View Full Version : Pathfinder What magic items should I be getting the party?

2014-09-21, 01:57 PM
It's a 3.P game and I'm an artificer, who has no idea what to get the party. We are level 6, currently. The composition of the party is:

Kobold Bloodrager(he has a lot of natural attacks for his full attack)
Gnome Alchemist(has a have crossbow and makes potions)
Human Oracle(praises the sun)
Human Paladin(get in combat and take hits for us)
Human Archaeologist(Indiana Jones)
Elf Artificer(me, crossbow peasant)

No one has any specific magic gear except the kobold who has the Savnok tooth, and an amulet whose name escapes me that makes all his attacks +1 and the pally has a +1 longsword.

2014-09-21, 03:16 PM
You are REALLY undergeared.

First priority are stats boosters, magic weapons for people who use them, cloaks of resistance and wands of cure light wounds.

2014-09-22, 12:41 AM
I agree with the previous poster. Wands of cure light wounds are top priority. Use them after combat to heal so your cleric can use his spell slots for other things, like killing your enemies. He'll enjoy it more too.

In general, specialized items aren't required. Keeping your warriors wielding the highest feasible enchantment bonus on armor and weapons is. The game expects you to live up to a particular power curve. While these enchantments aren't interesting, they are key to keeping you from falling behind.

The rest of this is just me spouting cool items that your friends might like.

I don't know exactly what the artificer class can do, but that paladin would greatly appreciate some adamantium armor at a discount. It would give him 3 damage reduction, which would help keep him alive.

An item that casts Enlarge Person even once per day. It makes your warrior a size category larger, giving him a +4 bonus on all his cool moves like trip and grapple.

From personal experience: Everyone should have silver and cold iron weapons. Everyone should also have a few flasks of alchemists' fire and acid. This makes it so you can penetrate damage reductions and get past ridiculous armor class.

Your warrior types might enjoy sundering enemy weapons with an adamantium weapon. ;)

I don't know what a bloodrager does exactly, but if he enjoys his mobility you could get him some mithril armor.

Longspears for anyone who always finds themselves standing behind the warrior. Magical if you can afford it.

2014-09-22, 12:43 AM
Since you're the resident full caster (sorta) expect to be in charge of buffing and healing.

+1 weapons and armor are a start, as are cloaks of resistance. Stat-boosting items are... pretty nice early on, but they don't stack with any other enhancement bonuses, so they can become redundant fairly quickly. That said, you're the only full caster, so maybe not in this case.

wand of cure light wounds is a must. couple with wand mastery for more bang for your buck, and for a few gp you're party healer. (out of combat)

For you... an animated shield?