View Full Version : Character idea for newish player?

2014-09-21, 03:58 AM
I am running a campaign with four players plus a dm npc. All are pretty well optimised with a shield basher, sorc, warlock blaster, scout. All dish out more damage than is par for the course.

However the final player (my wife) is relatively inexperienced. She has played a few sessions but doesn't like the bard I created for her, too many possibilities to master (I made it to be super flexible to allow her to find her stride and what she likes).

I need some options to put in front of her. Classes that are not too difficult to master but are fairly optimal (I know... Oxymoronic) and will be fun for her to play. We are at level 9.

The party could use a support tank to soak up some damage (crusader springs to mind but we already have one!).

She has expressed an interest in psionics. It is my one weak area for optimising though as I am least familiar with it.

So, suggestions would be awesome. Build suggestions even better. I am very partial to allowing characters a reasonable amount of cheese, all books are open. They have a higher than average wealth level and access to budget crafting at this point as a quest reward, one time offer at this point in game.

Edit: it might seem like we don't have much in the way of buffing or healing but the npc warlock is focused on chaining heals and buffing. So that is more or less covered.

2014-09-21, 04:54 AM
Well... From the sound of it, another warlock could be lovely. Simple and perhaps stacking on the damage, but a wonderful class for starting out.

2014-09-21, 05:05 AM
Pouncing Barbarian seems reasonable as you appears somewhat light on melee

2014-09-21, 05:16 AM
I don't think straight melee would appeal to her. I don't mind a bit of complexity for her.

I can run drills with her to get her used to whatever class it will be. Bard was just too open in that she had her bard abilities, spell casting, melee and was also a trip specialist.

2014-09-21, 06:13 AM
If she wants to play psionics, let her. You can let her retrain her powers at level ups if she picks something bad. You can play a psion well below its potential and still generally contribute in most parties.
They're ideal to let newbies play a caster without the general paperwork that comes with vancian casting, the headache of picking the right spells to memorize and the tons of published material to dig through.
Just 2 books to select their powers from, a relatively easy system to learn (just remember that max pp spent = ML and you're pretty much fine), a relatively good ratio of useful vs. useless powers and enough inherent power to be somewhat forgiving of beginner mistakes.

A Shaper with Astral Construct takes care of the support-tank issue, without the overabundance of options that makes summoning generally a bad idea for newbies.
It also lets her experiment with powers on her own since Astral Construct is enough to carry her through even if she picks a bad power on a level up every now and then.

Feint's End
2014-09-21, 08:20 AM
If she wants to play psionics, let her. You can let her retrain her powers at level ups if she picks something bad. You can play a psion well below its potential and still generally contribute in most parties.
They're ideal to let newbies play a caster without the general paperwork that comes with vancian casting, the headache of picking the right spells to memorize and the tons of published material to dig through.
Just 2 books to select their powers from, a relatively easy system to learn (just remember that max pp spent = ML and you're pretty much fine), a relatively good ratio of useful vs. useless powers and enough inherent power to be somewhat forgiving of beginner mistakes.

A Shaper with Astral Construct takes care of the support-tank issue, without the overabundance of options that makes summoning generally a bad idea for newbies.
It also lets her experiment with powers on her own since Astral Construct is enough to carry her through even if she picks a bad power on a level up every now and then.

Meh I disagree. Shaper is the most complex spec (maybe next to egoist) and astral constructs add additional complexity which isn't really needed for a beginner.

I'd recommend playing a blaster kineticist but it seems like you already have enough blasting. So how about a telepath maybe? Overall very solid discipline and nice skills.

2014-09-21, 08:42 AM
I know you said she probably wouldn't like melee... But your shield basher looks to be all alone in there (assuming scout is ranged or using spring attack). What about a duskblade?
Sure, its melee, but also arcane. And with its small spell list, it is far more focused. She can get in and help with flanking, deliver touch spells through a weapon, doesn't have to worry about arcane spell failure, and has some ranged (ray) touch attacks as well.

Could provide the variety she desires, while not being too open ended.

2014-09-21, 08:47 AM
I know you said she probably wouldn't like melee... But your shield basher looks to be all alone in there (assuming scout is ranged or using spring attack). What about a duskblade?
Sure, its melee, but also arcane. And with its small spell list, it is far more focused. She can get in and help with flanking, deliver touch spells through a weapon, doesn't have to worry about arcane spell failure, and has some ranged (ray) touch attacks as well.

Could provide the variety she desires, while not being too open ended.

I was going to suggest this or a TWF-Mystic Ranger.

Some sort of gish-in-a-can might be just what you're looking for.

2014-09-21, 02:20 PM
So, suggestions would be awesome.

I'd say give her what she wants, make sure it works the way she thinks it does, and always make sure she isn't bored. Good luck!

2014-09-21, 02:34 PM
How about a Psychic Warrior? They are a psionic class that can do some melee combat if built for it. You would have some flexbility if you choose the right powers, but not so many as to be overwhelming. Like sleepyphoenix pointed out, psionics are also much less of a headache to keep track of compared to Vancian.

2014-09-21, 10:50 PM
I'd consider ardent as well. Mantles make for interesting character-defining choices while not overwhelming a new player with options, and the ardent is a bit more survivable in combat than the psion. Or for non-psionic, one more vote for the duskblade or really anything Tome of Battle if you don't mind melee. Or there's always cleric, though spell selection may be something you need to walk through with her, especially if the buffing and healing bits are being handled by npc-lock.