View Full Version : Half-Gods [3.5]

Bad Wolf
2014-09-15, 11:37 PM
So I was reading through my copy of the Epic Level Handbook, when I came across the organization known as the Godkissed. For those of you who don't have a copy, the Godkissed is an organization in Union (sort of like a mini Sigil) composed of those who have divine ancestry, or the means to fake it. They're mostly a social gathering of the 'elite', then an actual organization with clear objectives and goals, so they're not viewed as a threat. I fell in love with the idea as soon as I head about it, so that's why I'm here.

Is there any half-god template out there that can be applied to Fey? Thanks in advance.

Divide by Zero
2014-09-15, 11:47 PM
I don't know about half-god, but the god-blooded templates in MMV would be a good start.

Bad Wolf
2014-09-16, 12:13 AM
I don't know about half-god, but the god-blooded templates in MMV would be a good start.

Hmm, I could make one for Evening Glory, re-fluff it to be a descendant of her...Thanks for the suggestion.

2014-09-16, 12:25 AM
There's some 3rd party Pathfinder classes/PrCs called the Godling(s) that do...well enough at this.

Bad Wolf
2014-09-16, 12:29 AM
Not really what I'm looking for, as I use 3.5 rules and already have a class, but thanks.

Silva Stormrage
2014-09-16, 12:48 AM
Here is a homebrew bloodline for half gods.


Uncle Pine
2014-09-16, 01:04 AM
Deites and Demigods has rules to create half-gods: specifically, any creature that has a mortal and a deity as parents has at least a divine rank of 0.

Bad Wolf
2014-09-16, 02:47 AM
Deites and Demigods has rules to create half-gods: specifically, any creature that has a mortal and a deity as parents has at least a divine rank of 0.

I know, but I'd prefer something that's not that overpowered, strange as that might sound.

Uncle Pine
2014-09-16, 05:00 AM
I know, but I'd prefer something that's not that overpowered, strange as that might sound.

Hmm... let's break down the benefit of a divine rank 0 (using a human as a base for simplicity):
- Maximum hit points for each HD
- Double speed (60 ft.)
- Cha as a deflection bonus to AC
- Immunity to polymorph, petrification, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, mind-affecting effects, DR 35/+4 (although I'm not sure how to convert this one to 3.5), fire resistance 20, SR 32, immortality (as in "I do not age/drown/starve but I can be slain")

Unless you plan to give more than 0 divine ranks to you half-gods (things escalate quickly from divine rank 1 onward) or to make the PCs themselves half-gods, these are all defensive boosts. This makes the "divine rank 0" template a +4/+5 CR at best, imo. But you're the DM, so it's your call :smallsmile:

2014-09-16, 06:23 AM
Hmm... let's break down the benefit of a divine rank 0 (using a human as a base for simplicity):
- Maximum hit points for each HD
- Double speed (60 ft.)
- Cha as a deflection bonus to AC
- Immunity to polymorph, petrification, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, mind-affecting effects, DR 35/+4 (although I'm not sure how to convert this one to 3.5), fire resistance 20, SR 32, immortality (as in "I do not age/drown/starve but I can be slain")

Unless you plan to give more than 0 divine ranks to you half-gods (things escalate quickly from divine rank 1 onward) or to make the PCs themselves half-gods, these are all defensive boosts. This makes the "divine rank 0" template a +4/+5 CR at best, imo. But you're the DM, so it's your call :smallsmile:

There was a free online update of Deities & Demigods to 3.5 on the WOTC site. It might still be findable in the archives.

2014-09-16, 07:35 AM
There was a free online update of Deities & Demigods to 3.5 on the WOTC site. It might still be findable in the archives.

Quasi-deities now have DR 10/epic and fire resistance 5. SR is unchanged.

Uncle Pine
2014-09-16, 10:33 AM
There was a free online update of Deities & Demigods to 3.5 on the WOTC site. It might still be findable in the archives.

I tried to find the article in the archives but could only find the Deities and Demigods web enhancement and a couple of articles about specific deities. Does anyone have the article bookmarked or have a link? I'd like to have a look at it for future references.

2014-09-16, 01:41 PM
use the D20srd. They've pretty much incorporated all that stuff.

The Insanity
2014-09-16, 02:21 PM
Refluffed Half-Celestial or Aasimar.

2014-09-16, 03:31 PM
In the Dragon #288 was printed template "Bhaalspawn", (directly from the Baldur's Gate video-game)
If you wish, i can post it there
Make necessary changes, and it will fit any other deity

And, don't forget - deities, like any other creatures, have base type and subtype. So, children of some Good god probably should have half-celestial template; and descendant of some mad deity from the Far Realm will be half-farspawn

Also, you may add some appropriate Bloodline (http://dndtools.eu/feats/categories/bloodline/?page_size=50) or/and Heritage (http://dndtools.eu/feats/categories/heritage/?page_size=50) feat(s) as bonus feat

Bad Wolf
2014-09-16, 04:36 PM
In the Dragon #288 was printed template "Bhaalspawn", (directly from the Baldur's Gate video-game)
If you wish, i can post it there
Make necessary changes, and it will fit any other deity

And, don't forget - deities, like any other creatures, have base type and subtype. So, children of some Good god probably should have half-celestial template; and descendant of some mad deity from the Far Realm will be half-farspawn

Also, you may add some appropriate Bloodline (http://dndtools.eu/feats/categories/bloodline/?page_size=50) or/and Heritage (http://dndtools.eu/feats/categories/heritage/?page_size=50) feat(s) as bonus feat

I checked out the Bhaalspawn template, thanks for the suggestion. It has a +2 level adjustment, with a flaw for every benefit, and it seems like the disadvantages crowd out the advantages.

I think I'll just make a new God-blooded template. Thanks for the help everyone.

2014-09-16, 05:20 PM
I checked out the BhaalspawnWait a minute, +2? :smallconfused:
How is it even possible?

Issue 288 was way way before 3.5 (October 2001), so, naturally, no LA was mentioned.
Was it updated or what?

Also, let's use logic: it was template on 1st level character, in a party of 1st level characters, and Advantages/Penalties listed up to level 20+
It's clearly should be LA +0!

Bad Wolf
2014-09-16, 05:56 PM
Wait a minute, +2? :smallconfused:
How is it even possible?

Issue 288 was way way before 3.5 (October 2001), so, naturally, no LA was mentioned.
Was it updated or what?

Also, let's use logic: it was template on 1st level character, in a party of 1st level characters, and Advantages/Penalties listed up to level 20+
It's clearly should be LA +0!

It says 'Players wishing to play a Bhaalspawn character should note that the Bhaalspawn template has a level equivalency of +2'. I thought that meant it has a +2 level adjustment.

2014-09-16, 05:58 PM
It says 'Players wishing to play a Bhaalspawn character should note that the Bhaalspawn template has a level equivalency of +2'. I thought that meant it has a +2 level adjustment. Indeed! :smallfrown:
Sorry, I'm missed it!

What's the point to give progression up to 20th level? Player wouldn't get there, because Epic Level Handbook was released only nine months later, and monsters doesn't care about disadventages

Bad Wolf
2014-09-16, 06:20 PM
Indeed! :smallfrown:
Sorry, I'm missed it!

What's the point to give progression up to 20th level? Player wouldn't get there, because Epic Level Handbook was released only nine months later, and monsters doesn't care about disadventages

Good point.

2014-09-19, 02:29 PM
Ogre Magi (along with Umbramagi and Cereborgs) are descendants of Vaprak's children, who lead armies of ogres and trolls against civilized people, but were defeated and deprived of divinity as punishment by their father. If you take difference between normal ogre and Ogre Mage...

Seven Sisters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Sisters_%28Forgotten_Realms%29) are children of Mystra. They have "Chosen of Mystra" template. Maybe, similar principle applicable to other deities too?

Also there are two official ways to get Divine Rank: Dragon Ascendant (http://dndtools.eu/classes/dragon-ascendant/) PrC, and Epic Destiny: Demigod (here (http://web.archive.org/web/20090218080723/http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/drfe/20080428)). Maybe, you will get some ideas from them...

EDIT: There is also "Divinity" in the "Unique NPC Abilities" (DMG2)