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View Full Version : How would orcs behave towards these two? Pls assist...

Solace of Tides
2014-09-13, 03:15 AM
A Lawful Neutral Human Artificer possessed by a silver dragon spirit

& how would they act toward

A Chaotic Evil Drow Assassin?

I'm trying to brain storm to see how they would treat individuals of these races/alignments. Any input, scenarios, or general brainstorming ideas would be greatly appreciated. I need some samples of what they would say, their motives, etc. These guys are going to encounter the orcs in a swamp/bog/marsh area within the abyss with a black dragon who has a weak spot for orc ale. Any input would be helpful thanks.

2014-09-13, 03:38 AM
I think it depends a lot on the kind of orcs you envision. Are we talking a collection of proud nomadic warriors who will not be tamed by the weakness of civilization or sedentary agriculture, misshapen brutes defined by their scorn an enmity for everything around them, creatures who personify the brutality of nature as elves personify its serenity, big green idiots with huge axes, or &c.

2014-09-13, 03:39 AM
Orcs and Drow tend to fight underground to rob/enslave one another, and there isn't much in the way of 'Chaotic Evil solidarity'. A lone Drow represents a useful captive to me. Of course, this depends on what relations the local Orc tribe has with any local Drow communities - maybe they're bitter enemies, maybe the Orcs are under the fuedal suzerainty of the more powerful Drow society. Maybe they've never seen these strange, grey elves and see her/him as purely an exotic slave.

Any Orc that lives literally in the Abyss probably has a(n entirely justified) kill-on-sight policy for anything without green skin and tusks. If they serve the (more intelligent) Dragon they might deliver the Drow to it and await it's judgement.

A Human Artificer has few other possibilities besides being lunch, or enslaved to make items for the tribe. Being possessed by a Silver Dragon surely means there can't be co-operation between the two.

Sir Garanok
2014-09-13, 07:08 AM
Well the orcs would probably be in kill on sight mode but that doesn't include too much rp.

They could be cautious towards the dark elf.

Considering they are outnumbering their opponents,they are on their territoty and they have a black dragon backing them up
they might get overconfident and try to play with their prey.

Insulting and bragging would be involved,presented themselves as lords of the swap and other big names,
intimidating,asking they to beg for survival.

Until they realize they are not dealing with pushovers....

2014-09-13, 08:08 AM
In my opinion, they can behave however you want them to. The only characteristic you have mentioned of the orcs is their race and where they live, which means that unless all orcs act the same in your campaign, their behavior depends on other characteristics. They could even react differently from eachother. So what would make a cool story? Go with that.

Edit: I say it would also matter greatly how the two players (I assume) behave towards the orcs. If the players go "green skin and fangs, we can kill them," the orcs will most likely not throw a celebration party for them.

2014-09-13, 02:47 PM
We're talking standard D&D orcs, right? Penalties to all mental scores, usually Chaotic Evil, emphasis on unfair fights and brutal melees? They would concentrate their forces until they got just below overwhelming strength (lacking good Wisdom scores, there are limits to their patience for competent tactics) and then attack.

2014-09-13, 02:54 PM
How are the orcs metagaming to know all this stuff? How can know what an artificer is, that that guy is one, that he is possessed, and what his alignment is? How do they know anything about the Drow other than that he is a drow?

2014-09-13, 03:36 PM
In the case of the Artificer they would probably just think its an odd looking human mage, in the case of the Drow its a lightly armored lithe warrior, hell I'D assume Assassin until proven otherwise.

As to how they'd act, they got Da Boss (the dragon) they have home field advantage, and they outnumber the party. Having home field advantage in a swamp is nuts they probably have a few orcs hiding in the water and maybe a few in the trees, so the ones talking to the party are fairly confident that they'll be fine, so pretty cocky.