View Full Version : Player Help Con Artist Wizard

2014-09-17, 12:49 AM
So me and my friends are doing a level 1 campaign hopefully to 20, now obviously this will be a very long undertaking and theres no gurentee our characters will survive.

But anyway, my idea for my first (and hopefully only) character is a con artist wizard.

He goes from backwater town to backwater town scamming the simple peasent folk with Prestigniation/Ghost Sound/Silent Image.

While the folk are mesmerized by his "performances" his raven familiar will pick the pockets

He's an Illusion focused mage.

My question to the playground is.

How would I get bluff as a wizard? I know that Sorceror or Beguiler might be better, but I like the theme my character has.

Another concern would be the raven pick pocket, i suppose I could ask my dm to give him slight of hand or something.

Also what schools should I give up for illusion focus?

Firest Kathon
2014-09-17, 06:38 AM
Since you mentioned Beguiler, you seem to be playing D&D 3.5. If you are playing Pathfinder though, you could pick a matching trait such as Convincing Liar (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/social-traits/convincing-liar) to get Bluff as a class skill. Another interesting trait for you would be Clever Wordplay (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/social-traits/clever-wordplay), replacing Cha with Int for one skill.

2014-09-17, 06:55 AM
Flexible mind feat lets you take two cross class skills and permanently treat them as class skills. It also adds two points to each.

It has two drawbacks, you have to have at least one point in said skills before taking the feat, and for some weird reason it causes you to radiate a chaos aura, much like a cleric. Said aura would be difficult to explain to others if detected.

Regardless, with it, you could take on bluff and sleight of hand. Remember that your familiar gets access to your skills, but uses its own ability modifiers. Give him a few ranks of SoH through your link, and his high Dex modifier should take care of the rest.

I'd negotiate with your DM to get rid of the chaos aura and to let you take it at L1. The former makes little sense, and frankly burning a feat slot to get a few cross class skills is payment enough. Perhaps drop the point bonuses if he's reluctant