View Full Version : Premade Adventures?

2014-09-22, 06:24 PM
Outside of the Beginner Box which is in stores are there other modules/starter campaigns for 5th edition? Where can you get them?

2014-09-22, 06:32 PM
There's Hoard of the Dragon Queen, but to be perfectly honest I wouldn't describe it as a "starter" campaign. Yes you do start at 1st level, but if your players are new they will likely have a difficult time unless you fudge a lot in their favor.

2014-09-22, 06:47 PM
There's Hoard of the Dragon Queen, but to be perfectly honest I wouldn't describe it as a "starter" campaign. Yes you do start at 1st level, but if your players are new they will likely have a difficult time unless you fudge a lot in their favor.

My group is a bunch of 3.5 veterins so I dont think theres a problem there. I just want to try out 5th

Where do you get this hoard of the dragon queen?

2014-09-22, 07:29 PM
Stores as well. Or online. It's on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0786965649/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0786965649&linkCode=as2&tag=sairidatpowro-20&linkId=HV5SOEFXR546PJOM).

2014-09-22, 07:33 PM
There are also the "Encounters" modules that have been made to play with 3.5/4e/5e. They're full modules designed to be played in stores at the weekly encounters groups.

Starting at season 15 i think.

Season 15 - Murder in Baldurs Gate
Season 16 - Legacy of the Crystal Shard
Season 17 - Dreams of the Red Wizards: Scourge of the Sword Coast
Season 18 - Dead in Thay

2014-09-22, 08:56 PM
Horde of the Dragon Queen should be fine for experienced players - it just takes some DM work to massage it into shape. Your players should be aware that the early parts of the adventure are very dangerous and they'll have to play smart to stay alive.

You could use the Encounters adventures that Foodle mentioned. Be aware that they were written for the playtest and you'll likely want to redo the monsters and encounter math using the DM's basic rules (http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/basicrules?x=dnd/basicrules).

If you're stuck choosing between adventures:

Hoard of the Dragon Queen is definitely more of an "adventure path" in that it takes players along a linear path from one episode to another, and the players are dealing with one world-shaking threat from low levels to high. It tops out at L8, but there's a second part set to release in November that provides an "epic conclusion." (As a playtester for Rise of Tiamat, I can definitely say that it looks pretty epic!)
Murder in Baldur's Gate is more event-based - the players are dealing with massive disturbances in a city and make choices on how to handle them. It's more of a "build your own adventure" - you get a big sourcebook for the city but limited guidance on individual encounters.
Legacy of the Crystal Shard is a winter-themed sandbox, where the players go from town to town fighting three separate villains. Lots of player choice in this one according to reviews.
Scourge of the Sword Coast is another location-based sandbox, but with a lot of monstrous humanoids (goblins, orcs, duergar, etc.). Provides a "home base" town and some interesting locations to visit.
Dead in Thay is a huge dungeon for high level (5-8 I think) characters. Meant to follow up Scourge but there's not much connection between the two modules.