View Full Version : E6 The Grand Leader

2014-09-20, 01:22 PM
I want to make a super E6 leader. The first level has to be Martial Monk to snag Leadership, and a major bloodline to utilize the Heroes of Battle alteration to leadership, but the remaining levels are up in the air. Race is not set, though human would be nice for the bonus feat. Should I focus on Cha and Str or just go Str and try to finagle a higher Commander Score?

2014-09-20, 01:28 PM
Leadership isn't a fighter feat. However, since it is E6, that means you can take Firesouled as a template and still have a respectable charisma score, using magic blooded lesser aasimar and 10 point buy.

2014-09-20, 01:28 PM
Well Marshall might help, cuz area buffs, Warblade is always nice, especially if you throw a few White Raven Maneuvers on it, then theres the standard Fighter dip.

Oooh, you could go Binder, and be a leader of a bunch of refugees from an oppressive church.

2014-09-20, 02:22 PM
Commanders are specialized Fighters and have Leadership on their list. LA+3 would be ok for a Charisma only character, but with Might Makes Right I can get a better score without LA.

2014-09-20, 02:33 PM
Here are some possible ideas:

- 1 or 2 levels of Marshal.

- Bardsader or Bardblade, though I don't know how viable these are in E6.

- A-game Paladin: http://community.wizards.com/content/forum-topic/3407376. Note that there might be some rules issues with it though.

Commanders are specialized Fighters and have Leadership on their list.
That's one of the variants from dragon magazine right? Regardless, the fact that they have Leadership on their list does not make leadership a fighter bonus feat. Of course it all depends on your DM.

2014-09-20, 09:44 PM
I want to make a super E6 leader. The first level has to be Martial Monk to snag Leadership, and a major bloodline to utilize the Heroes of Battle alteration to leadership, but the remaining levels are up in the air. Race is not set, though human would be nice for the bonus feat. Should I focus on Cha and Str or just go Str and try to finagle a higher Commander Score?

How are bloodlines being run in this E6 game?

2014-09-20, 10:53 PM
E6 has been altered to max Character Level 6 as opposed to just Level to allow Bloodlines, but otherwise the bloodlines are being run as written. You can take a bloodline in place of a normal class level, if you take it after X level then you take a 20% XP penalty. Pretty straight forward.

2014-09-21, 02:33 AM
E6 has been altered to max Character Level 6 as opposed to just Level to allow Bloodlines, but otherwise the bloodlines are being run as written. You can take a bloodline in place of a normal class level, if you take it after X level then you take a 20% XP penalty. Pretty straight forward.

There's two main ways of running bloodlines. As written. So saying you're running them "as written" doesn't communicate how you're specifically running them, for future reference.

So we actually have 3 levels to play around with because you're using them like LA that you take over time and you're married to Martial Monk 1, correct?

2014-09-21, 09:55 AM
I have heard people say there are two ways to read it, but looking over bloodlines again and again I only see one. And no, we have 6 levels since the alteration of advancing to Character Level 6 instead of Level 6. Martial Monk is highly preferable unless you know a quicker way to leadership.