View Full Version : Trandform into a Dragon or Half-Dragon at will?

2014-09-22, 09:32 PM
I want my Eldritch Knight to be able to transform into a dragon or half dragon at will, the idea is that's his 'melee mode' and he needs to be able to handle a sword and fly.

PRC's, feats, what do I need to do to make this happen?

2014-09-22, 09:45 PM
1. Be a half-dragon
2. Take six levels of Dragonfire Adept
3. Learn the Humanoid Shape invocation

You are now a half-dragon who can turn into a human at will. Close enough, right?

2014-09-22, 09:58 PM
Kinda, what book is that from?

2014-09-22, 10:07 PM
Dragon Magic. Page 24 for the class, page 80 for the specific invocation.

2014-09-22, 11:37 PM
On a side note, a medium-sized half-dragon won't be able to fly.

I think that the easiest (although it may be too strong, depending on your group) way to go about this would be to be a Changeling White Dragonspawn (Dragonlance Campaign Setting page 222). +1 LA gets you:

Average flight at twice land speed
Claw/Claw/Bite, 1d4 damage each
+7 natural armor (very useful for an eldritch knight)
+2 Dex and +2 Con
A really crappy breath weapon (2d6 cone, 30ft long)
Spellcasting as a 1st-level sorcerer [!]
Crappy death throes (means you aren't likely to get Raised if you die)
Changeling Minor Change Shape lets you turn to and from a human form as a full-round action.

Again, depending on your group, this could be too strong. In a party of monks and fighters, it's a large amount of stuff for just one level. In higher-oped groups, it should fit in just fine, since you're losing another caster level for it if you're not a sorcerer, and if you are a sorcerer, you only have some of the ridiculous tricks. Or you might not. Talk to your DM.

Jeff the Green
2014-09-23, 03:11 AM
On a side note, a medium-sized half-dragon won't be able to fly.

I think that the easiest (although it may be too strong, depending on your group) way to go about this would be to be a Changeling White Dragonspawn (Dragonlance Campaign Setting page 222). +1 LA gets you:

Average flight at twice land speed
Claw/Claw/Bite, 1d4 damage each
+7 natural armor (very useful for an eldritch knight)
+2 Dex and +2 Con
A really crappy breath weapon (2d6 cone, 30ft long)
Spellcasting as a 1st-level sorcerer [!]
Crappy death throes (means you aren't likely to get Raised if you die)
Changeling Minor Change Shape lets you turn to and from a human form as a full-round action.

Again, depending on your group, this could be too strong. In a party of monks and fighters, it's a large amount of stuff for just one level. In higher-oped groups, it should fit in just fine, since you're losing another caster level for it if you're not a sorcerer, and if you are a sorcerer, you only have some of the ridiculous tricks. Or you might not. Talk to your DM.

You could also go with a changeling with 5 levels in cabinet trickster. It changes Minor Change Shape into actual Change Shape, which gives you movement modes—so turn into a dragonborn and you suddenly have wings.

2014-09-23, 09:13 AM
I suppose you could actually be a dragon with 'alternate form' too.

Otherwise, it might be easiest to just cast 'polymorph' on yourself before battle.

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-09-23, 05:26 PM
Polymorph Wiz 5 PH
Dragonshape, Lesser Wiz 6 DM
Armor of Dagonshape Draconomicon (Abb?)
Ring of Dragonshape Draconomicon