View Full Version : Problems with the batman wizard

2014-09-13, 03:59 PM
So i have seen links and read up on the batman wizard and it annoys me, thematically most of all.

So batman was a member of the justice league and in an organization of people that could fly, punch through walls, shoot lasers and breath underwater batman.. Dident. He was literally badass BECAUSE he was a mundane fighter who held his own against wizards, warlocks, barbarians, druids ect. His specialty was his intelligence and his ability to make the most use out of normal everyday things or have an alchemical or mundane item that would make it so it would not matter. He would be the type to have a spare pair of cold iron gauntlets in case he had to fight fey not have a spellbook that he would prepare every mourning.

So i think batman was more of a factotum/rogue/swordsage mix. Thoughts?

Sir Chuckles
2014-09-13, 04:04 PM
The batman Wizard refers to a Wizard who has all the tools and answers (Bat-Shark Repellent!), not a Wizard who is built to be the actual Batman.

2014-09-13, 04:08 PM
The point of the analogy of the Batman Wizard is that Batman always has a plan for everything. He had contingencies for killing each of the major superheroes in DC in case something mind controlled one of them, including himself. He always has something or can make something that miraculously fits the needs of the situation at hand and has the ability to create devices that could break the universe(dimension hopping portals mmm).

Technically yes, a Factotum is a more accurate portrayal of Batman with the Create Device feat for everything imaginable. But the analogy still stands as accurate for the Batman Wizard.

2014-09-13, 04:12 PM
The idea behind the batman wizard isn't that he is actually a build OF batman. Its that he has a spell for every scenario and manipulates every encounter to his advantage, similar to what batman would do. An intelligently played "batman" wizard prepares for everything he has to face that day and has his utility belt spellbook packed full of everything he needs to invalidate any advantage his enemies have.

Edit-Ninja'd batman'd

2014-09-13, 04:25 PM
…I wonder what OP would make of a God wizard.

"Wizards don't even have divine ranks!"

2014-09-13, 04:29 PM
…I wonder what OP would make of a God wizard.

I would think he'd be fine with it. I mean, assuming you're trying to play a god in game, and lack access to divine ranks, then there aren't many classes better suited than a wizard. It's not necessarily perfectly suited, but it's close enough. It's possible that a sorcerer or cleric would work better though, the former because it doesn't have to learn its tricks, and the latter because of the whole divine feel. Wizards make about as much sense though, because they're capable of doing the most things of just about anyone.

2014-09-13, 05:03 PM
It really does emulate Batman but it's THIS Batman.


2014-09-13, 05:07 PM
Yes, it's his utility belt though. Batman's utility belt always contains the tools necessary to solve his current dilemma. In the same way: the Batman Wizard's spell selection contains tools to solve any problem which may be encountered whilst adventuring — His spell book is his utility belt.