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2014-09-18, 05:55 PM
The council chamber was a busy place these days, as the war with the separatists raged on. Still, as experienced Knights were promoted to general, there was a need for a certian amount of formality.

Mace Windu waited for the coming Knights, meditating as he juggled troop numbers in his head. The current crop of Knights were still young, but talented at fighting- It might be best to send them somewhere where they could learn the difference between Fighting and War.

He opened his eyes to the attendnt, and nodded. "Send them in. The clone general Jenkens too."

2014-09-18, 09:57 PM
Orl Cossad meditated in the ante-chamber to the meeting hall as he waited for the summons to come from Master Windu. Well...tried to mediate would be a more truthful statement. Still haunted by the fresh memories of battle, summoned before a member of the Council, and currently waiting in a room with many other talented Jedi, Orl was truthfully quite nervous about what was to come. Recalling his master's teachings, however, he did his best to at least appear calm, and to keep his force presence from overtly radiating his anxieties (for what little that would mean to a Master, or even a talented Knight's, perception).

Taking a deep breath as the summons (finally) came Orl stood from his meditative pose and, politely waiting for the nearer individuals to enter first, stood before Master Windu, his heart pounding but his face revealing nothing of his inner turmoil as he waited for the Jedi Master to begin.

2014-09-19, 02:32 AM
Malakor passed the time meditating, awaiting the word to meet with Master Windu. He had been eagerly waiting to be able to help the clone troopers and fellow Jedi in the war. When the attendant came for him, he couldn't help but show his excitement.

As he walked in and saw Master Windu, that excitement was quickly changed to nervousness. Even though he had the experience, he still couldn't help but think that he wasn't ready. When he was close enough, he greeted Master Windu with a slight bow. "Master."

2014-09-19, 08:33 AM
Hastily walking toward the council room, Ikshar was late, and he knew it. Not very late of course, but his try at deeper meditation went beyond what he expected. That lateness wasn't disturbing him : he knew he'll arrive in time, and indeed, so he did : he entered the room just in time to receive Windu's calling, and entered on the spot, barely slowing in the antechamber, greeting his fellow knights on the spot.


2014-09-19, 10:48 AM
Jan spent her time awaiting the summons as she learned to from the Clone Scouts she served with, napping. It was just more "Hurry up and wait" even if it was the Master Windu who was summoning her.

Thus she was seated on a bench outside the Council Chambers, lightly dozing when the others filed past, the attendant that was sent for her frantically hurry behind them.

Jan rose, put her hand to out shush and calm the servitor Droid. "It's alright, I knew. Thank you for your concern, AL-1CE."

Jan silently entered the chambers and took her place leaving the Droid wondering how she knew it's name.

Just having fun with Foresight, hope you don't mind.
Jan, Human, Mystic (Seer, Makashi Duelist)
W [0/12] S [0/15] Soak [3] Def [0/0]

2014-09-19, 02:41 PM
Race is doing what always does: tinker with things. This time he's on the move, somehow managing not to crash into anyone despite not watching where he's going at all. A steady stream of muffled curses and imprecations about the origins of certain machine parts vis a vis Hutt mating rituals floats from his snout. The startled expressions of passers by, or their mute scorn, are completely lost on him. If he notices, he doesn't seem to care, but it's more likely he's not noticing at all.

He's only a little late. Just a little.

Okay, probably a not-inconsiderable amount of time, but Eccentric people should be exempt from deadlines and time in general, is his thought as he puts the tiny machine away in some belt pouch or other and enters the council chambers. He almost manages an actual bow, but the longer this war has dragged on the less manners Race has brought back from his missions.

"Master Windu, ya wanted ta see me? Oh, and all these other folks too. Somethin' up?"

2014-09-19, 03:59 PM
Alor was in the chambers early after receiving the summons. He stood in the back, obscured by the other devotees. He didn't like the attention of higher ups, they reminded him of everything he hadn't been earlier in his training. Brushing aside his insecurities with a thought, he evaluated the others in the room. Each was intense in their field - good. That's respectable, and a lot easier to get along with then a team with slackers in the midst.

He smiled slightly with relief. His anxiety was pushing him into a bad mood again - he wouldn't let that sully his time with these knights and fellow soldier. Reflexively checking his belt gear, he responded to Master Windu's call with a nod and a stride.

2014-09-19, 07:03 PM
Master Mace Windu nodded to each of you as you arrive, and motions for you to sit around the holotable. "Ive asked you all and one other to come here for an important mission. The separatists are consolidating their holds on the Corelian Trade Spine and the Corellian Run. Our forces currently hold Corelia itself in sufficient strength to make linking the two routes too costly to be of much use to them... which is why the Separatists are looking for a way around our blockade.

Waving a hand at the holotable, a map of the Galaxy appeared, zoomed into the Correlian Sector, with the Corellian Run through Separatist-held Nubia in green and the Corellian Trade Spine through Duros in yellow. Duros flashed, and the map zoomed in again, showing a minor hyperlane connecting Duros through a few minor worlds to the Correlian Run, halfway between Nubia and Correlia. "We believe General Grevius's bloody campaign on Duros is intended to allow the separatists to access the Duros Run, in order to shuttle forces between the two fronts. Most of our forces will by busy keeping General Grevius occupied on Plympto and New Plympto-" the minor worlds between Duros and corellia flashed, then faded. "I will be sending you all, with clone support, to make sure the Duros Run stays closed to separatist reinforcements."

Two worlds on the minor hyperroute- the Duros Run- lit. "Forvand Station is a way-station, much like the Wheel deeper in the Rim, popular do to the system's lack of more appealing worlds. It is run by a displced hutt who receved Republic citizenship two hundred years ago, so tread lightly. Corfai, on the other hand, is one of the oldest human worlds of the galaxy- the inclement weather may have prevented it from being as populous as Corelia or corusant, but the locals are...stubborn, preferring their rugged isolationism to choosing a side in the galactic conflict. That's good enough for us, as long as they stay neutral in our favor."

He turned back to the waiting Knights. "Any questions?"

Sir Dancealot
2014-09-19, 07:53 PM
Jenkins arrived just before Master Windu began speaking. She took her place in a corner off away from the Jedi. She kinda wished the people around here would stop calling her 'General'. She was just a corporal. And admittedly well decorated corporal but still, she was what she was and she liked it that way. She was no leader of men, she simply shot them. Well, robots in this case. Occasionally actual people. She waits through the briefing and is the first to raise her hand, her voice sounding metallic through her helmet, "What's the clone support going to be looking like Sir?"

2014-09-19, 08:08 PM
"Two LAAT Transports, 60 clones, and a small but well armed interstellar transport, Citadal class. Welcome to the Jedi Temple, Jenkens." Turning to the others, he adds, "This is Corpral Jenkens, who's promotion to Leutennant is lost somewhere in the Presidential Palace. He will be your military advisor on this mission."

Sir Dancealot
2014-09-19, 08:37 PM
"The promotion to Colonel as well. Still not sure what happened to that piece of data." She replied, her metallic voice amused. If her though she was male, then this day could get all the more hilarious when all these Jedi found out she was actually a woman. "So, the task is to effectively be the cork in a bottle to keep the Separatists out?" She like simplifying explanations. It made the task more clear cut in a way.

2014-09-19, 09:30 PM
"Oooh, LAAT 'ports. Plenty to work on even when they're flying true. Plenty to keep busy with."

The sable Selonian was being snide of course, but given he wore tough mechanic's work clothes and tools instead of the more typical Jedi robes, he probably wasn't a "standard" member of the Order anyway.

He shifted weight to one foot and rested a hand on one hip, gesturing widely with the other. "Are we to be the only Jedi there then, Master? Seems too few for such an important spacelane, especially if we could catch folks with their pants down, as it were."

2014-09-19, 09:38 PM
Mace Windu's mouth quirked. "I've taken planets with less." Shaking his head he turned serious. "I cannot spare additional jedi or clones for what is technically a noncombat zone. General Grievus has our forces pinned down fighting to protect Corellia. If the separatists mass in your area, I SUGGEST you dust off those old jedi mediation skills to drum up local reinforcements."

2014-09-19, 11:59 PM
"Sir, what is our intel on the Station and Corfai? Maps, local population, do we have any sympathetic allies or hidden assets?"

Jan moves to sync her Datapad to the holotable, to download what it has on Forvand, Corfai, and the Clone troops and equipment specs.

2014-09-20, 10:48 AM
Orl listens with interest as Master Windu speaks of the ongoing events of the war and the role their group is to play. As he finishes Orl takes a moment to glance around at the full group before turning his attention back to Master Windu.

"Do we have any intel on which location the separatists are likely to go for first?" he asks, focused on the task at hand, his anxiety replaced by the duty at hand.

2014-09-20, 11:31 AM
"What ordinance will we have access to? Mines could be used to slow down enemy ships attempting to use the route and give us advance warning."

Alor thinks for a moment before continuing.

"Who are the clone officers we will be deployed with? It's important to me, and most assuredly Colonel Jenkins, that we meet with our detachment and get familiar with our units."

2014-09-20, 08:04 PM
Mace Windu shakes his head. "All loyaist resources were sent to Duros before it fell. We're reinforcing Corelia with everything we can send, but you'll have to deal with Corellian Logistics Command if you want to divert anything to your mission. Corellia is too important to risk losing- I cant authorize you to override them."

The data uploads to Jan's pad- (Corelian Sector book is readable)

2014-09-21, 01:44 AM
Race snorts and almost rolls his eyes at the Jedi Master, but catches himself in time to avoid it.

"'Course we can't lose Corellia, we'd lose the whole sector then! Still...would be nice if at least a few of those 'promising developments' I keep hearing about actually developed into something we could use. Not that I wanna wipe out the Separatists but...the only ones getting better from this conflict are the CorpSec."

2014-09-21, 10:26 AM
"Perhaps we are the 'promising developments' in this scenario. As the adage goes, 'the only road to victory is the one you make yourself'. Holding the back gate of an essential system with a small force sounds like the makings of a legend, and I'm confident in all of our abilities, to make it happen."

He lived for this. It would soon be time to have his boots planted on the deck, orders and dynamics changing quickly, the pulse of battle. Combat is where the universe makes sense.

2014-09-21, 02:14 PM
"Understood sir." Orl notes with a small frown. While it would certainly be possible to operate in such a limited manner, and referring to so many jedi and skilled troopers as limited was a bit disingenuous, it would have been nice to have a bit more support.

Orl waits to see if there are any other questions from the group.

2014-09-21, 05:32 PM
Mace Windu nodded. "The ship will be leaving in a few hours. If you want, you can check out a few Delta 7 fighters from the Temple Hangar, otherwise there should be room in the main transport. Dismissed."

2014-09-21, 07:00 PM
Orl bows to Master Windu before filing out of the chamber. Heading straight for the Jedi Library he attempts to read up on as much of the history of both locations as he can before the appointed time of departure.

2014-09-22, 12:37 AM
With a firm bow of the head, Alor turns on his heel and strides to the hangar to inspect the fighters. He sensed that they would be very important in the coming conflict, and inspecting equipment thoroughly before combat had never been a waste of time before. He also felt the need to get to know those troops that would be fighting alongside him, to build trust and loyalty before the blaster fire forced the issue.

2014-09-22, 01:46 AM
Malakor bows to Master Windu, not having anything else to add to the briefing. He leaves the chamber and heads towards the library to study up on the sector. He sees Orl as he walks in. "I'm assuming you're looking for the same things? Here, let me show you." Having spent most of his time in the library, he went around his mental map of the facility and grabbed all the records he could find.

2014-09-22, 01:53 PM
Checking the datas about the Corellian sector, quickly dismissing the generic informations about population, economics and such, Ikshar took the path to the hangar as well. Of course he was planning to take one of those Delta 7, but he had to check the clones first.

"Alor, isn't it? I suppose we had the same idea : let's meet those soldiers."

Sir Dancealot
2014-09-22, 05:54 PM
"Are we to be the only Jedi there then, Master? Seems too few for such an important spacelane, especially if we could catch folks with their pants down, as it were."

She snorts at that, "I've held more with none. 'Course, most people think I'm some sort of Jedi in disguise. Not sure why really." She shrugged at that, her ancient battle armor creaking a little with the movement.

Rolling her shoulders and sighing, she nods to Master Windu as she heads out behind the group of Jedi. She too heads off to meet with the clones. Hopefully, she knows one or two. Always nice to have a friend to play cards with when you're babysitting Jedi.

2014-09-23, 01:16 AM
Race will go find the fighters and give them a last look-over, since that's what he was doing before he was summoned, and then probably go take a look at the troops and the transports to keep busy. He's not really a people person unless he's trying to get them to do what he wants.

"People are always surprised by just how much they can accomplish. The Force just expands your options and makes some things easier and a lot of other things harder."

2014-09-23, 11:27 AM
"Alor, isn't it? I suppose we had the same idea : let's meet those soldiers."

"Yes. Well met, Ikshar I have never regretted time spent getting to know the people fighting alongside me. We can get an idea of their experience and source additional perspectives on this upcoming mission. The equipment needs examining as well. 'Knowing one's self is the first key to victory.'"

Alor smiled, it warmed his heart to know that others understood the importance of those fighting in the trenches. He physically eased up the further from the council chambers they got.

2014-09-24, 12:39 PM
Jan trailed out of the audience chamber already flipping through holographic files only she could see. Her hands shuffling and moving them as she scanned them for immediate impressions, sorting for later in depth reading.

She slowly made her way to her own sleeping quarters to gather her few belongings (though according to other Jedi she tended to be a pack rat), trusting on her sense of the Force and through it her surroundings to keep her from bumping into people or furnishings.

By the time she reached the room she was using, the files had all been briefly read and sorted. She began comming out data packs to her teammates and requests to those she heard were doing "deeper research" in the archives.

Brrr. The archives. Never quite liked that place. Too big. Too cold. Impersonal.

"Err... that can't be right", she moves to a terminal. and places a call.

"Yes, thank you, I need a commcode look up. Knight Alor Keradz. Yes, I'll hold, thank you."

"Um. What do you mean there is no commcode assigned to Alor Keradz? No commlink? That doesn't make sense. Who goes about without a commlink? Even Master Yoda has a commlink?

Okay, yes. Thank you."

Huh. Weird. Maybe he's on some sort of spiritual "no tech" thing. Then I guess I'll lend him my data... or not. Hope he's not some archaic technophobic savage. That'll make this mission awkward.

As Jan leaves her quarters heading for the Clone Trooper hangers, the she releases her five little friends. "Remember, respect other's rights to privacy, so no filming of anyone's quarters. That means you Quatro. Now, no pouting. I said you'd get to see the inside of the Grand Temple, and now is your chance. Just play it cool, all right guys?"

2014-09-29, 02:41 PM
The jumpship with it's attached landers prepared to launch, all aboard except those who were flying the Delta 7 intercepters joining it in the skys. A short flight to orbit to pick up jump-rings for the intercepters, and then they would be heading out to the hyper limit.

The clone pilot opened the comm to the Jedi, both aboard and in the escorts. "Ready for launch, 30 minutes to orbit, traffic control has cleared a launch corridor over the temple. Where to from there, Sirs?"

2014-09-29, 03:25 PM
Arriving in the hanger bay only a few minutes before the launch time Orl nods to the other Jedi and the clone troopers before boarding. Strapping himself in in a random unoccupied seat in the main hold the Jedi Knight does his best to seem at peace with the mission at hand. When the comms channel is opened up he is among the first to respond. "Correlian Sector. Specific location to follow."

Flipping a few switches on the comms to lock it down to just the Jedi, onboard and on the Delta-7s, he quietly speaks to them "Didn't get a chance to confirm which one we're headed to first. I vote Corfai." he says, waiting for a response before returning to the main channel.

2014-09-29, 07:32 PM
Jan had arrived early to chat with the Trooper Pilots, part of her 'feeling them out to see if any would make good Recon or Scout Troopers'. These two were fly-boys through and through.

Seated, her holo-hud filled with the Trooper's files and her growing notes on them, she missed the other Jedi entering and seating themselves. Her hands shuffling and rearranging the digital papers filling her vision.

I really need to button The Corporal into a discussion and get her views on the Troopers. Her experience is invaluable...

"Didn't get a chance to confirm which one we're headed to first. I vote Corfai." he says, waiting for a response before returning to the main channel.
"Since our first "stop" is Corellia anyway, perhaps we should get more direct and up-to-date intell before weighing our options?"

Always they want to leap in with out determining the depth of the enemy's lines! Le sigh...

"After all we have no idea what changes will occur across the two fronts during our journey. One may become a more pressing matter by then."

2014-09-30, 12:29 AM
> Votes for Forvand Station

Looking at the others assembled nearby, Alor considers before speaking.

"Forvand would provide more of a technological base to fortify. The remoteness of the human world would make such efforts difficult."

2014-09-30, 06:11 PM
"Let's get to Corelia first and get the datas here. But so far if we cannot get anything more I will bend toward going to Corfai first."

From his delta-7, he answered, while getting acustomed to that particular setting of commands : not really an odd one, he just hadn't used those ships often.

2014-09-30, 11:56 PM
"Just come in on the edge of the sector then and make final destination decisions once we get a report from the locals via comms. Easy."

Race is totally in the jumpship because while he could figure out a fighter if he had too, going into a combat situation unsure like that is a BAD IDEA.

2014-10-01, 10:23 AM
Jan clears away her files and notices the comm codes being used... and recognizes Corp Jenkins was left out.


"Hang on, I'm patching the Corporal in on this discussion."

Jan opens her comm to Jenkins.

"Corporal? We're attempting to figure out the 'where to first' on this mission. You're input would be appreciated."

Jan briefly updates her on the short discussion so far...

Sir Dancealot
2014-10-01, 08:30 PM
Jenkins was happily napping on the shuttle, strapped in and looking like any other trooper before a buzz buzzed in her ear. Eyes popping open, the Mirialan sighed as someone spoke at her. One of the Jedi it seemed. Ah well, such is life. "Corelia seems nice," She says, her voice much less metallic and quite a bit more feminine through the comms than through her helmet, "But, more seriously, Hutts are dangerous enemies, and dangerous allies. It's generally best not to deal with them as they'll do what they find to be in their best interests. As to the isolationists? They're generally annoying to deal with at best, and bound to shoot you at worst." She paused for a moment, "We need more information on what the Separatists are up to really."

2014-10-03, 06:33 AM
Malakor sits patiently trying to keep his thoughts clear and focused. He didn't care much for where they went first, he was just excited to get out. The Jedi Temple is nice, but travelling the galaxy is what Malakor enjoys most.

"I agree with the Corporal. The more we know about the enemies plans, the better equipped we'll be."

It didn't matter either way to him, but it sounded logical.

2014-10-03, 02:44 PM
Sitting quietly up until now, R'rowlka nodded in agreement as well. When he spoke, his voice was a bit softer than a typical Wookie, a trait he had learned helped those he might be speaking to pay closer attention just due to the oddity of it.

"I agree as well. The more we know, the less any of you may need my expertise. And that's always a successful mission as far as I'm concerned."

2014-10-05, 09:40 PM
The ship rumbles as it begins to lift to orbit, the pilot still waiting for your conclusion.

2014-10-06, 10:47 AM
"Very well then. Are we in agreement that Corellia should be our first stop for information?" Orl asks over the internal comms, waiting for a response before relaying it to the pilot.

2014-10-06, 12:53 PM
"Agreed. A few days in Corelia could save us weeks on the mission."

Sir Dancealot
2014-10-06, 03:01 PM
"Fantastic." Jenkins said as she leaned back, "I can't wait. I heard they have some great Saaback dens there."

2014-10-06, 06:44 PM
"I just bet. And the craziest racers around. Great time, I'm sure, if you have a free minute to enjoy it."

2014-10-07, 01:16 AM
"Well, if it saves weeks, of course we'll have time to visit those!", Ikshar says, with an slightly ironic tone.

2014-10-07, 11:58 AM
"Corellia is the best option."

2014-10-10, 09:44 PM
Race will tell the pilot to jump to Corellia, and make it snappy if he can, this dawdling business has got to stop.

2014-10-13, 12:27 PM
Your small flotilla reaches orbit without incident, and you quickly aquire hyperspace rings and jump to hyperspace. It will be a few hours to the Correlian system.

Destiny points roll everyone. :p

2014-10-14, 10:14 PM
As the Citadale and your three Delta 7 intercepters emerge from hyper over Corellia, your sensors pick up a distress signal. As you quickly scan the area, you sspot a Sepratist gunship and it's fighters closng with a corellian freighter, which is madly weaving to try and avoid the ships slowly gaining on him. "All ships, this is Captian Destana of the Rusty Mynock- I dont have much time left here! Someone help me out here!"

As you instinctively turn toward them however, you receve a tight beam transmission from... somewhere outside your sensor range. "Unknown ships, break off your intercept. This is Admiral Corlen of Corelian Fleet Command- if you cost us this chance to mousetrap those sepratist bastards I'll have your hide." His voice fades, as if he was turned away from a microphone. "Intercept fleet, maintain course- we cant do anything for the freighter, but dmmit, will catch them on the outbound leg this time."

2014-10-15, 10:38 AM
Orl frowns from his seat in the rear of the shuttle. Lacking any means of seeing the battle he has no way to tell what kind of interference the Admiral is speaking of, but just letting the Seperatists down a freighter definitely does not sit well with the Jedi Knight. Activating the comms he speaks to their group, keeping off the naval channels in use. "What's the situation out there? Any way we can get those fighters off the freighter without ruining whatever plans the Admiral has?" he asks, trying, and failing to keep a note of disappointment in the Admiral's willingness to abandon the freighter to its fate out of his voice.

"Maybe draw them over here with a juicier target?" he adds, a possible plan coming to mind as he quickly tries to run through the options with the others.

2014-10-15, 11:28 AM
Race is already standing, but soon realizes there's nowhere to go in the cramped confines of the ship and settles for clawing at the seat in front of him with nervous energy to spare.

"And ruin the Admiral's plan? Fat chance."

((Destiny points roll (http://orokos.com/roll/228190): 1eF 1 Dark Side
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/f-ds.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228190)))

2014-10-15, 04:56 PM
"He can try to take my hide, but we don't leave people to die if we can help it."

Jan patches her HUD into the ships system to get a read on the Seperatist ships, and than addresses the pilot by name, "Chaser, what do you think of our chances against that gunship?"

2014-10-15, 08:08 PM
The pilot shakes his head. "That's a medium scouting group- we would probably win if we went head to head, especially if the freighter gets involved- I've never known a corellian to leave their ship factory standard. But they know it too, and will probably run instead of fight, which I reckon is the Admiral's problem. Short versions sir? We go in, they break off, freighter is safe, everyone goes home, incuding the sepratist spy ships. We break off, they spend enough time taking out the freighter that the admiral can put them into a situation they cant escape from, and we trade one civilian freighter for one of General Grevius's eyes and ears."

2014-10-15, 11:13 PM
"Yeah, I suspected as much. A bad situation all around."

This is why we shouldn't be in this war.

"Right, the Admiral ran the numbers... unless everyone objects, I... we should sit this one out."

2014-10-16, 01:23 AM
Alor's jaw tightens with the calculus of the battle laid out before him. Working over the situation in his mind, a thought occurs:

"Wait....if it's a scout ship, why would it engage a freighter, near a Hyperspace Jump Point no less, and expose it's position? Something doesn't add up. Conn, can you run an active sensor pulse so we have a better idea of what's out there?"

2014-10-16, 06:19 AM
"That freighter is a civilian vessel : giving that order means the Amiral is out of his mind, and the separatist vessel as well. Can't we maneuver and flank them to keep them in the fight?"

While asking, he rechecks the systems, ensuring they are battle ready.

Sir Dancealot
2014-10-16, 02:55 PM
"Honestly? I'm more bothered by the fact that the separatist ship is so close to Corellian space and not too worried about it." Jenkins adds to the conversation. "And you can't save everyone all the time."

2014-10-16, 03:19 PM
Race's jaw tightens as he contemplates their choices. Sure, he'd said he didn't want to ruin the Admiral's plan, but...attacking a civilian vessel meant one of two things. Either they were screening and interfering to make sure their comrades could get away safely, or the pilot was absolutely bloodthirsty and maybe a psychopath.

Neither boded particularly well for the assembled here on this transport, and they are at war with the Separatists, but...

"...they're just people too." He got up before he realized he probably wasn't needed to do anything on the ship itself unless they were under fire, and stopped uncomfortably. "Let's not forget why we're in this in the first place. I don't know why a civilian's in a warzone, or how this got to be like this, but I we can't just leave them. The admiral will have to get his Separatist body counts somewhere else."

2014-10-16, 03:39 PM
Orl lets out a sigh at Race's words. "Much as I hate interfering with the Admiral I agree with Race. We can save those people if we act quickly." he notes, mentally cursing his lack of experience in the Delta-7s that kept him sitting in the transport ship.

2014-10-16, 05:36 PM
"The way I see it we have two choices. We disable that gunship's hyperdrives... which I hear is sketchy at best in a dogfight, or we board her."

"Chaser, can you do the first? If not, what do we have towards doing the second?"

2014-10-17, 12:06 AM
"Chaser, can you do the first? If not, what do we have towards doing the second?"[/color]

Alor reflexively checks the seals on his kit and smiles. The momentary helplessness that is the bane of all focus had faded, replaced with decisive action.

"I'll prep our most experienced Marine unit. Any brethren with boarding action or close quarters experience are more than welcome."

He strode over to one of the many comm panels along the walls of the ship and tapped the intercom.

"Separatist vessel sighted. Planning to engage. Full ready, all stations. Sgt. Vaskos, ready your men for a vacuum boarding action in the hangar bay."

With instructions given and plan forming, he strode to the hangar bay to join the soldiers. As he moved, he reviewed the preceding events to maintain his focus.

In Alor's short time speaking with the crew for the upcoming mission, the Sargent had impressed him with his curt manner, attention to detail, and breadth of combat experience. His team would be an asset in this troubling turn of events.

Sir Dancealot
2014-10-17, 11:18 PM
"Ah. Great. I hate boarding things." Jenkins mutters to herself in Mirialan. "Ah well." Hopping up, she pulls her heavily modified rifle along with her. No point in leaving THAT behind. It would be something a of a bad show.

2014-10-18, 12:13 PM
As he strides down the corridors, Alor brings the weight of his personality to bear on the crew to minimize the ship's signature.

"Shut off all auxiliary systems! Ensign, lock down that coupling! Switch to battery power!"

The thrill of conflict gripped him tightly as action was being taken.

2014-10-18, 01:13 PM
Removing his safety harness Orl stands up and follows Alor, heading for the cockpit to bring his tactical knowledge to bear.

2014-10-18, 01:30 PM
"How are we gonna get close without them piling it on even more to ruin our attempt, eh? I'm not seeing it, less we do something crazy like...a microjump or something."

Race was already up, practically unable to sit still the moment they entered Corellian space. He always needed to DO something, restless energy was a constant companion.

2014-10-20, 02:52 PM
As he strides down the corridors, Alor brings the weight of his personality to bear on the crew to minimize the ship's signature.

"Shut off all auxiliary systems! Ensign, lock down that coupling! Switch to battery power!"

The thrill of conflict gripped him tightly as action was being taken.

The clones start powering down systems, such as the hyperdrive, the long range sensors, and the navicomp, along with the cabin lights.

In moments, the cockpit and troop compartments are lit only by starlight and the glow of clone trooper equipment. Within seconds, the clone troopers begin turning on their healmetlights, illuminating the troop bays.

Failure with 2 threat-
1 failure so far, and a black die on any microjump attempt

2014-10-21, 12:10 AM
"If we discount the parallax here, and alter engine output and deflector angles to these numbers here on the pad...I think we can microjump right up to them to board before they can react and leave...if we're really quick about it, anyway. We get one chance to try this, otherwise..."

He leaves the end of the sentence unspoken. They all know the consequences.

Astrogation (http://orokos.com/roll/228793): 3eA 3 successes, 2 advantage 1eB 0 successes 1eS 0 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228793)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228793)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228793)

2014-10-21, 02:26 AM
"If we discount the parallax here, and alter engine output and deflector angles to these numbers here on the pad...I think we can microjump right up to them to board before they can react and leave...if we're really quick about it, anyway. We get one chance to try this, otherwise..."

He leaves the end of the sentence unspoken. They all know the consequences.

Astrogation (http://orokos.com/roll/228793): 3eA 3 successes, 2 advantage 1eB 0 successes 1eS 0 successes
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228793)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/b--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228793)
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228793)
Astrogation Difficulty (with Dark Destiny point) (http://orokos.com/roll/228822): 1eC+2eD+2eS 1 failure, 4 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/c-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/s-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228822)

The moment of truth arrives, as Race computes the microjump by hand in record time before tapping the hyperdrive controls. The starlines surge for a moment, before returning... overshot. Not too badly, but enough to make catching the enemy difficult. The separatists detect your arrival and begin to turn away from the freighter... it is still uncertian if you can catch it before it can calculate it's own jump...

Everyone who microjumped together is at Extreme range from the sepratists (meduim for a successful microjump, adding two rangebands for the two net disadvantage, in acccordance to the sidebad on microjumps in Suns of Fortune) Roll me Cool checks...

2014-10-21, 11:47 AM
Alor braced against the bulkhead as the microjump phased matter into hyperspace...

[/url]: 2eP 1 success, 3 advantage
[url=http://orokos.com/roll/228849]http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228849)

2014-10-21, 05:07 PM
Jan calmly joins the Troopers readying for boarding, she feels the microjump.

"Delta fighters, strike now, cripple her drives if possible!"

Cool Roll 10/21/2014 (http://orokos.com/roll/228875): 1eP+4eA 3 successes, 5 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228875)

2014-10-21, 07:04 PM
Race didn't say anything. He was angry he'd miscalculated that badly, but it was a rather sudden crisis situation. He told himself that it would be alright, and prepped himself for a potential combat situation.

Cool check (http://orokos.com/roll/228885): 1eA 1 success
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.png (http://orokos.com/roll/228885)

2014-10-22, 07:28 PM
R'Rowlka flinched as he felt the twisting of hyperspace take hold. He'd always hated that feeling you got on the enter and exit even though he kne it was a necessary part of travel. He just hoped he'd get used to it at some point...

OOC: Cool (http://orokos.com/roll/229029): 1eP+1eA 1 success, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/229029)

2014-10-29, 06:38 PM
As you emerge from the microjump, the Sepratist craft slows, the freighter leaping ahead toward safety. It scans your flight, trying to calculate the proper responce...

3 successes on Vigilance, party has 1 slot before enemy's first action.

2014-11-03, 12:41 AM
"Dammit! They're too far off! What do we do now?!"

2014-11-04, 12:15 PM
"We have achieved the more important goal, protecting the civilian vessel. Now we should ensure it's safety and defend our actions against the powers that be."

2014-11-05, 01:13 AM
The sepratist ship turned and fled to hyper. The freighter continued to run, though the captian sent a quick thank-you back towrd yor ships. As for the Admiral...

Apparently his astrogators were more concerned with dotting their Is and crossing their Ts, because in one moment there was nothing, and in the next, two massive wedge-saped vessels flanked your position, weapons hot, your comm blaring for attention. "This is Admiral Corlen aboard the Victory, to JEDI vessels. I am quite interested in hearing you justify blowing a major counterinteligence operation. Stand by to be boarded." There was a tug as tractor beams locked on to your vessels, as the admiral cut the comm without waiting for a reply.

2014-11-05, 02:32 AM
"This one does seem to escalate quickly. I wonder how this admiral will react, considering that boarding an allied ship is close to an act of war."

Alor tapped the comm unit on the nearest wall.

"This is Knight Alor. All crew, holster your weapons and do not fire upon our boarders unless fired upon. Verify that you've received this order."

2014-11-07, 12:27 PM
"Stupid, stupid, stupid... Race was rather fond of beating himself up. Slumped in his seat, he sat there massaging his aching head and didn't notice the world around him.