View Full Version : Shattered Dimension [Digimon]

2014-09-22, 04:19 AM
After you got your hands on a digivice (and possibly a digimon partner) you thought that would be weirdest thing that would ever happen to you. But when you were recruited into a secret government agency, the weirdness quickly intensified. You weren't really given a lot of information. However, you do know one thing. There is a world completely filled with digimon, and the barriers between that world and ours are slowly starting to break. Rifts are opening between the two worlds, and wild digimon are starting to enter our world, and somebody needs to show them the way back. That someone is you. For some unknown reason the digivice has linked with you and now you are the only one that can protect the world. Well, you and hundreds of other people who managed to get their hands on a digivice.
And now as you stand in front of a large business building (presumably the main office, judging by the address you were given) you wonder if you should get inside or wait for someone else to come. After all, they did say you will be a part of the team.

2014-09-22, 06:11 AM
Soru looks down again at the address she had been given, it matches the one on the building. What do you think Patamon? Look like the right place?

Patamon looks at the big building.I don't know? What is it suppose to look like? It looks just like that one to me. And that one. And that one. Why did you come to this one again?

Soru laughs.Come on Patamon, this must be it. Soru walks into the building, carrying her partner in her arms.

2014-09-22, 09:28 AM
It's fortunate there are so few people about the building, Mic would have thought, but instead he is far more preoccupied with his partner.

Mostly because said partner: a two-foot tall, bipedal cat-creature with dark striped fur and pale red eyes, is busy shoving him with her gloved paws towards the doors, and despite having a few feet of height on her, this skinny slip of a kid is steadily losing the struggle to avoid an entrance. The gatomon digs her heels in and puts more oomph into the last push,continuing what has been a very dragged out discussion:

"C'mon! I've had it with arguing!!! You're going in there, and we're gonna be heroes! Think of mom!"

"But-- My mom doesn't even know about you! I... I'm not gonna be much help--everyone'll be bigger than me and probably know what they're doing. We'll just get in the way..."

"Stuff it, Mic! You've got the Almighty! The Sensational! The Magnificent Black Rose as you're partner!!! Everyone's gonna be getting out of my way once we show em what's what! That's the power of Heroism!!!"

"...but I don't wanna be a hero..."

"Yes, you do, now get in there!!!"

2014-09-22, 11:56 AM
''So this is where those man in black said to come Palmon?''

A little girl, dwarfed by the big building in front of her, turned around to ask her strange companion,a walking palm tree ?

''Yes Haruhi,for the third time this is the place.''

Haruhi took out an old pocketwatch from underneath her shirt and checked the hour,for what seemed the fifth times,if her exasperation was anything to go by.

''We've been waiting for over an hour and no one come,let's go home.''

She then heard a strange commotion comming from the entrance.Some guy with a two bipedal cat? was causing a scene.She went there and just laughed at the scene of the cat trying to push the guy inside.

''Captain courage,this guy clearly is not.''

2014-09-22, 10:17 PM
With little to no trouble at all, Daniel finally navigated himself across the city to this large business building. Scratching his head, Daniel double checks the address with the information he was given. He is dressed in navy colored denim jeans, brown sneakers, green shirt with a zip up grey hoodie.

Looking around, Daniel sees small boy being pushed into the same building, by a dusky skinned bipedal cat-creature. Blinking and taking off his glasses to clean it, Daniel puts them back on to make sure he wasn't seeing things. However the boy have already disappear into the building. Was that my imagination? Daniel wonders. He haven't seen a Digimon before and is unsure how one would look like. Apparently the agent who visited Daniel before didn't said much, and that in order to know more, he'll have to visit their office.

So, here he is, Daniel takes in a deep breath before walking over to the building. Bracing himself, he enters through the doors.

2014-09-22, 10:53 PM
the soft sound of boots clicking against the pavement fill the air as Mitsu slowly treads towards the Main building. her trademark headphones vibrating slightly to the music, today was actually a good day, a small smile was on her lips as she rocked slightly to the music her fanbeemon swaying with her side to side. "Well well, it looks like we're finally here aren't we B?" she would utter as she scratches the back of her head gently, before turning to face her hovering companion The fanbeemon would nod softly "Indeed, we are Glad Mizztrezz was able to actually get the energy to wake up so promptly." Mitsu would let out a soft giggle before patting her headset. "It's the song that woke me up, really set my mood for the day, now let's go see who those others are, shall we?"


2014-09-23, 10:19 PM
Diego sighs to himself as he follows the directions he was given; common sense warring with his own trepidation about the decision he was taking, made all the worse by the nature of the decision. If his mom found out he'd been courted by an agency to do what these people expected of him, well, angry wouldn't even begin to describe the state she'd be in or the hell that would await him. The boy knew next to nothing in truth about the organization in question really, nothing he could count on to be absolute fact yet...part of him was certain this was the right choice. The same part of him that led him into this situation in the first place, and had only gotten louder since this all began.

Thankfully the lad's ruminations were called off as his ears picked up a strange buzzing noise just ahead of him; his hand instinctually reaching into his pocket and the device held within it as he picked up his pace. His tension building in time with the buzzing as he discretely closed the distance with it, yet just as he came out of a side street to catch it the buzzing vanished; leaving only the sound of a closing door in its wake, and the faint sound of escaping air conditioned air as he laid on the large building.

Double checking his directions the lad was sure this was the place he sought, which left him with mixed feelings. Come on, too late to chicken out now... he thought to himself as he took a steeling breath before taking the plunge and walking inside. He honestly didn't know what to expect of the place he was about to go into, but he had a feeling that things were going to be quite different by the time he left it.

2014-09-24, 04:09 PM
As you enter the building, expecting to see something strange you are surprised by a completely ordinary corridor. You don't wait for long before one of the doors opens and a girl in her twenties passes through it. She takes a long, good look at each one of you before addressing you.
"Finally, we were expecting you 10 minutes ago. Punctuality is an admirable quality. Let us not waste any more time. Please enter the room."
You follow her into a relatively normal office, quite well furnished.
"I am agent May West, you may use my first or my last name when addressing me, but do not forget the agent part. I only have few more minutes to spend on you, so let's get this cleared before Halden here starts cuddling you." She points to a boy in the corner of the office. "I am the execution officer, which means I will personally overseer your missions. I expect nothing less then excellence from you. As long as you are members of this unit failure is not an option. I may look cold and harsh, but my job is to provide structure and discipline to this unit, and that is just what I do. However, that does not mean you can not address me if you need information about your mission. But don't come to me with your personal issues. That is not why I am here. Now, please excuse me, I have other matters to attend to. I will leave you in the hands of agent Halden. It was a pleasure to meet you."
She doesn't really wait for your response before leaving the room.
"She is a joy, isn't she? One of the best agents we ever had, but she doesn't really do personal stuff. Now, to follow up May's wonderful introduction, I am Halden, and I am the team's medical officer. I have the list here, I will just cross the names as you introduce yourselves. Who wants to start?"

2014-09-24, 04:52 PM
I don't think I like her. She is rude. Patamon says. He thinks he is whispering to Sour but he has yet to master the quiet part of whispering.

Sour laughs and squeezes Patamon a little to let him know she loves him but he can stop talking. My name is Sour Patona and this little guy is Patamon. At his introduction, Patamon turns to Halden and smiles wing to wing.

2014-09-25, 10:47 AM
''Late,am i? I've been waiting in the damn lobby for over an hour.''

''Calm down,it's not his fault.''

''Then whose fault is it ? God?''

Haruhi turned around with puffed cheeks and seemed pretty ticked off at being told that she was late.Palmon was trying to calm her but seemed to have little effect.

2014-09-25, 11:04 AM
Mic ends the spectacle he and Black Rose made by accident; he steps out of her pushing path when he sees the big brother of some kids he knows among those gathered, (causing the gatomon to fall on her face with a muffled squawk) but before he or his angry companion can say anything, the Agent starts talking.

"Oh yeah!? Hey! Take your freakin' time, lady! Jeez, she's a grouch..." Rose calls after the agent, paws crossed in confrontation. These paws soon sit against her hips, the moment forgotten because the prospect of introducing herself to the world at large is now hers. And to embarrass Mic, who pulls his cap lower on his head, his face flushed with embarrassment...

"Listen Up! Before you stands the Amazing, the Spectacular, the mysterious, and the all time greatest hero of the Digital World: BLACK ROSE!" ...And this kid's Mic. He's the greatest partner ever, so don't go putting on airs, or nothin'." Mic now buries his face in his hands as she poses, "You don't have to worry about failure while I'm around, for sure!" she punctuates her statement with a huge toothy grin, oblivious to the fact Mic looks ready to die. He didn't even say word one.

2014-09-25, 09:20 PM
The sheer normalcy of the building admittedly took him by surprise, but not nearly as much as finding out who else had come on faithful day to join him. Kids, several of them spanning all across the age groups; all here to help protect their homes of their own free will if the bickering was anything to go by. Though what caught him the most was that he knew some of them, or so he thought; his eyes drifting over to one he least expected to find there, Daniel. Several questions buzzed through the boy's mind, but thankfully before he could ruminate on the fact too much Rose happened.

"Is that so? Guess we're lucky to have ya with us Rose; if you're half as good as you say we should do just fine out there," Diego quips with an amused grin, bemused by both the outburst but by the surrealness of facing a talking cat, as he eyes the familiar boy besides her, who seemed to be two catchphrases away from doing his best armadillo impression, "And don't sweat it Mic, you're among friends," he adds genially before addressing the group, deciding to make the most of the odd situation.

"Aaaanyway, name's Diego Alejandro Guerrera Juarez; but only my mom bothers with the whole thing. Diego's just fine," he jokes lightly, "That'll have to do for two, 'cause its just me. Don't really have furry friend to introduce to, but it's a pleasure to meet you all," he ends with a friendly grin.

2014-09-25, 09:32 PM
"Hey! Black Rose! Not *just* 'Rose'! Get it right, Diego; I can't waste time correcting you all day!" Black Rose seems to nearly get into a tirade, when Mic puts a hand on her shoulder, still red-faced. Her obliviousness to his embarrassment leaves her asking why his face is all read, but it does allow Diego to dodge her ire...

2014-09-25, 11:47 PM
Though it did take Daniel a little while to find the building, he made sure to arrived early before the appointed time. Which made him check his watch for the time when May West, ahem, Agent May West stated he was late, specifically the group. Though she seems to come off a bit strong, Agent May quickly leaves the room, leaving Daniel a bit dumbfounded.

Knowing he isn't late at all, Daniel mentally shrugs. Looking around, Daniel easily can tell everyone seems to be close to his age, expect for the two younger children, he spots some familiar faces, perhaps he have bump into them before at his family restaurant?. As his eyes drifts around, he spots Diego, someone Daniel clearly knows; surprised Daniel smiles mentally, At least there's definitely a familiar face here.

By each person, stood a strange creature. Daniel can only guess that these creatures are the Digimon he heard of; aside from the 'spirit' that rarely speaks to him, Daniel have every little contact with Digimon. Everyone starts to introduce themselves as Halden, the team's medical officer, picks up what Agent May have left behind. Amazed that the Digimons spoke fluently in English, Daniel couldn't help but grin.

When his turn came, Daniel stood up as he introduces himself. "I'm Daniel Wong, my family runs a small restaurant in the city." Daniel scratch behind an ear as he continues. "Well I don't have a Digimon like the rest of you, but I'm told my Digivice allows me to transform into one." At this, Daniel palms the Digivice, hidden under his hoodie, clipped to his belt. "I hope we can get along together" Daniel ends this with a genuine smile.

2014-09-26, 08:20 AM
Renji Mikage was having a rather bad morning. Despite his best attempts at keeping his best attempts to head out to the meeting with the recruiter on time, he and his partner Tsuki were running ten minutes late. The person that had contacted him sounded very serious and stern, kind of person that wouldn't tolerate deviation.

"Kami bless Gentaro, but Jiji has absolutely no sense of direction." said the boy as he remembered the very 'erratic' drive to the meeting site.

Sadly in his grandfather's exuberance, they had ended up 2 blocks away from where they were supposed to be. This of course meant that rather a leisurely On-Time arrival, Renji and his little moon rabbit would make a poor first impression on organization. Part of him was still suprised by how he was planning to pretty much do the same thing his parents had done, to possibly drop everything for a cause.
It irked him a bit to have inherited that trait.

"You know he means well, Renji-dono. Still, he did manage to get us close enough so that we could arrive on foot", said shyly the pink and purple rabbitmon as she clung to his neck.

The duo arrive that the building just in time to see a young woman exit one of the rooms. The way she carried herself spoke of a disciplined mind, perhaps a kindred spirit in that sense. Maybe she could direct them to where they were supposed to go.

"Excuse me, miss? I was wondering if you could help us. We were contacted to meet here with Agent West about possible employment, and we are unfortunately late." said young Mikage as he composed himself.

2014-09-26, 09:21 PM
Mitsu would tilt her head slightly at the woman prattling on with her instructions while nodding at appropriate moments, her foot would be tapping slightly, as she had only mostly removed her headphones,
"Hmm It's a good thing my desire to learn more about Digimon is greater than how wonderful a naps sounds about now" she would mutter softly to herself before turning to look towards Halden. "Oh, right...erm introductions, Well nice to meet you all, my name is Mitsu, I enjoy music, computers, and naps. not necessarily in that order." She would nod as if that pretty much explained everything before moving away, B would hover for a few moments before stepping forward and...well you would assume it would be sort of bow, but it would seem as though he simply hovered down then back up while tilting forward slightly. "My name is B, as in the letter, not the animal, or the Digimon family of which I dezzend from, "My queen is one to get easily concetrated on her tasks, so feel free to direct all comments to me."

2014-09-27, 04:25 AM
"It is a pleasure to meet you all. I am sure you have many questions, and I will try to answer a few, before agent May is ready for your first mission briefing. Is there anything particular you would like to know?"

"Excuse me, miss? I was wondering if you could help us. We were contacted to meet here with Agent West about possible employment, and we are unfortunately late."

"That would be me, I am agent May West. There is no excuse for tardiness, do not let it happen again."
"Please, let me deal with this." The voice comes out of nowhere and when Renji turns around he notices a mountain of a man behind him.
"Agent West, there were circumstances that could not have been anticipated, and the young initiate had no way of contacting us, to inform us. It was a solitary incident, and it will not repeat."
"Very well. If you will excuse me, I need to prepare for the briefing. It will be in 17 minutes, but I will be ready in 14, if agent Halden finishes earlier."
"My name is Alexay, I am the security officer in this team. You will find the rest of the initiates in that office. It is the office if Halden, our medical officer. Now, please excuse me, I have preparations to deal with."

2014-09-27, 05:26 AM
Where's their digimon. Patamon "whispers" to Soru, looking at Diego and Daniel.

Soru also was a little confused about that. Had one said change into a Digimon? I don't know Patamon. I guess we will find out.

2014-09-27, 04:18 PM
"I'm interested in knowing what the big plan for all of this is, what you guys know and how we fit in to all this.... I mean, I appreciate B's company and I'm glad you guys didn't just burst in and kidnap us or our digimon in the dead of night and throw us into Black vans,I consider that a plus." Mitsu would state in her usual somewhat bothered tone, as though causing herself to speak was a great effort that should only be reserved for crucial matters. B would slowly hover up and down.

"I agree with Mizztrezz, she often states that the key to defeating your enemies is proper knowledge, or a good hacking tool."

"You didn't have to mention that last one B." she would state with a soft sigh.

"I'll correct for the next occurrence." B would state immediately, clearly unconcerned with the specifics.

2014-09-29, 02:03 PM
"That would be me, I am agent May West. There is no excuse for tardiness, do not let it happen again."
"Please, let me deal with this." The voice comes out of nowhere and when Renji turns around he notices a mountain of a man behind him.
"Agent West, there were circumstances that could not have been anticipated, and the young initiate had no way of contacting us, to inform us. It was a solitary incident, and it will not repeat."
"Very well. If you will excuse me, I need to prepare for the briefing. It will be in 17 minutes, but I will be ready in 14, if agent Halden finishes earlier."
"My name is Alexay, I am the security officer in this team. You will find the rest of the initiates in that office. It is the office if Halden, our medical officer. Now, please excuse me, I have preparations to deal with."

Bowing enough to show his respect to his future commanding officers while keeping Tsuki from falling from his back, Renji spoke "I appreciate your understading, Agent West and Alexay. We will do all we can to ensure it doesn't happen again without meritorious reason. I thank you both for your time and assistance."

With his piece said, Renji and Tsuki approach the door that Alexay had pointed to, and knocked.

2014-09-30, 05:57 PM
Diego chuckles awkwardly at Black Rose's outburst, making a mental memo not to come up with any nicknames for the exuberant cat; though he was pleased to see Mic reign her in despite his own sympathetic embarrassment. He briefly seconds Mitsu's own question, glad to see some of the other's echoed his own hesitance, "I'm personally kinda curious about how this is actually going to play out after today. I mean, are you guys actually hiring us? Are we going to go through some kind of training program at some point or routinely? Are we going to operate in shifts, or do you guys just call us up when you have a job for us? And if so, what happens if we're at school when you need us; do we just just run out of class with some random excuse? he inquiered before noticing the confused gazes he received from Patamon and Soru and glimpsing portions of their exchange. Given from what had been implied so far, it didn't take a genius to realize what they wer wondering abotu what seemed to be the elephant in the room.

"Now, no need to be shy; now's the time to ask questions after all, and I think I can field that one," he teases good naturedly, "I can't speak for Dani but I...don't really have a partner like you guys do; I guess you could say I am my own partner,"

2014-09-30, 10:03 PM
Patamon becomes fascinated by Diego as he speaks and manages to wiggle his way out of Soru's grip. Wait so are you a digimon? Patamon lands on Diego's head and sniffs him. you don't smell like a digimon.

Soru blushes a little and reaches to get Patamon off of Diego's head. i am so sorry for that. Patamon, you can't just do that.

2014-09-30, 11:20 PM
Black Rose slowly turns her head to look up at Diego, scrutiny playing over her features, and from how screwed up her face is, it's apparent that this is an almost alien concept to the little egotist.

"Wait... ...Does that mean... You have a secret identity!?! Even I, the superfluous Black Rose don't have one of those!!!" Clearly, this is a gathering of heroes that was just waiting for me, right Mic?" Mic's still off being red faced, but he caves in to her question with a slight nod.

If he has any questions, Mic seems to refuse to give them. Content, or only brave enough to hide behind Black Rose, he starts staring at his feet again.

2014-10-01, 04:41 AM
"Some people have the ability to communicate with the elemental spirits, and even though this spirits normally don't manifest physically, they are still considered to be a partner digimon. However, since they do not have a physical body they have to use their partner's body. I guess the less boring explanation would be that some people cane fuse with this spirits to become a digimon.
As for your place in the team, that is to be determined. You will have your first mission today, to see if you qualify as operatives. I don't think we will have problems with that. There is no training, you are either ready or not.
Assuming you accept, you will be active members of the team. That does include answering emergency calls, but this will be kept to a minimum. Most of your duties will be sealing the rifts and sending back the digimon that pass through. Unless there is a high level threat, a few hours delay will be acceptable. Your school time should not be a problem, your absence will be explained and erased from the records, like it never happened. This job does come with a few perks."

2014-10-01, 06:08 AM
At the mention of spirits, Patamon starts anxiously scanning the room as if he would see one if he looked close enough. I can't speak for the rest, though I feel it is safe to say Black Rose would share the sentiment, but Patamon and I are ready. Right Patamon?
Instead of answering Patamon stops scanning the room and responds with a big grin.

2014-10-01, 06:42 PM
"Something like that," Diego chuckled; amused by both from Patamon's innocent curiosity, and the speed with which Black Rose's opinion of him changed, "Also, I don't think superfluous means what ya think does; you're far from unnecessary partner. Think you might like trying Amazing, Astounding, Awe-Inspiring, Marvelous, or Extraordinary instead when you have the chance," he replied to Black Rose amiably.

"And it's okay, don't worry about it," he replied to Soru with a warm smile, "I've got little siblings too, he was just being curious is all; and I'd be too in his shoes," he added, making sure Digidestined and digimon knew he wasn't affronted by the little one's curiousity, before listening to Halden's explanations with some relief. More so from the knowledge that what he'd seen and felt wasn't just some radiation induced hallucination; though the part about being occasionally excused from classes was nice.

"Well, if we're not getting whipped into shape; I guess I'm ready as I'm gonna be," he quipped confidently.

2014-10-01, 10:35 PM
Daniel listens to the introductions and conversation around him. What intrigues him was how each Digimon interact with their human partners; it seems each Digimon is capable of speech and have individual personalities. Though he wasn't quick enough to answer the Patamon's quiet inquiry, Daniel simply cross his arms and nods in agreement with Diego's explanation about being his own Digimon partner; though he wasn't completely so sure about being alone, as his Spirit Digimon have spoken to him a few times.

With Halden's explanation of Spirit fusion, Daniel can't help but be interested, the agent before didn't explain much and only invited Daniel to this facility; coming here was Daniel's hope to get more answers. Who are these mysterious creatures called Digimon? What does the secret government know about them? Since when and where do these so called Digimon existed? Why did the agent mention Digidestined then quickly brushed it aside? But before Daniel can get any more answers, looks like he and the rest will have to jump through hoops in order to find out more.

Unsure if everyone here are truly ready for more of the unknown Digimon, Daniel quietly thinks of his family before standing up once more. This time with more confidence, Daniel address the man and the group "If it's to protect my family and those dear to me, then I'll help." Looking from Soru and her Patamon to Diego, the two who have already spoken "Likewise, I'm as ready as I can be."

2014-10-05, 06:06 PM
Mitsu remained silent for awhile as she thought things through. "...yeah you can count me in, if this means I get to analyze and view the portals Its too good a chance for me to pass up...what's the mission then ?"

2014-10-06, 05:34 PM
Perking her acute ear, Tsuki speaks,"It seems that the meeting is already under way, Renji-dono. Perhaps we should enter."

With a sigh, he place Tsuki on the ground and straighten his shirt to make himself more presentable. "Well then let's go in and introduce ourselves, shall we?", said the boy. His partner instinctively grabbing the leg of his jeans as if it were a security blanket. Despite the time they had spent together with his grandfather, Tsuki was still very much like she arrived, a nervous, shy, little bunny. Perhaps meeting other digimon would help her break out of her shell.

Opening the door, Digidestined and partner stepped through. "I apologize for the late arrival, Agent Halden. I'm Renji Mikage and this is my partner Tsuki." said as he introduced his digimon.

"We were told by Agents West and Alexay, that you would be providing some manner of orientation, which seems to be already underway", said the young martial artist as he scanned the room to get a better look at his fellow digidestined.

2014-10-06, 06:39 PM
"Uh, yeah. We're all gonna be heroes, I'm the best and greatest (Black Rose, by the way) and Mic's ready, too, aren't you?"

She was wiggling with awe at all of Diego's good suggestions but now she's gone back to being a loudmouth. Mic, for his part seems a little grateful towards the older boy, himself, if only to keep attention away. His hat still practically tugged over his eyes, Mic studies Diego for a few moments more before *finally* muttering a question:

"I'm in, too, ...cause we gotta help mom... But, um, how did you get your, um, powers? And um.. Rose knows, but I don't know, really what I'm gonna hafta do on these missions. Do we need training first?"

2014-10-08, 05:08 AM
"We were told by Agents West and Alexay, that you would be providing some manner of orientation, which seems to be already underway", said the young martial artist as he scanned the room to get a better look at his fellow digidestined.

"If you already had a chance to meet May then there's really no need for me to say anything. Except maybe I'm sorry you had to go through that. You didn't really miss anything, just introductions."

And um.. Rose knows, but I don't know, really what I'm gonna hafta do on these missions. Do we need training first?"[/COLOR]

"Agent West will explain everything, once we are finished here. Her office is right across the hallway. She should be ready in a few minutes."