View Full Version : [3.5e] I need ideas for Faerunian character

2014-09-22, 07:28 PM
I'm not used to playing pre-built worlds, and I need help deciding on a good class to go with; and ultimately, which prestige classes would work well.

My DM has banned almost everything Unearthed Arcana, except he has allowed another in the group to play an Urban Ranger.

Basically just name off some Faerun explicit prestige classes and I can look into them. Links of you have any would be great.

Currently Level 3, almost Level 4

2014-09-22, 07:33 PM
Red Wizard of Thay. Incantatrix.

2014-09-22, 07:37 PM
Though many of the classes have been updated, Races of Faerun is a good book to look in.

Bladesinger, Elven High Mage, Spellguard of Silverymoon (not appropriate for most campaigns, unfortunately), Purple Dragon Knight, and Battlerager immediately come to mind. Dweomerkeeper isn't setting-specific but IS very appropriate for a worshipper of Mystra. Thayan Knight is another one, and I think Black Flame Zealot was originally a Thayan class that was made more generic for Complete Divine. Telflammar Shadowlord and Runescarred Berserker are both very popular PrCs out of the Unapproachable East book.

2014-09-22, 07:54 PM
Some of the most flavorful (though not necessarily high-op) ones are in Faiths and Pantheons. These include:

Arachne (Lolth-specific PrC that gets spider-flavored abilities, divine caster)
Auspician (Luck-Domain specific PrC that gets a unique domain along with some other luck-based abilities, divine caster)
Doomguide (Kelemvor-specific PrC that is focused on anti-undead, divine caster)
Dreadmaster (Bane-specific PrC that is focused on an aura that lowers enemies saves and boosting leadership, divine caster)
Dweomerkeeper (Mystra-specific PrC that has an insane capstone for metamagicks, both arcane/divine reqs)
Elemental Archon (Elemental-specific PrC that gains the aid of multiple mephits as followers who boost his powers (including a death avoid), divine caster)
Forest Master (Sylvanus-specific PrC that becomes more and more tree-like and gets some melee enhancements for free, divine caster)
Goldeye (Waukeen-specific PrC that gains some divination/scrying effects, as well as gold-related abilities, divine caster)
Heartwarder (Sune-specific PrC heavy CHA bonuses and synergies, divine caster)
Horned Harbinger (Myrkul-specific PrC that does not advance casting, but allows one to control a MUCH higher HD limit, no casting reqs)
Nightcloak (Shar-specific PrC with a focus on darkness-type spells and effects, divine caster)
Ocular Adept (Beholder-worshipping PrC that gains a third eye and its own casting progression, also gains Beholder eye-like abilities, no casting reqs)
Silverstar (Selune-specific PrC that focuses on the power of the moon and lycanthropic control, divine caster)
Stormlord (Talos-specific PrC that gains electric/sonic bonuses and storm-related powers, divine caster (reprinted in CD))
Strifeleader (Cyric-specific PrC that gains SA and some assassin-like abilities, divine caster)
Sword Dancer (Eilistraee-specific PrC that gains spontaneous domain casting and other goodies, divine caster)
Techsmith (Gond-specific PrC that gains a Gondsman as a cohort-like creation, basically a moddable golem, requires minor creation to enter -- usually arcane build)
Waveservant (Umberlee-specific PrC that gains underwater-related abilities, divine caster)
Wearer of Purple (Dragon-worshipper PrC that grants energy resistance, bonuses to riding dragons, and other dragon-related goodies, requires necromancy spells)
Windwalker (Shaundakul-specific PrC that grants travel-based abilities, divine caster)

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-09-22, 08:29 PM
This would be easier if you gave us some idea of the type you want: tank, blaster, face, sneak, etc.

Off the cuff I would recommend The Glorious Servitor LEoF, Incantrix PGtF, Mystic Wanderer MoF, Spellfire Channeler MoF, Morninglord of Lathander PGtF, Eye of Horus-Re PGtF, Spellsinger RoF, Giant-killer SM, Hordebreaker SM, Peerless Arcer SM, Raumathari Battlemage UE. Please keep in mind that these recommendations are heavily campaign dependent. For instance, I would hate to play a Giant-killer in a mostly underground campaign.