plane. Myriad possibilities exist, and in connecting the planes, the Askopar effectively creates an infinite number of new places to explore. Once two planes become connected in this manner, any changes in their planar traits make the affected locations new and effectively undiscovered. An Askopar with the 'Eternal World-Frame Apotheosis' Mythos would not be able to travel to an affected location even if she has been there before, for example.

Any attempt to repair a broken planar boundary fails unless the power attempting to do so has more than twice your Hit Dice. Even if this condition is true, the creature must spend at least 1 month repairing the boundary before it is entirely fixed. In the meantime, travel between the planes is viable (and, of course, you can simply continue to break planar boundaries if you so please).

Sweeping Road-Yearning Fascination
Prerequisite: -

The Askopar releases the underlying spirit of her wanderlust into the wind, to be carried across all lands by witnesses to this act.

As a full-round action, you can instill a creature with at least 1 Intelligence who sees you with an unstoppable desire to discover. It is treated as possessing the 'Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai' Mythos. A creature with more Hit Dice than the Askopar is allowed a Will saving throw to negate this effect. Upon success, the target becomes immune to further attempts for 1 week. In addition, should such a creature be affected, it is allowed one Will save per month afterward to break its desire and be able to return to its drab, unexciting existence.

Alternatively, you may choose to force a creature to follow you in your journeys rather than explore on its own. It will not be compelled to aid you in combat, but it must to the best of its ability facilitate further exploration. For example, if the Askopar is unable to jump up to a high ledge which leads to an undiscovered ruin, a follower might act as a springboard for the Askopar to get up.

Once you have affected a creature with this Mythos, you may live its experiences, in a way emulating the Longstrider's ability to discover through its children. You constantly feel the creature's thrill of Discovery, in a way connecting to its emotions, but only for this purpose. As a full-round action, the Askopar can focus on living in her charge's present moment. She can sense anything the creature senses and can feel what it feels. She can do this for as long as she likes, though she must maintain concentration on this connection, using a standard action each round. The Askopar can otherwise act normally while living through the affected creature's experience (and still has all of her body's senses in addition to the creature's).

The Askopar may only affect a number of creatures equal to her Wisdom modifier at one time. If the Askopar instills another creature with her wanderlust, it replaces the first creature out of those she currently has affected.

2014-09-10, 08:23 PM

Accretive Prodigal Acrobatics-Acumen
Prerequisite: -

You gain two movement skill tricks (Complete Scoundrel) you qualify for. In addition, you may trade any number of skill ranks you have already spent at any level in order to learn more movement skill tricks any time you gain a level (trading two ranks per skill trick). Movement skill tricks no longer count toward the maximum number of skill tricks you can know.

In addition, you treat Whip Climber as a movement skill trick.

At 7th level, you can use any movement skill trick you know at will.

Boundless Horizon-Failure Perception
Prerequisite: One Legendary Mythos

You take no penalties on Spot checks due to distance, and you can see literally anything on the plane wherein you currently reside that is not hiding or obscured by something else, even if the horizon would normally break your line of sight. You are still limited by the range of your darkvision, low-light vision, as well as by mist, fog, objects, walls, mountains, and so on if such features obscure from all directions.

Effortless Ambulation Mien
Prerequisite: -

You can move your full speed when making a Balance, Climb, Hide, Move Silently, Swim, or Tumble check as part of movement without taking a penalty on the check. You also gain Leap of the Heavens (Player's Handbook II) as a bonus feat.

Freedom Unfettered
Prerequisite: One Fantastic Mythos

Nothing slows your progress in discovery. You no longer take penalties for carrying a medium or heavy load, and armor heavier than light armor no longer slows you down. Even class features that normally do not function while wearing armor heavier than light (or any armor at all) function normally. In addition, for the purposes of carrying capacity, you may replace your Strength score with your Constitution score. Regardless of which ability score you choose, it is treated as 4 points higher for this purpose.

Global Familiarity Protraction
Prerequisite: Knowledge (geography) 4 ranks

You gain Skill Focus (Knowledge [geography]) as a bonus feat.

You close your eyes and reopen them with new insight into the workings of the world through the lens of your knowledge of its lands. You may make any Knowledge check using your ranks in Knowledge (geography). This allows you to make untrained Knowledge checks, but does not apply any other bonuses to Knowledge (geography) to such checks--just the ranks.

Impossibility-Arching Stride
Prerequisite: -

An Askopar does not just walk on land, but over and through water, below ground, and beyond.

Choose one movement mode you do not possess from climb or swim speeds. You gain a 20-foot speed for that movement mode.

At 7th level, you can choose to gain a burrow speed.

This Excellency may be purchased multiple times, increasing the speed of a movement mode you already possess or gaining another movement mode from the above choices.

Kinetics-Vigil Oscillation
Prerequisite: -

You gain Evasive Reflexes (Tome of Battle) as a bonus feat.

Whenever an enemy within a range equal to your land speed moves more than 5 feet, you can make a 5-foot step.

Longevity of Sustenance Innovation
Prerequisite: -

A long road awaits the Askopar, and wasting time gathering foodstuffs, natural or not, is not on the agenda.

You need only eat and drink 1/10 the normal amount an average person of your race would need in order to survive. You also become immune to ingested poisons, though any alterations to taste, texture, and so on due to the poison are unchanged.

At 7th level, you subside on such a minuscule amount of subsistence that you are treated as if you no longer have to eat or drink to survive (though you may if you wish to), and what little you consume gives you enough energy to last for extended periods without resting. Effectively, you need only rest for two hours per day to gain all of the benefits of sleeping for eight hours. If you cast spells, you must still rest for eight hours to regain spell slots. Any edible materials you possess for 1 minute or more never perish, even upon leaving your possession. Finally, poison is ineffective on edibles in your possession. Any poison applied to an edible material in your possession that has become unable to perish is immediately neutralized, though any alterations to taste, texture, and so on are unchanged.

If you possess the 'Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai' Mythos, you gain the benefits of resting for eight hours at the dawn of every day, despite your actual lack of rest.

Perennial Realm-Traversing Tenacity
Prerequisite: -

You gain Endurance and Run as bonus feats.

In addition, you no longer need to make Constitution checks to make a forced march and you can hustle for any distance without taking nonlethal damage.

At 7th level, you can run for any distance without needing to make Constitution checks.

Terminus Excursion Fortitude
Prerequisite: -

You gain Altitude Adaptation (Frostburn) as a bonus feat.

You are treated as always having cold and heat protection 1, which stacks with any protection you may already have, and you can move over natural ice, snow, and sand with no penalties to your movement.

At 7th level, you always have cold and heat protection 3 in addition to any other protection you may already have, and you can move over magical ice, snow, and sand with no penalties to your movement.

Thriving Peregrination Energy
Prerequisite: Constitution 15

Some people just can't get enough of the world fast enough. They are determined to discover. And there is so much to discover! Time is of the essence, and impatience grips the Askopar, extending her physical body's limitations with her mind's force, alacrity, and vigor.

You add your Constitution score, rounded to the nearest increment of 5, as an enhancement bonus to any burrow, climb, land, and swim speeds you possess. This bonus increases as Constitution increases.

This Excellency may be purchased multiple times. However, each purchase after the first requires an additional 2 points of Constitution as a prerequisite, above the prerequisite of the last purchase, and increases the prior enhancement bonus by 10, instead of the normal effect.

Unimpeded World-Embracing Pace
Prerequisite: -

When the world presents an obstacle, the Askopar does not ignore it; instead, she embraces the complication and moves with it, never skirting a challenge.

For the purposes of movement, you ignore all obstacles and difficult terrain. You cannot pass through solid objects, but you can ignore the penalty to movement and skill check requirement to squeeze into a space less than half your size, for example. In addition, for the purposes of overland movement, you treat a trackless path as a road or trail.

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-10, 08:48 PM
ETA: Didn't know that 3.5 Mythos was an extant project, I thought you just put that in the title because of this class's ability. You can probably ignore most of what I said about game balance, since I know nothing about that system.

ETA2: Now that I've given the Mythos thread a quick glance, you can definitely ignore most of what I said about game balance. Didn't know that it was supposed to be this high-powered. My only real remaining quibble is that it learns more Excellencies than there are Excellencies on the class list.

Hm. First off, love the fluff. This is a great class concept. However, a few critiques:

It's a NAD (non-ability dependent) class with full BAB, all good saves, d10 HD, and 6+Int skill points. That's... not very well-balanced. They seem more a skillmonkey/magic-user type of character, so I'd recommend changing BAB to 3/4 and giving them a poor Fortitude save. If I were designing the class I would have also made the hit die a d8, but that's minor enough that it's your call there.

As for the Mythos, I'll say first that I haven't read them all in detail, but I have given them a quick once-over. Anyways:
You don't actually say how often the Mythos can be used (when they are active rather than passive abilities, that is), so I'm assuming they're at-will. The progression is a bit like Warlock Invocations, then; the Mythos seem to be generally a bit stronger than the average Invocation, but I suppose that's balanced out by the lack of serious offensive abilities. They all or almost all have a very magical feel to them; I would recommend making them (Su) instead of (Ex), maybe with a few exceptions (state in their descriptions that they're Ex instead of Su).

This class needs some ability dependence. They don't cast spells, their abilities aren't mostly combat-focused, their HD is good enough that they can survive with a low/average Constitution, and they have enough skill points to get by without much in the way of Intelligence either. Making them slightly Wisdom-dependent seems to fit the class's fluff; Wisdom, then, would be the ability that applies to their Wayfarer abilities. And then require that they have at least Wis 12 to use the Exceptional Mythos, Wis 14 to use Fantastic Mythos, Wis 16 to use Legendary Mythos, and Wis 18 to use Exalted Mythos. Then they still need at least one good ability score to function; otherwise, they could dump pretty much any stat (or all stats) and get along just fine.

Finally, one thing that should really, really be removed:
Continuous Travel Devotion. No. Just no. That's much stronger than any continuous ability should be, especially since it's available without any shenanigans at all. It is one of the most powerful Devotion feats, after all. Continuous freedom of movement is a perfectly fine ability, and in fact is (IMO) not as generally beneficial as continuous TD. Not that Travel Devotion should be entirely removed; it fits extremely well with the fluff. I just think that making it continuous is way too much. Maybe give them a progression of extra uses/day? 1/day at 1st, 2/day at 4th, 3/day at 9th, 4/day at 14th, 5/day at 19th?

One more thing: The class learns 14 Excellencies. You only describe 12. Just thought you should know :smallbiggrin:

2014-09-10, 09:37 PM
One more thing: The class learns 14 Excellencies. You only describe 12. Just thought you should know :smallbiggrin:

Technically, it's a little more because you can take a few of them multiple times.

I'll be thinking of more Mythos and Excellencies to add over time, but for now, it's definitely playable.

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-10, 09:38 PM
Technically, it's a little more because you can take a few of them multiple times.

I'll be thinking of more Mythos and Excellencies to add over time, but for now, it's definitely playable.

Ah, must have missed the bits saying you could have duplicates then. Homebrew away!

2014-09-10, 09:48 PM
Ah, must have missed the bits saying you could have duplicates then. Homebrew away!

It's totally cool. You should really read some of the Mythos classes before (and possibly the fluff behind them)! They're all pretty great.

2014-09-10, 11:14 PM
*snicker* Planar Confinement-Shattering Spoor *snicker*

What do animal droppings have to do with planar travel.


I'm sorry, but I can't take that Mythos seriously. *snerk*

But anyway, looks pretty good (or at least, the Wild Cohort and Drag-People-Behind-You ones look good)...

Though Sweeping Road-Yearning Fascination both doesn't seem thematically appropriate (you have no other effects that spread your wanderlust around at lower levels, and it just sorta... happens. It doesn't feel like a continuation of your story), and probably should require Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai as a prerequisite (though what a Shinto shrine has to do with wanderlust, I dunno).

(I'm sorry, but the Mythos project is really hilarious if you know what the "fancy" words mean; Planar Confinement-Shattering Poop is just one of the funnier ones. Xefas originally picked up the term Shintai from Exalted, where Shintais essentially make your body a temple for the essence of one of your patrons.)

All in all, though, it has one of the other issues I've noticed with the Mythos project; Xefas seems to be the only one who has a "nose" for the appropriate power level (which is to be predicted, since it is his personal "balance-point" they are all based around). I mean, let's take a look at one of the Mythos that is a mite powerful.

Natural Form-Transcendance Prana would sit pretty well as a Fantastic Mythos; that's a pretty large benefit you get, right there. Mainly through obscene buff stacking (Undead and Constructs have some really nice buffs that were never meant to be mixed with other types), but also because it's so open-ended. I mean, it would still be a totally fair power if you split it up into two Mythos, one for Types and one for Races. It's a pretty massive benefit, that's all.

Planar Confinement-Shattering Poop! OK, I'm done *snicker*.

commander panda
2014-09-11, 09:53 AM
ok, so i have a couple of questions and comments about things that don't really make sense to me.

first off, why does an exploration based class, with maybe 5 mythos directly devoted to combat have full BAB and a d10 hit die? i mean, i understand why the other mythic classes have that (even the olethrofex has the fluff to justify it getting down and dirty) but this guys entire motif is movement, and not staying in melee. i'm pretty sure the all-perfect-saves/full-BAB/excellent-hit-die thing isnt really supposed to be a rule among mythic classes.

related to above. why doesn't this class have any real combat abilities beyond bull rushing, trampling and extra attacks of opportunity? there's a ton other than that that you could do with this; a skirmish based mythos would be totally warranted, for instance. or maybe a permanent haste effect at higher levels. even a version of dark knowledge, refluffed to reflect the Askopar's well travel nature, would be appropriate.

another thing this class could really use is a way to boost its base speed, given how many of its abilities are based off of moving fast. having it scale would probably also be a good idea.

lastly, i'm sure you know this, but it needs some more exalted mythos. after all, though Planar Confinement-Shattering Spoor is awesome, Sweeping Road-Yearning Fascination is kind of underwhelming and doesn't really make much sense, since the class has no prior way of spreading its wanderlust. it also has majorly detrimental universe altering effects that the Askopar should have the option not to unleash.

sorry if this comes across as harsh, your class really is one of the most compelling ones outside the ones xefas made, but it still has some holes that need filling.

2014-09-11, 10:14 AM

Wayfarer: Many consider movement to be second nature. To an Askopar, movement is all of nature. She gains Travel Devotion (Complete Champion) as a bonus feat.

At 5th level, an Askopar adds her highest mental ability modifier to her Fortitude saving throws, representing her incredible force of will and body working together to endure the worst the world can throw at her.

At 8th level, an Askopar gains an additional move action each round for the purposes of movement only.

At 10th level, an Askopar is constantly under the effects of Travel Devotion.

At 15th level, an Askopar is constantly under the effects of freedom of movement, as the spell, except the effect is extraordinary in nature, allowing it to function in an antimagic field and to ignore dispelling effects.
These abilities need to be subdued.
1. If you are going to keep this give it a bad fort. progression. This shouldn't have better fort. saves than a Bellator or even a Teramach.
2 and 3. Allowing 2 extra move actions automatically is crazy action economy for level 10 even if it was with mythos.
4. This ability kind of renders a couple of your excellencies and even mythos almost useless. These abilities should compliment not override them.

2014-09-11, 10:33 AM

Accretive Prodigal Acrobatics-Acumen
Prerequisite: -

You gain two movement skill tricks (Complete Scoundrel) you qualify for. In addition, you may trade any number of skill ranks you have already spent at any level in order to learn more movement skill tricks any time you gain a level (trading two ranks per skill trick). Movement skill tricks no longer count toward the maximum number of skill tricks you can know.

In addition, you treat Whip Climber as a movement skill trick.

At 7th level, you can use any movement skill trick you know at will.

Boundless Horizon-Failure Perception
Prerequisite: One Legendary Mythos

You take no penalties on Spot checks due to distance, and you can see literally anything on the plane wherein you currently reside that is not hiding or obscured by something else, even if the horizon would normally break your line of sight.

Effortless Ambulation Mien
Prerequisite: -

You can move your full speed when making a Balance, Climb, Hide, Move Silently, Swim, or Tumble check as part of movement without taking a penalty on the check. You also gain Leap of the Heavens (Player's Handbook II) as a bonus feat.

Freedom Unfettered
Prerequisite: One Fantastic Mythos

Nothing slows your progress in discovery. You no longer take penalties for carrying a medium or heavy load, and armor heavier than light armor no longer slows you down. Even class features that normally do not function while wearing armor heavier than light (or any armor at all) function normally. In addition, for the purposes of carrying capacity, your Strength score is treated as 4 points higher.

Global Familiarity Protraction
Prerequisite: Knowledge (geography) 4 ranks

You gain Skill Focus (Knowledge [geography]) as a bonus feat.

You close your eyes and reopen them with new insight into the workings of the world through the lens of your knowledge of its lands. You may make any Knowledge check using your ranks in Knowledge (geography). This allows you to make untrained Knowledge checks, but does not apply any other bonuses to Knowledge (geography) to such checks--just the ranks.

Impossibility-Arching Stride
Prerequisite: -

An Askopar does not just walk on land, but over and through water, below ground, and beyond.

Choose one movement mode you do not possess from burrow, climb, or swim speeds. You gain a 20-foot speed for that movement mode.

This Excellency may be purchased multiple times, increasing the speed of a movement mode you already possess or gaining another movement mode from the above choices.

Kinetics-Vigil Oscillation
Prerequisite: -

You gain Evasive Reflexes (Tome of Battle) as a bonus feat.

Whenever an enemy within a range equal to your land speed moves more than 5 feet, you can make a 5-foot step.

Longevity of Sustenance Innovation
Prerequisite: -

A long road awaits the Askopar, and wasting time gathering foodstuffs, natural or not, is not on the agenda.

Any edible materials you possess for 1 minute or more never perish, even upon leaving your possession. In addition, you need only eat and drink 1/10 the normal amount an average person of your race would need in order to survive. Finally, poison is ineffective on edibles in your possession. Any poison applied to an edible material in your possession that has become unable to perish is immediately neutralized, though any alterations to taste, texture, and so on are unchanged.

At 7th level, you subside on such a minuscule amount of subsistence that you are treated as if you no longer have to eat or drink to survive (though you may if you wish to), and what little you consume gives you enough energy to last for extended periods without resting. Effectively, you need only rest for two hours per day to gain all of the benefits of sleeping for eight hours. If you cast spells, you must still rest for eight hours to regain spell slots.

If you possess the 'Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai' Mythos, you gain the benefits of resting for eight hours at the dawn of every day, despite your actual lack of rest.

Perennial Realm-Traversing Tenacity
Prerequisite: -

You gain Endurance and Run as bonus feats.

In addition, you no longer need to make Constitution checks to make a forced march and you can hustle for any distance without taking nonlethal damage.

At 7th level, you can run for any distance without needing to make Constitution checks.

Terminus Excursion Fortitude
Prerequisite: -

You gain Altitude Adaptation (Frostburn) as a bonus feat.

You are treated as always having cold and heat protection 1, which stacks with any protection you may already have, and you can move over natural ice, snow, and sand with no penalties to your movement.

At 7th level, you always have cold and heat protection 3 in addition to any other protection you may already have, and you can move over magical ice, snow, and sand with no penalties to your movement.

Thriving Peregrination Energy
Prerequisite: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 15

Some people just can't get enough of the world fast enough. They are determined to discover. And there is so much to discover! Time is of the essence, and impatience grips the Askopar, extending her physical body's limitations with her mind's force, alacrity, and vigor.

You add your highest mental ability score (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma), rounded to the nearest increment of 5, as an enhancement bonus to any burrow, climb, land, and swim speeds you possess. This bonus increases as the ability score granting the bonus increases.

This Excellency may be purchased multiple times. However, each purchase after the first requires an additional 2 points of the ability score used to grant the bonus as a prerequisite, above the prerequisite of the last purchase, and increases the prior enhancement bonus by 10, instead of the normal effect.

Unimpeded World-Embracing Pace
Prerequisite: -

When the world presents an obstacle, the Askopar does not ignore it; instead, she embraces the complication and moves with it, never skirting a challenge.

For the purposes of movement, you ignore all obstacles and difficult terrain. You cannot pass through solid objects, but you can ignore the penalty to movement and skill check requirement to squeeze into a space less than half your size, for example. In addition, for the purposes of overland movement, you treat a trackless path as a road or trail.

1. Boundless Horizon-Failure Perception, you need to bring clarity here or scale this thing way down. You have effective gave this thing scry+clairvoiance..etc with no limits or ways to defend aside from a spot check. It really is almost an exalted level mythos ability.
2. Impossibility-Arching Stride, giving a speed such as fly or burrow at level 1 is really an auto-win and absolutely goes against the more passive as well as more obscure nature of an excellency vs. a mythos.
3. Longevity of Sustenance Innovation, I think something like this really needs to focus on the goods you have on you not your bodily stamina(you have a quite a few with that already). I would have survival ranks as a requirement and allow goods to spoil as normal if it leaves your possession at first. Remember this is like the quintessence power as of now with out multiple uses and draw backs.

2014-09-11, 04:25 PM
Exalted Mythos

Planar Confinement-Shattering Spoor
Prerequisite: -

By running for 1 minute straight, you can travel to another plane of your choice, arriving at exactly the location you wish to be if you specify such a location. Otherwise, you arrive in a random location on the plane that would not immediately cause harm unto you.

In traveling to this other plane, you break the planar boundary separating the planes you traveled to and from, effectively forever connecting the two (making them coterminous). Any creature is able to move between the planes on a whim if they are within 1 mile of the square from which you traveled (or they can continue to travel on their own plane, as normal).

After breaking a planar boundary, the two connected planes are treated as a single plane. The properties of each plane remain the same, however, for 10 years. After this time, the planar traits of both planes start to mix, creating new environments and altering existing ones. Creatures from both planes will begin to adapt and evolve, practically becoming new species in the process. For example, if the two connected planes are the Negative Energy and Positive Energy Planes, parts of the Negative Energy Plane might gain a minor positive-dominant trait, while parts of the Positive Energy Plane gain a minor negative-dominant trait. Given time, the planes might overlap so much that they begin to show major positive- and negative-dominant traits on both planes, perhaps even together in the same location. Spells that use negative energy might be maximized and impeded on parts of the Positive Energy Plane while spells that use positive energy might have the same traits on the Negative Energy Plane. Myriad possibilities exist, and in connecting the planes, the Askopar effectively creates an infinite number of new places to explore. Once two planes become connected in this manner, any changes in their planar traits make the affected locations new and effectively undiscovered. An Askopar with the 'Eternal World-Frame Apotheosis' Mythos would not be able to travel to an affected location even if she has been there before, for example.

Any attempt to repair a broken planar boundary fails unless the power attempting to do so has more than twice your Hit Dice. Even if this condition is true, the creature must spend at least 1 month repairing the boundary before it is entirely fixed. In the meantime, travel between the planes is viable (and, of course, you can simply continue to break planar boundaries if you so please).

Sweeping Road-Yearning Fascination
Prerequisite: -

The Askopar releases the underlying spirit of her wanderlust into the wind, to be carried across all lands.

When you learn this Mythos, all other creatures in the multiverse with at least 1 Intelligence look to the horizon (or just in the relative distance, if there is no horizon on their plane) at once and are instilled with an unstoppable desire to discover. They are treated as possessing the 'Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai' Mythos.
These mythos are beyond Exalted, they are Titan level.
1. While the no fail Planar Shift is quite perfectly fine this gradual ability that two planes will literally become one is beyond any scale of any other Exalted Mythos except maybe for the next one.
2. All creatures with a mind gaining a Legendary Mythos not only questions ultimate usefulness but even beats and Epic Theurge Prestige Class in terms of scope of power.

2014-09-11, 07:46 PM
Well... I like it Temotei, so don't listen to all those party-spoor-ers. Um... yeah! Seems legit! I think that some kind of vehicle-based Mythos progression could be really interesting. You know, like get some land vehicle with an Exceptional, let it Fly/Swim with a Fantastical, and give it guns or something at Exalted? Just an idea, though. :smallsmile:

Cool class, seems playable.

2014-09-12, 12:04 PM
Though Sweeping Road-Yearning Fascination both doesn't seem thematically appropriate (you have no other effects that spread your wanderlust around at lower levels, and it just sorta... happens. It doesn't feel like a continuation of your story), and probably should require Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai as a prerequisite (though what a Shinto shrine has to do with wanderlust, I dunno).

(I'm sorry, but the Mythos project is really hilarious if you know what the "fancy" words mean; Planar Confinement-Shattering Poop is just one of the funnier ones. Xefas originally picked up the term Shintai from Exalted, where Shintais essentially make your body a temple for the essence of one of your patrons.)

Shintai makes sense if you think of the class as becoming "blank" itself. Your body becoming a temple for the essence of The Longstrider/wanderlust/exploration makes sense to me.

Natural Form-Transcendance Prana would sit pretty well as a Fantastic Mythos; that's a pretty large benefit you get, right there. Mainly through obscene buff stacking (Undead and Constructs have some really nice buffs that were never meant to be mixed with other types), but also because it's so open-ended. I mean, it would still be a totally fair power if you split it up into two Mythos, one for Types and one for Races. It's a pretty massive benefit, that's all.

EDIT: Forgot to reply to this.

That's fair. I wasn't really thinking about the type-specific buffs.

Do you think I should split them into two Exceptional Mythos or should I just move the whole thing to Fantastic?

Planar Confinement-Shattering Poop! OK, I'm done *snicker*.

A-HAHAHA-A-HAHAHA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4mtSsZjeqM#t=00m09s)

But actually, refer to the discussion thread for my explanation. I was really tired when coming up with some of these names.

ok, so i have a couple of questions and comments about things that don't really make sense to me.

first off, why does an exploration based class, with maybe 5 mythos directly devoted to combat have full BAB and a d10 hit die? i mean, i understand why the other mythic classes have that (even the olethrofex has the fluff to justify it getting down and dirty) but this guys entire motif is movement, and not staying in melee. i'm pretty sure the all-perfect-saves/full-BAB/excellent-hit-die thing isnt really supposed to be a rule among mythic classes.

Ah. I was under the impression it was the standard for Mythic classes.

related to above. why doesn't this class have any real combat abilities beyond bull rushing, trampling and extra attacks of opportunity? there's a ton other than that that you could do with this; a skirmish based mythos would be totally warranted, for instance. or maybe a permanent haste effect at higher levels. even a version of dark knowledge, refluffed to reflect the Askopar's well travel nature, would be appropriate.

Those are good ideas, though there are the forced movement Mythos as well for combat. I'll maybe get to adding some over this weekend.

another thing this class could really use is a way to boost its base speed, given how many of its abilities are based off of moving fast. having it scale would probably also be a good idea.

Thriving Peregrination Energy Excellency does exactly that.

lastly, i'm sure you know this, but it needs some more exalted mythos. after all, though Planar Confinement-Shattering Spoor is awesome, Sweeping Road-Yearning Fascination is kind of underwhelming and doesn't really make much sense, since the class has no prior way of spreading its wanderlust. it also has majorly detrimental universe altering effects that the Askopar should have the option not to unleash.

Probably my least favorite Mythos for this class. Suggested changes/additions/restrictions welcome.

sorry if this comes across as harsh, your class really is one of the most compelling ones outside the ones xefas made, but it still has some holes that need filling.

No, it's cool. Usually, people don't even comment on half my stuff, so this is really welcome. Really, you didn't come off as harsh at all.

These abilities need to be subdued.
1. If you are going to keep this give it a bad fort. progression. This shouldn't have better fort. saves than a Bellator or even a Teramach.

Why not?

2 and 3. Allowing 2 extra move actions automatically is crazy action economy for level 10 even if it was with mythos.

Since you can only use them to move, I feel like it's less of an issue by the time the actions are available. Why do you think it's too strong?

EDIT: I see what you're saying now. I thought it was a typo/misunderstanding, but the misunderstanding was on my part.

I have to go right now, but I'll think about addressing it.

4. This ability kind of renders a couple of your excellencies and even mythos almost useless. These abilities should compliment not override them.

I can't think of any Mythos it overrides.

1. Boundless Horizon-Failure Perception, you need to bring clarity here or scale this thing way down. You have effective gave this thing scry+clairvoiance..etc with no limits or ways to defend aside from a spot check. It really is almost an exalted level mythos ability.

It's pretty strong, yeah. You get it at 13th+ level. It's limited by vision in low light, darkvision range, mist/fog, and many obstacles. What other limits would you suggest?

2. Impossibility-Arching Stride, giving a speed such as fly or burrow at level 1 is really an auto-win and absolutely goes against the more passive as well as more obscure nature of an excellency vs. a mythos.

You can't get a fly speed with it.

I also don't see how burrow is an auto-win. You can't attack while underground as far as I'm aware without very specific abilities. While it is strong to be able to bypass obstacles by going underground, I don't see it as game-breaking.

Actually, the strongest part of it would probably be with the Adamant Impetus Whirlwind line of Mythos. I'll make a note that creatures brought along for a ride underground don't suffocate/get stuck immediately.

I'll think about its status as an Excellency.

3. Longevity of Sustenance Innovation, I think something like this really needs to focus on the goods you have on you not your bodily stamina(you have a quite a few with that already). I would have survival ranks as a requirement and allow goods to spoil as normal if it leaves your possession at first. Remember this is like the quintessence power as of now with out multiple uses and draw backs.

Survival ranks makes sense.

I'll move the "never spoils" bit to 7th level.

These mythos are beyond Exalted, they are Titan level.
1. While the no fail Planar Shift is quite perfectly fine this gradual ability that two planes will literally become one is beyond any scale of any other Exalted Mythos except maybe for the next one.

The Olethrofex can literally end the world, for one example. It's definitely large-scale, but I'm not sure it's beyond the scope of an Exalted Mythos.

2. All creatures with a mind gaining a Legendary Mythos not only questions ultimate usefulness but even beats and Epic Theurge Prestige Class in terms of scope of power.

I'm not sure what you mean by "questions ultimate usefulness" followed by "beats [an] Epic . . . Class in terms of scope of power," unless the first part is in reference to the second, but it doesn't seem like it.

Well... I like it Temotei, so don't listen to all those party-spoor-ers.

I always listen to people who take the time to comment on my work, regardless of whether they like it (though I think people who are interested in it are more likely to post).

Um... yeah! Seems legit! I think that some kind of vehicle-based Mythos progression could be really interesting. You know, like get some land vehicle with an Exceptional, let it Fly/Swim with a Fantastical, and give it guns or something at Exalted? Just an idea, though. :smallsmile:

Cool class, seems playable.

That's a cool idea, though it would probably be a line of Mythos in an adaptation section for those players/DMs who aren't into that sort of thing (wutpls :smalltongue:).

2014-09-12, 02:03 PM
Why not?

Since you can only use them to move, I feel like it's less of an issue by the time the actions are available. Why do you think it's too strong?

EDIT: I see what you're saying now. I thought it was a typo/misunderstanding, but the misunderstanding was on my part.

I have to go right now, but I'll think about addressing it.

I can't think of any Mythos it overrides.

It's pretty strong, yeah. You get it at 13th+ level. It's limited by vision in low light, darkvision range, mist/fog, and many obstacles. What other limits would you suggest?

You can't get a fly speed with it.

I also don't see how burrow is an auto-win. You can't attack while underground as far as I'm aware without very specific abilities. While it is strong to be able to bypass obstacles by going underground, I don't see it as game-breaking.

Actually, the strongest part of it would probably be with the Adamant Impetus Whirlwind line of Mythos. I'll make a note that creatures brought along for a ride underground don't suffocate/get stuck immediately.

I'll think about its status as an Excellency.

The Olethrofex can literally end the world, for one example. It's definitely large-scale, but I'm not sure it's beyond the scope of an Exalted Mythos.

I'm not sure what you mean by "questions ultimate usefulness" followed by "beats [an] Epic . . . Class in terms of scope of power," unless the first part is in reference to the second, but it doesn't seem like it.

1. You really want to say that a skirmishing traveler character has more fortitude than the Teramach, Bellator, or Olethrofex? The theme simply doesn't compete at least against the first two in terms of bodily conflicts which would beg good fortitude. If you want to keep the good progression I can understand that but not in that it is more. There are simply better themes for abilities to address than that.
2. It isn't simply a matter of moving it is a matter of what else can be done with what you have left. When other characters would spend their whole turn doing you still have your turn yet always at mid levels.
3. Well, still if you have about 3 or 4 excellencies it overrides.
4. It was worded differently when I saw it before but I think a line of sight should emphasized. A mountain can be between you and someone else even if they aren't hiding.
5. Burrow blocks line of sight and most area of effects because you are in the ground. It is one of the best defensive abilities to have.
6. An Olethrofex can summon an Apocalyptic event once every 1000 years. Additionally it is a classic BBEG mythos as it details multiple stages until the big bad saying that higher level characters must trigger it. Then finally you summon something roughly equivalent to summoning an Elder Evil. Either way by the time it comes to that it can be prevented and at least makes it so they can detail there own apocalypse. All this makes it highly unlikely for a player character to choose and the key is it must detail ways to prevent it all along the way. Yours though has two planes intertwine together with no ways to stop it or even specify to work for your advantage. If this was an Olethrofex's apocalypse it could be stopped and would render the ability useless for pretty much all campaigns, yours doesn't.
7. It means that you equalize your party with that of most foes you will ever while not giving yourself any benefit. I said in scope of power as you detail the multiverse all of a sudden being given this mythos.

2014-09-12, 03:05 PM
Amnoriath, have you ever gone hiking? Just an idle question.

I have.

I've done a 19 hour hike on not-enough-water. Near the end, the only reason I kept going was because I refused to stop. My boots fell apart halfway through the hike, and I did the last couple miles essentially barefoot.

Compared to this guy? That was nothing.

These guys build up their Fortitude by travelling by foot every day. They get up, hike 20+ miles, go to sleep, then get up and do it again. The soles of their feet were leather long ago.

These are the kind of guys who would swim from Cuba to Miami without resting, through the fields of poisonous jellyfish.

These are the kind of guys who walk through blizzards because they are in the way.

The very idea that a "traveller" isn't tough as nails is, quite frankly, insulting.

If anything, they should be tougher than Mr. I Swing A Sword and Mr. I'm Angry Grr. Being endurance-filled isn't a key part of their legend; for an Askopar, it is.

Oh, and, yeah - two Mythos would be good.

2014-09-12, 03:26 PM
Amnoriath, have you ever gone hiking? Just an idle question.

I have.

I've done a 19 hour hike on not-enough-water. Near the end, the only reason I kept going was because I refused to stop. My boots fell apart halfway through the hike, and I did the last couple miles essentially barefoot.

Compared to this guy? That was nothing.

These guys build up their Fortitude by travelling by foot every day. They get up, hike 20+ miles, go to sleep, then get up and do it again. The soles of their feet were leather long ago.

These are the kind of guys who would swim from Cuba to Miami without resting, through the fields of poisonous jellyfish.

These are the kind of guys who walk through blizzards because they are in the way.

The very idea that a "traveller" isn't tough as nails is, quite frankly, insulting.

If anything, they should be tougher than Mr. I Swing A Sword and Mr. I'm Angry Grr. Being endurance-filled isn't a key part of their legend; for an Askopar, it is.

Oh, and, yeah - two Mythos would be good.
I have, but technically every player character does. Any player character quests and therefore will be part of their story. What you talk about it avoids through excellency or mythos but fortitude also represents resiliency against bodily afflictions in battle. It spreads credulity that ones that specificly look for conflict or start them so much because of their shear rage has less resiliency against bodily afflictions in battle than an explorer. Also there are far more appropriate things to enhance more than the base fortitude save in trying to be an explorer or traveler.

commander panda
2014-09-12, 04:45 PM
yeah, i'm goint to agree that this guy needs his high fort. this is a ahecter who's entire being revolvs around walking Everywhere Forever. if he's not tough as boiled elephant leather, i will eat boiled elephant leather!

if anything its his will that should take a hit, and even thats kind of a stretch, since we're talking about someone who has the will to keep walking even after his skin has blistered, burst, and been scraped off the bottom of his feet. i think this is one of those situations where all good saves are actually justified, even if i do disagree with all the mythic classes having universally good saves.

2014-09-12, 05:28 PM
I don't think the issue people are having is with maxed out saves, it's the large bonuses to a certain save that applies on top of the already sizable base score. I can see both sides of the argument, but the end result depends on if you see the inability to fail a fort save as a good or bad thing.

That said, I've read through everything posted here and I'll second the notion that OP has his fluff spot on, though some of the mechanics seem somewhat lacking in areas. I don't think it really needs more combat options, I think people may be ignoring that you can take combat feats to bolster your solid BaB and HP into a relatively effective threat. Still nothing compared to the Teramach, but then again, combat isn't the story being told here.

I'll also second the opinion that forcing every intelligent creature into your shintai is a bad idea. You could maybe force it on an enemy as a curse? I can see it functioning similarly to the Teramach mythos that turns people into reavers. Just a thought.

2014-09-12, 06:07 PM
I'm of the boat that is against a high fort save, I feel that the resolve you are talking about feels more like a will save thing, and with the focus on mental stats I think the class lends itself to that better.

2014-09-12, 08:52 PM
For some reason this class rings a bell to me. Makes me think of the Wanderer from Dark Sun and the vistani of Ravenloft, and I'm slightly disappointed that neither of them were used as pics or inspiration.

As for comments on the class itself, let's begin.

I have a few questions about the way the Askopar gains Mythos points. Suppose an Askopar is being tracked by another character. That other character, who didn't expect the Askopar to drop equipment, takes the equipment left behind as his own. When he finally finds his prey, the Askopar and the tracker fight to death. Does the Askopar even realize the tracker has the equipment he left behind? Does lost forever mean he has a "blind spot" of sorts as far as his equipment is concerned? It would be poetic if there were some ways for an Askopar to find his equipment back, for example by using powerful divination to know who the new owner of this equipment is, which could cause tension if the new owner doesn't want to depart from it. Another thing I'd like to know is if the Askopar can drop cursed items, and if doing so lets him foil the curse on the item. It'd certainly be an evil act, but it'd be cool nonetheless.

The good Fortitude save progression is not something I worry about, though I do think that the additional bonus from mental ability scores is a bit too much. There are much more elegant ways to boost Fortitude saves.

Now on the comment of Mythos:

Natural Form-Transcendance Prana makes me think of the pyreen. Yes, these fey-like beings from Dark Sun that have the characteristics of dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans. The problem is that the Mythos is too powerful at level 1, since it makes you immune to a long list of special abilities (since you no longer count as a living creature), AND makes you immune to everything that would affect undead and constructs, while STILL letting you benefit from pretty much everything that would be advantageous to you (cure and inflict spells heal you, clerics can bolster your morale but not command you, etc.).

Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai is useless. I mean literally. Natural Form-Transcendance Prana can make you immune to fatigue a whole 12 levels earlier, and it doesn't force you to wander forever. You won't even benefit from the increased distance of your X foot steps, since you already have 2 free move actions and will likely have maxed Tumble (a class skill that gives you everything that 5 foot steps are good for). However, the obligation to move is mortifying : you cannot ever recover spells, maneuvers, or anything that requires rest, and if you are ever in a situation where you face difficult terrain, you are forced to waste up your regular actions in addition to the bonus actions you have, since Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai explicitely doesn't let you ignore difficult terrain. All in all, this Mythos doesn't just screw your character over (as many, but not all, shintai Mythos), it gives absolutely nothing in return (Untamed Apocalypse Shintai at least turns you into a killing machine with insane amounts of swift actions per round).

As previously mentioned, both Exalted Mythos are too game-breaking as they currently are. Shattering planar boundaries should be the consequences of an epic divine gambit of the like of Vecna in Sigil or the Lady of Pain getting bored. Unless the other players in the party actually play Vecna or the Lady of Pain, this is not something that most GMs would be content to allow in their game, and may cause them to refuse the Askopar altogether. The second Exalted Mythos is even worse, since it'll not only destroy the campaign setting you're playing in, but ALL campaign settings, forever. I've already explained why Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai was bad. Applying this Mythos to anything that isn't an Askopar (except maybe a choker) makes it even worse : not only is magic neutralized forever, but people are forced to travel and die of starvation and thirst. In the blink of an eye, this Mythos can destroy the whole Multiverse, while even the Olethrofex can only end one plane every millenia, and only as part of a long and interruptible process. Definitely not something a GM will want to let a player take.

A couple ideas for this class:
-If you want to insist on the importance of wandering, have a sort of static burn mechanic. If the character stays for 1d6+7 days withing 1 mile of a given point in space, have him lose all of his Mythos/some Mythos/a couple Mythos points. Ravenloft's vistani, being a people of magical nomads, have a similar hinderance.
-Traveling between coexistent planes should be easier than traveling between two planes that don't even connect to each other. I suggest you make a Mythos specifically designed for making the Askopar ethereal, incorporeal or shadowy (or whatever you call creatures on the Plane of Shadow).
-There are plenty of feats that are wanderer-y, but the class' Mythos and Excellencies only give access to a couple of them. Dash is a generic one. An Excellency with Perennial Realm-Traversing Tenacity as a prerequisite could give Diehard and Steadfast Determination, while another could give Strong Stomach and reduce the effect of fatigue by one step. An Exalted Mythos requiring Eternal World-Frame Apotheosis may give Wedded to History (survivor) and Wedded to History (wanderer) as an exception to the rule that you may only take Wedded to History feat once. Finally, an Exceptional Mythos could grant the many feats that quicken hit point recovery, followed by a Fantastic Mythos that gives a nerfed Fast Healing first, and then the real thing (a traveller would certainly benefit from healing faster). Feel free to use any of these ideas.

commander panda
2014-09-13, 12:11 AM
i had some thoughts for fixing up the exalted mythos a bit.
for Planar Confinement-Shattering Jaunt, i would make the world melding effect local. by which i mean that the planes stay separate everywhere but in the vicinity of the break caused by the Askopar, where the worlds blend in the way you described.

Sweeping Road-Yearning Fascination is a bit more complex of a fix, so i'll just through out some random suggestions.
-completely scrap the entire multiverse imposition thing. that basically makes the mythos into an instant setting destroyer.
-instead the askopar can impose the shinti on single people, or groups of people by his very presence.
-also, maybe the Askopar can see through the eyes of the infected people whenever he wants and experience their discoveries through them, the same way the wanderer experiences discovery through the askopar
-it would be cool if he could influence peoples paths, revoke his curse if he wishes, or even make the cursed people's his followers; walking with him to the ends of the earth.

2014-09-13, 11:58 PM
I'm of the boat that is against a high fort save, I feel that the resolve you are talking about feels more like a will save thing, and with the focus on mental stats I think the class lends itself to that better.

If a save needs to be dropped, it's Reflex, not Fort. Why? Look at the image. Bottom right corner. That guy, right there? Falls off what can be adequately described as living skyscrapers, and not only does he live, he walks it off. This is not someone who is dangerous because he knows how to use a sword (which he clearly doesn't), but because you can drop several tons on his head, drop him off a cliff, throw him across a few football stadiums, and he will get up and keep trying to stab your throat. Which is to say nothing of the physical effort required to climb said "living skyscrapers" in order to kill them, oftentimes when they would like nothing less than for him to not do that.

Fort save should stay. Drop to 3/4 BAB or bad Ref.

2014-09-14, 06:52 AM
If a save needs to be dropped, it's Reflex, not Fort. Why? Look at the image. Bottom right corner. That guy, right there? Falls off what can be adequately described as living skyscrapers, and not only does he live, he walks it off. This is not someone who is dangerous because he knows how to use a sword (which he clearly doesn't), but because you can drop several tons on his head, drop him off a cliff, throw him across a few football stadiums, and he will get up and keep trying to stab your throat. Which is to say nothing of the physical effort required to climb said "living skyscrapers" in order to kill them, oftentimes when they would like nothing less than for him to not do that.

Fort save should stay. Drop to 3/4 BAB or bad Ref.
1. It is a movement and exploring based class, having a good reflex save actually makes more sense.
2. The issue isn't that they should have a bad fort. save progression it is the fact they get to accrue a far larger one than the Teramach or Bellator because they get to add their highest mental attribute modifier to the fort. save in addition to a good progression.

2014-09-14, 03:51 PM
1. It is a movement and exploring based class, having a good reflex save actually makes more sense.
2. The issue isn't that they should have a bad fort. save progression it is the fact they get to accrue a far larger one than the Teramach or Bellator because they get to add their highest mental attribute modifier to the fort. save in addition to a good progression.

1. It is a class based around the idea of walking everywhere forever. Walking does not increase one's ability to dodge explosions. It does, however, increase one's baseline physical endurance. Fort, not Ref.

2. Constant violence actually decreases your ability to deal with bodily crap. Yes, you're still starting from a higher baseline, but there's a thing called hypertension and both the Teramach and the Bellator have to deal with it. Not so much this guy, who's getting his exercise properly and has reason to add those mental stats (again: Wander).

This guy has every reason to want those saving throws (because failing a save to some effect or another ruins the whole exploration schtick), but not really the BAB. The saves, and associated bonus, can be handwaved by the story the class is tied to; the BAB can't. If anything drops, it should be that.

2014-09-14, 04:22 PM
1. It is a class based around the idea of walking everywhere forever. Walking does not increase one's ability to dodge explosions. It does, however, increase one's baseline physical endurance. Fort, not Ref.

2. Constant violence actually decreases your ability to deal with bodily crap. Yes, you're still starting from a higher baseline, but there's a thing called hypertension and both the Teramach and the Bellator have to deal with it. Not so much this guy, who's getting his exercise properly and has reason to add those mental stats (again: Wander).

This guy has every reason to want those saving throws (because failing a save to some effect or another ruins the whole exploration schtick), but not really the BAB. The saves, and associated bonus, can be handwaved by the story the class is tied to; the BAB can't. If anything drops, it should be that.

Well, yes, but wait a sec. This is Mythos! Sure, your average explorer wouldn't get into fights or dodge explosions, but this is a mythic character. Technically, most of the time the Doctor (Doctor Who) only goes around to see sights. Have you seen how many situations he gets into? He goes into medieval London, for whatever reason, and out pop Cybermen! He didn't visit for the Cybermen, but he happened to run into them! Any book, movie, or TV show where there's a main character that adventures around? They get into all sorts of bad situations!

The Askopar doesn't merely climb a mountain, he climbs a mountain, meets an angry alien race, just barely escapes with his life, gets captured by another hostile group, escapes from his bonds, dodges scythes, rescues a hot girl, and then flies off into the distance! Unless the Askopar is a girl, in which case she rescues a hot guy and flies into the distance.

2014-09-14, 04:23 PM
1. It is a class based around the idea of walking everywhere forever. Walking does not increase one's ability to dodge explosions. It does, however, increase one's baseline physical endurance. Fort, not Ref.

2. Constant violence actually decreases your ability to deal with bodily crap. Yes, you're still starting from a higher baseline, but there's a thing called hypertension and both the Teramach and the Bellator have to deal with it. Not so much this guy, who's getting his exercise properly and has reason to add those mental stats (again: Wander).

This guy has every reason to want those saving throws (because failing a save to some effect or another ruins the whole exploration schtick), but not really the BAB. The saves, and associated bonus, can be handwaved by the story the class is tied to; the BAB can't. If anything drops, it should be that.

1. It is class that themed from moving around a lot and always finding a reason to move. It has a dodge bonus , many ways to move more and make up attacks of opportunity that takes heightened reaction aka. reflex. Walking forever just sounds like good fluff but they need not be walking. How many of those on the pictures you think actually walk where ever they go? As such it is metaphorical as not all Askopar walk, but they do eventually always find a reason to move and move better.
2. Oh yes, because constant questing and training isn't exercise.:smallconfused: I said this before almost every D&D adventure involves questing around and moving using your body. Assuming this guy only has it simply because of the fluff of its mythos Titan is classic cherry picking.

2014-09-15, 07:40 PM
3. Well, still if you have about 3 or 4 excellencies it overrides.

Which ones? The only ones I can think of are Terminus Excursion Fortitude (this is kind of problematic, I'll admit) and Unimpeded World-Embracing Pace, which does several things freedom of movement doesn't. Maybe I can think of something to make Terminus Excursion Fortitude work better with it.

4. It was worded differently when I saw it before but I think a line of sight should emphasized. A mountain can be between you and someone else even if they aren't hiding.

I haven't changed it since I posted it.

But yeah, I'll see what I can do to clarify.

5. Burrow blocks line of sight and most area of effects because you are in the ground. It is one of the best defensive abilities to have.

I'll move burrow to a later level.

6. An Olethrofex can summon an Apocalyptic event once every 1000 years. Additionally it is a classic BBEG mythos as it details multiple stages until the big bad saying that higher level characters must trigger it. Then finally you summon something roughly equivalent to summoning an Elder Evil. Either way by the time it comes to that it can be prevented and at least makes it so they can detail there own apocalypse. All this makes it highly unlikely for a player character to choose and the key is it must detail ways to prevent it all along the way. Yours though has two planes intertwine together with no ways to stop it or even specify to work for your advantage. If this was an Olethrofex's apocalypse it could be stopped and would render the ability useless for pretty much all campaigns, yours doesn't.

Fair enough. I believe suggestions are below, so I'll address those and comment further on that Mythos then.

If anything, they should be tougher than Mr. I Swing A Sword and Mr. I'm Angry Grr. Being endurance-filled isn't a key part of their legend; for an Askopar, it is.

This is how I approached it.

Oh, and, yeah - two Mythos would be good.


I have, but technically every player character does. Any player character quests and therefore will be part of their story. What you talk about it avoids through excellency or mythos but fortitude also represents resiliency against bodily afflictions in battle. It spreads credulity that ones that specificly look for conflict or start them so much because of their shear rage has less resiliency against bodily afflictions in battle than an explorer. Also there are far more appropriate things to enhance more than the base fortitude save in trying to be an explorer or traveler.

Thing is, travel is something everyone does, but this is what the Askopar is. The Askopar isn't just an explorer. The Askopar is the explorer.

But if you have suggestions for a replacement ability, I'm listening. I haven't gotten anything specific thus far, so I'm not really seeing what would be far more appropriate.

That said, I've read through everything posted here and I'll second the notion that OP has his fluff spot on, though some of the mechanics seem somewhat lacking in areas. I don't think it really needs more combat options, I think people may be ignoring that you can take combat feats to bolster your solid BaB and HP into a relatively effective threat. Still nothing compared to the Teramach, but then again, combat isn't the story being told here.

It warms the cockles of my heart to read my fluff being loved on.

I like this paragraph in general, though. Just everything in it.

I'll also second the opinion that forcing every intelligent creature into your shintai is a bad idea. You could maybe force it on an enemy as a curse? I can see it functioning similarly to the Teramach mythos that turns people into reavers. Just a thought.

More below; I think there's a similar suggestion. I foresee sweeping changes.

For some reason this class rings a bell to me. Makes me think of the Wanderer from Dark Sun and the vistani of Ravenloft, and I'm slightly disappointed that neither of them were used as pics or inspiration.

Haven't read the sources myself, so I don't know about them. Soz.

I have a few questions about the way the Askopar gains Mythos points. Suppose an Askopar is being tracked by another character. That other character, who didn't expect the Askopar to drop equipment, takes the equipment left behind as his own. When he finally finds his prey, the Askopar and the tracker fight to death. Does the Askopar even realize the tracker has the equipment he left behind? Does lost forever mean he has a "blind spot" of sorts as far as his equipment is concerned? It would be poetic if there were some ways for an Askopar to find his equipment back, for example by using powerful divination to know who the new owner of this equipment is, which could cause tension if the new owner doesn't want to depart from it. Another thing I'd like to know is if the Askopar can drop cursed items, and if doing so lets him foil the curse on the item. It'd certainly be an evil act, but it'd be cool nonetheless.

Good questions.

EDIT: I forgot to finish this part (I had this post in a Word document for a while). I'll have to think about how to deal with these situations.

Natural Form-Transcendance Prana makes me think of the pyreen. Yes, these fey-like beings from Dark Sun that have the characteristics of dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans. The problem is that the Mythos is too powerful at level 1, since it makes you immune to a long list of special abilities (since you no longer count as a living creature), AND makes you immune to everything that would affect undead and constructs, while STILL letting you benefit from pretty much everything that would be advantageous to you (cure and inflict spells heal you, clerics can bolster your morale but not command you, etc.).

It doesn't give you the benefits of any type or race.

This does not grant you any features of any races or types directly . . .

I'll try to clean up the wording a bit after I split it into two separate Mythos.

Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai is useless. I mean literally. Natural Form-Transcendance Prana can make you immune to fatigue a whole 12 levels earlier . . .


However, the obligation to move is mortifying : you cannot ever recover spells, maneuvers, or anything that requires rest, and if you are ever in a situation where you face difficult terrain, you are forced to waste up your regular actions in addition to the bonus actions you have, since Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai explicitely doesn't let you ignore difficult terrain.

I mean, there's an Excellency for both of those things, so if you really need to recover spells/power points, you can do that, though no one needs to rest to recover maneuvers and none of the readying methods disallow movement (and the warblade's and possibly the swordsage's encourage it), so that's not actually a problem.

A couple ideas for this class:
-If you want to insist on the importance of wandering, have a sort of static burn mechanic. If the character stays for 1d6+7 days withing 1 mile of a given point in space, have him lose all of his Mythos/some Mythos/a couple Mythos points. Ravenloft's vistani, being a people of magical nomads, have a similar hinderance.

I don't like this. *shrug*

-Traveling between coexistent planes should be easier than traveling between two planes that don't even connect to each other. I suggest you make a Mythos specifically designed for making the Askopar ethereal, incorporeal or shadowy (or whatever you call creatures on the Plane of Shadow).

I could make some earlier Mythos based on planar travel to coterminous planes.

-There are plenty of feats that are wanderer-y, but the class' Mythos and Excellencies only give access to a couple of them. Dash is a generic one. An Excellency with Perennial Realm-Traversing Tenacity as a prerequisite could give Diehard and Steadfast Determination, while another could give Strong Stomach and reduce the effect of fatigue by one step. An Exalted Mythos requiring Eternal World-Frame Apotheosis may give Wedded to History (survivor) and Wedded to History (wanderer) as an exception to the rule that you may only take Wedded to History feat once. Finally, an Exceptional Mythos could grant the many feats that quicken hit point recovery, followed by a Fantastic Mythos that gives a nerfed Fast Healing first, and then the real thing (a traveller would certainly benefit from healing faster). Feel free to use any of these ideas.

Good ideas. I'm assuming Wedded to History is a Dragon feat? I don't remember it.

i had some thoughts for fixing up the exalted mythos a bit.
for Planar Confinement-Shattering Jaunt, i would make the world melding effect local. by which i mean that the planes stay separate everywhere but in the vicinity of the break caused by the Askopar, where the worlds blend in the way you described.

You know, I don't know why I didn't do this in the first place.

Sweeping Road-Yearning Fascination is a bit more complex of a fix, so i'll just through out some random suggestions.
-completely scrap the entire multiverse imposition thing. that basically makes the mythos into an instant setting destroyer.
-instead the askopar can impose the shinti on single people, or groups of people by his very presence.
-also, maybe the Askopar can see through the eyes of the infected people whenever he wants and experience their discoveries through them, the same way the wanderer experiences discovery through the askopar
-it would be cool if he could influence peoples paths, revoke his curse if he wishes, or even make the cursed people's his followers; walking with him to the ends of the earth.

I like seeing through other people's eyes and the explanation. That's really good. The last suggestion is also interesting. I agree with local/single imposition.

EDIT: I have a really bad cold right now, so I'm having trouble thinking clearly. I'll finish changes in the next couple of days.

For now, I've moved the burrow speed to 7th level minimum and I'll change the BAB to 3/4 right now (I really do think all good saves is justified).

Oh, and I took away the constant Travel Devotion and moved the extra move action to 10th level. I might add more uses for Travel Devotion as the Askopar advances in level.

2014-09-15, 10:38 PM
Which ones? The only ones I can think of are Terminus Excursion Fortitude (this is kind of problematic, I'll admit) and Unimpeded World-Embracing Pace, which does several things freedom of movement doesn't. Maybe I can think of something to make Terminus Excursion Fortitude work better with it.

Thing is, travel is something everyone does, but this is what the Askopar is. The Askopar isn't just an explorer. The Askopar is the explorer.

But if you have suggestions for a replacement ability, I'm listening. I haven't gotten anything specific thus far, so I'm not really seeing what would be far more appropriate.

It doesn't give you the benefits of any type or race.

1. It is debatable that it eliminates armor restrictions as its restrictions are not based upon weight but because it gets in the way of normal movement from the limbs.
2. Just as the Bellator is the man at arms, constantly training and bringing himself to their physical limits in perfecting his form as well as challenging himself. Just as the Teramach is the monster incarnate ravaging the fields as it charges allowing nothing to stop it from destroying. All of them are mythic characters so all of them will have extreme qualities to them. However, the story behind the Askopar does not suggest any more physical rigors, training, or endurance than the others, especially when it is metaphorical as not all Askopars walk. How about an evasion+ ability meaning it doesn't just apply if it deals damage?
3. Well, it is a bit of an odd yet quite powerful mythos. Basically you become immune to any bad effects that target types or subtypes but you can benefit from all of the good ones regardless of what you choose to become. Then you get an untyped bonus to 3 of the best social skills in the game. In theory this could mean all sorts of stacking and definitely a great defense while polymorphed. At this point a low level Askopar shouldn't have such a familiarity with everyone to warrant such expansive adaptation. Either I would make it more incremental in that it would require exploring and familiarity in that at some point they could consider themselves a race up to a certain based upon class levels or I would make it fantastic level.

2014-09-15, 11:29 PM
Maybe the Mythos could let you pick up the ability to count as a race by hanging around with members of that race?

So if you spend, say, 8 hours just hanging out with a bunch of Dwarves, you get to count as a Dwarf when it would be good for you.

EDIT: The advantage to doing it this way is that you can build some stuff off of it. I'm all about mechanical hooks.

If you don't mind, I could work up a draft?

2014-09-16, 08:09 PM
Haven't read the sources myself, so I don't know about them. Soz.
The Wanderer from Dark Sun is an escaped slave who travelled almost everywhere in the known world (which is pretty dangerous in and on itself), and survived to write books about it. The fact that he wasn't in any important city-state when the metaplot screwed the setting made it so he outlived many of the more story-relevant NPCs.

The vistani are a people of magical gypsies that travel the Mists (ie. the Ravenloft campaign setting), going from domain to domain but never staying in one place for too long. The splatbook on them explains that they suffer from "static burn" and will lose their innate powers if they ever stop travelling. There are three groups of vistani with their own backstory, which somehow relates to how they ended in the Demiplane of Dread and why they are forced to wander in the first place.

It doesn't give you the benefits of any type or race.
The game rules define as a "living creature" any creature that isn't of the construct or undead (and technically deathless) type. Since the askopar counts as whichever type is most advantageous, it's only a slight stretch to assume he counts as the most advantageous of living and non-living as well. While this does not invalidate nearly as much spells and effects as I thought, it does concern many. Confusingly, this makes it so that the askopar isn't immune to normal fatigue or Touch of Fatigue (since these effects don't mention whether or not the target has to be living), but is immune to Waves of Fatigue (which explicitely only affect living creatures).

I mean, there's an Excellency for both of those things, so if you really need to recover spells/power points, you can do that, though no one needs to rest to recover maneuvers and none of the readying methods disallow movement (and the warblade's and possibly the swordsage's encourage it), so that's not actually a problem.
Longevity of Sustenance Innovation doesn't allow you to prepare spells, pray for divine spells, or meditate to change maneuvers. It only gives you the equivalent of 8 hours of rest once in a while (which is sub-optimal, since a sorcerer without Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai could recover his spells not only once, but three times per day). Good luck studying a spellbook for 1 hour if you cannot hold the book and move the pages simultaneously. Meditating and moving at the same time is even more absurd (not that I haven't seen a fictional character try it. "Try" is the keyword here), and divine spell recovery/maneuver changing is impossible without meditation.

I could make some earlier Mythos based on planar travel to coterminous planes.
Not coterminous planes, but coexistent planes. They're not the same thing.

Good ideas. I'm assuming Wedded to History is a Dragon feat? I don't remember it.
It's a feat from Dragon #354, to be precise. Normally, you can only take it at level 1, and only if your character is immortal. You then select a background for his immortality (the benefit of the feat depends on it). The two backgrounds I mentioned (wanderer and survivor) are respectively for eternal travellers that have seen it all (and thus are capable of using trained-only skills and speaking a little bit of every language) and for people whose will to live has made them outlive everyone else through natural selection (granting them the powerful ability to make a Will save instead of any other save). The askopar is really fit more for the former than the later, but when you come to think about it, many fictional characters that walk the earth are the last of their kind in some way, and these two "causes" of immortality could be parts of the same Mythos.

EDIT: I have a really bad cold right now, so I'm having trouble thinking clearly. I'll finish changes in the next couple of days.
Oh, sorry to hear that. I had one two weeks ago, it really sucks.

2014-09-18, 05:39 PM
1. It is debatable that it eliminates armor restrictions as its restrictions are not based upon weight but because it gets in the way of normal movement from the limbs.

Oh. I haven't heard of doing that. I always assumed the ruling was that limited movement from armor was considered normal, so it wouldn't be affected by freedom of movement.

2. Just as the Bellator is the man at arms, constantly training and bringing himself to their physical limits in perfecting his form as well as challenging himself. Just as the Teramach is the monster incarnate ravaging the fields as it charges allowing nothing to stop it from destroying. All of them are mythic characters so all of them will have extreme qualities to them. However, the story behind the Askopar does not suggest any more physical rigors, training, or endurance than the others, especially when it is metaphorical as not all Askopars walk. How about an evasion+ ability meaning it doesn't just apply if it deals damage?

I suppose that makes sense. Cool. Cool cool cool.

3. Well, it is a bit of an odd yet quite powerful mythos. Basically you become immune to any bad effects that target types or subtypes but you can benefit from all of the good ones regardless of what you choose to become. Then you get an untyped bonus to 3 of the best social skills in the game. In theory this could mean all sorts of stacking and definitely a great defense while polymorphed. At this point a low level Askopar shouldn't have such a familiarity with everyone to warrant such expansive adaptation. Either I would make it more incremental in that it would require exploring and familiarity in that at some point they could consider themselves a race up to a certain based upon class levels or I would make it fantastic level.

Maybe spend time with certain races/types to familiarize over time? That could work.

Maybe the Mythos could let you pick up the ability to count as a race by hanging around with members of that race?

So if you spend, say, 8 hours just hanging out with a bunch of Dwarves, you get to count as a Dwarf when it would be good for you.

EDIT: The advantage to doing it this way is that you can build some stuff off of it. I'm all about mechanical hooks.

If you don't mind, I could work up a draft?

Oh, hey.

Yeah, that'd be cool. Go ahead.

The Wanderer from Dark Sun is an escaped slave who travelled almost everywhere in the known world (which is pretty dangerous in and on itself), and survived to write books about it. The fact that he wasn't in any important city-state when the metaplot screwed the setting made it so he outlived many of the more story-relevant NPCs.

The vistani are a people of magical gypsies that travel the Mists (ie. the Ravenloft campaign setting), going from domain to domain but never staying in one place for too long. The splatbook on them explains that they suffer from "static burn" and will lose their innate powers if they ever stop travelling. There are three groups of vistani with their own backstory, which somehow relates to how they ended in the Demiplane of Dread and why they are forced to wander in the first place.

They sound like they would fit. Hm.

Longevity of Sustenance Innovation doesn't allow you to prepare spells, pray for divine spells, or meditate to change maneuvers. It only gives you the equivalent of 8 hours of rest once in a while (which is sub-optimal, since a sorcerer without Drifting in Perpetuity Shintai could recover his spells not only once, but three times per day). Good luck studying a spellbook for 1 hour if you cannot hold the book and move the pages simultaneously. Meditating and moving at the same time is even more absurd (not that I haven't seen a fictional character try it. "Try" is the keyword here), and divine spell recovery/maneuver changing is impossible without meditation.

Really, though, in the entries for maneuvers readied for the swordsage and warblade, they both encourage exercise and don't exclude meditation from this exercise. Besides, is it really that impossible to picture someone meditating while running?

As for studying a spellbook, yeah, that would probably be hard, but I don't see a reason you couldn't hold the book and turn its pages while moving. Fifteen feet every six seconds is really not that fast. Even a walking pace of 3 mph averages out to 26.4 feet per round. Reading while walking is really not that hard for me, and I haven't dedicated my life to movement or study exclusively.

I'm just not seeing the rules saying you can't move while praying/meditating--especially as slowly as just over 1.7 mph, which is barely over half of the average walking pace for humans.

Not coterminous planes, but coexistent planes. They're not the same thing.

To be honest, I think I was really out of it when I read that part of your post. Sorry. Both are fine ideas, I think, though.

It's a feat from Dragon #354, to be precise. Normally, you can only take it at level 1, and only if your character is immortal. You then select a background for his immortality (the benefit of the feat depends on it). The two backgrounds I mentioned (wanderer and survivor) are respectively for eternal travellers that have seen it all (and thus are capable of using trained-only skills and speaking a little bit of every language) and for people whose will to live has made them outlive everyone else through natural selection (granting them the powerful ability to make a Will save instead of any other save). The askopar is really fit more for the former than the later, but when you come to think about it, many fictional characters that walk the earth are the last of their kind in some way, and these two "causes" of immortality could be parts of the same Mythos.

That's pretty cool. I usually try to stay away from Dragon material unless it's in the compendium, though--at least for homebrewing purposes. This...might fit too well to exclude, however.

Oh, sorry to hear that. I had one two weeks ago, it really sucks.

Yeah, man. Turns out I had a migraine on top of that, too. I thought it was just my plugged nose making my head hurt, but...whoo. I only have a weird throat thing going on today, so it's not bad at all.

Sorry to hear you had it too. Sucks indeed.

2014-09-18, 07:41 PM
Yeah, the Shintai is more like antsy meandering than running everywhere; I remember walking upstairs once with my nose buried in the Hobbit, only realizing I had been reading at the top when I put the book down.

That actually gives me an idea for a Mythos: instead of spreading your Shintai to everyone, gain the ability to bless/curse someone with your Shintai. Invitation to Companionship, perhaps? Perhaps people under its effects can convert levels into Askopar levels, a la Reavers.

And... here goes (haven't done this in a bit):

Natural Form-Transcendence Prana
Prerequisite: -

The Askopar wanders everywhere, visiting cultures and sampling beliefs that would boggle the mind of the common folk.

Whenever you spend at least 8 hours actively interacting with members of a specific LA +0 race, whether working at their side or just swapping stories, you may choose to carry their Essence. As long as you are carrying the Essence of a race, you are considered to be the better of that race or your own race for the purposes of effects; a Dwarven Askopar who has taken on the Essence of a group of Halflings would not take extra damage from a Dwarvenbane weapon, and would be able to enter a door enchanted to only allow Halflings to pass.

The Essence of a particular race only lasts for a month before dissipating; you may only carry a number of Essences at one time equal to your highest mental ability modifier.

Gifts Fondly Remembered: Any given Essence that you carry does not dissipate as long as you keep a non-magical keepsake given to you freely by that group; if you lose that keepsake, or it is destroyed, that Essence immediately dissipates. You may abandon such keepsakes as if they were worth 500gp for the purpose of gaining Mythos Points.

Breaking Bread Together: You may forgo the eight hours of interaction required by this Mythos if the group in question offers you a meal and you eat your entire portion.

Sleeping Hand in Hand: You may forgo the eight hours of interaction required by this Mythos if you sleep for 8 hours in physical contact with a member of the group in question.

No Longer So Defined: Upon gaining this Manifestation, you are no longer considered a member of your own race for the purposes of effects; however, you immediately gain the Essence of your race. If you have the Gifts Fondly Remembered Manifestation, you may designate one of your mundane possessions as a keepsake connected to your race's Essence.

2014-09-18, 11:02 PM
Now that's a mythos I could be willing to take. Cool execution.

2014-09-19, 01:39 AM
Thanks; I've been spending time 'brewing stuff for other systems, so I've been getting some inspirations.

I find myself incorporating some story game elements into my work as of late.

commander panda
2014-09-19, 05:05 PM
so i've been thinking about this class, and i have another couple of questions/suggestions.

first question is why most of this guy's abilities are based off of his highest mental ability modifier? i mean, the sheer dip-eness of it aside, it doesn't even really make that much sense :smallconfused:. charisma is totally nonsensical (what's he doing, sweet talking his feet?)
intelligence kinda makes sense if you look at it from a factotum-esk "i can survive out there, because i've studied everything that's out there" point of view, but being well studied isn't really a big part of his motif, and letting him apply int to (for example) his walking speed also only makes sense if he has factotum fluff.
wisdom is the only hiking boot that fits, and even then i don't think it fully encompasses the tough as nails, i-will-walk-five-hundred-miles-for-no-frak'n-reason, aspect of his story.
this is just me, but i kinda feel like this guy should be focussed on either constitution or wisdom, with a secondary focus on the other, kinda like the bellator with strength and intelligence.

second, am i the only one who thinks this guy needs trapfinding? i mean he's got indiana jones in his banner, for cry'n out loud!
something based off of bardic knowledge would make sense too. i'm sure this buy meets all kinds of travellers, and hears all kinds of stories.
EDIT: i can't find evasion either. shouldn't a movement based class always have evasion? it's, like, the most fluffy form of defence available for this guy. maybe i missed it?

2014-09-21, 08:41 AM
Oh. I haven't heard of doing that. I always assumed the ruling was that limited movement from armor was considered normal, so it wouldn't be affected by freedom of movement.

Well, it would also be normal to go 1/2 speed while entangled or not to move while paralyzed. I can understand why it isn't ruled this way, hence saying debatable. They don't want to give additional power to a moderate level spell that renders a lot of things useless. They also want to keep in the context of an inflicted force to limit movement to know it works when not specified. It also gets iffy if all of them get lifted or just the movement, even though many of these skills are types of movement. The argument though that is the extra weight really is a weak one as no medium or heavy armor gets its penalties lifted just because of a strong guy is wearing it.

2014-09-21, 08:47 AM
so i've been thinking about this class, and i have another couple of questions/suggestions.

first question is why most of this guy's abilities are based off of his highest mental ability modifier? i mean, the sheer dip-eness of it aside, it doesn't even really make that much sense :smallconfused:. charisma is totally nonsensical (what's he doing, sweet talking his feet?)
intelligence kinda makes sense if you look at it from a factotum-esk "i can survive out there, because i've studied everything that's out there" point of view, but being well studied isn't really a big part of his motif, and letting him apply int to (for example) his walking speed also only makes sense if he has factotum fluff.
wisdom is the only hiking boot that fits, and even then i don't think it fully encompasses the tough as nails, i-will-walk-five-hundred-miles-for-no-frak'n-reason, aspect of his story.
this is just me, but i kinda feel like this guy should be focussed on either constitution or wisdom, with a secondary focus on the other, kinda like the bellator with strength and intelligence.

second, am i the only one who thinks this guy needs trapfinding? i mean he's got indiana jones in his banner, for cry'n out loud!
something based off of bardic knowledge would make sense too. i'm sure this buy meets all kinds of travellers, and hears all kinds of stories.
EDIT: i can't find evasion either. shouldn't a movement based class always have evasion? it's, like, the most fluffy form of defence available for this guy. maybe i missed it?

1. Yeah, I think he was just trying to encompass all the various traveling heroes by saying highest mental stat but it doesn't lend itself well to its narrative.
2. It isn't that we don't think it shouldn't. I mean if I made it I would have at least made three mythos(or 1 excellency, 2 mythos) dealing with such things but many of us think that the things it has now needs to be fixed before adding more.
3. It doesn't, hence why I suggested it be a replacement.

commander panda
2014-09-21, 11:46 AM
ok, cool. as long as the idea is out there to be put in at some point. core mechanics should definitely come first.

2014-09-21, 07:57 PM
So this could be a Fantastic Mythos. I really wanted to just get the idea out there, though.

Vehicular Thaumaturgical Traveling Creation
Prerequisite: -

Some Askopar walk everywhere. But quite a few get tired of sore feet, and make something to take them places instead.

The Askopar learns how to make a Vehicle. By spending 8 hours and 100 gp, he can magically create one. The Vehicle functions as something from the Transport section of Goods and Services. It has an HP of 50 and hardness 5. It has a base speed of 90 feet. For the Vehicle to move, it needs to be piloted by an Askopar one size category smaller than it. The Askopar stops piloting the Vehicle if it is destroyed.

Whenever an attack bypasses the Vehicle's hardness (if it has one), any overflow damage is dealt to both the Vehicle and the Askopar.

Every additional manifestation increases the cost to make a Vehicle by 25gp.

Momentous Improvement - The Vehicle's base Speed increases by 30 feet. This can be taken up to 5 times.
Bulky Border - The Vehicle gains 10 HP, to a maximum of 100 HP. Can be taken multiple times.
Amphibious Design - The Vehicle gains a swim speed equal to its land speed. Additionally, the Askopar is immune to any gas-based attacks.

Harder Casing - The Vehicle gains 5 hardness, to a maximum of 1/5 of its HP. Can be taken multiple times.
The Mechanics of Flight - The Vehicle gains a Fly speed equal to its land speed. Its maneuverability depends on how fast it is moving.



< 60 feet


60 feet - 120 feet


121 feet - 180 feet


181 feet +


2014-10-10, 04:15 PM
Natural Form-Transcendence Prana

This is pretty excellent. I'll put it in and give credit.

I think the sleeping option should probably be only with living (or animate, if undead somehow) members of the group in question. As worded currently, you could kill a dwarf and then sleep with the body to gain its Essence.

first question is why most of this guy's abilities are based off of his highest mental ability modifier? i mean, the sheer dip-eness of it aside, it doesn't even really make that much sense :smallconfused:. charisma is totally nonsensical (what's he doing, sweet talking his feet?)
intelligence kinda makes sense if you look at it from a factotum-esk "i can survive out there, because i've studied everything that's out there" point of view, but being well studied isn't really a big part of his motif, and letting him apply int to (for example) his walking speed also only makes sense if he has factotum fluff.
wisdom is the only hiking boot that fits, and even then i don't think it fully encompasses the tough as nails, i-will-walk-five-hundred-miles-for-no-frak'n-reason, aspect of his story.
this is just me, but i kinda feel like this guy should be focussed on either constitution or wisdom, with a secondary focus on the other, kinda like the bellator with strength and intelligence.

As mentioned below, I was trying to include any and all who would fit into this archetype. I'll think about changing it.

second, am i the only one who thinks this guy needs trapfinding? i mean he's got indiana jones in his banner, for cry'n out loud!

Honestly, I thought about it, and then I was just excited to post, so I didn't make a Mythos for it and didn't change the class features for it.

something based off of bardic knowledge would make sense too. i'm sure this buy meets all kinds of travellers, and hears all kinds of stories.

That could work.

Vehicular Thaumaturgical Traveling Creation

Immunity to attacks is super strong and probably shouldn't be a thing ever except for certain edge cases (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/timelessBody.htm) (this even requires a standard action, 17 pp, and bars you from helpful effects, as well--and it only lasts 1 round).

Other than that, it seems decent, though I'm not sure it fits all that well right now. Maybe with some modifications and other Mythos it could work...hm.

Anyway, changes incoming.

commander panda
2014-10-10, 05:02 PM
So glad to see you're posting again!:smallbiggrin:
I was kinda worried this class had been abandoned.

As for the NAD issue: if you want this guy to match multiple character archetypes, you could try making him default as wisdom based, then have an excellency to let him switch to the (stronger) intelligence score. I personally don't think he should have the option to be charisma based. It just wouldn't make narrative sense.

I did something similar with the Belletor, actually. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18144440&postcount=239) It was a sort of weapon finesse excellency.

2014-10-10, 05:08 PM
So glad to see you're posting again!:smallbiggrin:
I was kinda worried this class had been abandoned.

Nah, just super busy. No worries. :smallsmile:

I'm pretty glad someone noticed, though. :smalltongue:

On the ability score issue: That could also work.

2014-10-10, 08:18 PM
Yay, more Mythic Wanderer!

He Temotei, how does this sound for a Askopar Mythos: the character has traveled so far and strode over and through such rough terrain that their body is almost solid callus. They gain their Con mod and a natural armor bonus/ Wis mod as a deflection bonus/some combination of both and they gain Improved Unarmed Strike and Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike) as bonus feats. And then their could be manifestations giving them DR or mebe improving their unarmed damage.

It might help give them a more basic attack type, and I think a weaponless wanderer is common enough such a Mythos.

2015-01-17, 01:10 AM
Aaaand I'm back. Two new first-tier Mythos are out. One gives trapfinding and such, the other grants unarmed benefits as well as boosts to toughness. I may expand on the unarmed Mythos more with higher-level stuff, but for now, I've got other things to attend to. Have at me! :smalltongue:

commander panda
2015-01-18, 12:15 PM
Aaaand I'm back. Two new first-tier Mythos are out. One gives trapfinding and such, the other grants unarmed benefits as well as boosts to toughness. I may expand on the unarmed Mythos more with higher-level stuff, but for now, I've got other things to attend to. Have at me! :smalltongue:

hey. sorry it took a little while to get back to you. i like these mythos, and they might be passable as it is, but right now they seem a little.....vanilla. i think they could use some more pizzaz.

for the trapfinding one, i think the problem is that its basically just the rogue's trapfinding plus some kind of boring bonus feats. the basic manifestations could both use a line or two of fluff text, just to make it more apparent why you paired those particular feats. i would also make some more interesting advanced manifestations.
for example: maybe an advanced manifestation that lets the askopar reengineer triggers on traps. now he can make the fireball trap activate when he shouts a command word, rather than when someone steps on a trigger panel, or make a hypnosis trap activate for anyone but him.
insert name here
An Askopar with this manifestation has tinkered in the mechanics of so many traps that rather than simply disarming one, he can dismantle the trigger mechanism and reassemble it with entirely different functions.
in order to do this, the askopar must beat the trap's disable device DC by at least 15. once that is done, he may disable the trap's trigger and jerry rig a new trigger. what kind of trigger can be used depends on whether the trap contains any magical components. if the trap has no magical components, the askopar can alter the trap to use any of the nonmagical triggers described in the Dungeon Master's Guide. if the trap already has magical components, the askopar may alter the spell's mechanics to simulate another kind of spell trigger (provided the spells necessary to do so would not be of a higher level than those used to create the trap in the first place.)
this process takes 2d10 -WIS modifier minutes.

another possibility is letting the askopar use knowledge (whatever) to predict traps, like this. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhkXmaEYMl4) you could also try replacing search with the appropriate knowledge skill, and let him use it long before actually finding the trap.
EDIT:"It's All In the Book"
the askopar replaces his search skill with knowledge for the purpose of search checks to locate traps. this check takes time as if it were a normal knowledge check, and the type of knowledge skill used depends on the environment. for example, a trap in a wizards tower might mandate knowledge (arcana), the underdark requires (dungeoneering), a castle would be knowledge (architecture), and the forest might need knowledge (nature).
furthermore, once he has found the trap itself, the askopar can roll a second knowledge check to see how much he knows about this particular trap, and gains a bonus to the disable device check dependent on the result.

check result
bonus granted

15 or below




36 or higher

EDITEDIT: actually, everything above this is too powerful for an exceptional mythos.

the unarmed mythos is already pretty good. the the best defense manifestation is rather weak, though. i would replace it with the ability to feint (or maybe tumble) for half damage from oncoming attacks. kind of like this. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bigHZQrNTOM)
EDIT: The Best Defence
An Askopar who has spent so long on the road applies the same philosophy to combat that he does to life: always be moving. When the Askopar is hit and dealt damage by an attack, he has the option to make a tumble check against his opponent's attack roll plus their wisdom modifier. If he succeeds, the Askopar manages to move his body with the blow and rob it of momentum, thus halving the damage dealt.
this excellency can be used a number of time equal to the Askopar's wisdom modifier every round, and only functions as long as he applies his dexterity modifier to AC.