View Full Version : Shade Template

2014-09-17, 08:15 PM
Is the SHade Template worth it on a non-caster? Say a Rouge or Swashbuckler or even a ranger*?

* A caster but Not a full caster

2014-09-17, 08:35 PM
Which book is it in?
It probably is not worth it. Especially with alternatives like Dark(LA+1 Tome of Magic) and Ghost 1(LA +1 Online)

2014-09-17, 08:57 PM
( Races of Faerūn, p. 147)

Size: Medium
Base speed: Land 50
Strength: +0
Intelligence: +0
Dexterity: +0
Wisdom: +0
Constitution: +2
Charisma: +2
Level adjustment: +4
Space: 5 feet
Reach: 5 feet

Over two thousand years ago, the ruler of a Netherese flying city transported his entire city onto the Plane of Shadow in order to explore that dim and perilous plane. For thousands of years, the City of Shade was lost to human knowledge, but in 1372 DR it aprubtly returned to Faerūn above the Dire Wood. Today, it soars above the deserts of Anauroch, land that was once a fertile part of the Empire of Netheril. Why the Netherese – now known as the Shadovars – returned, and what they are planning, are two mysteries that trouble the rulers of every nation in Faerūn. Most fear that solving these vital riddles will provide them with answers they will not care to hear. Until then, the Shadovars scheme in secret, their true goal a mystery to all but their ruler, the High Prince Telamont, and his twelve sons, the Princes of Shade.

Not all Shadovars are shades. The Princes of Shade decide who is to be given such a blessing, and they are stingy with their favors, careful to only empower those who are sure to be loyal to them and their causes. Prospective candidates are stringently tested for ability, loyality, and resourcefulness.

Shades look just like normal humanoids, although their skin is gray to inky black, as are their eyes. They are thinner than most humans, and they prefer to dress in dark-hued clothes or armor. Human Shadovars are never made into shades until after they have reached the age of majority. There are no such things as young shades, and shades who marry produce normal offspring.

Shades have extraordinarily long lifespans. By trading some portion of their souls for the stuff of shadow, they extend their lifespan tenfold. Shades created from humans use the following aging effect characteristics instead of the ones in Table 6-5 in the Player's Handbook:

Shade (human) – 300 – 450 – 600 – +6d% years
Region: Anauroch, City of Shade

Racial Traits
As creatures of the Plane of Shadows, shades are considered to be of the outsider type. Shades must be of a nongood alignment.

All shades have the following powers when within shadows or darkness. In well-lit surroundings (daylight or the radius of a daylight spell) none of these powers function.

Abiliy scores: A shade's Constitution and Charisma scores increase by +2.
Speed: Increases by 20 ft. (or 15 ft., if the character wears medium or heavy armor).
Armor Class: The shade gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC.
Attacks and Damage: The shade gains a +2 competence bonus on attacks and damage.
Saves: The shade gains a +4 luck bonus on all saving throws.
Skills: The character gains a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. He does not suffer skill check penalties due to darkness.
Control Light (Sp): The shade can decrease the levels of light within a 100-foot radius ba a factor of 10& per level. For characters and creatures depending on light to see, this decreases the effective range of vision for them by the same percentage. For each 25% decrease in light, anyone within the area gains a +1 circumstance bonus on Hide checks.
Fast Healing 2.
Invisibility (Sp): The shade can use this ability once per round as a sorcerer of his level.
Shadesight (Sp): The shade has 60-foot darkvision. He can see normally through any darkness effects but not through fog, invisibility, obscurement, and so on.
Shadow Image (Sp): Three times per day, the shade can use this spell-like ability (similar to the mirror image spell) as a sorcerer of his level. This creates 1d4 figments of the shade, +1 per three levels.
Shadow Stride (Sp): As often as once every 2 rounds, a shade of 8th level or higher can vanish from his current location and reappear in any shadowy area within 300 feet. This is a move-equivalent action.
Shadow Travel (Sp): If the shade is 12th level or higher, the can use teleport without error to reach a shadowy locale on the same world or plane shift to access the Plane of Shadows. A shade can shadow travel once per day.
Spellcasting Tradition: Shadovar arcanists have at least two racial spells particular to their people: handfang and shadow canopy.
Spell Resistance: 11 + character level.
Level Adjustment: +4. Shades are more powerful and gain levels more slowly than the common races of Faerūn. Their many bonuses and powers are hindered only by the fact that they do not work in bright light. Shadovars do not create shades from characters who are less than 5th level.

2014-09-17, 09:23 PM
Yeah, that might be worth +2 LA, but not to +4 LA
What parts of it were you drawn to? There might be alternatives (Like Monk[Invisible Fist] 2 for the Invisibility.)

Divide by Zero
2014-09-17, 09:27 PM
Are you sure that's a template? Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but it looks like a race to me.

Either way though, I don't think it's worth it. Have you considered the Shadow template from Lords of Madness? Only +2 LA, and it has a lot of similar flavor and abilities.

2014-09-17, 09:28 PM
the Light control
Fast healing
Shadow Stride
Land speed increase
and the Ablility bonuses don't hurt ether

2014-09-17, 10:05 PM
the Light control
Fast healing
Shadow Stride
Land speed increase
and the Ablility bonuses don't hurt ether

I don't know a replacement for Light Control.
Draconic Aura(Vigor) is a weaker Fast Healing and can be gained with Dragon Shaman 1 or by the Draconic Aura feat.
Shadow Stride can be emulated with Swordsage 1 @3rd+ using the Shadow Jaunt manuever.
Dark would give +10ft speed and Hide in Plain Sight.

If the Light Control is important, then I would suggest making the Shade (Race?) work. It is not up to par but it is within workable range.