View Full Version : Tales of Dark Heresy: Penance and Retribution

2014-09-17, 01:12 AM
Tales of Dark Heresy: Penance and Retribution

Chapter One: Penance and Retribution

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/315/a/f/arbites_and_hive_ganger_warhammer_40k_dark_heresy_ by_jubjubjedi-d4fuyby.jpg

The ride down to the surface is smooth thanks to the skill of the pilot and the Aquila Lander's modifications. There are a lack of windows to see outside, but since the The Penance looked grey while in orbit, you probably aren't missing much. On the ride down, you all contemplate the message the Inquisitorial Triad gave you:

Dear Acoylytes,

A few weeks ago, I had received an urgent message from the Head Arbirator of The Pennace of Alysia: Maria Sanmallo. She said that the matter was too important to discuss over long distances and that we must speak as soon as possible. As I am currently busy, I have decided to send you down there in my stead. Talk to Grand Arbirator Sanmallo to discover what is happening on the Penal Colony and eliminate any threat to the Imperium. Our forges need the metal mined there.

Inside this letter you will find small symbols, these are all the identification you will need.


The Inquisitorial Triad

Thought of the Day: Faith is a shield stronger than any armor.

As the letter goes throughout your minds, you feel the Aquila land. As you step outside, you find yourself on the roof of the Governor's Palace. Even the most powerful person on the planet has a grey and dull building. As you look around you notice five arbitrators apporaching you. The largest comes forth. "Please identify yourselves and state your business here." Though not unkind, there is a slight hostility in the woman's voice.

2014-09-17, 07:13 AM
Though the others were not slow; atleast by normal standards, Valkyrie was first off
the shuttle. Protocol demanded she assess the perimiter and there is only so much even
the young athletic legs can do verses an assassin with some of the most advanced
cybernetic legs known to man.

We are here by urgent request of Head Arbitor Maria Sanmallo; we are expected.

Her voice seems normal; considering her entire throat had been reconstructed there was barely
a sign of it in her voice. Although the optical mechadendrite that then proceeded to snake its way
from out of her coat and scan the horizon may have given the game away that she was not
entirely human.

She then proceeds to ignore the guards questions concentrating on her task of securing the area; assessing
them as potential threats and keeping her real eyes on them at all times.

Comms: ++Activating Auspex, potential hostile risk assessement Incomming, scanning for local
Mechanicus shrine, scanning for further potential threats.++

Tech-Use for:
Auspex to spot anything invisible (check atmosphere is the same composition as in
reports/check for radiation/invisible people/anything wierd.)

[roll0] Int 41 (28/41) 2.3 Successes.

Awareness for:
Guards weapons/any hostilities/signs they are not real arbites.
Checking surroundings (this building/anything significant other buildings.)
Mechanicus Shrine? (Probably checked data logs of its location during landing)

[roll1] Per 33, +10 (Optical Mech), +30 Auspex (Augar Array) (6/73) 5.7 Successes.
[roll2] (Use this Re-roll if first d100 above 50.)

Logic? for:
Checking through any background information on the planet/arbiter/arbites/
penal stuff/other, during transit.

[roll3] Int 41, +Any mods for length of time. (81/41) 3 Failures; unless +40 mod no Success.

Those who had been on a mission with Valkyrie before had already adapted to her strange
way of informing the team of her perceptions; although often highly useful when
seperated or in the midst of combat it was potentially infuriating during diplomatic negotiations.

2014-09-17, 09:46 AM
Lucindia follows Valkyrie off the Aquila and rolls her eyes at the "woman's" blatant lack of decorum. However, she sees that Valkyrie does have security of the landing platform well in hand. She salutes her fellow Arbitrators. "My companion speaks the truth, comrades. I am Lucinida Paerniel of the Adeptus Arbites." She then moves to the side of the landing platform opposite Valkyrie and posts herself there, allowing, as is her wont, someone else to take responsibility of explaining their mission.

Scanning the perimeter for anything hostile or untoward.
Perception is 31, no bonuses.

Lucindia has something in her eye.

Toxic Mind
2014-09-17, 02:08 PM
"Our buisness is the Inquisition's business." It sounded more like Awr. "We are here on the behest of Head Arbitor Sanmallo. Inform her we've arrived, would ya?" it sounded like yaw. Horst has little sense of decorum and even less care for it. He'd been in worse shuttles, the pilot at least knew what he was doing. I mean, they didn't fly into a groxing building, so that was nice. Pistol and sword were holstered, but easy at hand.

The guardsmen had no illusions about his purpose on the team. He was the muscle, the person you went to when someone needed leaning on... Or stabbing. But not fancy stabbing like the Valkyrie woman. The kind of stabbing that left you cleaning off your uniform for a few days. The kind of stabbing that sent a message in blood soaked letters. That was his kind of stabbing. And he looked the part. Feral Worlder to the core, his mass and size made it clear that he could, if he wanted to, pick up the lead Arbitor, and throw him off the platform. You know, if he felt so inclined.

Which happened surprisingly often.

2014-09-18, 01:45 AM
Doc Peyton stepped off the shuttle behind the others. If there would be trouble he would be behind everyone else. They all looked much more capable in a fight than he, but they'd be glad he was behind them, becaue who else could clean up the mess and heal the wounded. While not scared, he simply thought his body and talents were better spent elsewhere. He would leave the fighting up to those who looked more the part, but should push come to shove, he'd be ready to take lethal action.

The Doc stays silent, nothing more to be said. He takes note of where they are and how many guards there are, but he's confident they are welcome here. He remains calm and stands tall, his robes barely moving in the wind, as they barely seemed to fit over the flesh of the tech-priest and flak armour underneath.

2014-09-18, 02:44 AM
As Valkyrie looks around, she notices that the Arbites are all weary and exhausted. The leader has a wound across her left check that looks like a claw mark. It seems made within the past week. The other Arbites look similarly wounded. She takes note that they all look authentic. There seems to be nothing out of the ordinary though the auspex cannot penetrate the thick walls of the Governor's Palace.

Lucinda finds nothing of interest. Though she does find that the sky is, indeed, grey as the rocks and buildings on this planet.

As the leader of this Arbitator group looks at the symbols, she faces Lucindia and states, "Very well, please follow me. Governor and Head Arbitrator Maria Sanmallo will be in here main office at this time." Without saying another word, she and the Arbites turn around and start walking towards the door. As you follow here in and make you way through the winding palace, you notice that there are recent signs of battle. Some are subtle such as scorch marks on the floors or walls. Others are more obvious such as the broken chairs and tables that litter the hallway. As you approach the main office, you notice that the office doors are steel. In addition there are two heavy stubber on each side of the door, with a member of the Mononyxian Reapers (Imperial Guard of the Mononyx Planet) manning each heavy stubber. The two Guardsmen nod a sign of respect towards Horst but otherwise stay silent.

The female Arbitrator turns to Lucinda once more and says "Please wait outside as I inform Governor Sanmallo of your arrival." With that, the five arbitrators walk into the room, the loud clang sounding as the metal doors open and shut.

2014-09-18, 05:53 AM
[Comms are subvocalized and encoded and transmitted in
Tech Lingua to the Doctor; all communications would have
been encrypted pre-mission by whom-ever of the two tech
priests possesses the better skills or perhaps both assisting
each other. Whether any members of the team have chosen
to simply ignore Valk she does not care; she continues anyway.]

Comms: ++Recent wounds; diagnosis?.++
++Assailant presumed to have claws, battle ...query; recent? damage and Imperial Guard presence.++

As they walk inside the palace Valk would try the Auspex again;
she would also use her mechadendrite's microscope in an attempt
to date some of the broken building/furniture in order to find out
whether the comotion was pre-summoning and has added a further
complication to the problem or all this devestation is in fact the
problem they have been called to fix.

Oh and she would attempt to -nudge- her way into Guard/Arbite/
any other communication Vox Network she could detect highest
encryption priorotized first.

Tech Use for Auspex;
[roll0] Int; 41. - One Success! :)

Awareness to date stuff?
Or Logic?
[roll1] Per 33, +10 (Optical Mech), +30 Auspex (Augar Array)
[roll2] If roll below 50 use this. - Using the re-roll; many successes! :D

If Logic; no reroll and Int = 41.

Tech Use, I presume...
[roll3] Int 41. - Only 1 Success; so probably not done anything...
potentially warned the Arbites/guard she is a nosey bugger... xD

2014-09-18, 10:27 AM
Lucindia, recovering from the dazzling grayness of the cityscape, looks at the signs of battle scarring the building and people. She attempts a casual conversation with the guardsmen. "Signs of a fight. What happened?" Yes, her subtlety is astounding.

Toxic Mind
2014-09-18, 12:31 PM
Horst goes and leans on the door next to one of the guardsmen as Lucindia engages the other. "That's a mighty fine cannon ya got there." He says jovially, gesturing to the heavy stubber. "Ya ever wasted something with one before? Nothing like it. That kick like a pissed off grox before you show her who holds the reigns. I left mine behind, but oh these babies are a beauty." Former guardsman himself, Horst was more than familiar with the stubber, and it would certainly not go unnoticed to the other guardsmen the similarity in their armor, even if Horst's was a few sizes larger.

2014-09-18, 01:49 PM
Peyton replies to Valk's comms.

I will need a closer and more thorough examination to determine the cause. Perhaps your optical mechandrites could be of use in collecting samples for me. Upload the images to me and I'll try to determine cause. Maybe once they return they will allow me to question them and ascertain the cause. For now I suggest we wait and not try make ourselves unwelcome. Try to remember we are representatives of The Inquisitorial Triad.

2014-09-18, 02:53 PM
Providing her optical mechadendrite had an ability to capture saved images she would have
done so of the wounds when they became apparently out of place to her; knowing the doctor
or guardsman may be capable of dicerning their origin better than herself, if not she would
acurately describe them as best she could to whom ever asked for them.

In this case; the doctor.

Comms; to Payton .
++ We were asked here to aid them and if whatever problem they have called
us here to solve is truely worthy of Inquisitional involvement; I would be doing
a diservice to the Omnissiah to simply wait. Besides; we are the Inquisition we
expect them to keep things from us, they expect us to investigate into their
darkest secrets, they expect us declare them heretics and shoot them if they
openly try and stop us and thus we will both allow the other to blatantly make
our lives more difficult than they need to be because we do not want to be the
first to declare the other a heretic without solid proof until either one of us snaps
and shoots the other or we fix the problem we came here to solve.
Therefor we might aswell attempt to concentrate on fixing the problem because no
ammount of pandering to them will remove their supersticions about what we might
do to them so long as we remain on their planet...

Atleast; that is my understanding of the situation.++

She moves to lean against a wall; clearly having stopped attempting to persue
the investigation out of respect for Peyton's words and smiles at one of the
guards. The smile is friendly, almost warm.

For those who know she was raised by robot assassin masters and cybernetic
doctors, rigorously trained as a killer with very little social interaction for 93%
of her life, it is a wonder why she is smiling like that.

2014-09-18, 04:16 PM

The Guardsman nods in agreement but remains silent. He then puts his finger towards his micro-bead and frowns


The Guardsman looks at you and says "The Governor will let you know shortly" then turns back towards his post. He suddenly puts his finger towards his micro-bead and frowns.


As you search your surroundings, you note that damages done to the furniture seem to be done within the past week. The scorch marks everywhere seem to be made from a poorly made flamethrower that probably did as much damage to the person who wield it.

While it does take a while, you succeed in reaching vox frequency of the Imperial Guard and it is busy. You cannot decern what is being said as everything is in Guard Code but with the urgency of the voice, you suspect nothing good.

Your auspex checks around. There seems to be nothing in this hallways other than your group and the guardsmen but the doors and walls once again prevent you from seeing anything further. Whoever built this place clearly was prepared for the worst type of siege.


Everyone except Jyssika make an awareness check right now. Jyssika can use her success to sense what comes next.


Toxic Mind
2014-09-18, 05:55 PM
Horst leans against the wall, waiting for something to happen.
[roll0] vs 14

2014-09-19, 01:26 AM
The Doc utilizes his Servo Skull which he has kept behind the group. These long hallways and thick doors in front of us do not sit well with him. As he see's the guards behaviors changing he fears this could be a trap. How do we know they are who they say they are. Why leave us outside the doors when if we didn't check out they could've turned us away on the roof top. No, to make us sit out here alone under armed guard, something didn't sit well. We were summoned here to assist them and so far it looks like we are unwelcome, which shouldn't be the case considering what it looks like they just suffered. Or perhaps they were the ones who did this.

He begins to strain his senses and pushes his Servo-Skull's abilities to detect anything out of the ordinary now that he as suspicions and looks with a closer eye.

[roll0] vs 52 (32 Perc, +20 Auspex)

2014-09-19, 01:27 AM
Try this again. [roll0]

Doc Peyton, while unable to detect much here, he directs his servo-skull back towards the direction they came from and repeats the scan. Just because things right here might be ok, doesn't mean we couldn't have more unwelcome company.

2014-09-19, 09:46 AM
Awareness: [roll0] vs 31

... with zero degrees of success. :smallredface:

2014-09-20, 08:17 AM
Kell had followed the others silently until now at the back of the group, her heavy cloak occluding her identity, likely the guards hadnt thought anything particularly noteworthy about a hooded figure in a band of inquisitorial agents. Maybe the less astute had even assumed she was someone important like a senior agent. Now that they were inside and waiting however, she pulled her hood down and shrugged the nondescript cloak back to free her shoulders, revealing the robes of a cleric of the Ministorum. Though every cult had its own styling, and indeed, her plain sleeveless robe was probably a slightly odd one, but the white with red trim colour scheme, and the skull-I symbol of the Ministorum picked out on her chest in golden thread were unmistakable. Below it on her stomach was the symbol of her own order etched in far more modest threading, a Vitruvian Man depicting the God Emperor surrounded by a halo.

Though it was perhaps understandable if ones attention was stolen by her features. Kell posessed the rare and stark combination of a dusky tanned skintone of someone from a hot climate, but with a head full of bright blonde hair the colour of rich wheat that reached almost all the way to her waist. Her face was attractive and proud with bright green eyes that positively burned with faith; very much a imperial ideal for she bore not a trace of malnutrition, mutation, or substance abuse. Her form was similarly gifted, seemingly copied from the Saints, she bore curves in all the right places, but more than that she was extremely fit, her body hardened by a life of perpetual training, muscles like steel cables rippling subtly beneath the dusky skin of her exposed arms.

Which leads the eye to her hands. From the elbow down her arms are covered in white tattoos, bands of holy scripture etched into her skin with minute detail, interconnected with holy symbols and icons of zeal and purgation. Her hands, especially her knuckles, are heavily scarred and slightly enlarged from years of severe use. One does not have to ponder long on her preferred mode of combat. Though a handflamer sits at her hip, it possess the unmistakably resigned air of a unloved puppy.

Kell looked around the room, and just grinned in a knowing manner.

2014-09-20, 08:20 AM
Botched a paste, and then did it again. >.< Attempt 3. Sorry, trying to do this in a hurry :smalleek:

Test; [roll0] vs 30

2014-09-20, 08:29 PM

G: NPC Guardsmen
A: General Area of the PC's

As the Guardsmen listen on their microbeads, Valkyire and Kell hear a low hissing sound, faint but not so far away. Mere seconds later, the great wooden doors on the other side of the Governess's doors blast apart, their debris coming halfway across the hall. The rest of the door, losing all support, falls to the ground with a heavy thud. And out of the smoke pops perhaps one of the Inquisition's most hated enemies.

Many people say that the greatest threat to the Imperium are that dark creatures that live within the Warp while others say that Xenos carries the true treat of annihilation. Yet for some, the greatest threat comes from within. From the enemies that choose to leave the Emperor's grace, his light, and the holy human form. As their misshapen faces, drooping extra limbs, and melting flesh comes into view, the mutant horde screams and roars in defiance of the Emperor.

While the Horde looks like a complete mass of vile degenerates (and you would be right) Valkyrie and Kell notice there are five mutants that are different from their disgusting brethren. Four of them carry flamers so poorly made that you have seen Orks with higher quality equipment. But one carries a simple staff. He looks the least misshapen of them all yet a sense of dread emanates from him. With a simple nod, the horde runs towards your group.

*Everyone roll initiative. Check the OOC for rules on dealing with Hordes*


2014-09-20, 08:31 PM
Apparently I can't to rolls right either


Toxic Mind
2014-09-20, 09:02 PM
Horst casually pushes himself off the wall, draws his sword and laspistol, and smiles. "I was wonderin' when the fun would start."

2014-09-21, 12:00 AM
Darwin knew things seemed off and when things came crashing down he wasn't surprised.


2014-09-21, 12:03 AM
[roll0] + 3 for initiative = 13 total.

Sorry about that, while the above could be used at a tenth, I'll just re-roll to be fair. But statistically speaking, same chance of getting an 8 vs 80-89.

Wow, even better, wasn't expecting that.

Darwin was quick to react, turning around to face a horde of fallen souls. Glancing for cover and trying to get behind something, he draws his autogun.

2014-09-21, 11:27 AM
"Hey, there seems to be an angry mob approaching us. They do not look at all pleased. Perhaps we should do something about that. Hmm..."

While she is pondering this conundrum, Lucindia draws her autogun and, being the dutiful arbite that she is, shouts, "Halt in the name of the Emperor and His Holy Inquisition!" as she opens fire on mob, focusing on the closest one.

Initiative: [roll0]

I'll post attack and damage later. In the OOC forum, could you explain how you would like us to roll attacks and damage?

2014-09-21, 12:40 PM
Kell turned as the doors blew in, rotating on one leg to face the mob, her grin turning feral as her eyes alighted on the mob of twisted freaks. The cleric raised her arms over her head as if about to give a sermon, palms spread in benediction... Then curled her fingers into fists and rotated her arms inward and down in one whip-quick motion that cracked every joint from her shoulders to her fingers even as it drew her into a hunched, threatening stance. The wet crack sounded like a judge's gavel pronouncing sentence.

The cleric planted her feet and roared, her voice carrying easily over the noise, "Misbegotten scions of corruption!! You trespass where you are not welcome! His light is not yours to sully! Flee back into the darkness of your own making or Die in His Name!"

Init: [roll0]

2014-09-22, 10:43 PM
Valk acts micro seconds after Darwin, her soft voice seems to carry well even over the commotion yet its not entirely obious to the rest its being amplified.

Care for the flamers, four, and the witch!

She pulls a hand cannon from an inner fold of her robe and snaps off an aimed shot at the fuel tank of the nearest mutant to the psyker, hoping to blow it up. As she does she begins transmitting on the guard channel, the same one she patched into the parties comms.

Comms:++ Engagement in ... Corridor... Pskyer and mutants, how widespread? Respond! ++

Unlike the soft voice of her throat her communications are the horrifying wizzes and cracks of a robot attempting to speak.

[roll0] bs46 +10 half action aim? - something called shot? ... On train so no books any help would be verry appreciated! Although thats probably a miss :(

2014-09-23, 09:56 AM
As stated earlier, Lucindia fires at the closest target approaching with a flamer.

Semi-auto burst at close range [roll0] vs 54 (BS is 44 w/ +0 for Semi-auto and +10 for range)
Shot1 Dmg: [roll1] Pen of 3
Shot2 Dmg: [roll2] Pen of 3
Shot3 Dmg: [roll3] Pen of 3
Righteous Fury (if needed) [roll4]

Toxic Mind
2014-09-24, 03:03 PM
Horst draws his sword and laspistol, and moves just behind the flamer. "No sense in being roasted before they even get here" he says jovially. He makes sure to stay clear of the line of fire from the heavy stubbers, and prepares for the horde to reach them. "I guess we know what the problem is now, eh boys and gals?

Now wait just a minute. Did you say psyker?"

2014-09-24, 11:12 PM
Darwin, understanding that a chirgeon is more useful to the group when not injured himself, quickly crouches behind the sandbags that surround the Heavy Stubber.

Valkyrie and Lucinda, following a more aggressive philosophy fitting their Arbite personality, pull out their weapons. Training takes over as the simultaneous fire at different targets with nary a word between them, focusing on the most dangerous threats. Lucinda points her gun in the direction and lets her gun do the talking. And talk the gun does as it roars it rightous fury. So rightous is the machine spirit's fury that its bullets eviscerates the mutant, sending bone fragments into the directions of its surrounding mutants. The now armless mutant falls to the floor, screaming weakly before finally stopping.

Valkryie, unfortunately, just barely misses her target. However, she is more successful with her vox as a gruff voice soon responds "Who is this? Identify Name and Rank!"

Fortunately for Valkyrie, the Guardsmen behind her respond to their vox as they aim and fire the weapons at the mutant horde. "14.3.353! Request #15! Emperor Protects!" Unfortunately, as Valkyire isn't familiar the Guard Code used by this regiment, that wasn't very helpful to her.

To Hit: (B.S. 43 -10 for full burst +10 for aim)
Wound#1: [roll1]I Pen 3
Wound#2: [roll2]I Pen 3
Wound#3: [roll3]I Pen 3
Wound#4: [roll4]I Pen 3
Wound#5: [roll5]I Pen 3
Wound#6: [roll6]I Pen 3
Wound#7: [roll7]I Pen 3
Wound#8: [roll8]I Pen 3
Rightous Fury: [roll9]

To Hit: [roll10] (B.S. 43 -10 for full burst +10 for aim)
Wound#1: [roll11]I Pen 3
Wound#2: [roll12]I Pen 3
Wound#3: [roll13]I Pen 3
Wound#4: [roll14]I Pen 3
Wound#5: [roll15]I Pen 3
Wound#6: [roll16]I Pen 3
Wound#7: [roll17]I Pen 3
Wound#8: [roll18]I Pen 3
Rightous Fury: [roll19]


Though the Mononyx Reapers are famous for their killing power, these guardsmen somehow managed to miss in a room covered in enemies. The acolytes look on in a state of disbelief as most of their shots somehow find every space between the mutant horde. Bullets seem to curve around the horde and find just the perfect way to avoid hitting anyone.

The remainding flamers move forward and open fire...or at least try. Once again the orks pop into everyone's mind as these mutants struggle to figure out which lever to press to work out their flamers. One tries and fails to work the damn thing properly but the other two take their flames on Lucinda and Valkyire for revenge for their fallen mutant.

Valkyrie Agility Test #1: [roll20] (Ag 46 +50)
Valkyrie Agility Test #2: [roll21] (Ag 46 +50)
Flamer Test #1 (If Agility #1 is failed): [roll]1d10 +4EPen 2
Flamer Test #2 (If Agility #2 is failed): 1d10 +4EPen 2

Lucinda Agility Test #1: [roll22] (Ag 37 +50)
Lucinda Agility Test #2: [roll23] (Ag 37 +50)
Flamer Test #1 (If Agility #1 is failed): 1d10 +4EPen 2
Flamer Test #2 (If Agility #2 is failed): 1d10 +4EPen 2

Valkyrie nimbly moves her body to avoid the flames, watching as they miss her. Lucinda decides a different approach and lets the flame hit her. They wash over her, but her faith in the Emperor and the Arbites is stronger than any mere weapon held in the unworthy hands of a mutant.

The Psyker growls with anger and uses his powers to hurl a bolt of lightning at one of the Guardsman.

Focus Power Test: [roll24] Willpower 40
Psychic Phenomena: [roll25] If screw up
Psychic Phenomena: [roll26] Dangerous Pushing
Perils of the Warp: [roll27]
Perils of the Warp: [roll28]
Smite Power: [roll29]E Pen 4

The Psyker suceeds in causing a light wound in the Guardsman's stomach but fails to realize why pushing your powers can be so dangerous. Immediately he falls to the ground and convulses horribly. This convulsion horrifies the Horde so much that they can't move out of shock.

Krell and Horst prepare their weapons and run to get into combat with the horde, moving themselves between the flamers and the mutant horde. This should be a good fight. As they run, the vox comes to life and says "Reinforcements on the way! Other Guardsmen are dealing with the Hordes. You have the last one. Emperor Protects!"

2014-09-26, 12:44 AM
Affirmative Horst; but that problem seems to have dealt with itself.

As if to punctuate her statement over the sound of battle she
attempts to place a bullet through the fallen psykers head;
failing to ensure it is truely dead.

[roll0] BS 46, -20 Called Shot, +20 if psyker counts as stunned.

++ Advise releaving injured Guard of his post, proficiency with
heavy weaponry is inadiquate whilst un-injured, //!99% probablilty?// of
friendly-fire whilst injured. ++

Toxic Mind
2014-09-28, 03:16 AM
Horst quickly moves to the heavy stubber and shoves the injured guardsmen aside. "If you can't perform, then step aside!"

2014-09-29, 10:07 AM
Shrugging off whatever the flamers may have done to her, Lucindia keeps up her judgement... with the autogun. "Since you do not surrender, you will be purged!"

Attacking closest target. Semi-auto burst at close range [roll0] vs 54 (BS is 44 w/ +0 for Semi-auto and +10 for range)
Shot1 Dmg: [roll1] Pen of 3
Shot2 Dmg: [roll2] Pen of 3
Shot3 Dmg: [roll3] Pen of 3
Righteous Fury (if needed) [roll4]

Looks like only two shots hit that time.

2014-10-01, 11:00 PM
Kell charged into the horde with heavy pounding steps, roaring divine judgement at the mutants as she raised one fist and lashed out against the nearest mutant with all the righteous hatred she possessed. "Soul-blackened wretches and traitors cannot stand against the wrath of the Emperor, be crushed by purity, by faith unending!"

Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18195558&postcount=1)

For future reference, link directs to the first relevant post, any post after should also be considered relevant to the current turn.

2014-10-02, 12:27 PM
Doc Peyton peaks above cover with his autogun, takes a moment to aim, then fires.

BS 29 + 10 aim, +30 Point blank range, +0 Semi Auto burst : vs [roll0]

In case it hits here are some damage rolls.

2014-10-02, 12:28 PM

2014-10-02, 12:33 PM
Seems my first rolls of the day never post.