View Full Version : Dracolexi Wizard [3.5]

2014-09-13, 05:16 PM
One of the requirements for Dracolexi is "Must be able to spontaneously cast 2nd-level Arcane spells." Taking three levels of Sorcerer just for the prereq rubs me the wrong way for this character's concept, and I may as well scrap it and make a wholly different concept if I change it too much. Just taking Spontaneous Divination is RAW, but it beats the RAI to the Abyss and back. Does anyone have recommendations on how to get Wizard to count for 2nd-level Arcane spontaneous casting (even if it basically wastes a feat for a single 2nd-level spell) or PrC recommendations that use Power Words in a similar way without the Spontaneous Caster prerequisite?

I could possibly intersperse the levels of Sorcerer with the levels of Wizard, and put it down as her natural sorcerous dragon heritage developing as her learned Wizardry and adventuring skills develop. Any suggestions on efficient levels to take said Sorcerer levels, to control the amount of damage it does to my Wizard build?

(P.S.: I have nothing against Sorcerers, or Bards. Heck, I've played multiple Bards. It's just not a right fit for this character.)

2014-09-13, 05:37 PM
There are alternate class features (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm) for Abjurers and Conjurers that let them spontaneously cast dispel magic and summon monster, respectively.

Improved Sigil (Krau) would allow you to qualify with just one level of Sorcerer (or I'd actually recommend Beguiler, for the extra skill points) if you play an Illumian. Illumians' flavor is closely tied to language, so it is a good fit conceptually. Versatile Spellcaster + Heighten Spell would enable a similar trick as a non-Illumian.

2014-09-13, 06:09 PM
Thanks! I apparently forgot to mention that this character is meant to be a Dragonborn of Bahamut (blah blah Half-dragon, blah blah suckered into choosing to transition by her Dragon father. Can you tell that I recently picked up Races of the Dragon?), so making her an Illumian isn't an option. If this character doesn't work out, I might eventually try an Illumian for the purpose of eventually taking Dracolexi.

The Spontaneous Dispell Magic and Spontaneous Summon Monster would work well with two potential flavours of her backstory. Beguiler seems like it would have a little redundancy with the Mind path of the Dragonborn, but it would also recieve much-needed support. I hadn't even thought of using specialist Sorcerers, so whatever I end up doing, that'll be good to keep in mind for supplementing my Wizard character with sorcerous levels instead of merely tacking them on.

Improved Sigil will probably be the easiest (albeit not most powerful or adaptable) way to go about this, depending on which of the two potential DMs runs my upcoming group and how cheese-intolerant each of them are. I never liked the Versatile Spellcaster+Heighten Spell trick, but if I add everything up and it turns out I have a spare feat I might use it.

Thank you ^_^

2014-09-13, 06:30 PM
If you don't mind only a one level dip, their's a ton of ways to turn a 1st level spell into a second.Versatile Spellcaster, Eldritch Corruption, Earth Spell (requires Heighten Spell, use on a cantrip), Sanctum Spell. That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more. Some finangling of Residual Magic might work (cast Heightened cantrip, cast second heightened cantrip, use Residual Magic to apply another heighten to it for free).

2014-09-13, 06:37 PM
If it's the dragon flavor you're interested in more than the language stuff, you could also try Wyrm Wizard, which is a draconic prestige class for prepared casters.

2014-09-14, 02:47 AM
Troacctid: It's specifically the language. My interest in Words of Power PrCs actually came before the interest in the D. of B. race (and it's an amusing/irritating coincidence that it would make my character a "Dragonborn" with a Thu'um-esque power). Wyrm Wizard is interesting, but it doesn't fit any of the potential versions of the character profile, and it doesn't really appeal to me at the moment anyway.

Necroticplague: Yeah, plenty of ways. Not JUST Spontaneous Divination (that's just a feat with which I happen to be distantly familiar). Versatile Spellcaster is nice, but it's nice for its own sake, and requires Spontaneous Casting in the first place (meaning I'd already need to use one of the other methods)- but could be worth taking anyway. Since Words of Power are apparently all Enchantment, unless I'm missing something that was added by one of the RotD Power Words, there is (for reasons I hope are obvious) no simple feat to just spontaneously cast a Power Word by sacrificing a spell slot of equal or higher value... and if there was, I could just take that feat and spend the Dracolexi levels on more levels of Wizard or another flavour-appropriate Prestige Class. Thanks anyway, though, especially since your comment resulted in some interesting and inspiring research.