View Full Version : Need some ideas for demon encounters pls & ty.

Solace of Tides
2014-09-13, 03:20 AM
I have a level 12 Chaotic Evil Drow Assassin journeying with a Lawful Neutral Human Artificer in the abyss. They are going to stumble upon an Iron City filled with demons (& any other creatures pls suggest). Within the city there is a Bronze Citadel where sacrifices are being made by undead evil clerics.

I'm having difficulty deciding which demons would fight then & what their purpose would be. & would they try to enslave or recruit the drow? how would they act towards him?

Additionally, I would like any other ideas you have for creatures, plot, script, items, poisons, or plants, etc. they would possibly stumble upon. Hit a writers block wall here. They both have decent armor fyi. Thanks for all your help.

2014-09-13, 03:32 AM
it really comes down too what layer this is on/whos in charge. undead clerics and sacrifices sounds like orcus to me, so maybe open up the fiendish codex 1 and give him and his domain a read up?

2014-09-13, 03:50 AM
Are we going for a horrific vibe?

There are loads of cool concepts in the various Fiendish Codices, or you could look for depictions of fiendish realms in other mediums for inspiration - Heironymous Bosch painted some wacky stuff, or borrow some creatures from authors like China Mieville to dial up the horror.

There are a good mix of demons that seem purely feral, perhaps have those prowling the outskirts of the city as a combat encounter, whilst the centre has more the deceiving, corrupting kind of demons who could supply plot hooks - the demon He-Who-Feasts-On-Children's-Eyes wants you to recover a particular soul from the wilderness or Dat-Shagtaloth The Fear would like to you help him assassinate the ruling priest class of the Bronze Citadel at their annual feast so he can seize dominion of the city for himself and his army of mad one-eyed Tanaruk beserkers.

2014-09-13, 03:08 PM
I'm currently preparing a Tuckers Kobolds scenario using Dretch. Lots of them. That'll be fun. Also Blink dogs are sort of annoying in a not so very obvious way, so I recommend those.

I am also making a 'black tentacles' plant, i.e. converting the spell to be a plant, like an assassin vine, and that would very much fit a dungeon.

On the motivation/purpose of the demons? They're demons. Evil is what they do, because EVIL!! The slightly more subtle motive is wanting to be the BBEG of demons and not getting killed striving toward that. So what to do with a drow? Depends on what the demons finding him think either killing him or keeping him will do for their demon career in EVIL.inc.

If keeping the drow, working with him etc. will make them popular with the clerics, they'll probably take him there. If the clerics can see some good reason not to kill their prisoners, they wont.
Motives not to kill them; political alliances, exchange of hostages, using the drow assassin's skills for some side quest, needing a scapegoat for some evil act soon to be committed, preferably all of the above in some weird combo.

Hope you'll get out of the writers block. SO annoying!

2014-09-13, 04:09 PM
I'm having difficulty deciding which demons would fight then & what their purpose would be. & would they try to enslave or recruit or eat or murderthe drow? how would they act towards him?

Fixed that one for you.

it really comes down too what layer this is on/whos in charge

This very much. Give us that info and we can get started on some fun.