View Full Version : Ring of Entropic Deflection ... Cheapest Combo Item?

Quiet Wizard
2014-09-14, 07:17 PM
Hey Everyone,

I'm interested in getting a Ring of Entropic Deflection (MIC p. 123) for my wizard. He flies around a lot, so the 20% miss chance will be much appreciated. In order to obtain that juicy, optional 50% miss chance of the item, I need to combo the Ring with another worn magic item that provides a bonus to my speed.

I could use help in finding a super-cheap-cheapo magic item (preferably way under 2,000 gp) that gives me a bonus to my speed.

Any suggestions?


P.S. All official WotC 3.5 sources are welcome. No Pathfinder, please.

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-14, 08:09 PM
Panther Mask (MIC 201) occupies the face slot and gives a +5 foot enhancement bonus to land speed (and the Run feet). Costs 2700 gp, and is thus your best option price-wise from MIC or DMG.

2014-09-14, 09:25 PM
Boots of Unending Journey (MiC 79, 4000) give a continuous +10 (enhancement) to all speeds, including flying, if you have a 'neutral' in your alignment somewhere.

If you also wear a magic item that provides a bonus to your speed, the miss chance provided by the ring increases to 50%.Since it doesn't say that the item actually needs to be active for the 50%, technically you could get something with daily charges and/or something that doesn't apply to your current movement mode, like acrobatic boots (MIC 67, 900) or even a scroll of expeditious retreat (SRD, 25g) dangling from a necklace, and call it a day...

Fax Celestis
2014-09-14, 10:09 PM
Are custom items on the table?

Quiet Wizard
2014-09-14, 10:12 PM
These are great ideas, folks! Thank you all very much!

@Fax C. - I wish I could have a custom item. That would be ideal. I don't have any crafting feats and commissioning a custom-built item is not viable in our current campaign situation.

Fax Celestis
2014-09-14, 10:51 PM
Does it have to be an item, or can you cast expeditious retreat on yourself?

Edit: actually, on that, panic buttons in CompScn can give you a short burst of speed for 250gp a pop.

2014-09-14, 10:55 PM
Here's the relevant text from Ring of Entropic Deflection (good find, btw, hadn't heard of that item):

If you also wear a magic item that provides a bonus to your speed, the miss chance provided by the ring increases to 50%.I could see an argument that the item actually has to be providing a bonus to your speed for the 50% clause to function.

2014-09-15, 01:03 AM
As far as I can tell, all you need to do is a) have an item that increases speed, and b) wear it. It doesn't say use. So scrolls are out, but activated items should be fine.

2014-09-15, 07:53 AM
Does it have to be an item, or can you cast expeditious retreat on yourself?

Edit: actually, on that, panic buttons in CompScn can give you a short burst of speed for 250gp a pop.

Crystal of Alacrity (MIC p. 195) gives you a continuous +5' morale bonus to speed. Needs to be attached to light armor, though... I don't recall if augment crystals work with Bracers of Armor.

Boots of the Unending Journey (MIC p. 79) only cost 4000 GP for a +10' enhancement bonus to speed.

Hmm. Would Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker (MIC p. 86) work? 500 GP, swift action to move up to half your speed.

2014-09-15, 09:21 AM
A scroll or panic button or whatever doesn't "provide a bonus to your speed", it simply can do so, but it isn't yet. And in those two cases, once it does so, it ceases to be a magic item.

Quiet Wizard
2014-09-15, 01:12 PM
So far, and without any legality debates/arguments, I think Panther Mask is the ideal bang-for-the-buck combo partner for RoED in regards to activating the 50% concealment benefit.


MIC Quote = "If you also wear a magic item that provides a bonus to your speed, the miss chance provided by the ring increases to 50%."

@Chronos - As a DM, I would say your assessment is a reasonable adjudication regarding RAI. For RAW, though, the above quote is technically met by wearing an unactived Panic Button. As for "wearing" a scroll of Expeditious Retreat (which is a magic item) via some goofy sartorial creativeness, I actually can't find anything in the MIC's Body Slot section or the SRD's Body Slot Affinities section that would disallow it. As cheesy as that may seem. I understand your issue about "can provide". But the issue is not about "can provide", it's about "provides" ... which I think fully encompasses all states of current provision ... both the potential to provide and the current state of provision.

@Darrin - I believe the Crystal of Alacrity can be attached to BoA. I recall Captnq's (who posts on GitP and MinMax) most excellent document on Armor Enhancements has a lengthy treatise on this (in his Encyclopedia Vinculum Draconis series). Also, the Chronocharm I liked at as well. RAW-wise, the Chronocharm's unique ability is dependent on how someone parses the definition of "bonus to your speed". It's unclear if the devs wanted a numeric bonus of movement speed for the RoED or any type of bonus to speed (such as an additional move action).

2014-09-15, 05:39 PM
An unactivated panic button doesn't provide a boost to your speed. An activated panic button does, but once it's activated, you're no longer wearing a magic item.

Extra Anchovies
2014-09-15, 06:38 PM
I think the issue with panic buttons, other one-shots, and uses/day items is that the quote reads:

"If you also wear a magic item that provides a bonus to your speed, the miss chance provided by the ring increases to 50%."

"Provides". Present tense. If it isn't currently boosting your speed, it doesn't count. However, if you were to activate a uses/day item that boosts speed while active, you'd also get the extra miss chance while the speed increase was active.

Panic buttons are also not worn. The quote requires that you be wearing one, and in the context of magic item effects, "worn" or "wearing" almost always implies that the item has to be taking up a body slot.

2014-09-15, 08:26 PM
The cheapest for what they give you are horseshoes of speed, from the DMG. 3,000 gp for a +30' enhancement bonus to speed. The MIC allows for item abilities to be transferred to other items, so just add the HoS (heh) abilities to your boots or anklets of translocation. They require a racial UMD check 1/hour to count as a horse, however, so I hope your skill bonuses are up to snuff.

Add horseshoes of the zephyr to gain the elocater ability to hover above the surface of the ground/water/lava/whatever, which is also really cheap, and a single UMD check will work for both of them.

[edit] The rapid wrath weapon enhancement (Ghostwalk) doubles your speed for 3,400 gp. It stacks with the above.