View Full Version : NPC muscle man

2014-09-22, 08:09 PM
I'm attempting to build an unarmed wrestler/grappler. He is being designed for a grand melee amongst other competitions. Has to be no higher than level 8 but would prefer 4-6 and human. Needs high strength and constitution. Dexterity would be a plus, but overall the character can't be godly and needs to be mostly realistic.

Any advice on class and builds would be awesome. I have no idea on how to justify outrageous stats but he should be stronger than most melee PCs that are optimized. Please Playground a little help would be greatly appreciated.

2014-09-22, 08:17 PM
I'm fond of Fist of the Forest. Probably entry, say, Barbarian 2/Fighter 2. Whirling Frenzy, Spirit Lion Totem, Streetfighter, and Wolf Totem are options for the barbarian, and the Fighter could be Pugilist.

2014-09-22, 08:25 PM
I'm fond of Fist of the Forest. Probably entry, say, Barbarian 2/Fighter 2. Whirling Frenzy, Spirit Lion Totem, Streetfighter, and Wolf Totem are options for the barbarian, and the Fighter could be Pugilist.

Mechanically, FotF work. Fluff not so much. But as DM guess that can be overlooked. The NPC is meant to be a champion of a royal court but fights primarily unarmed. This build looks great.

2014-09-22, 08:31 PM
You should be able to fit Extra Rage, PA, Endurance, IUS, Great Fortitude, Imp. Grapple, Steadfast Determination, Imp. Trip, Close-Quarters Fighting, Snap Kick, and Scorpion's Grasp in six levels with human and two flaws. I'd originally intended the build for a rough, grizzled streetfighter (he ain't got no schooling, he ain't got no fancy gear, but he's mean as can be, bite attacks, cheap shots, foam-in-the-mouth rage).

It could fit a champion of the royal court, but that'd take some fitting. I'll see if I can do something better, though rage is probably the handiest way to great strength.

[Edit]: Fighter 2/Stoneblessed 3/Barbarian could get Goliath's Mountain Rage for +6 Str and Large size while raging, plus extra Con from Stoneblessed. Might be better for someone who on occasion fights armed and armoured.

2014-09-22, 08:45 PM
Stoneblessed is an awesome class. I've never seen it before. I've somehow completely glossed over it.

2014-09-23, 03:50 PM
Totemist if its not too magical can do sick things. Sphinx Claws, feat for Mauling Gauntlets, Girrillion Claws, I think Kraken Mantle. I think there might be even more.

Fluff can be hard since its supposed to have some visible signs of the soulmelds and they maynot work with you, but its not hard at all to get a crazy high grapple score with Soulmelds.

Good luck!

2014-09-23, 03:57 PM
If he's strictly a grappler, you'll want to look into the Shape Soulmeld feat (pick Girallon Arms as your meld) from Magic of Incarnum. You'll also want to look into the Expanded Psionics handbook. Either take some Psychic Warrior levels and get the Grip of Iron power, or have him equipped with some Gloves of the Titan's Grip. Add that to your Stoneblessed human and you'll have an excellent grappler.

2014-09-23, 07:46 PM
Honestly, I'd play him as a Goliath and make him buy off the LA, then maybe thing about refluffing and applying some/all the following.

Lolth Touched: +6 to Str and Con and immunity to fear. Nothing here other then some fluff and physical appearance needs to change.

Dragonborn: Again, change some appearance, change some fluff, +2 to Con and your choice of improved senses, a breath weapon, or wings. The first one will be the easiest to justify him having while making him still seem like just a big strong tough human.

Water Creature: Water Orc get's a +2 to Con. Normal Orc doesn't. So even though water creature doesn't specifically say "I give a +2 to Con." you can just rule that it was suppose to and the lack of doing so is a Typo by Wizards of the Costs infamous Editing department. Beyond that, easy to fluff, guy likes to swim as part of his work out regiment, has for a long time, got REALLY good at it.

Ice Dweller: 3.0 Environment variant that might or might not have been replaced with the 3.5 Artic variant. If your willing to rule not, your grappler can add this, just haul form somewhere cold originally, and get a spiffy +2 Con for a -2 Cha.

If you go insane, put the race on him and give him All the templates, he comes out with -4 Dex, -2 Cha, +10 Str, +14 Con.

On Barbarian/Fighter/Fist of the Forest, that's gonna be brutal. More so if you throw in a level or two of Swordsage, Warblade or Crusader to get Roots of the Mountain (+10 to combat maneuver checks listed, which I think includes Grapple, and I know includes Trip and Bulls Rush, thus further helping you resist your enemy's tricks.) and Crushing Weight of the Mountain (Grapples can now be used to Constrict an enemy, adding +2d6 damage, and increasing the strength damage to X1.5 Str Mod.)

2014-09-23, 08:41 PM
I'm attempting to build an unarmed wrestler/grappler. He is being designed for a grand melee amongst other competitions. Has to be no higher than level 8 but would prefer 4-6 and human. Needs high strength and constitution. Dexterity would be a plus, but overall the character can't be godly and needs to be mostly realistic.

Any advice on class and builds would be awesome. I have no idea on how to justify outrageous stats but he should be stronger than most melee PCs that are optimized. Please Playground a little help would be greatly appreciated.

Well, you could always check out the reaping Mauler, or go Fighter + all the grappling feats.

Close quarters combat, improved unarmed strike, improved grapple, scorpions grasp, weapon focus grapple, etc... (Clever wrestling if any potential competitors are large or larger), earths embrace assuming 1 on 1 confrontations.

2014-09-24, 01:12 PM
Well, you could always check out the reaping Mauler...

Don't do it! It's a trap!