View Full Version : City of Neth - DM Campaign Journal

2014-09-22, 02:23 PM
Figured I'd post the latest adventure I ran in an ongoing campaign. If I get positive responses or feel like it I'll add earlier adventures and possibly later ones as I run.

With 5e new my gaming group wants to play it, we have a lot of people that want to play and most of them first time playing tabletop at all. So we set it up so we can have multiple DM's running at the same time and have players swap around or miss sessions with ought missing to much.

The players are all from an ancient Nethril city that survived the fall of the empire by planar shifting some 2,000 years ago. We call this floating mountain city Neth. The ciyt of Neth has recently returned to the Forgotten Realms in the 3.5 era. The party has a guild called Serenity Explorers as a front to investigate the politics/influences on the surface. The Mythal in Neth is starting to lose power and we figure we want allies if we need to land the damn thing and not lose it all to looters.

The party is all lvl3. They are as follows:
Dwarf Wizard-He's a transumter with the Nobel background. As part of his background he worked in the sewer system of the city. Thinking it was beneath him he tossed an orb that connects to the elemental plane of water over the side of the city.
Half-Orc Barbarian-He is a Frenzy barbarian and first time role player. He's picking it up fast and treats his Barbarian as a power hungry man to try and upstage his far superior brother. He's also recently developed a fear of magic (on account of my last session with him.
Elf Druid-She's a Druid of Land Grasslands. Also new to role-playing. Has a pet Giant Lizard.
Elf Ranger-She has a panther and tracks. New to the game.

So there has been a disturbance in the caves of Neth. A group of Goblins that the players had defeated and transplanted up to the city found -something- and since the players brought the goblins up here they can go figure out what it is.

Dutifully the players head down into the dark ruins of the city. All having dark-vision they make there way to the goblins. The Goblins initially hide from the group but not very well and the party assures them they arn't here to kill them.

One of the goblins steps forward and tells them that the goblins were digging around when the wall of the cave broke open. A huge flood of water followed.
Dwarf "Well what's in there?"
Goblin "We told not to go in there so we stopped"
The party understands a Goblins cowardice and enters the new cavern.

"You shouldn't be here. You've killed us all" the Skeletons hissed in a hoars whisper the entire fight.

The path has a layer of dirty sediment with a stone street underneath it. Six Skeletons rise up from under the soft sediment and attack the party. "Getting right into it then" the Dwarf's player said. Being surprised to have combat so soon.

Being only six skeletons the Barbarian didn't want to use his rages so was taking full damage. The fight took out a lot more of the parties HP than I thought it would. The Druid poped a Flameblade to put an end to them and the Barbarian ended up raging near the end to put them down.

The Skeletons also had symbols for the ancient guard of the city of Neth. A short rest was deemed necessary before they continued on.

After the rest the party continues on the straight and sooty path. They reach before to long a large chamber with a mansion built into the wall. They can see lights on inside of it. Also on the roof is a large stone pipe with a huge hole in it.

The Dwarf surmises that this is where all the water came from, and also knows this is the part of the city that got shut down because he tossed the water supply for it overboard. Thinking the city might turn the water back on somehow at some point he gets a ride to the pipe by the Druids Giant Lizard and fixes it. Mostly I think he just wanted a use for his transmuters class ability to turn stone into something more pliable then back again.

Having fixed the hole they turn their eyes on the mansion. It has Greek style pillars with a entryway sticking out the front. The entryway has ten suites of rusted armor and magical trapezoids on pedestals emitting the soft yellow light.

As soon as they cross the threshold into the mansion they are greeted by an illusionary butler. Parts of him are disappearing and reappearing during the conversation, and sometimes he just has a yellow outline. The Barbarian cowers behind the party not trusting this magic at all.
"Hello, welcome to the Orpheus estate. May I take your coat?" The Butler greets them.
"Who is Orpheus?" the Druid Asks.
"Byron Orpheus is master of the household and Magistrate of Neth. May I take your coat?" the Butler responds.
"Sure here." the Dwarf complies by handing the Butler his cloak. It falls through the Butlers Illusionary hands onto the floor and the Dwarf sighs at his now wet cloak.

"Is the master in?" The Dwarf asks.
"He is out at the moment but will return shortly." Butler
"When was he last here?" Dwarf
"About 2,000 years ago give or take, but I'm sure he will be home momentarily" Butler.

The party is about to continue the questioning when more six skeletons erupt from the ground in the mansion. "Intruders, Intruders!" The Butler yells as he dissapears.

The party starts to fight the Skeletons and two suits of armor in the room animate and start helping the party beat the Skeletons down. The mansions security system is helping the party and they fair much better this time. Untill all the Skeletons are dropped and the suits of armor started attacking the party.

The Druid was using her entire round to heal and keep the Ranger on her feet. Wand of cure and healing word did the trick. Being much harder to hit the Barbarian went for broke and frenzied raged. The Dwarf had to drop a flame sphere.

They find a large long metal rod shaped like a huge key in one of the suits of armor.

The entryway behind them is filled with these armors and the party is sure they'll die if they try to leave.

The party hears a zapping/thumping noise every second or so when the fight clears. They quickly call it Dubstep and go to investigate it instead of heading upstairs.

"May I take your Coat?" The Butler asks appearing again as they enter the hallway. A stream of Lightning bolts is hitting the wall in front them at a T intersection.
"Ugh, I hate this Butler" Ranger
"Be careful the traps to the treasure room appear to be malfunctioning"the Butler warns.

The thought of treasure gets the party interested. The Ranger and Barbarian try to time there jump through the barrage of lightning into the room beyond. The Ranger makes it unscathed, the Barbarian takes a full bolt to the face and gets a chunk taken out of him but is still alive.

The treasure room is actually down the hall the lightning bolts are coming from and the Barbarian and Ranger have just made it to the Library instead. Upon entering the Library an illusionary scene of Byron Orpheus plays out.

Byron Orpheus, "Don't they see we are neglecting the outer planes. There is more to Spelljamming than Gith and Illithids. We should be making contact while the other cities cit idly by. Perhaps the city of Brass.."

Once the scen fades out they find 3 books preserved in a glass and metal case which the exhausted Barbarian smashes open despite disadvantage. They also find a scroll of Witch Bolt for the wizard.

The books are:
-Genology of the Orpheus family
-Spelljamming (A lot of information has been lost by Neth over the years)
-Binding Elements to Objects (A lost art. Used to create the water elemental sphere that the Dwarf tossed over the side of the city in his backstory)

After trying and failing to find a shut off for the lightning statues so they can get to the treasure room AND don't have to jump back across the lightning they jump back across. Once again the Ranger is unscathed and the Barbarian takes a hit and drops to 5hp.

The Dwarf takes some time to read a bit of the elemental book and deduces there should be a power source for the lightning shooting statues -somewhere- in the mansion. Triage from the Druid and they continue to explore the mansions first floor.

they come down a hallway with two open doorways on the left and one that is jammed full of kitchen stuff, rusted pots pans griddles all of that. Taking the path of least resistance they enter the first room on the left. Most of them do anyway, a strange mist is in the room and the Barbarian deems it safer in the hallway.

Once again they are treated to an illusionary scene playing out. This time it's of guardsmen trapped in the room.

Guard 1 "He was supposed to come quietly!"
Guard 2 "Did you really expect him to? He's a damn archmage. We should have been more prepared"
Guard 3 "Yeah but if we can get all the keys we can shut these damn defenses down and get out of here"

The door breaks open and the illusionary guards are killed by some illusionary suits of animated armor. The illusion fades back to the cold misty room and up on the ceiling a key is stuck in some icicles.

The Druid and Dwarf shoot fire cantrips up to melt it out. But those ice shards were really mephits. One flys down and blasts the party with ice and the other flys off with the key. Right towards the entrance!

The Barbarain is freaked the hell out and flees further into the complex down the hallway away from the Mephits. This triggers a trap where he sees the cealing collapse on him which deals psychic damage and he falls to 0.

The Druid is sick of him and his antics so lets him make death saves while she kills the Mephit before it gets away with the key. After puting down the Mephits she heals the Barbarain but he still thinks he's trapped under a mountain of rubble. The Dwarf steps up to help him and makes his save to see through the illusion. He then erases a mark on the wall to dispel the trap.

As the party is nearly spent they take a long rest inside the ice mehpit room, as all other areas are either to open or has to much lightning they need to get past.

I'll post the rest later

2014-09-22, 02:24 PM
Saving this space for later.