View Full Version : Serpent's Skull I, Smuggler's Shiv

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2015-09-02, 02:54 PM
Lalarlia will reach out to the nearest creature and attempt to lay her hands upon it.

Dazing Touch: [roll0]

2015-09-02, 11:19 PM
R1T18: Lalarlia reaches and caresses the crab lightly with the back of her fingers. She can't tell if anything happened or not.

R1T16: Erin looks at Lalarlia quizzically. "What was that? Were you testing the hardness of its shell or something?"

Her magic dagger immediately in hand she thrusts it between the meeting point of the shell with the hopes that Lalarlia did something useful to it and she scores a nice 16.

R1T11: Ankarum, you are in reach of the other crab, but you would need to draw a weapon. What do you do?

2015-09-03, 07:28 AM
Ankarum draws his trident
"Ankarum thinks that that fork is best way to eat crab!"
The savage thrusts his weapon into the face of the sea creature.

to hit *i am only rolling and adding my base attack bonus. I am not considering the Favorite enemy-animal bonus*

to damage

2015-09-03, 08:35 AM
R1T11: Ankarum draws his trident, "Ankarum thinks that that fork is best way to eat crab!"

The savage thrusts his weapon into the face of the sea creature for 6. The animal doesn't move quite the way he had hoped or expected, but realizes that perhaps crabs have more in common with really big bugs than with normal animals. If this is true, crabs are mindless creatures that fight in a way your training against animals cannot help.Crabs are vermin, not animals.
R1T10: A giant crab reaches out at Erin, but she easily ducks and weaves.

R1T9: Jask, over by Ankarum, barely manages to get off a defensive force shield for himself.

R1T3: The other crab hits Lalarlia for 3, but it can't get a solid grasp.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Stephan hits his opponent for 10, but the second bounces off of its hide.

R2T18: Lalarlia, what do you do?

Erin on deck, Ankarum in the hole ...

2015-09-04, 10:35 AM
Lalarlia cannot see standing here giving crab massages as helpful so she draws her scimitar....

2015-09-04, 11:47 AM
You SO need to read up on actions
That's a move action. Do you attack with your standard action?

2015-09-04, 12:41 PM
And swings the scimitar at the Crab intending to make Carb Rangoon....

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2015-09-05, 01:56 AM
R2T18: Lalarlia draws her scimitar and attacks, but with bringing it out of the scabbard (partly underwater) and the half-underwater, half-above water slice, the blade skips off of the crab's carapace. Excuse me, the Carb's carapace.

R2T16: Another dagger is quickly in Erin's hand. Both miss.

R2T11: Ankarum, what do you do? You are in reach of the crab that has only been hit once.

Badly wounded giant crab on deck, Jask in the hole ...

2015-09-05, 08:47 AM
Snarling with rage *RAGE* Ankarum thrusts for the crusty crab with his trident.

I am not adding rage bonuses to my rolls leaving it up to you, just my basic to hit and damage. He uses rage power Guarded Stance.
to hit
to damage

2015-09-05, 02:45 PM
R2T11: Snarling with rage, Ankarum thrusts his trident at the crab, giving him the ability to strike true for 9.Only trident and shield have been updated.
R2T10: Erin's crab snaps at her for 3 (min), but manages to get a hold of her and squeezes her for 4. She wriggles around enough so the second claw can't quite get at her.

R2T9: Jask casts magic missile and two bolts hit Erin's crab for 10 force, dropping it and releasing Erin.

R2T3: Though a coastal creature, the soft cover and the rager's defensive style is enough for both claws to miss Ankarum.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T22: Stephan sloshes over to the last crab and gives a fair downward chop for 12, but not enough to finish the crab.

R3T18: Lalarlia?

Erin on deck, Ankarum in the hole ...

2015-09-07, 04:14 AM
Larlalia swings hard at the crab with scimitar.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2015-09-07, 11:25 AM
R3T18: Understanding that downward swipes are limiting, Larlalia swings hard at the crab with scimitar, parallel to the water and cuts well into the crab to drop it.

Combat Ends ...

What do you guys do? Move on?

EDIT (because I'm here with Matt): Ankarum thinks it's sily to try to take crab meat because it would be bulky and the undertow has proven powerful to the group's strongest swimmer. Since that will be the general consensus, Stephan orders that folks pair up stronger swimmer with weak swimmer. Stephan and Jask will work together, and Erin will work on her own. He orders Ankarum to stow his shield so he can fight ... it makes him too unbalanced in the water ... and he and Lalarlia will work together.

Another wave slams the party when they are only 10' from the rocky beach. Stephan and Jask almost go down, but stay up. The party makes it to the beach.

2015-09-07, 12:40 PM
Um. Yeah. What he said. :smile:

Once reaching the beach, Lalarlia will take the time to suit up......In her armour, that is....

2015-09-07, 12:56 PM
On the rocky beach, the group sees a conch horn, though there is also a rocky trail as well.

2015-09-07, 04:38 PM
Ankarum shrugs his shoulders.

2015-09-07, 10:27 PM
"Ankarum?" asks Stephan. "The Tempest is a holy man of your faith. You lead us in what we need to do."

2015-09-08, 10:18 AM
Ankarum guesses should blow horn to say hello"

He takes the horn and blows as hard as he can.

2015-09-08, 09:38 PM
High upon a narrow ledge, a dark-skinned man appears. Dressed in nothing but a loincloth, his wild, knotted hair whips about in the wind. Shouting above the crashing surf he calls down, “Who are you and for what purpose do you seek me?”

2015-09-08, 10:40 PM
The barbarian cups his hands to his mouth and bellows up to the priest.
"Ankarum, past of the Shoanti and now of the Sargavan Clan, calls upon Tempest, priest of Gozreh, to aid us in our quest to find the lost city of Saventh-Yhi in the Mawangi Expanse! We seek a guide and will pay for your services. Come, what say you?

2015-09-09, 02:00 AM
Ankarum's voice is heared with conviction and honesty.

"Show your patience and wait for me. I shall be down in a little while to hear your proposal." At that, he disappears from view.

(Presumably) Nkechi clambers down the rocks to meet the party. Though he is still agile and muscular of form, Nkechi’s face and knuckles bear fine creases that show his age. Wind and sea salt have turned his dark skin rough and ashen, and his palms and soles are caked with white chalk from climbing the cliff face. He has long, graying dreadlocks and a scraggly beard, and dresses in nothing but a loincloth. He carries a trident and a light wooden shield across his back (both apparently of high quality, with the trident being of particularly beautiful make in Gozran motifs, though the shield somewhat as well), has a couple medicine bundles, and a wooden holy symbol of Gozrah about his neck.
"You killed the crabs! You could have used a different tactic to safely bypass the creatures. Just like Pale Ones. Then you leave them behind, their carcasses splashing in the water and the undertow. Will there be other scavengers? Yes, but they are the scavengers. When She vents her own frustrations in the sea, the crabs are the ones whom, like a healing balm to the coast, come to collect on the mess. Oh, well, I guess the act of slaying them is a sign that I must move on. They normally would not attack so many moving and large living creatures. There is work to be done.

"Oh, and you ... Shoanti? You are of the Shriikkiri-Quah clan of the Shoanti of the north. And while you apparently share in the weapon and the faith, you don't share in the good sense. Sargavan Clan? HA! Think you that I am stupid? Why would people seek my counsel if they did. I know who and what Sargava is, and yourself wear the livery of the country, and that my countryman - if he is my countryman, for it seems his blood is tainted with a Pale One ... has such a badge on his epaulets."

He looks the party over. "A Pale human; a Pale ... I don't know what ... some type of bat-woman (you have a medicine bundle, but you have the bearing of a particularly low sorcerer of some sort); a Pale elf that might be priestess of Calistria, and a warrior at that (the Mistress of the sea is as mercurial, so we have much in common here); and only two who are fellow Garundi. One is a Garundi academic of some sort, possibly a spellcaster, and you do wear a symbol of Nethys. You, on the other hand, Mixed-Blood, is the only one among your fellows who is Mwangi; and your badge shows you as their leader."

He snorts in derision. “In truth, I am skeptical of your abilities. At best you seem to me blissful incompetents. I doubt you even capable of finding your way back to town, much less through the jungle. But Gozreh may have different ideas, and it may serve his purpose for me to accompany you. I am willing to accept your proposal if you first prove yourselves by completing two simple tests, one of wind and one of water. Of course, you may decline, but I must add that if you fear performing Gozreh’s simple tasks, there is no way you will survive the jungle.”

"Wind and water are more friend to me then it may seem, Tempest," says Stephan confidently. "I am not afraid, and we draw strength from each other. If the gods demand this test, we are fit for it. What are these tasks?"

"Oooh, heh-heh-heh," chuckles Nkechi. "So eager to be felled by pride, eh? *Cackle* Well, then, what would you first? The Test of Water or the Test of Air?"

"I am familiar with the surface above the water, and not ignorant to what lies near to the surface beneath. I am a sailor and an excellent swimmer, as are several of us. The Test of Water."

"Very well, then. The challenge of water is hardly difficult. Mostly, it is a test of patience and fortitude. Gozreh requires that you retrieve for him a single black pearl. Head north a bit, out by the crags of the cape. Those shores are filled with oyster beds, and such pearls are not uncommon to those who know where to look.

"Oh, of course, there is some challenge for so fine a swimmer as you claim yourself. You will have to perform dives off of a nearby reef there known for its hazardous coral and powerful currents. When you arrive, I recommend you query a few of the local Bonuwat pearl divers and ask them for pointers."

The longboat is pulled ashore, and Stephan signals the ship that it might be awhile, though that should be obvious since the longboat is beached. Nkechi will show you a safe route to get from the beach up to the top of the cliffs. Traveling up the coast, the party comes upon a small village of indigenous pearl divers. They freely offer pointers to outsiders and give you directions to the rocky reefs where pearls are most common. The divers advice the party to be careful what you touch, as the sharp coral can leave painful wounds. They also warn that although slow, the deceptively strong currents can still disorient divers, and can drag a swimmer out to sea to his death. Stephan did a fine job talking to them (in Polyglot, though everyone in the party understands that), they are quite helpful. The divers offer to barter some of their special equipment, including sandbag weights and diving floats (barrels with ropes attached), for some of the party's more mundane equipment. Stephan will explain to the party that the weights can help a swimmer reach the bottom swiftly, while the float marks a diver's position relative to others and can help PCs from being dragged out to sea by currents. Stephan will actually do the bartering, offering up his steel kukri, 6 javelins, and for a real coup - his vial of antitoxin. The metal items and the precious antitoxin - needed in a land with so many poisonous creatures - is enough for these items.

The oyster beds are about 100' offshore, and lie at depths of about 60' to 100'. Stephan manages to get a villager to lend a boat to get the distance, though of course it is up to the party to row out and make the dive. Jask barely knows how to swim, but he is not a strong swimmer so he will tend to the boat. Erin shrugs and says, "I can swim okay, but I wouldn't know the first thing about where or how to look for these things. I'll help Jask pull up swimmers."

The three remaining are Stephan, who is easily the group's best swimmer (magic rings help); Ankarum, not a bad swimmer and with some skills that may help in finding pearls (faster than Stephan on average, but not as strong a swimmer); and .... Lalarlia.

Lalarlia, you have only the most basic skill at swimming, you probably would have a difficult time finding a pearl in the first place, and you wouldn't be able to stay underwater for very long anyway. Will you tend the boat with the others, or brave diving for pearls with Stephan (and likely) Ankarum? Are you willing to sit this one out, or do you wish to go bravely on ... despite being a possible liability?
If you are underwater, either because you failed a Swim check or because you are swimming underwater intentionally, you must hold your breath. You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to twice your Constitution (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) score, but only if you do nothing other than take move actions or free actions. If you take a standard action (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Standard-Actions) or a full-round action (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Full-Round-Actions) (such as making an attack), the remainder of the duration for which you can hold your breath is reduced by 1 round. (Effectively, a character in combat can hold his breath only half as long as normal.) After that period of time, you must make a DC (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Difficulty-Class-DC-) 10 Constitution (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) check every round to continue holding your breath. Each round, the DC (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Difficulty-Class-DC-) for that check increases by 1. If you fail the Constitution (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Constitution-Con-) check, you begin to drown.

What this means in the party:
Ankarum, with being a tough ranger, can hold his breath longer on average (Endurance).
Stephan, if pressed for air, can turn into a fish. He hasn't done so, but the wise PCs can probably figure if a bird, why not a fish?
Lalarlia, significantly less than either. If she is fighting underwater ... not even counting the breath she took to get to whatever position she is in ... she can only hold her breath for six rounds.

Equipment and combat underwater, as described by Stephan:
Piercing weapons are best (such as Ankarum's trident), as bludgeoning and slashing weapons (such as magical scimitars and massive war swords) face alot of resistance.
Don't wear armor (which really applies to him, unless Lalarlia goes), and even shields are a bad idea.

Underwater is a dangerous place.

2015-09-09, 03:32 AM
Lalarlia does not wish to be a liability and feels her healing skills may be handy on a pinch so she will remain in the boat.

2015-09-09, 07:56 AM
So, no point in going deep first. The plumb line (such as it is for native folks) goes down 60'. The diving buoy is set with a 60' light anchor and is attached to the boat as well.
Stephan and Ankarum go into the water with sand weights and a fine breath.
R1: Stephan makes it down to 15', and Ankarum gets to 20'.
R2: Stephan is at 30' depth, and Ankarum is at 40' depth.
R3: Stephan is at 45', and Ankarum gets to the bottom.
R4: Stephan reaches the bottom. There is a strong current down here, but Ankarum is fine. Ankarum begins looking for oysters.
R5: Stephan takes out his short sword and taps it against coral to show Ankarum where there are oysters, wedged into crevices of rock encrusted with sharp coral draped with kelp.
R6: Both men begin looking through oysters and pry out an oyster apiece.

Neither one finds a black pearl, though there are tiny or flawed pearls inside. A continued search doesn't bring any better luck, so Stephan motions topside. Oysters are left behind. Stephan claims that while the villagers would be pleased to see if Gozreh blessed them, the mass grabbing of oysters for greed would impact the village and might be met with displeasure by the Lord of the Sea and Sky.

Out a distance, and the depth this time will be 70'. Another easy dive for both men.
R1: S = 15', A = 20'. R2: S = 30', A = 40'.
R3: S= 45', A = 60'. This time, Ankarum, reaching the bottom well first, sees another oyster bed. and points to it with his trident.
R4: S = 60'. A = Pops out an oyster and finds it's a dud.
R5: Duds.
With some other checks, this dive is a fail.

Another dive a little further out. It makes sense, Jask would mention, that the best oysters are a little further out from shore. 80' depth.
R1: S = 15', A = 20'. R2: S = 30', A = 40'. R3: S= 45', A = 60'. R4: S = 60', A = Bottom, and finds oyster bed.
R5: Stephan gets to bottom. Ankarum pries out an oyster; dud.
R6: Ankarum gets a cloudy gray oyster, but Stephan finds a black oyster!
R7: He puts it in his bag, and then drops the sandbag weights. Ankarum can do the same.
R8: Stephan doesn't seem to notice, but Ankarum discovers that the oyster beds here are littered with bones ... human bones, from the look of things. This doesn't feel right.
R9: The dangerous current almost takes Ankarum for a ride were it not for the line of the diving buoy. Stephan is more than fine.
R10: Ankarum gets to 60', and Stephan to 65'.
R11: Ankarum gets to 40', and Stephan to 50'. And it is here that Ankarum notes a stunningly beautiful woman in the water, a beautiful maiden with long, flowing hair.
Ankarum gets this overwhelming sense to go to her, but he manages to shake off what may seem a mental compulsion.

R12T17: Ankarum, you see a light below you, and you recognize that the light is a holy light coming from Stephan's short sword.

R12T16: No less beautiful, but at the light her features now turn to cruelty. She swims quickly downwards to Ankarum in a charge from above to hit him in his chest for 3 (min) and kelpie strands try to grab around him but fail.

R12T10: Ankarum, you are on 12 rounds spent of your held breath (4 rounds remaining). Your way directly above is barred; you'd have to try to go around. You do have trident in hands. What do you do?

2015-09-09, 08:22 AM
Harnessing his savage nature *Rage*, Ankarum lashes out at the creature with his trident.

to hit
to damage

Whether he hit or no, he will then try to swim past the creature.

2015-09-09, 04:38 PM
R12T10: Harnessing his savage nature, Ankarum lashes out at the creature with his trident to hit her in the hip for 10.Since it doesn't do anything to you, I will assume that you are using Guarded Stance? Ankarum then tries to swim around the woman but the barbarian is very hard to hit. His frenetic movement and lack of experience in underwater combat, combined with the current, means he gained no ascent this round.
End Round 12, Begin Round 13 ...

R13T17: Stephan comes right up next to Ankarum and holds his glowing short sword wide as there is a nimbus that glows briefly around the tattoo of Iomedae on his chest.

R13T16: "You and I could simply turn on the black-skinned man, for I have never lain with a man with skin so creamy," comes a seductive voice in Ankarum's mind, even as he rages. She doesn't seem to await an answer, though, and her kelp whips out at Ankarum, only just whacking him for 3. This time, however, much of the kelp wraps around him and holds him in a grapple.

R13T10: Ankarum, not counting this round, you have used 13 (your CON score is 16) rounds worth of air. You are being grappled in the kelp of this water maiden. You are at a depth of 40'. What do you do?

2015-09-09, 08:58 PM
Ankarum stabs into the swirling tendrils with his trident even as he continues to swim upward.

to hit
to damage

Ankarum is using his move action to continue to swim upward. He is not trying to break the grapple, just drag them both up.

2015-09-10, 01:28 AM
R13T10: Ankarum desperately tries to thrust into the kelp to at least get a good strike, but he ends up hitting himself. He can't really feel it that much, as a mild puncture or cut may be like underwater. It certainly doesn't seem serious, but he takes 3 as blood does come out of the wound. His power is so great that perhaps he could have easily wrenched himself out of her grip, but trying to drag her along doesn't work and he stays where he is.

End Round 13, Begin Round 14 ...

R14T17: Stephan thrusts at her and sinks his short sword into her for 13, and his short sword is stuck in her as you are all now in a rolling ball.

R14T16: The water maiden instantly looses her grip on Ankarum and manages to take out Stephan's sword, letting it drop into the depths.

R14T10: Ankarum, you are at a depth of 35' now and ungrappled, and she is right next to you. You already have used 15 rounds of air; doing anything other than moving will put you over your CON and start forcing you to make increasingly harder CON rolls AND you have to fight against current. In addition, the full weight of what happened with nicking yourself on the trident comes home as you realize that while not heavily wounded, you are bleeding into the water (3 bleed). What do you do?

2015-09-10, 02:35 AM
Lalarlia enjoys the feeling of the warm sun on her skin and begins to hum a happy tune as she listens to the relaxing sounds of the sea lapping at the boat.

2015-09-10, 06:11 AM
Feeling that time is short, Ankarum swims for the surface, but not before taking a parting stab.

to hit
to damage

2015-09-10, 03:23 PM
R14T10: Feeling that time is short and consistently bleeding, Ankarum tries to swim for the surface, but not before taking a parting stab. Held as he is, it is not as clean as thrust as he had hoped, and she keeps ahold of him. It's a good thing I read, because you can hold your breath for TWICE your CON score, not just your CON score. Whew.
End Round 14, Begin Round 15 ...

R15T17: Stephan sees his only real weapon go away. He looks at her and he concentrates. His form comes together - fully 8' long or so; his girth becomes quite wide with distinct gills on the side; his eyes go around his side; his feet come together and shift to a fin; and his mouth stretches to an obscenely wide and "frowning" rictus with rows and rows of teeth. While not as large as a blue shark, Ankarum still recognizes it as a bull shark.
R15T16: She tries to keep ahold of Ankarum, but she can't keep a grip on the strong, raging man ... Ankarum is now free of her grasp.

R15T10: Ankarum has used 17 out of 36 rounds of air, so he is much better off than we first thought, but he is still definitely not in friendly terrain. He is bleeding. Also, he is raging ... but his alter ego didn't look at his sheet to notice the change in attack and damage. You are human, your buddy is a shark, and she seems plantlike. She breathes water, Stephan used to breathe air but now breathes in water, and you only breathe air. You fear change. You register Republican. What do you do?

2015-09-10, 04:05 PM
Feeling better now that he is free of the creatures clutches, Ankarum presses the attack not willing to let his friend Stephan shark face this for alone.

To hit
To damage

2015-09-10, 04:37 PM
R15T10: Feeling better now that he is free of the creature's clutches Ankarum presses the attack, not willing to let his friend Stephan-shark face this threat alone. This time he manages to get through her plant-like armor for 7. Still, Ankarum takes 3 bleed from his wound.

End Round 15, Begin Round 16 ...

R16T17: Stephan moves up 5' to a depth of 35', right next to the creature. He bites her with a holy wrath, even in shark form for 21!

R16T16: She wants no more of this battle and tries to get away but Stephan gets another big bite on her for 19 and she drifts limply downwards. Ankarum is able to get in a final strike for good measure, and it is likely from all of the blue-green stuff that is likely her blood that she is fully dead.

R16T10: Ankarum, you have used 19:32 rounds worth of air. (I miscalculated 16x2. Sigh.) You are raging and you are bleeding. What do you do?

2015-09-10, 07:26 PM
Ankarum swims for the surface for all he's worth.
*double move*

2015-09-11, 03:22 AM
R16T10: His rage fueling his strength on the ascension as the current tries to pull him, Ankarum still drives upwards 20' to a depth of 20', and still makes 3 bleed.
R17T17: Stephan gets up to Ankarum easily, and wags his dorsal fin around in Ankarum's face.
R17T16: With or without Stephan's help (and regardless if the young barbarian grabs the shark's fin for assistance, Ankarum makes it to the surface, but still suffers 3 bleed.

It is obvious once they pop up to the surface and with the continuous trailing of blood that Ankarum is wounded. Stephan pushes Ankarum the 15' they went off course to the boat, but not before Ankarum bleeds another 3.

Ankarum gets into/ is pulled into the boat, and bleeding (another 3), and by this time he can stop his rage, but in doing so, his reserves are exhausted as he drops another 10.

Lalarlia, what do you do to stop his bleeding/ wounds?

2015-09-11, 06:29 AM
Seeing Ankarums rough situation, Lalarlia will pray for the healing energies of Calistria to flow through her and lay her hands upon him.

Lay on Hands: [roll0]

and again: [roll1]

and once more if necessary: [roll2]

2015-09-11, 08:25 AM
"Ankarum thanks Lalarlia for the healing. Is Stephan shark going to retrieve his sword? Ankarum would help but too much blood in the water now. Other sharks will come."

There are still some minor wound to be healed but Ankarum is fine.

2015-09-11, 03:41 PM
Lalarlia is just a touch light-headed for a few seconds or so after that effort, for she put all she could into healing Ankarum as best she could in that way.

Lalarlia, a shark must surely have smelled the blood, because it follows the blood trail right to the side of the boat. The fin stops at the boat instead of turning or going underneath. Then, truly bizarrely, the head of the hideous and dangerous beast pops up and LOOKS RIGHT AT YOU!!! The nictating membranes click once, then twice, and the shark submerges again. There is no shark's fin, and this might be what Ankarum mentioned about Stephan-shark.

Several, several minutes later, with a hushed sense in the boat as if expecting something to happen, the shark appears again, and turns into Stephan. You help him into the boat. Stephan takes out the black pearl to show to the others. "We fought a kelpie, an underwater fey that might take the shape of a captivating woman. She preyed on many, for many are the bones of divers who ventured too far. We have vanquished that threat.

"I have been to her lair and have found something," he continues, this time a little more cautiously and in a lower voice, almost conspiratorially. "THIS!"

With that, he quickly takes out a skeletal hand with a ring on it. He doesn't actually scare anyone (or does he?) but does give folks a start, like in a good ghost story. Stephan says a prayer to Iomedae for the victim of the kelpie whose hand had this ring, and then removes it from the hand before gently putting the skeletal hand onto the water to sink at its own pace. The ring is made of silver, and it is inlaid with a brilliant fire opal and overall appears to be quite expensive. Jask uses detect magic and determines that it is merely a beautiful but non-magical ring. It's hard to tell, but it looks better than it really is ... ~720 gp. Stephan says that he and Ankarum braved the dangers of that fight, and whatever they get for it in town will be shared between them. He claps Ankarum's back as a brother-in-arms, and in doing so healing energy pours into our hero to heal him of the last wound. Also, it seems that Stephan indeed had retrieved his sword.

The party rows back to shore, and Stephan (despite Erin's request) shows the villagers the black pearl and describes the story. (It's a little stilted, only so-so. He has a high CHA, but he's no bard and no ranks in Perform, let alone Oratory.) The heroes can't tarry, though, and the villagers send you off with apples and raisin-cakes with honey. You make it back to Nkechi and show him the black pearl.

Nkechi looks at it and takes it and sets it to the side. “The task of wind is a simple one. All Gozreh requires is a single complete feather from a humble stormbird. One such magnificent creature, named Chirok, lives but a day’s walk east. There, at the end of a peninsula, you’ll spot a lone promontory known as Gozreh’s Crest. The bird nests at the top of the cliff. Return when you have a feather.”

Stephan instantly takes the group on its way, understanding they'll have to camp midway. Before he does, though, he again signals the ship. "Since Chirok has a name, if there is any way to reason with the stormbird, let us try that first. Perhaps, Ankarum, Gozreh will favor your patience. Hahahahaha!" he laughs heartily at the end.

As the PCs start out, the cloud is graying, and in a few hours ... an hour or two before camp ... it begins to rain. You are used to daily rain every afternoon, which by now is just a fact of life, but there is a light chill to this one. It is not the cleansing afternoon rain, and it rains into the night. Watches are set and the party sleeps and recovers from the day before ... as best they can.

2015-09-13, 07:32 PM
The rain let up a little in the early hours of the morning. The party prays, meditates, works out, and moves on. The sky still has stratus coulds, but it isn't long before the sky really begins to darken and once again rain, and rain heavily indeed. In a few hours, you see what (by Nkechi's description) must surely be Gozreh's Crest which sits at the very edge of the peninsula, an ominously scarred chunk of dark granite worn into a steep, wave-like shape by centuries of wind and rain. Its face catches the ocean, creating a natural wind tunnel that amplifies the wind and creates howling updrafts. These updrafts have become the favored spot of larger seabirds, which ride them high into the sky, where they hover above the sea watching for fish.

The promontory is a whopping 500' above sea level, and in coming here your altitude came down to sea level. As you get closer to the promontory the weather is even more focused as you face severe winds speeds and cascading sheets of rain. Even without the wind, the promontory appears to be a difficult climb. The smooth, wind-beaten eastern face is impossible to ascend. Only the western edge is jagged enough to allow for solid footing. The stormbird most assuredly would sit at the top of Gozreh's Crest.

Erin has 50' of hemp rope. That's it for the group. Not even pitons. Stephan mentions he has climbing handled; he can turn into the simian humanoid form he used in the Temple of Blood. It is a humanoid from distant Casmaron, but he met a sailor on a ship once, and they are natural climbers. This really comes down to natural climbers.
By now, you are getting a feel for each others' abilities. Here are everyone's Athletics modifiers. Remember that Athletics covers both climbing and jumping.
Stephan (+13)
Ankarum (+11)
Erin (+8)
Jask (-1)
Lalarlia (+3)

The climb is a DC 20. These numbers reflect no ACP (Armor Check Penalty), and obviously both hands must be dedicated to climbing. This means that ... round-by-round ... an average roll is a '10' (you may not "Take 10"). Stephan and Ankarum would do fine ... and Stephan would do so automatically because he will choose the form of a vanara that will have no difficulty on the ascent. There is still a chance for Ankarum to roll badly.

Any roll that does not make a DC 20 Athletics check means no movement that turn. Any roll that fails by 5 or more means .... that person falls. On a roll of a '4' or less Ankarum would fall.

With an average result of 18, Erin would make little progress, and would fall on a '7' or less.

Jask and Lalarlia would fall .... but they probably wouldn't have made it far enough to matter in the first place.
50' of rope actually doesn't go that far, and without the ability to properly secure it, the rope doesn't help anyone. You can ascend 150', the lagger can make it up to the point where it is tied off, and then on the next leg there is nowhere and nothing to tie it off. The best thing is - sadly for Lalarlia (again, the other PC) - is for Stephan and Ankarum to go, and Stephan to aid Ankarum with the rope. Even then, Ankarum would slip (or the rope would) and fall on a '2' or less ... and possibly take Stephan with you.
Ankarum, what is your choice? Your god is Gozreh. There is no reward without risk, but it is a great risk. Do you ascend the promontory?

2015-09-13, 10:29 PM
"Ankarum will make the climb with Stephan. Gozreh favors the brave. If the bird be on its nest, Ankarum may be able to convince to give up a feather."
The savage warrior grins at Stephan and claps him on the shoulder .

2015-09-14, 01:44 AM
Stephan asks Jask and Lalarlia what they have prepared. Jask's spells are all short-term and battle-related, but Lalarlia has bull's strength and protection from energy [lightning]. To give Ankarum a boost, she will pray and give him bull's strength (20 STR). Jask, mentions that with the raging storm and the height of the promontory ... not to mention a "stormbird" ... lightning might be a problem. Stephan believes that Iomedae will help protect him, and asks that spell be placed upon him as well.
Stephan turns into the form of some kind of ape that has long, ginger-orange hair, a black upper face with thick side-brows, and the mouth portion which is more dark brown than black. His toes, like a chimpanzee, are long and grasping; both hands and feet are black. Jask recognizes this type of ape from zoos and menageries as very rare, a primate from distant Casmaron (and some on the island of Jalmeray) called an "orangutan."

R1: Stephan ambles up to a height of 60'. Ankarum gets to 20'.
R2: Stephan = 120'. Ankarum = 40'.
R3: Stephan = 180'. Ankarum = 60'.
R4: Stephan = 240'. Ankarum = 80'.
R5: Stephan = 300'. Ankarum = 100'.
R6: Stephan = 360'. Ankarum = 120'.
R7: Stephan = 420'. Ankarum = 140'.
R8: Stephan = 480'. Ankarum .... plummets 140' to the rocky beach below and takes 51 damage! It is a testament to his incredible physical prowess (or the favor of Gozreh) that he even survived such a fall.
R9: The below party rushes to Ankarum, as Stephan looks down and holds position.
R10: Jask casts CMW for 13.
R11: Jask casts again for 18.
R12: Jask casts CLW for 11.
R13: Again will fully heal Stephan.
R14: Ankarum is helped to his feet.
R15: Will Ankarum brave the cliff again?

2015-09-14, 09:41 AM
"Ankarum thanks friends for healing him." He shakes his head ruefully. "Gozreh is speaking loudly this day. Ankarum will let Stephan complete this task unless he too should fall."

He waves up at the climbing Stephan to let him know he is Ok.

2015-09-15, 03:08 AM
Stephan climbs up and disappears from sight. (Of course, at a height of 500', it is only his orange form against the rock that really made him visible.) In barely over a minute he faintly appears again and begins the climb down. He makes it down in just under a minute, with a feather between his teeth, and then changes form back into Stephan.

Only a minute later, there is a loud screeching up high as a bird flies into view (at the height of the summit of Gozreh's Crest). In the darkness of the storm, this bird's feathers burn with a green light. It disappears onto the top and is not seen.

"I have this feather," says Stephan, having exerted himself. "I took it from the nest before what must be some type of magical bird returned. She - it - had eggs in the nest, and it is good that I found a full-sized feather (for there were several feather tufts) when I did, or I would have been alone. One simple toss and I doubt I would have had time to shift into a bird."

The feather itself is beautiful, covering all the colors of the storm, but with a distinctively brilliant green coloring on the tip. Since it is no longer a part of the stormbird, it does not glow, but it is a thing of beauty nonetheless.

The party continues back, but in the distance .... and on their track back to Nkechi's ... there are four native warriors, each with shortspear and shield. Everyone except Lalarlia recognize that these are members of one of the Zenj tribes. The Zenj are the smallest of the major tribes of the Mwangi, but also the most hostile to outsiders. One of them calls out: "Why have you trespassed upon our sacred lands?"
"We have been tasked by the Tempest, a wise man, to undergo the Test of Wind. We had to retrieve a feather from the stormbird Chirok.
"That is a mighty feat. Did she give it to you freely? Did you reason with the mighty stormbird?"
"No, mighty Zenj, I found a feather before she returned to her nest."
"Then I challenge you for the right to keep that feather which you have stolen. No harm to each other, just the first one pinned. If we win, we keep the feather. If you win, go peacefully. I send one warrior up to the top to verify the truth of your tale. The other two detain your friends here. You honor this challenge?"
"I do. Let us clasp arms to claim this. My companions are ignorant of your words, and I shall tell them what is happening. Then, may each man's talents best serve him as the gods have gifted, decreed, and witness."Stephan clasps hands and forearms with the other. "Ankarum, for the others know for their skill in tongues, one of us is to wrestle the other - without harm - to the first pin. The wager is on the feather. I am sorry, my friend, but once again I must go to the glory. We cannot afford to lost the feather. I have never seen an actually truly skilled wrestler in my 'waking' years, merely unarmed experts such as the late Sheel. I can actually, for a time, forget certain trained abilities to use others I have seen. I shall shift my senses and my mental resistance to accept higher reflexes and open hand skill.

"Lalarlia, Jask, this is a challenge upon which my skills suffice. It would be poor form to accept a defensive spell. Ankarum, say a prayer to Gozreh for me, for it is for this priest of Gozreh his help we need. And please, for honor's sake, all of you, allow yourself to be held in abeyance."

As discussed, a warrior heads off in the direction of the promontory. Stephan stands almost to edge of the and he shifts form ... into that of a hugely-muscled Zenj warrior, 7' high, of darkest black skin. Stephan impresses his opponent, but not enough to put the man off his guard.
R1: Stephan just barely goes a hair faster than his opponent, but instead of moving in to grapple, he gives a fearsome shout. The man seems to shrink some from that, but throws himself at the interloper. He locks arms in an attempt to hold.
R2: Stephan doesn't return a grapple, but merely holds him back as if to study something. They are still locked.
R3: Stephan now seems to be doing some kind of faint meditation mid-combat and steps back as his opponent loses even a touch of grip.
R4: Stephan is now in an entirely different stance, almost a mirror to the tribesman, and shoots to get him in a takedown. His opponent, on the ground, now frantically fights and now has regained his nerve but is still held.
R5: They twist and the man comes out of the hold but the Zenj can't quite get a reversal. Both are back on their feet.
R6: They are circling in a hunched position, batting and probing at each others hands or hips.
R7: Stephan is losing ground, and this time the Zenj gets him into a takedown.
R8: Stephan throws off the hold with Cailean strength and pushes the man away from a counter.
R9: The Zenj gets Stephan into a hold again.
R10: Stephan can't get out of the hold, and the man comes so close to a pin ... so, so close, but couldn't quite get it.
R11: Stephan gets out of the hold, only to be put right back in again.
R12: Stephan gets out of the hold to twist the body of the man so that he can't regain a grip.
R13: Stephan has the upper hand with a grapple, only to lose it.
R14: Again, Stephan affects a hold and keeps it.
R15: At last, after a minute-and-a-half, Stephan wins with a pin!
They both get out of their hold, and the man has no ill will, even smiling. Both men give a wrestler's hug for good sportsmanship. Stephan changes back to normal. To the entire group, the wrestler-Zenj and the other two seem quite please (and in Polyglot mention that Gozreh has meant for this meeting) and among the three men they present the present the party with assorted pieces of abalone, baleen, bone, and pearl jewelry. They bid you go in piece, and His blessings be upon your mission. Once out of view, Stephan takes a look at the items given to the party by the Zenj, and he meditates for a few seconds and says. "Remarkable. I estimate about 800 gp here."

As you are walking away, Stephan smirks and says, "I now know how to wrestle."

With that very simple sentence, it all becomes clear to Ankarum and Jask.
Ankarum, with your knowledge of nature, you have already recognized him as a skinwalker, sure, but in what manner has always been hazy. But when he recently mentioned what he can learn, and that he suddenly knows how to wrestle - as it seemed more trained than a test of strength - that pinned. There are creatures that come from the First World - the land from whom all fey creatures, good and bad, stories say are their original home. Sometimes, very young children of great potential or auspicious futures are stolen in place of fey changelings (or by the more wicked, simply stolen away). If they ever manage to return, for very few do, some of these haunted humans possess powers of the fey. Their minds can study the world around them to learn virtually any skill and nearly any man or beast, in a way few druids ever can hope to match. They are called Taskshapers.
Jask knows the above, point for point, but his arcane training knows a different side of things as well. No two Taskshapers are ever exactly the same in their suite of powers. They might know different skills, and in time their powers have different outlets. Most can change form into the form of small or medium humanoids and animals, but can became even smaller or larger animals as they grow in power. In many ways, the increase in size of animals mirrors druids. There are others that specialize into fantastic shapes like magical beasts, elementals, or even more hideous creatures like the undead. The most common ability is what is called a "moment of change" wherein they can instantaneously affect some small advantage for a brief second to become stronger, more agile, or whatever is needed at the time, though like spells for a mage, this can burn them out. There are other powers, but these are what are known to Jask.
Fascinated by his mental leap and finally putting the clues together, Jask is only too happy to share his knowledge with you. Stephan says nothing during Jask's "enlightened" discovery, he also would love to interview Stephan at some point. Stephan shrugs lightly at the end and thoughtfully says, "Is that what I am? Huh. Well, now I have a name for it. But, no, I am not your test subject."

The party continues back, and the rains seemed to have subsided, almost as if you have been favored - a little, because there is still that mizzle and drizzle and a light breeze. Lalarlia prays in the evening, noting the first night of the full moon. The rest of the party perform their duties in the morning, and you travel back to present their tribute to Nkechi. With great skepticism, he accepts the second offering but asks them to wait while he inspects them for authenticity. He retreats into his hermitage for about half an hour, leaving the PCs at his doorstep. Eventually, Nkechi returns with a smile. Inviting the PCs inside his abode, he asks them to sit in a circular pattern on his floor about a large clay brazier filled with herbs. Nkechi picks up a wooden mortar filled with reddish paste, and proceeds to draw mystic symbols on the PCs’ faces with the paste as he walks around the circle chanting esoteric words.

He firmly snaps, “Do not interrupt!” at any PC who dares to speak during the ceremony. When finished, he pulls out a pouch filled with some small roots, eats a piece, and requests that the PCs do the same. If queried about the root or his actions, he responds with earnest gravity, “We are going to speak to Gozreh.”
Understand that this is a ritual by a Gozran priest should not bring worry to Ankarum. Though Gozreh might be a little too detached from Lalarlia's mores and outlook (though only somewhat from Calistria), it is a new experience and the idea of undergoing a religious experience that is already on a path she is taking shouldn't keep her from allowing herself to enter the trance.Erin is all for it, and from a scholarly standpoint Jask will do so. Stephan thinks for a minute, and Nkechi is getting impatient. Stephan says a prayer ... aloud ... to Iomedae to protect him from any harm. He allows himself to undergo this trance.

Everyone quickly falls into a dream-like trance. Each person perceives themselves exiting their bodies and drifting as smoke through the night sky. These individuals sense, but do not see, the others. As they travel, they see all of the Mwangi Expanse below them. Slowly, the sky turns red and they reform as strange spirit animals in pale translucent colors, and that is when you see each other with a sense of whom they happen to be.Nkechi: Manifests as a giant crab.
Ankarum: Manifests as a powerful type of buffalo from the Mwangi savannahs, called a wildebeest.
Erin: Manifests as a lioness.
Lalarlia: Manifests as an black-and-white striped equine. You don't know what it is. (Later you will find out it is called a "zebra," also from Mwangi savannahs.)
Jask: Manifests as an owl.
Stephan: Manifests a mighty elephant.
During the strange trance, Nkechi foreshadows the unveiling of the ruins of a forgotten city from ancient folklore. But he warns that many rivals seek the city, and it is unclear who shall be first to claim the location. He also sees a darkness within the city, and ominous storm clouds gathering on the horizon.

About halfway through Nkechi's divinations, a dream serpent suddenly manifests and attacks. Ankarum, Jask, and Stephan notice that the markings and patterns on the snake's scales match those of Yarzoth. They each (and Nkechi) also manage to keep from being surprised.

Surprise Round...

T14: The dream serpent, quite large, lashes out at Jask and the latter just barely gets out of the way.

T13: Jask-owl flutters back just a few feet and casts shield.

T7: Ankarum, since you were in a trance you weren't carrying your shield and weren't wearing anything bigger than light weapons. This would be your throwing axe and magical kukri. You are adjacent to this really big snake, and weapons are stowed. What do you do?

2015-09-15, 10:15 PM
Ankarum Wildebeest snorts angrily and paws the ground. The enraged *Rage* beest swings his sharp horns at the dream serpent, eyes showing whites all around.

to hit
to damage

2015-09-16, 12:30 AM
T7: Ankarum's wildebeest gores the dream snake for a whopping 21. Though he was cautious at first thinking that it might be some magical thing, it turns out this dream snake moves as predictably as an actual animal .... a simple thing Ankarum is most capable of fighting above all others.

T6: The truly massive elephant that is Stephan gives a great trumpeting cry, standing on his hind legs before its trunk points at the snake almost accusingly. There is a slight glowing of a symbol of Iomedae that glows briefly on Stephan's elephantine form. His tusks come rolling in for 25 with his power and smite, then the trunk for 27. Though it is a slamming trunk, this last blow has a strange effect of separating the head. The decapitated serpentine body thrashes and writhes violently before gradually fading away. With that, the party exits the trance.
Never even needed the second roll. Once I figured out Stephan's adjustments as an elephant. Holy wow. That is power he will not know as a mortal unless he gets to near capstone level as a taskshaper (iirc). That, and the extra damage from a smite ... he considered Yarzoth's markings would mean an evil dream snake.
Jask, Lalarlia, and Nkechi recognize the dream serpent’s death throes as a symbolic depiction of the decapitation of the ancient snake-god Ydersius. Lalarlia is quite knowledgeable, but it is Jask who (with a '20') really brings it home.
"If you remember, the Temple of Blood on Smuggler's Shiv was dedicated to the vampire goddess Zura, of whom our current companion still suffers under her curse. The actual inhabitants weren't a special race of vampire-creatures. Zura was a cult, but a powerful one. Zura was venerated by debased and corrupt members of the First Humans - the Azlanti. I know the legends because I took to learning the dead language of the Azlanti in my youth. Now, be they the cult of Zura, or the more honorable members of that once legendary race, all Azlant were united in warfare against their ancient enemy, the snakefolk ... and we had the misfortune of suffering misfortune, battle, and eventually knowledge via our encounters with Yarzoth.

"Now, legends hold that Ydersius and the serpentfolk were driven underground during the war with the Azlanti and forced to hide in the Darklands realm of Sekamina. In one of the final battles of the war, Ydersius was decapitated by the mighty Azlanti champion Savith and became known as the Headless King. Still believed to be living in two pieces, his mindless body is said to thrash in the lightless depths below, while his head has wasted away to a still-conscious skull. It is rumored that his head is buried somewhere in the Mwangi Expanse, luring the serpentfolk to that region. Whatever the exact truth may be, his clerics still receive his divine power, a sure sign that he has not followed Aroden into true death. A deity of unquenched passion and anger, the generally more cerebral serpentfolk used him as an example of all that was potent and primal in their psyche. They believe that should his body and head be reunited, Ydersius would return to full power and lead his people on an attack against the surface world.

"According to the ancient legends of the Mwangi, the Zenj folk hero Old-Mage Jatembe learned secrets from the severed head of Ydersius before sewing its lips shut. As far as any 'realm' that any religious or planar scholar might look to, Savith decapitated the god and cast the head into a lake of fire and banished the body to the Darklands; to this day the god is still split in twain."
Nkechi nods slowly and gravely. "What you face is now a threat to Gozreh, or at least to what Gozreh holds sacred, and Gozreh desires me to make the journey. I will aid you with decisions concerning the various paths you might take, filling you in on relative geography, as well as providing folklore and history. I can also help you survive survive in the jungle; even those who think they know might be surprised by the Expanse. I will aid in healing. However, I will take on no leadership role in your group, and I will avoid combat if at all possible."

The Ensign nods and discusses the ranking of the vanguard group, Sargava's structure for the major expedition behind the main party, and that Nkechi will be an "outside consultant" outside any chain-of-command and not even under compunction to follow his own orders .... though Stephan will seek the elder's counsel anyway. After all, he is going on this trip for the above reasons, but people seek him out for his vast wisdom.

Nkechi gathers up his very few belongings that he will take with him. The party makes its way down down the trail, and Nkechi whistles to call .... a friend.

Shadowing the party from above, and now coming down further into view is a spider much larger than even Ankarum has seen. It is roughly the size of a horse, and it has vine-wrapped sections on it that you can tell are a makeshift form of saddle and the like. It is quite clear that this spider is meant to be .... a mount. Ankarum and Jask both recognize this type of spider as a hunting spider (a type of tarantula at that) - one that can make powerful jumps to leap on prey, but does not lay webs to capture potential prey.

Nkechi turns with a wicked smile at the party, figuring that half would be repulsed, if not afraid. "This is my dear friend, Tatenta - which means 'Thank you.' I called out to Gozreh for help once when I had a particularly bad time with hostile Pale Ones, and Tatenta came to my aid. In time, she has let me ride her. Through Gozreh, I am a vermin hunter with the heart of the same. This is why Gozreh made my totem a giant crab, and why you did not understand my anger when you killed the crabs below. Just because most vermin are mindless, doesn't mean they aren't creatures of nature. Tatenta, though, is blessed with some level of intelligence and I have trained her to ride and attack. I do not need much in this world; what she cannot carry neither shall I."

The ride on the longboat with a horse-sized spider is particularly uncomfortable for Erin and Jask. When they get to the ship, the master refuses to let such a horrible creature aboard. Though Stephan's rank as only an ensign counts for little, his note from the general and Stephan's own outstanding cajoling and threats (he has the Friends in High Places (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/social-traits/friends-in-high-places) trait, if you've ever wondered) cows the man to accepting the spider but only with the conditions that the spider be in a segregated section of the hold. Even with only a short sail, this will make for a low morale voyage.

2015-09-16, 04:59 PM
The party returns to Eleder, and the General discusses the completion of what is needed for the expedition. He invites them (you) to discuss their plans with several expert advisers.

The PCs should set out before the main expedition with their guide, acting as “trailblazers” for the rest of the expedition, which will travel a few days behind them. The general gives the PCs a map of Sargava and the southern Mwangi Expanse, which together with Yarzoth’s notes should enable them to find Tazion. It is suggested that the PCs travel light and stop in the city of Kalabuto to restock on supplies. There are covert allies in the city who can make arrangements for the PCs’ stay and continuing journey. The PCs are warned not to stay at an inn, and to limit their interaction with locals who might be working for the rival factions. When they arrive in Kalabuto, they should make contact with a dwarf named Cheiton in the Shrunken Head, one of Kalabuto’s most popular taverns. He can be recognized by the distinctive cave-and-pick tattoo on his shoulder. Cheiton owns a house near the tavern, and the PCs can safely lodge there while preparing for the next stage of the expedition.

According to the map, the fastest route to Kalabuto is to travel overland through the wild scrublands and savanna, along the older trade routes that skirt between the Bandu Hills and the Laughing Jungle. These routes were used primarily by early colonists, most of whom were prospectors seeking their fortunes in salt, gold, and diamonds. While several successful mining operations remain, the trails are far less used than they were in the past, particularly because merchants using them are easy targets for brigands and wild beasts. This same remoteness should lessen the chance of the PCs encountering the allies of rival factions seeking to block or sabotage their mission. The caravan routes lead to the edge of the M’neri Plains, at which point they can break from the trail and head west to Kalabuto.

Once the PCs have resupplied in Kalabuto, they should follow the Upper Korir River north into the Screaming Jungle. Here the terrain climbs upward through a series of rocky falls and churning rapids, greatly impeding passage via boat, and in many places the water becomes too shallow to navigate, so overland travel is recommended over riverborne travel. Leaving the Screaming Jungle, the trail continues to follow the Korir until it comes near the northeastern Bandu Hills and then turns east. At this point, the trail leaves the river, heading almost due west through the northern foothills of the Bandu Hills until it reaches the southernmost reaches of the Mwangi Jungle. Somewhere beneath those trees lies the Azlanti outpost of Tazion, which should show the way to the lost city of Saventh-Yhi.

All in the party whom do not yet have their own mounts shall be supplied them, along with full tack and saddle and saddlebags. Though not to be weighed down, various equipment shall given each of you as befit your skills. (They assess this, NOT you. So, if anyone wanted to have a .... I dunno ... traveling alchemist's lab? That's on you.) It's okay if you don't want a mount ... the small squad of Sargavan guards going with you will be on foot.

Any comments from the PCs?

For his excellent actions, leadership, and passing what was a basic review of abilities, Stephan Brauer is promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant (junior grade). His title is still "Lieutenant."

The party won't be leaving until the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday, Lamashan 24th, and Sunday is a day for religion. An expedition is one thing, but Nkechi refuses to curse the mission by not beseeching Gozreh on a day of prayer. Likewise, Stephan will be fasting and holding vigil.

A Sargavan appraiser looks at the ring and it isn't worth 720 gp, but 1200 gp! The mixed abalone, whalebone, and other such scrimshaw and the like are agreed at 800 gp. Because you were working on behalf of a mission, and you may wish to have special equipment, you are given flat value of 2000 gp for the whole. This means everyone receives 333 gp and 3 silver. The actual denomination will be (3) 100 gp gems, 3 platinum, 3 gold, and 3 silver. (Sheets updated.) This does not include Nkechi, but does include the "extra share" for the party treasure. The fraction left over goes to the treasury (a mere 3 sp).

Is there any equipment the party might want to buy?

It is important to note .... Lalarlia, you are a paladin who has been specially trained to wear armor a little more easily than other armor-wearers (see traits). Stephan wears the armor he does for three big reasons: first, it is a function of his order; second, he requires too many physical skills; third, his DEX bonus to AC is impressive, and good armor would be a negative gain. Are you going to trade in your current armor and try to get something with better protection?

2015-09-16, 05:52 PM
Ankarum will gather his things and saddle Tahkeome for the trip. He will join the group and pester Nkechi for information about his companion, specifically about the spiders venom capabilities.

2015-09-17, 02:55 AM
Lalarlia will procure riding gear for Caelela and take advantage of the holy day as well, back at the brothel....Er....Temple.....

2015-09-20, 05:00 AM
You only just this morning of the expedition meet your Sargavan squad that General Havelar promised to accompany you, and they are given the title of the "Sum of Fears Squad" by their enlisted colleagues; and this squad, though small, is supposed to be as tough as they come. Ankarum might miss it, but Lalarlia's keen ear and elven proclivity for double meanings help her note that the leader's name perhaps plays just as well a part for the squad's name as their reputation. Their members are:

Master Sergeant (MSGT) March Fiercesomeelm, Squad Leader. He is a white-haired dwarf with topaz-yellow eyes and is as ferocious as his name. Despite his bluster, he is quite calculating, and his senior enlisted position has made him vain over time.
Corporal (CPL) Aeduin Ardizzone, a Chelaxian. Passionate by many new experiences, but gets annoyed easily ... and annoys others in return.
Private First Class (PFC) Danaus Gisler, a Chelaxian. Discerning eye for the ladies, and quite enchanting. A real womanizer.
Private (PVT) Chuguel Mwangi, a Mwangi. Gloomy and voracious; fatalist but rarely voices if he has a chance to shut his mouth by eating food.
Private (PVT) Ouma Ewe, a Mwangi. Realistic and understanding.
Private (PVT) Harsk. Dwarves for the most part are dour and taciturn. He takes it to a whole level of insular and anti-social.

None of the Sum of Fears Squad has a horse. Everyone from From MSGT down to PFCs wear masterwork scale and carry masterwork halberds and serviceable light crossbows. PVT Harsk has masterwork studded leather, and carries masterwork heavy crossbow and masterwork battleaxe. Despite having a rank that is that of the most basically trained Sargavan guard, either by expertise outside of the military or by the draw of the short straw (because his armor is much less capable), he is the squad's heavy crossbow sniper. This may be laughable to Lalarlia since light crossbows are already slow in combat because of reload; but heavy crossbows are ridiculous, and he would have to be the "one-shot, one-kill" type (or just suck and the squad needed someone to fill a billet). All members of the squad are highly trained survivalists, orienteers, and jungle warfare specialists.

Here is the final breakdown of the chain-of-command:

Lt (j.g.) Brauer


W-2 Derindi



[Sum of All
Fears Squad]




MSGT Fearsomeelm



***SSGT Lalarlia***




CPL Ankarum

CPL Ardizzone

CPL Zyianthus


PFC Gisler

PVT Mwangi


PVT Harsk

You may notice that Lalarlia is in the center and "connected" to both sides. She is the senior NCO for the specialists, but also is in the chain-of-command for the squad. Her call is "sergeant," or "sarge." MSGT is called "Master Sergeant," "master sarge," or even simply "master."

2015-09-25, 02:25 AM
Moonday, 25 Lamashan 4710 AR

The Sum of All Fears (for Stephan enjoys the name for the platoon as a whole) heads out on this morning. The group heads out. It is quickly apparent that the lieutenant hand-picked this squad over any others. They are not meathead soldiers (though brawny), but quite canny. They still talk amongst themselves, though, and are of high spirits. In the evening, this crack squad takes no time in setting up a base camp. Jask has a hard time setting up a tent, much to the

Fires are made, for as the PCs learned on the Shiv, despite the heat of a jungle fires and shelter help immensely in staving off disease. In addition. the following are camp healers: Sarge (Lalarlia), Ankarum, Nkechi, Mr. Derindi, and privates Ewe and Harsk. There are always three every night: Nkechi is always "on duty" every night as a camp healer; then Mr. Derindi or Lalarlia; finally privates Ewe or Harsk. This means that there are three people each evening who check up on everyone else to make sure they are doing well and if there are any complaints whatsoever they are attended to right away (there is no room for pride). Nonetheless, you are only skirting the jungle along the plains, but the master sergeant is all about acting as if you have to prepare yourself against the worse effects of any two, not celebrate because you are outside of the jungle. Those engaged in healing duties do not stand watch during evenings they have acted as camp healer but otherwise are on watch on other nights.

Unlike anything the party has done before as an adventuring group, and perhaps because of size, there is never a time that the squad does NOT have a guard stationed. Even when moving, certain positions are changed and those "on watch" distance themselves some from the party to keep from focusing on chat rather than their job. When camp gets set, those assigned to watch don't have any other duties - that's the "honey watch" - though they technically have the longest watch until it is time for the entire camp to turn in. There is no such thing as a "night off" for anyone, not even the lieutenant. Many of those who have late or dog watches might turn in early as responsible guardsmen (though it can be tough, sometimes). It is a rotating schedule to make sure that nobody has the same watch every night (see below) though it is more forgiving since Erin and Mr. Derindi have arcane spells. The other quasi-exception is private Mwangi - he's the camp cook and no one wants him off his game. He's a gloomy sort, not a bon viveur, but he is quite a cook so that even trail rations are quite enjoyable.

During this first day, it was also quite plain to see that not very long after leaving Eleder proper and along the trails of the plantations an animal caught up with the party and then kept pace with Harsk. Lalarlia and Ankarum, having come from the continent of Avistan, recognize the animal as a badger, but this one is almost as big as the dwarf himself. Ankarum is in front and Harsk is in back during travel, but in camp Harsk keeps well to himself with his badger (you find out his name is "Biter"). Bob nearly becomes a snack when the curious monkey goes over towards the badger. The latter hisses and Bob goes to climb a tree but the badger climbs as well, albeit more slowly. Bob has to jump from a branch to another before Biter comes back down to Harsk's side. Harsk - having seen it was Ankarum's pet - made absolutely no move to stop Biter from chasing Bob. Bob spends much of that first night nestled very, very closely to Ankarum. Harsk stays by himself and doesn't interact with others unless he has to. Curiously, he has a special type of pot that he heats up and puts into his mug. Shortly thereafter, he will have one of several small pouches filled with dried leaves. He puts a small amount into some kind of mesh ball with a handle and lets that the ball sit for a few minutes in the mug while he grooms burrs or anything else off of Biter. After those five or so minutes, he takes out the mesh ball, squeezes the handle so the ball opens at the middle, and he dumps that onto the fire for what makes for quite an aromatic smell. He then casually enjoys this infusion. (Lalarlia easily recognizes a tea pot and a tea ball .... which is something she never would have guessed from a dwarf.) When he goes around for healing checks, you tell him if anything is wrong; he doesn't chat you up.

Wealday, 27 Lamashan 4710 AR

It isn't really part of the Shoanti calendar, and it is more of a gnomish holiday, but it is celebrated somewhat by humans as well. Today is Jestercap, a day wherein practical jokes are played. (Think April Fool's Day.)

Does Lalarlia or Ankarum doing anything particular? engage generally? or, not at all?

2015-09-25, 05:33 AM
Lalarlia will partake of the general interaction but nothing specific.

2015-09-25, 07:29 AM
While traveling, Ankarum will travel near tempest, always interested in learning more about the local flora and fauna. If the happen upon wildlife or plant life that would be edible he hunts/gathers what he can, keeping bow strung at his side. If necessary, he will hunt when they make camp. Any spare time will be spent with Jask learning reading/writing or tempest learning poison craft. If the other members of the group take sparing practice, he will excitedly participate.

2015-09-26, 09:15 AM
Erin gets fully into the spirit of Jestercap. Considering her sorcerous bloodline and the power thereof called "prankster's befuddling touch," she has more than enough fun with the many tightwads in the group. She uses prankster's befuddling touch, mad hallucination followed up by hideous laughter (a couple times), and more than a liberal dose of ghost sound, mage hand(!), and prestidigitation. The jokes were of mixed reaction; they might have gone better if she wasn't a quasi-vampiric-looking bat monstrosity.

She tells jokes and juggles for entertainment (Perform: Comedy +8) once everyone gets together, finding a way to be self-denigrating about her appearance ... it's the only way to make it work. She finds a way to make fun of everyone there .... today is the only way one gets to do that. For that, there is the faintest mean-spiritedness - oh, so faint - that Ankarum had never quite noticed in her before. Things come to a head when she openly casts a spell at Harsk; he is not one to enjoy the frolicking ... and he draws down on her worldlessly, leveling his crossbow at her. He has to be held back. He is quiet anger, but it sparks off Erin who has a mouth of her own. It was a fun day until the end. Though, of course, soldiers being soldiers, they giggled amongst themselves when they retold the events.

One of the standard things the PCs will come to realize is that every single one of the commandos do a form of standing bath every night. Erin and Lalarlia are kept separate - the men all have incredible muscles - and Jask provides casting-after-casting of create water for them while Lalarlia would do so for herself and Erin.

As the days go (but not Jestercap, since that is meant to be a fun holiday), you will notice that training is an almost religious pursuit for these men and dwarves.

2015-09-27, 05:31 AM
Lalarlia will partake of the training as well, although not at a distraction to her prayers.

2015-09-27, 05:58 AM
The evening of Jestercap, Sarge and Ewe were the camp healers.

"Arm, arm and out!" Private Mwangi's voice can be heard in the middle of the night.
"Get on your feet, squad!" is heard Stephan's voice.

Stephan happened to hear whatever disturbance even though he was sleeping; and while he was the watch officer, Mr. Derindi can't hear what the other two did. The alarm comes quickly enough that the party can rise with one weapon or one shield at the ready; beyond that, it is still a surprise round for everyone. Because she was sleeping, Lalarlia would not have been wearing her breastplate.

Ankarum, Lalarlia, when you are getting up and hear the alarm, you were sleeping and prone. You have one round to do something, likely grab a weapon or shield and then stand. While a weapon would be in hand because you grab it, you still have to grab a shield which does not equal "readying a shield."

What do the two of you groggy-eyed folks do?

2015-09-27, 06:37 AM
Lalarlia will grab a weapon and rise. Praying to Calistria, she will ask for protection in battle.

Begins casting Shield of Faith on herself

2015-09-27, 06:42 AM
Hearing the call, Ankarum will grab his shield and rise.

2015-09-28, 03:41 AM
Two creatures rush into the camp, the first one chomping at Caelela while the other attacks Ankarum and the latter's animal senses help him dodge whatever is there. The quadrupeds make a noise not unlike a laughing-yelping sound, albeit with greater fear factor for its size.

R1T25: Stephan's blade, already having proven itself as magically sharpened in many battles despite its massive size, cuts well into the large creature for 20 once Stephan moves over to it (by Caelela).

R1T22: Ankarum, you are standing with shield in hand (not readied) and no weapon in the other hand. Your reflexes kept you from getting hit when this thing charged. What do you do?Though a shield has spikes, to wield the weapon-shield properly, the shield itself must still be readied. That will take a MA.

2015-09-28, 08:13 AM
Ankarum readies his spiked shield and bashes the creature with a savage swing and a obligatory war cry. "Aiyhee!"

2015-09-28, 08:45 AM
R1T22: Ankarum readies his spiked shield and bashes the creature with a savage swing and a obligatory war cry. "Aiyhee!"

He stabs into the large animal for 10.

R1T21: The corporal gets up and grabs his halberd.

R1T20: Caelela makes a brutal, bone-gnashing bite to the big creature's rear left leg for 15. She then rears up and slams down with both hooves for 14, and laying the monster low.

R1T19-18: Privates Mwangi and Gisler rise with their halberds.

R1T16: Ewe attacks the survivor at reach with his halberd, but the creature ducks.

R1T15: Harsk says something in a guttural language to the badger with the bleary eyes. Harsk doesn't get up when he grabs his heavy crossbow. Instead, he rolls onto his belly and then shoots at the surviving creature. The bolt barely skims across its hide to cut only for 4. With a speed far beyond anything you've ever seen from a simple weapon like a crossbow, instead of taking a full round to reload his heavy crossbow, he does it so quickly that he shoots again and only because of the close range does he manage to hit, but he hits it in a sensitive area for 10.

R1T14: Lalarlia, you are 10' from the survivor. What do you do?

2015-09-28, 09:37 AM
Lalarlia will close and attack with her scimitar using both hands.

To hit: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2015-09-30, 05:20 AM
R1T14: As Lalarlia closes, the hyena attacks her and nails her for a whopping 17 with a crushing bite, but she grimaces through the pain and hits her foe for 8.

R1T13: Mr. Derindi stands and casts magic missile into the thing and drops it.

Combat Ends ...

2015-10-02, 02:25 AM
Nkechi heals Lalarlia's wounds with a spell (CSW) and the party goes back to sleep after several men pull the dire hyenas away from the camp. The next morning before heading out, Nkechi leads everyone to the fallen dire hyenas (which Harsk called hyaenodons).http://prehistoric-fauna.com/image/cache/data/size/Hyaenodon-738x591.jpghttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120422112854/walkingwithdinos/images/0/03/Hyaenodon.jpgNkechi then says, "Louie Brauer, perhaps your stunted man at the bottom can tell the group more about this creature in case we fight it again."

Brauer nods and says, "Harsk, you're holding training this morning after we each do morning prayers and meditations."

Harsk, who was fine calling out the danger, is less than enthused now that the danger is over.

The cook makes breakfast while camp is being struck, and all make their normal morning routine. (Again, Lalarlia prays at dusk to recover spells, not morning.) Then, training is done. Erin and Lalalarlia really aren't familiar with some of the terms Harsk might use, and in turn everyone else around those two. I don't know about Lalarlia, but Erin is entirely disinterested, and merely observes the soldiers more than she really seems interested in the lesson taught to them.

The group travels for the day without incident. Erin is excused from evening training for meditation ... she is a mission specialist, so she gets that. Because everyone might be up against ancient evils that their training doesn't cover, Mr. Derindi covers training of the mind against mental and spiritual attacks.

The next evening, Mr. Derindi now covers specialized mental training, continuing what he taught Erin and Lalarlia on the Shiv. In this case, it is focusing your spellcasting minds in adverse situations. Unlike his comrades, Harsk sits in on the mantra training, while the rest of Sum of All Fears goes through combat drills.

The next two days are a dread holiday for Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters, and it is called All-Birth, beginning on the last quarter-moon of the month. It is also the last two days of the month named after her (Lamashan). There will be as much religious preparation for what might be a terrible two days for tempting the Mother of Demons. The expedition is important, and most people stay indoors on these days and prayerIt begins at mid-day today and ends mid-day the day after tomorrow. Lalarlia will hold prayers throughout the day (Calistria), as will Nkechi (Gozreh), LT Brauer (Iomedae), and Mr. Derindi (Nethys) - each in their various alignments and faith showing how Lamashtu is fought and some of the faith mysteries surrounding ancient battles and so forth.
For these first five days, the journey ran through the foothills between Eleder and the Bandu Hills. The main trail snakes northeast around a tall section of hills, and then detours north connecting with several of the regions more profitable and still operating mines. The PCs (meaning the "core party" of the two of you plus Stephan, Erin, and Jask), Nkechi, and the MSGT look over a map given to the LT. The map shows the location of an abandoned salt mine to the southeast marked as the "Fzumi Salt Mine." It appears to lead to the edge of the M'Neri Plains, suggesting that passage through the mines provides a shorter route through the hills. While the map contains scant details concerning the nature of the property and who once owned it, Nkechi shows that it can increase overall travel time by 1 day if you take the route through the mines.

"Recommendations?" asks the lieutenant.

Nkechi answers, "I was brought along with my knowledge to help get the expedition to Tazion as quickly beyond. It is true, going through the mines would be faster. I worry that the Mother of Beasts may send something against us for our temerity on walking about on her day, but plains or mine we would do it anyway. Besides, it would be nice for Talenta to move through cooler territory, even if only for a little while."

Mr. Derindi agrees, "I am a servant of Nethys, and I am an evoker. It is almost a sacred duty to use His destructive magics to blast Her minions back to their spawning grounds if we are attacked."

"Gee, I dunno," says Erin. "The last time we went roaming around underground, I was cursed into this hideous form that just as well might have been brought forth by Lamashtu as much as it was generated by a curse from Zura in Zura's foul undertemple. No thanks."

"I'm a dwarf," says the MSGT. "Take a guess. We'll have to guide your horses, and hopefully we can use our polearms if we have to. It would be nice to see something other than what we're seeing now. We are the Sum of All Fears, not the creatures that try to scare you going bump in the night."

The LT looks to SSGT Lalarlia and CPL Ankarum. "This is a recommendation session, not a vote, so speak freely. What say you?"

2015-10-02, 04:41 AM
I am not concerned for my mount as she can be released and called back as needed, so I am not averse to traversing the mine. Which ever would be fastest.

2015-10-02, 08:11 AM
"Ankarum prefers the open air, but as we need all due speed, the mines seem to be the fastest route....Beware, others will try to delay or slow our progress to our goal. This mine is an ideal location for traps so be on guard."

2015-10-03, 09:16 AM
As you get to the properties of the Fzumi Salt Mine, Harsk gives a whistle from the back and has out his crossbow.

Bursting from some foliage is a feral woman and a creature - some type of lizard that stands on its hind-legs. The lizard has wicked long, curved talons on feet and wicked looking claws. The woman is fully 6' tall and carries a crudely-made glaive, one out of some type of long jaw with jagged teeth. Though savage and dirty, perhaps had she grown up under different circumstances she might be attractive. And she is not Mwangi, but rather appears to be of Chelaxian descent. In broken Taldane, she shouts out, "My land! You go! These my lands! Hunt elsewhere!"http://i1357.photobucket.com/albums/q755/lostsole31/Jaji%20amp%20Athyra_zpshdwrmz25.jpg
The MSGT calls a halt and the Sum of All Fears snaps position of halberds to the rear, threateningly.

Lalarlia, you have no idea what that creature is. Ankarum, you recognize this thing as a deinonychus, sometimes called a velociraptor. It is from an ancient order of reptiles from a lost time.

"Deionychus," says the lieutenant. "Speed, razor sharp talons, nasty bite, incredible leapers. Surprisingly intelligent and capable pack hunters."

He thinks, "Weapons down, weapons down!"

He doesn't have a weapon drawn, btw, which is standard for him. He orders the group to slowly back off. "Nkechi, seem familiar?"

"Gozreh gives no guidance on this," says The Tempest. "She is not Mwangi, but a misplaced Pale One."

The LT nods his head and slowly, with both arms up, moves up to the back. "We don't need to steal the food from your lands, we have brought our own. We simply wish to cross through the mines. We have a long journey, and the mines will cut down travel time to our destination."

She thinks on this and then responds, lowering her glaive. "Jaji, stay."

She steps bravely forward and yet with a sense of awe and curiosity at Stephan. She comes in and wants to touch his armor and things; she is very, very curious. He pauses, and then lets her. She includes feeling his face. She is absolutely bewildered by what she sees in him and the rest of you. Frightened somewhat of the large spider she does seem, as Biter and Jaji (presumably the deinonychus) stare at each other, each growling low. Both Harsk and the woman each hiss to their animals who quiet their contempt but stare at each other threateningly nonetheless.

"I, Athyra," she says, again with broken Taldane and an accent a little off.

Ankarum notes actions, but doesn't understand what is being said."I speak the language of the land, if that is easier," says he in Polyglot.

She seems to be under a daze. At first, Lalarlia - who is expert in noticing charms - might think she is ensorcelled by him. But, it is simpler than that. She doesn't have the social skills to hide her feelings like civilized people, and she is absolutely taken by this beautiful man.

Athyra nods. "Yes," she says almost breathlessly. "Don't go in the mines, please. Old mine is a tunnel to underworld. My father and mother went down long ago, when I was much smaller now. Not long after, angry dead things came out of the mine and killed everyone in camp."

"Even so," says Stephan, "we shall enter. In fact, it is in our calendar - our marking of the moon and days - that today terrible beasts walk the land. It seems right that I and my people fight those that refuse to die. With your permission, we shall go in."

"If you do go, and your bravery is greater than the enemy, can you find out what happened to my father? He wore a shiny heart-thing on his neck. It opens up with a picture of my mother inside. Please return it. It is all I might ever have of them."

"I cannot search for it, we don't have the time, but if we find it on our way, we don't have time to double back. That's why we're taking the mine in the first place."

"I dare not go with you, but I can meet you on the other side. Your hunters move slowly in their shiny skins. Only you do not, but you are perfect."

Stephan gives a smile, not a broad one, but enough to show grace for the compliment. He nods and says, "If it is in our power, it shall be done."
Athyra gushes and rushes off, and calls to Jaji as she goes ...

He doesn't bring Ankarum into the loop, but merely tells him that the party continues to the mine.

The sagging and overgrown remains of a small camp mark the site of the old mine, its gaping entrance visible in the hillside behind the camp. The mining camp is abandoned, and consists of a large barracks and meeting house, an operations office, two storage buildings, and a small house for the mine owner and his family. As the squad is sent around to search, Ankarum is in the operations office and he finds a moldering book.

Ankarum, what do you do?

2015-10-03, 01:44 PM
Ankarum will collect the book and take it to Jask.

2015-10-03, 02:43 PM
"Thank you, corporal," says Mr. Derindi. He mulls over the book for a few minutes and then heads out of the office to see the lieutenant.

Once the rest of the camp is searched, the squad is mustered and the warrant discusses the logbook Ankarum found. The last few entries in the logbook are dated 15 years ago and document the mining company’s downfall. The mine’s owner, a man named Feran Crinhouse, was looking for new salt deposits and decided to secretly try connecting his mine with another mine on the far side of the hills, abandoned earlier under mysterious circumstances and rumored to be haunted. Just as the miners broke through to the abandoned mine, they unearthed a strange orb that glowed with a pulsing blue light. Crinhouse decided to go down into the mine to personally investigate. The final entry is in a different handwriting, and reads, “They’ve come up from below! They’re all dead, and their touch withers the flesh! May the gods have mercy on us!”

There is some grumbling among the men, and Erin is no different, but they are pretty sure they can deal with anything that comes their way. The four primary casters (Lalarlia, Erin, Mr. Derindi, Nkechi) spread out four light spells. The wooden beams supporting the mine’s main entrance are weathered and sagging. Water trickles down the sloping floor among the wooden footholds leading down the main shaft. The party will have to go in single file and walk their mounts. The only one who doesn't do that is Nkechi, who rides his spider along the side of the wall (his saddle is designed to help him brace in at any angle). It's roughly a hundred long before it opens out a bit with a small pool where the water collects, and continues NE (you're coming in from the SW). There is an initial chamber here that is over 60' wide and is irregularly shaped but obviously having been an area that was mined. Dealing with most of the party walking in water when there might not be enough room on each edge of a tunnel or chamber is - Mr. Derindi will tell the group - be something to get used to.

Of course, since CPL Ankarum is the mission scout, he's the first to deal with ... it. Ankarum feels like someone hammered his foot, and that feeling is quickly followed by a terrible burning sensation, taking 6 and 1 acid. The water bursts forth and then ... it seems that some water is suspended until it is realized that the water seems to have shape and thickness that wraps around Ankarum and holds him fast.

Ankarum, roll a Fortitude saving throw against a DC of 20 ....

2015-10-03, 09:45 PM
"Aiyee!" yells the surprised savage warrior?


2015-10-06, 02:11 PM
The stinging pain goes through his body so quickly, that Ankarum's cry is caught in his throat.

R1T23: "Sum, hold!" calls the master sergeant. "Sir, any idea what that is and how to proceed? Your orders?"

R1T18: "Mr. Derindi! Nkechi! Any ideas or do we attack as normal?" calls Brauer.

R1T15: "Sir!" calls Jask. "It's a crystal ooze. Acid contact for offense and defense and immune to temperature extremes. Sir, anything hitting that is going to be damaged with acid."

"Very well," Brauer says. "Attack it with weapons only, be careful of our boy. If you think your halberd is compromised but not destroyed, back off! We'll have magic to repair it later. Can't help if it's destroyed."

Jask casts spiritual weapon to create a glowing quarterstaff and it spins and hits it for 7 force as little bits of ooze spatters off, sizzles in the water, and denatures. The master sergeant sloshes up to attack from reach to hit it for 13 with his halberd, but his weapon also takes 2 acid. Stephan takes his time going all the way around while getting out his dread maul. Mwangi steps up next to the MSGT and grazes the goo for 9, but his halberd takes 2 acid.

R1T14: Gisler moves up to Takheome on the opposite side of Ankarooze and takes the reins, calming Takheome enough to move the horse out of the way, but not before it launches a pseudopod out to slap the horse for 9 and 4 acid. The horse whinnies in pain and falters, but then manages to pick up and move out of the way with Gisler's guidance.

R1T12: Two bolts fired from Harsk only does 9 total.

R1T10: Erin moves forward with two nonmagical daggers and slashes with one, but it is terrible and actually gets to a spot right across Ankarum's belly where the ooze didn't contact, making a terrible gash for 5, but the grievous nature also does 1 CHA as well.

R1T9: Lalarlia, Erin moved up in front of the MSGT, and if you wish to engage in melee you would move up in front of Mwangi. What do you do?

2015-10-09, 09:58 AM
R1T9: Lalarlia casts spiritual weapon and a force whip appears in front of Ankarum and the ooze. Lalarlia tries to hard to snap the whip just at extension but force power recoils through the connection of magic as she misses and Lalarlia gets thrown back five feet and prone in the water.

R1T7: Ewe sloshes around from the side and then cuts it just barely ... but in the hands of a crack Sum of All Fears commando, "cuts it just barely" with a halberd means 10. His weapon still takes a full 6 acid and is broken.

R1T5: The ooze continues to squeeze Ankarum for 9 and 1 acid.

R1T4: CPL Ardizzone makes his way all around to the back, at reach, of Ankarum.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T15: Jask beautifully directs his force-staff to smack the ooze for 4 force.

R2T14.8: The master sergeant makes a final hack across the remaining thick band of ooze and the entire thing discorporates and splots into the water, the water denaturing the whole, but not before Fiercesomeelm's halberd takes another 2 acid.

Combat Ends ...

2015-10-09, 10:04 AM
Lalarlia gets up and quickly crosses to Ankarum and with his permission, she will pray for healing.

Lay on Hands: [roll0]

2015-10-09, 10:10 AM
Another lay on hands or similar healing spell might be needed, but it takes a full minute before Ankarum is no longer paralyzed.

2015-10-09, 10:11 AM
And she prays again...

Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

2015-10-09, 12:48 PM
I randomly rolled which 1st-level spell you burned for CLW: shield of faith.
Ankarum sports only the faintest bruise after Lalarlia's spell. The group continues. Just around the bend there is a walkway crossing the ledges on the sides. The only way to lead the mounts through is smashing the walkway since they won't fit on the ledges and there is no getting mounts (beyond Takheome) to duck underwater. There is a very long, wide tunnel of nothing with water, about 80' long, and then another sharp bend. The scattered remnants of a small campsite lie in a small alcove, just above the water line. As soon as the guard move up front and finish dismantling the wooden bridge that would allow the main bulk of the group to get into the alcove, Erin gives a short hiss of pain and the lieutenant moves around as something is underwater by him ...

2015-10-09, 01:09 PM
R1T22: Nkechi guides himself and Tatenta further along the wall and sets down on the alcove some distance away.

R1T21: "Something just stung me underwater, not badly, but still. She speed draws her sword and dagger and submerges, and then there is an obvious underwater tussle.

R1T20: Harsk sloshes heavily towards the lieutenant and then goes underwater.

R1T19: Gisler, nearer the back, calls out, "Orders?"

R1T17: "Crossbows!" calls Stephan. "But move the mounts away first, they're in the way."

Stephan draws his short sword and drops to fight whatever is there while Gisler leads his mount around and past.

R1T16: Lalarlia, what do you do? The water is about chest-high for you, any threat is under murky water you can't see from above, Lalarlia is 15' behind you, and Stephan is 10' in front of you.

2015-10-09, 02:01 PM
Lalarlia will draw her short bow and look for a shot...

2015-10-12, 09:10 AM
R1T16: Lalarlia draws her bow and looks for a shot.

R1T15-10: The corporal, MSGT, and Ewe take out their crossbows and ready a one-handed shot.

R1T9: Jask casts a spell of protection on himself.

R1T8: Ankarum, what do you do?

2015-10-12, 10:46 AM
" Tahkeome, Heel" Ankakarum directs his horse to follow him past the area where the disturbance is centered to where the other mounts are, attempting to calm him through their link

handle animal [roll0]

Ankarum will be on full defense as he moves.

2015-10-12, 11:39 AM
R1T8: "Tahkeome, Heel" Ankakarum carefully directs his horse to follow him past the area where the disturbance is centered to where the other mounts are, attempting to calm him through their link. Takheome seems to be spooked by something, though, and splashes away and around to come up out of the water to the alcove, and Ankarum with him.

R1T7: Mwangi performs as the other soldiers.

R1T4-2: Battle underwater at both points ...

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T21-20: Underwater battle continues ...

R2T17: There is a burst of positive energy that comes from underwater at Stephan's point.

R2T16: Lalarlia, you are still holding a shot until an enemy shows itself. What do you do?

Several held soldiers on deck, Jask in the hole ...

2015-10-14, 05:22 AM
Lalarlia, knowing she will be of little to know help in an underwater battle, moves in range and prays to Calistria to aid her allies and hinder the enemies and then resumes looking for a shot.

She casts Prayer. Allies get +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies –1 penalty.]

2015-10-25, 03:52 AM
R2T16: Lalarlia, knowing she will be of little to know help in an underwater battle, moves in range and prays to Calistria to aid her allies and hinder the enemies and then resumes looking for a shot.

R2T9: Seeing the burst of positive energy from underwater, Jask follows suit.

R2T8: Ankarum, what do you do?

2015-10-26, 11:43 AM
Ankarum will drop his shield and command Tahkeome to stay
handle animal check
And then wade into the water with his trident and submerge.

2015-10-29, 04:34 PM
R2T8: Ankarum looses his shield and commands Takheome to stay.Readying or dropping a shield is a MA, unlike dropping most things which are a FA. A shield is "worn/ wielded," not carried.
R2T4-2: Churning water at points of underwater battle occur.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

In just a short bit, Erin rises from the water, followed by Harsk and Stephan.

"Some kind of undead, emaciated, like a wight but different," says Stephan. He and Erin each sport a bruise, but Erin seems to be pale.

The soldiers are ordered to lead their beasts to the edge and get up into the alcove. Harsk goes underwater and comes back up with a bolt he recovered. Nkechi has Ankarum assist him in figuring out what is wrong with Erin. After a look, it seems that Erin is dehydrated as if she spent some time in the sun and her body is weak. Nkechi casts lesser restoration on her to return 2 CON, though she is still just under the weather. He casts CLW on her to help patch up the big bruise on her head, which fully knits, though she is still a slight bit weaker than normal. (She has 11 out of her normal 12 CON.) Ankarum's shield is brought to him.

"Your description, her wound, and this being a salt mine, I say she your opponents were salt wights," says Nkechi. "They leech moisture out of their victims with their strikes."

Looking at the main drift camp, the area contains mining equipment, three mine carts, the dessicated remains of three mules, and a rusted iron strongbox. The mules pretty much seal Nkechi's theory. Erin checks the box for any traps, and not finding any she pulls out a high quality belt roll of files and picks and the like. It takes some doing, but she manages to pop the lock. Inside are a few hundred gold pieces and a bone scroll case. With no known traps on the case, Erin opens it. It turns out it is the deed to the mine. Athyra Crinhouse is named next of kin in the deed, and rightfully the mine is hers. Stephan orders the box locked again to be transported out. The party continues ...
There is a bend in the tunnel and part goes onwards and another to the south. There is suddenly the sound of loud banging and hammering echoing through the mine.

Everyone (except Jask and Nkechi) see two miners on a ledge 20' above the water/ground with hammers that are beating at the ceiling. They are thin, barely more than skin stretched taut over bone as you see their face and hands. Their lids have shrunk away from their eyes, which exist now only as two hateful pinpoints of red.

R1T21: Stephan spreads his arms wide to be sure that the wights can see Iomedae's symbol on his breastplate and he calls upon the Inheritor to blast them. A wave of positive energy surges forth from him. The first takes 5 PE, and the second takes 7 PE ... a very weak showing for Stephan.

R1T19: Harsk shoots, though being further back he is outside of point blank range. His first bolt hits the first wight for 7, and then a follow-up shot for 9.

R1T18: Nkechi sees the bolts go up and he notices the wights, and he rides Tatenta back along the wall out of the mass of soldiers.

R1T17: The MSGT lets his polearm go, he takes out his light crossbow and shoots at the second one and hits for 3.

R1T16-15: The first wight drops its hammer and then leaps downwards for a grappling charge against Ewe, who isn't prepared. Both tumble below the water. The other one jumps down at Lalarlia wildly and well misses her as it splashes into the water (and prone, it is under the surface).

R1T14: Lalarlia, though there are several lights about, the water is murky so you don't actually see your target next to you as the lights reflect off the surface. What do you do?

2015-10-30, 07:33 AM
Lalarlia grasps her Holy Emblem of Calistria and says Feel the power of light, evil spawn of undeath!

Channel Energy against the wights: [roll0]

2015-10-30, 11:01 AM
R1T14: Lalarlia grasps her Holy Emblem of Calistria and says, with holy energy bursting forth, "Feel the power of light, evil spawn of undeath!"

R1T13: Ewe is still in a prone grapple.

R1T12: Mwangi sloshes over to Lalarli and bats his halberd into the water aimlessly.

R1T10: Not entirely sure what just happened, Jask knows enough from other bursts of positive energy what the party might be facing. He lets loose with a burst himself, but it is extremely weak.

R1T9: Ankarum, the closest opponent to you is the one by Lalarlia. It is in the water and can't be seen, though it's splashing movement shows its position. It would take a move action to get to it. The assumption is that (especially after last battle), you have a trident in one hand and the reins to Tahkeome in the other, with your shield stowed. What do you do?

2015-10-30, 09:02 PM
in his own language, Ankarum commands Tahkeome to stay "Halwehi'sda"
control animal

he then readies his shield.

2015-10-30, 10:24 PM
R1T9: In his own language, Ankarum commands Tahkeome to stay "Halwehi'sda," and he then readies his shield.

R1T4: Erin sloshes over to Ewe, taking out her magic dagger and short sword.

R1T3: "Hold back the mounts," says the CPL, "else you might trample them."

R1T2: Gisler tries taking the mounts.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T21: Stephan takes out his short sword and also goes over to Ewe.

R2T19: Harsk drops underwater. The thrashing by Ewe stops and he pops his head above water.

R2T17: The MSGT reloads and drops down as well.

R2T15: Lalarlia sees the splashing and feels the wight battering at her chain leggings.

R2T14: Lalarlia, what do you do?

Ewe on deck, Mwangi in the hole ...

2015-11-03, 04:53 AM
Lalarlia will pray to her Goddess once again, Calistria, let your power wash over these demon spawn!

Channel Energy again [roll0]

2015-11-03, 05:28 PM
Lalarlia probably recognizes by now she is more powerful than the priest of Nethys, but he was having trouble. Now, even though the water sizzles and the allies get up and the battle is over with that holy blast, Lalarlia realizes that her own channeling of Calistria seemed subpar that battle. Nkechi looks down from the cave wall towards Ewe; from there, the private doesn't look wounded enough to waste a spell.

As the party gets itself resituated, it appears that perhaps the salt wights are having the last laugh despite being destroyed. There are cracking sounds, and then a layer of the rocky roof crumbles and tumbles onto the party to hit them with rocks.
Avoided: Erin(+horse), Gisler, Harsk, Jask, MSGT, Nkechi, Stephan(+horse).
Injured: Ankarum (11), CPL Ardizzone (3), CPL's Horse (8), Ewe (7), Ewe's Horse (9), Gisler's Horse (9), Lalarlia (6), Mwangi (5), Tahkeome (5), Tatenta (6).
A search of the charred destroyed remains of the wights, underwater, and then up on the ledge provide nothing of value.

2015-11-04, 03:21 AM
Lalarlia will center herself amongst the wounded, making sure that all are within range and ask Calistrias blessing of health for them.

Channel Energy for healing: [roll0]

Lalarlia will spend extra time in prayer this evening asking her Goddess forgiveness for not performing her more priestly duties and pledge to her to focus more on that at the conclusion of this mission. (She'll spend more time at the brothel gettin it onnnn. Bow chicka wow wow)

2015-11-04, 03:25 AM
Noticing that Ankarum is not completely healed, she will approach him and ask, My friend, will you allow me to ask Calistria to finish healing your wounds?

2015-11-04, 10:38 AM
"Unghn" *monosylabic male grunt of acceptance*

2015-11-05, 02:58 AM
Lalarlia will ask Calistrias blessing once more for Ankarums sake.
Sacrificing Burning Dis Arm for Curing Dat Light Wound: [roll0]

2015-11-11, 11:38 AM
"Sergeant Lalarlia," says MSGT Fiercesomeelm, "it's all well and good you got the corporal's wounds. But we all just got hit by rocks. Perhaps next time, when there are light wounds all around, think about the unit, not just the soldier. Now, if you don't mind, we need you to do one of those holy bursts of healing to heal all of the light wounds on soldiers and beasts alike. After a time like that, when it's after battle, if someone still needs more than give it to them. Only if someone needs immediate attention should you start right off with single spells."

2015-11-12, 01:03 PM
Ewe has only a faint scratch, though Ankarum's horse could use as much again as Lalarlia's last burst to heal him.
After the post salt-rock pounding healing, the party continues ....

At the next major "chamber" to the north there is a strange metal and wooden device occupies the center of this passage. It consists of a central shaft running from floor to ceiling, surrounded by poles that form a large cage around the device, attached to a trough or basin perforated with tiny holes. Ropes run from the basin up through blocks mounted to the tops of the poles.

"It's a crusher," offers Jask. "Used to smash chunks of ore and separate soil from salt deposits. Pulling upon the ropes would lift or lower the basin."

"Corporals Ankarum, Erinelea," says the LT, "carefully investigate. Have piercing weapons readied in case of more salt wights."

Erin has her short sword and magic dagger out ...

2015-11-12, 02:29 PM
Lalarlia will have her crossbow ready and will slowly approach Ankarums horse speaking soothing and gentle words and pray for healing.

Lay on Hands: [roll0]

2015-11-13, 10:56 AM
Lalarlia heals the remainder of Tahk's wounds.

2015-11-13, 01:06 PM
Ankarum readies his trident and shield and commands Tahkeome to stay before moving forward to investigate when able.

2015-11-13, 01:30 PM
Light is on Ankarum's shield and Erin's dagger ...

... but even with the senses of these worthies, they are surprised as two wights pop up from the water (hip-deep) to attack. Erin just manages to dodge her opponent, but Ankarum gets slammed in the neck for 3 damage from a relatively strong wight. But the impact alone isn't the main damage. It feels as if the moisture is sucked out of that spot of the neck as Ankarum suffers 3 CON from dessication.

R1T22: Ankarum, your sixth sense wasn't enough to protect you. The blow wasn't powerful, but it weakened you. What do you do?

2015-11-13, 04:58 PM
Snarling with rage, Ankarum thrusts his weapon at the undead horror.
"Die foul spawn!"
Rage activated. Defensive stance.
[roll0] to hit
*I need you to send me Ankarums current character sheet. Myth weavers only has level 4 so I didn't add my to hit bonus*
[roll1] to damage

2015-11-14, 01:23 PM
R1T22: Snarling with rage, Ankarum thrusts his weapon at the undead horror for 10. "Die foul spawn!"

R1T21.9: Erin makes a double-thrust against her opponent for 12.

R1T17-12: Erin's opponent is thrown by her attack, but having tasted some of Ankarum's fluids, the savage's opponent hits him in the upper left leg for 4, but Ankarum pulls away before he can be dessicated again.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Ankarum, you are raging and your opponent (and you) have half-cover with water. What do you do?

Erin on deck, Stephan in the hole ...

2015-11-15, 07:38 AM
Ankarum jabs at the undead a second time...

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] to damage

2015-11-17, 09:15 AM
R2T22: Ankarum jabs at the undead a second time but doesn't manage to get past its unnaturally hardened skin ... even though that skin appears to be like parchment.

R2T21.9: Erin stabs the wight with her magic dagger foe for 6, but her short sword manages to crit it for 7 and to spin it around so it is flat-footed.

R2T21: Stephan closes and stabs Ankarum's wight with his short sword for 5.

R2T17: Erin's opponent might be off-balance, but it still manages to wail on her right elbow for 3, dessicated for 2 CON, and it even spreads to some of her equipment. The masterwork club she has at her belt has all of the fluid drawn out of it until it is brittle and then breaks apart into tiny pieces in the water. Erin is now looking weak, even though she is not actually that bruised.

R2T15: Lalarlia, it would take a full move action to get to Erin's opponent. (20' speed in difficult terrain = 10' worth movement, and Erin's opponent is 20' away.) Either that is all you do if you want to close, or you have to do something else .... which would be?

2015-11-17, 01:32 PM
Lalarlia will attempt to close the distance while putting her bow away and drawing her scimitar.

2015-11-22, 01:10 PM
R2T15: Lalarlia puts away her bow, and then sloshes forth 10' while drawing her scimitar.

R2T14: Jask moves fully to step up behind Erin.

R2T13: CPL draws and fires his crossbow.

R2T12: Ankarum's feral movements allow him to dodge the wight's fist.

R2T11: MSGT shoot's Erin's opponent for 7 and he then reloads.

R2T10-8: Gisler and Mwangi shoot, miss, and reload.

R2T6: Harsk destroys Erin's wight with a shot, and then does 5 to Ankarum's.

R2T2: Ewe shoots and reloads.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T21.9: Erin sloshes around to a flanking position with Ankarum on the last wight and stabs it for 11.

R3T21: Stephan stabs the wight twice and destroys it ...

Combat Ends ...

2015-11-22, 03:11 PM
Lalarlia will close to Ankarum and ask for Calistria to heal what she can.

Sacrificing Sanctuary casts CLW [roll0]

2015-11-23, 10:58 AM
"The healing is much appreciated Lalarlia. Ankarum feels like a strip of deer jerky left to dry in the sun." Retreive water skin. Pour contents down throat.

2015-11-23, 11:33 AM
I have prayers in which I can make a request of Calistria to restore you to peak health, but it will take time to prepare. Erin, do you also have need?

2015-11-24, 05:47 PM
Ankarum pulls out his waterskin to find that the contents were dessicated as well as part of him.

Lalarlia asks this of Erin, but it seems Jask was busy at the same time as Lalarlia. With renewed color (albeit in her cursed form), Erin replies, "I'm fine now, thanks."

"I know you're not at peak," says Stephan to Ankarum, "but we don't have time to loiter in prayer. We need to keep moving. Do you think you can keep point, or do you want me to replace you with Harsk?"

2015-11-24, 07:23 PM
"Blood and Bloody Ashes! Ankarum is fine. We move."The savage warrior splashes over to his mount, calls Tahkeome to heel and sets off down the passage muttering about bloody undead stealing his "water"...

2015-11-27, 05:33 PM
"Oi!" calls the MSGT to Ankarum. "We move when the L-T says we move. I want that crusher and surrounding area checked .... just like we check the other areas."

2015-12-09, 02:23 AM
Ankarum, with a little less enthusiasm at the fact that a military hierarchy in this outfit is real - not ceremonial - searches the area of the crusher with the others.

The crusher is searched, and Ankarum easily finds a leather satchel which is lashed under the crusher's basin. Inside is a small stash of uncut diamonds. The MSGT calls forth PFC Chisler. It turns out that as a Class "A" womanizer, Chisler has a good eye for quality and the finer things in life. He and the Warrant both look over the diamonds. With absolute confidence he mentions that the five small diamonds are worth 400 gp each. LT has the Warrant hold onto the diamonds for now. The squad heads out again ...

A small island rises out of the shallow water in the center of the drift. Part of a large, translucent blue orb protrudes from the surrounding earth, pulsing with a pale blue glow. The globe is cracked in several places and shards of the strange, glass-like substance lie scattered across the islet’s surface. A sizable hole is smashed into one side, revealing a hollow interior.

What do you do/ suggest? The globe is about 20' in diameter.

2015-12-09, 09:14 AM
​"Ungh?" Shrugs Ankarum.

2015-12-10, 06:40 AM
Can we determine if it is magical in nature? she says, cautiously approaching and peering inside...

2015-12-14, 01:47 AM
Jask looks incredulously at Lalarlia. "Some things don't need detect magic, but sure."

He casts the spell and begins concentrating as Lalarlia stalks to the shattered opening to the globe and cautiously peers inward. Though she is an elf, Lalarlia has not the normal awareness of her kin, having focused on prayers and weapons play and not scouting like her kin. She never really had a prayer to notice the ambush as she is attacked from both sides.

S-T20-5: Lalarlia gets pierced in the chest with a powerful blow for 11. Worse than that blow, some of Lalarlia's life energy flows out of her through her wound. She then gets slammed in the upper left arm for 5.
Lalarlia has suffered one negative level (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities#TOC-Energy-Drain-and-Negative-Levels). :smalleek: Lalarlia's sheet has been updated.
Begin Round One ...

R1T23: Harsk readies his crossbow.

R1T22: Lalarlia, that was a rough ambush. To the left of you, just inside the globe, from the salt encrustations appears to be another salt wight. Unlike the other wights you fought, this one doesn't have remants of miner's clothing, but rather is (was) dressed in a civilian female's clothing. To the right of you, however ... the one that hit you in the chest with what you now realize was a heavy pick, is a miner - like a wight - that does have miner's clothing. Something about his garb strikes you as he was someone who had held some position of responsibility.

NOTE: The picture is wrong. He is armed with a heavy pick, not a shovel.
You were not armed, because of moving around the water you never had on your armor, and even your buckler was last stowed. What do you do?

2015-12-14, 04:46 AM
Lalarlia will take a 5 foot step backwards and say Calistria, I ask your blessing on us to fight this evil!

She casts Bless.

2015-12-14, 05:22 AM
R1T22: Lalarlia steps 5' backwards, casts bless (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/bless), and says "Calistria, I ask your blessing on us to fight this evil!"

R1T20.5: Stephan jumps into harm's way, just in front of Lalarlia, while pulling out his sword. He calls upon Iomedae to slay the miner. With his smite, he nails it for 28 - though it does not fall. "She's a salt wight like the others; he's a cairn wight - more powerful than even a normal wight."

R1T20: Lalarlia sees the pick swing out and hit Stephan in his chest for 10. As with her, something seems to be taken out of Stephan. At the same time, in the swing, a crossbow bolt from Harsk hits the arm of the attacking wight for 11.

R1T16: Erin bolts forth to pass Stephan, but draws attacks from both wights. Again, the lead wight hits center of mass - the chest of the deformed Erin - for 9, suffering the same ill effect as Lalarlia and Stephan. The other wight punches Erin in her right intercostals for 5 (max) and 2 CON from dessication.

R1T15: "I recommend we ring the entrance with our polearms," says the CPL.

R1T13: Just to see if he can't get any information beyond the obvious, Jask continues to concentrate on his detect magic spell.

R1T11: Ankarum, unless you actually pass Lalarlia to go inside the globe, you can't target the enemy with anything. What do you do?

2015-12-15, 05:48 AM
"Stephan and Lalarlia withdraw from there so that we can bring our greater numbers to bear!"shouts Ankarum. He then readies his trident and shield.

2015-12-15, 04:00 PM
R1T11: "Stephan and Lalarlia withdraw from there so that we can bring our greater numbers to bear!" shouts Ankarum. He then readies his trident and shield.

R1T8: "Make suggestions and requests to your superiors, corporal, not orders," says the master sergeant to Corporal Ankarum. "He's got a good point though, sir. Men, ring the outside of the entrance with your halberds and we'll have close-in fighters in the rank ahead. Ewe, get ready to take point. Harsk prep a shot for the first arm you swing his way when he goes. L-T, I recommend you pull back for us."

The MSGT and the rest of the squad (all of whom were delaying), move in to ring the outside of the entrance to attack whatever might come. Getting into proper position took their entire turn, though, so they aren't readied.

R1T3: The salt wight's fist is seen attacking Stephan but he moves out of the way.

"Iomedae gives me blessings against such creatures, Fiercesomeelm," counters Brauer. "Good advice, but I'll pull in farther to give you targets to see or to move in and flank."

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Harsk reloads and readies a shot.

R2T22: Lalarlia, you had stepped back 5' and not only aren't flanked, but it put you so that the wights are "around each corner" of the shattered globe entrance. What do you do?

Stephan on deck, the slightly glowing blue wight warrior (hereafter known as the Blue Warrior) in the hole ...

2015-12-16, 03:09 AM
She will take a move action and try to position herself so she has some sort of line of fire and draw her shortbow.

2015-12-18, 04:36 AM
R2T22: Lalarlia stands fast with her scimitar, waiting for an opportune moment.

R2T20.5: "I'll not counter Iomedae's blessing upon me," calls Brauer to the rest before looking back at the target of his smite. "Your reign is ended, spawn of evil!"

His first strike cuts across the upper chest of the Blue Warrior for 25, destroying it instantly. He comes right around and cuts off the fingers of the woman-wight for 30 on a crit.

R2T16: Now with only one opponent, Erin goes all out and stabs the wight in the chest with her short sword (7).

R2T11: Ankarum, do you bore past and provoke an AOO and attack the female wight from inside the globe, or just let the other two finish her off?

Sum of All Fears on deck, female salt wight in the hole ...

2015-12-18, 05:42 AM
Ankarum will hold his action waiting for an opportunity to attack the wight that won't provoke an AOO.

2015-12-19, 01:11 AM
R2T11: Ankarum holds ...

R2T8-4: The squad readies their halberds for attack if any enemy comes out of the hole.

R2T3: The wight almost slams down onto Stephan's foot, but as her fist comes into view Harsk shoots her for 10, destroying her.

2015-12-19, 03:40 AM
Lalarlia will center herself and then center herself amongst the wounded and pray for healing for the wounded.

Channel Energy [roll0]

2015-12-19, 07:17 AM
"Good shot!" grins hugely at Harsk.

2015-12-20, 02:39 AM
That took a lot out of Lalarlia. As a priestess she can do that no more, and she might be able to use her lay on hands for one more. Either way, she has some fatigue from channeling broad-band positive energy bursts. It almost heals the physically apparent damage on herself and Erin, and heals all of the obvious physical trauma from Stephan, but Lalarlia, Erin and Stephan all still have that chill going through them. Removing that requires more power than Lalarlia or the Tempest could muster. From her knowledge and study of such creatures and the trauma to psyche and soul, Lalarlia knows that there is, therefore, only one thing one can do: wait it out. A full day, twenty-four hours (approximately) after wounds from such powerful undead, the body will be called upon to fight against the ravages of this stain of negative energy. If successful, the negative energy dissipates; otherwise, it becomes permanent.
So, tomorrow, the three of you have to make Fortitude saves. Success means that the penalties of the negative level are gone ... Failure, however, means that you no longer have a "negative level." Rather, you actually LOSE a level. This means, for example, that Lalarlia might drop to the mid-point of experience for a 4th-level cleric// paladin of freedom, and a similar loss for Erin.

2015-12-24, 11:44 PM
The blue energy, meanwhile, has done 7 NE to Erin, and Stephan - while unharmed - feels ill from the energies. They both exit the globe to figure out what to do. Jask had been using detect magic this whole time, and mentions that the globe and energy contain powerful necromantic energy. Lalarlia, even with the holy man The Tempest present, is the best religious scholar in the group. While she doesn't know anything about the globe itself, it seems that it may well be why the miners became salt wights. The Blue Warrior was possibly the miner to first break open the globe and release the energies, which is why he was significantly more powerful than the others.

The MSGT directs CPL Ardizzone and the squad to go in there quickly to pull out the two corpses and any other materials. Proving how tough they are, the men only take 2 NE from their exposure; admittedly, it is an unnerving form of damage.

The Tempest will channel energy to heal those men, healing the physical damage on Lalarlia, and giving Erin 9. Old mining tools scattered about are given new life as Brauer orders the globe destroyed. The glass is as hard as stone, and the men aren't miners, but when the standard soldier is a hero to himself with a strength of 18(!), the glass shatters soon enough. When it does so, the blue energy is there for a few rounds but then evaporates.

The corpse of the man has a tarnished silver locket, engraved with the initials "F. C." and containing a faded portrait of a kindly-looking man holding a small child. Given Athyra's request for a locket, this must have been the late proprieter of the mine, Feran Crinhouse. The woman wears a chain with a key around her neck. It isn't much of a leap to realize (and actually check) that this key opens the rusted iron strongbox. No doubt, this was the equally doomed wife, Jelera Crinhouse.

Using magic, Jask is able to determine that the heavy pick is magical (+1 heavy pick). For right now, that is put in stores.

Stephan, though weakened, addresses the squad. "We weren't down here long, but long enough to face a determined and perilous enemy. We vanquished the foe and eased their souls, destroyed what might be the cause and in turn made the mine safe again, and may honor our commitment to the one who showed us this course. I have faith in my Goddess, and in the power of our priests, that we shall recover from this without any lasting ill. Well done to all."

Stephan leads the group the rest of the way out where Athyra is waiting. The two officers (he and Chief Derindi) go to speak with her in private. The squad sees Brauer hand over the locket, which she opens. She becomes very emotional and when offered the strongbox and key, she refuses, giving them back to Brauer. They talk for a bit, and it seems that they are they give a very brief account of the fight, even pointing out himself, Lalarlia, Erin, and Ankarum. She looks woefully across the way at the latter three heroes. They talk more and at one point Chief Derindi breaks off and comes back to the group. "For what we've done in putting her parents to rest and giving her some piece of mind, it seems that this wild woman Athyra will accompany us as a scout. Given she also knows the area of the plains and the like, the lieutenant agreed."

2015-12-25, 05:56 AM
Lalarlia crosses to her and saysWe are thankful for your aid. Please allow me to express my deepest condolences on your loss. Crossing back to Stephan she says, We all need rest my friend. Especially the healers among us. Pray, can you say what your plan is from here?

2015-12-25, 07:25 PM
In broken Taldan, haltingly formed, she shakes her head lightly in bewilderment. "No undersand. No undersand tongue."

In fluent Polyglot (which was the last language you [Lalarlia] learned), she says, "Please, do you know the Mother Tongue like your chief?"

2015-12-26, 06:07 AM
Lalarlia will respond in Polyglot, Of course, my apologies. We are thankful for your aid. Please allow me to express my deepest condolences on your loss.

2015-12-26, 03:09 PM
She looks at Lalarlia almost more confused than before. "I don't understand. What are conlensses? What loss?"

2015-12-27, 04:48 AM
I am referring to the death of your parents. I offer my sympathy.

2015-12-28, 06:03 PM
The conversation (possibly) continues off-camera as time permits ...

The lieutenant does pause and then presents Athyra with her father's magical heavy pick. He speaks in Polyglot, of course, but Lalarlia hears him speak of how there are signs that her father must have fought bravely with this. He shows her how strong the pick is in relation to her bone glaive (a serviceable, but nonetheless fragile, polearm). Almost ceremoniously, she snaps the haft and seems to make a quiet meditation, and then takes the pick. "I will fight with the weapon of my father before me!"

Brauer managed to find a use for the pick, recruit a scout (well, she volunteered, but still), upgrade her weaponry in a big way with one gift, earn her loyalty with all that has happened, and even gave the Vader-murdered-Anakin spin on the Blue Warrior-murdered-family, while mentioning how her father (he didn't mention he was the Blue Warrior at the time) seemed to have been a mighty combatant that did fine with a magical weapon. He told the truth ... "from a certain point of view" ... and it was more merciful than absolute because to hear that her parents were evil, murderous undead would have profited the young woman not at all.

The party continues, and while you move Brauer calls a conference with Chief (which is going to be confusing for Athyra if she ever learns Taldane ... the "Chief" is not the chief), Lalarlia, and the Tempest. "Those of us afflicted will suffer these pains but the real hit comes tomorrow when our bodies fight for our very souls. We need to be ready with any spells or prayers that may assist us when we go through those trials. I want recommendations on what you have."

2015-12-29, 05:11 AM
The conversation (possibly) continues off-camera as time permits ...

Lalarlia will bow and step away upon hearing the summons for the conference...

The party continues, and while you move Brauer calls a conference with Chief (which is going to be confusing for Athyra if she ever learns Taldane ... the "Chief" is not the chief), Lalarlia, and the Tempest. "Those of us afflicted will suffer these pains but the real hit comes tomorrow when our bodies fight for our very souls. We need to be ready with any spells or prayers that may assist us when we go through those trials. I want recommendations on what you have."

Lalarlia speaks up... Once we make camp, we can tend the wounds overnight and that will help some. Ankarum, you will benefit an added prayer of health restoration. I can pray for guidance and resistance to the affects of the attacks for all as well as asking for additional strength to fight off the weakness for myself. If someone is unsuccessful in resisting the effects, I have a scroll that may help as well.

Tending the wounded overnight with Heal skill. Guidance and Resistance for all and Bears Endurance for myself. Scroll of Restoration for someone who still fails the roll.

2015-12-29, 09:36 PM
Ankarum wasn't part of that meeting ... but he'd be told later, anyway. Lalarlia's suggestions, along with magics the others have, will hopefully be enough to stave off the darkness that the three afflicted face. For now, however, the Sum of All Fears will not waste daylight camping too soon. With the passage through the mines and then on from there, it is a good push until you do make camp along the plains.

Lalarlia will pray that evening for lesser restoration and casts it upon the savage man to heal his body, but only giving 1 CON. Still, it is enough that with good ministration from a healer and a solid night's sleep he may heal. He will need his body strong for the morrow. Ankarum, Lalarlia, and Brauer are all off of the watch list. The Tempest, whose primary draw for the party beyond his knowledge of the land is healing, is the primary physician. Harsk, it seems, is a very skilled healer as well, and he is tasked to assist him. Erin is giving magical healing for her wounds as well.

The prayers prepared are focused that day. All three main clerics - The Tempest, Lalarlia, and Chief Derindi - are sure to ready guidance, resistance, and bear's endurance. But time is still the enemy when the rival expeditions left days earlier, so you will have to deal with the real internal battle against the darkness during the middle of the day. But, luckily, the expedition faces no danger that morning or early afternoon before it is time to stop. The three afflicted feel their bodies fighting and they are becoming feverish. The spells are laid down as planned.
Lalarlia .... it is time. Your sheet is adjusted for the total +4 from spells you have received. Roll a Fort save. The DC you have to match or beat is 16. Pretty good odds, since you have to roll a 6+. But, that's still a 25% chance of failure.

2016-01-09, 04:07 AM
All feel refreshed and healed, though perhaps a little shaken from the great battle within them, and are fully restored. Armor is put on since the possibility of drowning in water is no longer an issue.

It is the Tempest who actually observes what was forgotten once you went into the salt mine. Yesterday, at mid-day, was the All-Birth ... the second-to-last day of Lamashan that is (un)holy to the month's namesake, Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters. You fought many terrible beasts, almost had the scars to prove it, but you prevailed.

When you came out of the salt mine you emerged on the edge of the M'Neri Plains, a broad swath of savanna that stretches to the horizon. Geographically, the plain extends for almost 200 miles to the River of Lost Tears. Even with the time in the salt mine, you still put in a full day's travel when you did, and this next day - the last day of Lamashan - you deal with issues involving what might have been a dreadful curse on three of the heroes (Lalarlia, Brauer, and Erin). While The Tempest provides guidance with his knowledge, it is this immediate area that is Athyra's realm. She does an amazing job - from yesterday when you hired her, through this part of today - in really guiding the party at a good clip overland. Shortly after the expedition sets out from their mid-day stop to fight the negative energy, it is at this point on the trade route between Eleder and Kalabuto where a number of traveling merchants have made camp and set up an impromptu arena for c--kfighting, a popular pastime among both the merchants and their guards and porters.

The merchants welcome the expedition to join their camp for the rest of today and into the evening, and the man running the cockfights - one "Rickets" Perga, a slender and sickly-looking Garundi man who claims to hail from Rahadoum - invites the party to bet on the c--kfights. He keeps a number of coops within a decrepit wagon drawn by two nags. Nearby, a ring has been cleared and caged off to serve as the c--kpit. Rumor is that on a good night, bets can climb above a thousand gold pieces, though goods and other valuables are often accepted as payment.

Brauer has absolutely no intention of losing nearly a half-day, no matter how much the merchants who have nothing to do with the c--kfights might have some creature comforts. He begins to move the expedition along. The bookies jeer and make fun of you all (especially your lieutenant), calling you all "scared milksops who cry at the sight of blood."

Brauer expends a little bit of his personal power, and scares the idiots, making them back down. That's that, and the expedition is back on the road.That evening, Brauer works on journaling the expedition, including descriptions of any natural flora or fauna he saw. Otherwise, outside of various camp duties, the master sergeant holds combat training for everybody. Of course, the Tempest isn't into that, and the Chief is senior to Fiercesomeelm and doesn't bother, but everyone else is put through the ringer. Athyra is fascinated by this, and enjoys getting a feel for her magical pick, but otherwise is obviously the most inexperienced of the warriors in the camp despite her strength.

The night goes by uneventfully ...

2016-01-14, 08:26 AM
NETH 1 4710 AR (First Day of the 11th Month, now Late Fall)

The Chief wakes up today and his eyes bother him. The Tempest, with Ankarum as his apprentice, is able to identify that the Chief was affected by a mold called green haze. Untreated, it could make him go blind in three days. Usually, this is from coming in contact with something particularly moldly. It is an easy thing to recognize that the logbook from the mine is the culprit. Mr. Brauer, who first handled it, is unaffected. The Tempest usually has remove disease readied.

Prayers and morning chores, strike, and the like are conducted. The Tempest easily rids the condition from the Chief, who instantly feels better and sees fine. The former also casts the same on the logbook and destroys all remaining vestiges of the fungus. The morning report is in, and The Tempest (aided by Harsk) is able to determine that true to her word, Athyra was able to shave off a day, courtesy of the mine but also her knowledge of the area passed through. That area is now past, and Athyra's skill is now strictly as a scout, not a guide; that falls back on The Tempest's shoulders. The expedition heads out, with The Tempest leading the party at a good clip.

Nearing midday, as the trail skirts the northern border of the Laughing Jungle, the expedition spots a wisp of smoke on the horizon, coming from a small Zenj village huddling under the jungle’s eaves. When its inhabitants spot the party approaching, they quickly attempt to make contact with them, seeming quite eager to trade goods as well as a share their hospitality. With cheerful greetings in Polyglot and broken Common, the villagers invite the PCs to join them for supper. Obviously, the entire group is not addressed. Rather, Stephan is the primary POC, but he includes the Chief (not a bad diplomat and a good counselor), The Tempest (his guide and insightful of the people), and oddly Lalarlia. Stephan has come to realize that the Mistress' exotic race, look, and demeanor are disarming. [Though operating under the Bluff skill, which is not preferred, she does get a benefit for that skill against natives of the jungle. See "Boarded in Varisia" trait.]

The Chief calls the four of you into a side discussion away from the Zenj. He senses something is amiss, as if the villagers' cheerfulness is just a facade. Brauer and The Tempest sensed it, too. (Lalarlia did not.)

Lalarlia, what input do you have on this? (Ankarum, you are not part of this powwow.)

2016-01-14, 08:29 AM
Ankarum will spend the time grooming and training Tahkeome

2016-01-14, 08:50 AM
A fine morning regimen for Ankarum, and he will be include assisting Lalarlia in understanding the skills of the ostler as well.

Lalarlia, same question as above concerning any input for staying at the village ...

2016-01-14, 11:27 AM
The Chief calls the four of you into a side discussion away from the Zenj. He senses something is amiss, as if the villagers' cheerfulness is just a facade. Brauer and The Tempest sensed it, too.

I do not sense anything sinister from these people. I can focus on an individual, to see if they have been magically coerced if you would like...

2016-01-16, 04:33 PM
"I did so of some of the more important people as I was talking to them," says the lieutenant. "I can't sense magical coercion like you, but I sensed no stain of darkness on their soul."

"Remember, sir," says The Tempest. "We haven't even gone a full day's travel. We waste nearly a day if we do this."

Mr. Brauer thinks about this for a minute or two then shakes his head. "No, we wouldn't be wasting time. Remember, unlike the other factions who are just running a race, our hope is to make a distant outpost of Tazion. To that end, we need to cultivate relationships with the natives on the way. Some Zenj are hostile, and I want them to see Sargava in a good light. Besides, this will be a welcome break for the men.

"Besides, Sergeant," he continues to Lalarlia, "if there is anything wrong, we might be able to see what it is and provide necessary action or guidance."

Mr. Brauer turns around and leads the small group of you to the leaders standing nearby. He accepts the invitation, and the villagers are excited and grab the men by the arms (leading, not aggressive) and with the lieutenant's permission, the men lead their beasts of burden along. The Tempest - with his riding spider - is instantly met with a sense of both fear and awe. He is obviously a holy man blessed by Gozreh, but his connection to a terrible (and repulsive) creature is unnerving. Erinelea is treated much as she is - a cursed member of the group, and only nominally welcomed, and only because of association.

The entire expedition is greeted by everyone in the village. Villagers smile, toting baskets of fruit, meat, and laundry. Others sit in the shade weaving leaves and vines. Barefoot children dart about chasing each other around the small huts. The only person who seems uninterested in the visitors is an older woman with a painted face who, upon their arrival, ducks into her hut and pulls a cloth across the doorway. When asked about the woman, one of the villagers says [in Polyglot], “She is our shaman, and is old and wary.”

Supper consists of flatbread, fresh fruit, and a tasty porridge seasoned with sweet tubers. After the meal the offered a heady wine and treated to an impressive performance of acrobatics, dancing, and fire-eating as night falls. At the end of the festivities, the villagers offer the members of the expedition a few huts to sleep in, then retire to their own huts.

It is assumed that Lalarlia releases Caelela each night. Does she do so this night as well?

2016-01-17, 08:48 AM
Actually, no... Normally yes, but on this night, she does not. Seeing as how some members of the party are feeling slightly off about the villagers, she will ask her to remain and be vigilant.

2016-01-17, 02:35 PM
As the party readies themselves for bed, the MSGT is still going to post watches. PVT Harsk, who was on watch, finds the MSGT and SGT Lalarlia to bring them to the officer's hut. (Sorry, Ankarum ... you are just a lowly CPL.)

The village shaman is waiting there, and only then is she invited into the hut. She sits down next to the small fire with a heavy sigh. After a few moments of silence, she speaks in thickly accented Taldane. “I am an old woman, and set in my ways. My master taught me long ago that foreigners like yourselves carry curses. But this village suffers under a curse already, and all my magic has so far failed to lift it. The spirits do not help me and I have nowhere else to turn. Perhaps I have been wrong all these years, and perhaps you are the ones who can help free us from the curse.”

In Polyglot, so it will be easier to converse, Mr. Brauer prods her, "Go on, elder. What is it that plagues this place so?"

She appreciates the gesture to her native language and continues in Polyglot. "Our village is plagued by a chemosit, a malevolent and cunning ape-bear that delights in human prey, particularly relishing the taste of human brains. The beast has come out of the jungle every night for 2 weeks, stealing into the village in search of victims. I beg you ... please save my village and my people by killing or driving off the wicked beast. I have little to offer you as a reward, apart from a grisly charm and an old treasure map."

Lieutenant Brauer looks to everyone present (Chief Derindi, The Tempest, Master Sergeant Fiercesomeelm, and Sergeant Lalarlia). Lalarlia, you happen to know that a chemosit is a magical beast ...From the time their children are young, Mwangi tribesfolk tell them chilling tales of the savage, child-eating chemosit. While most believe these stories hold little truth and serve only to keep children from wandering too far from their villages, others know better. Few who have witnessed the gruesome work of the chemosit survive. Bearing terrible scars, both physical and mental, they recall the creature’s utter savagery and inhuman strength. Tribes living in close proximity to chemosits believe them to be the living embodiment of wrathful gods or nature spirits, and pay them grisly sacrifices. In such places, those who suffer the beast’s attacks are often blamed for the violence and exiled. In other regions, evil shamans capable of summoning or commanding these beasts gain great power and infamy. It is a common practice for warring tribes to pay such shamans to summon a chemosit to plague the villages of their enemies.

Chemosits stand over 9 feet tall on average and weigh upward of 750 pounds. Chemosits have incredible strength, and a terrifying roar that can be heard throughout the jungle. They commonly eat the brains of their victims to invigorate themselves, and it is rumored they gain knowledge from their fallen victim.Lalarlia, do you give any advice or counsel?

2016-01-17, 03:02 PM
These creatures are huge and stand over half again as tall as I and weigh as much as a swift horse. They have incredible strength, and a terrifyingly loud roar. They commonly eat the brains of their victims to gain strength, and it is said they gain knowledge from their fallen victim. I recommend we be at full strength to deal with this foul beast.

2016-01-17, 03:13 PM
Chief Derindi says, "I, for one, am as interested in defeating and studying what some tribesmen call the 'Nandi bear.'"

"We shall help, elder," says Mr. Brauer to the shaman. She goes and gets a small pail of fresh goat's blood and paints a strange marking across the threshold of the officer's hut, which she says should draw the beast to the hut. She bids you good luck and returns to her own hut, leaving the group to make whatever preparations are necessary.

Brauer makes sure that the MSGT tells everyone in the squad what's up.

Lalarlia and Ankarum, do you have any recommendations for preps?

2016-01-17, 03:34 PM
I have a few options for helping whoever may be in closest. I can give someone the strength of a bull as well as with Calistrias aid, cause a weapon to be engulfed in flames which will burn upon a succesful strike. Of course I can ask for Calistria to shield one of you. There are other things I will do to aid the group as a whole. I will pray that your weapons strike true and that the beasts attacks do not...

Bull's Strength, Sun Metal, Sheild of Faith and Prayer

2016-01-18, 07:34 AM
Ankarum will ask MSGT "Ankarum could climb a tree with good sight of Stephan hut and perhaps give warning of the creatures approach and a shot or two"

2016-01-18, 06:09 PM
The MSGT nods his head. "Good thinking, corporal. Harsk! I want you in the center of the village in the main spot with all of the mounts. We don't know the direction of entry, though it does sound like it will be coming from jungle. Still, I want you posted there with your crossbow. Sir, with your permission, I'd like to put the squad in satellite positions, with a large gap where your hut faces the jungle. Allows the ape-bear to stalk in unhindered, covers the rest of the village."

"Good call, master sergeant," agrees Lieutenant Brauer. "I will instruct Athyra to guard Harsk and the inner portion of the village. Tempest, you are not contracted to battles, so I want you roaming the jungle trees with your spider to react to any issues with villagers. The Chief, Sergeant Lalarlia, Corporal Zyianthus, and myself will be armed and armored and ready in here.

"I want nobody to move, fire, attack, or signal until the monster comes to this hut. The only difference is if you are engaged, at which call out. Move out."

Mr. Brauer relates the order to Athyra in Polyglot, and everyone moves out. Armor is strapped on, shields readied. Ankarum, you easily climb a tree overlooking the hut. What will you have at the ready? It's a little difficult to have your shield out while in the tree.

2016-01-18, 10:38 PM
Ankarum (and Bob) will climb the tree after stowing his shield. He will ready his bow and knock a standard arrow.

2016-01-19, 01:59 AM
Ankarum, since really it comes down to you ... you are surprised and draw in a breath when two large shapes lumber in slowly and quietly. They managed to sneak right by your tree. These dark shapes, something like a bear from where you are, sniff at the door to the officer's hut. Do you fire now, or do you hold your shot?

2016-01-19, 05:36 AM
Ankarum draws and fires at one of the creatures.
to hit
to damage
using only base attack/damage bonus


2016-01-19, 06:59 AM
Ankarum takes a quiet breath, draws, and fires at the creature by the door. It thwucks into its shaggy hide and bounces off. The savage collects himself and gives a warning cry, "Aiyhii!"

Begin Round One ...

R1T25: Ankarum, you quickly recover your wits after that first failed shot. You couldn't be too high up a tree because of the thick canopy and the need to see when it's darker out (despite nearby campfires) and with angle of LOS, so you are only 15' off the ground. What do you do?

2016-01-19, 07:55 AM
Ankarum draws a plus one arrow from his quiver, aims and releases.

[roll0]to hit
[roll1] to damage

2016-01-19, 09:29 AM
R1T25: Ankarum draws a magical arrow from his quiver, nocks, aims, and releases. This time, his arrow finds its mark to do 8.

R1T21: The shouting of the men raising of the alarm begins ...

R1T18: With his mighty sword in one hand Brauer swings the door to the hut inwards, stepping aside as he does so.

R1T17: Erin - with normal and magic dagger in her hands - tosses the magic dagger at the monster for a surprising 12 to the unready beast.

R1T14: The massive, shaggy beast - now hit from both sides - uses long and muscular forearms to raise itself onto its hind legs and beats its chest like a gorilla. It gives a great and terrible roar that resounds through the entire village and the jungle beyond. It rattles Ankarum, and he only just manages to keep his composure. The beast then squeezes through the front entrance, halfway in/out.

R1T12: Lalarlia, you have scimitar and buckler. This thing just pushed itself partway into the hut ... enough to be threatening you. Despite its ape-like qualities, its frame is far heavier and its features more primitive, its powerful muzzle and gnashing canines bespeaking terrible, bestial savagery. What do you do?

2016-01-20, 05:01 AM
Lalarlia prays to Calistria. Goddess, grant me protection that I may aid my comrades in this battle!

She concentrates on casting Sanctuary.

2016-01-20, 05:56 AM
R1T12: Lalarlia prays to Calistria, "Goddess, grant me protection that I may aid my comrades in this battle!"

Her faith easily gives her the focus, and hopefully the spell will protect her against the magical beast.

R1T9: Outside, the second monster glares up at Ankarum with almost baleful eyes and it, too, gives a monstrous roar. Lalarlia, you might be a holy warrior imbued with great gifts to aid the cause of life and liberty, but even with your commanding officer's aura of courage, you find yourself shaken to the core by that terrible bellow (shaken (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Shaken), sheet adjusted for attacks/ saves); it is as if your divine grace is stripped away by fear. Meanwhile, the chemosit lumbers over to Ankarum's tree and right up it to be right next to the now-shocked savage, it's mighty claws dug into the tree.

R1T8: Chief Derindi defensively casts bless on the allies in the hut - which partially mitigates Lalarlia's fear (but does not take it all the way away).

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Ankarum, you have a bow in hand, you are 15' up a tree and you are sitting on a branch (not that much clearance to stand, buddy, sorry), and this ape-bear is on the trunk right next to you. This is bad for you on so many levels. What do you do?

Mr. Brauer on deck, Erin in the hole ...

2016-01-20, 09:20 AM
Ankarum decides that it is wise to be somewhere else. He drops his bow. His trident is also at the base of the tree 😂.
His shield is slung on his back. Ankarum withdraws by climbing higher into the tree and after ten feet, looks to cross into an adjacent tree and so on with his full movement.

2016-01-20, 09:56 AM
R2T25: Ankarum decides that it is wise to be somewhere else. He drops his bow. His trident is also at the base of the tree 😂. His shield is slung on his back. Ankarum tries to withdraw by climbing higher into the tree. The thing takes a swipe at him - not to claw him but to knock him out of the tree - but even with two hands needed to climb Ankarum's animal reflexes only barely manage to withstand its tremendous power so as not to be thrown clear. He has trouble getting any distance and ends up spending his full allotment of time just climbing 10'.

R2T15: Something fast - an arrow or a bolt, just bounced off of the tree-climbing chemosit.

R2T14: The hut-chemosit squeezes fully inside the hut - blocking the door, its jaws snapping at Erin.

R2T12: Lalarlia, you are shaken, but a bless helps offset that a little bit. You have a sanctuary spell protecting you (hopefully). This thing now threatens everyone in this hut and it is blocking the exit. What do you do?

Tree-climbing chemosit on deck, Chief in the hole ....

2016-01-20, 12:36 PM
Calistria, here my prayer and aid my companions and I. Befuddle our foes and bless our strikes!

She casts Prayer. She and each of her allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of her foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls. 40 ft radius burst centered on her.

2016-01-20, 06:02 PM
R2T12: "Calistria!" Mistress Lalarlia calls out. "Here Hear my prayer and aid my companions and I. Befuddle our foes and bless our strikes!"

She coalesces that most powerful magic available to her ... but not before the chemosit gets in a good bite on her right knee for 15 (max)! She would have just mustered the faith she needed ... if only she wasn't afraid of the beast ... and Calistria's blessing disappears before it has a chance to exist in the world.

R2T9: The chemosit on the tree effortlessly climbs right up next to Ankarum and tries to push him out of the tree again, but the Shoanti dodges. It's important to note now that it is dim light where you are.

R2T8: Chief Derindi steps next to Lalarlia and easily concentrates for his spell to be defensive and puts a CLW on her for 9 healing.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25: Ankarum, the only thing that has changed from the last time you had an action is that now you are 25' up a tree .... and this monstrosity is still right next to you. What do you do?

2016-01-20, 11:07 PM
Ankarum will "withdraw" down the tree using his mobility to hopefully avoid the beast's attack.
"a little help over here!" yells the barbarian/ranger.

2016-01-20, 11:55 PM
R3T25: Ankarum tries to withdraw down the tree, using his skill as a skirmisher to aid him from getting hit. It works, as a paw slams right above his head. He gets down 20', putting him only 5' high off the jungle floor. "A little help over here!" he cries.

R3T21: Gisler comes tearing around the corner and even with the dark notices the thrashing about of something large up in the tree above Ankarum. "There's a second one in the tree!" he shouts. He comes over next to wear Ankarum will step down in a moment, knowing that whatever monstrosity is going to turn back around and head down again.

R3T18: Mr. Brauer makes a terrible gut slash on the monster that does 29 and 3 bleed. Unless this monster has access to healing, it will die of its bloody wound. He follows around with a solid strike to its head for 20.

R3T17: Fast as lightning a short sword is in Erin's hand with her dagger and she goes for a double attack, but her weapons aren't cutting through its hide.

R3T15: Harsk shoots the one in the tree twice for 15.

R3T14: Badly wounded and bleeding, the chemosit in the hut makes a last-ditch effort to grab Erin, but Mr. Brauer nails it in its upper spine and it drops.

R3T12: Lalarlia, the death of the chemosit doesn't stop the fact that you are still fearful. And now, despite the ranger-barbarian's cries for help, this thing blocks the exit. What do you do?

2016-01-21, 03:06 AM
Not thinking clearly, she will turn and try to cut a hole in the side of the hut using her scimitar...

2016-01-21, 07:52 PM
R3T12: Not thinking clearly, Lalarlia turns and tries to cut a hole through the side of her hut using her scimitar. She manages to do 5 mod (max), which on the basic wrapped-thatch hut wall does half damage.

R3T10: CPL Ardizzone comes around from the other side and takes a look. He doesn't see it as first, but he hears it in the trees and stands to the side of the tree. "Alright, get ready to flank it!"

R3T9: The monster in the tree comes charging down right towards Ankarum and lands next to him (Ankarum is still 5' up). CPL Ardizzone gets in a good shot on the chemosit for 16. Ankarum gets slashed in the right shoulder for 10, another claw across the chest for 8 (min). The monster then bites him in the same shoulder for 11. It finally follows up with a very weak rake against his back for 3.

R3T8: Chief Derindi is not strong and not good at squeezing, so he delays ...

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T25: Ankarum, you got torn pretty good. You are only 5' off the ground. This thing is right next to you, and your pack is at your feet. What do you do?

Gisler on deck, Mr. Brauer in the hole ...

2016-01-21, 09:12 PM
Ankarum drops to the ground flanking the beast with CPl Ardizzone. He draws and readies his shield and growling his RAGE , he swings the wickedly spiked shield at his foe.

Using his guarded stance and assigning his dodge to the beast.
swinging his spiked shield
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] to damage

2016-01-21, 09:58 PM
R4T25: Ankarum drops to the ground flanking the beast with CPl Ardizzone. He draws and readies his shield and growling his RAGE , he swings the wickedly spiked shield at his foe, raking it across the face for 8.

R4T21: Gisler uses the reach of his halberd to attack over Ankarum's shoulder, and he hits it for 11 and it howls in wild pain.

R4T18: Mr. Brauer blasts through the hut where Lalarlia started and he comes around to 10' from the chemosit outside.

R4T17: Erin goes through the new exit and around to step just behind Brauer and out of reach, and she throws her dagger at it, hitting it for 7.

R4T15: Harsk does a rapid fire load-and-shoot, hitting twice for 12.

R4T12: Lalarlia, you are still shaken. A hole to the hut is right there. What do you do?

CPL on deck, the chemosit in the hole ...

2016-01-22, 04:46 AM
She will run out the new exit and towards the combat.

2016-01-22, 05:17 AM
How close to the Large creature do you get? Stephan stopped at 10' from it, though he could have gotten closer.

2016-01-22, 05:28 AM
I didn't realise it was in range. Since I have my scimitar out, I'll close to combat range and attack.

2 handed Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-01-22, 05:41 AM
R4T12: Lalarlia runs out of and around the hut and closes on the chemosit to hit it with her scimitar, but not before she gets bit in the face for 9! She closes and strikes, but her scimitar hits its thick hide without penetrating.

R4T10: CPL Ardizzone, flanking with Ankarum and Gisler and cuts deep into it for 12, dropping the beast just before it was going to attack Lalarlia again.

The group makes sure that both monsters are dead - making sure to cut and hack it a few times.http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/029/b/b/chemosit_by_corbella-d4o1aau.jpg

Combat Ends ...

2016-01-22, 06:09 AM
Spells will wear off. Harsk will be able to recover a bolt that bounced off of its hide. Ankarum's rage ends. The chief does two channels of energy to heal all except Ankarum, who is finally topped off by two CLWs from the Tempest.

The villagers, once they learn of the defeat of the chemosits will assist with the bodies. They will drag them into the center of the village to do something with it in the morrow. A separate hut is opened up for the officers so they don't have to sleep in a ripped hut with blood-soaked mats and ground.

The shaman figures that two came because they are a mated pair. She apologizes profusely because she didn't know there were two of them. In the morning, she will give the party their reward, but it is very late and they need to rest.

Anything before going back to bed?

2016-01-22, 07:18 AM
Lalarlia will not speak to anyone, but will go and bed down.

2016-01-22, 09:21 PM
Ankarum will collect his arrows if possible, see to Tahkeome's needs, say goodnight to Erin, Stephan and Lalarlia. Collect a Chemosit claw as a momento, and then to bed.

2016-01-23, 10:06 AM
2 Neth, Toilday (Day 9)

In the morning, the villagers hail the group as heroes, though they are poor farmers and hunters, and thus have little to offer the group as a reward other than their grateful thanks. The shaman adds her own thanks, and rewards the expedition with two items: a grisly, shrunken monkey head and a treasure map she claims she took off the corpse of a Sargavan soldier. (To this news, the lieutenant does not inquire.) The monkey head is a Zenj spirit fetish, which the shaman says can be used to banish evil spirits and exorcise demons, while the map notes the location of a sunken ship in the Lake of Vanishing Armies that contains a chest full of gold ingots. Mr. Brauer gives the Zenj spirit fetish to the chief, and he holds onto the treasure map. Still, Lalalarlia is made aware of how the spirit fetish works.
The bearer of this shrunken monkey head can use it to cast dispel evil (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/dispel-evil). While the spell is in effect, the bearer can make a melee touch attack with the head to banish an evil creature from another plane back to its home plane, or dispel one evil spell or one enchantment spell cast by an evil creature. This use discharges and ends the spell. When the spell ends, the fetish becomes a normal, nonmagical monkey head.
Through the day's travel, from what Mr. Brauer thought would be 2 days to go 35 miles, The Tempest is able to shave an entire day off of the journey.

That evening, after Ankarum queried him concerning making poisons, The Tempest continues discussing these matters. The CO delegates the day's journaling to his XO, and the former leads the rest of the camp through extreme calisthenics.

3 Neth, Toilday (Day 9)

With the morning, you only travel 45 minutes to an hour before you see a collection of snaking mounds about three feet high spreads across the savanna like an alien land formation. Some twist and wind for several hundred yards, while others sink back into the soil after only a few yards. The member of the party who is the savannah expert is CPL Ardizzone. His worry is twofold: first, that the criss-crossing mounds are likely to contain several sinkholes - dangerous to the group, but especially to the beasts; second, and more dangerous, is that to him these look like ankheg burrows. Ankhegs are huge, burrowing insects with a dangerous bite and a tenacity matched only by its hunger. Unlike normal vermin like insects, even giant insects, ankheg are sufficiently strange enough to be classified as magical beasts.Magical Beast Magical Beasts are similar to animals (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types#TOC-Animal) but can have Intelligence (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Intelligence-Int-) scores higher than 2 (in which case the creature knows at least one language, but can’t necessarily speak). Magical Beasts usually have supernatural (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Supernatural-Abilities-Su-) or extraordinary abilities (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Extraordinary-Abilities-Ex-), but are sometimes merely bizarre in appearance or habits.
A magical beast has the following features.

d10 Hit Die (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Hit-Dice-HD-).
Base attack bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Base-Attack-Bonus-BAB-) equal to total Hit Dice (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Hit-Dice-HD-) (fast progression).
Good Fortitude (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) and Reflex (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Reflex) saves.
Skill points equal to 2 + Int (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Intelligence-Int-) modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Hit-Dice-HD-). The following are class skills for magical beasts: Acrobatics (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/acrobatics), Climb (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/climb), Fly (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/fly), Perception (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/perception), Stealth (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/stealth), Swim (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/swim).

Traits: A magical beast possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).

Darkvision (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities#TOC-Darkvision) 60 feet.
Low-light vision (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/universal-monster-rules#TOC-Low-Light-Vision-Ex-).
Proficient with its natural weapons (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/universal-monster-rules#TOC-Natural-Attacks) only.
Proficient with no armor.
Magical beasts breathe, eat, and sleep.

Though he's never seen a warren like this, ankheg are not unknown in the plains and farmlands of Varisia. Lalarlia has heard of them as well. But the one with the greatest knowledge of these things is The Tempest. It's not just that he's the most knowledgeable adviser in the realm of natural lore (one of the ways he is an outside consultant), but his special to vermin (and vermin-like creatures) also gives him particular insight. He explains that as well as its lethal bite with which it can latch onto victims, an ankheg nas a natural acidic venom which coats its mandibles and can be spit over short distances. Once an ankheg spits, however, it takes a number of hours for it to build up its acid once more. These natural tunnelers can see in most conditions, and have an extra sense that allows them to detect the slightest of movements through the earth. Athyra mentions (and the Chief translates for Ankarum) that she once met two Zenj who had hard armor made from "giant mantis tunnelers."

MSGT sends out the three scouts to navigate a safe route through this field. CPLs Ankarum and Erin, and Athyra, spread out, and begin their long, tedious search. Ankarum would likely be leading Tahkeome, not riding him, and since ankheg can detect the steps of ground-walkers, it is likely that if you have the ill fortune to meet such things, you won't enjoy the great range of seeing a long way on the savannah. And so it is that CPL Zyianthus has the ill fortune to have a sinkhole open up underneath her ...

2016-01-23, 06:58 PM
A few seconds later, there is a loud sound and Erin screams.

Round One ...

The party - from their different positions - start moving towards the pit to assist Erin. It's not easy, because a straight path is impossible with all of the torn ground.

End Round One, Begin Round Two ...

R2T17: Towards the main group, a scuttling, bug-like monster bursts forth from the ground and bites Ewe for 10 + 1 acid.

R2T8: Mwangi moves up just behind and to the side of Ewe and hacks the ankheg for 19 (max)!

R2T7: The corporal runs up and hacks at the ankheg for 17.

R2T6: Another one of these monsters opens a hole in the ground and attacks Lalarlia, but she manages to block its attack with her buckler shield.

R2T5: Gisler moves up to help his comrades and his halberd clacks off of its carapace.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23: Athyra opens a pouch at her belt. It turns out it is a medicine bundle and she casts a spell (speak with animals). In Polyglot , she commands Jaji to attack the ankheg ambushing Lalarlia.

R3T22.5: Jaji charges Lalarlia's enemy and pounces on it: talon (10), foreclaws (3).

R3T22: Stephan charges into the hole where Erin fell ...

R3T21: Ewe counterattacks for 11, dropping the ankheg.

R3T20: Harsk shoots the ankheg on Lalarlia for 5. He fumbles his second shot.

R3T16: Lalarlia, you and Jaji are fighting an ankheg. What do you do?

2016-01-24, 07:06 AM
Calistria, ignite my blade that I might strike with your holy flame!

She casts Sun Metal on her scimitar doing an an additional 1d4 in fire damage.

2016-01-24, 11:59 AM
R3T16: Lalarlia begins to call for Calistria's aid but gets bitte by the things smandibles on her right hip for 6 + 1 acid. It's not a lot, but enough to ruin her spell.

R3T11: Chief Derindi stands back 35' from the ankheg on Lalarlia and casts a spell. Sand forms on the monster's eyes, but it shakes it off and there is no effect.

R3T8-7: Mwangi and the corporal move over to the ankheg fighting Lalarlia and Jaji (and flanking).

R3T6: The ankheg misses Lalarlia.

R3T5: Gisler moves over to the same ankheg, which is now getting wolf-packed pretty hard.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T23: Athyra comes in with a blood-curdling war cry and her new pick on a charge for 16!

R4T22.5: Jaji hits the ankheg for 5 with a talon and bites for 4, and the thing drops.

R4T21-20: Ewe begins to try to make his way to the hole where Erin disappeared, as does Harsk.

R4T16: Lalarlia, what do you do? It would take you two rounds to make it to the sinkhole.

2016-01-24, 02:49 PM
Lalarlia will begin to head towards the pit as well, but before she steps off she will mutter a prayer to Calistria for healing. Swift action Lay on Hands for herself: [roll0]

2016-01-24, 04:39 PM
R4T16: Lalarlia begins to head towards the pit as well, but not before healing her wounds.

R4T13: MSGT is finally in play, just getting to the pit.

R4T11: The chief makes a single move towards the pit, but he seems cautious, as if to cast another spell, but keeping pace with Lalarlia.

R4T9: Blasting out of the ground right in front of Ankarum is another one of these monsters that bites our hero for 10 + 1 acid.

R4T8-5: Mwangi, Gisler, and the corporal head over towards Ankarum - just behind the beast.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T23: Athyra, still raging, continues towards the last ankheg - which in turn is getting surrounded.

R5T22.5: Jaji follows with its mistress.

R5T22: Stephan had leapt up to the edge of the pit and climbs out.

R5T21: Ewe heads to the last ankheg.

R5T20: Harsk moves forward 20' and shoots to hit the ankheg for 8, then reloads.

R5T16: Lalarlia, the last ankheg is a full-round action away if you hustle (i.e., double-move, 40' distant). What do you do?

MSGT on deck ...

2016-01-24, 04:47 PM
Lalarlia will continue on towards the pit where Erin was last seen...

2016-01-24, 05:17 PM
R5T16: Lalarlia gets to the pit where Erin was last seen and where Stephan had just jumped. She looks down and she sees a dead ankheg. She also sees the mutilated body of Erinelea Zyianthus. She never was able to be healed of the curse, and so died in the horrific Zura-inflicted form instead of having been restored to her attractive form. Her life in the past many months has been nothing but pain, anguish, and a cursed, debilitating deformity on top of that. This will crush Ankarum. While he never came out and professed his feelings, you know that the Shoanti man had feelings for her. :frown:

R5T13: "Damn," spits the master sergeant ... just a few feet from Lalarlia. "There's our first."

R5T12: Meanwhile, Ankarum is still unaware of Erin's demise. He has problems of his own as he is facing down an ankheg. What do you do?

2016-01-24, 05:39 PM
Ankarum will focus his Rage and using Guarded Stance, thrust his trident at the insect-like creature.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] to damage

2016-01-24, 05:42 PM
Sgt. If you will, allow me to tell the Cpl of this first parting among us?

2016-01-24, 10:43 PM
R5T12: Ankarum focuses his rage, and using a guarded stance he thrusts his trident at the insect-like creature for 7, and gives a war cry. "Aiyhiii!"

Over at the hole, looking down, Lalarlia looks at the Master Sergeant. "Sergeant, if you will, allow me to tell the CPL of this first parting among us?"

R5T11: The chief casts spiritual weapon and a force staff appears next to strike it for 8 force.

R5T9: The ankheg, terribly wounded, spits at Ankarum. He manages to duck a little to only take 5 acid.

R5T8-5: Mwangi misses, but CPL Ardizzone and Gisler finish it off from behind.

Athyra and Jaji likewise shread it.

Combat Ends ...

"That's Master Sergeant, sergeant, but sure," says MSGT Fiercesomeelm. "But I understand. And you are the chaplain. The just dropped the last one. I'll have the men hold position while we recover. Go let the lad know."

2016-01-25, 04:14 AM
Lalarlia will make her way back to Ankarum and approaching him she will say Allow me to heal your wounds my friend. And she will touch him and pray silently to Calistria asking for healing of both physical wounds and the mental he is about to receive. Lay on Hands [roll0]

My friend, as you know, our lives are full of meetings and partings... In our gathering, some meetings have more weight than others, and because of that, the parting is made that much heavier... Our comrade, Erin, has been taken from us. But she has found a kind of peace from her suffering... I'm sorry. and will gently touch his arm in sympathy.

2016-01-25, 10:08 AM
Ankarum's face pales as the shock of the news hits him.
"Erin....no." he whispers. His eyes are unfocused and he stumbles into Lalarlia briefly before regaining his footing. When he looks up again, his normally carefree features contort with anger and grief, twisting the scarred flesh at his eye. A low growl escapes his lips and he turns and walks stiffly to Tahkeome.

2016-01-26, 08:45 PM
Harsk's fumbled bolt is destroyed.

Ankarum seeks some quietude from Tahkeome, but he is stopped by the lieutenant just long enough to have the chaplain channel energy for mutliple wounded. One is enough to heal everyone (except Ankarum), and once he gets to his horse The Tempest comes over to him. When he casts CLW on Ankarum (fully healing him) he says to the man who is trying so hard to put on a stoic face, "It is a sin to Gozreh to dam a river for pride. Let it rain where it must; that is how the land is healed and things grow."

After that, he leaves him alone.

Lt. Brauer directs MSGT to use the beasts to act as anchors so ropes may be thrown down and Erin's body drawn up with some climbers. A break is made so that the chief may bring a spell about that will protect her body from decomposition, at least for a few days. The Tempest is not happy about that at all. To him, the waters of her body are to be released back to the world and not hoarded for grief. Quickly after the hour and the short ritual, Erin's body is covered and carried on beast and it is time to get moving. You don't know if other ankhegs will be coming.

Soon enough you clear the ankheg fields and continue onwards. You have been on the open savannah all day when you realize that you must have caught the attention of sharp-eyed avian scavengers. These opportunists, mostly vultures, circle above the party for hours, waiting for you to die. :frown: :xykon: Evey hour, the number of circling birds grows larger. A couple of hours before sunset, however, two larger birds join the flock. Now, Ankarum doesn't get a sense from the men, but Lalarlia did ... Erin was cursed, and the men felt that she would bring that curse to the group. There was no sense of respect (begrudging or otherwise) for her, but fear and loathing. Her death did not uncover secret admiration, but rather a sense that whatever god or gods she angered (her story was not made made public to the men) finally ended her, and that their own dooms might be imminent. Now, being in no kind of battle and seeing this big flock of vultures overhead is more than a little unnerving.

Mr. Brauer calls for the group to stop for the day, and the men are nervous. Even the master sergeant has to ask his CO if that's really what he wants, which only serves to annoy the latter. The men are to set up camp.

Ankarum ... Lalarlia ... do you take any special actions or precautions, or do you do as ordered?

2016-01-27, 03:13 AM
Lalarlia will keep her short bow close at hand and remain watchful, but otherwise, will do as ordered.

2016-01-27, 09:12 AM
Ankarum secretly marks the trail along their route from the Ankheg mounds so he will be able to find his way back.
at camp, he approaches Stephan.
"Ankarum doesn't know Erin's people, but Erin was a warrior and should have warrior funeral. Gozreh is best, but there are others that might also serve. Carrying her body is attracting carrion birds. Larger beasts will also come. Share her equipment with the group and bring something of hers back for her family. This is what she would want.This bat form was not her anyway." silent tears flow down the savage warriors cheeks as he turns and walks away. Ankarum will ready his bow , keeping it near as he sets up camp.

2016-01-27, 10:26 AM
He turns to regard you [Ankarum] for a few moments. "Tell me about your family, corporal. Your father, mother, siblings ... I realize that in the many months I've known you, not once have you talked about them. Do you keep in contact? Would you keep in contact?"

2016-01-27, 11:39 AM
"Ankarum's family is dead. Ankarum Banished by tribe when Uncle took over. This long time ago in the past. Ankarum is looking for future but the way is clouded. " he smiles a little. At the complexities of life.
"What about you friend Stephan? Now you speak well but are more isolated from friends than before on snake island by strange rules."

2016-01-27, 11:58 AM
"Whatever we went through before," he says, "you need to understand the sense of hierarchy. Because I have this responsibility, I am 'Lieutenant Brauer," or 'Mr. Brauer. Not 'Stephan' ... 'friend Stephan' ... nor any other familiar."

He breathes heavily - a close-mouthed sigh. "You have no connection to your family. That, and you are from a different culture. Yes, there are scavengers, but the way we treat our dead is as much a comment on our civility as any of the 'strange rules,' you may observe.

"Erin had a family. She has a father - an elf from Druma - and Mr. Zyianthus has the final right to determine the final disposition of his daughter's body. It is up to him to decide how he feels about her physical form from her curse - not me, and not you. We are going to fight off the scavengers as best we can and continue to Kalabuto. Once there, I will have the chief make arrangements to have her body sent to Eleder with what money is possible. Her father's company will make the final determination as to her final disposition. Her family is not Gozren, but Desnan; and by nationality, she is Druman. We will honor what observances that respect her house, family, religion, and nationality as best we can. If it were you, I would have the chaplain do the best we could for observing Shoanti rites mixed with Gozren faith, which would be to bury you under a cairn. Acceptable?"

2016-01-27, 01:33 PM
"Ankarum has spoke his mind. Lieutenant Brauer is leader and will determine what is best for group. Rules and discipline are good, but not to the death of freedom and spirit....and friendship. "

Ankarum turns and summons Tahkeome to him before vaulting into the saddle and riding out to scout the perimeter.
athletics to vault into the saddle [roll0]

2016-01-27, 08:58 PM
Loud shouts and calls from the camp as the men notice that the two really big vultures are descending.

R1T29: Athyra says something in some shamanistic language while gesturing at one of the big vultures. The bird instantly stiffens with outstretched wings and plummets, uncontrolled, to the ground for 14 ... right next to where Erin's body is held.

R1T21: The vulture, as big as a horse, rights itself and grabs Erin's body in its talons.

R1T20: Mr. Brauer, drawing his sword as he goes, charges the bird and with a mighty blow hits it in a line across just underneath its eyes and including its beak for 37, ringing its bell.

R1T19: Mwangi shoots the vulture for 3, but that's enough to drop it.

R1T18: Harsk shoots at the one still about 40' above the ground. Both bolts hit for 13 total.

R1T17: The next one flies down and goes to pick up Erin's body and Mr. Brauer crits once again for 33, but it still has her in his talons. It hovers expertly.

R1T14: CPL charges and hits for 19 (max).

R1T10: MSGT charges with power attack for 20, which is enough to drop it.

And the fun ends ... just before Lalarlia would have gone. Combat Ends.

Now, the host of vultures descend, but they settle and begin to feed this time on their giant, bald, bloody-looking kin. Way too many to really chase off, and trying to move these large vultures - which The Tempest calls "geiers" - is an exercise in getting harried. Fresh meat, and Erin is overlooked (and put under close guard). It's a noisy night, but in a way, it will chase away anything else that might come a-calling.

2016-01-28, 11:18 AM
Despondent and sad over the death of Erin, Ankarum will keep an eye open for a new animal companion. Hey look, vultures. That will fit his mood nicely.

Handle animal [roll0]

2016-01-29, 01:43 AM
The vultures want nothing to do with Ankarum. While being relatively "nervy" scavengers, not worrying if Man comes close to them, they are still wild and do not allow him to get too close.

The Tempest sees and strolls over. "I do not know your mind, but I know you are not honest with yourself. Gozreh has blessed you with an affinity for the beasts of the world, but that comes with an open connection. Do not try to force it, and don't try to relate to the birds because you feel such a way, or for such a reason. The world of nature does not care about intention - which limits your action. Nature cares about connection. Take a break, then try again."

2016-01-29, 05:27 AM
Ankarum turns and stalks off without speaking to Tempest.

2016-02-03, 06:41 AM
4 Neth 4710 AR

The next day is all travel across the savannah, with no encounters. To aid her in her scouting with her small, fast velociraptor, Athyra will show her ability to actually transform into a man-sized velociraptor herself, and will have kept that form for four hours. The day's travel will include The Tempest pointing out all manner of flora and describing them, discussing how Gozreh's (male sense) is able to caress the land with warm air and monsoons to develop these hearty growths. The lieutenant, in particular, discusses the subject of "botany" with him. Harsk, likewise takes a keen interest, as do most of the guards. By now, it has become obvious that these men are more than halberdiers, but they are actually (spell-less) rangers, themselves, and so while they might not care about the general lorist aspect of what The Tempest discusses, they are more than interested in knowing what is useful in a survival situation. The Chief, riding his horse alongside the one carrying Erin's body, is lost in thought, probably thinking of far-away Eleder and the comforts of the city.

There's a certain indignance that might accompany Lalarlia right now. With her only gal-pal in a large group of males gone, and one that the mistress suffered greatly alongside, it is a tough pill to swallow that the cleric of the goddess of vengeance should feel that so fine and tragic a life should be cut down by something as ignoble as overgrown, acid-spitting insects. They are dead, and were killed in short order. Perhaps it was the curse that Erinelea suffered, still visible on her wracked form under cloth, that might make it feel like there was so much more to avenge.
5 Neth 4710 AR (Day 12, Fireday)

Now a mere 10 miles or so outside of Kalabuto, you come across a gruesome sight. A tall and leafless boab tree stands alone in a clearing, its wood burnt black. A circle of tiny bones surrounds the tree. Over a dozen human bodies hang from the branches, making grisly silhouettes against the blue sky. More bodies lie on the ground at the base of the tree, frayed ropes still around their necks. A circle of tiny bones surrounds the tree.

This tree shows the scars of a country at war. Mzali warriors have hung the bodies of several Sargavans high in the tree’s branches. The Mzali create these gruesome trees to instill terror in their neighbors.

Any actions from PCs, or wait for NPCs?

2016-02-03, 06:56 AM
In anger (perhaps misplaced) Lalarlia will ride forth screaming, What barbarians would do this. Vile creatures with no respect for life! and she will begin cutting the bodies down from the tree as best she can unless or until someone joins her...

2016-02-03, 07:13 AM
Just as you ride forth and cut the first one down, it lands with a bone-sickening thud, and then "un-lands" ... as it stands slowly up.

Along with all of its other buddies that were lying on the ground.

All around you.

And the others on the tree start to twitch impotently as they are unable to free themselves.

Lalarlia, you are now surrounded by zombies.

2016-02-04, 10:09 AM
Lalarlia, you (and Caelela) are surrounded on all sides (2 front, 2 back, 2 each left/ right) for 8 zombies, total. What do you do?

2016-02-04, 05:14 PM
Lalarlia, who fortunately already has her scimitar drawn presents her Holy Symbol with her other hand and draws upon the power of Calistria sending a wave of positive energy forth to damage the undead and then speaking in Elven to Caelela she says, "Caelela, spirit us away to safety!"

Channel Positive Energy to damage undead: [roll0]

SA from Caelela Fast as Light

2016-02-06, 05:33 PM
Lalarlia, who fortunately already has her scimitar drawn presents her Holy Symbol with her other hand and draws upon the power of Calistria sending a wave of positive energy forth to damage the undead. Some of the zombies do okay, some get hammered, but none are destroyed. Then, speaking Elven to Caelela, Lalarlia says "Calgon, take me away!" "Caelela, spirit us away to safety!"

Pop-whoosh! With a sickening, disorienting feeling, like a minor, undefined vertigo, Lalarlia finds herself suddenly back with the party.

R1T27: PVT Harsk shoots at one of the zombies, and on the second hit the zombie ... explodes! Not with fire, of course, but gore and bone and unfettered sinew.

R1T22: Ankarum, you are 100' from the mass of zombies. What do you do?

2016-02-11, 09:49 AM
Ankarum grips his trident tight and whoops his war cry as he digs his heels into Tahkeome's flank urging him into a charging gallop. Rage fills Ankarum's heart and spills across their bond into his mount and fuels the horse's run. Hooves thunder over the Savannah as the pair bear down on the shambling dead.

[roll0] ride check
[roll1] to hit
[roll2] to damage
No rage included but active

2016-02-14, 01:41 PM
R1T22: Ankarum grips his trident tight and whoops his war cry as he digs his heels into Tahkeome's flank urging him into a charging gallop. Rage fills Ankarum's heart and spills across their bond into his mount and fuels the horse's run. Hooves thunder over the savannah as the pair bear down on the shambling dead. He stabs a zombie in the right shoulder for 13, not quite destroying his already wounded target.I like the fluff! I auto-chose guarded stance instead of ferocious mount, simply because raging mount won't do anything for Tahk outside of giving him more hit points (at the cost of AC).
R1T18: Lalarlia, what do you do? What do you direct Caelela to do?

2016-02-14, 02:10 PM
She instructs her to ride forward to get once more within range of as many of the fiends as possible and as she does so, once again prays for a burst of energy to smite her foes.

Trying to do kind of a drive by. Not getting in melee range but close enough to do a burst of positive energy to as many as she can. I'll try rolling for it.


2016-02-14, 03:29 PM
R1T18: Lalarlia rides forward 90' to make sure all of the zombies are within range of her burst - putting her only 10' from the closest ones and as she does so, she prays for another burst of energy with which to smite her foes. The one facing Ankarum is instantly destroyed. 2 save (3 PE), and 1 doesn't (6 PE, one of which is also destroyed). It is far less powerful than the Calistrian had hoped. The latter destroyed was towards the back, but the one Ankarum likewise explodes in gore to harm Ankarum for 8 and his mount for 9.

R1T16: A zombie charges Tahkeome and Ankarum just barely misses trying to block it as his horse gets critted for 10, putting Tahkeome temporarily off-balance - enough to open him up for an AOO from the same zombie, though that only hits hard against the horse's leathery hide. Still, Tahkeome now shows the effects of wounds from the gore blast and this strike.

R1T15: Athyra moves up to 50' from the "front line."

R1T13: Activity at the main group ...

R1T12: Another zombie charges and misses Tahk.

R1T11: In a blur Jaji zooms the entire length in a charge to tear into a zombie in the back with one of his talons for 5.

R1T10: The MSGT's voice can be heard barking some order.

R1T9: Jaji gets charged from one of the zombies that was in the middle-ish.

R1T7: Stephan moves down field a little faster than normal, getting out his bow, and then shooting at the single, unattended zombie. It might be a terrible shot were it not for the fact that this strange version of zombie has only lightly toughened skin and no apparent resistance against unsharpened weapons. The zombie explodes in gore, as it was badly wounded from Lalarlia's two energy bursts.

R1T6: Jask comes flying downfield as fast as a man can hustle. When I say "flying" ... I mean that literally! :smallcool:

R1T2: Jaji's zombie swings at him and glances for 5 (min).

R1T1: The Sum of All Fears Squad, directed by MSGT with Tempest behind, comes moving downfield 40' in a hustle ... all in a tight line formation with halberds pointing downrange.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T27: Harsk falls in line and shoots at one of the zombies on Ankarum, hitting the first one that charged him for 8. His badger follows behind him.

R2T22: Ankarum, you are mounted on Tahkeome and you are raging. There are two wounded zombies in front of you. Given that they are dead and dealt with wounds in life, there is no obvious visible means of telling which of the two is the more wounded. What do you do?

Lalarlia on deck, zombie that just got hit with a crossbow bolt and fighting the savage and his horse is on deck ...

2016-02-14, 04:10 PM
If he can, Ankarum will move Tahkeome 5ft away from the zombie(s) threatening them and use his feat combat patrol.
If not, stab zombie.

[roll0] to hit

2016-02-14, 10:13 PM
R2T22: Ankarum guides his mount back 5' and then begins to take a wary, alert position (while still in rage) with his trident. He practically looks like a cougar about to spring off that horse.

R2T18: Lalarlia, what do you do?

2016-02-15, 11:40 AM
Given the large number of us and the not so large amount of remaining undead, Lalarlia will hold her action to save up in case healing is needed...

2016-02-15, 03:31 PM
R2T18: Given the current overwhelming advantage in battle, Lalarlia delays in case healing is needed.

R2T16: One of the zombies attacking the savage stumbles forth 5' and swings at Tahkeome.

R2T15: Pulling out her father's pick on the run, Athyra charges that front zombie that stepped up to Tahkeome with a raging cry! She pounds it and it explodes (Ankarum 6, Tahkeome 9, Athyra 8).Ankarum, Tahkeome is now in the red!
Lalarlia, you see Ankarum's horse is badly battered. Do you break your delay to ride up behind and heal it?

Ankarum/ Tahkeome's remaining zombie on deck, Jaji in the hole ...

2016-02-16, 03:26 AM
Lalarlia will ride forward towards the horse and the other wounded and this time, pray for a burst of healing energies.

Channel Energy for healing: [roll0]

2016-02-16, 04:43 AM
R2T14: Lalarlia rides forward to the horse and the other two, praying for a burst of healing that delivers 8 PE. Ankarum and Athyra (and Jaji) are now fully healed. Tahkeome takes a good healing but is still pretty battered.

R2T12: The other zombie there steps forward and hits Tahkeome with a glancing blow (5).

R2T11: Jaji is now dealing with two zombies. Velociraptors are clever hunters for their size, and he switches his focus to the now off-balance zombie that charged him. He rakes the zombie with two talons for 2 and 4, then bites for 1 ... Jaji definitely finds the taste of the dead flesh unpleasant.

R2T9: That same zombie regains its balance and slams Jaji for 7.

R2T7: LT Brauer continues 30' (now 30' from Ankarum) and shoots, but fumbles and nicks himself. No damage, but still embarrassing for the CO.

R2T2: Jask flies forward to be 10' over from Ankarum, and he prays to the destructive power of the god of magic, releasing a positive energy burst: 6 PE to the one on Ank-Tahk, and destroying the two on Jaji (who takes 16 from the two explosions). There is now just the one zombie.

R2T1: The formation continues to march downfield, now 20' behind the mounted heroes.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T27: Harsk shoots the last zombie right in the eye and it explodes, doing 10 (Ankarum), 9 (Tahkeome). Athyra was on the other side of the horse, and Lalarlia and her mount were out of range of the limited burst. Tahkeome is critically wounded.

Combat over ...

Mr. Brauer's failed arrow is destroyed.

The Tempest uses a burst of healing that heals the characters fully, and gives a lot back to Tahk (still in the yellow) and Jaji (wounded, but otherwise fine). The Tempest recognizes these zombies as "plague zombies" and that when you rest for the night he will look at everyone and the animals that were exposed to the fists or explosion of these creatures. They carry what is called "zombie rot," a disease that is fairly easy to treat but can be deadly if not tended to.

Turns out that was PVT Harsk's very last crossbow bolt. The squad cough up half a case each of their own to give the dwarven sniper two cases of bolts. Not that it should really matter, since you will be getting to Kalabuto (finally) in a few hours.

Any post-battle actions?

2016-02-16, 05:48 AM
Ankarum, I would like to offer a prayer of healing for your mounts remaining wounds. She will cross to Tahkeome and lay her hands gently on the beast.

Lay on Hands: [roll0]

2016-02-16, 05:53 AM
Ankarum will help Tempest check the party for this zombie disease and make a healing check on Tahkeome.


2016-02-16, 12:50 PM
Lalarlia's brief prayer does a lot for Tahkeome. The horse is no longer badly wounded, though like Jaji he still does have some stuff going on.

Before Ankarum begins checking everyone for diseases, The Tempest reminds him that the very first rule of triage is "scene safety." It does no good - when it is not absolutely imperative - for a healer to heal or allow others to stay in hostile environments. He leads everyone (and they their mounts) away from the "Gallows Tree" (as PVT Mwangi colorfully calls it).

Zombie rot works slowly (incubates 1-4 days) so there is no way that simply looking at people (or animals) right now can tell - using mundane methods - if any have contracted the rot.

The group is ordered to back away from the tree. Mr. Brauer refuses to allow anyone else to contract the terrible disease. (Lalarlia knows that his virtue is so great, Iomedae has blessed him with immunity to all diseases, regardless of normal, magical, or supernatural origin.) He gets closer to the baobab and doesn't even miss a step in the horrible stench. He searches for several, several minutes carefully. He clambers all about the tree, and cleaves the neck of all ... releasing the body to the ground below while making sure none animate. Some might have been zombies, it's hard to tell with the light savannah breeze from the twisting of the rope, but after awhile that first grisly task is done. Then, he alone suffers the filth and disgust of gathering together the remains of the combat zombies and the like and puts all the corpses (none had anything of value). He uses the stores from the beasts of burden to douse the entire pile with oil, including the lower part of the bobab. At the same time, the MSGT orders a fire breakline to be dug, wide about the tree. A couple torches are lit, and dropped at several points around the makeshift pyre and begin to burn the bodies and the tree.

Since she is the official chaplain for the party, Mistress Lalarlia would normally be given duties for funeral rites. However, Mr. Brauer - remembering how Calistrians like to have funerals - instead orders the chief to perform the rites. As a fellow Sargavan to the deceased, it makes sense anyway.

The Tempest mentions that they should move, but understands when Mr. Brauer refuses to let the fire on the open savannah to rage on, even with a well dug breakline. All of the divine spellcasters are asked to take this time to pray for create water for the next hour, just in case something happens and the fire would need to be contained.

The Tempest uses a burst of healing to finish healing Tahkeome's and Jaji's wounds.

Fire watches are set, but it's a good time for folks to get in some training. The CO leads the expedition - when they're not on fire watch - through grueling calisthenics.

Once the bodies are good and cremated, and the tree itself just a skeletal, blackened reminder, the create waters are used with a "waterskin brigade" (you have to cast create water into a container) to make sure the fire is doused and there are no hot embers remaining. It is late in the day, but The Tempest says it is 10 miles - about 3 hours - and Mr. Brauer makes the decision for the party to continue into the early part of night. Lanterns are lit to help show the way. It is one of the nights of the new moon and its light will not help.
Surrounded by pineapple fields and date palm orchards, the city of Kalabuto perches atop a low hill overlooking the River of Lost Tears. Here and there are remains of a more ancient settlement that has crumbled into unrecognizable ruin.

As it stands, the city appears to be overgrown by the jungle, with the with a large collection of shanties and warehouses along the riverbank. Kalabuto is a center of trade with the Mwangi interior, serving as a trade hub between foreign colonials, foreigners, and indigenous tribespeople. Over the years, overland caravans have declined in favor of more efficient river barges. To accommodate the increase in vessels, the city erected a snaking boardwalk connected to an elaborate tangle of docks. Warehouses make up the bulk of the structures along the water’s edge. Further inland, the ruins of the original ancient city begin, climbing up the hill to the more lavish private colonial residences.

Dozens of small kiosks line the riverside boardwalk, while eager-eyed youths scamper about peddling wares. Most sell local products or services, while others ply the hospitality trade (Lalarlia ... colleagues!), entreating visitors to stay in their homes for only a few coppers, rather than in more expensive lodgings. The majority of the kiosks belong to native Kalabuta catering to incoming vessels. A few trading companies own kiosks as well, though theirs tend to be larger, permanent structures in locations near their warehouses. Each morning, the kiosk vendors wake early and rush for prominent positions on the boardwalk. They work long hours and some keep their shops open into the early evening.

Once the sun drops (as it has), Kalabuto slips into dark shadows. The streets grow quiet and the city becomes far less hospitable. Opportunists wait to lure unsuspecting visitors into the clutches of thugs or even slavers, and prostitution and the sale of illicit substances run rampant amid the smaller shanties. While plenty of taverns offer safety to drunken drovers and barge-hands seeking revelry after their long journeys, those who carelessly wander the crumbling streets often fall to the city’s many predators.

Kalabuto is the last bastion of civilization before the wilderness of the Mwangi Expanse. Here the trailblazers can rest, heal, and sell or buy equipment and magic items before they embark on the final leg of their journey to Tazion and Saventh-Yhi. Mr. Brauer leads the large group around to try to find the Shrunken Head Tavern to meet your contact, Cheiton.

Shortly after the expedition arrives in the city, a 10-year-old Zenj beggar approaches them. Introducing herself as Kibi, she tries to sell them small, hand-carved wooden fetishes for a few copper pieces each. If they refuse, she pleads, “Please, I need food. These are good luck charms—the tribes in the jungle will see them and know you as friends.”

Do either of you purchase any of these fetishes?

2016-02-16, 06:48 PM
Lalarlia will not. She will however, give the child some copper pieces.

2016-02-16, 11:11 PM
Lalarlia has seven copper coins in her pouch. How much does she give?

2016-02-16, 11:17 PM
Ankarum will purchase a fetish.

2016-02-16, 11:22 PM
There's a cute little Gozren fetish, stylized as that of a Mwangi man blowing wind outward from his palm, with his left hand holding a trident at rest (bottom on ground, tines upward). It costs 5 copper.

Lalarlia, how much are you willing to spend?

2016-02-17, 04:16 AM
She looks at Ankarums bauble... Slightly melts and recovers her dignity...I will take one as well child. Thank you. She hands him the 7 copper pieces.

2016-02-17, 10:47 AM
"Little merchant. Would you guide us around your city?"

2016-02-18, 02:40 PM
"I would be happy to! But I need something for food," Kibi says.

"Would a silver coin a day suffice?" says Mr. Brauer.

Kibi's eyes light up. It is very possible she has never held a silver coin before. "Y-Yes, sir!"

"Excellent thinking for a guide, corporal. Company funds will take care of this," says Mr. Brauer to Ankarum. "Kibi, I will give you a silver coin now, even though it is already evening. Can you take us to the Shrunken Head Tavern?"

"Yes, Mr. Officer. This way, sirs and ma'am."

Either of you have anything before we continue?

2016-02-18, 02:53 PM
Ankarum smiles and follows the waif with Bob on his shoulder and Tahkeome walking behind.

2016-02-19, 03:56 AM
Lalarlia waits for her trinket to be given to her. With Lt. Stephen overshadowing the conversation, she is sure she has merely been forgotten in the excitement...

2016-02-19, 05:28 AM
Can't have medium- to lower-enlisted ("dirty blueshirts" in Navy parlance) hiring outside consultants without permission from the chain-of-command now, can we? :smallwink: Bill would understand.Kibi hands Lalarlia her fetish.

2016-02-23, 02:08 AM
As contracted, Kibi guides the group to the Shrunken Head Tavern. The Shrunken Head tavern lies on a stretch of riverside boardwalk wedged between an exotic hardwoods warehouse and a small copper foundry. A former warehouse, the tavern’s ground floor sits upon old stone ruins, while the remainder of the structure has a wood frame and plank walls. Ostler's go to take the beasts of burden and the mounts. Biter is able to come in with Harsk (but he is warned about it), but Athyra is most definitely NOT allowed to bring Jaji inside. In fact, unless she is right there with her velociraptor, the town watch might be called. She would feel better outside of town, as would The Tempest (and his monstrous riding spider), so they work out that he'll look after her and meet you on the far side of town when it's time to travel.Does Lalarlia dismiss Caelela, or have her stabled?
Inside, customers crowd the dimly lit hall. A haze of smoke from guttering tallow candles fills the room, and on every table, dark-skinned dancing girls dressed in brightly colored veils work the house, occasionally dipping into the pockets of leering patrons. Once sacred spirit dancers, they’ve been reduced to little more than exotic curiosities who make their money entertaining drunken foreigners by performing bastardized versions of their ritual dances on bar tables.

At a large table by the bar your brawny dwarf contact Cheiton, recognizable by the tattoo on his shoulder, waits for you at a large table by the bar. You can tell that he reserved the table, and it seems that there are enough chairs around this large table for every member of the expedition plus himself ... and another spot that's open. The MSGT sets up the table so that it is himself at the far end, with CPL Ardizzone and the other privates. Mr. Brauer is to the right of Cheiton, and the chief to his left. Ankarum is to the right of Brauer; Lalarlia is to the left of Derindi.https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/A2pP9Rk28bjpR6fEODf73Q--/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2g9NTAwO3E9OTU7dz01MDA-/http://kinggames.dk/images/miniatures/reaper/Cheiton-p.jpg
Cheiton can arrange almost anything you might need while in Kalabuto. He sets up a tab for them in the Shrunken Head should they wish to enjoy the tavern’s hospitality, and offers them rooms in his own home nearby to stay in if they wish to avoid the local inns. Once conversation turns to planning the expedition (after everyone has had a chance to eat and drink), Cheiton quickly becomes serious, and in a low voice invites the no more than four to accompany him to his house, where they can discuss their plans “safely away from hungry ears.”

Brauer orders the MSGT to accept the hospitality of the tavern, and to allow the men to let loose (within reason, and without embarrassing the uniform) and enjoy good meal, rooms, baths, drink, etc. He wants himself, the chief, SGT Lalarlia, and CPL Ankarum to be part of the officers/NCOs that are involved in the briefing. Mr. Brauer pays Kibi as promised, and tells her to be back here tomorrow an hour after sunup and wait around for orders from himself or the MSGT.

Cheiton lives in a two-story house close to the Shrunken Head tavern. Soon after meeting the PCs, he returns home to plan the remaining part of their mission. If the PCs need further supplies or business transactions, he arranges to have their needs met at dawn. Cheiton has three guest rooms on the second floor which the PCs may choose from. Cheiton’s room is also on the second floor, in the southeast corner. Brauer allows Lalarlia her rare modesty to have a room by herself, and then he will allow his elder (the chief) to have a room by himself for prayers and study, taking the last room and allowing Ankarum to put his bedroll on the floor in his room. All mounts and the like will have to be at the stable's at the Shrunken Head.

Cheiton doesn't actually know anything about the particulars of the mission, and is really a go-to/go-between for supplies and the like and to have a report readied for the main expedition once it comes through. Of note, in addition to various supplies drawn up by the chief, is a series of sealed letters and an open two regarding disposition of a written inventory of the late Erinelea Zyianthus' things (a tax was paid upon entering the city and a fee was likewise paid regarding the transport of deceased), including her remains. Another gentle repose will be placed on her in the morning and she will be sent downriver to Eleder with a trade group that will see that her body is delivered to her father's merchant house in Eleder.

Ankarum, Lalarlia ... do you have any equipment requests? This is for basic stuff beyond rations and the like. Expensive or non-standard things (like magic, potions, alchemical items, or anything very costly) will be denied. Any questions for Cheiton?

2016-02-23, 04:42 AM
Lalarlia will release Caelala knowing she will be more comfortable in her own environs.

She is exhausted and has no questions nor gear she needs and will retire to sleep as soon as it's convenient.

2016-02-23, 04:50 AM
How about Ankarum?

2016-02-23, 06:06 AM
Ankarum has no gear to request but does express an interest in visiting the local market if there is time. He is keen to see if there are any exotic animal peddlers. He will also change his morning prayers to Gozreh to : Aspect of the falcon and gravity bow.

2016-02-26, 03:58 AM
Lalarlia, you suddenly awake from sleep with a sharp pain to your upper left arm of 10, and now your that arm is bleeding!
Roll a Fort save against a DC of 15, or be paralyzed by poison.

2016-02-26, 04:37 AM

FortiDude save: [roll0]

2016-02-26, 05:08 AM
Several figures push in and gather around your bed with ropes and a gag. You bleed 2. Roll another Fort save vs. DC 15.

2016-02-26, 05:25 AM
Fort roll: [roll0]

2016-02-26, 05:56 AM
Lalarlia takes 2 CON (and the appropriate reduction in hit points) as whatever painful paralytic continues to wreak havoc on her system. She is gagged and bound, and takes another 2 damage from the bleeding. Though technically bound, the assailants are continuing to work on making the bonds stronger.

It went through your mind that summoning Caelela might have worked, if only there was room. Is there anything you can think of that might be useful?

2016-02-26, 08:50 AM
She will wait until they have bundled her outside and then try to summon Caelala.

2016-02-26, 10:51 AM
She takes another 1 CON and another 2 bleed. The assailants finish the gag and binding.

Roll another two Fort saves for the next 2 rounds worth of trying to resist the poison.

2016-02-26, 01:03 PM
Fort Save 1: [roll0]
Fort Save 2: [roll1]

2016-02-26, 11:23 PM
Lalarlia's divine health holds off the ravages of the poison for several seconds, even as she takes 2 bleed.

A coin appears in someone's hand as they open up their fist, allowing the light spell on it to emanate, though the fist is partially closed so there's not too much light bleed. The men and women around Lalarlia are all dressed in darker clothing, but only one's facial features are hidden. The others wear masterwork studded leather, but the oddball is a female who wears incredibly fine and detailed .... partial armor. This wide-brimmed helm with a latticework of metal on her face hides her features, and one of her arms and her legs have these thick leather sheaths around them - the forearm and shins, that is.

She gets next to Lalarlia and tries to staunch the bleeding. At the end of the round Lalarlia's body feels the poison hitting her again as she takes 2 CON ... but it does appear thast her assailant/savior kept her from bleeding out. Poor comfort given the poison is ever-weakening Lalarlia.

Lalarlia, roll two, final Fort saves. With each Fort save, I also want you to roll a 1d2 to see how much CON you lose (if any).

2016-02-27, 03:13 PM
::wheeze gurgle::

[roll0] and [roll1]

[roll2] and [roll3]

2016-02-27, 11:30 PM

2016-02-29, 01:25 AM
Ankarum, you are feeling a light, rapid percussion from something small, thip-thip-thipping on your chest. You snore and in your sleep you sense something on your chest and brush it away with a lazy arm. Then, you feel something clamber on your chest again. Again, not registering the reality of it all, you brush away whatever is there. A third time, you feel something light get on your chest, and then *SMACK!*

You awake to find little Bob hopping on your chest, then the bed. He pulls at your cheeks, seeming agitated by something, and doing a soft monkey whimper.

2016-02-29, 07:53 AM
"What is it Cheetah...I mean Bob?" Seeing the monkey's obvious agitation, Ankarum checks on Stephan and then uses his senses to try to pinpoint what has startled the creature.


2016-03-01, 12:05 PM
Ankarum, it is dark in the room, though you hear the faint breathing from Stephan you recognize from his sleeping. You think you hear ... maybe, just maybe ... Cheiton moving around down the hall. His house, of course, though it is the dead of night.

2016-03-01, 01:00 PM
Moving quietly [stealth] Ankarum moves to where he hears Stephan and reaches out to shake him gently.

2016-03-01, 02:54 PM
He wakes. Sensing the situation you present ... softly shaking him awake without having lit the lamp ... he assumes his dream has come true and he catches you in a passionate embrace ... he whispers, "Report."

2016-03-01, 03:23 PM
Whispering, "Something is wrong. Ankarum heard someone in the hall and Bob is alarmed. Come."
Ankarum will try to make his way to the door in the dark[ stealth] listening for any further noise [perception] He draws his kukri.
[roll0] stealth check
[roll1] perception check
yes, he sleeps with a knife

2016-03-01, 03:36 PM
Stephan puts his hand on Ankarum's shoulder and holds up his finger to wait ... and you only barely see that.

Needing to see in the dark, Stephan's body shrinks and expands as he turns into a dwarf. He then takes out his short sword and nods to you.

Ankarum, you think you hear faint creaking of floorboards, and you see the faintest, faintest glow of a small light from the crack under the door.

2016-03-01, 04:37 PM
Ankarum opens the door to their room quickly, standing to the side so Stephan can see clearly.

2016-03-02, 01:09 PM
The door swings open.

S-24-21: Three bolts zip in, one of which hits Stephan in his left foot for 27! He yells out in pain. Another hits him in the belly for 9. The one that hit him in the foot slows him a little, while the other one disorients him just a bit.

S-20: Stephan slams the door shut and locks it. He grimaces in pain "Five figures in the hallway. This is a definite ambush and they have the advantage. Passed Lalarlia and Jask's room. I'm fighting off poison in my system trying to paralyze me. Assume our friends are killed or captured."

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T23.5: Ankarum, what do you do?

2016-03-02, 01:35 PM
Ankarum grabs his shield and returns to a position in front of the door, taking a defensive stance still holding the Kukri.
"When Ankarum nods, open door" he whispers to Stephan. Ankarum prepares to use his feat "combat patrol" on his next action. His rage burns In his blood, craving release.