View Full Version : Weird themed-weapon...(just for kicks, not a serious concept)

2014-09-13, 09:53 AM
After reading through entries on another thread, Mr. Moron said:

" Like it's "Let's tie the goblin to the end of a pole and use that as weapon. He'll be wielding two OTHER poles, ALSO WITH GOBLINS TIED TO THEM. "

To which I replied: "WHAT?!? Oh screw dual wielding crossbows! I want to dual-wield Dual-Wielding Goblin-Stickers! lol "

After thinking it over and suffering a night of poor sleep due sleep apnia, I came up with the following fan-made weapon:

Dual-Wielding Goblin-Wacker
Cost: (special)
Damage: 1d4 blugeoning
Weight: (needs research - however much 3 goblins weigh)
Properties: Reach, One-Handed, Special

Special Weapons:

Dual-Wielding Goblin-Wacker: This counts as a light weapon despite it's actual weight. If you roll an odd number on the d20 when attacking with this weapon, you only do half damage as the two goblins at the end of the weapon are too busy squabbling with each other to work together effectively to inflict full damage. Note: In most lands, use of this weapon has been deemed illegal, and in Goblin-controlled lands, use of this weapon is punishable by death.

Weapon Description: This weapon was rumored to have been created by a particularly drunk Giant late one evening when he ran afoul of a rather unruly group of goblins. It consists of a sturdy pole containing a live goblin tied securely to one end. To each of the goblin's hands is tied another sturdy pole with yet another goblin tied at the end with it's hands left free for striking purposes. While the weapon is of questionable effectiveness, there are some rather disturbed individuals who have reported deriving great satisfaction from using it in battle. Most of these individuals are of questionable mental sturdiness.

TC's Note: This thread is in no way meant to insult anyone, it is merely my own twisted sense of humor at work. I just get these weird ideas sometimes. :D

2014-09-14, 01:14 PM
There's also the ever classic Sword Chucks (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2001/08/15/episode-068-it-sounds-like-a-good-idea-to-me/).

Sword-Chucks 35gp 1d8 slashing 8 lbs Heavy, Reach, Versatile (1d10), Badass*
Gnome Cannon 200gp 4d6 bludgeoning 40 lbs Ranged, Ammunition, ***One Shot
Mr. Moron's Katana (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=18100369#post18100369)

*Badass: This weapon property means you win the rule of cool. Expect to insta-slay any creature you come across if you bring this to bear. However, if the situation is not life or death, the Badass property may become the **Ridiculous property.

**Ridiculous: This weapon property means you fail utterly at all things while wielding this weapon. Expect to have an equivalent Dexterity score of 1, and for friendly fire to be an issue. If the situation is life or death, the Ridiculous property may become the *Badass property.

***One Shot: You can only fire this weapon once, and then it is useless. Probably because the gnome inside died when he was fired from a canon into an enemy. You should be ashamed.

2014-09-15, 09:17 AM
There's also the ever classic Sword Chucks (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2001/08/15/episode-068-it-sounds-like-a-good-idea-to-me/).

Sword-Chucks 35gp 1d8 slashing 8 lbs Heavy, Reach, Versatile (1d10), Badass*
Gnome Cannon 200gp 4d6 bludgeoning 40 lbs Ranged, Ammunition, ***One Shot
Mr. Moron's Katana (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=18100369#post18100369)

*Badass: This weapon property means you win the rule of cool. Expect to insta-slay any creature you come across if you bring this to bear. However, if the situation is not life or death, the Badass property may become the **Ridiculous property.

**Ridiculous: This weapon property means you fail utterly at all things while wielding this weapon. Expect to have an equivalent Dexterity score of 1, and for friendly fire to be an issue. If the situation is life or death, the Ridiculous property may become the *Badass property.

***One Shot: You can only fire this weapon once, and then it is useless. Probably because the gnome inside died when he was fired from a canon into an enemy. You should be ashamed.

Cool! I could see myself weilding Sword-Chucks. :D

2014-09-15, 10:20 AM
Why not Rat Flail (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=110)?
https://pfimg.playfire.com/_proxy/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vgcats.com%2Ffan%2Fguestart% 2Fepicratflail.jpg&hmac=5297244f3b2a4ee155d9a987697e4027

Artefact-level version: Rat Morning Star (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=223).

2014-09-19, 06:23 PM
Why not Rat Flail (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=110)?
https://pfimg.playfire.com/_proxy/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vgcats.com%2Ffan%2Fguestart% 2Fepicratflail.jpg&hmac=5297244f3b2a4ee155d9a987697e4027

Artefact-level version: Rat Morning Star (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=223).

LOL! Too funny!

2014-09-20, 12:50 PM
There's always the Sword of 1000 Truths. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sword_Of_1000_Truths)