View Full Version : Monsters that are most friendly for players to rp as

2014-09-20, 09:19 PM
Simplification: Aligning what monsters in the book, are most likely viable player choices to rp as. An what monsters could do it, if they were modified into "lesser" or runt versions.

I won't give you much info due to legal info, but I'll give you a list of names, and try to answer questions.

Aarakocra - Fine as is.

Azer - Take away the heated body, take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.

Bugbear - Take away the brute ability , take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.

BullyWug - take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.

Centaur - Take away the charge and take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.

Duergar - ... Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice., reduce abilties to long rest only?

Flumph, Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice., hug your DM

Githyanki ?? ...Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice., take away multiattack , reduce innate casting to 1/day or rest.

Gnoll - Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.

Deep Gnomes - Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice. , remove blindness and blur as spell options.

Goblins - Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.

Hobgolbin: Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice., reduce martial advantage damage

Kenku -Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.

Kobold- Fine as is

Lizard Folk- Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.

Merfolk - Fine as is

Orc - Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.

*will do more later*

2014-09-20, 09:37 PM
So the monster manual gives NO... NO... NO rules for this, or ideas. These are monsters as races, that don't give like double attack options or wierd things that are more likely class or background choices.

I won't give you much info due to legal info, but I'll give you a list of names, and try to answer questions.


Azer - Take away heated body, reduce to player hit points

Bugbear - Take away brute , reduce to player hit points

BullyWag - Reduce to player hit points

Centaur - Take away charge , reduce to player hit points

Duergar - ... Reduce to player hit points, reduce abilties to long rest only?

Flumph, Reduce to player hit points, hug your DM

Githyanki ?? ... Reduce to player hit points, take away multiattack , reduce innate casting to 1/day or rest.

Gnoll - Reduce to player hit points

Deep Gnomes - reduce to player hit points , remove blindness and blur as spell options.

Goblins - Reduce to player hit points

*will do more later*

I don't understand this at all.

2014-09-20, 09:43 PM
Simplification: Aligning what monsters in the book, are most likely viable player choices to rp as. An what monsters could do it, if they were modified into "lesser" or runt versions.

2. Once you have seen the book or own it, you will understand what am saying. Once am done with the basic set, I willl expand into deeper information.

2014-09-21, 10:19 AM
Yes, done this way, and you can arrange players to use these monsters, without to much growing pains mechanically.

2014-09-22, 11:14 AM
Aarakocra - Fine as is.
Flight might be an issue, since flight lets you obviate several low-level traps and obstacles (and completely bypass the Athletics skill). Something like the Raptoran's level-scaling flight would be better.

Bugbear - Take away the brute ability , take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.
Brute would work as a once-per-short-rest ability.

Centaur - Take away the charge and take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice.
They're extremely fast, which could be an issue. I would consider wood elves a good fit, statistically speaking, for a deer-centaur race.

Flumph, Take away the monster hit dice and use class hit dice., hug your DM

2014-09-22, 11:18 AM
Flumphs are overpowered - the ability to use your body to completely negate falling damage from someone else is (while situational) potentially game-breaking.

(That's a joke, btw. Not a good one, but a joke...)

Shining Wrath
2014-09-22, 11:28 AM
Flight might be an issue, since flight lets you obviate several low-level traps and obstacles (and completely bypass the Athletics skill). Something like the Raptoran's level-scaling flight would be better.

Brute would work as a once-per-short-rest ability.

They're extremely fast, which could be an issue. I would consider wood elves a good fit, statistically speaking, for a deer-centaur race.


I have a soft spot in my heart for centaurs, though. The lack of any suitable accommodations in most cities, some armor class penalties (you'll NEVER find magic armor for the horse part, ever), the problems of being large in small spaces - all this means you can probably let them be fast.

2014-09-22, 12:38 PM
I have a soft spot in my heart for centaurs, though. The lack of any suitable accommodations in most cities, some armor class penalties (you'll NEVER find magic armor for the horse part, ever), the problems of being large in small spaces - all this means you can probably let them be fast.

What? You can't repurpose horse barding?

I think that RP penalties are insufficient for game balance. This is especially important if you have traveling PCs who visit areas where monsters are more tolerated, or settings like Eberron where people care more about your nationality than your species.

Also, saying "Large-sized races are balanced because they have trouble fitting into dungeon hallways" means you're building your adventures around the concept of punishing one specific PC. As a GM, I would be very careful about doing that.