View Full Version : Roleplaying Backstory help

2014-09-15, 07:52 PM
Ok ive made a Gold Dwarf Knight for an upcoming campaign and while ive got the bulk of his backstory done it could always use a bit of work.

The story starts with Barundar's Grandfather, Urbak Earthhewer. Urbak was the one of the king's guard, specifically he was the Captain of the Crown Guard, the guards charged with protecting the Crown of Sorrow when it wasnt being worn. This all changed during the Night of Stolen Sorrow.

Urbak's home was attacked that night by a coalition of a Mind Flayer Cabal, a Hag Coven and the forces of an Eye Tyrant. Urbak fought valiantly but was overcome by the Mind Flayers and the crown was taken, but because of his valiant efforts the King was able to escape being killed. After taking the Crown the coalition was forced back and Urbak was found by a priest, still clinging to life. He was healed and brought before the king, who commended him for his bravery. Urbak didnt believe he was brave, he had failed in his one duty and so he entered voluntary exile. He took his wife and children and moved to a small farming community at the edge of dwarven territory. There he was elected reeve by the halfling and dwarven farmers.

Barundar's father, Krundar, still lives as a farmer and medicine man. He was taught some basic healing magic from a local druid and took to it quite well. He usues his knowledge of alchemy and his knowledge of spellcraft to help cure people of minor ailments around town but makes most of his money farming, but he is famous for his Mules. Several years before the birth of his first child, Krundar, with the help of his druid teacher found a way, by mixing alchemy and druidic magic to undo a Mule's natural sterility he was able to begin raising pureblood mules.

Enter Barundar Earthhewer, youngest son of Krundar. Barundar was never one for farming, he simply didnt have the temperament, but he did have a way with animals, especially Mules. So he spent the majority of his younger years tending his fathers Mules and being trained in the ways of fighting by his grandfather. His grandfather was a tough mentor but he taught Barundar everything he knew about fighting. The two were very close as Barundar had more in common with his grandfather than his father. When he became a man he joined the town guard and served under his grandfather for several more years, completing his training and learning the ways of honor.

On his grandfather's 250th birthday, Urbak told his grandson the story of how he came to be in the town. Barundar listened to his grandfather's tale and felt great sorrow, for his grandfather had done everything he could have done, yet he felt like a failure. Barundar swore then and there that he would restore his grandfather's honor, by recovering the Crown of Sorrow. So the next day he told his parents what he had to do, while his father didnt really understand his son's reasons he gave him his blessing and two Mules, Josephine and Betty. He then went to his grandfather and told him what he was going to do, his grandfather gave him his armor, axe and shield and his blessing. Barundar then took his life savings, bought supplies and set off towards the nearest largest city to begin his quest.

So there it is, thoughts?

2014-09-15, 07:56 PM
He needs more connections to his grandfather, I'd think. Maybe go deeper into that relationship?

Also, drop everything and go adventuring seems a bit strange. Maybe something to explain that?

Otherwise, it's good, and better thought out than most of the people I play with's characters (then again, I once made a Bard/Barbarian who played Amon Amarth)

2014-09-15, 08:19 PM
He needs more connections to his grandfather, I'd think. Maybe go deeper into that relationship?

Also, drop everything and go adventuring seems a bit strange. Maybe something to explain that?

Otherwise, it's good, and better thought out than most of the people I play with's characters (then again, I once made a Bard/Barbarian who played Amon Amarth)

I like it, you've put way more time and effort into than my group usually does. Things you should consider:

1. For the grandfather to suffer such great remorse the Crown of Sorrow should probably have great historical significance, possibly even be an Artifact - you can probably recommend that to your DM and then let him take over. This would also help explain why the attack targeted the crown or was willing to withdraw when they got their hands on it.

2. I agree that there needs to be a greater personal connection to grandpa.

3. An adventurers life isn't really conducive to someone so singularly focused on retrieving the crown and restoring grandpa's honor. There are some fun rp ways to get around that though - he could insist that he's recruiting the other members of the party for this big quest, and constantly refer to each encounter as a test to see if they're worthy. Eventually the DM could fold the quest for the crown into the campaign at a level that is appropriate...

2014-09-15, 08:28 PM
Well i got the Crown from Races of Stone, its in the Legends section of the Dwarf chapter. I think it may make the wearer immune to mind-affecting effects.

As to 3, thankfully we're playing a sandbox game so that does make the whole questing thing a bit easier. Also i kinda envisioned him acting like a Templar questing for the Holy Grail. Its his end goal but he knows hes gonna have to do things other than that. He does have bills to bay, adventuring isnt cheap.

And ya, i gotta add some more stuff about gramps, i mean him being his mentor gives some wonderful material to work with.