View Full Version : Paladin from Andoran, a Lawful agent for Democracy?

2014-09-12, 01:52 PM
I'm working on a new Pathfinder character, I'd love to hear some people's input on the flavor and alignment issues I'm trying to work out.

The character is a Paladin2/Bard5 from Andoran. He grew up in the newly independent state and his sense of Justice was thus informed by their dedication to Common Rule, Equality for all, and especially Anti-Slavery. Rather than following a specific Deity, it's these principles and his devotion to Good which inform his morality and ethics.

Part of what I'm looking to explore with this character is the inherent conflict in his personality between his natural inclination towards Chaos (especially as an Azata-blooded Aasimar, traditionally CG) and his Lawful aspirations (because he endeavors to follow in the footsteps of the chivalrous heroes from bardic tales, dedicating himself to acting with honor and nobility as a truly Heroic figure should). His personal conflict makes him, compared to the stereotypical Paladin, more tolerant of other people acting chaotic (the path he's chosen is not for everyone), and more willing to believe members of "Evil" races can defy their natural inclinations (as he does with his Chaotic heritage) to choose a different path. I feel like I've got a good sense of his personal sense of Honor and Nobility and I'm looking forward to some of the role-playing challenges of this character.

Where I'm running into a problem is trying to figure out how he would handle dealing with local LAW and TRADITION that conflicts with his POLITICAL views as an Andoren (equality for all and common rule / democracy); staying Lawful while adventuring OUTSIDE of Andorran, where local traditions differ greatly from his own and "legitimate" authority comes in the form of unelected leaders and monarchies.

While he would probably still respect kind and fair Noble rulers, the lore on Andoren political philosophy includes the goal of SPREADING equality and common rule. But it seems like advocating for political CHANGE on that scale in medieval societies has an inherently Chaotic aspect to it, so its not like he can run around trying to start peasant revolts everywhere he goes. I don't think this conflict is an insurmountable problem, I'm just not sure how best to approach it for this character. How does a Lawful Good character deal with a political system whose very structure he opposes? A Paladin can defy Law for Good if its necessary, but can that justify actually acting Chaotic on the scale of overthrowing a perhaps Neutral government?

As with any Paladin, it will be helpful to write down his specific Code. So I'm looking for suggestions and advice on how to frame these Andoren/Democratic ideals in a Lawful way to guide his interaction with other cultures and authority figures. I think it's ok for him to respect the authority of a LG Nobleman (who treats the common folk well and fairly, acting in their best interests), and outright oppose a LE one (who acts cruel or oppresses the populace for his own benefit), but what about that LN one?

PS. Does anyone know where I could find some specific lore text on something like the actual Andoren Constitution or their equivalent to the Bill of Rights? The actual LAWS and framework for democracy which he grew up with in Andoran might be REALLY helpful

PPS. Before anyone mentions it, the CG Paladin of Freedom is not allowed. The DM has set a rule of only official Paizo materials

2014-09-12, 02:02 PM
Being Lawful and supporting the law of the various different places you find yourself in are two different things entirely. Just because you're lawful does not mean you have to support laws you do not agree with on an ethical level. A LG person does not have to uphold laws that are unjust, and a LE person does not have to uphold laws that undermine his authority.

That said, your character just doesn't sound particularly Lawful Good in the first place - common rule, anti-slavery, equality etc are all staple Chaotic Good ideals.

2014-09-12, 02:36 PM
I get what you're saying, and maybe it would be simpler to just adjust his background while I'm still in the planning phase.

But my thinking is that he's more focused on being Lawful in his BEHAVIOR even if his ideals are traditionally Chaotic. He's honest and always does everything he can to keep his word. He has a strict sense of personal Honor and Nobility and approaches problems head-on rather than seeking out novel solutions.

If you look at the lore for the country of Andoran (listed as NG and dedicated to those principles), their Head of State is specifically Lawful Good and dedicated to preserving their democracy and even expanding their freedom and equality to other peoples (hence their country's tense relationships with many of their monarchist neighbors).

In the traditional Pathfinder setting, yes, the ideals Equality and Common Rule seem pretty Chaotic to a medieval monarchy, but Law/Chaos is also about how you approach life and try to achieve your goals. Take, for example, a country (like the USA) with a written Constitution defining the rights of its citizens. Even if those rights allow people to act Chaotically, I think someone who is specifically dedicated to upholding that Code of Laws could still be pretty Lawful. As in "I may disagree with your Chaotic view, but I swear on my honor I shall defend your right to hold it!"