View Full Version : Power of Fluff:Google Sorcerer

2014-09-13, 07:49 PM
Google Sorcerer


Powers come from the digital web, where his technology, is not fully known or researched, instead are garnered through search manipulations, and inefficient efforts that to often comes from features that are still in beta. While the Google Sorcerer is powerful , it lacks the depth and finesse of the Interweb Wizard, providing a tactical bomb when sometimes what you needed was a pair of scissors .

Saved Searches(Known Spells): The Google Sorcerer, often will take the time out of the day to look through and learn specific methods and data when required. While the technology is inflexible, currently the sorcerer uses the save searched function to recast spells as needed, without needed to constantly remember them, as the inter web wizard.

I'm Feeling Lucky(Wild Magic): Sometimes in a rush, the Google sorcerer, will not take the time to search through items properly, and instead will trust his still in beta technology to search and cast the spell instantly. This often will come with results he was not expecting, provoking digital reactions onto the mortal world creating unusual finds.

Power User(MetaMagic): You have learned ways to maximize previously established searches, to provide specific results that you desire. You are a cut above the average device user, providing the use of wildcards and allintext functions, you have learned to use Google to a higher ability, providing your devices to do things, no others can do.

Quicken Searches(tides of chaos): You allow the chaotic flow of the search engine to become one with you, once a day. With your vast knowledge in a brief time you gain advantage against others for one turn.

2014-09-15, 12:40 AM
meh I regret this one, think it is easy to tell, I was struggling to come through on this theme.